Annabelle was alright xD my friend almost made me go deaf, but it was fun, haha.
Ryver told me about Maze Runner and it sounds really cool. I'll probably watch it when it's free on the internet. *Shot* I haven't heard of Let's be Cops either, but I need a good comedy movie, so gonna check it out as well~
Best of luck with schoolwork Kimchi and everyone! We can do this *Hugs all around*
V.V Sorry to hear about that Kathi-chan, I hope things get better and you feel better ASAP. Don't worry about it, I just get curious when one of you guys go missing. Go get some ice cream and relax! Have a motivational penguin :D
Lovely posts everyone :). I've caught up, but I won't have time to post until the 17th, so think of this week as one long cycle. After the 17th exams will be over and two of our profs will be leaving, so we'll be able to go back to our regular posting cycles. Sorry for the super long period of inconsistency, but yeah, things will be back to normal super soon. On Friday I'll move you guys onto an airship and the hoomans will once again be travelling to the dark side of Nowhere.
Jasper said
"I have a terrible feeling about this. I bet the tea party is code phrase for bloodbath.."