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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayano: Classroom 3-1

After a few hours of monotonous writing, listening to lectures and the occasional staring out the window, the bell rung and it was time for lunch.
At the back of her mind, Ayano practically shouted 'Finally!' as she had been itching to answer her phone, thankfully the teachers didn't notice...
When she opened it up, she apparently had missed two text messages! One from Chiaki and the other from Kami...Both of which were ones she forgot to reply too...
Feeling a little guilt inside of her, she decided to check on both of them, starting with Chiaki. There was an attached photo of the student listings, Ayano was simply confused as to why her cousin would send her such a photo and simply shrugged it off.

Afterwards, she checked the message from Kami who was asking to meet up in the park this week. "This better not be what I think it is..." she mumbled and decided, instead of replying to him via text, she would go to him directly...Besides, she still hasn't given her gift to him. Wooden sword in hand, Ayano roamed the halls in search for Kami.
Ayano: Warakuma High, Third Floor

Eventually, Ayano did manage to find him, near the Announcement Boards with a girl that she hasn't seen before. Slowly, she approached the duo, turned to the unfamiliar girl asked with a polite tone, "You wouldn't mind if I talked to him for a while, do you?". Now that she's gotten his attention, a sudden spell of anxiety filled up inside her...For sure she thought she could confront him without chickening out, and for a while it seemed so easy...but now that she was facing him..."So...You wanted to meet up at the park this week, right? W...W-Well, if you're okay with it, so am I." slowly but surely Ayano's face grew redder and redder, so much so that she practically looked like a tomato or an apple. Her eyes darted here and there, but were avoiding Kami's. Then, she grabbed the wooden sword that she had gone all the trouble to get and practically shoved it in front of him. "I heard it was your birthday the other day so...Just take the goddamned thing!!". The girl couldn't bear it, she darted away as fast possible and went back to her classroom in a hurry, overcome with embarrassment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He made his way to the shoe cabinet as he finished his cigarette. the classes were about to start as the bell announced the start of the day. Sadly, there were no size 15s in the cabinet so he managed to squeeze in to the largest soft shoe available.
Once inside he was met with curious stares from the students already gathered and by the looks of it there were a few foreigners other than him around. As there were many foreigners in his class the attention of the natives was diverted. He found the last seat by the window side to be his liking and seated himself.

The proceeded normally, the teachers were all polite andhelping, the introductions were also done quickly and the regular business proceeded quickly. As the bell for lunch rang most students got up and crowded other benches or sauntered off but his table remained empty. He silently ate his food and went roaming about, taking a look at clubs. Seeing that Boxing was full and Judo and Martial arts didn't particularly interested him, he considered opening up his own club. He talked with teachers who mostly seemed intimidated and they asked him to put forth his plans to the student council.
He took a soda from the cafeteria where he acquainted himself with two more from his class who shared his idea and thus the plan for a MMA club was founded. The student council was easy to convince and the club hardly required space yet Inoue Matsuhida who had proposed the club recruitment flier managed to get the spare equiment room for the club activities. The club mainly practised philosophies of Tae Kwon Do through Inoue, Muay Thai through Sagat Shrichapan and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu through Alexai. As Alexai and Sagat got to cleaning the room, Inoue busied herself with recruitment.

Roaming the halls with hastily made fliers she spotted Noboru and approached him. "Looks like our club can use fighters like you. What do you practise?" she beamed looking at Noboru who was a full head smaller than Inoue. she handed him the flier and continued "Ours is a new club, maybe you can take a look into and help gather more. The juniors seemed to be frightened of me a bit." she said straightforwardly. Inoue qas not your typical demure beauty, she had great supple skin but ithad a tautness to it that conveyed years of dedicated physical activity. She was not overly muscular but she was upright and a bit intimidating, her jawline clearly visible and the high ponytail helped accentuate her chiseled face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Sport Club Storage Room #2

Sato finished the small amount of food he brought with him and shoved the wrapping into his pocket in intention to throw it out as soon as he had the chance. He started to stretch out his legs when he heard a quick knock at the door. Someone likely noticed the door to be unlocked and didn’t want to walk in on someone changing, Sato thought to himself. It wasn’t unusual for people to just put everything on without even leaving the storage room.

Sato sprung to his feet and made his way over to the door, pushing it open as soon as he could touch it. He reeled back a tiny bit in surprise when he saw Mika and Rokoru waiting for him outside. Immediately, the girl with the streak of blonde dyed into her hair thrust a stack of papers onto him with an eager force. Rokoru furrowed his brow, staring longingly at the documents. As Sato combed through it to find any uncompleted papers, Mika stepped back a bit to let their club leader to explain. “Hashimoto,” He immediately noticed that Rokoru’s voice was a bit higher than normal. The awkward closeness between the girl and boy finally gave him the idea that they could possibly be dating. Or Mika was just trying to flirt with the older boy. Regardless of what they were actually doing there, the idea suddenly reminded him that he hadn’t seen Akiko’s name on the student roster. Someone in a higher position would probably know a bit more than him, and that idea made Sato rather eager to get whatever Rokoru’s spiel was going to be over with so he could ask. “Need you to finish those for me. I made sure that you would be able to finish whatever’s left, so um…”

“Yeah, I got it covered, don’t worry.” Sato nodded his head to affirm his statement further, just to make sure they wouldn’t stress the urgency of the papers. He looked up from all the documents and at the two people standing before him to make sure they had nothing left to say. After a brief moment of silence, Sato started up again. “I’ve something to ask.”

Rokoru met Sato’s eyes. “Shoot.”

“Well, there was this girl in my class—3-3, if you didn’t know—that was there on Saturday, but when I checked the class assignments and she wasn’t listed there, nor was she even here today. Her name was Akiko, I believe? Do you know about this?” Sato fidgeting with the papers for a bit. Now that he had actually said it, the stupid memories he ignored came back to him and he suppressed a groan at the thought of such a… a… a slut.

“Sorry, man. Never heard the name.” Rokoru looked at Mika to see if she knew anything, but the girl simply shrugged quickly before waving good-bye pre-emptively. Sato figured she was eager to go eat lunch with her… crush? So, he gave them a brief farewell and watched as they strode down the hall to wherever they were going.

Sato quickly scanned the remaining papers, calculating that he could easily finish them later before heading to the archery meeting after classes. The third-year slid the door shut as he walked out with the papers by his side. While he didn’t know exactly how long it was going to be until their lunch break ended, Sato still decided to walk around campus for a while before heading back to class, vaguely hoping to find someone he could kill time with.

As he passed by the main entrance and the vending machines with several students, Sato noticed a familiar face near the machines. They had met the other day—Rio Shinachi? Ruo Shinocha? Rui Shinichi…? Despite the fact that he couldn’t exactly remember his name, Sato approached the second-year student. Perhaps they had something in common and they could strike a friendship off.

“Hey, you’re Rui Shinichi, right? Second year here? We met the other day if I recall correctly.” After a moment of awkward silence from Sato, he spoke up again after desperately trying to find a topic. “Intererested in any clubs yet?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Monday

This guy was... Sato? He recognized him from the other day.

“Hey, you’re Rui Shinichi, right? Second year here? We met the other day if I recall correctly.” After a moment of awkward silence from Sato, he spoke up again after desperately trying to find a topic. “Intererested in any clubs yet?”

"Hmmm... I was in Kendo in my old school, so probably just keep doing that", he responded simply. He also came across the anime and manga club earlier so he might check in on that at a later date. He wasn't sure about others though.

"What clubs are you in? If any...", he asked back, taking a sip of his soda.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Main Entrance

Kendo club? He wasn't one for martial arts like that, but to each their own. But more importantly, Sato realized that Rui had transferred to Warakuma at the mentuon of his "old school." The thought that Rui could possibly need help finding everything crossed Sato's mind, but he ignored it for a minute to discuss clubs a bit with the underclassman.

"I'm in the Archery club here." Would it be worth doing his pitch to this guy? "We're a bit lacking in the member compartment, but we work hard and we have a bunch of possible new recruits lined up." Before he continued on, Sato pulled the trash from his pocket and deposited it in a nearby trash can. He ran his fingers over the edges of the papers Rokoru had given him. "There's going to be a meeting after classes end today, and anybody's welcome to attend, so even if you're not interested I'd recommend coming to check it out if you're not doing anything else. It's being held in the old range behind the school."

He felt a bit bad for going off on a bit of a tangent at the very start of their conversation, but he couldn't really help himself from pitching the idea. There weren't acrualy very many dedicated members so any serious new additions would be a great benefit to the whole club. Regardless, Sato realized that Rui probably wouldn't know where the archery range was, and he considered himself rude for overlooking it. "But, are you familiar with where that is? Has anyone shown you around the school yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Monday

"Hmmmm... Archery...", he ran it in his mind. It seemed interesting, there was one back in his old school, but he committed to Kendo at that time. He was comfortable with that already, maybe a diversity of skills would be good, or something. It wasn't like he couldn't do Kendo at the same time either, and so far he really only had two clubs in mind that he was definitely joining. There was also that drama club too...

"I might take a look then", he responded after a pause.

"But, are you familiar with where that is? Has anyone shown you around the school yet?"

"I took a look around the school a bit this lunch time. I think I have an okay idea now", well, he spent most of lunch going around. According to the time now, lunch was literally a few minutes away from ending.

"I don't think I saw where the archery team practices though. Only the school gym where they do Kendo and other sports. Where does the archery team practice?" he asked. There must be some part of the school he overlooked... Usually they'd have the archery range outside somewhere, considering this school was old and was around before modernization, the campus was a bit bigger than most others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Warakuma High - One of the many hallways

After joyfully strolling the hallways, telling the students of her new founded club and handing out fliers to everybody she passed by, Chiaki ended up bumping into a girl who knew her. Well to be more accurate. Knew of her. This girl seemed to be a big fan of hers, she didn't think Chiaki was infact who she was, perhaps she was in just great shock...

Or there was one of a few possibilities:
1. The photos of Chiaki get edited too much she can't be recognised.
2. They found another girl to replace her, keeping her name.
3. This girl was a nutcase.

Nonetheless it's always good to meet a fan thought Chiaki. Although she was abit more estatic than the girls in her class. "Uh. Well, I guess one might say I'm, 'The Real Deal'" Chiaki giggled shortly after saying that. "Ahehe, yes will that was rather strange way of putting it..." A conflicted face grew on Chiaki, she wondered if her words were making sense. She shrugged it off and started over.

"Please excuse my strange mannerisms, my name is Chiaki Nettu, the pop model you are such a bug fan of. Its a pleasure to make your aquaintence." Chiaki smiled after introducing herself.
"Who I may I be talking to as of the moment?" She asked sweetly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru-Warakuma halls
Noboru looked at the girl trying to recruit him. He wanted to join badly, but he had already been put into a corner and Sachiko was already angry at him, he might as well go through with his plan. "Sorry. I can't really join. I already have plans for a club, and I was about to go join it. If they're full I'll definitely join yours though. I guess you'll see me in a little bit if my plans fail. Bye."

Warakuma High-Wherever Leiko is
Noboru walked into the bathroom before finding Leiko. He found the nearest toilet and threw up what he had just ate for lunch. Wiping his mouth and rinsing it out, Noboru walked up to the girl he had just had an argument with that morning. "I want to join your club." He said bluntly, without any emotion. "How do I? Is there anything I need to do?" He was feeling rather angry, having to deal with all the drama he had had that morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

After taking finishing his meal with Shin, Katsumi, and Kai, Jace said goodbye to his new found companions and said he'd see them around. Of course they weren't friends just yet but they seemed like nice guys...and girl in Katsumi's case. Jace finished his juice box and threw it in the trash bin nearby and then noticed that all the kids were hurrying about doing something. "Well then that's interesting indeed." commented Jace as he noticed flyers on the wall near two of his classmates whom were looking at them and arguing over them. Jace excused himself and cut between them and looked at the papers with a passing interest. Not really caring about many of the clubs listed such as Archery, he was awful with the bow he couldn't hit crap. He'd considered joining a fencing club but there was no club listed as such which disappointingly unfortunate. Stuff like boxing and poetry clubs sounded simple enough but he wasn't about to join a club to get punched in the face for a couple hours and he was as poetic as a hamster on dope. That being said he enjoyed poetry so maybe he'd check that out later. When it came down to it seemed that he was left with only one option, "God damn it..." complained Jace in English hoping no one understood him. Then again they taught English here so...yeah. Jace figured it was time to get back to basics, "Baseball club it is." he said to himself as he quickly turned around and left for the other side of the school where the baseball club was said to be.

When Jace arrived a group of jocks were assembled talking about god knows what when closed the door and was promptly noticed. "Hey I'm here to sign up for the baseball club. Prefered spot: Designated Hiter. Field position Outfield." Jace stated outright as the Captain of the Team, or whom he assumed it was the captain, walked up to him and looked at him. "Wow ain't you blunt?" The boy said in a kansai accent as he walked up to Jace, "Well just lucky for you I appreciate a man who has the balls to insert himself where he pleases....that came out wrong." The Captain said chuckling as the other guys walked up, "Think your a tough guy flat out saying your a big hitter?" one of them asked Jace whom shrugged indifferently, "I was one of the best hitters on my team back home in America." Jace said simply as the Captain walked up and patted him on the shoulder, "Well I'm sure we'll find some place for you I'm sure big guy. Welcome to Japan by the way new guy. What's your name by the way?" the guy asked politely. "Jace Caedus nice to meet you." Jace said with a grin and he grabbed the guy's hand in a hand shake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada

Leiko's mouth hung agape at the dark haired girl who suddenly ushered Kami away, feeling suitably irritated at the unwelcome interruption. She was in the middle of a conversation! It was beyond rude.

Just as she was about to express her disdain, she spotted the wooden sword in the girl's hands, and she felt herself freeze. She was giving him a weapon? What for? Was it a Kendo Club matter? Or something else?

Then again...wasn't she the girl at the mall yesterday? Leiko mused silently to herself, recognizing the style and length of the sword as well as the dark haired senior who brandished it. Her friends had called her a 'nutjob' behind her back, and even though Leiko didn't care for idle gossiping, she hadn't been inclined to disagree either.

Deciding that the best course of action would be to step aside for now, Leiko turned away and headed for the stairwell. She had seemed to have successfully drawn Kami in, so there was no longer a need to keep pestering her seniors. As if reminding her of the current time, her stomach started to twinge painfully. Of course; she had spent the entirety of her lunch break promoting her club, and with the time for afternoon classes nearing, she really needed to eat something...

"I want to join your club."

The words were sudden and completely unexpected, causing Leiko to step back slightly in surprise. "Hmm? Yamamoto-san?" She blinked at the short-statured male with a perplexed expression, as if she was struggling to really process his words. "I-I mean, I'm glad you changed your mind but..."

Something was wrong. Leiko was enthusiastic in accepting new recruits for Drama, and she had been particularly eager on scouting this particular classmate, but everything was off. The dull monotone in his voice, the sallow skin, the glassy lifeless eyes...

This was not the boy who had playfully engaged with her in front of the class announcements that morning.

"...Are you alright?" Leiko's tone was slightly worried; a rare emotion from the prideful girl who prized herself above all else. "Do you need to go see the nurse? You don't look well..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 4 days ago

-Kaminari : Warakuma High-

"Yeah, sorry about that, Sachiko is just... Well... (How do I explain this? I mean I can't tell her straight out what happened, nor do I want to lie to her... What to do.)"

His mind trailed off somewhere else trying to figure out what to tell the girl. No one in their right mind would believe an insane story like his, unless you were one of the four who got dragged in or Kazuki. He pondered on what course of action to take next before coming with a quick and snappy answer.

"She's just bothered by something that happened last night, or something along the lines of it... I talked to her about it too since I was sort of there. I'm sure she won't get angry at you anymore (as long as you don't do anything to provoke her)."

As he finished up his statement he took a look at the flyer the girl handed him over. Kami scanned it over, looking seemingly interested at the thing. He then put the thing into his bag before trying to conjure up a question. Did he have any questions thought up for the time being? He quickly dismissed the idea, and just nodded his head in a no fashion, smiling lightly.

"Nah, I've got none for now... However, if I do come up with any, I'll be sure to tell you, alright Hamada-san? "
As the conversation finished up, Kami began to pivot around and walk away. Before he could take a second step, a familiar sweet voice fill the air behind him. He quickly turned to face Ayano who had captured his attention, and noticed she was holding a wrapped up something. As she spoke, her face began glowing with a crimson hue before giving the gift to him and fleeing the scene. Kami reached out to try and ask her to wait, but alas, he was too late. The girl he adored was out of sight, and was of somewhere else. Kami sighed, before realizing that he was blushing lightly also.

"Uhm, I gotta go for now, seeya later Leiko-san!"

The boy became a bit scatter brained after the chance encounter, forgetting that she didn't like to be called that. The boy quickly ran off somewhere, and disappeared from sight, his thoughts running just as fast as he did.
-Kaminari : Warakuma High = Roof-

The boy quickly took a seat on a bench on top of the lonely roof which over looks the whole school. He plopped the sword down next to him and pulls out his lunch and began eating. As he ate, he stared at the different birds that passed on by him, and noted each of them. Many of his lingering thoughts kept his mind preoccupied as he ate his meal. The boy silently contemplated on what he could of done, he could of said, instead of letting it slip through his fingers.

"(God admit, which didn't I say something to her? I thought I was over this, ready to move on... But it seems I'm still trapped in the past, within my sorrows.)" Kami sighed as he turned his head to the sword and smiled a bit. "( I should of told you thank you, and how this gift meant a lot to me... I know it was my birthday yesterday, but still the she's fact that she remembered makes my heart lift. Does she not hate me? Does she actually still like me as a friend?.. That settles it.)" Kami disposed of his food at the nearest trashcan on the roof before quickly obtaining his backpack and gift and stared up into the sky in defiance. "(I won't run this time... I'll face her, and I'll tell her. At least she'll know what I said, and hopefully she will believe it...)"

"I won't leave your side ever again, that's a promise Ayano-Chan."
-Kaminari : Warakuma High = Kendo Club Room-

Kami quickly made his way to the school, recalling the annoying offers his friends Makoto gave him when recommending that he should join the Kendo club. It had been a while since he had performed kendo, plus it was his last year here and feel like giving it another go be for he departed. As he rushed throughout the school, he finally found himself at the entrance to the club. He quickly entered the room, hoping that Makoto was still inside.
As he stepped in, he noticed that the room felt a bit more emptied than usual, as if most of the life had been sucks out. The room was barren, with naught a single soul in sight. He thought that there soul of been more people in here due to the recruiting that they did last year, but Kami just shrugged before doing some investigating of the room, and noticed some paperwork on a desk. He took a quick glance at it, noticing a bunch of familiar names. Where had he seen them before? As he struggled to recall, he quickly left the room hastily, hoping no students or teachers noticed what he did in that room.

"(Those names... Where have I seen them, think... Wait a second, how did I not notice this before?! Those are the people who have been afflicted!)"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cuco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"What? No way! Come on, there's no way Chiaki Nettu would come out to a place like this. She's probably living the high life right now surrounded by attractive men waiting on her hand and foot and if you really were her that would mean I just told the real Chiaki Nettu she wasn't Chiaki Nettu and that would be really really stupid....." Misaki's rambling trailed off at this point as she realised something. If it was really really stupid to not believe this girl was Chiaki Nettu, than it was more than likely she was doing just that.

"Omigod.....I'm so sorry!" She bowed before her as a display of humility. "I'm an idiot. I'm not worthy! And....I'm Misaki Mikawa." Adding the last part since she had asked her name. The least she could do was answer her questions after potentially offending her greatly. She just couldn't believe it was really her! Why was she in Warakuma? Why was she attending a high school when she could easily enjoy a way better life than this? Misaki would've loved to asked all these questions and more, but she still felt terrible about having taken her favorite idol for a mere poser. "Is there something I can do to make it up to you? I'll do anything! Ooh, I can help hand out those flyers if you want!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto // Warakuma High, Near Front Entrance

As he thought, Rui hadn’t gone out to the back of the school. The archery range was a long building that ran parallel with the school, next to the fields used for other sports. Sato drummed on the papers with his fingers, realizing that their lunch break was almost over. The pseudo-meeting they had held had easily eaten up at least half their break, and it took him almost the rest to get to the equipment room and eat whatever he had.

“The range we use is behind the school building. You can take the door to the fields to get there or you can just walk around from the school’s entrance. It’s pretty hard to miss it, so I doubt you’ll have any issues finding it.” Sato flashes a smile in attempt to make the idea of attending the after-school meeting more approachable. Glancing at the watch, Sato considered heading to class already despite the bells not ringing yet, but he figured that it would be rude to leave adruptly. Just in case the new kid had any other questions.

“Well,” He started with a sigh. “Are you good to go? Set to go to class with ease?” Those papers needed filling out and he needed to go to class, and as such Sato’s voice had that tone you’d expect from a business man running late; rushed and antsy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leiko looked surprised by his words. She looked like she might faint. "Do you need to go see the nurse? You don't look well..." Noboru huffed a little. His breath was a little ragged from not wanting to do this. He thought of any other options in order to get out of this, but there was none. Once the twins had a plan in mind, they weren't backing down from it. He would usually brush them off, but this time there was an offer that couldn't be turned down. He hated the idea, but the return was what would really help him.

"I'm fine. I got some bad food for lunch. It made me a little sick. What I need to know is if I need to do anything to join. Can I just sign up? Is there any spots left or are they already filled?" Noboru wanted to hurl the words back up as soon as he said them. "I'm sorry if I surprised you, what with what I said this morning, but I changed my mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada- Warakuma High Second Floor

Leiko didn't look entirely pacified by Noboru's answer, but she chose not to pursue the matter any further as she passed him another flyer. She had given him one earlier, but it wouldn't hurt to give him a spare just in case. "Well, I can't say I'm not pleased that you've finally seen sense," she remarked with a cocky half smile, pushing down the disconcerting feeling in the pit of her gut. "The information is all there on the flyer, but auditions start tomorrow after school. It's a formality really, but I'd like to ask you to prepare a few lines in advance."

As she waited for his response, she felt herself recall her exchange with Noboru's twin siblings. Did they have something to do with this? She would like to believe that it was Noboru's own initiative that was fuelling this change of heart, but she couldn't be sure...

Well, the important thing was that her classmate had changed his mind in the end, and that she had another candidate signed up for the club. Why would she need to be concerned?

"And don't apologise for this morning," she added with a shake of her head and a hint of amusement on her face ."I quite enjoyed myself."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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SwordfishKnight bad

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Noboru took the flier and looked at it. It was professionally done, and looked very nice. Leiko seemed to be a nice person as well, nicer than Sachiko at the moment anyway. Why did people not like her? She seemed alright. The rumors seemed to be lies, as they always were. Maybe it was because he knew how rumors started that he thought she was nice, or maybe it was pity for him. Either way, he couldn't back out of what he had committed to now.

"Thanks for the flier. I'll make sure to be prepared to do whatever. But what do you mean by lines? Is there some sort of play we're supposed to have? And yeah, this morning was quite a breath of fresh air, made for an interesting recruiting plan though."

Noboru looked around and wondered where the twins were, as they had several prime opportunities to swoop in and ruin his day further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Warakuma High - One of the many hallways

Chiaki shook her head. "No, its percectly fone, I can't burden you with such a task after just metting you..." Despite what Chiaki said, the girl seemed very eager to help out. Her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "But... If you insist, perhaps you can tell your friends about the Idol club? Perhaps even join! I'd be happy to have you as a member!" Chiaki smiled, tilting her head slightly. She began to explain the club to Misaki.

"And thats' the gist of it Mikawa-san, it'd be such a big help if you passed that information along to anybody you think might be interested, I'll host a meeting on wensday for people interested, and we'll see where we go from there ahaha!" Chiaki handed Misaki four fliers and kept the rest to herself.
"I'm going to post these on the big bulletin board on the first floor before class starts, hopefully I'll see you again!" Chiaki smiled and went her seperate way downstairs.

Upon walking down the stairs, Chiaki remembered to send a message to Noboru about some prior arrangements. She pulled out her phone and began to make a text.
"Hey Nobo-kun ^_^ Just checking to see if you're still on for this arfternoons training lesson! Text me back! :)"
After sending it, she went on with her other business before returning to class as the break had then ended.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Rui Shinichi | Warakuma High - Monday

"I see... I haven't been back there yet", he responded, throwing his can into the trash.

"And yeah I should be okay, the school grounds are big, but the buildings are pretty normal", he said. Honestly the school was only deceptively big, he did spot an old building though out in some of the more foresty parts of the school grounds, likely one of those kinds of places... That one that has a lot of rumors surrounding it as haunted. Regardless, the bell was almost about to go for the end of lunch, so he decided to get going and bit Sato farewell for the time being.

As he walked back to his classroom, he sifted through his pockets a bit and felt a sheet of folded paper. Oh this... This was... For the drama club. Again, the flier itself was kind of tacky...

"Hmmm... What to do...", he made a mental note to look at club activities after today's session of classes were over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Leiko Hamada

"Well, I've outlined some sample excerpts for you to rehearse at the bottom of the page," Leiko pointed to a particular section of the flyer. "They're an option for people who are a little stuck for ideas. I would encourage you to find some material yourself though, so that your performance can be a little unique," she suggested lightly. "I'm not too concerned about your capabilities though, Yamamoto-san. You seem to have a knack for improvisation after all," she pointed out with a hint of a smirk. Still, there was something she needed to address...

"Don't expect to just ride in on your family's reputation though, Yamamoto-kun." Her expression quickly turned serious. "Leave your family history at the door. Don't expect any special treatment from me."

And with that out of the way, the smile returned. "It will be a pleasure working with you again, Yamamoto-kun." She bid him farewell quickly before striding off, her eyes glancing anxiously to the clock. She needed to eat something quickly, or she'd be in for a rough few hours.

But it had all been worth it. Leiko allowed herself a truly contented smile before heading towards the cafeteria. This year was more important to her than ever...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Teiji Ishihara - Class 2-2 to Anime/Manga club

Teiji's face had the expression of a defeated man, this could only mean one thing when it came to him. That math this year would destroy him in every way possible, luckily for him though the bell rang ending the class and signalling lunch. This brought a joyous expression to his face as now he had enough time to join Soccer and another club, he still had to think about it though. Well he could always think about it after he joined Soccer, so he stood up and rushed out of the room, only to get scolded for running, then walked the rest of the way to the soccer club. Joining up was surprisingly easy, and he was told the days they practiced. Today was not one of them, so he just had to give them a bit of information and that was it. That went quicker than he had suspected, he still had quite a bit of time left, so he had a perfect chance to think of a club he might like. He walked for a few minutes down hallways, when he came to a room for the Anime/Manga club. Well he did read those back home, so it would interest him to see what the club was like. He knocked on the door then slowly opened it peering inside. he looked around the room, to find it quite barren besides a few other people. As he entered the room closing the door behind him, he looked at the girl who was writing on a piece of paper, and to get her attention he cleared his throat. "Hey, is this club still allowing new members?" Teiji said, but now that he inspected her, she was part of his classroom. Her name was Akane he believed? At least that's what he thought he heard.
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