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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru thought about it. "It seems... like a wonderful idea. It's new and interesting, so it seems like you'll get lots of members." Noboru himself personally didn't like it, but he didn't want to ruin her idea or her day. In fact he disliked a lot of singing and dancing. Or maybe it was just his family's singing. He had never really heard anything outside of his own house.
"I myself am not a well talented singer. But good luck with your idea as well. It seems really cool."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rui awoke to the sound of his alarm... It was seven in the morning... Time for school then. This should be his first day, though as he got dressed and ate breakfast, the events of the day before seemed like a dream, and for awhile he thought they were, until he checked his phone. Yep, all the contacts were there... So this was certainly no dream. Personas, a mirror world, these concepts were the very notion of nonsense, but there was no reason not to believe it, especially since he had been there, and used a Persona himself. After packing his bag, he left for school at a punctual time...

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Front Gates

As he walked to school, he became familiar with the path, then again he already knew the path. It was on the way to certain things. As he reached the gates his attention would be captured by a girl colliding with yet another, the sound of flapping paper as the fliers scattered across the ground were what caught his immediate attention. Wordlessly he bent down and picked them up, he also recognized the girl who had collided with the one handing out fliers, which was Sachiko. Strange, did the events of yesterday affect her that much?... As for the girl handing out the fliers, she was rather pretty, he could smell some kind of higher end perfume from her, either she was rich or she spent a lot of her earnings this way. He saw what the fliers had on them, which was to advertise the drama club as he picked them up, and after that was all said and done, he handed them to the girl.

"Here...", he said simply. He wanted to bow and leave to check class assignments, but Sachiko was right here too... He offered her a hand up.

"Are you okay Sachiko?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Kaminari : Sutoraiki Residence-
The boy groaned as a new morning greeted him in a shining bright light as he pushed himself out of bed. Kami then began staring at the different items sitting around his room, as if his interest was piqued by something uncommon... Yes, there was one thing lingering on his mind - the world of refractions, and reflections: the mirror world. There was no way what he saw was real, nust a surreal dream that he had last night... That's what he wanted to believe, that it was nothing more than just a dream. The boy quickly headed to the bathroom with the schools attire, in tow, and quickly shut the door.

As he finished preparing himself, all he could do was stare at his own reflection. Kami remembered the supposed dream, and wondered if that all really happened last night. He lifted his hand up to test the little theory he had come up with, to see if he was wrong. As his hand began moving towards the mirror, he became more tense as it inched closer and closer to the mirror until the tip of his middle finger touched it. Kami could only stare, worried about what might happen next. He then thrusted his hand forward, and much to his surprise the hand was submerged in the mirror. He stared in wondrous horror at the experiment, his thoughts running faster than a man running a marathon. This was real, wasn't it, he couldn't doubt the ambiguity of what had taken place in that one world. As he glared at the ripples running across the mirror, he was quickly brought back to his senses by a harsh knocking on the door.

"Hey, hurry up or else your going to be late for school! I mean, jeez, you don't have all the time in the world to prep yourself!"

The boy quickly jerked his hand out of the mirror as he came back to his senses. All he could think about was where did he go from here with that world, what would he do next, and how would he safeguard this world and his friends? He had no answer for that, but he cooled himself down and let all of those worries foo back to the back of his head. He sighed, as he smiled a bit at his reflection, before shouting to his sister.

"I'll be out in a moment, give me a few more seconds!"

There was a huge groan outside the door as he heard his sister quickly shuffle away. He wouldn't be long, and would soon allow her access to the bathroom, but for now, he pondered about what uncertainty the future would behold for him at school. He chuckled to himself as he quickly left the bathroom, and head ead back to his room to procure his items for school.
-Kaminari : Streets of Warakuma-
As Kami pondered to himself about what today would be like, he noticed that Ayanos younger brother was walking to school, chatting with his friends about something. As soon as he caught sight of Yamuna, he was shot a nasty glare from him before quickly returning to talking amongst his friends. Yup, this was definitely going to be another normal day at Warakuma High alright. Kami gazed upwards, forgetting his sorrows for the moment, and smiled at the sky. As soon as the seconds were up, he continued to traverse the streets, wondering if he should join any other clubs this year other than kendo.

Yeah, today would hopefully be just another ordinary day.
-Kaminari : Warakuma High = Front Gates-
As Kami quickly made his way to the school gates, he caught sight of two girls who supposedly collided into each other. Much to his surprise, he saw Rui moving over there to quickly assist the girls. As he hurried over to help, he caught sight of one of the fliers that Rui had and quickly picked one up, studying it fervently. This was an advertisement for one of the clubs at school if he remembered right - the drama club. He pondered to himself, wondering if he should join the club. Before he could make his decision, he addressed the more important situation at hand, and picked up the remaining fliers.

"(I hope Rui and Sachiko are feeling ok... Then again, maybe they are feeling a bit off after that incident... I wonder how that other girl is doing, I never even got her name.)"

He quickly turned to the girl who seemingly smelled of perfume and extended the hand that wasn't carrying the fliers out. He had a bit of a worried look on his face, and uttered something to the girl (Leiko).

"Are you alright? Here let me help you up Miss... Uhm, what's your name?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sachiko found herself landing on her side rather heavily. She realised someone had smacked into her. This was the last thing she needed right now. She managed to stifle the urge to start cursing, since it was a bad idea to do that too much in public. As she was about to get up, she was offered a hand by a familiar face. Rui again. Seemed like she was going to run into this guy every single day. That much would be a given if they were also in the same class, and if they weren't that might be the biggest shock of the day. She took his hand wordlessly, and got on her feet. At this point, she got a good look at the person who had collided into her. She knew this girl, mostly by reputation. It was Leiko Hamada, the "star of the drama club". Hah! How ungraceful for the star! The thought shot through her mind rather quickly. Sachiko was shocked at her own impulses. Fortunately, she didn't put her thoughts into words.

"I'm fine." She told Rui. "....sorry." She said in the direction of Leiko. Funnily enough, Kami was also here, and was helping Leiko. They just needed Kato and the creepy girl, and it would be a regular reunion. "My name's Sachiko Mogami." She offered her name just so as not to be rude. She wondered if someone with a reputation like Leiko's would even care to hear it. Either way, she was hoping this situation wouldn't get overly....dramatic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High – Gates

After Noboru had excused himself from joining the archery club, he showed off his arm muscles to accentuate that he would probably join the boxing club. It wasn’t long after that did a girl with a very unique variation of the school uniform come up to Sato and Noboru. She interjected, stating that she overheard their talking of clubs, and then bringing up her own club before realizing that she had no idea who Sato was. The student introduced herself as Chiaki Nettu. Sato was caught off guard by this, thinking the day would be totally uneventful, but he met yet another person. He half-bowed, not certain if he should be doing that considering that she looked significantly younger than himself, and held out his hand.

After Noboru did a quick introduction for him, Sato smiled and looked her straight in the eyes. “Sato Hashimoto, third year here. Nice to meet you.” With their aquantaince now met, Noboru asked about the supposed club Chiaki mentioned making, and it only struck him then that this student he had never even looked at in the halls was creating a brand new club. Before she answered the question, Chiaki complimented both him and Noboru, making Sato cover his mouth with the palm of his hand to avoid showing her his smile. Noboru certainly was… charming. Sociable.

The young lady went on to explain that had moved into town literally days ago, and that she was starting as a first year at Warakuma High. She suggested that they show her around town some time, and at the idea Sato rubbed the back of his neck. “If you want to,” he murmered in response. Without losing her momentum, Chiaki continued and elaborated on the club she wanted to create.

A school idol club. Immediately, Sato prayed to whatever god would listen that she didn’t want them to join it. He personally wouldn’t mind, especially if it became a gaggle of cute girls singing. But it would be a different story if he was one of the cute girls. Sato pushed the thought out of his mind. “Sounds good. I’m not sure how many of the girls here will be interested in that kind of stuff, but I wish you the best of lucks in your endeavors.

Sato looked at his watch, and then to the entrance of the Highschool. While it was still a while before classes would begin, he figured it would be best to go in, check the class assignments, and find their way to their new rooms. Perhaps they could go to the school store before they went their separate ways, pick up a sandwich or two for lunch. He turned back to face both Chiaki and Noboru, and cocked his head to the side a tiny bit. “Do you think we should head in and check the assignments? We could meet up at lunch or after classes end if you guys wanted to.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"They're OK, right?" Leiko, preoccupied with the fate of her flyers, ignored the other girl's condition entirely as she snatched the bundle of papers from the boy in a panic. She had worked too hard and long on these flyers, and no one was going to join a club if the advertisements were creased and soiled.

A long, relieved sigh exhaled past her lips as the flyers appeared intact, despite the unexpected collision. "Thank you," she said politely to the boy that had helped with her flyers, his expression passive and fairly hard to read as he turned his attentions instead to the girl called 'Sachiko'. He appeared to know the brunette by his informal addressal of her, and the fact that he had chosen to help her first. Like the collision had been Leiko'sfault. Leiko's cheeks puffed out angrily. How could it be when that brown haired klutz was the one who walked directly in front of her?!

Still, it would do no good to make a scene now. She had already embarrassed herself enough in public without adding fuel to the fire. Biting her tongue, Leiko's attention was instead drawn to another boy that had come over to help, his hand outstretched to help her to her feet. Finally. Someone with manners. "I'm fine. Thank you." She took his hand and with a firm tug, she was back up to her feet. Dusting off her skirt and grazed palms aside, there was no harm done. "Ahem. I apologise for that. I'm Hamada Leiko." She introduced herself with a practised smile. "Please, refrain from calling me by my given name unless strictly necessary. And I believe you are...?" At this point, she was still ignoring the girl she had run into, her pride still wounded slightly from her unexpected tumble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She was being ignored. In spite of attempting to be civil when she would rather have not, Sachiko was being ignored. It seemed Leiko's reputation was well deserved. If this had been just one day prior, Sachiko would've taken this in her stride. She would've brushed it off, kept on smiling, and went to school. But this wasn't yesterday, and she was in a right foul mood now. Acting on impulse, she shoved herself between Leiko and Kami, making it very hard for her to be ignored.

"What the fuck is your problem, Leiko!? I try apologising for something that was as much your fault as it was mine and you ignore me!? You're as much of a sniveling cunt as that pair of creepers Noboru calls siblings!" Sachiko didn't know if she was reacting genuinely, or if it was just a combination of yesterday and having to collide with this bitch today, but she was sure as hell almightily pissed off. She began to storm off almost as quickly as she had started swearing at her, but with one eye cast backwards. She wouldn't put it past this woman to try and attack her from behind, so if she did, Sachiko would see it coming. If not, she was just going to make her way to school, fuming all the while.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko was struck speechless at the girl's sudden violent outburst, her jaw dropping a few inches wide with every word until the student known as 'Sachiko Mogami' finished her tirade and stormed off into the crowds.

She didn't know where to begin. First, there was the vile and disgusting language that came out of that girl's mouth. Then there was the audacity of calling her Leiko when no one called her Leiko in school and got away with it. And to finish it off, who on earth was Noboru, and why would she give a damn about his siblings?

She shook her head in numb disbelief as she watched Sachiko's retreating form, her hands curling into fists. It took a lot to rile Leiko up, and that girl had certainly achieved that. "The nerve..." Leiko's eyebrow twitched, her lips forming into a hard line. "First she almost destroys my hard work, and then she calls me that?" She was almost tempted to follow her and give her a piece of her mind...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Kaminari : Warakuma High = Front Gates-
Kami smiled at the girl as he helped her get back on her feet. He pondered to himself quietly as he received the girls name. He felt it was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He mentally shrugged, believing that he might remember later on in the day. All he knew now was to politely introduce himself to the young girl, and he put the simple puzzle in his head behind him for the time being...

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm-"

... Or not. Before he could formally introduce himself to the girl, Sachiko bursted out into almost uncontrollable anger at the girl. Kami could only stare, stunned by the scene Sachiko was making. He wanted to interject and try and stop Sachiko, she quickly ended her tirades, and stomped off somewhere else. Kami felt inclined to follow her, and pivoted around to face the dumbfounded girl.

"Uhm, sorry about that Missy, is it ok to call you Missy for the time being?.. Well anyways, sorry about Sachiko, its just... Probably because of last night (I wonder if this is what happens when you accept your shadow self or if she's just in a bad mood). Anyways, I'll go ask her what's wrong since she isn't usually like this. Anyways, seeya around!"

Kami then handed back any remaining fliers in his hands back to Leiko, and took off in pursuit of Sachiko before suddenly stopping. He then turned his head around to the girl, and gave her a small wave. "By the way, just call me Kami!" He then refocused himself on searching for Sachiko, and was soon quickly out of sight.
-Kaminari : Warakuma High-
As the boy entered the school he began scouting for the explosive girl whose fuse was set off by Leiko. As he scanned the area, he quickly found the girl and walked toward her. As soon as he caught up to her he put an arm on her shoulder, and whispered as quietly as he could to her.

"Sachiko, is everything alright? Why did you just burst out into anger like that?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Front Gates

As he watched the scene unfold and Sachiko run off, he turned to Leiko who seemed a little bit irritated, not that he could blame her. She was met with a human bullet and then insults as almost pretty much first thing at school today... Kami went after Sachiko, so he shouldn't have to worry too much, the two seemed to be fairly good friends or were at least more acquainted than he was, so there was no rush. He was going to go help the other girl up earlier too, soon as Sachiko was up, but looks like he wasn't able to do both in time... He was going to have to think through his decisions a bit more.

"I'm so sorry for that, she's... Usually a lot more cheerful, if you can believe that", he said to her, apologizing for what had happened earlier.

"I'm Rui Shinichi. What is your name?", he introduced himself, while asking her name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sachiko groaned internally when she felt Kami put his arm on her. "I burst out in anger cause I just met a grade-A cunt, that's why." She was trying to talk in a whisper, but with her anger getting the better of her one or two people nearby seemed to pick up on her language. They stared at her, and she glared back, and then they quickly decided to look away. "And get your arm of me." She brushed his arm off. She was not in the mood to have people touching her like that, whoever they were. "Let's talk over here." She motioned him over to a corridor that had markedly less people than the others. "You HEARD me apologise, didn't you? I was trying to be fucking civil there, don't you tell me otherwise. And it sure as hell wasn't my fault alone. Woman should've torn her eyes away from her precious papers for a few seconds. And then she tries to act like I did something terrible, and turn her back on me while I'm fucking talking! And again, trying to get a mutual APOLOGY going!"

Still fuming, she took a few moments before continuing. "...six years, Kami. Kept it all bottled up for six years. Every little mistake, every sodding cunt, I just tried to ignore it and smile. That encounter brought it all out of the back of my mind. I'm half amazed I didn't get a stomach ulcer and die from all the shit I've put up with." Having put it all out there, Sachiko managed to relax just a little. "Let me tell you, letting loose like that, telling someone like that woman straight to their face that they can go fuck themselves.....I haven't felt this relieved in a looooooong time. I wouldn't call myself happy, but I sure as fuck don't regret it." Taking one long sigh, Sachiko felt like she had washed out all her anger. If nothing else, she was clear headed enough to keep going without exploding at something else. "You can think what you like of me for this, but I did right by me." That was her bottom line. If Kami planned to lecture her or whatever else, she could care less. If he didn't have anything else to say, she was going to leave and check her class assignments. Which was something she had a strong sense of foreboding about....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Wh-" Leiko blinked at Kami's rapid-fire apology on behalf of that Mogami girl, the older male cramming her flyers back into her arms before darting off with a friendly wave. "Wait! Take a...flyer..."

Leiko's shoulders slumped slightly, her bright mood utterly soured from the events of the morning. She didn't know what was worse; being verbally attacked for no reason, or losing a potential club member before she could even start her pitch. Or at least, she assumed he wouldn't be interested now thanks to his association with that irrational girl.

"Hmm?" She broke out of her reverie at the sound of the other boy's voice. Oh, I forgot about him. The one who helped that Sachiko girl. "Well, you certainly make interesting company," she sniffed. It was fortunate that Leiko was more thick-skinned than most people gave her credit for. All part of being an actress, of course.

"I don't believe we've met before. My name is Hamada Leiko", she answered the dark haired boy. "Just Hamada will be fine, Shinichi-san." She organized the pile of flyers in her arms, inspecting for creases scrupulously. "Aren't you going to follow your ahh, 'friend'?" She looked back up at him expectantly. "You don't need to look so concerned. I only let things that truly matter bother me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Front Gates

"Hamada-san... Nice to meet you too", she seemed to be okay for now. He recognized the badge on her uniform, so she was a second year like him? He looked over to the school where Kami and Sachiko had disappeared to, by now he can't quite tell where they could've run, since he hasn't seen the inside yet, he doesn't have a good idea of where they may have gone. He turned back to Hamada.

"Alright then, I'll take one of these", he took the first flier at the top of her pile. He was looking into clubs, acting didn't seem too bad, but he wasn't personally sure of it. The flier was a bit tacky, but this wasn't an art club after all... Maybe he should check it out later.

"I hope everything goes well, I'll see you around", he said, bidding farewell as he walked into the school building. He took some time to check the halls, and it was fairly well maintained. Taking his shoes off and putting them in a locker, he walked on towards the noticeboard in front of the staff room, and sure enough there was a group of students there, among some murmurs about students being glad or not-so-glad about being the same class as others, he managed to get a good spot to take a look...

Hmmm... Looks like he's in class 2 - 1... Hm? Sachiko is there too, and Hamada...

"Oh boy".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

Jace finished up reading the old poem and yawned tiredly. "Man I hate waking up for school it makes you feel like crap." Jace complained to himself as he moved forward and into the school itself. He had already emailed his guardian here in Japan and he had managed to round out a schedule for him by talking to a couple of teachers before the school year started. After a couple of minutes of walking around aimlessly trying to find SOMETHING he could grasp a hold of he finally came to the entrance of his classroom. "Room 3-2 hm? Alright I guess this is where I take the steps into the last part of my school career...what a pain this is going to be." Jace thought to himself as he looked at the sign. If he wasn't allowed in yet Jace would wait outside until he could get inside and pop open one of his story books in the mean time. If it was open he'd walk in and take the seat in the row against the wall and the third seat from the back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanezawa // Warakuma High - Rooftop

Finishing up the latest chapter, Akane was fired up. "Ahhh, shut hell was amazing as usual! Mhmm, ugh, now I have to wait a whole week for the next release. GAHH!!!"
If only the girls of Warakuma could see her now, they'd surely be shocked that one of their 'Princes' is actually an otaku fan girl that reads and writes manga whenever she gets the time. Despite having a somewhat rough reputation, and the fact she's a girl, some have taken to calling her a 'prince' for the simple fact that she has a habit of 'swooping down' and saving girls in trouble, especially the 'tough guys' they tend to get hands on when they can't take no for an answer, scum. Anyways, she has plenty of female admirers. "Now to see what happens in this weeks...." Taking a closer look at her watch, she finally realizes she forgot to take a look at the class assignment board. "Oh my beloved manga, why must you do this to me!" Don't blame the manga for forgetting something important! Baka! Her inner voice yells at her. Stuffing her manga in her bag, she grabs it and slings it over her shoulder as she darts down the stairs.

Akane Hanezawa // Warakuma High - Front Gates

Making it down the stairs, she looks around and makes her way to the staff room. To no surprise, there was a group of students parked their trying to see what class they'll be in. Getting in closer, she found the 2nd year section and began looking for her name. "Class 2 - 2, hmm? So a different one from last year. Not like I was particularly close to those in class one anyway."

With a yawn as she does a few stretches, she decides its best to make her way to class before she loses track of time again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayano: Somewhere in Warakuma

The moment Ayano was near the Shopping Complex, she got a text message from her brother saying that Chiaki had run off with her friends and that he himself was heading home. In her head, the girl emitted a foul curse and grumbled as she walked back home. This day had been nothing but her running around trying to get a simple present for a friend, but no, it just turned into one big duck hunt, and not the fun one. By the time she got home it was already late and the fatigue had kicked in...She drearily got inside her room and just plopped herself into her bed, not even bothering to change.
Ayano: Wakahisa Residence

... ... ... Oddly, the girl didn't have a disturbing dream or a vision that she expected to revisit her. She was disappointed yet glad, her curiosity about this room full of velvet got into her mind but something just felt out of place about it. That's when she could heard some knocking on her door, it wasn't loud but enough to wake the girl from her long slumber. It was actually Chiaki who was knocking, telling her that she'd leave without her and something about being late on the first day...Leave? Where was she going? And what's this business about being late? The half-awake girl continued to repeat these questions in her mind...when suddenly it came to her...It was Monday! Ayano sprung from her bed at the sudden realization, she quickly grabbed a towel and headed into her bathroom. She heeded no attention to the time, for she thought she was already running late and she didn't even bother if her hair had been properly washed or if she actually brushed all of her teeth, what mattered was that she didn't want to be late.

Drying herself off and quickly getting dressed, Ayano got out of her room, while trying to pull one of her socks to her leg and went downstairs, grabbed what leftover toast there was and ran out of the house. Not even a farewell to her parents.

Ayano: Warakuma High Lobby

Ayano managed to got to the school and apart from some weird glares here and there, the trip wasn't exactly bad nor worth mentioning. There she noticed a group of students huddled up near a bulletin board, she remembered then that the class assignments were to be revealed. She approached the board and searched for her name... ... ... ... "3-1, eh?" The girl merely shrugged at this, she didn't pay any attention to the ones she'd be with and with that, she set foot towards her classroom, and hopefully she's not late like she thought she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma High Gates

Leiko watched as Rui excused himself to follow his friends, but not before taking a flyer on top of her pile as he left.

She hadn't even mentioned the Drama Club yet...and he had taken a flyer. She hadn't even needed to delve into her pitch, which she had prepared for hours in advance.

This could mean only one thing, Leiko decided as she looked down at her flyers appraisingly.

My flyers must look amazing.

Holding her head up high, and the unpleasant meeting with Sachiko entirely forgotten, Leiko started to make her way into school, a gaggle of girls soon following as Leiko was surrounded by the usual crowds.
"Excuse me." Leiko worked her way through the large group standing around the bulletin board, the crowd parting like the Red Sea in her presence as she walked straight up to the class assignments announcement.

2-1. I see. She recognised a handful of names from the previous year, some of them friends, others merely acquaintances. Her eyes scanned further down the list. Rui Shinichi. That boy I just met. Noboru Yamamoto. Strange, that name seems familiar to me... Her eyes travelled to the bottom of her list, her heart sinking as she read the name she didn't want to see right next to hers.

Sachiko Mogami. The foul mouthed klutz from this morning.


Her lips pursed as her friends chattered excitedly around her about being in the same class.

It appeared her second year would be...eventful, to say the least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru-Warakuma High
Noboru agreed with Sato's idea. "Yeah that sounds good. I'm gonna go check it out right now if you don't mind." He walked up to the list and stared at it, his finger pointing down the list until he came to his name. Looking at his classmates a smile pierced his grumpy morning frown. Rui and Sachiko in the same class. Maybe it would be easier to pass this year since he had helpful friends with him. One other name stood out to him. Leiko. "Hmmmm." He pondered. "Leiko sounds like a drama queen name. That should be interesting." Then, again, maybe he shouldn't have said that. He didn't want to be like his brother and sister. Maybe they were rubbing off on him.

Aiko and Akari-Yamamoto House-->Warakuma High
"Shit. Shit! Dammit!" Akari yelled out as she struggled to put on her pants.She ran to her twin's door and started banging on it. "Aiko! Aiko wake up dammit! Noboru you little shit! I'm gonna get you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alexai Dragunov - Dragunov Residence

Alexai was up, busy preparing Onigiri for Ektrina's first day at the new school. He had been at the local farmer's street at five in the morning, helping an Oba-san with her supplies and setting the shop and earning a few extra veggies as payment. The rice was cooked well with vinegar and the Onigiris were being shaped carefully into little bears his sister loved. After carefully packing her bento he got to setting his own. Hastily, making plain riceballs and stuffing them with leftover fried tofu he had from making his sister's lunch.

Having come to Warakuma just a few days prior, life had been really hectic for Alexai. He had to look for a decent home to live in, arrange for the hospital for his mother. Straighten out the accounts and wrap up his work in Tokyo, Coordinate with his father's manager regarding the handling of their stock accounts and setting up a liquidity cycle for taking care of hospital bills. Arrange for a working capital regarding a new venture the manager had hoped to add for increasing funds. Arrange for a mode of transport for day to day activities. Enroll his sister in the local middle school, map out the city and locate all the fair-price and discounted stores and flea markets. Find a blue-collar job and set the house with basic necessities. It was a lot of work and all of it had to be done by him.

In the end he managed to buy a '92 Yamaha RT-180 really cheap and he arranged for a job as laborer on daily basis at the local construction company. With modernization planned for the city, there was a increase in such blue collar job and his build lend in nicely to heavy labor. He had also managed to get an apartment near the hospital and his sister's school so that making rounds won't be that difficult. Beds and other furniture had been a bit tough to come by so he had only a bed for his sister, a study cabinet for her books and a fully functional kitchen.

The Oba-san at the local library had been kind enough to accept his sister as a helper and Alexai was pleased as that meant he could take his mind off her safety for a good part of the day. It was a hard life, but he had done this for more than a decade so he was pretty good at scraping through.

Warakuma Middle School - Gates.

Ektrina got off the bike, her uniform ironed perfectly and spotless. Looking at her, she gave off a regal, pampered air but was anything but that. Alexai turned to look at her with some final instructions from a protective brother.

"Respect your teachers."
"Yes, brother." came a timid voice.
"Study hard and don't go talking much with anyone."
"Do not join any club forcibly. Join only self-defense, all girls club"
"Go to Inari-sama after school, don't wait for me."
"Go to mother at seven, I'll come pick you up at night."
"So, Then have a wonderful day." he finished, his stern face parting in a smile. He leaned from his bike to kiss her forehead, patting her on her back he ushered her to school before making his way to his.

Warakuma High

He made his way inside. The school looked particularly well maintained as others. Though it didn't have the grandeur of Tokyo, it did had all the functionality the Japanese were known for. He made his way inside after memorizing the school map. Walking up to the bulletin board as others simply jumped out of his way. To say he was a large man would be an understatement. He was by all means tall, but it was his musculature and build that made him apart from the usual students. A few facial scars, baggy eyes and big jaw made him look like a delinquent. So, people usually avoided contact, yet as he made his way up to the board, a little girl stood in front of him, she had a regal air to her and smelled of the finest upmarket perfume, with all the fliers she held under her arm she seemed like a club member. He looked at the assignment for the year. He was in 3-3 and apparently, there was another foreigner with him as well. Looking at his watch he looked at the time, there was some time left for a drag, there was also the issue of looking for a club as he had noticed with the girl.

Not thinking too much about the latter, he made his way to the rooftop. Once there, he opened the door and made his way to the middle of the roof, he then took out a pack of Luckies and plucked one out lighting it with his lighter. He took a deep drag to provide him with a certain calmness, last few days have been the same. He had found sleep hard to come by and weird dreams of a room draped in velvet revisited his memories. He had thought that, leaving Tokyo would relieve him off this but he was wrong. He just hoped that his past doesn't intend to follow him here too. Taking a few drags he calmed himself before making his way to his assigned class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Matthew’s Room ||

*beep beep beep*
“arg another ten minutes” Matt grumbled at the constant beep noise and went to hit snooze again only to see the time.
“....OH SHIT” Matt suddenly jumped out of bed at the sight of the time which caused a sharp pain to run through his body, He had worked overtime yesterday and shouldn’t have been making such sudden movements…. But now was not the time to worry about such things.
Matt rushed to the fridge got out yogurt and milk before getting out muesli. In a rush he put on the kettle before mixing yogurt with the muesli and eating it in mere seconds. he then made coffee and chugged that down.

He was then out the door with only half his shirt tucked in and his blazer not even on his left arm yet.
“scooter or run?...” Matt stopped for a minute to think before checking his fuel guage….
“god damn it I forgot to refill the tank” Matt cursed to himself for multiple reasons before bolting off to school.

School gates ||

“*huff, huff I made it… and what?.... [OH GOD MY CLOCK WAS WRONG]” Matt shouted out at the entrance when he looked at his watch…. He was now getting weird glares… just great it was his final year of school in another country and he was already about to be classified as a weirdo… He better run off and find out what classroom he is in to get out of this pickle… and thats exactly what he did… Run off.

“lets see, Matthew, Ma- ah here 3-3, hmmm Looks like Jace and other guys I met are in different classes… Oh well” Matthew shrugged happily as he finished pushing his way through to the board and started walking off…. Yea he was pushing people out of the way.
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