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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

RPG Lagged. So it le doubled posted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

sinai followed Haruka and listened. the mission seemed almost as much as a clusterfuck as her own. Sinai got the feeling there was more to it considering that mission clearly gained her a seated position. This woman was probably just being modest, the puppy clearly didnt agree with the modesty. when they got to the office and Haruka knocked a man Came out. At first sinai thought he was the captain but it turned out that neither he nor the young woman with him were the captain. He never spoke a word to them and just left with his companion. Sinai did not speak either so it didn’t really matter. Upon hearing a voice from inside bidding them to enter she waited for Haruka to enter first and would follow behind her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

sinai followed Haruka and listened. the mission seemed almost as much as a clusterfuck as her own. Sinai got the feeling there was more to it considering that mission clearly gained her a seated position. This woman was probably just being modest, the puppy clearly didnt agree with the modesty. when they got to the office and Haruka knocked a man Came out. At first sinai thought he was the captain but it turned out that neither he nor the young woman with him were the captain. He never spoke a word to them and just left with his companion. Sinai did not speak either so it didn’t really matter. Upon hearing a voice from inside bidding them to enter she waited for Haruka to enter first and would follow behind her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Is he ok?" she asked Tabo about Hikari. She walked into the office and motioned for the other woman to follow them. "How are you doing, Tabo?" she asked the man with a small smirk. She looked around the office with a mild expression since she hadn't really looked around nor seen the office. Alucard barked at Tabo and jumped onto his desk, tail wagging. "Alucard!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Hm, I would say he's alright. Maybe a bit angry, he just has some personal things he needs to deal with. People trying to kill him is all," Tabo said with a shrug as he bit into his sandwich, though a small smirk was placed on his face after he mentioned people trying to kill Hikari. Once Alucard jumped on the desk barking and tail waging Tabo paused and stared at Alucard before slightly poking his nose and breaking off half his sandwich placing it in front of Alucard. He looked over at Haruka. "Oh, I'm doing alright," he said before looking at Sinai, "A squad two Shinigami, interesting. Are you trying to get information for that Kaizo kid? I keep telling him I'm not interested in his swiffer sweepers!" he said as he rubbed the back of his head, how he knew she was Squad Two was probably something of question alongside what the hell he was actually talking about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alucard swiftly tucked into the sandwich, "And people say that I spoil him..." she said with a sigh. "I hope he is ok. He should be happy." she rubbed her forehead then looked at Tabo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

What the hell is he talking about "uh..no sir I'm not here because of my captain" was all she could think to say in response. She watched the strange man interact with Alucard and give him a sandwhich. She didn't pay to much attention to the the first exchange of words because that was none of her business. But then he went off about a swiffer and some shit... and her captain and...wait...how did he know she was from squad two. Chances were it wasnt worth asking so she didnt. She convinced herself it was because of the ninjato sized zanpakuto sheathed across the small of her belt. Whether or not that actually counted...she didnt care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo had been sat in his office working on the mountains of paperwork, he had to sort out missions plans for the Onmitsukido, the transfers of prisoners to lower or higher levels of the maggots nest. There was just so much, but it was all in the work of a Captain and it was worth it in the end. Kaizo then stopped for a moment and took a deep breath as he put his hands behind his head and looked up to the roof, thinking about where Rio could have gotten to, he just hoped she was okay...however she had only been gone for a few hours so it wasn't like it was unusual. Kaizo then got back to work and continued on with the mountains of paperwork, a few minutes later Kaizo heard a thud outside his office door, this caused him to raise an eyebrow as he stood up and walked around his desk to his door, he then opened it, his right hand on his Zanpakuto's hilt as he did so. Kaizo then looked out of his office door, his eyes then widened as he noticed Rio laying on the floor, Kaizo quickly ran to her side and crouched down by her as he put his hands on either side of Rio's face "Rio!? Rio!? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Getting no response from Rio caused Kaizo to quickly pick her up then run out of Squad 2 carrying Rio in his arms as he then shunpoed off to Squad 4 and immediately once he arrived, demanded that someone check her immediately to see what was wrong with her

"... Unn... huh?..."
The next morning Rio opened her left eye to find that she was in an unfamiliar area. Looking around the room, Rio felt as if she was missing something... "Eye-patch?!" Immediately Rio sprung up to a seated position, covering her right eye with her hand as she scanned the room. Luckily the item of head-wear was on top of a bedside table to the right of her. Grabbing the eye-patch, Rio put it on and tied the strings to fix it in place. Stepping out of the Squad four bed, Rio moved the covers off of her and looked down at herself, noticing that she was still in her uniform. She then looked around, realising where she was.

"Lieutenant, I'm glad you're up" A nurse stepped into Rio's room holding fresh towels with a smile on her face. Rio glanced over to the woman, her expression straight. "What happened to me? Why am I here?" Rio asked the woman. "Oh you don't remember? The Captain of Squad two brought you here. He said you had fainted outside of his office and weren't responding to him so we had a look at you, however we didn't find anything out of the ordinary... But we tried to heal you just incase" The woman continued to smile, although her smile faltered a little. Rio's expression didn't change, instead she just walked around the bed she previously occupied. "I must of just been exhausted. Since I'm fine now, I'd like to leave." Rio continued to walk towards the door, however the nurse stopped her by standing in front of her. "Please Lieutenant, stay here, you need to rest" The nurse urged. "I feel fine. As you said, you found nothing out of the ordinary. You should be focusing on those who need help instead of wasting time on me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I will be leaving now so step aside." Rio crossed her arms, waiting for nurse to get out of her way. She didn't want anyone knowing of her headaches as she wanted to sort them out herself instead of wasting Squad four's time and causing unnecessary worry. Besides, Rio was a Lieutenant, she could take care of herself and didn't need any help... Lightly patting the location of her secret inner pocket from the outside of her uniform, Rio felt the small pill bottle, glad that the members didn't tamper with her clothes and found it... They wouldn't of needed to anyway, it was clear that she didn't have any wounds. The nurse looked at Rio with concern for a little while before sighing and looking down. "If there are any more issues Lieutenant then please let us know straight away..." The nurse then stepped out of the way and kept her eyes to the floor.

Rio took a step forward but then looked back at the nurse. "Thank you for your help but honestly, I assure you, there is nothing to worry about. But, if it'll put your mind at ease, I will come here if I have any more issues." With that said, Rio looked forward before continuing to walk, heading out of Squad four and back to her room at the Squad two barracks. 'I fainted... I guess taking more than one was too much... but I don't understand something.... Oh well, atleast the pain has gone... for now'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Shiro twisted his body away from her slash, leaving Nishiki open, however she did twist her body towards Shiro's and held her Zanpakuto straight. Instead of expecting Shiro to just swung his sword at her, he hit the the side of her blade, knocking it out of his way yet Nishiki didn't let it go. She only had enough time to look at Shiro with a serious glare before being hit with a Tessho. Nishiki flew back, tumbling through the air before hitting the floor. She yelled as she hit the floor three times before rolling to a kneeling position. Stopping herself, Nishiki stood up. Nishiki began smirking after her thinking time was over. Walking closer this time, she stopped a few steps away from Shiro before holding up her Zanpakuto in front of her with both hands and jumping forward, aiming to slash across Shiro's hips from left to right.

Shiro watched Nishiki fly back, then as she got back to her feet and approached him. Shiro held his Zanpakuto out infront of him with his right hand as she then jumped forward aiming to slash across Shiro's hips. Shiro slashed towards Nishiki's Zanpakuto so they'd clash, then with his right foot he aimed to boot her Zanpakuto away as he lifted his high in the air and prepared to bring his down on her aiming to at most cut her uniform from her left shoulder to her left hip It's unusual...I've never really fought like this before, but I must say...it aint half bad...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 29 days ago

"Well maybe you should talk to him when he gets back, he seemed happy last time you two went out," Tabo replied as he watched Alucard tuck into the sandwich. Once the other girl stated she wasn't there because of her Captain he nodded. "Well I assume you are here for a reason, and since I'm in a position to do this!" Tabo grabbed a random piece of paper from his Shihakusho and gave it to Haruka, "I'm pretty sure this would work good, and yes, I'm only sending you two. I'll send others...I might send others." Tabo turned his chair around and waved them off. As it stated on the paper, there was a mysterious hollow that was in one of the districts they watched over but retreated to some cliffs far off. So it was still for Squad 10 to handle, Tabo knew there was more going on and normally would send someone of Hikari's skill level with them.....But he wanted to test them, plus Haruka wanted training....No one got easy training from him. Squad two could also consider it a gift if that girl improved well due to this mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro watched Nishiki fly back, then as she got back to her feet and approached him. Shiro held his Zanpakuto out infront of him with his right hand as she then jumped forward aiming to slash across Shiro's hips. Shiro slashed towards Nishiki's Zanpakuto so they'd clash, then with his right foot he aimed to boot her Zanpakuto away as he lifted his high in the air and prepared to bring his down on her aiming to at most cut her uniform from her left shoulder to her left hip

Nishiki's blade clashed with Shiro's before the man used his right foot to boot her blade out of the way. Fighting against the force without letting go of her sword, Nishiki took her left hand off of the hilt of her blade before dragging it back just in time to clash with Shiro's sword once more as he slashed downwards. Nishiki found her knees bending slightly under the pressure. To combat this, Nishiki turned her blade so that Shiro's sword was clashing against the flat side of it. She then placed her left hand on the underside, near the tip of her sword, for more control and to add more force to try push Shiro's blade upwards. Her aim was to hold it up before kicking the open right side of Shiro's body a few times. She knew that with both hands busy, she may of seemed as though she was at a disadvantage, however Nishiki decided to turn up things up a notch for herself and test how she'd deal with being in such a situation. A quick smirk found it's way across Nishiki's lips but she soon disguised it. Clearly she was having fun, at lot more than she usually would in battle due to the fact that she was fighting her Captain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka read over the paper then frowned. "The cliffs? Yay..." she sighed then turned to the Squad 2 girl. "Well, got a job to do. Are you ready to leave immediately or do you need to make some preparations?" she asked as Alucard finished his food. The dog jumped onto Tabo and licked his cheek in thanks before flash stepping onto his owner's shoulder. Haruka didn't seem bothered by either action.

"We can either head straight for the cliffs, or we can take a look around the area the Hollow has been terrorizing before we head to the cliffs. I'd prefer to check out its hunting grounds so we have an idea of what we are working against." she explained then looked back at the paper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai pushed all of her confusion to the side and focused on what was explained to her. "I can go now" she answered the 7th seats question. Another habit she carried with her, preparation. Then again all she had was her zanpakuto and her fists. "I agree, it's better to know what we are up against to go in blind.... ok I can't do this anymore. What's the story with this awesome dog?" After that flash step she just had to know. It didn't bother that the dog was smart. Didn't matter that Haruka was taking the dog on a mission. But this... this she had to know
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

hatakekuro said
Zheng looked at Mukei amused at how drunk his friend was. It was one of the few times that his friend was ever relaxed and had fun like a normal person, which was sadly true. The only times it seemed like Mukei ever had fun was when he was drunk off his ass. "Yeah, you can sober up as fast as lightning." He sarcastically said. It was suddenly silent. Mukei didn't say anything at all and stayed in silence for quite awhile. Zheng shifted around slightly uncomfortable and sipped his sake hoping that Mukei would say something. When he did all signs that showed he was drunk were gone and it was replaced with a grim and much more somber attitude. The fact he became suddenly sober was incredible just like that was incredible though what he said was upsetting. How can he give up so damn easily before it even started? Zheng clenched his fist tightly and punched the back of his friend's head hard. "For someone so damn smart you can be such a dumb ass!" He folded his arm and looked at down at him with contempt. "I'll keep your damn promise, but if you've got to promise me that you will put a damn effort into staying sane." Zheng said before taking another sip of sake.

When Zheng punched the back of Mukeis head, he didn't show much reaction. He remained silent, listening to Zheng the entire time as a smirk formed across his face. He suddenly raised his head and guested into laughter "Hahaha!! I got you!" He said still laughing as he patted Zhengs back "I didn't actually my joke would work" He said as he drunkingly wrapped his arms around Zhengs shoulders "Who said I lost my sense if humor? You should of seen the look on your face!" He said out loud, going to take another drink of sake
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The soul reaper gave a quiet laugh as Alucard preened at the praise. "I'll explain on the way to our first stop." she said before she nodded to Tabo. "We'll be back soon, Captain." she said before she flash stepped outside of the barracks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 6 days ago

Zane620 said
As the Gillians prepared another Cero, Megumi readied herself. Only to watch a blue arrow go through its head and kill the monster in one hit, she turned around and looked at the cause, but before she could do anything the person left. Well luckily for them, they seemed to have helped them, yet the arrow thing indicated they might be shinigami with a bow shikai. Or that they were a quincy. Well with the Gillian out of the way, most of the danger was gone. She decided to go check out on Ryozo to make sure he was still alve, snd shunpoed off to the location in which he crashed in.

The situation kept getting worse by the second and would continue get worse the longer it took to find the source. It was already reaching the breaking point of danger with the appearance of a gillian and the amassing hollows as Enji ran frantically, scouring the streets and alleyways from above. He came to a stop and knelt down while panting heavily, unable to run anymore and needed to catch his breath and took the chance to look back so he could check on the gillian, but was surprised to see it was gone.'What?! did they defeat it?...wait.. no that's not possible for us. Not at our current level.'He was shocked that it was gone and wondered what had happened cause even the three of them together were unlikely to defeat the gillian, yet somehow it had vanished? Just what was going on in this city? Too many questions and strange events that was making this mission take too much time, time they didn't have.'Megumi..Ryozo..please be ok.'Shaking his head to avoid thinking about something he shouldn't and forced himself up with shaky legs and forced his body to continue as he desperately needed to find it, but if he failed to so in the next few minutes then he had no choice but to retreat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Phobos said
When Zheng punched the back of Mukeis head, he didn't show much reaction. He remained silent, listening to Zheng the entire time as a smirk formed across his face. He suddenly raised his head and guested into laughter "Hahaha!! I got you!" He said still laughing as he patted Zhengs back "I didn't actually my joke would work" He said as he drunkingly wrapped his arms around Zhengs shoulders "Who said I lost my sense if humor? You should of seen the look on your face!" He said out loud, going to take another drink of sake

His eye started to twitch at his friend's laughter and he grabbed Mukei by the head with both of his hands. Mukei could feel the tips of his fingers digging into his head he was holding it that hard. Zheng had the most forced smile on his face that he had ever had. "Mukei good ol buddy oh pal of mine." His tone was menacingly friendly, the lethalness could be felt from his words like a bunch of needles in his back. "Did you know that I like gardening? It's quite relaxing at the end of a long day of work and training. So do you know what I'm going to do?" He wasn't even going to wait for his friend to even answer that. "I'm gonna plant me a dumbass tree!" He slammed Mukei's head right into the counter with both of his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai followed Haruka out of the barracks in hopes that this mission would not be as bad as the last one. A mysterious hollow sounded pretty mysterious. like it wasnt the normal variety of hollow that one might arrive, kill and be done with. What it really meant to Sinai was that her hopes ere most likely in vain and it would go to hell in a hand basket pretty quickly. At least this time she was prepared but chances were that wouldnt matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka flash stepped her way towards their destination and began to talk. "Alucard is the work of a madman. He took a dog and somehow...transferred and manipulated a Hollow and soul into him." Alucard huffed, "Well, I think that is what happened. We are still going over that data. Alucard has been training with me, and have proven more adept with Kido than me." she laughed a little bit. "He understands everything I say and do. He reads me very well. And he is a very good companion." the dog yips in agreement as he follows them. "He was the only subject to make it through the testing. We are still learning both of our capabilities, but between us, we make a hell of a soul reaper in my opinion."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

"so basically he's... ok. know what im just glad he's on your side." the idea that a dog could use kido was astounding. clearly there wouldnt be an incantation which made it even more impressive...unless the dog could talk. At this point that wouldn't be to surprising considering he already flash stepped. it must be nice to have someone like that in your life she thought to herself as they traveled "so if he can use kido and all that then there are really three of us on this mission" Sinai pointed out. just knowing that made moving forward a little easier.
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