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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio had no idea on what might happen next so she prepared herself, drawing her Zanpakutos but not releasing them. Instead, Rio merely watched as Scarlett released their Shikai, pointing the bladed end to her forehead before it started to glow. A cage then surrounded the two, cutting off the outside world. Rio's eye flicked around the cage, taking it all in while her facial expression stayed the same, seeming almost unaffected by the move. Chains then formed around her wrists and ankles, causing her to look down at them in wonder. More then formed around her arms, legs and torso which caused Rio's eye to widen a touch as she looked over at Scarlett, however she stayed silent and listened to Scarlett's command. The chains then began tightening. "Now I'm glad I didn't involve another member..." Rio muttered to herself, calm as the chains squeezed to the point that she could feel the pressure on her bones. "Rio Okotaru Darishimo." Rio's eye had reverted back to it's normal size as she stated her name plainly, her senses sharp for whatever may happen next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Scarlett was a bit disappointed by the reaction Rio gave, she kept calm with no major reaction. It wasn't to say Scarlett didn't expect it, as they figured someone of higher status could take a deal of pain. Scarlett did notice a slight widen in the eyes though, so they had managed to do something atleast whether that be shock Rio with the ability or hurt her. Either way, a slight reaction out of a Lieutenant was an accomplishment in itself. But it was time to change it up a bit. The chains loosened and lessened as they were now only on her wrist and ankles like originally. The chains then began pulling, spreading Rio's arms and legs beginning to pull her apart. Scarlett stared at Rio as they figured there would atleast be some skin ripping at this point of pulling. Scarlett was so into it they almost forgot that it was just an example, Scarlett didn't want to go too far....Yet atleast. "Tell me two of your Zanpakuto abilities," Scarlett said as they made the chains pull tightly for two seconds before they resorted back to how they were a few moments ago. That technique usually sent a shock throughout the trapped target's body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio watched Scarlett for a moment before some of the chains around her body had lessened, making the release of pressure relieving. However, there were still chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles which soon began pulling, enough to pull her legs apart also. Rio's eye widened a little more this time since the pulling got to the point that some of her skin felt as though it was going to tear. 'Okay, keep calm Rio' She coached herself, hearing the next command. Rio tried to pull her arms and legs back, raising her energy little by little as she tried. "I refuse." Rio responded, looking up at Scarlett with a dead serious face before the chains revert back to their original state. Rio was testing the water, seeing what more Scarlett would do with a target in this position... but by the look on Scarlett's face, Rio wouldn't be surprised if the latter tried to take things a little too far... All Rio thought of was that she mustn't panic-'Oh no.. not now!' A spike of pain shot through Rio's skull, igniting one of her many headaches... She had her pills in her inner pocket but clearly wouldn't be able to take them while in this position. Instead of letting it effect her, Rio merely squinted her eye a little but made it seem like she was giving Scarlett a little glare when really she was glaring at the pain in her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"You....Refuse?" Scarlett asked slowly then soon saw the glare Rio gave them. That was unacceptable! Scarlett would never accept that from a target! "You tell me this instant!" Scarlett yelled as they made the chains pull hard, then they stopped. They kept doing it up to ten times, as fast as a whip striking forward then being pulled back to strike again. The lieutenant shouldn't have taken it personal, Scarlett was just showing that they could get information, like the lieutenant agreed to. Therefore however far they decided to take it, Rio couldn't snap at them as she agreed to be apart of it. "I'm asking again for those abilities, and if I don't get them..." Scarlett caused some chains to wrap around Rio's torso, "You lose a few ribs...Matter of fact, with every denial you'll lose something. But I won't tell you what, you'll just prepare for it. But you can never prepare for the loss of your life....Now once again, those abilities please."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio certainly did not expect Scarlett to take refusal this badly... However, she was able to understand it, a vast majority of people in this position would of probably spilled their guts by now, but Rio wanted to test this person, especially if she was going to be the one training them. As Scalett yelled, the chains began pulling, forcing Rio's teeth to grit. 'Oh fuck....' Rio squeezed her eye closed during the constant pulling, letting out a small grunt every now and then while gritting her teeth harder to power through this painful feeling. The fact that Rio was trying to endure this made her headache immensely worse, which only piled on top of the pain Rio was feeling right now. After ten more times of constant pulling, Rio's head titled forward, pants escaping her lips as her hair covered her eye and eye-patch. Scalett spoke, demanding the information as another chain was added to her body, returning around her torso. She could defiantly see how this move would be effective since even now she felt her heart rate increase due to the threat. She was just about to speak when instead, Rio began chuckling... "Heheh... Ehehehaha~... Nice try little girl, or boy, whatever you are... But you're getting nothing out of me." Rio's head then flicked back up, revealing a grin while amusement shone in her eye, along with a red glint. "Would you like to continue? Because by all means, keep going~ Break my body." Her grin was still held in place despite the pain from the pulling of the chains. Rio seemed to of stopped trying to prevent the chains from hurting her too much, instead she just let them pull, uncaring of blood that dripped down her wrists from a few cuts she had gained so far.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"...Little girl?...Boy?" Scarlett asked with a tilt to their head as if they didn't know what those were, or rather which one they were. They shook those statements away. Scarlett didn't care that Rio wasn't answering, she was showing signs of pain and that's what got Scarlett going! But they didn't show that it pleasured them, they just continued staring at Rio as she told them to break her body which Scarlett was going to do without her say so in the matter. The chains slowly squeezed around Rio's torso, slowly pushing them in and then loosening once to a certain point. Scarlett repeated the act three times before the chains gave final squeeze, crushing Rio's ribs...But not all of them, most of them though. "Do you see now why I can get information easily? I'm just holding back, lieutenant," Scarlett commented with another tilt to the head, but in the opposite direction as before, "Wouldn't want you scared of me or anything..." Scarlett continued staring at Rio, watching as the blood dripped from her wrist. Scarlett couldn't help but walk up to Rio and stand on the tip of her toes again. Scarlett held onto Rio's arm for support before their tongue found their way onto her wrist slowly licking any blood that found it's way out of her body. "Interesting type," Scarlett commented before backing up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio continued to grin as the little boy-girl did what she wanted since the chains began squeezing her torso. Flicking her head back, Rio looked up to the ceiling of the cage, chuckling, then giggling then laughing the tighter and tighter the chain had gotten. "YES! TIGHTER! CRUSH ME! D-HUH?!" Rio's eye widened further as her grin instantly dropped. "Wh-WHA-ULGH!!" The chains tightened harder this time, so close to breaking her ribs but teasingly stopping and loosening a little. Rio panted during the short break before the final bone crushing action was made... She screamed, thrashing about as the chains became tighter and tighter, clearly wanting to escape but seemingly not having the energy to, but then a maniacal laugh burst through her lips as her grin returned. "TH-THAT'S R-RIGHT! TO-TORTURE ME!!" Rio continued to laugh between pants, looking up as Scarlett spoke before licking some of the blood off of her wrist and backing off. Rio slowly flicked her head forward, this time her eye-patch had fell off, revealing a closed eye. It seemed normal since it was closed. "Oh indeed I do see... B-but you're h-holding back? Foolish! D-DON'T HOLD B-BACK! A-and scared of y-you? Oh Please! Y-you're doing exactly wh-what I want~... ehehehe~ It's o-only a matter of t-time now~" Rio flung her head back once more, barking out a hearty laugh mixed with pained groans while closing her other eye before it suddenly opened again, looking straight at Scarlett as her face changed to almost anger. "SC-SCARLETT! ST-STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY! Th-this was o-only a test!" Rio began coughing, coughing up blood in the process. Of course she noticed an odd light feeling on her face since her eye-patch was on the floor behind her but she couldn't reach it, however that was the last of her concerns... her ribs had been broken, she couldn't use her spiritual energy for some reason, making her unable to prevent it from happening at the time.... 'What the hell is wrong with me?....'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Scarlett titled their head once more as Rio thrashed out. Ok, so did she want to be tortured or not? Scarlett didn't like mixed signals or when their emotions were being played with. Scarlett eyes trailed down Rio's body, there was still so much more they could play with...That they could break! And they had perfect excuses for continuing it, but Rio was right, it was only a test. Scarlett didn't want to break Rio yet, it was too early. But getting a Lieutenant to the current point....She'd try the captain next. Scarlett deactivated the technique, once out of it Rio was completely fine as if none of it happened. Of course, she'd still remember the pain, but she wouldn't feel it. "So? Is my illusion good?" Scarlett asked with a grin as they put their hands behind their back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Rio panted deeply, looking down for a moment at the chains holding her in place... She then brought her good eye up, keeping her other eye closed as she peaked up at Scarlett, watching as the person scanned over her body. Luckily for Rio, Scarlett deactivated the move, showing that this was all just an illusion. Continuing to pant, Rio winced despite the pain of her ribs being crushed becoming nothing but a memory, her burning headache was still yet to leave her head. Straightening herself up, Rio noticed a few of the Squad Two members had stopped training, glaring at Scarlett cautiously. Rio looked over to them, lifting a hand to make sure they didn't try anything. "Go back to training... everything is fine." The members nodded at Rio, doing as she said by returning to their groups. Rio then reached into an inner pocket of hers, taking out a pill bottle as she just couldn't bear this headache for much longer... 'Only one Rio'[/i] She reminded herself before taking a pill and placing the bottle back into her pocket. After closing her eye and waiting for a little time to pass, Rio opened her left eye to look back at Scarett, realising that she had her eye-patch still on. [b]"That was.. unexpected... but indeed it was good. I'll accept you into this Squad but I will have to inform the Captain of what just happened. If he were to disagree with my decision to accept you then his word is final I'm afraid but I'm sure he wouldn't disagree." Rio began taking deep, calming breathes which helped her headache slowly fade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hirako was lying down on the roof of a Squad 2 building. His training he received from his family allowed him to maneuver around the Seireitei without being noticed, so he watched as others trained. He notes the girl with the eyepatch to be Lieutenant, her strength considerable. Shouldnt take me too long to beat her and become Lieutenant, after that it'll be the captain. Heh, this should be plenty fun Then, a young man or woman? Person came into the barracks, requesting to join. She used her shikai, blocking out his view of what was happening. He slightly frowned, wanting to see what happened.

It wasn't before long that the two came out, the Lieutenant seeming to be in a slight frenzy. He grinned, getting on his feet and shunpoing between the two. His eyes met the person named Scarlett, his eyes serious "Interesting, you managed to get the Lieutenant panting while you seem unharmed. You're rather interesting, I wonder what will happen if we were to fight" He said with a smirk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"Please do inform the Captain!" Scarlett said smiling, "Maybe he can try it out next! Or my other techniques, I would like to impress him!" Scarlett gave a small giggle, happy at the results. They managed to get the lieutenant panting, plus they bought that their technique was an illusion. Everything seemed to be looking up, though the Captain probably should of been informed of Rio's masochist side or whatever break down she had. Scarlett opened their mouth to say something else but some guy shunpo'ed and appeared inbetween them and Rio. Scarlett crossed arms and looked up at Hirako, he was tall, Scarlett didn't like that. "Interesting, you managed to get the Lieutenant panting while you seem unharmed. You're rather interesting, I wonder what will happen if we were to fight." Scarlett heard him speak watching the smirk appear on his face. Scarlett looked back watching as Rio left, they guessed training was over? Bummer. Scarlett looked back up at Hirako giving a light shrug, "If we were serious you'd die pretty quickly, sparring you'd probably come very close."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hirako grinned at what Scarlett said, saying if this was a real fight it would him who would he dead "Interwsting, but rather foolish for saying that. You shouldn't assume such things, just because you managed to tire down a Lieutenant. And second of all" Without the slightest hint of motion, Hirako shunpoed behind Scarlett with his arms crossed "you won't be able to catch me if you tried, that is if you'd like to try" He said, turning to Scarlett and testing the person. He had yet to fight a worth opponent in the Seireitei, so this was his first chance. Plus, the move she used on the Lieutenant would only work to his benefit. Or so he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

"Interesting, but rather foolish for saying that. You shouldn't assume such things, just because you managed to tire down a Lieutenant. And second of all," Scarlett noticed the man flash-step behind them. He was fast, probably faster than them self. "You won't be able to catch me if you tried, that is if you'd like to try." Scarlett turned to the man shrugging, "Speed doesn't mean you win all your matches dummy! The Lieutenant is faster than both of us combined, and I still managed to tire her out. So nyah!" Scarlett stuck out her tongue, next blowing a raspberry.
Kenta took a deep breath ripping the top half of his Shihakusho off which was already half torn. He sat meditating, getting a feel for his surroundings. He had been training for a few hours, working on sensing his surroundings now. Next part of training was stamina, even though he had gained allot more from training with Tae he still wanted to push his limits. Their enemy was no joke, so his training shouldn't have been. But first he needed to do something. Standing up he began walking off, wiping the dust off his torso as he did so.

Walking to the hideout he walked inside the house in which Rose immediately drop kicked him causing him to fly into a tree. "First fucking Leon acting dead, then you! How long were you gone!? Days!? We were worried sick! What were you doing!? Don't ever scare us like that again!" She yelled as tears formed in her eyes. Kenta stood up rubbing the back of his head chuckling nervously, "Nice to see you too Rose, sorry for making you worry...Just went out...Got some answers about stuff. I'm ok, really."

"You better be! Or else I'll drop kick your ass harder!" Rose said as she wiped her eyes, Deuce soon walked out smiling as he put a hand on Rose's shoulder. "The important thing is he's ok, and that's all we should worry about." Kenta walked up to the two and let his hand drop, "Uh, sorry...About not giving you all what I promised. I'll get it later, or atleast try to. But I have something to tell you guys....I'm going to try to join the Gotei 13 again, I-"

Deuce held up his hand to stop Kenta from explaining himself, "Yeah yeah, we knew you would all along. It's just in your blood."

"You're just saying that because you won that bet with Leon..." Rose mumbled which got a glare from Deuce, obviously she wasn't supposed to say that in front of Kenta. Kenta shrugged it off though, "Takara still here? I, uh...Need to talk to her about something."

"She said something about fishes," Deuce replied with a shrug. Rose shrugged as well, then Kenta shrugged. They then shrugged in unison. Rose and Deuce headed back inside as Kenta turned around and began walking towards the waterfall. That was the only place he knew that had fish close to it, maybe Takara was fishing? He loved fishing, maybe he could join her sometime.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Takara who woke up from quite the wonderful nap, did some stretches as she told who she could only assume to be Duece, as Leon was sleeping on the floor and the female clearly wasn't a male, that she was going outside with the fishes and left it at that as she walked outside. She walked all the way to the waterfall and peered inside the water before puffing up her cheeks at the fishes, acting like there wasn't a single problem going on in the world. She did this for a few minutes at that before she walked over to the waterfall and proceeded to walk under it, taking a seat on a rock as the water poured on her head. However she didn't move an inch if anything she had her eyes closed as if she was meditating. On closer inspection however it was clear she wasn't and that she simply fell asleep under the waterfall, which she rather impossible to most. Even to the one sitting by the edge of the water, he peered at Takara through his mask and shook his head. "And these children expect me to hand over a clan to weaklings who fall asleep like its her job." He mumbled as he just sat there.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Walking to the waterfall Kenta saw Takara there, seemingly meditating as water poured on her. Though he knew she was probably asleep, but would she be alright breathing? Kenta wasn't too worry, he'd fallen asleep under water plenty of times, apart of his stamina training. That's probably what she was doing. He noticed a man sitting on the edge of the water watching Takara, Kenta put a hand behind his back and glared at the man, "And who are you supposed to be exactly?" Kenta asked, voice could be heard clear even through the rushing water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hirako was surprised and slightly off put when the person stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. He didn't expect it from this person to do that or to even say "Nyah!". This person didn't really seem the type to do any of that. Hirako chuckled, calming down and his eyes returning back to their aloof state. It was obvious this person wasn't taking it serious nor did they want to fight "I suppose you're right, I wonder how things would differ if she were serious. The name's Hirako, I'm looking to join Squad 2 as well but it seems like the Lieutenant left. Any suggestions?" He asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You could say a leader of brats. Or a man, that really dislikes children not giving their names first. Its common courtesy to do so. Also not giving dirty looks is also common courtesy. Seriously what do they teach you children at that academy?" The man then stood up and looked directly at Kenta. "But if you must know I am Touzo. Now what is your name shirtless metal man?" He asked while Takara was still sleeping with all the water pouring on her head, which caused him to look at her and sigh in shame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro began walking then suddenly stopped and turned to Nishiki "Actually...there is a change of plan. I want you to gather Squad 11's strongest members...I need to go pay someone a visit. Just tell them we are going on a training trip...so they may want pack a lot of supplies to bring with them...I'll see you back at the barracks once I am done." Shiro then walked to the edge of the cliff and leaped off it, he then landed on the ground below before standing up straight and closing his eyes "I haven't used this skill in awhile...it's better than running all the way there..." Shiro then opened his eyes as he shunpoed off towards Squad 12. After awhile Shiro arrived outside the barracks then rubbed the back of his head "Shit I'm slower than I thought...guess I'll have to put a bit more training into that..." Shiro then looked at the Squad 12 barracks and SRDI. "Now to find you Captain...." Shiro then walked into the Barracks, towering over everyone as he walked around the barracks, he didn't want to ask anyone for directions...instead...he wanted to try sense this freaky bastard...and sure enough he got the trace of the guy. Zero was underground working on something when he raised his head as someone booted open the door behind him, this caused Zero's eyes to widen slightly as he then turned and narrowed them "" Shiro looked at the man then spoke "I want you to take a walk with me...I need to ask you a few things but I'd rather not in this building...you don't mind that do you?" Zero looked to his work which he had quickly covered then looked to Shiro "" Zero reached into his pocket then and pulled out a device then spoke into it "" A few minutes later Kagiko arrived, rubbing the back of his head as he yawned "" Zero nodded then spoke "" Kagiko looked to Shiro then to Zero and spoke "" Zero walked past Kagiko and Shiro. Shiro then looked at Kagiko as Kagiko looked at Shiro and held out a syringe to him "" Shiro just looked at Kagiko then took the syringe then looked to the exit and followed after Zero as they left the barracks and made their way out the Seireitei. Kagiko then looked at Zero's lab and rubbed the back of his head ""Zero and Shiro had made their way towards a forest as Zero then spoke "" Shiro looked at Zero then spoke "I wanted to ask you a few things...some may be a bit personal but I am curious...you're a mysterious man, I and neither do anyone else know much about you...I'm just wondering why are you so secretive? " Zero narrowed his eyes then looked at Shiro and spoke "" Shiro nodded "I suppose that's true....so can you tell me how the enemy have slipped past our defences so easily time and time again?" Zero suddenly stopped as his eyes widened, this caused Shiro to stop. Zero then narrowed his eyes and looked to Shiro "" Shiro continued to look at Zero as he then spoke "Perhaps that's what I am doing...or maybe I am asking a genuine question. I just find it odd that the enemy can slip past our defences so easily and the ones who should catch onto it are Squad 12...yet...you never did...in fact...you never even showed up to any battles. Did you think I missed seeing that arrancar you were working on? I suggest you tell me what you are up to and what your plans are or I'll kill you here and now..." Zero smiled slightly then spoke ""Shiro narrowed his eyes then spoke "Oh? how did you know about my meeting with Juki...more importantly...how do you know about place? Regardless...I am the one who is curious here..." Zero's smiled faded as he then spoke "" Shiro grinned then spoke "Oh? then how about you enlighten me? I'm so very interested in knowing..." Zero narrowed his eyes then suddenly a blade shot out from his sleeve towards Shiro, who then unsheathed his own Zanpakuto and blocked the extending blade with the cutting edge of his Zanpakuto yet he wasn't pushed back at all "You're going to try sneak attacks on me? with a Zanpakuto?...you must not know me at all...I'm the Squad 11 Captain, also known as the Kenpachi...I EXCEL IN ZANJUTSU!" Shiro then pushed back at Zero's Zanpakuto causing it to fly up into the air as Shiro's Zanpakuto then cut across Zero's chest causing Zero to shunpo back and hold his chest with his left hand "" Zero's eyes then widened dramatically as he spoke "" Zero then pulled a remote out his pocket and pressed a button on it ""~At Squad 12~Kagiko sat in Zero's office on his chair at Zero's computer typing away "" Kagiko then chuckled a little as he pressed enter changing the records "" Kagiko then noticed a red light on the roof flashing as thousands of blades flew out of the walls from all directions towards Kagiko "" The blades then all suddenly bent and hit everywhere around Kagiko, a scratch not being landed on him "" Kagiko then continued to type on the computer then began changing various things as he hacked into it. "" A pop up on the computer then appeared with the words "" This then caused Kagiko to chuckle as he could only imagine Zero's face right now..~Back at the forest~Zero had pulled out another remote and began pressing the button rapidly "" Zero then threw the remote at the floor causing it to shatter as his eyes the widened as Shiro towered over him "Whats wrong? Your plans going to shit? He's a smart guy aint he? Let's see just how much damage he's done to you..." Shiro then grinned as he began slashing at Zero, every time Zero went to block he had already be cut, this caused him to use shunpo to get away but Shiro was in his face once again cutting him again. Zero then shunpoed back again and prepared to release his Bankai when Shiro's Zanpakuto pierced through his chest causing his eyes to widen "Seems he really did a number on you...I don't understand much right now...but I know you were getting your data on everyone from your sneaky little computer...so I can guess he changed shit about me...and you can't help but expect my sword swings to be slower...yet in truth they are so fast you don't know you've been cut until the cut has been completed...So...I think it's time we erase that memory of yours don't you?" Zero's eyes widened as he then went to slash at Shiro only for his wrist to be caught by Shiro's left hand then Zero's eyes widened immensely as he heard his right wrist begin to crack as Shiro's grip tightened, Shiro then slammed his right foot into Zero's gut and pulled Zero's right arm causing it to dislocate as he then tore his Zanpakuto out of Zero and pushed him to the floor with his right foot "It's because of you Kurisa Kuchiki died isn't it?...You were working with those fuckers all along...you knew he'd be the only one to go there and wouldn't work with others...I despise trash like you...I'm going to fucking gut you for the shit you've done to us all..." Zero looked at Shiro weakly then spoke "" Shiro grit his teeth then rammed his Zanpakuto into Zero's gut "It's because of you I could not earn my way to the top! I wanted to become the strongest by beating Kurisa Kuchiki! I didn't want to earn it because of his death!! You took that away from me you piece of shit!" Shiro then pulled his Zanpakuto out of Zero's gut then pierced it into Zero's left shoulder "It's no fun stabbing someone who feels no pain...you're a bore...I have one thing I need to do before I kill you...." Shiro then pulled out the syringe from his Haori then crouched down over Zero "Even if you do survive somehow...you'll be brain dead..."~Flashback to earlier~(This was a part I left out on purpose)Kagiko handed the Syringe to Shiro, this caused Shiro to look at it then speak "What the hell is this?" Kagiko smiled at Shiro then spoke "" Kagiko then tapped his head and chuckled ""~Back to the forest~Shiro then stabbed the syringe into Zero's forehead then injected it causing Zero's eyes to widen the glaze over as Shiro pulled the Syringe out and stood up "You got everything you deserved..." Shiro then rammed his Zanpakuto into Zero's head and then pulled it out as he then began walking off, sheathing his Zanpakuto "I'll see you in hell you piece of shit..." Shiro then began making his way back to the Seireitei, the task done...

Nishiki looked back at Shiro and nodded at his order, watching him jump down off the cliff. Without another word, Nishiki looked forward and continued to walk before bursting into a run, jumping on top of walls within the Seireitei to make her way to Squad Eleven. She looked serious for once, something odd for Nishiki but the situation called for her to put aside her cheerfulness and actually do her job up to Shiro's standards. Once she entered the barracks, Nishiki began walking through it, looking for those who she deemed strong. After gathering the strongest members she could find, Nishiki waited at the entrance of the Squad, counting them before crossing her arms and watching the gate, waiting for Shiro to come through whilst some of the group of members that stood behind her laughed and joked with one another. Nishiki stayed serious the whole time, just standing there and watching the gate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

Reaching under his shirt Kenta grabbed the bandages that were wrapped around his torso. He threw them on the ground before snapping and healing his wound instantly. Letting his arm drop he continued walking forward. He put his left hand up to his head wincing slightly. He had no idea what the fuck was going on but…He knew that woman!

From where and how were the questions he needed answers too. He figured during the time of the experiments, it was the most logical choice but he just couldn’t connect the memories clearly. He stopped in his tracks sensing someone in the immediate area. What a coincidence as Hikari and Himeko stepped into the clearing. “Kenta? What are you doing out here?” Hikari asked as he walked up to him.

“Let’s just say I was getting information about my capture,” Kenta replied, “Which brings to my question, what do you know about The Five Sicario exactly? I remember a brief mention of them when we met back up…”

Hikari looked back at Himeko who was standing near a tree looking at Kenta, Hikari looked back at Kenta. “Well we know that they’re ex-Shinigami living far off, they have a fair amount of people working under them as well. They seem to be hitmen of sorts. I guess they’ve been hidden from the Gotei 13 for a while because they are breaking the law with what they do and are continuing to do so. No one has caught them yet. As you know some time ago a hit was put on me, somehow they knew my two biggest weaknesses at the time too. Himeko and I are actually heading to them now, we have business to settle. Why do you ask?”

“Because I was just told my capture was related to them,” Kenta said as he crossed his arms, “Which now makes me think that that clone was sent as a spy of sorts, how else would they have gotten that information?”

“Good point, but I only spoke with that clone sometimes,” Hikari mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head, “But we will get answers, soon.”

“There’s something else. Apparently a Shinrai was involved in all of this too,” Kenta said, “Maybe you can piece that together with something.”

“Last Shinrai that wanted to kill me was my elder, and I killed him before any of this went down,” Hikari replied, “Last Shinrai I talked to besides you and Himeko was my father who helped me with my hollow training, and then he disappeared. I doubt he’s behind it though.”

“Then there’s another Shinrai in the works,” Kenta said, “I don’t think Sato would do such a thing, he seemed upset about the clan being wiped out.”

“Well no use in making theories, we’re going to go get answers today,” Hikari said before turning to Himeko and walking off. Kenta looked back and forth before following.


“This place is really somethin’,” Kenta commented as he blocked his eyes to stop sand from entering them, “There’s so much here!” They were all now located in a rocky area where sand flew around everywhere blocking the view of everything for a few miles and even feet, there was literally nothing they could see except each other. Himeko stated that the sand was used to hide their location from the Gotei 13 or any others who opposed them which is why it seemed like nothing, and although Kenta knew Himeko knew this place well, he was convinced that they were probably lost…That was until they came across a large hole that Himeko stopped at in which her stopping caused the other two to stop walking. They both looked down the whole raising an eyebrow in unison, a spiral walkway led down to a village they could hardly see from which they stood.

“Before anymore smart remarks,” Himeko said as she glared at Hikari and Kenta who was talking about being lost every two minutes, she then looked back down the hole, “It’s still hidden! Without me navigating you’d really be lost, as anyone who doesn’t know the area. And if they somehow did come across this place then it’d be them dropping to their deaths because they didn’t have anyone stopping them from falling.”

Without giving the two a chance to reply Himeko jumped down landing nearby on one of the rocky parts sticking out. She then began walking down the spiral walkway leading to the village. She knew Hikari and Kenta followed right behind her. Once down in the village they would realize it didn’t span only to the size of the hole but much bigger. It looked like any other village, just with fewer children. There were just older people. There were two large towers that seemed to be made of glass but wasn’t see through further down the village, east and west.

Himeko pointed to the one on the right, “I think Kenta and I should check that one out, that’s where most of the underlings work. We could probably get information there regarding why the hits were sent out while the one of the left holds the five Sicario where you can probably get information on who sent them out. I think you can handle them until we make our way over to help, you’re strong and smart. It’ll save more time.”

“Sounds good,” Hikari said as he made his way to the left tower. Himeko and Kenta made their way to the right tower. The Shinigami outfits got Hikari and Himeko a few funny looks but nothing more.

Entering the right tower Himeko immediately noticed Mariana and Isabella there talking to each other. They soon noticed the two as they walked in. “Oh look who’s here,” Mariana said as she began walking up to the two.

“She’s with another cute guy too~” Isabella said as she walked alongside her sister, “Though I think I prefer Hikari~”

“Blue and red, ice and fire?” Kenta looked over at Himeko, “I assume these two were the ones sent after Hikari.”

“You assume correct,” Himeko replied as she stared at the twins clenching her hands so they became fists. She began rising her energy caused the floor to tremble a little.

“I know you’re upset, but remember, we need information,” Kenta replied as he stood beside her calmly, “That first, and then you can beat them to your liking. I’ll get out your way then, but I’ll help you ware them down.”

“Oh are you really going to hit a female~”

“Please don’t mistake me for Hikari, I’m far from a gentlemen,” Kenta spoke calmly yet his tone was threatening, pretty much like it always was. He put a hand to his neck and cracked it as he closed his eyes, “I’ll pop your head like a grapefruit and not think twice about it.”

Kenta sighed before opening his eyes. His eyes caught the attention of someone familiar causing him to put his full attention on them. They were standing on an upper floor that stuck out like a balcony. He let his hand drop as he stared up at the figure.

“Raijin, what are you doing out here?” Mariana asked as she looked up at the masked man.

“That one,” he replied as he pointed towards Kenta, “I can handle him. I’ve done so already…I have plans for his sister, so I need him.”

No one could reply as they were suddenly paralyzed under some force for a few seconds. Once they came back they looked at Kenta who was shaking, his metal fingers slowly clenching stopping before they actually made a fist. He stared up at Raijin as his hair blew up around slightly by the mysterious force. It wasn’t spirit energy, but instead pure killing intent manifesting into its own form just like spirit energy. It simulated heavy wind causing things to blow around and fall down. Kenta grit his teeth staring at Raijin. Himeko’s eyes widened along with the twins as Kenta was now up there with Raijin within a second. Gripping his face Kenta threw him through multiple walls before shooting after him. So much for not getting upset and needing information, Kenta had left Himeko to fight alone. It was fine though, she did well handling them both before. Now she just had to do it again.

Himeko vs Mariana & Isabella P.2

Kenta vs Raijin

Warning: Descriptive fighty fighty stuff :D

Hikari & The Five Sicario

Walking up to the downed white hair man Hikari placed his blade right under his chin and spoke, “Most of you five are near dead. Answer my questions and I’ll consider letting you live.”

“Ok, ok!” The white haired man said as he scooted back. He knew the power Hikari now held, he was able to take on all five of them at once, now all their bodies laid sprawled on the floor bleeding. What he could do to himself, in the state he was in…Torture. He jumped as Himeko and Kenta burst through the door, “I have information!” Himeko said yet Hikari just stared at the white haired man.

“What’d you get?” Hikari asked in a stern tone.

“It was like you two suspected earlier. They knew your weakness because the clone was spying on you. The clone was made to be exactly like Kenta, even down to the Shikai…Although it wasn’t a real one, just voice controlled and able to absorb and release heat in the same form as Kenta’s abilities.”

“Y-Yeah that’s correct!” The white haired man said as he wiped blood from his nose, “We had the clone built by someone working for us, of course his lab was blown up but…We had to do what was necessary for the job. When we were done gaining information we tried to deactivate the clone, but for some reason it failed…”

“That must explain the sickness Kenta gained throughout the year. Something went wrong within the programming so it affected the clone itself, but didn’t kill it,” Hikari said, “Now my question is why didn’t Squad four notice while healing?”

“Question left unanswered, I didn’t create the clone s-so I wouldn’t know,” the white haired man said as he slowly stood, Hikari allowing him to do so but with a blade to his neck.

“Well that solves the Kenta mystery…mostly,” Hikari said, “Now…who placed the hit and why?”

“The reason why…there are no questions asked. We get a request, and if the money is good enough then we send the hit out,” he replied, “However! The name on the letter was Krypto Shinrai!”

“You have to be shitting me,” Hikari said in disbelief before gritting his teeth, “Are you fucking with me!? Is whoever that is fucking with me!? The fucker knew we’d find out, so they make their name that out of everything! Is this just a game now!?”

Himeko raised an eyebrow and looked up at Kenta with a puzzled look. Kenta spoke without looking at her, “From a book created by one of our clan elders spreading back to the second generation. It featured a character named Krypto. He was an assassin, and the main character’s goal was to find him. The main character was put through trails before he could reach the assassin who was revealed to be his twin brother. They fought equally, and eventually killed each other.” Himeko’s eyes softened as she looked forward at Hikari.

“So it is a Shinrai,” Hikari spoke, “Sato isn’t the type to use riddles or anything. He’s straightforward, and if he wanted to kill me then he had plenty of chances to do so. As for my father…Truth be told I don’t know much about him, he suddenly appears then leaves again. I doubt it’s him…I don’t know though. I have to find him….again…Maybe Tabo can help me out. Well then, I think we’re done here.”

Hikari stared into the eyes of the white haired man before slicing the right side of his neck down to his left hip causing him to fall to the ground. “It was considered; you live or die by chance. Better hope for the merciful route…Death.”

Hikari sheathed his blade and turned around, leaving the village alongside Himeko and Kenta. They headed back to the Seireitei to ask Tabo a few questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Phobos said
Hirako was surprised and slightly off put when the person stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry. He didn't expect it from this person to do that or to even say "Nyah!". This person didn't really seem the type to do any of that. Hirako chuckled, calming down and his eyes returning back to their aloof state. It was obvious this person wasn't taking it serious nor did they want to fight "I suppose you're right, I wonder how things would differ if she were serious. The name's Hirako, I'm looking to join Squad 2 as well but it seems like the Lieutenant left. Any suggestions?" He asked.

"If she was serious then I wouldn't stand a chance, she isn't a Lieutenant for no reason. Don't know why'd you even ask that," Scarlett replied as they took a step away from Hirako. They didn't like being as close as they were, even if it wasn't that close. This guy smelled of testosterone and eggs, both being very common if thought about. "The name's Hirako, I'm looking to join Squad 2 as well but it seems like the Lieutenant left. Any suggestions?" As the boy introduced himself and expressed his problem Scarlett shrugged, "I'm Scarlett, and I guess you just have to go find the Captain then. Or do what I'd do and consider yourself a member unless stated otherwise. I don't think I heard the Lieutenant or Captain say you weren't apart of the Squad!"

Zane620 said
"You could say a leader of brats. Or a man, that really dislikes children not giving their names first. Its common courtesy to do so. Also not giving dirty looks is also common courtesy. Seriously what do they teach you children at that academy?" The man then stood up and looked directly at Kenta. "But if you must know I am Touzo. Now what is your name shirtless metal man?" He asked while Takara was still sleeping with all the water pouring on her head, which caused him to look at her and sigh in shame.

"My apologizes, common courtesy never really was my strong suit," Kenta replied nonchalantly as if what was said about him didn't affect him at all, which was true, it didn't. Kenta watched closely as the man stood up and looked directly over at him, the most analyzing he could do was his body. He didn't look like he was ready to attack or anything, just...On his own guard probably. Kenta usually went off of facial expression though, and wearing a mask was clever for multiple reasons, something Kenta would keep in mind. "But if you must know I am Touzo. Now what is your name shirtless metal man?" Kenta smirked, "I like shirtless metal man allot, maybe I should just switch it to that," Kenta said as he began walking forward a bit while keeping one arm behind his back, "It's Kenta...Dumb asshole also works. Tae really likes that one." Kenta's attention then focused on Takara, wondering what relations this man had with her. Was this the leader of her clan?
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