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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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metagros said
"well i guess now is as good as time as any to introduce ourselfs" he glared at the purple girl "seeing that i don't even know where in the world we are. so, im Galen." he pointed at him self. "that thing is....a thing" he pointed at walkaflocka. "and you are?" he pointed this time at purple.

BlackCat said
Kyo looked at the girl."I'm Kyo, I'm a wizard, though I can't control my magic at all. It's nice to meet you," She said. She really hoped that Galen wouldn't surprise her again, she didn't want to hurt the girl. That would be mean. Kyo looked at the ground nervously, unsure of what to do next.

"That thing is walkaflocka" she mumbled at Galen. She looked up at Kyo and still shy at her but was warmer to her than to Galen. She said to Kyo in a little loader voice " mine is Linda." She squeezed walk a flocks a little harder waiting a response from one or the other, hopefully Kyo would respond first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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"It's nice to meet you Linda," Kyo said, smiling gently. She didn't want to make Linda feel uncomfortable. That was just how Kyo thought, she was always thinking about others. She also was way too flexible when it came to her surroundings and relaxed way too easily. But that's what made Kyo zoo unpredictable and dangerous, you never knew why she was going to summon and what would startle her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Nolan leaned back against a wall and kept his distance from the witch though he kept an eye out on her. In all honesty he would've rather to fill her lungs with ash until he died from oxygen depravation though they needed her for information. He didn't like it though it was the only thing that they could do at the moment. His sword was still in hand, just in case it was needed. He wasn't above from killing others, especially people like her but as a member of a guild he must represent them well. However when their use of her is no longer valid then he could have his way and kill her just so she wouldn't relay information onto anyone else, just in case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

BlackCat said
"It's nice to meet you Linda," Kyo said, smiling gently. She didn't want to make Linda feel uncomfortable. That was just how Kyo thought, she was always thinking about others. She also was way too flexible when it came to her surroundings and relaxed way too easily. But that's what made Kyo zoo unpredictable and dangerous, you never knew why she was going to summon and what would startle her.

"whew im glad i don't have to refer to you as miss purple anymore....want to see something cool?' Galen setup a portal behind him and behind kyo. he quickly stepped through, taped kyo's shoulder, and reentered the portal. "oh and by the way what in the world are we here for. i know you took a job but what kind. i want to know how much money im getting from this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When Galen tapped her shoulder Kyo jumped. A wad of cash fell to the ground. That was unusual, Kyo normally summoned things like pianos andbooks and pans,almost never money. So why had she summoned money?

Hiding from view in the shadows lurked some of the dark wizards. They were observing the three unique mages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlackCat said
When Galen tapped her shoulder Kyo jumped. A wad of cash fell to the ground. That was unusual, Kyo normally summoned things like pianos andbooks and pans,almost never money. So why had she summoned money?Hiding from view in the shadows lurked some of the dark wizards. They were observing the three unique mages.

When Linda heard galen want a cut of the money and said" you want your cut, there it is." She pointed at the the money falling from the sky. She got a chill up her spine and looked behind her. "Something doesn't fell right and it's not just them." The thought to herself. She got very nervous and started hitting her nail and got ready to teleport out incase anything happens

The dark magicians stalked in the dark alleyway watching them, waiting for a chance to strike. They started to gather on the tops of roofs, most of them surrounding the other magicians, a few others were going through the outskirts of town stealing the valuables of the citizens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Melina bit her lip for a moment. "But how was I to know it wasn't you making the ash? I can only tell who's doing what if I have their blood. I didn't have either your or his blood. So that reduces some of your arguments invalid. I don't know your abilities, or didn't know your abilities. But I did know you controlled fire. Ash is what fire leaves behind once it has consumed its driving energy." Melina leans back a little, overly calm for the dangerous position she's in. "And how would I know you knew I was the one you were looking for? Besides. I was willing to talk until the ash. Too late now." She leans forwards, coming close to slitting her neck with a blade. "I haven't lied once since we've met. I haven't lied to you, and I didn't lie to your guild master when we met two months ago. You have no reason not to believe me yet." She sat back on her heals, confident. "Do I need to break down everything I said? Or will you come to the proper conclusions? Or, are you in fact, so close minded and so vehemently believe your right that everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie."
Mayt nodded. "Yeah, I understand. But I have no clue what happened to Wes, I doubt I ever will understand what happened. But, hell, I barely understand my own magic." He boarded the train behind Sasha, but sits on the seat across from her. "And I'll admit I'm not the best with keeping up with current events. So I've probably missed some events, but I've noticed a few happenings..." His stare goes blank for a moment as he stares out the window at the people, going silent almost as if that was the last thing he would ever need to say. He sighs, closing his eyes and leaning against the window. "Angelo, look after Sasha when we get back, I need to go to sleep."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"You have one major fault in your 'story'. you were ready for us. You had blood. I don't know all your abilities, but I imagine it took a lot to withstand myself, Nolan, and then damian. Therefore, I imagine it was a life taken. I also imagine that if we search for Even a few moments, we will find some poor fellow dead. Another fault in your story, my fire doesn't leave ash behind. And that is a well known fact. i haven't exactly
Hiden my abilities. Your arguements are invalid. I asked you to leave me alone, you didn't, Nolan believed I imagine that You were being threatening, and therefore like an effective team mate, reacted to defend me. I also imagine that that woman that insisted I come here is in fact one of your minions, and whilst I can not prove that yet, I will hunt her down and I will interregate her. I am very determined. If and when I prove all of this, then you are a liar. You lie to me with every breath you take" she turned to damian "how do you think we should take her back to the guild? Or should we?"
Sasha nodddd and fell silent, looking out the train window, still appearing troubled and upset, but focused and determined. As the time went by, she closed her eyes but didn't sleep, trying not to think. It didn't work so well. Yet once she saw magnolia, she smiled, and headed off the train, glancing back to make sure Mayt and Angelo were following.

She jogged towards the guild, intent on speaking with Master jamie. But as she stepped in and looked about, she froze. There, as if he hadn't been gone for more then a few hours, was Lazarus. What seemed like a million thoughts, feelings and questions formed through her, as she tried to figure out how to react.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"I think you should stop and consider that there is some truth to her words." Damian had listened to the whole thing and knew better than probably even Penny when someone was lying, a side effect of dealing with shady characters most of his life. "While I'm positive beyond a doubt that some one is probably dead, searching around for their body would prove fairly pointless, as we are all already in agreement on that. However, your magic is known as a Fire magic, and most people? They hear fire, they think ash comes next, magical or not. Most people only know the type of magic we use, not how it works." Sighing, he walks around the cage for a moment, considering how to continue.

"Penny, you are my best friend, and while killing a person is wrong, that does not make a liar out of them. What makes them a liar is when they no longer tell you the same story twice, and her story has been consistent. However, whether we bring her back or not is not for me to decide." Damian addresses the lacrima. "What shall we do Master Jamie?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus was seriously going to master Jamie with his problem, until the guild hall door opened. Sasha had popped out as from nowhere. He hadn't seen his teammate for a whole 3 months, what with his absence. Maybe he should tell her what he had learned. No. That could wait. He brushed his new hairstyle through, hiding the piece of black fridge in his white do. He put on a beam and raised a hand to wave. "Yo." He chuckled. "Long time no see Sasha-chan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yo? Long time no see? Seriously?" Sasha did not know where the anger came from, as she stood where she had stopped, staring at him in disbelief "you leave after declaring you wanted to be a team, no word as to where you were going or anything, and then return three months later and act as if it was nothing? I thought you were dead! I've been worried!" She stalked towRds him, her hands quivering, unsure if she was going to hit him or hug him, but then she stopped, staring. Suddenly she reached her hand up. Lazarus probably thought she was going to slap him. The white of his hair did not completely hide the startling black strands, and as she brushed the white from the blacl, she could see she hadn't imagined it "I think you have a lot of explaining to do" her tone was softer, more concerned
Penny sighed, "you weren't there damian. That girl was more then insistent that I came here, saying there was a rampaging blood Mage. I came because I know how dangerous they can be. So she lied through her agent. This was aimed at me. And if it was aimed at me, then Sasha might be in danger too" distress and uncertainty made Her voice break with emotion, and she glanced away, clenching her hands "this woman manipulates to get what she wants. But she is not going to hurt me or my sister"
Master Jamie sighed, lowering his head into her hands. It just seemed like everything was piling up on her. "Damian. Penny. Stepped back. Give the lacrima to Melina. I would speak with her in what ever privacy you can give"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

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Looking at everything that was going on, Riye now wondered if doing as her mentor told her was the right choice. Obviously he had his reason to be concerned over her and wanted her to be with someone who could look over her, but she couldn't but be curious if this was the nature of all guilds. She folded the job she decided to take and placed it in her pocket before noticing the arrival of a girl who the guy from before went and approached with a rather 'cool' kind of attitude, which obviously wasn't going to work for him.

Deciding that not introducing herself would be rude, she went and approached the girl, who now stood next to the man "Hey there! I'm Riye, and I understood you are his teammate. You know he offered me to go on a job with you two? I hope you don't mind me saying, but while I'm not used to working with more than one person, and even prefer working only in a duo, I would like to give it a try if you are willing to. I didn't accept his offer at the time because of the way he introduced himself and I didn't think he should make the choice on his own." Riye said and then looked at Lazarus "The name is Laxus, right? or maybe Lyrus..." She said and put a finger on her mouth, trying to remember his name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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The arrival of familiar faces brought a light grin to Maddox's face. Though he sat at a table somewhat out of the way, he figured he could bother them eventually. He hadn't seen them in months, after all. But before anything else could happen, Lazarus approached Sasha and received a tongue-lashing in return. For a moment, the red-haired mage was dumbfounded and his cigarette almost fell out of his mouth. Then he realized it. "She's the teammate you were talking about, eh?" Maddox mumbled, not nearly loud enough for Lazarus to hear him. He thought about it for a second before chuckling. "Interesting." The ladies-man and the Ice Princess working as a team. The thought was entertaining. Then again, not like I'm one to judge. I don't even operate in a team, Maddox thought to himself, closing his eyes as he leaned the chair back onto two legs and put his boots up on the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo watched as he kept watch of sasha as they entered the train and got back to the guild already planning to keep an eye on sasha even before mayt mentioned it. Honestly since she was worried about penny Angelo wanted to make sure he was their when she needed someone to talk to. Angelo walked into the guild with her wondering why she was so surprised to see lazarus but Angelo decided not to question it as he sat down getting a drink from Jarvis
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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As the girl, Riye approached and began to interrupt, Sasha had to remind herself that this girl was a member now of Phoenix wing, and that she couldnt know what had been going on, and why she was so upset with Lazarus. She took a deep breath.

"I don't know when we will be going on a job, but that's okay. However, right now, I'm kinda mad at Lazarus, and would rather not have that spill over to you. I'm Sasha. It's nice to meet you and I hope that you are enjoying Phoenix Wing. It's a good guild, and I would trust any of these mages with my life" she managed to smile,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Nodding and sliding the lacrima to the blood mage between the "bars" of the cage, Damian turns and walks towards James, pulling Penny with him. Once the three of them were in the same area, he stopped and looked at Penny. "The girl who came to you lied. Yes, at this Melina's behest, but Melina did not lie to you, the girl did. You also could have gone to the guild if you had suspicions, gotten help." Taking a deep breath, Damian lets out a long sigh. "I'm sorry if I'm short with you, Penny. My own job revealed that the imposter trying to drag down our guild was a Lightening God Slayer and I'm still in a slightly foul mood."

He gives her a hug and then locks eyes with her. "However, as members of Phoenix Wing, we should never be able to bring ourselves to the level of someone who has to kill to use their magic, or at least wound. The way you were talking to the blood mage? You sounded almost like her."


James couldn't believe the turn of events, especially when Damian started telling Penny off. When the pair approached him, he led them further away from this Melina girl to obey the guild master and give themselves some privacy. He listened to Damian talk to Penny and frowned, considering what he said. Sure, she has to do some pretty bad things to use her magic, but...that doesn't inherently make her an evil person. I mean, I could try a Smite spell, just to check, but I might also get in trouble with every one around, especially if she ends up fried...

Sighing and shaking his head, he faces Penny. "Damian is correct in what he says. She made her choices, but she also didn't speak the words to get you here, the girl you mentioned before did. Why blame her when she likely only told the girl to get you here and that it didn't matter how?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed and turned away, struggling to sort herself out and gain control of herself: "I feel like, if we let her go, we will be making a mistake. I know we can't kill her. I would never suggest that. I will threaten to kill her if she even thinks of usin Sasha against me or hurting her, but would never do it" she sighed again "it's frustrating because yes, I used my flames. It's a natural defense when I feel threatened, and there was no ash when I extinguished them. She was close enough to see that. So she knew I do not leave behind ash." She looked to James.

"People like her, they have a way of getting people to do things, even if the person is reluctant. I'm not talking about blood mages, but rather manipulative personalities. And everything she has said has been manipulating things so that the situation works for her"

She looked back to Damian, and said softly so it was almost a whisper, "Please. I don't think we should just let her go. I think that would be a bad decision, but we can't just bring her to the guild. There has to be an alternative"
When Jamie was sure the others were far enough away, she said "what do you think you are doing Melina? Going after my members once more? I wouldn't have thought you were foolish enough to do that, but maybe without Mithera you can't think things through clearly enough to see that! Why lead Penny to where you are, when you had to know I'd retaliate when I found out?" Sometimes Jamie wished there were two of him. "Explain now"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
When Linda heard galen want a cut of the money and said" you want your cut, there it is." She pointed at the the money falling from the sky. She got a chill up her spine and looked behind her. "Something doesn't fell right and it's not just them." The thought to herself. She got very nervous and started hitting her nail and got ready to teleport out incase anything happensThe dark magicians stalked in the dark alleyway watching them, waiting for a chance to strike. They started to gather on the tops of roofs, most of them surrounding the other magicians, a few others were going through the outskirts of town stealing the valuables of the citizens.

Linda looked worried, was something wrong? And why were the tree's shadows shaped slightly weird? Oh, well.... better things to focus on.

After a fair amount of wizards had gathered, the dark magicians decided to take action. A few ((3.5)) wizards decided to sneak attack the three wizards. They leapt out of the trees, heading towards the wizards. They spread themselves out pretty well ((1 for Linda, 1 for Kyo, 1.5 for Galen :P)) each prepared to call for backup in case they needed to.
Meanwhile, in the shadows.... some of the other wizards face palmed at the other wizard's stupidity. They were going to go in groups, but in larger groups that would actually be more effective than one-on-one fights.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

BlackCat said
Linda looked worried, was something wrong? And why were the tree's shadows shaped slightly weird? Oh, well.... better things to focus on.After a fair amount of wizards had gathered, the dark magicians decided to take action. A few ((3.5)) wizards decided to sneak attack the three wizards. They leapt out of the trees, heading towards the wizards. They spread themselves out pretty well ((1 for Linda, 1 for Kyo, 1.5 for Galen :P)) each prepared to call for backup in case they needed to. in the shadows.... some of the other wizards face palmed at the other wizard's stupidity. They were going to go in groups, but in larger groups that would actually be more effective than one-on-one fights.

galen was tempted to grab the money, but was brought back to reality when he heard a thunderclap of noise that sounded like someone hitting their head with their palm.... only magnified to the degree that the village must have tripled in size to make that noise. he looked over his shoulder and saw a black robed person and.... a chest? to be fair it had legs but still, what in the world? he vaulted over the chest and unlocked it reveling a staff......could this day get any weirder? he turned around, side kicked the other person, bounced over shuricens from the chest (WHAT THE LIVING FUUUUUUUU) and grabbed the staff, witch felt natural in his hands, and dropped into a stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlackCat said
Linda looked worried, was something wrong? And why were the tree's shadows shaped slightly weird? Oh, well.... better things to focus on.After a fair amount of wizards had gathered, the dark magicians decided to take action. A few ((3.5)) wizards decided to sneak attack the three wizards. They leapt out of the trees, heading towards the wizards. They spread themselves out pretty well ((1 for Linda, 1 for Kyo, 1.5 for Galen :P)) each prepared to call for backup in case they needed to. in the shadows.... some of the other wizards face palmed at the other wizard's stupidity. They were going to go in groups, but in larger groups that would actually be more effective than one-on-one fights.

The wizard grabbed Linda's arm. She grabbed the arm and twisted it, through him over her shoulder into a portal which led off a cliff. She then grabbed her scythe's and ran over to Kyo to help take down the wizard.
(Srry didn't read the post clearly.)
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