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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

The stallion was pretty much exactly as he had imagined: Not very big or muscley, seeming more like a scholar than any kind of warrior, which, he had to admit, was also the most likely since this Scalpel was a doctor.

Amaretto followed him through the doors, throwing a look at the... things standing in the shadows, their presence being easily visible to him thanks to the superior eyesight coming from Theá's blessing. He could smell them, too. Alive and well they may be at the moment, but there was a hint of decay in the air. These weren't ponies who were changed while they were still alive. These were ponies who had died one way or the other, and brought--no, forced--back to life.

"I smell it too," Theá whispered in his ear, so low that even he had trouble hearing it. "They have definitely been dead before."

He sniffed, indicating that he had heard her without making any obvious signs. He stopped briefly when what seemed to be the most intelligent, of the Things suddenly stopped and turned towards him. His years among the nobility of Canterlot had taught him how to sense veiled hostility and threats, enabling him to see through most of the faux-polite comments he received. This Thing, however, was far from subtle. No, if he had to call it anything, he would say it was a sledge hammer--the hostility in its voice and way of speaking almost palpable. He nodded in response, adding with as much politeness as he could muster. "I won't. I'm here to regain something I lost. Nothing more." What he didn't add was the fact that he doubted he would get out alive on his own. He had faith that he could take down a couple of the things, maybe even Scalpel himself, but he doubted that his wildfire would be able to take down any more before he was put down himself.
This place is guarded, Theá thought, her senses warning her about the protective spells weaving themselves into the very wood of the building. Turning her attention towards her own being, so sought out her magical presence and pushed it together into the most compact form she could, making her presence as small and unnoticeable as possible. Next, she turned her attention outwards, letting her mind bend and flex the detection spells, letting herself slip through even the tiniest hole she could, remaining undetected as Amaretto moved, without alerting the caster to any tampering with the spell. You'll have to do much more than this to keep me out, Scalpel.
Amaretto followed the thing, watching idly as the torches flared to life. A stallion with a penchant for dramatics, it seems. The massive bookshelves and numerous artefacts didn't go without notice, however. And even if Amaretto wasn't one for old, dust items--unless they contained alcohol or the likes--he couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer amount of bits and baubles. An impressed whistle escaped his lips as he looked around again briefly before he went over to join Scalpel, standing beside one of the couches rather than sit down; half out of courtesy so that his armour didn't tear apart the leather, and the other half because he didn't want to lower his guard, even with a literal god behind his ear.

He stood and silently listened to the doctor's demands, waiting impassively and patiently for his turn to speak. When Scalpel had finally went silent, and handed the reins to Amaretto, he spoke.

"I have been searching for a way to bring back my friends and family for a long while, and I looked into the Cult to see if anyone there could help me. It was via them that I heard of a doctor who demanded payment in corpses. Insane though they may be, wildfire eating away at a leg for hours at a time without truly consuming it has a tendency to loosen the lips of even them. That's where I found my first hint. A doctor associated with the Cult, and dealing with corpses lead me to the conclusion that you might actually be able to do so. The sightings of some gorilla-sized stallion with a semi-mechanical body only made it more believable. That was several months ago, but I never managed to find you, and when I had heard that you disappeared some two weeks ago, I went out to search again. I came across some ponies near the border to the Moon and Star who had obviously been treated by someone with medical knowledge. I asked them who, and the description matched the one I had gotten from the Cult bastard; your description." The look in his eyes as he described how he'd gotten the information, it was the look of someone who would do anything to reach his goal. And, truthfully, Amaretto was such a pony. If there was something he wanted, he made sure he got it.

"I had thought you took residence on Old Hoof, but when I saw that maniac of a fake god demolish the town... I ran. I ended up in the forests north of here where I found some injured pony. He started blabbering about some insane machines, ponies with blades for jaws and saws for hooves. The nearest town was this one, and asking around town if someone new had arrived lead me here. Smoke coming from an abandoned mansion draws attention."

He paused, waiting a moment to watch Scalpel's reaction before he continued. "My name is Amaretto Jamison, and as for the payment." He closed his eyes for a moment, digging through his memories. "Three months ago, one of the ponies who calls himself a God raided the entire vault of house Moon and Star. Every bit of knowledge, both the new books for magic kindergarten, and the most ancient and forbidden tomes in the world were stolen. Mention one book, any book, and it was there, and stolen. This Alicorn, Arcon is his name, has hidden and hoarded all that knowledge and, like most of these Godlings, have created himself a following. I--ah--"extracted" some information from one of them, and found out how to gain entrance." He lit his horn, the clasps of his saddlebags coming undone. A golden key the size of his hoof floated out, hovering in the air before him. "The means to enter that vault is one of these keys. Open any door with it, and it will take you.Every piece of knowledge, every piece of art, every piece of music," he paused, making sure to wait just long enough for the dramatic effects to settle in, "would be at your disposal." He put the key back into his saddlebags, awaiting Scalpel's answer.

Theá had thought long and hard on it, and had deduced that the only way to win over this Scalpel was to tempt him with something she knew a stallion like him would not be able to resist under any circumstances. A treasure trove of knowledge such as this would be impossible for him to give up on, she knew. Or hoped. Of course, the key wasn't a real one, but a replica. It was, however, infused with divine magic to give the illusion that it was truly something made by a god; though which one would be unknown: She had made sure that no mortal, save perhaps Twilight Sparkle, could see through the veils she had placed over the simple teleportation spell imbued in it. She smiled internally, knowing that the key would be a perfect replica for any but a God. Even Amaretto, who knew it was a fake, couldn't see, or feel, the difference.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scalpel listened to the detailed explanation that this Amaretto gave him, and his eyes lit up at the prospect of gaining access to such a massive collection of lore and history utilising a god given key. He had heard about the raid by the god through his various Canterlot connections, but never presumed that the god would have any interest in sharing with any of mortal kind the secrets he hoarded.

The offer was undeniably seductive, but unlike with the case regarding Astral this pony was quite unknown to him and he did not desire to be tricked into filling his part of the deal without some payment before hand, and it certainly didn’t seem like Amaretto would give the key to him freely.

As Amaretto finished Scalpel stayed silent whilst he continued his options, before taking another deep drink of the whisky in his hooves and placing it gently to the table beside him with a touch of magic. “So… you want your friends and family resurrected and in return you are willing to offer me a divine key to the greatest library in Equestria as of late? It is certainly a… persuasive offer, but you must understand that I don’t work on promises; I work for hard payment, which must be given before I begin my attempts. Now I understand you’d be unwilling to allow me take that key before you had your associates back In the land of the living, and in theory I could simply kill you for what you have there and avoid the hassle all together...”

Scalpel paused, and gave a small smile “…However, I’d prefer not to have to deal with the ensuing chaos resulting from your probably violent and dangerous disposal, I would prefer instead to arrange a compromise. What I want before I begin working in your interests is something preferably valuable and particularly rare from this collection of yours, you can decide what to bring me yourself, but I’d prefer something on observations regarding magical ley lines. With this as solid evidence of your goodwill regarding your end of the bargain I will willingly begin to arrange as best I can the processes necessary for my end…”

“However first of all Mr Amaretto, before I agree to anything, I would like a demonstration of this key in action. Right now you have given me a merry tale about your trials and tribulations, but little evidence to support your claims of having a divine instrument, a shiny key means little if I cannot see what door it unlocks, so if you please…” he gestured towards the double doors of the room, an intrigued and crafty smile plastered over his face.

“Also if you would be so kind as to confirm my suspicion, you are the patriarch of the Jamison distillery family aren’t you?” He shrugged, gesturing the decanter beside him, “I ask because the name sounds familiar to me, I remember my family bought from those connoisseurs many years ago. I believe that if you are the patriarch, then the whisky next to me was probably made by your great, great grandfather.” He filled up a glass again and raised it in salute with a legitimate smile, “trust me, it has aged excellently.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

At the sound of the charging stormwing pony, the five undead archers turned towards the source of the noise. Despite having the advantage of numbers, the element of surprise had clearly tilted the 'battle' in Comet Trail's favor. The fact that all five of them were wielding ranged weapons of somewhat decayed quality in melee range against a foe that was much better equipped and trained for melee combat only hastened their demise, their sluggish attempts to fight back amounting to nothing as they were cut down in quick succession.

The Stormwing solder would find a few seconds of peace before the cloudy water of the lake would churn and shift as more of the restless dead of Ponyville rose from their watery grave. There were six of them this time, with only two of them wielding the water damaged bows of their earlier counterparts. Of the remaining four, two of them seemed to be carrying knives that had quite clearly been completely over come with rust over the years. A third also wielded a knife, but its knife was carried in its mouth, more or less fused to the exposed bones of its wielder by the rust that had consumed the iron. The last walking corpse didn't so much walk as hobble along, it's front right leg missing for reasons unknown, a rotting and rust covered farmers hoe held between its neck and the shoulder of the remaining leg.

All six of them focused on Comet Trail with an eyeless glare, the smiles they bore as they exited the water vanishing into snarls as they discovered one of the Celestia damned winged monsters who had played a role in the deaths of themselves and their beloved town. Vengeance would be had!

They surged forwards.


The two undead turned towards the sound of the water rippling for barely a moment in order to see what had caused the disturbance before returning to their task of priming their bows for battle. They had more important things to focus on at the moment then to question the noise to deeply.


Torrential held the black gaze of the jester mare before him, his body tense enough to respond to any sudden tricks that the creature could pull as the sky darkened with clouds. The giggling ghosts that swarmed overhead seemed to keep to themselves for the time being, waiting for their mistress to ask them to join the battle that was clearly about to take place. Still, when Torrential spoke his words were loud and clear enough to be heard over the giggling din.

"Who are you?"

"I am known by many names. Many ponies would call me the Laughing Mare." The mare answered with a grin and a mareish giggle, as if she had just been told a side splitting joke that amused her to no end. " However, you can call me your DEATH! As if given their cue, the ghosts suddenly went from being an amused audience to a violent mob rushing the stage with full intent of taking a bite out of some of the actors on it, swarming towards the unmoving Torrential like an enrage cloud of wasps. The mare herself however didn't watch as her minions moved to attack, her attention turning towards her suddenly very twitchy tail. Taking a moment to reach up and pull the collar of her outfit out a little, she reached in with her free hoof and started to look around for something...

Torrential stood absolutely still, his eyes focused on the so called 'Laughing Mare' as the surge of her ghosts rushed towards him. The lead ghost, overjoyed at the idea of getting its choice of where to bite first, was within a hairs width away from tasting alicorn flesh when something hard and sharp slammed into it from above and drove it into the still glowing water around the alicorn. This was only the first of many such blows as hail the size of a full grown stallions leg and as sharp as a well cared for sword rained down upon the lake, spearing and destroying ghosts by the droves with each passing second as they either tried to keep up the attack or attempted to dodge the icy onslaught in vain.

By the time the hail subsided the only two things left standing on the surface of the lake was Torrential Waters and the Laughing Mare herself, standing under what appeared to be a pink and purple poky dotted beach umbrella that now housed a number of shards of razor sharp ice. Casting the now useless umbrella away as the rain started to fall proper, the Mare seemed to frown. " That beach umbrella only had two days till retirement. He was planning on retiring with his wife to a small but homely umbrella stand in the country and raise a family together. I hope you're happy, you big meanie!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fighting strangers was part of a mercenary's trade. Joy's Legions fought against bandits, rioters, diamond dogs, zebras, griffins, manticores, rebels, slavers, slave revolts, and the occasional large beast from the Everfree. Some where more dangerous than others. Each one had their own style, experiences (or lack thereof), strengths, and weaknesses. But despite the variety of foes one faced, most tended to share a singular characteristic in common: mortality.

If there was one foe Snow Tail wanted to avoid, it was the undead.

Unlike the previous examples, ghouls and ghosts were far less predictable. What would usually take down a living pony in one swing may just be a minor inconvenience for a ghoul. Or it could take it down, only for the corpse to rise again latter. Sometimes they were intelligent, sometimes not. It all depended on the method used to reanimate the corpses.

As such, Joy's Legions tended to avoid getting into melee fights with the Laughing Cult or necromancers. They would fall back, secure the perimeter, and have it's artillery and grenadiers bombard the area until it was leveled. And just to be sure, have it's unicorns blast the ashes.

I have neither grenades nor grenadiers right now thought Snow to herself, still hiding behind a tree. I just hope steel claws can take these monsters down. I need to know how strong those creatures are, and the best way is try to lure one here and take it out, hopefully She lowered herself again, and peeked. Seeing their reaction to her thrown stone, Tail frowned. That didn't tell me much… but they did take a few seconds to look at the sound. Maybe I could cause another distraction and-

The sellsword heard a voice, a living voice, from behind. It wasn't Star. Startled, Tail looked back and saw a Stormwing trooper not far from her. And she realized that the creatures near the lake also heard the pegasus' urgent warning.

"Shit", Snow Tail whispered. Her trained wings opened, and she flew towards the newcomer. Grabbing the trooper, Tail then flew behind a fallen log and then the pair dropped to the ground. "Quiet, there's more of those monsters nearby," Snow Tail said to the soldier. "Stay low and out of sight - they have arrows ready. Name's Snow Tail by the way. Thanks for the warning, you alright?"
Star Dancer saw Tail and the other pegasus dive behind some cover. From her perspective, the pair was unobscured by the fallen logs and they appeared to be unharmed.

The Scholar went back to look at the lake, worried about Torrential. She froze in fear at the swarms of ghosts charging at the alicorn. Then speechless at the sight of the icy spears that came from the sky. Finally, confusion by the nonchalant reaction of the Mare over her recent losses.

Right out of an ancient tale, the fight between two immortals who walk on a lake. The dead rise, and the sky storms death. Dancer thought. If only Professor Sweet was here, she could compose a ballad fitting for such a sight!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Armifera cackled, “A title?” She glanced over at Summer, “You’re from up north, right? Shield-Mare wouldn’t work… shields are for the ones who leave their enemies alive long enough to get a hit in…”

Summer interjected, fishing around in her bag again as she answered, “Hmm?”

Raising an eyebrow, Armifera grumbled, “Do you even know what I’m talking about?”

“Hey, she asked to try some whiskey; I’m looking for the stuff that isn’t 100 proof.”


“Somehow, that paint thinner you call vodka is even stronger.” The azure mare sighed, before giving a small yip of victory as she dragged out a smallish keg. “Alright, this… shouldn’t be too much…”

She passed it off to Sweeper, and turned to Armifera. “Now what was that about titles?” She asked, a gleam in her eye.

Rolling her eyes and giving a loud belch, Armifera grinned, “Did you have something in mind? My northern friend who doesn’t at all look like she’s actually from the Nhorse lands?”

She paused, “Wait, what was it that you call those elite warriors who fight with a king or something?”

Summer raised an eyebrow, “The housecarls?”

“That’s it!”

Summer raised her eyebrow again, having lowered it, “So I’m now… Housecarl Summer Winds?”

Chuckling, Armifera corrected her, “I was thinking Housecarl Berserker Summer Winds.” She nudged the blushing Summer Winds playfully, “We all saw you when you fought those bandits after drinking some of my -special- brew.”

“So are all of your followers housecarls now?” Summer asked.

Armifera paused at that, “Eh… we’ll see… Scarlet Ink might have to be ‘right hoof snarker’ or something.”

She turned to Sweeper, having forgotten about her momentarily, “Ah, sorry Sweeper, tell me. What’cha think of the drink of champions, or some variation thereof?”

She muttered to Summer, “What even was that stuff anyway?”

Summer shrugged.
Scarlet Ink was having a bad day.

Scratch that, it wasn't a bad day.

This day was horrible.

She’d woken up- outside, on the ground, and surrounded by bandits with ill intentions written all over their faces. Then, she’d had to fight them all, and now she’d have to clean her swords, axe, and her armor, and find a doctor, and figure out where she was.

Because of course, she’d been trying to wrench her swords from two bodies, and her axe was stuck under another one, and some asshole managed to land a hit with his crossbow.

Luckily it hadn't been too severe -nothing immediately life threatening anyway- and she’d been able to teleport out of there without too much trouble to avoid the bastard’s friends. Though at least she’d been able to recover her property in time.

Scarlet winced in pain as the hole in her leg protested her movement, forcing her to stop for a moment. Gritting her teeth, she muttered, “Glad there’s at least fewer bandits out here, wherever the hell I am. Oh, good, and there’s a town up ahead,” She observed, noticing a very town-like collection of building, “All I need to do is drag my leg over there and hope it doesn’t fall off.”

Grabbing a rag with her magic, she crammed it between her teeth. Biting into it as hard as she could, Scarlet Ink began dragging herself along the road to the town. And possibly scaring some other travelers along the way.

She wasn't a pretty sight as she finally heaved herself into the town, coppery/crimson mane (normally luxurious and silky when brushed and washed) clinging to her face, or rather, all the sweat on her body. Her cloak was also streaked with sweat, and her elegant brigandine armor was caked in dust, blood, and dusty blood- oh, and sweat.
“Luna dammit this hurts!” She hissed to herself, dragging herself, and her leg, over to what looked like a bar.
Opening the door, she stumbled through, “Right. So. This is a bar, right?” She asked rhetorically, looking around, “Any of you fine folks know where I could find a doctor? Or tell me the price of a pint? Either works, though I’d prefer the former right now.” She swayed slightly, bracing herself against the doorway, “Name’s Scarlet Ink, by the way.” She coughed awkwardly.
Storm nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. But what in Tartarus are you two doing here?” She panted, “Surely you've noticed the alicorn and the damned Laughing Mare Herself duking it out while standing on a lake?!”

She noticed the other pegasus who’d been there was still standing out in the open, and resisted the urge to bolt out and drag her behind the log too.

She turned to Snow Tail, “Since neither you nor her are running, I assume you have some plan?” She hissed urgently, adding, “One that doesn't involve actually fighting them? I can hold my own, but not against whatever hordes of abominations the Cult can make.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Sliver Sweeper knew little of alcohol, though her siblings who had visited the mortal plane did fondly discuss the beverage. Her curiosity peaked, and one of the first subjects Sweeper asked Scroll was on such potables. Scroll didn't drink too much, preferring wine and beer over the "stronger stuff". She spat out her first taste of beer, finding it tasting of spoiled oatmeal. Wine and apple ale was more to her liking, but she preferred the sweeter brands.

But Sweeper had never tried Whiskey or Vodka before. She was given the chance some months ago after The Battle of The Tower. When celebrating their victory and good fortune, Colonel Joy offed a bottle of Whiskey. "It's my only bottle of Jamison, and maybe one of the few around considering what happened. It would be an honor if you accepted this," the pegasus commander said. Sweeper asked Scroll about the drink. "It's not to your liking my lady, way too bitter," he responded, and the pair asked for wine instead.

Sweeper looked at the keg given by Summer. She took the cork out and sniffed at the contents, inhaling a good whiff of the stuff. It smelled like some sort of spirit. Joy did say this was the drink of mares and soldiers. I should at least try this honorable exilir the alicorn thought, and took a small sip.

The fluid burned as it passed her mouth, not in the spicy sense but rather a liquid warmth. The taste was flavorful, but smoky and far from sweet. Sweeper's eyes teared up, and she began to cough. She accidentally dropped the keg, which she caught with a wing before it spilled.

"Ahhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkk," Sweeper said at last, tongue sticking out to the side. She took a deep breath afterwards. Her face and bald head began to sweat. Shaking her head, she looked at her sister and her newly dubbed Housecarl Berserker.

"Yikes, no wonder they call soldiers 'Iron Mares' - you have to have a strong stomach to take the stuff," she spoke. "Waaaay too strong for my taste, I fear. Is this how you test for the best warriors, sis?"
Dr. Lens turned to the doorway, and saw the sight of a wounded unicorn asking for aid. "Come on, Lilly. looks like somepony needs my skills as well," she said. The pair left the booth and towards the newcomer. Already one of the waitresses was helping Scarlet Ink sit at a table. She noted a bolt that had penetrated the armor, and the severe condition of the leg.

"I'm a Doctor, Solar Lens is my name." The mare's voice had returned to that cold, professional, unemotional tone. Lilly almost was taken aback by the sudden change, as just a few moments ago Lens was speaking like an old friend. "We're going have to take off this armor so I can treat your wounds." The Scholar turned to Lilly and floated a key to her. "Go to my room, number 7 and get a black bag." Lilly nodded and headed to accomplish the task. Lens turned to the waitress "I'll need some bandages or rags, a sewing kit, and the strongest alcohol you have. Prepare a room - I'll pay for the costs. Oh, also bring a mug."

As the waitress left, Lens turned to her second patient, taking off the armor near the leg. "Well Ms. Scarlet, how did you end up in this predicament?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

"I'd strongly advice against simply killing me," Amaretto said, voice and expression neutral, though a glimmer in his eyes told of bad things if Scalpel was to make such a choice. "This is by no means a threat, but I suppose that you know of the fire resistance in a Changeling's chitin, correct?" He waited a moment for the confirmation. "Then let me tell you this: Seeing a changeling cook in its own, melting shell is by a pretty sight." He grunted and looked away towards one of the bookshelves, a half-smile playing on his lips. "You're right, though, when you say that I won't just hand it over," Amaretto replied. "Far too valuable. As for the demonstration... Shouldn't be too difficult." He turned to the large double doors, striding confidently towards them, and then stopped in front of it, neck craned backwards just to see the top.

"I can't promise exactly when I'll be back. Finding something suitable might take some time, as I might very well end up in the Foal's Section." He fished the key up from his bags again, holding it in the light for a moment before he levitated it towards the keyhole. It slid in without a problem and, in a flash, he was gone, the key with him.
"So... What now?" Amaretto asked, turning his head to look at Theá standing beside him in all her alicorn glory, her gaze fixed upon the large mountain in front of them. And also, the place where Arcon had made his home.

"He promised me an hour's access to his vaults to peruse and view whatever I desired. Getting in is not the problem, but borrowing a book is what will be difficult. Most likely he has enchantments on every one of them, keeping them from being removed from his stronghold." She glanced down at him, holding his gaze out the corner of her eye. "However, with the possibility of a mortal achieving a fake ascendency, I am sure he will be willing to relinquish a single tome for a few weeks." She looked back upon the mountain, Amaretto mirroring her.

"I damn well hope so," he grumbled.
Winterjet looked curiously at the keg passed between the soldier and the Baldie, or, if she had to be polite, Sweeper--as was actually her name. She had to hold back a small snort of laughter at how Sweeper reacted to the whiskey, obviously not being one for strong spirits nor able to hold her liquor, she suspected.

"Iron Mares my ass," she said, a cocksure smile on her lips. "It takes more than downing a strong whiskey to be called that. At least where I come from... Speaking of, this may be sudden," she turned towards the still armoured alicorn. "Armifera, that was your name, right? I'm wondering... how good are you with Wingblades?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
Avatar of Antediluvixen

Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Armifera couldn’t help but wince at Sliver’s reaction. “Are you sure you don’t know what that was?” She asked Summer, who had also winced.

Levitating the keg of mystery alcohol back over to herself, Armifera gave it a sniff. “Interesting. Where’d you get this, Summer?”

Once more, Summer shrugged, “No idea.”

“Although in my experience, the fighters I like tend to be more piss, vinegar, blood and steel, and wearing armor, iron or not. But Winterjet has it on the money, there’s a lot more to it than how much booze you can drink before you kiss the dirt, though that certainly doesn't hurt.” She continued, pausing for a moment, “Take one of my other followers, Scarlet Ink, I think I mentioned her before? She isn't fond of whiskey in the slightest- and I’d consider that mare one of the best warriors around."

Though really, she is quite the knowledgeable type for a mercenary, you’d almost think she’d be a scholar or something instead of running around in heavy armor and getting into bar fights. Armifera mused to herself.

Losing her train of thought as she remembered the other half of what Winterjet had said, she looked over at the mare in question, grinning, “I like you. Yes, that’s my name, at least down here. I’ve got a couple others depending on the area. Up north you’d be more likely to know me as The Morrigan, though where they got that interpretation I will never understand.”

Looking more directly at her now, “And yes, I’d consider myself more than adept with them. If it’s a weapon, I make it my business to know how to use it. Why do you ask?” She said, with a mischievous gleam in her eye. “Is that a challenge?”
Scarlet winced as the doctor removed the armor from her leg, but ignored the pain, managing to more or less speak normally. “Well, you see, I woke up this morning surrounded by bandits- and no, it wasn't around here. Anyway, we exchanged pleasantries but then, to my utter shock, almost all of them ran into my weapons.”

She paused, wincing slightly, “But then one of them fumbled with his crossbow as I was trying to apologize, and hit my armor in a thin point without any metal plates. I grabbed one of their knives, bolted his skull to a tree trunk, grabbed my things, and teleported out before the rest of them could get to me.” She finished, then adding, “So I somehow managed not to end up in a boulder, and dragged myself here. And I probably scared some travelers, sorry about that.”

Using her magic, Scarlet unlatched the many clasps holding the leather and metal armor to her, letting it fall for a second before she caught it and stowed it to the side, doing something similar for the gambeson and chain beneath.

She would've offered some of the… insanely strong paint thinner she had in her bag(she refused to refer to the stuff as a beverage), but when a big alicorn in armor and a penchant for booze asks one to save anything one finds… well…

Besides, she had a running bet to see if she could find anything too strong for her, which this stuff probably was. Hopefully was. If it wasn't, then she quit.

“Right, by the way, how much do I owe you? I assure you I can afford- Who’s she?” Scarlet shifted topics suddenly, glancing over at Nocturne. To her it seemed that there was just this pony sitting there with a pint and observing- which in truth that’s what it likely was. “Can I help you, at least once the big hole in my leg is sealed?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nocturne blinked rapidly at the frankly mauled looking pony who was bleeding over her favourite drinking stool, before responding and rising from her seat. She seized the last of her beer and downed it in one go before trotting across to Dr Lens and this Scarlet figure, giving a critical eye to the injuries on the latter’s body.

“I didn’t vant anythink from you frankly, but I think that I can help you vith your injuries.”

She turned and smiled at Len’s in a friendly manner, showing off lines of sharp pointed white teeth as she did so, “I am a medikal practitioner Doktor Lens, so I may be able to helfen sie vhilst you deal with the patient.”

She looked over Scarlet’s injuries once more and frowned, “Vell, I have a place vere this procedure could be carried out more effectively, aber… the injuries of the patient likely to bekommen aggravated vhen ve go up the h-“ she cut herself off with a start, blushing in embarrassment at her near mistake “ - to mein place, Skarlet could fall unconscious due to the vorsening of the pain, It vill be besser to deal vith it here.”

Nocturne gave Tankard an apologetic look as she said this, “I am sorry Tanky, et vill have to be done in the Inn.”

Tankard stared back at her white faced and disturbed by the injured pony, but nodded in consent at Nocturnes requesting undercurrent, “Sure Nokky, take as much time as you need with this pony, can’t have people dying in my establishment now can I?” he let out a small nervous giggle before silencing it, “We’ll keep out of your way whilst you see to her, drinks are on the house if she recovers successfully.”

Nocturne flashed him an appreciative smile before turning back to Dr Lens and her patient “I understand you haben some experience vith this profession Doktor Lens? Vould you be willink to accept some help vith this situation?”

In her mind Nocturne hoped the doctor would accept, she felt she needed more details on the mare the doctor was now trading ancient lore with, and to affirm her suspicions on a deific connection with the Bald cultists as well as more details on this scholarly group that she had heard of. Doubtless, she considered, the doctor would prefer some further information on his clientele before proceeding with the exchange.
Scalpel eyed the flash of the disappearing unicorn with an edge of suspicion, but it seemed real enough magic to him. The tension in the room audibly softened with the clanking of metal and the withdrawing of blades and weapons. Scalpel rose from his seat and downed the rest of the whisky, biting back the grimace as the liquid burned his throat and lit a fire in his stomach.

Everything seemed to be going his way, and it made Scalpel highly suspicious of what was going on recently, there were too many offers which he could not or would not refuse, too many variables now open to him at too convenient a time. The entire thing stank of plotting and betrayal, he did not know where this betrayal would come from, but he would be damned before he let himself walk into the jaws of a trap.

He eyed the form of Lambda with an impassive stare and the large brooding metal figure stood to attention at his notice, “Lambda, its time to activate my nightingales, bring them forth to me, its time they began to sing.”

Lambda nodded and marched off, whilst Scalpel busied himself in reading an old book which he had by this time nearly memorized through repetition, taking another shot of whisky as he did so and letting a low fuzzy heat settle into his innards. By the time Lambda returned with the Nightingales in tow, Scalpel was already a chapter in.

The Nightingales were a subcreation of the Spheres, but with an entirely different purpose, whilst the Spheres functioned as messengers and patrollers, the Nightingales served him in espionage and spying. They would be, in effect, his eyes and ears soon enough, and unlike their more temperamental cousins, they were quiet and stealthy by nature. Each of them consisted of a black metal diamond covered in intensive runes and sigils, with the same floating crystalline eye, the proceeded in the same fashion as well, utilising strong levitation spells to cast themselves through the air, and were protected slightly more thoroughly with both knives and a variety of magical spells designed to injure and maim. However, they were still relatively fragile against most force, and thus were reliant on their main feature, an invisibility spell from magic from the dark primordial times before Equestria.

Scalpel had located that spell in a host of old texts dating back to the time before even pre-Equestrian Equestria. It had been involved in various dangerous cults which utilised black magic and were involved in the old practices of equine sacrifice. During this time the warriors of these tribal groups used the spell to sneak upon the quiet villages and homes of their adversaries and launch surprise attacks, aimed at taking the maximum amount of sacrifices back to the sacred stones of their religious sites and killing them in the name of the dark gods. He had even managed recently to find one of these ancient sites in the Whitetail woods need Woodwatch, dedicated to the primordial diety known only as the Black Stag of the Forest, a creature of unknown origin but certainly of the most eldritch and nightmarish persuasion.

Upon these diamond shaped creatures he had engraven the signs of this olden faith, and now the Nightingales went back and forth as wraiths in the darkness, the power only needing recharged by ancient gift of blood… a gift readily available to Scalpel.

The eight Nightingales slide through the air noiselessly as they approached and hovered before him, their metal bodies bared as a sign of respect.

“My lord” they spoke as one, a quiet subtle whisper of machine and vocal cords speaking in unison, “What is thy will?”

He seated himself again and took his time to look over his creations, he smiled victoriously and spoke, “Three ponies have come to me this day, each has offered something most vital to the heavenly cause, each could turn out to be a betrayer of me and halt the arising of the Lord Within, I wish you to investigate and listen to the rumours about them, and see which, if any, shall stab me in the back. Furthermore, I wish for one of you to search out my wayward assistant and take her back her this night, there is much work to be done on the Corona Star, the first testing ground of the new power which shall sunder magic and reality in twain and lead to a new age of reason. Go now my Nightingales, and return to me with songs, and sing them in my ears upon each morn.”

The Nightingales bobbed in acknowledgement, “It shall be done my Lord” and then they turned, shimmered and disappeared into the darkness of the shadows, in search of the information their lord desired.

Scalpel relaxed into his chair and took up his book once more, he would wait until undeniable confirmation before striking, but he knew at least that something was amiss with his successive streak of good luck, nopony was this lucky.

…And with a little prying, I shall find out which little light of life lies to me, and then I shall snuff it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The Scholar looked at the bat pony, rather surprised that this "Nokky" had experience in medicine. She didn't look the type, but then appearances didn't tell much - the peaceful dullness of the town hid such a great and wonderful mind after all. In any case another medic would be appreciated. If the bolt turned out to have a nasty surprise such as a toxin or a curse, Scarlet would need all the help she could get.

"Yes, I could use your assistance. Thank you," Lens said, and turned back to the patient. The Scholar moved to one side for Nocturne to stand beside her. "And no payment is really necessary." This was true enough, for her position at Manehatten Research made her rich. As she had little interest in decadent luxuries, most of that money sat in Whitegold's banks. "Well, Ms. Scarlet, you were fortunate that the wound did not hit any arteries or major organs." Lens wondered about Scarlet. The soldier got out with few injuries for an encounter with a band of highwayponies. If her story was true, then she must be quite the talented fighter.

A different waitress came back with a bottle, a mug, and a basket of rags. "Put some on the floor and table," directed Lens. As the pony did so, the Scholar horn glowed and the bottle was lifted into the air. The cork was removed, and after examining the label Lens poured the high-proof liquid on the wound. "That's going to burn," Lens said. She put some of the beverage in the mug. "Not the best disinfectant, but I've seen the water quality of this town. Drink that if you're feeling any discomfort during the procedure."

Lens turned to Nocturne, her gaze sterile of any emotion. "Miss, have you ever helped in repairing the damage from a crossbow projectile before?"
Sweeper nodded at Armifera's words. "Ahhh, that makes sense. Alas dear Ami, I still have much to learn of the arts of military and warfare. Though I know a good deal about the hardware of that trade." She indicated Wind's now lustrous and wonderful armor.

The alicorn was happy that Winterjet was entering the conversation, seemingly having overcome whatever discomfort she was experiencing previously. Despite the pegasus' bluntness, the alicorn was used to that from her more militant siblings. Though considering her eccentric nature, Sweeper probably wouldn't have mind in any case.

Sliver looked at Stormwing trooper, and gave a respectful bow.. "Thank you, Housecarl Berserker Winds. Though the drink was strong -" Sweeper wiped the sweat from her scalp, "- it is gratifying that you shared it with me. If we get the chance, we should go for some BURP! " The alicorn covered her mouth and began to blush. In the distance, the echo of the belch could be heard. "Oh goodness, sorry. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Ja, Ich haben experience in such matters, it is hard not to vhen war ravages the country no?” she grinned and turned to Scarlet again, eying up her wound, “Skarlet, vhen you removed the arrow did it take the head with it? Ve vill require to know whether ve must remove that before progressink vith the operation, othervise the wound vill bekommen afflicted vithout its removal and you vill die in a state of delirium, especially if the head is stuck in the bone und ve cannot find it.”

“Vhilst ve doubt that bandits have the mental capacity to plan ahead vith poisonous substances, ve vould also like to know vether you have any feelings of wooziness and illness or a requirement to vomit.”

“Asides from the above, the process should not be so difficult to treat, merely a cleaning of the vound and the sealing and bandaging of your leg” She patted the worn looking pony on the shoulder in good humour, “vith all things going vell, the vound will be healed by the end of the week!”

Turning she looked about and frowned slightly “now ve just need your Bald pony to return vith the equipment und ve can begin Doktor Lens, overall I haben seen vorse vounds on ponies durink the var, ve should be happy to not have to deal vith hoofcannon injuries, those are a nightmare.”

“In the meanvhile, if you could settle yourself upon the table there Skarlet in a comfortable position ve can then begin the process of healing as soon as the Baldie returns. If you want you could explain to us vhy you are on the path to our town to begin vith, not a lot of traffik this vay in the past few years no?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KittyE


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Spectrum looked through the many tomes inside the mansion’s grand library. He had taken Scalpel’s advice in giving his collection a look. He found it in his best judgment to stay away from the restricted area, after all every mage had his own private notes and such things were to be respected. After all how would he feel if someone looked through his notes on Dreamwalking. He had to admit he was impressed by the collection. The cyan unicorn had found a particular tome on the aspects of mana consumption. It even had a section dedicated to the workings of Earth pony and Pegasi magic. Most believed it inert but Spectrum knew this to be false.

As Spectrum read the tome he found his mind going elsewhere, particularly toward how to deal with the ailcorns. Part of him, an instinct as it were, told him to leave well enough alone. An instinct he knew was primal in its own right but he felt compelled to ignore it. Every pony had this instinct he gathered. After all how would these Gods gain so many followers if the instinct to cower before them wasn’t hard wired in? But that was what separated the sentient from the beast wasn’t it the ability to ignore instinct. Love and hate alike did this, giving anythi9ng sentient the ability to ignore instincts such as self-preservation.

Spectrum finished the tome and put it back where he found it and began perusing the sections again. He moved on auto pilot for a bit. Then suddenly a green burst of flame appeared before him. He jumped back startled, inky tendrils forming around him ready to defend. Spectrum felt something tap against his hoof. A scroll…he had been startled by a scroll. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly composed himself only mildly embarrassed for his jumpiness. Wait a second…green flame? Spectrum quickly picked the scroll up and ripped the seal open. His eyes scanned the letter, once, twice, and a third time just to be sure. He looked up his eyes wide. The Archmagister was calling a meeting of the council. And he was being summoned. This wasn’t good by any account. It was an immediate recall.

The unicorn cursed his luck at the timing and made for the door.
“There it is,” Grimwing said as he brought the ship about. All around the ship Seaponies were going about their business. It hadn’t taken much for him to track down what they ahd been looking for, especially since there ahd been several scouts in the waters to lead them to the main camp. Grimwing and the rst of the crew stopped what they were doing when Captain Softstep walked onto the ship. She regarded them with a curt nod and made straight for Grimwing.

“Captain,” the pegasus gave a short nod.

“Grimwing,” she said,” I was told you and the rest of the fleet had moored in Crescent Isle>”

“Aye,” he replied,” But we thought it best ta make fer open sea again. Especially after we saw th’ seaponies make fer th’ mainland. Besides that I’ve a pony that wishes ta speak ta Captain Wave. Says it’s somewhat urgent.” Softstep raised an eyebrow but he continued,” I thought th’ same thing but apparently ‘e follows one of th’ other alicorns.”

“Very well,” the tan earth mare said, her tone even to an outsider but for the crew they could tell she was more than a little annoyed,” Where is this pony you speak of?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

A green unicorn stepped forward and bowed respectfully. "I am Charter Vista, Journeyman of the Scholarship, servant of…" he stopped and looked around to make sure no seaponies where nearby. He whispered "… Servant of one of those Grimwing has mentioned." He was rather nervous after what happened at the Island. In fact the Scholar was almost silent most of the time. While he did enjoy the tour of the city by Grimwing and the crew, the Scholar's concern for them had him watching every word spoken.

He looked into Softstep's eyes. "The one I serve has resources here that can aid your mission. Alas, the only one who can confirm my story is Lord Wave himself. I must see him at once."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Scarlet didn’t even blink as she was told that she might die in delirium, then shrugged. “Well of course I got the head out with the bolt, how else do you think I was going to cast a detection spell on it?” Squirming around slightly she settled herself on the table, squirming around some more trying to get some slight comfort out of the hard surface.

Well, at least she wasn’t dragging the leg along on a dirt road anymore, got to find those silver linings somewhere.

“I can vouch for there being no poison, unless Clover the Clever’s Enervation Exposure spell has somehow become unreliable in the past few years, but judging by the state of their other weapons and assuming the blood in that leg doesn’t dry abnormally fast that arrowhead was rustier than it had any business doing and not falling apart when it hits something. I’d like not to die of tetanus either, to be frank.” She said as she continued her previous train of thought.

“And while I appreciate the impromptu anesthetic, I’m generally not too fond of southern alcohol. I’ll be fine, I’ve been through worse.” She assured Nocturne, gently pushing away the offered mug.

Have I gone through worse? She wondered, trying to recall points in time where she’d been through worse than a couple ponies playing around in a hole in her leg. Well I suppose there was that one field surgery, nothing quite like watching somepony sew your own leg back together without anesthetic. Though honestly I’m surprised I didn’t pass out from that, painful as it was.

She cleared her throat slightly, “You were asking what I was doing on this road, no?” She asked rhetorically, “Well, truthfully I’ve no damn idea. When I received that wonderful iron and wooden present in my leg, I grabbed my things and teleported. Honestly I’m lucky I didn’t end up halfway in a tree, what with it being a completely blind teleport, but at that point I just needed to get out of there. So I materialized somewhere about a mile or two back that way,” She pointed with a forehoof at the road through a window, “And dragged myself here. Mainly just looking for work, or particularly strong alcohol, some ponies are way too fond of that stuff in high concentrations. You’d think an alicorn would act more dignified or something.”

Scarlet knew she’d screwed up, generally speaking it was a bad idea to just blurt out that you happened to be a follower of an alicorn goddess and were on a quest to find freakishly strong booze for her, or work failing that. She clenched her teeth slightly and braced for the reaction of the ponies adjacent to her, subtly finding her sword should things go south.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nocturne's reply pleased Dr. Lens. Good, questions I would have asked as well as keeping the patient calm. She does have some experience, trained as a nurse? Lens then spoke, "Lilly should be coming back soon. And yes, had this been a hoofcannon damage, I doubt there would be very much we could do for the leg. Not without a… hospital."

Lens was rather surprised that her patient didn't even flinch after pouring the alcholol on the wound. She was even more surprised by Scarlet's story. Impressive - despite a bolt in the leg, she was able to teleport and herself to town. High pain tolerance, thought the Scholar. Lens moved the rags over to the leg. "I must say you did a good job on treating the wound yourself. This means better prospects for recovery."

Lilly came trotting back with the black bag, just as Scarlet let out she was the follower of an alicorn. The waitress had paused at the sound of that, and frowned at the news. But otherwise she did nothing. Lilly face lit up but she remained silent, as to prevent any trouble from happening. Lens wondered about that Was Scarlet on a mission for an alicorn? Interesting… I wonder which one? Certainly not Lady Sweeper - Scroll indicated that she didn't like strong drinks. Putting the thought to the side, Lens nodded. "A strange quest, but let us speak of that latter. Lilly, give Ms. Nokky the bag and then go help boil some water for us. We'll need a large quantity," she said. Lilly affirmed the request and headed with the waitress to the kitchen. "Being a servant of the Lady of Cleanliness, Lilly would know how to make the best clean and sterile water," Lens said to Scarlet and Nocturne. "Let's get the gloves and masks out, then we can begin."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Scarlet’s ears perked, at the mention of Sweeper, she knew the name of the alicorn, but not much else, “Servant of the ‘Lady of Cleanliness’? This is an alicorn and not another cult, right?”

Lens nodded as she was placing some gloves on her hooves. “Yes, one Sliver Sweeper. I wouldn’t be surprised if you haven’t heard of her before. The Lady is one of the minor deities it seems.” There was a loud smack as the last glove was placed. Before grabbing the mask, the Scholar the floated the mug over and took a sip.

Scarlet smirked, “I’ve heard of her alright. Apparently she’s quite the eccentric, no?” she glanced at the gloves, “Anything else you’ve noticed with the wound? I couldn’t tell if it had hit anything important, and all I could really do was cram some cloth in there.” Really nice cloth, though… she thought glumly to herself.

“Nothing except said cloth, and hopefully we won’t find anything else. The gloves are just a standard precaution to prevent further contamination. As for Sweeper, I have not meet her myself, but know some who have. Eccentric would be the nice way to describe the alicorn.”

Nocturne nodded in agreement to the general consensus regarding alicorns “Ja, they seem to be a capricious race in general. One of my associates haben the ill luck to meet one personally, apparently rather ah…. ‘Bissig’, foul tempered or pickly I believe you vould say. They seem to variate from one to the other, but vith a distinctive fault in one form or another.” As she said this she she cleaned her hooves with soap and the sterile water which had been arranged for them and then put on a pair of gloves and mask for the operation. She emptied some surgical alcohol into a small container and began washing the equipment with it, emerging with a pair of tweezers between her hooves and guided by her wings as she moved to investigate the injury.

Removing the folds of cloth which covered the wound with a pair of tweezers carefully, Nocturne inspected the blood spattered wound with interest, trying to make her movements with her instruments as delicate as possible as she probed the injury. “Der vound looks clean, no fragments of vood or metal to be removed… thankfully the bolt did not go as far as the bone… this is wunderbar, trying to remove an arrow or bolt from bone is like pulling teeth…”

With a small piece of surgical cloth dipped in medical alcohol, Nocturne cleaned around the wound, wiping away the excess blood, leaving behind a small sanguine entry where the bolt had pierced Scarlets leg, “It seems Frau Skarlet, that this shall be a routine operation, simple cleaning of the vound, und then stitching it up und bandaging it, it will be over soon…”

Lens nodded in agreement. “Yes, fortunately nothing too serious.” The Scholar began to help Nocturne with the procedure. “As for Sweeper, Lilly and others noted she lacked a temper. Or the ability to focus on anything for a few minutes at a time. On the other hoof, she was generous and sociable.”

Scarlet nodded, “Supports what I’ve heard about her. Though of course, that was only from one pony, divine nature or not.” She pasued, “Lot of Alicorns going around these days.”

Nocturne began work by cleaning the wound more with the cloth, but not so much as to disrupt the clotting of the blood in the wound, eventually the injury looked clean enough for her to approach the issue of applying a suture and closing the wound off. Whilst she did this she continued the conversation with Dr Lens. “Ja it does seem to vary as I said, aber I do not entirely trust them either, my associate as well. Haben sie gehort vas has happened in Old Hoof und Star Harbour?” she shivered slightly at the thought, “I vouldn’t vant to rely on them too much after such aspects of destruction, the sisters vere never like that...”

“Wait,” Interjected Scarlet, who didn’t seem too fazed by the surgery going on in her leg, save for some sweat, “What about Old Hoof?”

Nocturne looked up from her work, blinking at Scarlet in surprise, “I thought you vould know given your connections. Old Hoof has been destroyed, my associate says a god, the voodland one, brought a beam of light from the heavens und incinerated it in one blast. Nothing left but melted slag and roasted flesh.”

“Must be recent, then.” Scarlet mused, “I’ve been on the road a while. Last I recall I was somewhere near the Whitegold lands. Just where are we again?”

Then the rest of Nocturne’s words caught up with her, “Wait.” She said, eyes wide, “Just… obliterated in a flash? What the hell did they do? Burn down a forest?”

The Thestral shrugged, “Ich weiss nich, my associated found some charred cultists in the blast though, he was nearby at the time, perhaps she was antagonised by them?” she turned back to the wound and began threading a needle in preparation, “This might sting a bit…”

“Impressive work Nokky, though I would like to apply the sutures myself,” said Lens. “It’s much easier to prevent further contamination when using telekenesis.” Her voice was impersonal, showing nothing but cold professionalism.

“Cultists…?” Scarlet mused, “What were those creepy damn clowns doing in Old Hoof?” She glanced down at the needle, “Unless that thing’s barbed and serrated I’m not really concerned.” She shrugged nonchalantly.

Nocturne shrugged again and held out an open hoof with a threaded needle on it, “Be mein guest Frau Lens.” she turned back to answer Scarlet as well as she did this, neck angled back in an odd position, “Ja der toten clowns, aber it is not diffikult to figure out their motives. Never enough twisted bastards for der culten, probably recruitment drive… or vorse.”

Deadpanning, Scarlet replied, “I wasn’t aware they did recruitment. That implies voluntarily joining them.”

“Thank you,” Lens said, as the needle and thread began to glow. Lifting from Nocuture’s hoof, it floated over the injury and began to sew the wound shut. The Scholar had done it so many times, and the needle moved fast. “Alas, there are plenty of deranged minds in the land, and more than willing to join the Laughing Cult of their own will.”

Scarlet’s eye twitched almost imperceptibly with each pass of the needle as she spoke, “Yeah, true enough. Can’t personally say I see the allure of walking corpses to be honest.”

Rolling her eyes slightly, “Of course if you like whiskey I know exactly where to go.”

Nocturne admired the swift and elegant threading that Lens managed to produce in the grasp of her magic. sometimes I wish I had a horn she mused a little sadly before turning back to the conversation at hand. “Some don’t even join out of mental derangement, vhen life can be so terribly cruel these days some people fall into pits of despair, they’ll join anything vhich might resurrect the glory days. Und once they haben sie…” she smacked her hooves together in a dramatic gesture, “Boom! you can never leave, honey trap at its finest.”

Catching onto the last statement Nocturne eyed her in a way which almost suggested hunger, “You do? do tell.” grinning a little beneath her mask at the prospect. Remembering the job at hand she turned back to the leg and began rolling a bandage around it in a well versed motion, eventually sealing it off with a couple of stitches. “There! Fertig!” she announced proudly, admiring the workponyship of both doctors “Danke schon Frau Lens.”

“And thank you, Ms. Nokky. The surgery went faster thanks to your aid.” Lens wondered No mere nurse this one is. A minor surgical procedure it was, but the effortless skill indicates her training was much more advanced.

“Somehow,” Scarlet mused, “I doubt Nokky is her real name.”

Nocturne pulled the mask done and gave both of them a big toothy smile, “Nein, Nokky is a... how do you say? abbreviation of mein name, much like I call Foaming Tankard, Tanky. My full name is Nocturne.” She turned and looked at Scarlet with large hopeful eyes, “Now… about that whisky you mentioned…”

Scarlet nodded, “Yep. Remember that alicorn I mentioned? While she hasn’t blown any towns up yet to my knowledge, actually I’m pretty sure all she’s done is lead Stormwing troops against bandits and Cult forces- anyway, she has a bag, that I’m pretty sure has some interior space enchantments. She Never. Runs. Out. Of. Whiskey.” She paused for dramatic effect, “And I’ve seen her drink a whole bar under the table with whiskey from that bag.”

Nocturne’s grin managed by some miracle to get even wider, “That sounds enticing… do tell us vhen she is next in town, I can’t vait to see if I can get mein hooves on it.”

“In any case, Ms. Scarlet, you’ll have to spend a day recovering before travelling. Though…” Lens gave a bright smile, actually genuine

. “... it would be a waste not to accept Tankard’s offer. Wench, get two more mugs over here!”

In solidarity Nocturne raised a hoof in solemn agreement “As every good Doktor knows, alcohol is the surest guide on the road to recovery. Lets enjoy the night mein new friends! Time to... as they say, get smashed!”

Scarlet grinned, “Get me the strongest cider you’ve got.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 40 min ago

Amaretto stared at the mountain looming over them, lips pressed thin and eyes narrowed. “So. What now?” he asked, turning to look at the alicorn beside him, her green coat shimmering in the late afternoon sun. “I don’t suspect we can just teleport inside like you would past a wooden door.”

Theá shook her head. “No. We can’t. My brother will have to grant us access, though that is the least of our concerns. The biggest problem will be to find a book and take it to Scalpel without my brother noticing. Either that, or convince him to let us borrow it for a time. I do not know which would be more difficult, but regardless we’ll have to be careful. Be it with our actions or our words.”

He grunted something vaguely reminiscent of acceptance in reply, eyes once again returning to the mountain in front of them. “So… when are we going in?”

Even out the corner of the eye, he could see the smile that slowly spread across Theá’s muzzle. It wasn’t big—but her smiles never were—but it was enough that Amaretto knew that what she was about to do would most likely involve violence in some way.

It was only seconds later when he was proven right. She called upon her magic, letting it flow through her horn and set it alight like a small beacon. Hardly a moment passed from when she had lit it to when she brought it to bear against the mountain, sending a blast of raw telekinetic power directly towards the barriers she knew surrounded the entire thing. The resulting boom was enough to cause Amaretto to cringe, folding his ears against his skull.
“You didn’t have to be so damn loud,” Amaretto grumbled as he and Theá finally found themselves inside what could be called the ‘lobby’ of Arcon’s base. Even deaf and blind the other alicorn would still have been able to feel Theá’s ‘knock’, Amaretto thought. He had let them inside as per his promise to Theá, only reluctantly allowing the mortal with her entrance as well, and even then only because Theá promised swore that she would not let him do anything untoward.

He had left them alone after that, making it clear that one hour, and only one, was how long he would allow the two of them into his vaults, and after that he would personally see to throwing them out if they had not disappeared already.

He might have imagined it, but Amaretto was almost sure that he had seen something akin to regret, or perhaps melancholy in Theá’s eyes as she and Arcon spoke.

But now that they were making their ways towards the vault that something in her eyes had disappeared, replaced by determination and a sense of urgency. She hadn’t yet told Arcon of why they were here, only that she wished to make good of his promise to her.

They arrived at the vaults minutes later, both of them wide-eyed at the sheer size of the thing: Bookshelves, pedestals, tapestries and everything in-between could be found here, and in enormous quantities to boot. Amaretto gulped as he looked about, wondering how in the hell they were supposed to find anything about ley lines or whatever it was that insane doctor had asked them to find. Or rather, had preferred that they brought back.

“Might as well start looking,” he muttered to himself and made his way towards the nearest bookshelf. Luckily for him it was labelled. Well, that’s going to make it a whole lot easier, at least, he thought, making his way to the next bookshelf; cooking recipes weren’t all that important, after all.
The next fourty minutes or so were spent just looking for the right section of the vault. They found everything from magic kindergarten books to analytical thesis on the size of pegasi wings written by some random professor from thirty years ago. By the end of those forty minutes, however, they finally found the right section.

The Forbidden Section, Amaretto dubbed it in the silence of his mind. He had never heard of any of these books, save perhaps a few in passing and even then only as a hushed whisper. There were books on raising the dead, of draining the life of others to achieve immortality—Rubbish. Every half-assed unicorn knows that’s not possible.—and, finally, books concerning the ley lines of the world. At first glance it wasn’t a necessarily dangerous book, as it only told of how the ley lines functioned and what they did, but, as Amaretto skimmed through it, he saw several pieces that, even his not-so-analytical mind, could see would allow someone with the necessary knowledge and preparation to utilize them for their own end.

Magic was something that was drawn from within oneself, the pool which every unicorn, pegasi, and earth pony had. What few knew was that when their pool recharged it was because they automatically drained magic from the ley lines across the world, but it was such small amounts that the ley lines immediately regenerated whatever amount was unconsciously drained.

Amaretto gulped. If anyone were to consciously drain from the ley lines, they would be able to do so in much greater amounts. Of course, the majority in this book was absolute rubbish, at least to Amaretto—and Theá agreed—but some of it were, at the very least, educated guesses and enough for someone to make use of if they could separate true from false.

“This looks good?” He asked, glancing at Theá then back to the book; ‘Ley Lines – A Conscious Drain.’.

“Certainly sounds like something he would want. Let’s get back before my dear brother kicks us out.”


Winterjet couldn’t keep the small grin from spreading across her lips, teeth showing ever so slightly.

“Not many would be able to say that they have fought with a god and lived. Let’s just say that I’m interested in seeing that you can do. So, yeah. It is a challenge.” She spread her wings wide, large in comparison to her body, flaring out each feather in the most intimidating and impressive display she could. “Let’s just say that I want to see if I can beat a God.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
Avatar of Bright_Ops

Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

The scene on the lake's surface seemed like a scene from an old samurai film. Two powerful beings. facing off against each other in a duel of epic proportions. It was clear that neither of them was surprised by the fact that their opening volleys had little to no effect what so ever; That had merely been a strike to test of the others abilities and gauge their strengths and possible weaknesses.

"I'm sorry, who did you say you were? I couldn't hear you over all the screaming." Torrential asked with a completely straight face, his tone of force betraying a level of cocky arrogance that wasn't there before.

The only response that Torrental's statement had any effect at all was the fact that one of the mare's eyes had started to twitch. "Cocky little ailcorn, aren't ya?"

Torrential couldn't help but chuckle mirthlessly as a shallow grin appeared on his face. "Better to be a small ailcorn then the broken shade of a mare." The chuckle was cut short as the Ailcorn of storms was forced to duck in order to avoid a yellow blur that sped through the air where his head had been a moment before. While the exact object itself was unconfirmed, it struck one of the sickened tress around the lake with some force, reveling itself to be a rubber chicken... that had a very sharp knife somehow implanted within it, helping to stick it to the tree by piercing its side.

"Going to have to try better then that."


The sound of a pony's voice was enough to get the two undead archers to turn back towards the plant life around their lake once more. Cocking their bows, they started to sweep the area looking for the source of the disturbance while sticking together.Safety in numbers after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Name's Snow Tail, Operative for Joy's Legions. The other pegasus is Star Dancer," replied the mercenary to the Stormwing trooper. "As to why were here… its a long story, but we're companions of the Alicorn out there. His name is Torrential Waters, the master of rains.

"As for a plan…" Tail gave a sardonic grin. She had inklings of a plan, but it was a bare outline. "Well, the first thing is to keep hidden. The second is to create a distraction, or at least create an opening in the perimeter as to allow Torrential a way out. Out and out fighting isn't going to get us anywhere. But with speed and stealth, we might be able to sneak up and take out those archers. But I don't know how strong those things are, but-"

In the meantime, Dancer looked at the battle between the Mare and the Alicorn. Both appeared to be waiting and ready to strike. It reminded her of her University days, watching two professors play a game of Chess. Unlike the high-speed professional games Dancers saw before, it was slow and thoughtful. The opponent's eyes locked, focused on each and every move and thought, waiting and preparing steps ahead.

Dancer was amazed at the speed of Torrential was able to dodge the… Rubber Chicken? This is going to be a weird battle, isn't it?, thought the pegasus. She then gulped when she saw that the archers were now searching the area. She ducked back down behind the cover, looked over to the soldiers, and gave a low hiss. Tail turned around to the Scholar, and Dancer pointed in the direction of the lake. Carefully looking over the log, Tail saw the archers moving away from the lake. And moving closer to their position.

Ducking back down, she whispered to Storm, "Well the two archers are looking for us. The trees should be enough cover to take out those ghouls. In my experience, aim for the head and throat. And if that doesn't keep them down, take out their backbone. Any questions?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tai Falkenburg

Tai Falkenburg

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

(a collaboration with Monochromatic Rainbow)

“I told you we should have taken the right,” grunted Lightwing. The trio of Scholars had taken the wrong path and almost ended up far north of their destination. If it wasn’t for some farmer’s daughter, they probably would have kept on going and never make it to Woodwatch.

“I thought you were here before?” said Steel Hammer, a strong if short Earth Pony.

“Lens and I came up from the south, where the previous airship dropped us off. This eastern road is new to me.” Despite the early start, the detour cost them too much time. The sun was now setting behind the treelines. Already the lights of Woodwatch were on, and the travellers saw the Inn. “Come, Lens is probably annoyed that we’re late.”

After entering the restaurant, they saw a curious sight. Lens was with another unicorn, bottles and mugs surrounding the booth they were at. Another pony, a bald Earth mare, was sound asleep, her head lolling on the table. Lightwing was confused, and shocked that “Iceheart” Lens was actually talking with another pony. He asked, "Wait. What are you doing? Who are these ponies?"

Scarlet glanced around at the door, noticing the ponies in the door. She looked to them, then to Lens, then back to them, then to Lens again, “Associates of yours? Bounty hunters? Wait- do you have a bounty on your head too?!” She grinned, “Sweetness.”

Lens watery eyes looked over to the Lightwing and his group. She smiled, her face red from drinking. “No, no, they’re my associates… I’m not wanted by anypony, too… what do they call it? Ah yes, too cold.” Lens stuck out her tongue at the pegasus scholar. Lightwing cleared his throat and tried to maintain some semblance of professionalism. It didn’t quite work with him gawking at his supervisor. “Um.. well, yes. Who is your friend here? I believe we haven’t meet, Miss…?”

“Scarlet Ink! Professional bounty hunter, asshole, former student of Celestia’s old school, and now a follower of a crazy alicorn with a love for booze!” She cheered, “Yourselves?”

Lightwing was taken aback by how informal the mare was. How base! The ladies of Whitegold at least know how to introduce themselves. Despite this, he put on a nice smile and gave a curtsy. “Lightwing of the Manehatten Research Institute, and here,” he indicated the stout pony “, Steel Hammer, Master Metalworker,” and then to the other unicorn. “and this is Southwatcher, um… Master Locksmith.” Lens chuckled at the comment, for she knew Southwatcher was muscle. Granted intelligent muscle that loved literature, but her grandfather used the mare for Security. The closest thing she did to “locksmithing” was knowing how to break down doors.

“Ah, well you finally came,” said Lens. “But you must be tried, sit down young boy and have a drink with us! You don’t mind Scarlet?”

Scarlet shook her head, “Not in the slightest.” She turned to the pony introduced as ‘Steel Hammer’, “So, master metalworker, aye?”

The short pony nodded. “Gold, silver, platinum, copper, tin, but I work best with iron. Forge it into steel. Speaking of which, that’s some fine blades you have by your side. Excellent quality. Where did you get them?”

“These?” Scarlet raised her swords, “These were crafted… They may not be as old as Princess Platinum but they were made for one of her line, not sure which in particular. Anyway, when I ran from Celestia’s school I stole these, you’d think they’d keep them in a more secure location for their worth no?” She grinned, sliding the blades back into their scabbards, “Anyway, our favorite religious fanatics hate me now.”

“A daring move, I might say so myself. Better in your hooves in any case Lady Scarlet - a sword is much better used than gathering dust.” Steel was about to take a seat when Southwatcher glared at him and Lightwing. “Sir,” she said “, we have business to conduct.”

Lightwing nodded, “Yes, yes. But we can’t leave our guests here. Why don’t you two go upstairs to Room 7 and wait. Lens do you have the key?” Lens nodded and floated the key to the scholars. “Drats,” muttered Steel. “Sadly, I must go, but hopefully we can finish our discussion later Lady Scarlet. How about a drink tomorrow?”

She nodded, “Sounds good to me.” Her eyes drifted off somewhere, “Now why would you be climbing on the ceiling?” She asked to thin air.

Lens laughed and pounded the table. “Oh if Nokky was here to see this!” Steel thanked the lady, and followed Southwatcher upstairs. Lightwing went over to the other side the booth, carefully pushing the sleeping Lily as not to wake her. A trail of drool followed her head. Right… Steel is still carrying the Tome, and until the deal is finished The Director wants it safe , he thought. Lightwing asked, “So Scarlet, you said you were a bounty hunter. Any infamous criminals around that you seek?”

Scarlet shook her head, “Nope. Not at the moment, why? Got someone in mind?”

“Not around here I’m afraid. But Manehatten has it’s own share of infamous hoodlums, with bounties from both official and less than savory members of the public. Plenty would pay if one caught this one minstrel, Lay the Wayfarer. A scoundrel with a sweet tongue and a wicked blade.” Lightwing looked at the bottles laying about. “So is there any left, or should I order another drink?”

Lens looked at the pegasus, “Um… I’m not sure. I didn’t drink as much as those two.” She pointed to Scarlet and then to an empty spot in the booth. “Oh yeah.. Nokky left already. Drats, I wanted to play a prank on her… hehehe,” she said. “Hey Scarlet, want to see something?”

Scarlet raised an eyebrow, “See what? I see everything right now, is it in a pocket dimension? I can’t really see those right now…”

Lens perked up, tipping over her mug of ale and spilling over Lily. “Wow, you can see everything? How can you do that?”

“Booze.” She slurred.

Lens chuckled. “Ah, what magical stuff it is! It’s amazing you don’t drink more. But.. but check this out…” She leaned towards to Lily, horn glowing. The sleeping Earth Pony scalp began to glow and shine, filling the whole room with light. “Wait for it…” lens muttered. Then suddenly hair began to flow from Lily’s scalp, soon covering her whole head and leaving the mare looking like a mop. Lens began to laugh uncontrollably, “Ain’t that great?!”

Lightwing looked with amazement at Dr. Lens. Here, one of the most professional ponies he has meet, was doing childish pranks and getting drunk with a random bounty hunter. What happened it the time I left?
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