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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Rushing forward, James pulls Penny back and away from the fight. "He's here for you, because he feels bad he already let you go after some woman by yourself. Let him fight her, let him make things up to you his way." He had listened to the conversation that Damian had had with the guild master about the incident with some woman the two of them had been tracking over the months. Truthfully, he could understand how Damian felt about it, he had a similar situation in his past, though it had led to much more interesting circumstances...


As the blood mage pushed Penny away and attempted to taunt Damian, he was already moving to close the distance, bringing his left hand blade down in an arc towards her right side with his left hand thrusting straight on. "You think this is about some form of honor? No, this is about you attacking a member of Phoenix Wing. On top of that, she's my best friend!" Leaping over the blood mage, he lands behind her and slams both blades into the ground. "Rising blades!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo noticed a girl holding the creature from earlier. Was she it's owner? Was she the girl that Galen had come with?
"Hello," Kyo told the girl, trying to start a conversation. Hopefully it would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny shook her head, and twisted about, breaking away from James, "if he's so thick headed to feel bad when I snuck out and went to attack the witch by myself, then he is delusional! Do you think I wanted him near a woman who could Sumon demons? I didn't want to hold back when I faced her and that meant that anyone with me would have gotten hurt by me! I went alone, and that's that! This b-witch drew me here, on the pretense of having to help the town. The fight is with me, Damian just going to get hurt, and I don't want that! I will do what needs to be done, and you can't stop me!" With that, she rose into the air, flames, purple this time, with a golden colour through them, whipped around her.

She began to count down in her head the amount of time she suspected the blood Mage had left with Penny's abilities. "I already know he can prove himself, monstrosity. The thing is, with Phoenix Winf, we don't let our friends and comrades fight without backup. No matter what, the bond our guild has shines through in our abilities!" She shouted the words, and figuring enough time had passed, she angled downwards, the flames flashing around her, but dispersing harmlessly around damian, Nolan and James. They weren't intended to hurt them.

"Phoenix Queen" she muttered, it was the first time she had ever spoken those words and she felt the rush of power, her flames changed to brightest orange, deepest red, golden yellow, with Crimson, purple and pink splashed through it, her flames taking on more the shape of a Phoenix. This witch had wronged her, had drawn her here, and had insulted Damian. She was evil. And now she was threatening not just them, but the guild.

It wouldn't do. As she dropped towards the ground behind the witch, her flames increased, but still didn't hurt her guild members. But she knew she couldn't fight this blood Mage alone. She looked passed the witch towards Damian, her eyes ablaze with inner light. "Together."
Sasha grew more and more frustrated. It seemed impossible to explain why she was desperate to make sure Penny was okay. And then it wasn't. She pushed aside her half-finished food and she said softly, devoid of emotion because she knew if she allowed that well to break, she wouldn't be able to get herself under control for a while. "You don't understand. Today marks the 12th anniversary of my mother, father and brothers death, I won't lose Penny, especially not on the same day as the rest of my family. Please" she begged, "I know It will be wiser to go with you to, and I will but...I have to be doing something other then just sitting here! Even if it is just getting back to the guild, and asking to contact Penny, I just have to!" And now the emotion flooded into her voice, and Sasha looked away.

The last three months had been hard on Sasha. Despite the fact that Penny had come into her life, Sasha struggled with the knowing that for 12 years, she had had family out there. The years of doubt, fear and loneliness could have been filled with memories of Penny and herself. Sasha had been confident in her identity, and the the fiery tempered flame Mage that was her sister had bowled into her life and changed that. And then Lazarus had disappeared, and she still didn't know where he was. Where he had gone, and she worried and fear that he had gone home to his father, for confrontation or something else, she didn't know. Was he even alive or not?

She sighed softly and whispered "please" once more
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BlackCat said
Kyo noticed a girl holding the creature from earlier. Was she it's owner? Was she the girl that Galen had come with? "Hello," Kyo told the girl, trying to start a conversation. Hopefully it would work.

She look at the girl and mumbled "yea." She was even more tense now, she trying to start a conversation now and she also has to deal with this boy. She was honestly regretting her decision on bringing him along. She looked down at the ground and squeezed walkaflocka harder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Whoa now, 'Monstrosity'? You really do vilify anyone who challenges you." Melina said, avoiding Damian's attack as best she could, occasionally taking cuts. Melina got a distance away from the both. She grit her teeth as she felt fire on her skin, and she just kept moving away, stopping once she was out of Penny's fire's reach. "Fine, fine, God your fire hurts. I surrender." Melina dropped her knife and kicked it away before dropping her blood Queen ability, the armor turning to blood and falling to the ground, also with a greyish tint. It was hard not to collapse then and there from the energy drain. It didn't matter how long or short she used it, it drained her. "I surrender." She repeated, looking down at her burned self, then up again.
Mayt stood up, swallowing the food in his mouth before walking over to Sasha. "Okay, I see how important this is to you. I understand." He offered his hand to her. "We can head back now. I was just hoping to finish eating." He took Sasha's hand, helping her to her feet, before nodding to Angelo to cone and walking with her to the train station. "I didn't mean to make you upset, I'm sorry." He looked at the ground a few feet in front of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 32 min ago

Angelo finished drinking before cleaning his hands and he got up getting serious "let's go make sure penny is okay" I said simply following them both outside to get to the train station. Angelo was going to help sasha after what she said that made Angelo get serious and feel determined to help her make sure penny was safe
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Show chuckled at Riye trying to protect the job leaflet she had just picked out from him, like he was going to eat it or something. "Hey now, relax. Did you forget you were the one who asked me for help in the first place?" He asked her with a smile. Well, the job definitely suited her, as far as he could tell right away, she didn't have much combat experience and the magic she displayed earlier seemed more of a support-type of magic, not a combat-type one.

Sho hadn't really paid attention to the new arrival, a girl named Minerva Fair-something. Only when Maddox mentioned something about a challenge did Sho turn around and see her. "Hmm? Did I hear someone say challenge?" He asked curiously, looking once at Maddox and then at Minerva, "I'd love to take part in that!" He said and grinned, his fists coming together, signaling he was ready for anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


Surrender? Stepping forward, Damian kicks the knife out of the blood mage's reach and then levels the point of one of his blades with her throat. "To what end? Why surrender? I'm sure you could escape if you really wanted to." He doubted her motives and as the fight had gone on, he'd questioned why Master Jamie had been so concerned suddenly when he realized that a blood mage was who Penny had gone to face. He glanced back at Penny, smiling to himself when he saw that she was alright and that James had managed to heal the cut. As they stood there, he felt it would be safe to limit her movement as well. "Blade Cage!" An interlocking latticework of sword blades appeared around the blood mage, with a few pointing inward. Better save than sorry.


James reached out to grab her when she pulled away but missed her arm and cursed. The girl was bull headed and stubborn, but he couldn't help but admire her for her commitment to her friends. He hoped to become a member of Phoenix Wing and become one of those people that someone in the guild would do that kind of thing for. Approaching the woman, he kept his sword and shield ready, just in case. She'd already proven very tricky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Once the cage appeared Melina let herself drop to her knees. She answered Damian's question with a tired voice. "What does surrender not get me is a better question. Besides, even if I did run, your firebug over there wouldn't rest until she hunted me down and take whatever corrupted vengeance she has in her mind." She panted slightly, dragging her finger through the drained 'blood'. "Give Mithera my regards if you can though. Been a while since I've seen her." Melina smiled a little. "I won't even get to see her at the guild, assuming you take me there." She laughed a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tailorpitbull


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Sona smiled down at the big Uniwolf. Maybe now she would make friends. She didn't have any yet, and she believed they thought she was stupid. She had skipped eating the previous day to try and find the Uniwolf's traces, and, she thought, it Had paid off. She headed straight to her tent she had set up for herself. When she entered, she rummaged around for the collapsible cage. Finding it, she dragged it outside where the loyal certain stood, tail wagging. She patted his head. "Okay, you gotta go in there, Moon." She stopped. She had unintentionally called him Moon. She shrugged it off. He was hers now, wasn't he? She hoped the guild wouldn't take him away for studies . She'd read enough to know that it would do better with the person whom it had found to care for it then taken away. She stroked the silky head again, and whispered, "Why'd you choose me, boy? The other guild members are better at this than me." He seemed to grin at her, and Shia silver tail waves back And forth as he stepped into the cage. Sona have him some meat, water, and blankets." He lay down and woofed softly. "I'll let you out once I tell someone. I don't know who to go to when I report my days finding. But your more than a finding for sure!" She sat down by the cage to wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha sighed, "You didn't. Its my own fault for not sharing things like this with the guild. But I can still hear my brother's laugh, ust before it happened. ghost's don't have to be seen to be real, you know" She wished she hadn't said anything now, seeing how bad it had made Mayt feel. She should have just sat there worrying, and made an effort to be strong.

She was just weary of being strong. She bit her lip and said, "Sorry...I shoudn't have said anything"
Surrender. A trap. It ran through Penny's mind, and she didn't trust this. She shouldn't have trusted the woman that had told her, asked her if she would help. She narrowed her eyes, watching the blood mage. e

She spoke of Mithera. The shapeshifting pet the Master had? Penny frowned. It all seemed too easy. She looked to Damian, and said, "Perhaps we should contact the master first. I don't like this"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr Nim
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Mr Nim Neverhood's Klayman

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After Sho told her that she can relax and reminded her that she asked him to come with her to do a job, Riye felt a bit embarressed. She did asked him, and then she noticed Jarvis told her that she simply needs to tell him that she wishes to take the job and it will be good "Alright then. I wish to take the Myth or Legend job." She told the bartender before looking at Sho again "You are right. Sorry, its just I don't know yet how competitve people can be here.

Upon hearing someone give a challenge that sounded like an invitation for a fight, Riye turned to look at the new arrival, Minerva "If you want to fight, keep me out of it. I dislike fighting, and I think that any fighting in here would only ruin the place." She said and looked around, before her eyes landed on the bartender again "Do you know when is the Master supposed to make his announcement?" She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

joeycbee said
She look at the girl and mumbled "yea." She was even more tense now, she trying to start a conversation now and she also has to deal with this boy. She was honestly regretting her decision on bringing him along. She looked down at the ground and squeezed walkaflocka harder.

"well i guess now is as good as time as any to introduce ourselfs" he glared at the purple girl "seeing that i don't even know where in the world we are. so, im Galen." he pointed at him self. "that thing is....a thing" he pointed at walkaflocka. "and you are?" he pointed this time at purple.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

Before Maddox could pick on Lazarus any further, Sho stepped up to Minerva's challenge. The grin vanished from the red-haired mage's face, before he let out a sigh. "Would you look at that," he noted aloud. "A match made in heaven." The grin returned and he chuckled, before taking a drag on his cigarette. After letting out some smoke, he looked at the two potential fighters. "You can fight indoors all you want as long as you don't use magic. Tables and chairs are easy to replace, walls are not. You understand what I'm trying to say?" Though he didn't plan on babying either of them or performing as some sort of referee, he had to establish some ground rules since they were both at least somewhat new to Phoenix Wing. "Be careful about the others around you. If you accidentally hurt them, you kinda deserve to get ganged up on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 14 hrs ago


"Penny, she just attacked you. Of course you don't like it." Pacing around the cage, he gauged the blood mage with in. Mithera wasn't a well known thing, though plenty of rumors surrounded her dragon form. Most of them about how it was strange it was the guild had a dragon and not a phoenix. Both didn't exist, but the idea was still there. The blades in his hand vanished and Damian sighed. Contacting the master was still a prime idea since he seemed to know who she was. "Fine, I'll contact the master. Perhaps our blood mage friend here can explain herself to him before we bring her back."

Bringing out the communication lacrima, he activates it and notes before speaking that the desk was cleaner than earlier. That was a good sign. Or maybe an she'd just gotten bored and did it to kill the time. Damian didn't know. Regaining his focus, he speaks. "Master Jamie? We captured the blood mage."


Apprehension. Apprehension was all he could feel because the one person James had any knowledge of in the entire Phoenix Wing guild was going to go one on one with the crazy blood mage who had managed to lure the man's best friend with seemingly very little issue. Then she up and surrendered, kicking away her weapon of her own free will. Of course, being an offensive support, he immediately picked up on the massive drain on the blood mage's magic energy the spell she'd just used had caused. Then it clicked. She had very little left. With Damian's cage around her, coupled with the drain of energy, James remained certain she was trapped. But he kept his shield up just in case.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina just watched Damian, glancing at James and Penny. Her hands rested in the drained blood, her hands and her shins now covered with it as it continues to spread and flow into cracks and crannies. "Normally, letting this happen would be detrimental, when fighting a blood mage." She says this in an almost everyday tone, looking at Damian. "But I'm sure you've already figured that out, Mr. Swordman and Miss Firebug." She glances at Penny, before returning her gaze to Damian.
Mayt rubbed the back of his head. "Hey, it's fine Sasha. Not like it hurts to check right? I bet she just has a few scratches at worst. But I guess it'd be good to know if I'm right about that. I guess we all have the right to freak out every once and a while." He wrapped an arm around Sasha gently. "I'd rather you say something and be sad, than you having to put up with all of it on the inside. And I'm sure Angelo feels the same." He casts a glare at Angelo to see if he nods or shakes his head, but Mayt's look indicates the correct answer would be to agree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny was glad when Damian agreed to contact the master. She watched the blood mage, watching for any little tricks. It had just seemed too easy to catch her, and she wondered if it was just another trap. She was sure of it. Even if it wasn't a trap, having her guard up wasn't a bad thing. She wondered if getting caught wasn't part of the witches plan. although how she would have expected Penny to catch her like this, she didn't know.

"I think you are a sneak, a liar and someone who will do anything for their own gain. I think you are evil" She said in response to the blood mage.
Master Jamie glanced about for what she had done with the lacrima as she heard Damian's voice. She hurried began to shift through things, before finding it. He curled his hands around it and said, "Good, but I doubt you've caught her for good. She's tricky. Melina, I know its you, and I want answers!" Jamie knew that there deal had pertained to Mayt, but thought it had been implied that if Melina had gone after any other of his members, he would retaliate, "Why are you doing this? To get Mithera back? Or to try and gain some of my members blood?" Jamie had no doubt that Melina could hear her through the lacrima, and that Melina was probably trying to figure out a way out of Damian and Penny's clutches. So best to demand these answers quickly.
"With everything thats been going on the last few months, it just seems best to check" Sasha said. "We can do no more here, and Mithera will either head back to the guild in her own time, or the Maser will track her down. Either way, she'll end up back at the guild, I'm sure. But what if somethine has happened,and Penny hasn't been able to call for help? Or what if this is purely just to distract me, and somethings happening at the guild? I need to know"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Melina put her bloody hands up. "Whoa whoa, a sneak and a liar? And when did I lie to you? I told you you couldn't find who you were looking for without me. That was true, seeing as I was the person you were looking for. Then your friend here started giving everyone asthma was his ash and I reacted! Jeeze." She turned her head to the Lacrima Damian was holding. "And I wasn't doing anything until that guy," she points at Nolan. "Started choking people with his ash." She crossed her arms. "My reaction was to try and stop him."
Mayt nodded, and crossed his arms. "I doubt many people have the means to catch a firebug like her. And I'm sure the guild's fine, but we might as well go back. As you said, we can't do much more here. And Mithera can make it back on her own. She got here on her own didn't she?" He chuckled a little, jogging a little ahead and getting everyone tickets for the train. "You can use a lacrima while we're on the train to make sure everything and everyone's alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You are a murderer. I have no doubt you killed before coming up to us, even if I can not prove it" Penny hissed, "And Nolan used the ash to drive innocent people out. And then you attacked Me with a knife. You didn't attack Nolan, didn't try to stop him. You attacked me, didn't give him a second thought. As for helping, you stalked me and didn't leave me alone. I knew it was you we were looking for the moment you came towards us, witch. Shut up, before you try to invent more lies that I can disprove"
Sasha nodded, "It just seems like since Wes disappeared, nothing has been right anywhere. More dark guild activity, more job requests about that sort of thing, four demons now, and there was another sickness like with the city without sound. Bad things are happening, and it just seems like it's spreading" She said softly, boarding the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

metagros said
"well i guess now is as good as time as any to introduce ourselfs" he glared at the purple girl "seeing that i don't even know where in the world we are. so, im Galen." he pointed at him self. "that thing is....a thing" he pointed at walkaflocka. "and you are?" he pointed this time at purple.

Kyo looked at the girl.
"I'm Kyo, I'm a wizard, though I can't control my magic at all. It's nice to meet you," She said. She really hoped that Galen wouldn't surprise her again, she didn't want to hurt the girl. That would be mean. Kyo looked at the ground nervously, unsure of what to do next.
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