Character Sheet
Name: Marie Weber
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Role: Maid
Apartment No: N/a
Appearance: Marie has disorderly blonde hair reaching down to her shoulders, large green eyes, and bright features. She always seems to have a smile on her face around friends, but around enemies she's a whole different person. She is always wearing her pink maid outfit with a red bow that seems to always be uneven. There are even rumors that she sleeps in that!
1. Human Form:

When in human form, Marie varies between having cat like features to being an ordinary person. She usually has her ears and at least one of her tails when at Primrose, and reverts to human form when going out to town, which she does on a normal basis.
2. Yokai Form:

When she go back to yokai, Marie morphs into a huge cat like creature with two tails. In this form she is at least twice the size she was before, but just as friendly, if you're the right person that is. Her eyes change into a yellowish a red, and she develops a black diamond symbol on her forehead.
Race: Bakeneko
Abilities: Marie possesses large amounts of pure, raw, strength. She is able to lift things ten times her weight, and can burst through walls if she so pleases, so I suggest you stay on her good side. She has heightened senses, including hearing, taste, smell and vision. She can smell and hear people from all the way off of Primrose, but that also be a hindrance, so she often tunes things out. As stated, she has enormous amounts of physical strength, and has been training since she was 18.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Marie can take on several people at once, due to her endurance. She can easily defeat almost anyone on at Primrose, if she ever fought anyone there that is. She is also fast, due to her cat inheritance. Marie can have up to two or three light people riding on her back, but no more or she might lose balance. But her strength is also her weakness, because while in her Yokai state, she focuses on combat, and is vulnerable to illusions and anything involving slowing down and thinking. She is also extremely vulnerable during her changes from human to yokai, and well she can see just fine in the dark, during the day her vision becomes more blurred, and she is often clumsy due to that.
Bio: When she was 18, Marie left her home with her mother and brother in France and came to live at Primrose. During her childhood, her beloved younger brother was killed, which explains her protectiveness of the people younger than her and her need to baby all of the newbies. Marie may look like she's always happy, but she can get bouts of severe depression, and often turns to alcohol as a coping method. She has never told anyone this, but most of the students know, and let her fuss over them. She loves cooking and cleaning, but fails horrifically at the latter, often producing food that looks good, but when tasted is terrible. She is oblivious to this however, and often offers homemade food to others.
Other: She loves sweets, and always has some on her.
This is not a nekomata. Bakeneko and nekomata are both cat yokai, but most cats actually are considered yokai. Bakeneko can have split tails, as well as nekomata, but bakeneko are defined by their ability to shift forms, mostly to a human or human like form.