BSA to the locals and Division S by the agents that work in the agency. The Men In Black, a secret organization originally founded by the government to reach out and contact extra-terrestrial life that now monitors all alien life on and around the planet Earth. However, they had an expansion a few years ago. Seems aliens weren't the only paranormal beings out there. Supernatural creatures, things like vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, the whole shebang also exist on Earth. Ever wonder why they're considered just myths? That'd be us. The MIB S-Division. Specifically tailored to taking care of all issues surrounding the supernatural and extraordinary on the planet Earth. We keep the dirty little secrets just that, secret. Sometimes you'll find us cleaning up after messes such as a rogue demon or vampire going on a killing spree, most of the time you'll find us doing the mundane. Consider us the cops of the supernatural world, cleaning things up and keeping order.

Real name:
Code Name:

Original Name: Rebecca Douglas
Code Name: Mushrooms
Age: 25
Gender: female
Species: witch
Description: Rebecca is a very outgoing woman. She loves meeting new people and trying new things. She is the only daughter of a single mom. She is excited to one of the supernaturals chosen for this new division. Her magic is a little unpredictable.
Real name: Jacque Krauss
Code Name:
Age: 21
Species: ghoul
Appearance: "Why do I hate witches so much? Because I do dammit!" -- He has a large scar where his heart is, as well as several more scars shaped into intricate patterns on his chest and stomach.
Personality: To be honest, Jacque isn't exactly the most pleasant person to be around. He's almost always moody or otherwise agitated, which largely stems from the fact that he's perpetually hungry for human flesh. Jacque is usually able to contain his urges by eating copious amounts of raw beef or pork laced with human pheromones, however he becomes increasingly hostile, with twelve hours being the longest he can last, at which he lapses into a feral state and attempts to devour any human within reach.
Bio: Originally from Oregon, Jacque was a relatively unremarkable man: he had a simple job, lived in a normal apartment, and was generally just another nameless member of society. The only thing that Jacque did that could be considered mildly exciting was go bar hopping on the weekends, both to drink away work related stress, and possibly meet a nice girl. It was during one of his excursions that he found someone whom he hit it off with extremely well. They continued to meet each other over the next few weeks, progressing from acquaintances, to friends, to a couple at a steady pace. Unfortunately for Jacque however, when his girlfriend talked about how they should consummate their love and be together forever, he had no idea how literal she meant when she said "forever". It was after another date, when things started to get heated that Jacque's girlfriend showed her true colors by stabbing him in the heart with a ceremonial knife she'd hidden beneath her clothes. What Jacque had failed to realize was that he'd hooked up with a bokor, a type of witch that excelled at using voodoo and necromancy. Jacque was resurrected, shackled, and given sentience once more. Understandably, he was pissed, but the magic that kept him tethered to the living world prevented him from harming his mistress, as well as imbued him with a craving for human flesh, which his girlfriend was all too happy to provide in the form of men she tricked into coming home with her. Eventually a local who just so happened to live in Oregon and work for the bureau started paying a bit more attention when people that used to be bar regulars vanished with the same person. An investigation was soon launched, and the bokor woman was of course detained with Jacque in tow. By all rights, Jacque should have been destroyed, however his ability to act on his own accord with his mistress detained, allowed the bureau to use him as an asset. Not that they needed to do much convincing, Jacque was all to happy to quell the supernatural occurrences to spite his ex by working for the same people that arrested her. He's been with the bureau for roughly eight months now
Real name: James Hunter
Code Name: Dragon Slayer
Age: unknown, but he appears to be 18
Species: Brood (he looks like a human, but can turn into various kinds of dragons)
Personality: Very quiet and serious, hates having weak teammates that just get in the way, goes off on solo assignments a lot.
Bio: He doesn't like to talk about it, but apparently he was a cop. The bureau picked him up after he accidentally turned into a warrior dragon while chasing a criminal that they didn't know was a vampire
Real name: Alastair Grim
Code Name: Feral
Age: 20
Species: Half devil
Personality: Alastair is generally quite watching others so he may understand them he's very protective over his friends.
Bio: Alastair was born a Bastar child since no one ever new his father his father was no one other then the lucifer himself. Alastair goes a little crazy when he has to fight he either burns them to death or rips then to parts with his large demonic arm.
Real name: Simon J. Hennriksson
Code Name: Aetius
Age: 29
Species: Skinwalker
Personality: Simon is a happy individual when he is off duty but on duty he is more serious and cold.
Bio: Simon has anterograde amnesia so even HE does not know his own past.
Real name: Serafine (Sera) Myers
Code Name: Flaming Rose(rose)
Age: 18
Species:Demi-God (Daughter of fire war god)
the scar is from when the two made a contract together and the scar symbolizes their contract and connection
Personality: Feisty, sassy, and cold at times but she is caring on the inside. She also tends to be flirty when feisty
Bio: Sera was born the daughter of a God and human. Her mother abandoned her and she was found by a tribe of people in the jungle. There she was raised and she learned her abilities. She met a special animal that in a sense is a spirit animal that can be summoned by her to help her fight or for her to ride into battle, it was a white tiger. They were found and taken into the bureau when they were chasing an evil spirit through a forest. She has been in the bureau since she was 16 and has become a highly known member
Real name: Maria Martinez
Code Name: robin
Age: 29
Species: human
Personality: As her code name suggests, Maria is a chirpy and loquacious individual. She is always chattering about one thing or another, and she doesn't mind if she's the only one talking in the room. Maria is known as the one with all the salacious news and the one who knows all the dirt on everyone and anyone in the bureau. She is extremely talkative, and isn't afraid to share the most scandalous secrets with the whole S-division. People know her as the base of the gossip grapevine, and for that some may dislike her. Maria really doesn't care what they think of her. She is blunt and prefers to be frank, never one to sugarcoat her words. Maria is also almost eternally smiling, an optimist, one to find the silver lining of everything. Maria tends to gravitate towards people who are like her, and she tries to avoid the negativity that sometimes engulfs certain individuals. To her, people can say what they want, think what they want, and feel what they want; but gossip is gossip, and nothing will stop Maria from grabbing the juiciest piece of news and spreading it to the whole division (besides maybe a few dozen glazed donuts). It helps that Maria has a knack for eavesdropping while engrossed in reading manuals or polishing weaponry, and to newcomers she appears perfectly harmless with her short stature and playful grin plastered to her face.
Bio: Maria was born and raised in a small town in Iowa, with her three older brothers and mother and father, along with her grandparents on her dad's side living just a five-minute walk away. She was always regarded as 'just one of the guys' due to the fact Maria was fond of tussling with her brothers and their friends, never really making too many girlfriends to chat at the mall with. Growing up with three older brothers makes a girl tough, and Maria learned how to wrestle and run and swim at an early age. As a child, she'd always had a penchant for the spooky and supernatural, constantly reading paranormal-themed novels and harboring multiple (embarrassing) crushes on the male protagonists of the stories. Maria finished high school and went to college, then after college she became a news journalist dedicated to investigating places in search of legitimate paranormal or extraterrestrial activity, though most places that claimed to be 'haunted' were just hoaxes and scams to attract money or attention. Still, Maria persisted, until she hit a jackpot.
It was a muggy night down in the Louisiana bayou near the Mississippi River delta, with the humidity practically tangible and the air like moist black velvet. Maria had heard of increasing rumors that the area was infested with ghosts and ghouls and the like. So, grabbing her notebook, pocket recorder, a camera and a waterproof flashlight and donning a pair of rubber rain boots, Maria had taken a jaunt down to the marshy area after flying into New Orleans. At first, it had seemed like another dead end, but Maria accidentally encountered a ghoul and a demon of sorts on the trek back to the city. Instead of freaking out and shrieking and subsequently alerting to the creatures of her presence, Maria had whipped out the camera and taken a few photographs of the supernatural beings that came out surprisingly well after being processed in the darkroom before sprinting out of there.
What Maria didn't know was that her little expedition had attracted the attention of the bureau, who'd been keeping an eye on her activities for a little while due to the articles that she published. When the bureau came to confiscate the photographs, Maria demanded that they tell her what was going on. After a heated debate, the agents sent by the bureau caved in and told her who and what they were. Maria then willingly handed them the photographs and applied for a job soon after. She was hired to one of the subdivisions in the archives, but was moved to the MIB division after completing a police training course and passing with flying colors-the years spent grappling with her brothers had lent a hand to her success. Maria has currently been working for the agency for approximately five years, and she's loving every second of it.
Name:nobody knows his real name,so they just call him Red Mac.
Appearance:a 6,5 male,wears a leather jacket,and jeans,and always wears a gasmask,he has long hairl.
Personality:a insane ,but good hearted mercenary ,he enjoys quipping (even in the middle of a battle) and taunting his foes.
BIO:people never knew his name,much less where he came from,so the only bio he has is myths,some say he was part of a super soldier project befor escaping,others say he is a half breed between a human and a monster,some say he is the son of he god if magic,but all we know for sure is,he is a mercenary he was hired by the Bureu after his track record.
Skills:he is a powerfull illusion Mage (his illusins fool every sense exept touch),and also a engineer .
Has extra human strength ,agility,etc,can regenrate after death,normally it's takes a month,but he has a machine that makes it half an hour:
Equipment:a ninjato made of an very tough alloy,also smoke granades, a Swiss army knife,a fusion powered laptop,and a sonic screwdriver-esque device used for picking locks.and a desert eagle
Real name: Grant Midawn
Code Name: EZ 8
Age: 42
Species: Human
Personality: Grant is a senior member of the Bureau and has worked for over 25 years. He has seen nearly everything their is to see in the Bureau and is hardly surpised by the creatures he has encountered. Grant however is mostly laid back with other team members but when things start to hit the fan he will act his age and demand for absolute respect.
Bio: Grant used to work for the Santa Fe police department as a detective but when he was called to a ranch to investigate a strange object in a cattle field he saw a creature slither away something he would never forget. A few days later after the incident the now nicknamed creature " Santa Fe Phantom" started to stir a fear into the locals with constant reports of a thing wondering streets. Grant was assigned to figure out what was going on and after four months he finally tracked it down the desert surrounding Santa Fe. He and 20 other officers went to the creatures home and were met with a hostile welcome. The creature was unaffected by bullets and it killed nearly 12 officers before a lucky shot in its eye killed the thing. The incident was covered up by the Buerau calling it a shootout between drug dealers and the remaining officer were transferred to the Buerau. Grant has since seen friends die or go and has become a harden agent with age and has will continue to work to the end.
Real name: Jack Caspian
Code Name: Buccaneer
Age: 25
Species: Mutant/ Half-Alien
Personality: Jack cares little for others and follows his own moral code. He often speaks his mind regardless of his thoughts lack tact or not. Although rarely agitated, he is straightforward, is annoyed by many things, and is considered to be quite rude by many.
Bio: Jack his never had a day of rest for the past 6 years of his life. At the age of 19 Jack's parents were mysteriously murdered. It was later found the his mother was an alien, and was taken out by people just like her. This infuriated him, heated the furnace of hatred the fuels Jack's blood last when a creature wanting to do evil pops up. Eventually the Bureau contacted Jack and told him of his heritage and new found abilities. Jack has now been working for the Bureau for 4 years.
Real name: Train O'Neil
Code Name: Mad Cat
Age: 27
Species: feline lycanthrope
Personality: Train is a hyper and happy individual and wildly optimistic about everything. He has a tendency to be loud, as he gets excited and that is often. When he use his ability, he focus all of his energy in to protecting everyone.
Bio: Train comes from a long line of Lycanthropes in a small tribe, his tribe kept hidden from the rest of the world. Train did not want to be hidden up in forests and mountains, he begged to let him leave so he can see the world but they refused and said 'it was against the rules'. Till one night when he was 18 his tribe was attacked by hunters trying to capture and kill Lycanthrope for money. Train only survived because he was away exploring the area they just moved to. Once he heard screams he ran back with all his might only to see his Tribe burning and blood staining the earth. The Bureau turned up the next day only to find a feral Train trying to kill them. He was captured and calmed in a few weeks. The Bureau told Train that some of his tribe maybe alive and through them he could find them.
Real name: Udir Bringgo
Code Name: Tinker
Age: 68
Species: Dwarf
Personality: Unlike majority of the dwarves out there, Udir is a gentle person. He is friendly and mature, sometimes talkative, usually when he is drunk. He loves party and alcohol. He loves learning and doing new things. He is confident and loves socializing. As his code name suggests, he spends most of his time building and repairing machines.
Bio: From the underground city of Durifton, a city inhabited by dwarves, Udir Bringgo came. As majority of dwarves did and do, Udir spent his everyday life mining coal. But his usual daily life changed when the hidden city of Durifton was devastated by an earthquake. The city was desolated, the earthquake didn't just took the city but also most of the citizens. Fortunately, Udir was one of the few dwarves rescued by the BSA, and since the Durifton was gone, the BSA took care of Udir and other rescued dwarves.

"That voice in the back of your head telling you it's alright to rip the guy sitting next to you heart out with your teeth... yeah that's me."
Real name
Code Name
Appears to be in his early twenties, but refuses to give his true chronological age
Anomaly- A species of beings that are composed purely of raw psychic energy. There have only ever been very few sightings of these beings, the Bureau has only ever encountered a total of seven in its history
Ruvik has no true physical body as he is entirely made up of psychic energy, this also means he has no real gender either but he is referred to as a he for the sake of confusion. But the form he does manifest himself in most commonly is that of a young man. This form is tall, standing at 6'5, and has a fit body build. His long, messy hair is a deep crimson red that match his eyes, which give off a faint glow. His body is covered with a series of tattoos that glow crimson red when he uses his powers. He is also constantly covered in a deep red aura that bellows off of him like smoke.
Ruvik is a very cynical and bitter individual. He believes it is a simple rule of nature that people will always put there own well being over others. He doesn't under stand the concept of basic human morality, to him there is no real good or evil just what is happing now. He is incredibly resentful to the Bureau for trapping him all those years ago and forcing him to serve them. He has a incredibly dark and twisted sense of humor, though he is known to laugh at normal things as well. It is nearly impossible to get him to do anything, even if lives are on the line. The only way to get him to cooperate is to have the person he currently bound to give him a order, but even then he will try to find a way to twist the simplest of orders. The most "human" aspect of him would be his fascination with all genres of music, from classical to heavy metal.
Ruvik doesn't speak much of his life before his capture, but he will let a occasional story about the mayhem he use to cause slip from time to time. What is solidly known is that roughly a two centuries ago a squad of the BSA was called in to investigate a mountain town going completely silent. When the team arrived they found the town's occupants had been driven insane and were killing anything that got too close, including each other. The town itself looked like it was hit with a bomb, there were large burn marks everywhere and whole buildings had been collapsed in. When the team finally found the cause of the destruction they were shocked to find a nude, young red haired man with some form of miasma surrounding him, standing in the middle of a field littered with the bodies of the town's occupants. The team quickly tried to engage, but it went south rather quickly. The team of fifteen was quickly slaughtered down to four in a matter of minutes. The rest managed to retreat and hide long enough to regroup and come up with a plan. One of the members of the group who happened to be a experienced witch made a spell that would trap the creature. The team lured the creature into the trap, but not before losing another member. After neutralizing the creature the remaining members of the team took it back to the Bureau. After months upon months of studying it the witch who captured it found a way to harness the creature's power in the form of bounding it to her. This was the first time Ruvik was bound to a member of the BSA. As the years went on his bound mates (the title given to the person who currently gives Ruvik orders) changed constantly, though a complex blood spell had to be casted each time. He has reluctantly served each one "loyally" till their deaths or being transferred to a new bound mate.
Real name: Chase Kadvin
Code Name: N.I.C.O Natural Immigrant( creature wise) Catcher & Observer
Age: 20
Species: Elementalist: Noun, someone who has power over a certain Element.
Nico has power over fire, he can also redirect lightning (which is heat in a charged particle form? I'm not sure how to say this.)
Apperance: CLICKY :D
Personality: It varies, some days you'll go up to him and he'll flip you off, tell you to go away. Other days he'll act laid back and smile at you, "Hey, how's it going?" He's quite mysterious.
Bio: Chase Kadvin or, Nico, is quite a mysterious guy. Not many wish to talk to him, or, even go near him.
Which is fine by him, he doesn't necessarily like people, but he tries to be polite as possible.
He was born in Patheticut- Excuse me, Conneticut. But the rest, absolutely no one knows, Nico doesn't like talking about his past,
if somebody does he just sits their, bangs covering his eyes muttering "Go away."
The one thing he loves with his own pride and joy is his Laelaps. His hunter dog that always catches her prey.
He named her Evelynn.
Andrew W.K - Ready to Die: "This is your judgement day" He captures creatures and decides whether or not to let them free, or keep them and observe them.
Shinedown - Sound of Madness: Referring to his being an outcast.
Skillet - Sick of It: Sick of it, referring to what happened in Conneticut... (TBR)
Aint No Rest for the Wicked: Above.

Real name:
Code Name:

Original Name: Rebecca Douglas
Code Name: Mushrooms
Age: 25
Gender: female
Species: witch
Description: Rebecca is a very outgoing woman. She loves meeting new people and trying new things. She is the only daughter of a single mom. She is excited to one of the supernaturals chosen for this new division. Her magic is a little unpredictable.
Real name: Jacque Krauss
Code Name:
Age: 21
Species: ghoul
Appearance: "Why do I hate witches so much? Because I do dammit!" -- He has a large scar where his heart is, as well as several more scars shaped into intricate patterns on his chest and stomach.
Personality: To be honest, Jacque isn't exactly the most pleasant person to be around. He's almost always moody or otherwise agitated, which largely stems from the fact that he's perpetually hungry for human flesh. Jacque is usually able to contain his urges by eating copious amounts of raw beef or pork laced with human pheromones, however he becomes increasingly hostile, with twelve hours being the longest he can last, at which he lapses into a feral state and attempts to devour any human within reach.
Bio: Originally from Oregon, Jacque was a relatively unremarkable man: he had a simple job, lived in a normal apartment, and was generally just another nameless member of society. The only thing that Jacque did that could be considered mildly exciting was go bar hopping on the weekends, both to drink away work related stress, and possibly meet a nice girl. It was during one of his excursions that he found someone whom he hit it off with extremely well. They continued to meet each other over the next few weeks, progressing from acquaintances, to friends, to a couple at a steady pace. Unfortunately for Jacque however, when his girlfriend talked about how they should consummate their love and be together forever, he had no idea how literal she meant when she said "forever". It was after another date, when things started to get heated that Jacque's girlfriend showed her true colors by stabbing him in the heart with a ceremonial knife she'd hidden beneath her clothes. What Jacque had failed to realize was that he'd hooked up with a bokor, a type of witch that excelled at using voodoo and necromancy. Jacque was resurrected, shackled, and given sentience once more. Understandably, he was pissed, but the magic that kept him tethered to the living world prevented him from harming his mistress, as well as imbued him with a craving for human flesh, which his girlfriend was all too happy to provide in the form of men she tricked into coming home with her. Eventually a local who just so happened to live in Oregon and work for the bureau started paying a bit more attention when people that used to be bar regulars vanished with the same person. An investigation was soon launched, and the bokor woman was of course detained with Jacque in tow. By all rights, Jacque should have been destroyed, however his ability to act on his own accord with his mistress detained, allowed the bureau to use him as an asset. Not that they needed to do much convincing, Jacque was all to happy to quell the supernatural occurrences to spite his ex by working for the same people that arrested her. He's been with the bureau for roughly eight months now
Real name: James Hunter
Code Name: Dragon Slayer
Age: unknown, but he appears to be 18
Species: Brood (he looks like a human, but can turn into various kinds of dragons)

Personality: Very quiet and serious, hates having weak teammates that just get in the way, goes off on solo assignments a lot.
Bio: He doesn't like to talk about it, but apparently he was a cop. The bureau picked him up after he accidentally turned into a warrior dragon while chasing a criminal that they didn't know was a vampire
Real name: Alastair Grim
Code Name: Feral
Age: 20
Species: Half devil

Personality: Alastair is generally quite watching others so he may understand them he's very protective over his friends.
Bio: Alastair was born a Bastar child since no one ever new his father his father was no one other then the lucifer himself. Alastair goes a little crazy when he has to fight he either burns them to death or rips then to parts with his large demonic arm.
Real name: Simon J. Hennriksson
Code Name: Aetius
Age: 29
Species: Skinwalker
Personality: Simon is a happy individual when he is off duty but on duty he is more serious and cold.
Bio: Simon has anterograde amnesia so even HE does not know his own past.
Real name: Serafine (Sera) Myers
Code Name: Flaming Rose(rose)
Age: 18
Species:Demi-God (Daughter of fire war god)

the scar is from when the two made a contract together and the scar symbolizes their contract and connection
Personality: Feisty, sassy, and cold at times but she is caring on the inside. She also tends to be flirty when feisty
Bio: Sera was born the daughter of a God and human. Her mother abandoned her and she was found by a tribe of people in the jungle. There she was raised and she learned her abilities. She met a special animal that in a sense is a spirit animal that can be summoned by her to help her fight or for her to ride into battle, it was a white tiger. They were found and taken into the bureau when they were chasing an evil spirit through a forest. She has been in the bureau since she was 16 and has become a highly known member
Real name: Maria Martinez
Code Name: robin
Age: 29
Species: human

Personality: As her code name suggests, Maria is a chirpy and loquacious individual. She is always chattering about one thing or another, and she doesn't mind if she's the only one talking in the room. Maria is known as the one with all the salacious news and the one who knows all the dirt on everyone and anyone in the bureau. She is extremely talkative, and isn't afraid to share the most scandalous secrets with the whole S-division. People know her as the base of the gossip grapevine, and for that some may dislike her. Maria really doesn't care what they think of her. She is blunt and prefers to be frank, never one to sugarcoat her words. Maria is also almost eternally smiling, an optimist, one to find the silver lining of everything. Maria tends to gravitate towards people who are like her, and she tries to avoid the negativity that sometimes engulfs certain individuals. To her, people can say what they want, think what they want, and feel what they want; but gossip is gossip, and nothing will stop Maria from grabbing the juiciest piece of news and spreading it to the whole division (besides maybe a few dozen glazed donuts). It helps that Maria has a knack for eavesdropping while engrossed in reading manuals or polishing weaponry, and to newcomers she appears perfectly harmless with her short stature and playful grin plastered to her face.
Bio: Maria was born and raised in a small town in Iowa, with her three older brothers and mother and father, along with her grandparents on her dad's side living just a five-minute walk away. She was always regarded as 'just one of the guys' due to the fact Maria was fond of tussling with her brothers and their friends, never really making too many girlfriends to chat at the mall with. Growing up with three older brothers makes a girl tough, and Maria learned how to wrestle and run and swim at an early age. As a child, she'd always had a penchant for the spooky and supernatural, constantly reading paranormal-themed novels and harboring multiple (embarrassing) crushes on the male protagonists of the stories. Maria finished high school and went to college, then after college she became a news journalist dedicated to investigating places in search of legitimate paranormal or extraterrestrial activity, though most places that claimed to be 'haunted' were just hoaxes and scams to attract money or attention. Still, Maria persisted, until she hit a jackpot.
It was a muggy night down in the Louisiana bayou near the Mississippi River delta, with the humidity practically tangible and the air like moist black velvet. Maria had heard of increasing rumors that the area was infested with ghosts and ghouls and the like. So, grabbing her notebook, pocket recorder, a camera and a waterproof flashlight and donning a pair of rubber rain boots, Maria had taken a jaunt down to the marshy area after flying into New Orleans. At first, it had seemed like another dead end, but Maria accidentally encountered a ghoul and a demon of sorts on the trek back to the city. Instead of freaking out and shrieking and subsequently alerting to the creatures of her presence, Maria had whipped out the camera and taken a few photographs of the supernatural beings that came out surprisingly well after being processed in the darkroom before sprinting out of there.
What Maria didn't know was that her little expedition had attracted the attention of the bureau, who'd been keeping an eye on her activities for a little while due to the articles that she published. When the bureau came to confiscate the photographs, Maria demanded that they tell her what was going on. After a heated debate, the agents sent by the bureau caved in and told her who and what they were. Maria then willingly handed them the photographs and applied for a job soon after. She was hired to one of the subdivisions in the archives, but was moved to the MIB division after completing a police training course and passing with flying colors-the years spent grappling with her brothers had lent a hand to her success. Maria has currently been working for the agency for approximately five years, and she's loving every second of it.
Name:nobody knows his real name,so they just call him Red Mac.
Appearance:a 6,5 male,wears a leather jacket,and jeans,and always wears a gasmask,he has long hairl.
Personality:a insane ,but good hearted mercenary ,he enjoys quipping (even in the middle of a battle) and taunting his foes.
BIO:people never knew his name,much less where he came from,so the only bio he has is myths,some say he was part of a super soldier project befor escaping,others say he is a half breed between a human and a monster,some say he is the son of he god if magic,but all we know for sure is,he is a mercenary he was hired by the Bureu after his track record.
Skills:he is a powerfull illusion Mage (his illusins fool every sense exept touch),and also a engineer .
Has extra human strength ,agility,etc,can regenrate after death,normally it's takes a month,but he has a machine that makes it half an hour:
Equipment:a ninjato made of an very tough alloy,also smoke granades, a Swiss army knife,a fusion powered laptop,and a sonic screwdriver-esque device used for picking locks.and a desert eagle
Real name: Grant Midawn
Code Name: EZ 8
Age: 42
Species: Human

Personality: Grant is a senior member of the Bureau and has worked for over 25 years. He has seen nearly everything their is to see in the Bureau and is hardly surpised by the creatures he has encountered. Grant however is mostly laid back with other team members but when things start to hit the fan he will act his age and demand for absolute respect.
Bio: Grant used to work for the Santa Fe police department as a detective but when he was called to a ranch to investigate a strange object in a cattle field he saw a creature slither away something he would never forget. A few days later after the incident the now nicknamed creature " Santa Fe Phantom" started to stir a fear into the locals with constant reports of a thing wondering streets. Grant was assigned to figure out what was going on and after four months he finally tracked it down the desert surrounding Santa Fe. He and 20 other officers went to the creatures home and were met with a hostile welcome. The creature was unaffected by bullets and it killed nearly 12 officers before a lucky shot in its eye killed the thing. The incident was covered up by the Buerau calling it a shootout between drug dealers and the remaining officer were transferred to the Buerau. Grant has since seen friends die or go and has become a harden agent with age and has will continue to work to the end.
Real name: Akari Uihara
Code Name: Red Bullet
Age: Unknown, appears 16
Species: Half-Vampire
Personality: Akari acts like a typical energetic teenage girl and always seem to be in a happy mood. However, she can be serious or angry at times or when the situation calls for it. When she does, she becomes more aggressive and sometimes violent. She is loyal to her comrades and makes it a point to communicate and bond with them.
Bio: Akari was born to a human father and vampire mother a long time ago. Her father left when he found out he married a vampire. Due to her mixed heritage, Akari was able to hold back her urge for blood and hid her vampire side as supernatural beings were still being feared. However when she turned 16, a rogue vampire attacked her house and bit her, awakening her vampire nature. Furthermore, her mother lost her life protecting her. Swearing revenge, Akari went on a hunt for her mother’s killer.
For several years, she went on a hunt for the vampire, killing anybody who was in her way and gave her useless information. She eventually found the vampire and succeeded in killing him. Sometime later, Akari met her father again at her mother’s grave. In her grief and anger, she killed him and was then arrested soon after. Seeing potential in her, Akari was given an opportunity to join the bureau or imprisoned. She chose the former.
She goes through training and then sent on both team and solo missions. During team missions, her colleagues commented on her being rash and going out of line. She grew fond of using firearms earning her the codename “Red Bullet”.
Code Name: Red Bullet
Age: Unknown, appears 16
Species: Half-Vampire

Personality: Akari acts like a typical energetic teenage girl and always seem to be in a happy mood. However, she can be serious or angry at times or when the situation calls for it. When she does, she becomes more aggressive and sometimes violent. She is loyal to her comrades and makes it a point to communicate and bond with them.
Bio: Akari was born to a human father and vampire mother a long time ago. Her father left when he found out he married a vampire. Due to her mixed heritage, Akari was able to hold back her urge for blood and hid her vampire side as supernatural beings were still being feared. However when she turned 16, a rogue vampire attacked her house and bit her, awakening her vampire nature. Furthermore, her mother lost her life protecting her. Swearing revenge, Akari went on a hunt for her mother’s killer.
For several years, she went on a hunt for the vampire, killing anybody who was in her way and gave her useless information. She eventually found the vampire and succeeded in killing him. Sometime later, Akari met her father again at her mother’s grave. In her grief and anger, she killed him and was then arrested soon after. Seeing potential in her, Akari was given an opportunity to join the bureau or imprisoned. She chose the former.
She goes through training and then sent on both team and solo missions. During team missions, her colleagues commented on her being rash and going out of line. She grew fond of using firearms earning her the codename “Red Bullet”.
Real name: Jack Caspian
Code Name: Buccaneer
Age: 25
Species: Mutant/ Half-Alien

Personality: Jack cares little for others and follows his own moral code. He often speaks his mind regardless of his thoughts lack tact or not. Although rarely agitated, he is straightforward, is annoyed by many things, and is considered to be quite rude by many.
Bio: Jack his never had a day of rest for the past 6 years of his life. At the age of 19 Jack's parents were mysteriously murdered. It was later found the his mother was an alien, and was taken out by people just like her. This infuriated him, heated the furnace of hatred the fuels Jack's blood last when a creature wanting to do evil pops up. Eventually the Bureau contacted Jack and told him of his heritage and new found abilities. Jack has now been working for the Bureau for 4 years.
Real name: Train O'Neil
Code Name: Mad Cat
Age: 27
Species: feline lycanthrope

Personality: Train is a hyper and happy individual and wildly optimistic about everything. He has a tendency to be loud, as he gets excited and that is often. When he use his ability, he focus all of his energy in to protecting everyone.
Bio: Train comes from a long line of Lycanthropes in a small tribe, his tribe kept hidden from the rest of the world. Train did not want to be hidden up in forests and mountains, he begged to let him leave so he can see the world but they refused and said 'it was against the rules'. Till one night when he was 18 his tribe was attacked by hunters trying to capture and kill Lycanthrope for money. Train only survived because he was away exploring the area they just moved to. Once he heard screams he ran back with all his might only to see his Tribe burning and blood staining the earth. The Bureau turned up the next day only to find a feral Train trying to kill them. He was captured and calmed in a few weeks. The Bureau told Train that some of his tribe maybe alive and through them he could find them.
Real name: Udir Bringgo
Code Name: Tinker
Age: 68
Species: Dwarf

Personality: Unlike majority of the dwarves out there, Udir is a gentle person. He is friendly and mature, sometimes talkative, usually when he is drunk. He loves party and alcohol. He loves learning and doing new things. He is confident and loves socializing. As his code name suggests, he spends most of his time building and repairing machines.
Bio: From the underground city of Durifton, a city inhabited by dwarves, Udir Bringgo came. As majority of dwarves did and do, Udir spent his everyday life mining coal. But his usual daily life changed when the hidden city of Durifton was devastated by an earthquake. The city was desolated, the earthquake didn't just took the city but also most of the citizens. Fortunately, Udir was one of the few dwarves rescued by the BSA, and since the Durifton was gone, the BSA took care of Udir and other rescued dwarves.

"That voice in the back of your head telling you it's alright to rip the guy sitting next to you heart out with your teeth... yeah that's me."
Real name
Code Name
Appears to be in his early twenties, but refuses to give his true chronological age
Anomaly- A species of beings that are composed purely of raw psychic energy. There have only ever been very few sightings of these beings, the Bureau has only ever encountered a total of seven in its history
Ruvik has no true physical body as he is entirely made up of psychic energy, this also means he has no real gender either but he is referred to as a he for the sake of confusion. But the form he does manifest himself in most commonly is that of a young man. This form is tall, standing at 6'5, and has a fit body build. His long, messy hair is a deep crimson red that match his eyes, which give off a faint glow. His body is covered with a series of tattoos that glow crimson red when he uses his powers. He is also constantly covered in a deep red aura that bellows off of him like smoke.
Ruvik is a very cynical and bitter individual. He believes it is a simple rule of nature that people will always put there own well being over others. He doesn't under stand the concept of basic human morality, to him there is no real good or evil just what is happing now. He is incredibly resentful to the Bureau for trapping him all those years ago and forcing him to serve them. He has a incredibly dark and twisted sense of humor, though he is known to laugh at normal things as well. It is nearly impossible to get him to do anything, even if lives are on the line. The only way to get him to cooperate is to have the person he currently bound to give him a order, but even then he will try to find a way to twist the simplest of orders. The most "human" aspect of him would be his fascination with all genres of music, from classical to heavy metal.
Ruvik doesn't speak much of his life before his capture, but he will let a occasional story about the mayhem he use to cause slip from time to time. What is solidly known is that roughly a two centuries ago a squad of the BSA was called in to investigate a mountain town going completely silent. When the team arrived they found the town's occupants had been driven insane and were killing anything that got too close, including each other. The town itself looked like it was hit with a bomb, there were large burn marks everywhere and whole buildings had been collapsed in. When the team finally found the cause of the destruction they were shocked to find a nude, young red haired man with some form of miasma surrounding him, standing in the middle of a field littered with the bodies of the town's occupants. The team quickly tried to engage, but it went south rather quickly. The team of fifteen was quickly slaughtered down to four in a matter of minutes. The rest managed to retreat and hide long enough to regroup and come up with a plan. One of the members of the group who happened to be a experienced witch made a spell that would trap the creature. The team lured the creature into the trap, but not before losing another member. After neutralizing the creature the remaining members of the team took it back to the Bureau. After months upon months of studying it the witch who captured it found a way to harness the creature's power in the form of bounding it to her. This was the first time Ruvik was bound to a member of the BSA. As the years went on his bound mates (the title given to the person who currently gives Ruvik orders) changed constantly, though a complex blood spell had to be casted each time. He has reluctantly served each one "loyally" till their deaths or being transferred to a new bound mate.
Real name: Chase Kadvin
Code Name: N.I.C.O Natural Immigrant( creature wise) Catcher & Observer
Age: 20
Species: Elementalist: Noun, someone who has power over a certain Element.
Nico has power over fire, he can also redirect lightning (which is heat in a charged particle form? I'm not sure how to say this.)
Apperance: CLICKY :D
Personality: It varies, some days you'll go up to him and he'll flip you off, tell you to go away. Other days he'll act laid back and smile at you, "Hey, how's it going?" He's quite mysterious.
Bio: Chase Kadvin or, Nico, is quite a mysterious guy. Not many wish to talk to him, or, even go near him.
Which is fine by him, he doesn't necessarily like people, but he tries to be polite as possible.
He was born in Patheticut- Excuse me, Conneticut. But the rest, absolutely no one knows, Nico doesn't like talking about his past,
if somebody does he just sits their, bangs covering his eyes muttering "Go away."
The one thing he loves with his own pride and joy is his Laelaps. His hunter dog that always catches her prey.
He named her Evelynn.
Andrew W.K - Ready to Die: "This is your judgement day" He captures creatures and decides whether or not to let them free, or keep them and observe them.
Shinedown - Sound of Madness: Referring to his being an outcast.
Skillet - Sick of It: Sick of it, referring to what happened in Conneticut... (TBR)
Aint No Rest for the Wicked: Above.