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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina laughed, shaking her head to herself. "I'm thinking quite clearly without Mithera master Jamie. And I'm after something far more important than your guild members. But like hell am I telling you what I'm after. You can guess and theorize all you want." She squeezes the Lacrima a little. "Do what you will, I will make it work for me. I won't say what I have planned is flawless, but I haven't lied directly to you or your fire mage Jamie, and I believe I'm winning this battle of wits... So, your move Guild Master." Melina smiled.
Mayt went home almost immediately after the train arrived, barely waving to Sasha and Angelo. Once he got home, he crashed without changing, thinking about what had happened. After a few moments, he wondered why the person who had blackmailed him was now threatening Sasha and her sister. He was worried, lengthening the normal five minutes it would normally take to him to fall asleep, to no longer being able to sleep at all. Why? What does she gain? He thought, getting up and deciding to head towards the guild, thinking. There was nothing the witch could gain, that he could see anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"The fact that your stories don't change doesn't mean you aren't lying. You are quite intelligent when you want to be, but sadly, you hardly ever use it. You had to know that Mayt would ask for my help. You had to know that Penny would ask for my opinion. You had to know that someway, somehow, I'd get involved once more. That tells me you want that to happen. And that also tells me you want power. You crave it. Even your magic gives that away-using others blood to gain power. And that also tells me you have an ultimate goal in mind, perhaps Mitheras goal" although Jamie didn't know what Mitheras goal was when working with Melina. He had respected the terms of the bargin, and hadnt questioned her. "Given that a lot of dark mages are around, and supposedly their goal is to control magic or lead it into something they want, I'm guessing it's something along those lines with you" she sighed "maybe I wasn't clear enough before. Hurt my guild members, or have plans for them that you act out against them, and I will hunt you down. I will do what needs to be done to keep my guild safe. And as you well know, I can be anyone. I could be a man, woman, boy, girl. Anyone. I will make you forecer wonder, is that girl with the lollipop goin to attack me? That lady doing laundry? That man selling something? That boy running down the street? I can make your life hell, and I can prevent you from receiving your goal. So the next time you get an idea for my guild, you better bloody hope I don't find out about it. And that if I do.....that you are far away, far, far away" her voice was soft, and while there was no threat in it, her voice was deadly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You're forgetting one thing Master Jamie. The blood pact can not be voluntarily broken. And we haven't yet resolved it. I can't maim one of your members, nor you, Guild Master, maim me. Unfortunately for me your members aren't held to that pact. Seems to me something like that is worth remembering." Her entire tone suddenly changes to very very conversational. "Oh, and Mayt's mother is doing well, may I ask how Mithera is getting along? Not used to not being able to talk to her." She sounds like they're not rivals remotely, and she starts picking her nails. "And how are you? I haven't seen you recently either." She looks at the Lacrima, which she's left on the ground. Master Jamie easily can see she is exhausted but composed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
The wizard grabbed Linda's arm. She grabbed the arm and twisted it, through him over her shoulder into a portal which led off a cliff. She then grabbed her scythe's and ran over to Kyo to help take down the wizard.(Srry didn't read the post clearly.)

When a wizard attacked Kyo she was, well...., surprised, like usual, nothing new here. She summoned a frying pan which nicely landed in her hand. And with hardly any strength ((read that as "all of her strength")) Kyo swung the frying pan at the wizard. It connected with the wizards arm, causing him to clutch his arm. Kyo then proceeded to smack the wizard as many time as she could with the frying pan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

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Vec said
Show chuckled at Riye trying to protect the job leaflet she had just picked out from him, like he was going to eat it or something. "Hey now, relax. Did you forget you were the one who asked me for help in the first place?" He asked her with a smile. Well, the job definitely suited her, as far as he could tell right away, she didn't have much combat experience and the magic she displayed earlier seemed more of a support-type of magic, not a combat-type one.

Sho hadn't really paid attention to the new arrival, a girl named Minerva Fair-something. Only when Maddox mentioned something about a challenge did Sho turn around and see her. "Hmm? Did I hear someone say challenge?" He asked curiously, looking once at Maddox and then at Minerva, "I'd love to take part in that!" He said and grinned, his fists coming together, signaling he was ready for anything.

Minerva Fairchild - The Lion's Fang

"Hmm? Did I hear someone say challenge?"

One of them inquired courageously, and her eyes settled nonchalantly upon the one who made the offer to participate. Her gaze was sharp, precise, and to a point it were almost apathetic; as if the one who had answered the call for a minor spar was beneath her. It was a belief she held close to her heart and mind, a clear, concise thought within her conscience. Everyone here was simply a stepping stone to a greater, and more grand cause and purpose. Such a purpose was accumulating the strength necessary to become one of the greatest Magi of the age, one of those who bore the kind of power that could make both Heaven and Earth tremble. Ambition was a necessity as a Magi, as only three things mattered in this world.




Three attributes to which she already held. Three attributes which had only one direction to go, and that was skyward. Silently, Minerva nodded in acceptance of the challenge, or at least the notion of it. Whether or not such a cry for a spar would be truly worth her mark was one matter or another; and it very much had yet to be seen. Softly brushing a strawberry blonde lock of hair from in front of her sharpened gaze, her head simply motioned for the door. The direction naturally, meant for Sho to follow. Pressing her fingertips against the wooden panel and causing the hinges to squeak with the application of such pressure, she stepped from the dim lighting of the Guild Hall to the outdoors, where the sun itself seemed blinding at best while her eyes adjusted.

Taking a few steps to the dusted road and giving herself some space so that Sho too could emerge and prepare for what may come, smoothly, she drew only one of her Cavalry Sabers out of their sheath. Shining in the sunlight, the silvery blade bore a graceful curve, as the runes inscribed upon it indicated the legendary smith work of the Fairchild Family. Durendal, her father's sword, then cut the very air as she brought her blade's flat to gently kiss the tip of her nose in a noble salute to her opposition as he emerged from the doorway. As she stood resiliently then, there was but a moment of pure silence, with only the breeze lofting her magnificent locks to the winds as she addressed him with words for the first time.

"Are you ready?" Such words bore an ominous meaning then, as her normally sapphire eyes turned completely to white; and instead crackling electricity began to arc across her cheeks. "I will give you a moment to prepare. And you may have the first strike. Let me see what you can do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"And yet you bring my members into your web. I know I cannot break the pact. It does not mean I can not torment you. Or use my members. If you do not wish them to harm you, then why bait them?" Jamie said wearily, "Mithera is fine. She has all the food she can want, and conversation. Although she didn't feel it essentially to demonstrate she could talk until recently." Her tone changed to amusing, "I think You will find it interesting to know that she helped Mayt out, without harming him. I find that incredibly interesting myself. She is fascinating." Jamie's eyes narrowed. "Just his mother? You gave me the impression you had both his parents. What about his father?"

So much t think about, so much to process. Jamie sighed. "Something Big is coming, Melina. You would do better to change, to join a guild. To have safety in numbers. At the very least, you would be wise to release your hostages, so I can release Mithera back to you" Jamie never believed anyone was inheritance evil, or bad. His tone was concerned, and old.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina shrugged, crossing her arms. "My reasons are my own for this fight. And I prefer to stay out of a guild, regardless I figure any where there's someone willing to teach me would be a guild yours will try to shut down." She rubs her nose before returning her hand back under her other arm. "Speaking of which, I notice some of your members are very adamant about believing things are Black and White, and I can say for certain a certain Phoenix is very guilty of this." She glares pointedly at Penny. "But I figure I can't change that, so I'll have to put up with it."

She lets out a little sigh. "I figure you'll probably order them to take me back to the guild, whether to keep me from doing any more unfortunate deeds or getting me out of the way it doesn't matter. I've only ever had Mayt's mother. His dad hasn't been released yet. His mother.is in a cave along the western road a few miles out of town. It's covered up by some vines and trees. Not easy to find, but not too hard if you know what you're looking for." She smiled a little. "And I'm glad to hear Mithera is 'fascinating'. Should I call the Phoenix Swords back over?" She looks over at Penny and Damian again, trying to indicate the joking name was about them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlackCat said
When a wizard attacked Kyo she was, well...., surprised, like usual, nothing new here. She summoned a frying pan which nicely landed in her hand. And with hardly any strength ((read that as "all of her strength")) Kyo swung the frying pan at the wizard. It connected with the wizards arm, causing him to clutch his arm. Kyo then proceeded to smack the wizard as many time as she could with the frying pan.

As Kyo did this the wizard got very annoyed and used ice magic to make the floor ice. Linda slipped and fell as she ran toward him, as well as many other wizards who he did not warn them about what he was going to do. Then he made a hammer out of ice and started swinging it a Kyo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

chest....mage(?) fired a whole bunch of swords at galen, who puts a portal in front and behind him. the other mage grabbed one of the blades out of the air and attacked galen. this is getting annoying. galen jumps through another portal and knocks the other misterius mage, witch has.....no effect. this is going just great.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sho looked at Minerva, "You're the one who issued the challenge?" he asked her. He could tell she had a noble upbringing and nobles, most of the times, were full of arrogance and were way too overconfident in their abilities. Maybe he could use that to his advantage while they sparred.

He followed her outside, eyes locked on her. "That's a sharp blade she has there...if shes proficient with it, I'm in for some fun..." he thought and walked out on the road, standing opposite of her. "Ah, there we go again...the usual mistake...Let's see what you're all about" he chuckled silently. "You better not regret what you just said" he said and without a warning, quickly used Void Step, dashing forward and behind her, requiping Kaliz in the process, opting to play defensively at first so as to measure her attacking power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You do not know everything about my members, Melina. You do not know their histories, their experiences, and you can never know them" Jamie sighed. "Penny has her own reasons for distrusting blood mages, but she does not see things in black and white. If she did, she wouldn't have bribed and schemed for information to find Sasha. If you weren't intent on ruining my members , messing with my guild, I might be tempted to teach you myself. Of course, there isn't much known in blood magic, but I have the books. Sadly, you seem intent on doing what your doing so. You know as well as I that if I order them to take you here, you'll be near Mithera. And perhaps she will help you escape. And take whatever information you can from the guild. U can't risk that, not know. Right now, you're more...an annoyance compared to everything else that's going on. stay safe. Leave my members be. Call them back"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina shrugged, and waved at Penny and Damian, indicating for them to come over. "Hey!" She'd yell at them, then turns back the lacrima. "The problem isn't what my magic is as far as learning goes, it's what it takes to recover power. But I understand where your coming from, and I'll point out you aren't the sole target." She smiles a little, "Regardless, I'd like for Mithera to be redirected back to me as soon as possible, since I told you where I'm keeping my hostage." Her nose twitched, and she grabbed the lacrima to send it back under the cage. "It was a good talk though, Master Jamie, I look forwards to our next one." She gave the lacrima a short shove, letting it slide under the 'bars' of her cage, so that Damian or Penny could pick it back up. She crossed her arms, looking at them, and waving them over a second time if necessary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vec said
Sho looked at Minerva, he asked her. He could tell she had a noble upbringing and nobles, most of the times, were full of arrogance and were way too overconfident in their abilities. Maybe he could use that to his advantage while they sparred.He followed her outside, eyes locked on her. he thought and walked out on the road, standing opposite of her. he chuckled silently. he said and without a warning, quickly used Void Step, dashing forward and behind her, requiping Kaliz in the process, opting to play defensively at first so as to measure her attacking power.

Minerva Fairchild - The Lion's Fang

Patiently, she stood absolutely statuesque as her new adversary finally stepped outside after her. His parting words to the conflict bore a warning that she better not regret her decision brought a smirk upon her pursed lips. Then without any warning, he vanished! Her eyes narrowed then, as her senses took upon themselves her surroundings and caught the first warning of a footstep to her rear. Snapping her head about so she could look at him from the corner of her crackling white eye, Minerva waited patiently for him to get within his striking range, and then she moved.

It was difficult for anyone to see or perceive, but in a wickedly fast and fluid motion, the girl not only moved out of the path of his oncoming assault, but struck twice. In little more than what most would consider to be a few split seconds, instead of him behind her, she was instead behind him by several feet. This however, would not be the most shocking result.

Just as the wind blew for a few moments, and if she was accurate as she believed herself to be, Sho would notice that his chest might feel quite a few degrees cooler, for his front was uninjured; yet there just might be a clearly sliced cross pattern in the front of his clothes. Her perception and speed had allowed her such an offense without any actual injury to him. The second he would move to face her however, is the moment she rose her blade's hilt to rest on her cheek with the tip of the saber pointed towards him.

"Prepare yourself." She would whisper, this time such words could even strike fear into an ordinary man as she lunged forward. Streaking across the ground in little more than a blur, the Fairchild brought the dull edge of her sword to bear rather than the sharp as each strike moved faster and more ferocious than the last in a series of harrowing blows from on high, across and wide, or even down from below, she pushed forward in a maddeningly fast assault.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"Well, she certainly passes the speed test..." Sho thought as his martial arts uniform fell apart from her slicing attack, revealing his scarred and muscular body beneath it. "On par with me when not equipping Halborym; no, even faster than that... Seems like I got myself a nice opponent this time around!"

Sho instantly turned around, just to hear her warning him before she unleashed a barrage of blows with her sword at him. He parried, blocked and dodged her blows. Admittedly, It had been a while since he had fought someone on this level and so was taken aback by the sheer force she put behind her attacks. "Where does all this strength come from? Not that slender body that's for sure..." he thought, blocking another hit with Kaliz. "What's the matter little princess? That's all you got?" he said calmly, trying to get into her head.

Sho dodged her sword once more and jumped high, landing several feet away from her, making some space between them. That's when he realized she was using the dull part of her blade; "Better not underestimate me. I know its just a spar but I'm no so weak as to lose to a dull sword..." he said and extended his arms in-front of him, requipping Halborym. Once equipped, Sho dashed forward even faster than before, putting the extra speed the magic gauntlet gave him in use. "Let's see how you fare with this!" he said and planted one foot on the ground, propelling him forward, his left fist coming down from upwards while his knee came flying upwards, a move he called Dragon's Roar. It produced enough force to shatter a large boulder into pieces. Had she dodged it, Sho would continue on his course and instead hit the building behind them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"When I find your hiding place, and safetly get them out, then I shall free Mithera." Jamie said, before leaning back in her chair, and sighing softly. She needed a vacation. She needed a good drink. She was just about to call for Jarvis, when Penny picked up the lacrima.

Penny looked over, seeing that the blood Mage seemed to be finished with Master Jamie. "Come on" she said to Damian, going over and picking up the lacrima. She hesitated, unsure of what to say, not wanting to know what the master had planned. She looked to Damian
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vec said
Sho thought as his martial arts uniform fell apart from her slicing attack, revealing his scarred and muscular body beneath it. Sho instantly turned around, just to hear her warning him before she unleashed a barrage of blows with her sword at him. He parried, blocked and dodged her blows. Admittedly, It had been a while since he had fought someone on this level and so was taken aback by the sheer force she put behind her attacks. he thought, blocking another hit with Kaliz. he said calmly, trying to get into her head.Sho dodged her sword once more and jumped high, landing several feet away from her, making some space between them. That's when he realized she was using the dull part of her blade; he said and extended his arms in-front of him, requipping Halborym. Once equipped, Sho dashed forward even faster than before, putting the extra speed the magic gauntlet gave him in use. he said and planted one foot on the ground, propelling him forward, his left fist coming down from upwards while his knee came flying upwards, a move he called Dragon's Roar. It produced enough force to shatter a large boulder into pieces. Had she dodged it, Sho would continue on his course and instead hit the building behind them.

Minerva Fairchild - The Lion's Fang

The moment he leaped away, the girl ceased her advance. Under normal circumstances she would not have allowed her opponent a moment's reprieve to even breathe, but this was a spar, and the man that retreated a potential teammate; the last she should ever do is exile someone completely from her circle of compatriots or prospects. After all, one cannot meet the extent of their ambition without ample support.

That was a lesson she had learned in her youth.

With his retreat, he tried taunting her to which was an obvious failure; petty words meant very little on the field of strife, and it showed by only the nonplussed expression upon her face what she thought of it. Yet his warning of her using the blunt of her sword was heeded, if he wished that she would use the fullest extent of her force and skill, so be it. With a flick of a wrist, the razor edge of Durendal came to bear as he seemed to be changing his weapons.

Then, he charged forward in an all out attack a second time, a full fronted obvious assault with a few defiant words to her as her eyes narrowed and the world around her seemed so much slower. With his brave assault and rise of his knee and gauntlet alike, she flickered just once before disappearing entirely to immediately reappear just a few feet to his flank. As he seemingly passed inexorably in comparison to her, a pirouette of focused velocity would not bring her sword to his back, but the length of her foot.

Her intent was simple: avoid the strike and instead kick him in the small of his back. Sending him unbalanced and careening into the building ahead, rather than a simple slam of easily absorbable force. Whether or not this was successful was another measure, but he would punch through the wall either way.

Sheathing her weapon and instead reaching behind her back, the girl would simply speak in a monotone voice as she extracted a pair of finely crafted leather gloves from a pocket on her backside. Sliding the precisely fitted items upon her finger tips and stretching slightly against the finely crafted material for a moment, her words would be clear and concise.

"Not bad in terms of mobility and strength, though, your predictability leaves much to be desired." Were her first words, while she finished strapping on the gloves. "Try something different, won't you? Full out frontal assaults are both easily maneuvered against as well as countered." There was no mocking tone nor harshness in her statement, it were almost as if a conflict such as this was little more than a meager business arrangement. "Try to be more fickle, and indirect."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

...And she vanished. "OH SH--" Sho didn't even have the time to react as she kicked him in the back, breaking his balance and letting his momentum do the rest of the work. He shot forward, her kick just slightly changing his course, slamming with his back first on the building ahead, blasting through the wall and bringing down most of the front of the building. "Ouch" was the first thing that crossed his mind as he stayed at that position for a couple of seconds, thinking about what she had just done; "She faster than me with Halborym...that's a first! And that precision!"

Sho quickly pushed the rubble off him, stood up and looked at Minerva. He clenched his fist, that was his first defeat in two years be it a spar or not, and it meant he had ways to go before being the greatest martial artist in the world.

He walked towards her, shaking the dust and rubble off himself. "I'm Shoichi but you can call me Sho" he said with a smile, making it seem like he hadn't just blasted through a stone wall. "HAH, there's nothing better than a full frontal assault where you and your opponent go head to head in a battle of endurance and power! Although i must admit, your style of fighting isn't half bad as well. You outmaneuvered me there pretty hard."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Leaving James to keep an eye out near the entrance to the station, Damian follows Penny back to the cage and takes the lacrima from her after looking the blood mage over. Stepping away a few paces to make sure it was a relatively private conversation, he also kept an eye on the man with the sword at his side. He wasn't sure, but he gave off a vibe of being just a little too comfortable with taking another person's life. Shaking his head, Damian returned his attention to the lacrima and appraised the master before speaking. She seemed tired, worn out, and ready to just fall over and do nothing but sleep for the rest of the year. Maybe he should take a break. There's no harm in it, even if it's only a day or two. If I have my way though, she'll take a week.

"What did you decide, master? Are we to bring her back or let her free? Either way, I'd like to get back to the guild soon." His eyebrow twitches and Damian grins mischievously. "My battle instincts tell me there are people having a good spar. On top of that, you need a break and we've another new member to add to the guild."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina sighed, yawning. "Tell Master Jamie I'd be willing to draw a map." She looked at the two, her arms crossed, and looking a tad bothered by the amount of blood on her now.
Mayt didn't say anything as he entered the guild and skirted around everyone to the bar, sitting down and asking Jarvis for water, gently rubbing his arm. "How're things around the guild?" He'd ask, his voice tired, his free hand plays with the hilt of his sword, fidgeting with it and making sure it's on right. He had put it on very sloppily when he had gone to come back to the guild. "And I assume Master Jamie is chatting with some of the other members abroad?" He glanced around the guild, making an appraisal of who was there, who was new, and who he knew wasn't there. The latter being the smallest of the lists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
As Kyo did this the wizard got very annoyed and used ice magic to make the floor ice. Linda slipped and fell as she ran toward him, as well as many other wizards who he did not warn them about what he was going to do. Then he made a hammer out of ice and started swinging it a Kyo.

Kyo tried to block the hammer but was slipping and sliding around, making it hard to defend herself. At one point she slipped, and the temperature of the ground surprised her, luckily for Kyo she summoned another frying pan. Now she could block with one and try to hit with the other. She tried that a few times, it didn't really work out, she slid, a lot. And so Kyo got hit a few times and was well, still sliding, stupid ice floor.
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