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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warmonger
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Question: Is Asyr dead at RP start or is she still living?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warmonger
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Question: Is Asyr dead at RP start or still living?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warmonger
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Question: Is Asyr already dead at RP start or still living?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lixvari


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well The End messed up. Seems like every villain will be aiming for him as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Hey. Just dashing off to a life drawing class. Think of the story starting just after The End gives Asyr 24 hours to live. So she is still alive. With a 24 hour timer

Read new cs shortly! Bye
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Another


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey there. Tried to make this as short as possible, no one likes a text wall.

Real Name/Hero name: Marissa – The Witch of the South

Role: Villain

Appearance: A black woman with long, cascading black hair. Her frame towers over mortal humans, and her eyes are jet black as the night… or so the legend goes. In fact, she spends most of the time in her castle and just makes her minions do all the work. Yes, she’s tall, but apart from that all her features are nothing out of the norm. That is, underneath the strange tribal ink that occludes her face and the haunting clothing that she usually wears.


A toxic mist oozes out of any open wounds that Marissa has – it acts as a biological agent, greatly slowing down any muscle movement, impairs healing, dulls the senses, and generally disrupts natural body processes. A few minutes of direct inhalation is enough to make someone dangerously nauseous. A few hours will render them motionless. About 5 days will make someone immune to the mist, although they will be under complete mental manipulation of Marissa – This goes for animals as well. She keeps several “pets” under her control for attacking the more difficult foes, and she can sometimes borrow an animal’s special adaptation to aid her.
Marissa spends several hours a day boring holes into the tips of her fingers with sharp needles. When she doesn’t want to use her power, she wears tight gauntlets, with the fingers fashioned into claws, so the fumes don’t escape. When the gloves are off, the noxious fumes can be propelled with considerate force – enough to knock out a hall full of people.
Marissa isn’t completely immune to the toxin herself. Slow and steady accumulative poisoning has left her slightly mentally deranged. If her body is damaged too much with deep cuts and abrasions, Marissa will become intoxicated with her own fumes and turn insane.

Talents: She’s built an entire castle for herself on the backs of men and animals that she’s personally enslaved. That’s something, right?

Personality: Well. Probably slightly bipolar. Not exactly stable. Personality will flip between extremes often several times a day. The truly absurd miracles happen when her personality wheel of fortune happens to land on total normality – which happen once in a blue moon.


Marissa was actually a very, incredibly ordinary girl living in the Southern countries of Africa, until about the age of 17. At which point, the fumes her own power started to poison her mind. And so, the legend of the Witch of the South was born.
And so, the legend goes, that the Witch of the South would live in the wild, and solely only have animals as her companions. The witch would sometimes lay siege to entire villages using ferocious predators, leaving nothing but the cats and guard dogs alive. Eventually, she started leaving a few humans behind too – and they would slowly be integrated into her personal army, an entire faction dedicated to the Witch.
Well. It wasn’t exactly a legend if it were true. Marissa had grown to become the strongest warlord in the vicinity, easily capable of taking new territory whenever she wanted. Only one slight problem though – Lady Asyr. Every time the Southern Witch was about to take over a territorial stronghold, she turned up. An insanely powerful warrior that almost left her forces entirely decimated every time she popped up. After a few encounters, Marissa began to rather love her.
So when she heard of the death of the Lady, Marissa was rather quite upset. Her no.1 enemy and aspiration was going to die in just 24 hours. Even though this meant that she could pretty much take over the African continent at will, it was just almost too… easy now. Something was greatly missing now – And the Southern Witch was about to leave her home in search for the Lady. To find out what that missing something is. Hopefully, she’d catch her before she dies, and whisk her away on a romantic date…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Can we have more then one character? I was thinking of creating an anti-hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warmonger
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Currently Under Construction

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Chev, yes, you can have a 2nd hero/bad guy, no worries there!!

All new CS's, approved!!

On that note, Another, you take the prize for most interesting reaction to Asyr's death!! Good job! ...now I'm going to back away slowly...

IC will be going up in the morning! Thank you again everyone!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I added two images to my bio. One for Scorn's face the other is the Reaper logo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sutternalt


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

|Real Name/Hero name: Elsie Detchkiss/The C.E.

|Role: Hero

|Appearance: Horrifically {Excuse me? It is not horrific. It's very fashionable!} hot pink hair (not dyed, but rather, genetically modified) put up into a classy retro {That's better.} (to our universe) beehive style. Her eyes are genetically modified violet. Of course, you couldn't tell either of these things when she's dressed in the bulky white hardsuit. {Ugh, don't remind me. I'd paint it if that wouldn't compromise the radiation-shielding's integrity.] The helmet of the hardsuit is only transparant around the glowing green structural wireframing goggles (which she refers to as "mesons" {Optical mesons, technically} [nobody is particularly interested in technicality at the moment]), and the mag-boots are big and clunky. She finds the thing regrettably fashion-backward. {That's... a nice way of putting it.}

  • Hard Suit Protection - designed for work in space; well-shielded against radiation and heat, and mildlyalmost effective against impacts (such as gunfire) {Ha! If that's mildly effective, I'd hate to see ineffective. Just what are your metrics, I wonder?} [My metrics are very fine, thank you.] {Really.} [Fine, I'll edit it. Jeez.]

  • Mag Boots - Lets her keep her footing on metallic surfaces. Very useful in space. Limited use on the ground, because it's not strong enough to support her own weight, but it can help in certain situations. Like 45 degree angled metal ramps, or slick catwalks.

  • Plasma Cutter - Infinitely-fuelled plasma device capable of cutting through solid rock. {And bone. And metal. And-} [That's enough of that, thank you. I think we get the point.]

  • Energy Gun - A {fraggin' useless} laser gun with two modes - stun and lethal burn - and five shots before you have to recharge it. {Who the Nar-sie designed this thing, anyway? did you?} [Technically, no.] {I thought they weren't intersted in technicality.} Elsie's rigged her suit to give her 15 additional shots of recharge, but that's the best she can do. Energy guns need quite a bit of power. {What, no retort? Going soft on me, White Text?}

  • Structural Wireframe Goggles {Optical Meson Scanners, damnit!}- Projects a wireframe of man-made structures via mesonic doppler effect. Though it'll show the outline of the room, it won't detail the occupants or furniture, and there's a limited range. But other than that, they're almost X-Ray goggles. {Why would you even want X-ray gog-}

  • Health-Eez Bi-Viral Injection - Allows Elsie to heal - one virus turns wounded flesh into a biologically toxic compount, and the other turns the toxic compound into healed flesh. Major damage can take days and weeks to repair (and even minor damage takes a few minutes - just long enough to be useless in shorter fights), but unless Elsie's electrical signals in her brain completely stop, she'll live.

{Damn. Why can't you ever tell me anything actually useful, White Text?}

{That's a hint, by the way.}

{White Text?}

{...Fragging hell.}

|Talents: Engineering background (more based on space-station maintenence than actual engineering, honestly, {Excuuuse me?} ...though she's quite handy, and if she had the right materials and a spaceship, she could probably recreate a Hawking Radiation electrical generator {You're damn right I could!] (not that that's much use stuck on Earth)). Experienced with space-walking and zero-g maneuvering. Pretty decent wielding a plasma cutter; {Heehee. You get to learn things fighting off an alien blob. Especially with the whole not-quite-dying thing.}

|Personality: [Oh, God.] {Well, go on. Do tell, White Text.} She can be very difficult sometimes {...}, being used to a wholly different lifestyle. I personally think that her time spent watching her friends die and fighting an alien alone hasn't really healed yet, and she tends to cover up scars with light-hearted jabbing and expositions about fashion (something I haven't seen her actually get into; not really).

Uh, but she's really not bad, honestly, I mean, in a way she was the hero of her station. And she's got, what, moxie? That bit of firey passion that won't let her back down from some things. She's a nice enough person, charming in her own way, really. Friendly. Pretty, I suppose. Uh, maybe that should go in appearance, I guess. Damnit, why aren't you saying anything? I have to tell the truth as I see it, here.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll finish up my bio today I reckon.

By the way, on the subject of heroes and villains, anyone seen that new Avengers 2 trailer? It's epic! Complete with Hulkbuster VS Hulk, Cap surfing on exploding cars, and Widow being badass on motorcycles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Sutternault. approved!

To everyone else who still needs to get their CS's up, feel free to do that when you got the time. I'm going to begin the IC. (Not much extra from the OOC but still!)

I'll be throwing up Asyr's CS today too, since I'm sure people will be seeking her out for her final day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Larfleeze
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Larfleeze 💎Golden Diamond💎

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yo, finished my app
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


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Larfreeze, approved. you are good to post! I'll be back later, happy writing guys!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My bio's are finished Muse! You can re-read them.

In short: Connor was trained by the US military and then a mercenary named Jagan Kin. He used his training to become a ruthless vigilante. Miranda is an FBI Agent who is helping Connor on his crusade. She wants to mold him into a hero and so gives him the Warlord-M1 suit to make him stronger and faster to fight higher-end crime (like supervillains).

I am working on making Connor's suit right now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TJByrum
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TJByrum Jed Connors

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Here is the Warlord-M1. It's the first suit that Vigil will be using.

There are braces built into the knee and elbows. Basically, when Connor runs, jumps, kicks, climbs, or punches the braces have a circular rotor on them that 'augment' the process. So if he punches, extending his arm, the motion will cause those rotors to spin, and it's sort of like being spring-loaded (except it's not spring loaded) and they propel his arm forward at a much quicker, much stronger way, effectively giving him 'enhanced strength'. This is the same with his legs and whatnot: enhancing the movement of his knees to make him run faster and jump higher. It is NOT superstrength; it may allow him to run slightly faster than Usain Bolt, or punch through a brick wall, or flip a car over; he can't punch through a steel war, he can't lift a car, and he would NOT be able to keep up with people like the Flash. You'll see it in action soon enough.

Overtime Miranda will recreate the suit into the M2, the M3, and so on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Thus now Scorn enters the scene, a conflicted person on Asyr's death. Oh how she hates Asyr but also how she enjoys her. I figured that it would be a bit interesting to say that even push it as far to say that Scorn has some affection for Asyr more then just respect for her foe. That if they weren't on opposite sides of the chess board, perhaps Scorn would go after that affection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MusesFallFirst


Member Offline since relaunch

Great posts everyone! :)

TJByrum, approved!!

I'm working on Lady Asyr's CS, along with The End. (Who apparently may not be long for this world either!) So you guys can find intel.

I'm also going to post a little info on the virus that depowered Asyr, there are magical, tech, and biological components, meaning that anyone has potential to learn about it. However, it may take more then one to address it.

And as of right now, Asyr is still fated to die, if you come up with a great concept, she could be cured....

Also for those who are searching for Asyr, she's injured, in an alley changing to civilian gear. However, there are tatters of her costume and armor scatted through the field, blood trails to follow, along with a civvie or two that may have seen her go in a direction. I'll leave that to anyone interested!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Another


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Thankyou Muses! First time RP'ing a character like this, should be fun *w*
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