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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny cleaned up, made herself feel better, checked herself over for any injuries, and essentially prepared herself for what could be a drastic fight. Then she bounded back downstairs happy, leaning against the bar and ordering a drink, smiling at Jarvis, listening into the conversation,then frowned as Mayt asked about the blood mage. She moved in closer, and said "It was easier then it should have been, and we let her go" she shrugged
Master Jamie smiled at Sho. "You are to come with myself and Mayt, but you cannot ask any questions, alright? There may be fighting. There may be danger, but if you come with us to the council tomorrow, I can pretty much guarantee that there will be fighting"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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"It's not our place to be executioners or judges, Penny. Her magic is what it is." As much as she had worried him, Damian was beginning to grow annoyed with her view of black and white simply because one thing he'd learned as a soldier and as a free lance wizard was that the world wasn't so black and white, there was, in fact, a whole lot of grey area. Turn to Mayt, he shrugged. "She surrendered when she realized she was outnumbered and outdone, then she and Master Jamie spoke and we parted ways, us coming back here and her...going wherever she was going to go. She's fully aware of the consequences of crossing Phoenix Wing again. I believe Master Jamie even offered her a place here in the guild."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

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joeycbee said
Galen appeared next to Linda with the table. Linda still salt about him leaving, using as little magic as possible, open a portal under the table to up above the wizard. The wizard turned to the new open target and shot at him. She shot two or three times before the table crashed on her knocking her out. All but one of the bullets missed and the one hit Galen in the shoulder. All the wizards were now dead, knocked out, or unable to move and the job halfway done. Linda lays back and notices that things seem to be going fuzzy and blurry. She grabbed her burned arm and groaned.

well the table is gone and his arm was shot, but Galen was happy. the current enemy's where defeated, and his table made it a bit easier. he REALY hoped that that was the last of them. he heard a groaning noise and saw Linda fall over, grabbing her arm. perhaps it was shot as well? and why didn't his injures hur.....never mind. all of the pain from the cuts and bullet wounds came rushing back. perhaps they where suppressed by adrenalin? eather way Galen was now confident he knew what it felt like to almost die. the pain blocked out everything elts. aaaaannnnnnd there goes his legs. with his last bit of strength he looked over to Linda "please tell me that this is the end. i don't want to fight anymore."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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metagros said
well the table is gone and his arm was shot, but Galen was happy. the current enemy's where defeated, and his table made it a bit easier. he REALY hoped that that was the last of them. he heard a groaning noise and saw Linda fall over, grabbing her arm. perhaps it was shot as well? and why didn't his injures hur.....never mind. all of the pain from the cuts and bullet wounds came rushing back. perhaps they where suppressed by adrenalin? eather way Galen was now confident he knew what it felt like to almost die. the pain blocked out everything elts. aaaaannnnnnd there goes his legs. with his last bit of strength he looked over to Linda "please tell me that this is the end. i don't want to fight anymore."

Linda kicked in the general area of Galen face, though unsure if she hit it or not. "Well if this is the last of them then I can go back and-." She thought to herself and suddenly got a burst of energy from the thought of money. She got up using her good arm and wobbled around a bit like as he was drunk until she regained he balance. She opened a small portal just big enough to go through and stumbled in it, entering the guild. She falls forward into a the bar,and leaning against it with both of her arms. Doing her best to disregard the pain, she yelled out to who seemed to look like the guild master, with her eyes still blurred, said "can I........get paid............now..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt bit his lip, considering what he was about to say before speaking, his voice laden with sarcasm. "Great to know an enemy of the guild is smart." He cracks his neck before continuing, no longer sarcastic, but a little terse. "And I believe beyond any shadow of a doubt Master Jamie did not offer Melina a place in Phoenix Wing. But I do believe she surrendered when she saw she was outmatched. Figuring with what her magic is, if she's so outmatched she can't land a blow, she can't fight." He sighs, and glances between Penny and Damian. "Did she hurt either of you?" He bit his lip again, his hand going unthinkingly to his sword hilt. "Cuts, not bruises, that is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Penny sighed "I know it's not our play to be judge and executioner, but you were only there for part of it, Damian" she said softly, finishing her drink. "And no matter what I say, it will sound crazy so never mind" she said with another sigh.she shook her head at Mayt asking if she bad hurt them. "Nope. She did cut me, but that was seen to quickly and I'm more then certain she didn't get more then a drop or two of my blood." She said, "I think the master has made a mistake letting her go, but there's nothing we can do about it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"Danger and fighting are the least of my problems and don't worry, as long as you provide me with a good challenge, I won't ask questions. It seems I'm going to be too busy to ask anyway" he said, a little smirk formed on his face upon uttering the latter. With that, he stood up and with a flick of his fingers, a brand new martial arts gi appeared on him. "Heh, it has its uses...So, when are we leaving?" he asked the Jamie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian looks at Penny and shakes his head at her, pushing away from the counter to head out and find Sasha. "Put yourself in her position, Penny. A position where your magic is considered evil because of what it draws it's power from. I don't doubt the Master offered her a place here, where she could find other ways to gain her magic, but she turned it down." Stopping in the doorway, he looks back. "I trust Master Jamie's judgement, as questionable as it can be sometimes. After all she's done for us, why don't you?" Vanishing out the door, he set out to find Sasha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt sighed and shook his head again, glancing to Penny. "Master Jamie wouldn't ask someone to join Phoenix Wing knowing their life would be at risk. That's a given." He stood up to head out as well, deciding to get dinner now rather than later. "See you later Penny, unless you want to come grab dinner with me." His voice is casual, like it won't really bother him if she says no, and his posture is relaxed, half faced towards her and his head turned. One hand on his hip and the other hanging loosely at his side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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[Double Post.]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed heavily. "I know all blood mages aren't bad, but experience has told me not to trust them right off the bat" She replied, before Damian left. She set her empty glass down, a bit downtrodden. At Mayt's invitation for dinner, she shrugged and said "Sure, why not, company is always better then being alone" She managed a smile.
Jamie chuckled lightly and said, "After Dinner. I doubt Jarvis will let me go before then in any case. He seems to enjoy making sure I'm fed" She said, "so gather what supplies you need, and then be ready to go"
Sasha was sitting outside, looking out over what part of the city she could see, troubled, but content where she was. She was sitting with her arms around her knees, her head resting on her knees, and had formed around her several small ice animals. They moved about as they would if they were her larger, real attacks, and every so often, she twitched a finger, controlling them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt nodded and held the door for Penny. "This one is a another good example of ones not to trust. " He closed the door behind them and started off for a nice but not formal place for dinner. "But at least no one we know was hurt. That whole fight could've ended in disaster. At least she didn't have Mithera with her." Once they arrived at the restaurant, Mayt opened the door for Penny again. "Anyway, how's it going? Besides what happened with the blood Bitch." He'd sit across from Penny, crossing his arms and resting them on the table, waiting for the menus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny sighed "no one we know? I imagine she had to either kill someone or hurt them to get the blood to attack us with first. So someone was hurt. That's why I dislike blood mages. Some I know, ask for blood. Others just take it" she shook her head, and pondered his question "nothing much is going on. I did break a magic staff and its owners hands though. Breaking his hands was an accident. Still, he meant harm to a lot of people" she shrugged, but grimaced "what about with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

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Kyo ran over to Galen who looked wounded. Linda had disappeared but Galen was wounded. And no surprise, Kyo was startled by the wound. Except she didn't really summon anything of any use at the moment. She had summoned two cups of tea. Hot and already sweetened. Kyo walked over to Galen, holding both of the cups. Who knows they could ease the pain. She handed Galen one of the cups, putting it in his good hand.
"Here, have some tea," she told him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt shrugged. "Me and Sasha just got back from dealing with another dark guild, and a demon. Fortunately Mithera was more than a match for it. But beyond that last job I've been just taking odd jobs and dealing with nonmagical bandits and such. Honestly not anything different than before I was in Phoenix Wing, it just pays better now." He stretches and puts his hands behind his head and leans back, ordering water when the server comes over and asks what they'd like to drink. "And if that man wanted to hurt many people, then you did the right thing." Mayt didn't seem like he could be bothered with looking at the menu, seeming already knowing what he wanted to eat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Penny frowned. "The difference between that and being in a guild like Phoenix Wing is knowing that your comrades have your back. I didn't know Wes, but he is a fellow member of Phoenix Wing, even if he has been missing for several months. You might not like it, the risk, but...being able to count on the guild is something special. You can't tell me you don't understand that. My sister carries a badly carved fish because you made it for her, and loves it. You care Mayt, even if you don't want to admit it" she didn't look at the menu either, and spoke softly. She ordered a Juice when they were asked what they wanted to drink. "There probably is another way of doing what the master wants, but with the way things are everywhere, perhaps the masters way is best"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt makes a little nod, looking at the table and thinking. "No, I can't deny that having people to rely on can be very different than not having anyone to rely on." He took a sip of his water before continuing. "But I was on my own long enough to have learned to avoid situations where I need to have someone come and help me. I've never been much of a guy to lean on others." He looked up and around, more of just taking in his surroundings than for anything in particular, before looking back at Penny. "I'm going to have to continue to disagree that any kind of direct attack on the Magic Counsel is a bad idea, mostly on the ground of if they're allied or working with dark guilds, those dark guilds are going to want to protect their assets and their asses, and will probably target Phoenix Wing." He smirks, and lets his gaze drop. "And, Sasha still carries around that fish?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian watched Sasha from a distance for a few minutes before approaching her, going over everything that had happened in the few months since his joining and reaching S Class. He could still remember his first job after joining the guild, fighting off some magic extremist group on an island. Remembering what had happened that day, he grimaced, wishing that he could take the time to find that Ragged Brotherhood and show them what a real wizard can do, what a real wizard was. Returning to the present, he smiled as Sasha played with her ice animals, watching the critters play with each other or just watch the others. It was almost reminiscent of how he'd spar with himself when no one would spar with him. Almost. There was a strong difference between sitting and playing ice animals and doing everything in your power to keep your magic from skewering you like a fish on a spit.

Chuckling quietly to himself, Damian quietly approached her and leaned against the tree behind her, looking at the sunset and not saying anything for awhile longer, just enjoying the quiet and peace before Phoenix Wing started a war that would make them look both power hungry and evil. Such is the price we pay to protect the innocent. Looking at Sasha and her animals with one more smile, he spoke as his eyes returned to the sunset. "Beautiful sunset, isn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded, having been aware that Damian had been there. "It always is. Most people enjoy the sunrise because it signifys the new day. I enjoy the sunset because it means there can be a new day" she said softly, silent for a few moments. "I don't know of what we will do tomorrow is a good thing or bad thing. But I know it's the right thing to do. The magic council hasn't told everything they know. I know things I shouldn't. Why had the master stopped approving jobs, for the request board? She has several waiting for approval, but they haven't reached the board. I hear rumors of Magic failing in some areas. Like there's a void. It just....stops working in those places. Then there's the increasing dark guilds. And there's been more disappearances then just Wes. The magic council isn't doing anything about all this. So I believe it is right that we challenge them" she said, watching her ice hawk for a moment, "not just for our guild, for our members, but for the greater community at large. For the people of Fiore" she shrugged, silent again for a time.

"If it means damage to our reputation as Phoenix Wing, does it matter? If we can stop something truly terrible happening, we can't be selfish enough to think oh, but people will just think us evil. No, because if that something truly evil happens and we don't do anything, then they will think us selfish and cowardice. So this is the right thing to do"

She looked over, and sighed softly "but I'm sure that wasn't what you wanted to talk about" she said, waiting for him to continue.
"Phoenix Wing is always a target. We are perhaps the strongest good guild around. Do you know how many dark guilds we have taken down just since I've been here? More then one. And I don't know how many before I joined. Phoenix Wing is legendary across fiore, and neighboring countries. Not just for the antics we may get up to on jobs, or the damage we may do on jobs, but for our willingness to never give up, and to take any job that comes out way. We have a target on our backs no matter what. Or the blood mage wouldn't have targeted us. Face it Mayt, we aren't a subtle guild. It may be crazy, it may be suicidial, but if any guild can do what Master Jamie wants us to do, it's Phoenix Wing" Penny said with a laugh, leaning forward on the table. "Of course she still carries it with her. You are her family. Phoenix Wing is her family, her stability, her home. My home is wherever she is. Hers is wherever the guild is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

May smiled a little. "Alright then." As the server came over, he orders what he usually does at this place, then waits for Penny to order before continuing. "And I actually doubt the Blood Mage targeted Phoenix Wing because it's famous. A couple months black she blackmailed me, and she was the one that got my parents sent to jail. I think she has some vendetta against me for some reason." He chuckles, and smiles more. "But I can worry about that later, for now, let's just eat and enjoy ourselves, better than sulking and talking about our potential deaths." He takes another sip from his drink, smiling fully now.
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