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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Comrades isn't simply a word. Comrades are about heart. It's the unconditional trust in your partners. You are never alone... The hopes we carry are matched by the number of stars twinkling in the night sky..."

The Fairy Tail Guild has been home to countless legends throughout the generations. The power of their Wizards is only rivaled by the bonds of love and friendship they all share with each other. Time and time again these bonds have been tested, but they always remain resilient. The Guild stays strong, knowing that even if the world were to stand against them they would never crumble. It does not matter whether you are of the old generation or the new. What matters is that you are a part of Fairy Tail, and that is a bond that will withstand the tests of time for many generations to come. Darkness looms over the Kingdom of Fiore once more with the arrival of those who would seek to destroy the light that radiates from the warmth of our hearts. Stand United, Fairies. The greatest test of our guild's strength is just around the corner.
This is another basic Fairy Tail RP. The story for this roleplay is loosely based on an idea me and a friend had ages ago that never really came to light. I've always regretted not making it, but things just always got in the way and prevented me from roleplaying. I am very accepting of all kinds of characters, but just know that I tend to be very judgemental of characters that start out insanely strong. I'm not saying you can't make them, but just know that your CS will be judged more harshly than someone making a novice character. I don't know how many people I'm looking for, but I'd like a very diverse cast of dedicated roleplayers.

The way I like to GM roleplays is usually very hit or miss, because I tend to leave the story mostly up to the characters in the roleplay. I have general ideas planned for an overarching plot, however most of the antagonists, missions and sub-plots will be designed by all of you guys. In fact what I'm hoping will happen is that we'll all split off into our own little groups and kind of make our own teams of characters that take on separate requests at once (of coarse we can always switch things up throughout the rp, like person X joins person Y's team for 1 or 2 missions, and sometimes we'll all be together for big events). The only way this system works is if we all communicate with each other to make sure the plot is advancing in a way that we all think is interesting and unique. I do have things planned, but I'm hoping I won't need to bring those in for a while.

Below are the rules, please make sure you read all of them. I'm a very laid back GM and I overlook most things as long as they don't become a problem; but please do your best to follow the rules I set up.

The Rules

  • Respect the decisions of the GM, and go to me for any problems you might have

  • Stay within High Casual roleplaying Standards, and be active in both the IC and OOC

  • Keep OOC out of the IC and vice versa

  • General roleplaying rules (No godmodding, metagaming etc)

  • Ignore all Canon Characters and antagonists, they don't exist in this roleplay.

  • All Canon Magic is allowed, even Lost Magic. Try and keep it to about 2-3 Lost Magic users. This includes Dragon Slayers.

  • Custom Magic is allowed and encouraged! I love seeing what people come up with.

  • You can make your character as powerful as you want, but the higher up your character is the more I will be expecting from your CS/

  • Weaker Characters grow faster than Stronger Characters and will generally have more opportunities to shine

  • Despite me not minding stronger characters, I'm only allowing 2 S Class characters at the moment. Your CS's will need to impress me the most.

  • The Guild Master is an NPC old man that anyone can control in non-combat situations. I don't have a name for him yet, just call him Gramps.

  • If you don't think you're capable of meeting high casual standards but would like to join anyway, please don't let that stop you. All are welcome, and we're more than willing to give you a hand with posts if you need it.

  • The plot of this RP isn't very linear. Things won't happen one after the other at my command. You won't just be blindly following the story I put in place for most of this, and as such you are expected to further to story in an interesting way on your own. For this reason communication is VERY important. Talk to your fellow roleplayers, talk to me, organise things we can do to make the story more interesting that relate to our characters back stories and help further our IC relationships.

  • Above all, have fun! That's why we're here.

Starting off the Communication Bandwagon, I'm going to give you all my Skype in case you ever need to contact me. I may not respond quick enough to PM's on the guild, but it's hard for me to ignore a skype message. My skype name is flyingminthare.

The Request Board

Requests in bold are directly related to the over-arching plot.

The Character Sheet

Name :
Nickname/Alias :
Age :
Gender :
Sexuality :

Appearance : Image preferred
Other Details : List any details for your character not in the image IE guild mark

Personality :

Arsenal : List off the weapons/tools your character uses and possibly where they keep them. Requip Mages can use this spot for their various weapons/armors

Magic Type : Holder, Caster, Lost
Mage Rank : Mage or S Class (You can use the D-S Ranking System if you want)
Magic : Provide a link if possible

Spells : Provide links to your canon spells.

Biography :
Other : Anything you want to include that doesn't fit into the other sections.

Taken Positions

Guild Master : Pollux "Gramps" Vermillion (NPC)

S Class 1 : Alex Greywind
S Class 2 : Aura Kalstov

Lost Magic User 1 : James Feryana
Lost Magic User 2 : Klisa Bay
Lost Magic User 3 : Verin Wandera

These positions are not first come, first server. They'll be allocated to the people who have a very well written CS. Rule of thumb, the more detail and effort you put into the CS the more likely I am to accept your character for one of these positions.

Character Roster

Pollux Vermillion (NPC)
Alicia Vermillion (NPC)
James Feryana
Klisa Bay
Verin Wandera
Damon Grant
Aero Hale
Alex Greywind
Mary Phillips
Riley Kaname
Rurik Vexor
Aura Kalstov

Non-Fairy Tail Members
Aimee Rapport
Acacia Cornet
Zephyr Buford
Charlotte Legion
Aedius Darkwater

Important NPC's

Name : Pollux Vermillion
Nickname/Alias : Gramps, 5th Master
Age : 89
DOB : 7th June
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Heterosexual

Personality : A sweet natured old man who loved his guild more than anything. He acts as the father figure to many in Fairy Tail and is highly respected as a former member of the Magic Council. He’s a bit senile, but his heart is in the right place. He tends to be very forgetful, and so he appointed his granddaughter Alicia to handle most of Fairy Tail’s business.

Arsenal : He uses a wooden cane with a brass handle to get around.

Magic Type : Caster
Mage Rank : S Class
Magic : Unknown

Spells : Alicia is supposedly the only person in the guild who has seen the Master use his Magic, but she is very secretive of it. Because of his age, the Master no longer practices Magic unless he has to.

Name : Alicia Vermillion
Nickname/Alias : None
Age : 33
DOB : Unknown
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Unknown

Personality : The proud granddaughter of Pollux Vermillion. She shares the same views as the master and acts as the bartender as well as secretary for the guild. She handles all the job requests as well as the guilds finances. She represents Pollux at Guildmaster meetings, as he has become too old to attend. Despite her kind exterior she’s very reluctant to share anything about herself with the others, and usually just disappears after she leaves work.

Arsenal : Unarmed

Magic Type : Unknown
Mage Rank : Unranked
Magic : Unknown

Spells : No one in Fairy Tail knows if Alicia is even capable of using Magic. She claims that Pollux never taught her magic and leaves it at that.

We're currently open for everyone atm. I'll get my character up sometime in the future.

EDIT: is it just me or do hiders just not want to work on this site?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Linked Character Roster

Fairy Tail Mages

Alex Greywind <-- Just below this list

Aura Kalstov

James Feryana

Klisa Bay

Verin Wandera

Damon Grant

Aero Hale

Mary Phillips

Riley Kaname

Rurik Vexor


Allies of Fairy tail
Zephyr Buford

Charlotte Legion



Acacia Cornet

Aedius Darkwater
Seeing as it's late and I work in the morning, I'll use this post to reserve a S class mage spot if possible. I'll get my CS up Asap, Night all.

EDIT: Disregard my reservation, just noticed the S-rank stipulation.

Name: Alex Greywind
Nickname/Alias: Archon
Age: 38
DOB: July 13th

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Alex
Other Details: Guild mark is white and is on his Left wrist covered by his leather bracer.

Personality: Alex is as diverse a person as is his skill set, he has the wisdom that come with age but the exuberance and wonder of a man half his age. He is outgoing and light hearted in peace but unforgiving and cold hearted to those he deems enemies. He tries to forgo having a routine and can be found nearly anywhere in the guild, from the library to the pool. Talking about magic or martial skills is a surefire way to have him find you however as he loves nothing more than to learn and expand his understanding in both catagories.

Arsenal: Pair of leather bracers, and a Wilderness pack stocked with enough supplies to make and hold a camp for a week or two, and a field first aid kit.

A metal staff, two long swords, a few pairs of daggers and a Bow with arrows are stored in his Requip pocket; they are standard weapons with nothing special about them.

Magic Type: Caster/Holder
Mage Rank: S Class
Notable Magic:

Force-Make - Force-Make is a variant of Maker magic; it allows the mage to mold and shape magic. The thing that separates Force-Make from other types of maker magic is that it doesn't change magic in to any element but rather molds magic's raw form. With this he can conjure explosive bolts of energy, scything blade, liquefying rays, unerring bullets or simple geometric shapes out of raw magic. It is both versatile and dangerous. However as it expends magical energy at an astounding rate, making careless use of it a hazard to the caster as the user will quickly find they have burned through all the energy that have If not careful. Nothing that is made with force make lasts for long as forcing Raw magic to hold any shape for longer than a few moments places a great strain on any mage who tries.

Another thing that places Force-Make apart is the fact it is a new magic as Alex is the creator of the style. It took him years of practice and research to be able to mold raw magic to any degree, but it is his pride and joy to be able to. Seeing as it is a new magic with only one user there is still a lot that Alex is unsure of when it comes to Force-Make there for he uses a variety of other magic to help supplement his lack of mastery. He one day hopes to be able to rely solely on his own created magic for all his casting needs.

Raw magic is best described as opaque white light that stands out just enough to seen unnatural

Requip - This Magic allows the users to store items in a pocket dimension so they can easily summon it at any time, even during battle.
While Alex has shown the capability to use Requip he mainly uses it to hold on to basic gear, as such he has an extremely limited arsenal of requipable weapons. He follows the Knight's path when it comes to Requip

Dispelling Magic - is a Caster Magic that causes the annulment of a spell.
Alex learned this magic early in his career, but as of late he uses it more often than not to dispel his own Force-Make spells that have slipped his control or veered off target. It makes up the defensive focus of his magic as you can’t be hit by an annulled spell. Due to becoming extremely familiar at dispelling Force-Make spells his skill at dispelling more run of the mill magics has slipped by a considerable margin, in the heat of battle he can only dampen incoming magic unless it is of rather low rank, outside of combat he can dispel as normal but it does take him a bit longer to do as he has to actively remember how to cast general dispelling magic.

Spells: Due to the particular styles of magic that Alex most often employs, he doesn't truly have a set spell list, as his most common magic is limited only by his own creativity, that being said there is a particularity with Force-Make that will be addressed here.

Force-Make doesn't make any lasting material therefor the caster must add more intent to his creations to be able to get similar results as other Maker mages. This is best done by adding an adjective to the creation that is about to be made.
A collection of adjectives, their effects and potency will be added below.


Alex is an odd Mage; the reason for this is he didn't learn he could use magic until he was nearly 18 years old. He was the second born son of the Southern Wolves mercenary guild, Raised as a scout and swordsman he was taught how to fight and counter mages. He was a quick study but needed nearly twice the training of his older brother for similar results, thus he was often overlooked by his father who show obvious favoritism towards the older brother for his martial skill. The neglect by his father caused him to often spend time with his mother, a retired mercenary herself she was a strong woman and helped Alex when his father would not, form her he learned archery and how to survive in the woods. She also cultivated a lover for learning that would lead him to discover his latent magical potential.

The discovery of magic in his blood caused the schism between him and his father and brother to worsen slowly until days after his 20th birthday it finally erupted. It started as an argument but quickly turned in to a full out brawl, when the dust settled everyone in his family was hurt, bones were cracked and feeling were torn. His father disowned him a week later, to which Alex replied “Good riddance” Alex started wandering after that, He wandered the world as a mage/mercenary learning what he could of both martial skill and magical know how.

By the time he was 33 he had garnered quite a reputation as an independent problem solver for those that could track him down and hire him. He was an exceptionally talented Jack of all trades skilled in most form of combat and a skilled practitioner of a variety of common magic’s. For a few years by this point however he had been trying to create his own style of magic, something that would leave a lasting impression on the world of magic, but he ran into a glass ceiling. He lacked the insight of a master mage to truly start making his own magic, He needed a guild for the knowledge that he could gather at one. It didn’t take him long to find one that fit his needs perfectly, Fairy Tail!

Other: Due to years of wandering and learning he is skilled in most forms of Martial combat, with unarmed or knife combat being his forte. He is also skilled to some degree with all forms of common magic as he dabbled in everything he could when he was younger, as such he has very good understanding of magic and its various styles, and due to his lover of learning he has become one of the most knowledgeable mages in regards to what styles there are or once were.

All together he is an extremely powerful and skilled mage, even deprived of magic; some rank him as almost standing equal to the Ten Wizard Saints, but he has never gone under formal testing to verify those claims.

He has access to his Second Origin.
FIrst post on new mage score card:

BrassOtter: I
Kal-El: I
Killamrix88: I
KiltmanBagz: III
Marc: I
RowsOfDeath: IIIII
Rune_Alchemist: III
Shifter_Master: IIIIII
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I was going to make my character but then I got lazy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I'll see about making a CS when I get home from school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hiiii Marc! Got room for lil ole me? :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Think i can port over Amelia to this thread?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by pyre101


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Can I join?

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name : James Feryana
Nickname/Alias : James
Age : 14
DOB : 28th December
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Heterosexual

Appearance :
Other Details : James has his guild mark on his right shoulder. He is also slightly shorter that he is in the picture, but not that short. Just slightly below the average height for a fourteen year old.

Personality : James is quite shy, and is quite socially awkward. He is often found alone, but he would hang out with people he knew really well. In general, James is quite a nice, kind boy, often cracking a few jokes. He often would keep an eye on people if he thought they were talking about him, as he is slightly paranoid about things. He gets upset quite easily, and it's often hard to get back in his good books if you're the one who caused it. He is too polite not to shout in anger and be mean, but he'd probably start to ignore you and 'not realize that you were there'. James has a few hobbies, one of which is reading. Other than that, he likes to be outside, but spends an equal amount of time inside. He's quite fond of admiring nature, and he often looks at the sky, probably expecting Zariana to come back.

During combat, James keeps his cheerful nature, unless he gets angry, which he will start to be aggressive, rarely even to his own teammates. He would start to attack rapidly, unless he manages to calm himself, which he manages about 75% of the time.

Arsenal : James keeps a sword on him. It's important to him, since it is his only memory of his sister. It is made of an unknown material, which is near indestructible. James hardly uses it, though, except he will often draw it during combat.

Magic Type : Lost magic (First Generation Dragon Slayer)
Mage Rank : Mage (Probably would be high C class)
Magic : Sky Dragon Slayer Magic (First Generation)

Spells :
Sky Dragon's Healing Spell

Sky Dragon Roar
Sky Dragon Wing Attack
Sky Dragon Claw (Note that James is also able to do this with his hands as well as legs)
Sky Dragon Crushing Fang

Biography : James was born to a mother who didn't want to have a child, but had accidentally gotten pregnant thanks to her boyfriend. He was born in the woman's house, and was kept there for only a few days before he was put in a basket and dropped off at night at the doorstep of the local orphanage. He stayed there for three years, slowly getting a little bit of education from the orphanage staff. Eventually, he was picked up by a woman who looked nice. She commented on how cute James looked, and talked to the orphanage staff about him. James finally thought he was going to get a home, and get real parents, people who loved and cared for him. He was adopted by the woman, and taken to her home.

Once he arrived, young James was happy, he actually had a family now. He had a sister, called Sarah, a father and a mother. His surname was officially changed to Feryana and he got slowly taught how to write and talk. James was cared for, particularly by his sister. Sarah would always play with him, help him, treat him very nicely.
Unfortunately, all of this changed. When James was eight, his parents started to treat him more like a slave than a son. They made him do all the ironing, washing, cleaning, even chopping wood for the fire. If he didn't do something well, he would get punished. Sarah often tried to help her younger brother, but was told not to. His parents stopped him from going to school, and instead made him do chores. His life was torture, even when his parents were at work; his father at his blacksmith, his mother a cleaner at the theater. James worked hard, trying to get back on his parents' good books, not knowing what he did wrong to have this done to him. Sarah started to go to the blacksmith with the father, so James was left all by himself almost every day.

One day when James was nine, James planned on running away from home. He didn't want to stay, as he didn't want this done to him. He waited for one more week to see if things would improve, but of course, they didn't. One Saturday, at midnight, he stayed awake. Everyone in the house appeared to be sleeping, so James slowly and quietly got up, then started to swiftly but quietly move out of his bedroom. He managed to sneak all the way to the kitchen, but as soon as he walked through the kitchen door, the light came on. "Where are you going?" Whispered Sarah. She was standing in front of the door that lead outside the house. "Away." James whispered back. "Away from this torture." He had a tear in his eye. The only thing that made him hesitate was Sarah. He didn't want to leave her. She was the only person who he knew cared for him, and loved him like a brother. Sarah sighed, as she knew this was going to come sooner or later. She looked down to the ground. "I know." She said. "That is why you need this," Sarah opened one of the cabinets that their parents usually never needed to go into, and withdrew a green backpack. She handed it to James. "It has food, water, and a sword you can remember me by." She didn't mention that it had a picture of her and James together in it, as well. James slipped on the backpack, and Sarah couldn't hold it back any more. She practically leaped at James and hugged him tight, tears pouring down her eyes. "James," She whimpered quietly. "Just know that I love you, and you are the best person that I have ever known." This sentience also started to make James cry, and he replied quietly, "Sarah, I love you too. You are the best person that I have ever known."

Five minutes later, James was walking away, crying. Leaving them was hard for James, but he had to in order to get a better, non abusive life. He walked alone for a few days, living off of food in the backpack. He often took breaks, and relaxed for a while. He took a look at the sword that Sarah had given him, and the sheath that had came with it. He put the sheath to his left, and put the sword in it, which fitted perfectly. He continued to walk for another two days, coming off of the path and now walking through a forest. He came to a small clearing in the forest, and started to walk on what he thought was a big, bright rock shining in the sunlight. As he stood on it, he heard a small rumble. He thought that he was hungry, and that his stomach was grumbling, but the rumble came again. The 'rock' beneath him began to shake, and he fell off of it and onto the ground. Suddenly, the 'rock' raised itself, and appeared to be a dragon!

James was terrified. He slowly reached for his sword as the dragon turned it's head to face him. It lowered it's head down to his face, which wasn't really that much lowering as it was only about four times the size of James. The young boy froze in fear, and the dragon raised it's head back up. "There's no need to be afraid." It said, in an unusually soothing female voice, making James put his hand back to his side, leaving the sword in it's sheath. "I am a dragon. I am called Zariana," it continued. "You look lost."

James was so still at that point that it looked like he was paralyzed. He slowly opened his mouth. "I-I-" He stuttered. "I left my f-family. They abused m-me." He was already in tears at that point, and the dragon Zariana gently took him in her soft, white tail, and took him close to her face. "It's okay." She said, in her soothing voice. "I'll take care of you." James was confused at how a dragon could possibly look after a human, but nonetheless nodded. She plopped him onto her light grey coloured back, and walked through the forest to where there was a tiny cave and a small lake. Zariana began to teach him things, such as writing and drawing.

For the next five years, Zariana taught James more than just writing. She began to teach him the basics of sky dragon magic, as she, herself, was a sky dragon. James managed to toughen himself over the years, and managed to do the magic that Zariana taught him. One day, however, James woke up smiling, ready for another day with the dragon. He got up, and walked out of the cave. He looked around. The sky dragon was nowhere to be seen. "Zariana?" He called. No reply. He started to walk, occasionally calling out for the dragon. She was nowhere, and James started to cry. He had been left, alone. James cried for days, walking, trying to find the dragon. She was nowhere. He lived on berries for about two weeks, trying to get, well, anywhere. "I can't believe she's gone," James would always say to himself.

One day, James saw civilization once again, a town. He walked through the town, catching strange glances from everyone. He was scared, not just because this was a new town, but because he hadn't been in touch with anyone human within the last five years. He walked around, and eventually found the magic guild of Fairy Tail. He stood outside for about fifteen minutes, considering what to do. This was a place to learn magic, a place he could call home. But every home before this had vanished. Should he let another one vanish? Yes, he finally thought. He could join Fairy Tail, because he wasn't going to let this home vanish.

Other : Using a healing spell takes a lot of magic energy from James, and it often tires him out a little. Use it too much, or if he has low magic energy, and he will most likely pass out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KiltmanBagz
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KiltmanBagz Should have figured out gender before my handle

Member Seen 23 days ago

Name : Klisa Bay
Nickname/Alias : Still Water Serpent or just 'Serpent'
Age : 20
DOB : November 19th
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Pansexual

Appearance :
Other Details : Often wears plane, simple dresses as her primary clothing of choice. her guild stamp is placed on the top of her left foot, symbolizing, to her, the steps forward she was taking to start a new life for her self. This became troublesome when she had to remove her shoes and socks to prove her guild member ship while on a mission so she invested some money into enchanted saddles (made to magically keep her feet warm when it's cold outside) so her stamp is always visible.

Personality : Klisa, while not quite a wallflower, is kind of timid for lack of a better description. It would be best to say that she does not have a very strong personality. She is pleasant and outgoing enough in familiar settings or around those she trusts, but outside the walls of the guild or interacting with loud strangers she can quickly wilt into a speechless and fidgety state of nervousness. It not conflict she shys away from, given that she will always find her voice and courage for a friend in need, so much as it is the unknown or overtly loud things. She is better at defending other rather than herself.

Arsenal : N/A

Magic Type : Lost
Mage Rank : Between high C or low B Mage
Magic : Sea Dragon Slayer Magic
- considered the 'mirror' of sky dragon slayer magic. While the user can demonstrate the ability to attack by generating sea water, as they Sky dragon slayer is able to enhance their allies abilities, the sea dragon slayer is more suited to weakening and disabling opponents.

Spells :
-General Dragon Skills-
Most offensive skills, that are more in line with what traditional dragon slayers can produce.

Sea Dragon Roar
-A massive, whirling torrent of sea water is spelled forth from the users mouth, like a whirlpool, tidal wave, and a riptide all at once, it is by far her most powerful spell, though she can only seem to use it about once a day.

Sea Dragon Fang
-A fierce swipe of her hand is followed closely by a forceful rush of water that can connect with her foe with all the force of a hammer blow. Her go to close range, offensive attack. By no means an overtly impressive form of attack, it is strong enough to give the young girl claws to keep foes weary of approach.

Sea Dragon Claw
- Much like the fang attack, but it is a kick instead, much stronger and more 'sharp' where the fang is more blunt in nature. With a greater deal of force, and a keener edge she can use this move to slice through thick, hard wood, or inflict greater damage on a foe; but likewise it has a much more significant effect on her stamina.

-Sea Dragon Skills-
Skills unique to the sea dragon slayer. Most similar to enchantments or curses, each one while only be in effect while she is focused on maintaining it. She an only use one of these at a time, so she can't double down her debuffing spells on a foe.

Draining Low Tide
-A spell that can be inflicted on no more than two foes at a time. The spell, while active will drain the foe of strength and endurance, making them feel as if their power is being drawn away from them. It is far from spell that would instantly reduce a man to complete weakness, and the stronger the foe the longer it would take for them to have visible effects on there power, but it is a good way to have a foe's endurance being spent twice as fast and to gradually reduce the As soon as she stops maintaining the spell there endurance will began to trickle back in, quicker than it left.

Heavy High Tide
-A spell that can be inflicted on no more than two foes at a time. The spell, while active, will a impressive amount of pressure on the foe, making there body weight feel as if has increased and give them the sensation that they are moving under the force of a great pressure, as if they were at the bottom of the sea. A good technique for slowing down a foe. How much pressure is actually applied to the enemy is based on how much power she puts into it. At most she can make them feel as if their weight is increased times 5, and while that can force many foes to their knees, she will quickly burn through her stamina trying to maintain such a force.

Withering Red Tide
- A spell that can be inflicted on only one foe at a time. The spell, while active, significantly drains the offensive power of spells. This only effects spell power and only very externally offensive spells. This will have no on the targets physical strength or abilities that augment the physical. But if your foe is trying to roast you with a raging inferno or deadly shadow spear, while under this spell he is more likely to produce a minor fireball or harmless shade.

Biography :

Other : Klisa always has a pouch of salt about her. While she can replenish her strength by consuming freshwater, she finds salt water is much more effective and agreeable to her pallet.

Klisa does not have an over abundance of magic, big spells and long fights are very draining on her. She will try to end things quickly or stay to the support roles in a fight in order to keep herself from running out of steam before battle is done.

Klisa has only be a dragon slayer for 5 years, and is mostly self taught in this form of magic. She believes there is much she doesn't yet know about her powers and feels she has yet to plumb the depths of her abilities.

In the 5 years on her own, one of the hobbies she has taken up has been dance and this is reflected in her combat style. She moves with fluidity, agility, acrobatics, and grace.

As mentioned in her Bio she is a Second generation dragon slayer, and often feels...troubled by this. She wonders is she deserves to call herself a dragon slayer, as one who has never met a dragon, much less slayed one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name : Verin Wandera

Nickname/Alias : Nephilim

Age : 20

DOB : March 30th

Gender : Male

Sexuality : Heterosexual


Personality : Despite his usually indifferent demeanor, Verin is kind and loving at heart. A fact he tries to hide out of fear that it makes him weak. To those that truly know him, he is an exceptional friend and ally. Whose will to protect is out weighed only by his capacity for kindness. As an lax and easy going individual, he is near impossible to anger. As he usually greets hostility with a smug shrug. The exception being when those close to him are unjustly threatened or harmed.

Arsenal : Verin wields a moderately large double edged sword named Esclarin. Though this weapon possesses no magical abilities, it can be used in conjunction with some of Verin's spells. Verin will often avoid using the sword in battle, for fear of damaging it. Thus, instead heavily relies on his right arm for physical combat.

Magic Type : Caster/Ancient Spell/Lost

Mage Rank : C Class Mage

Magic :Flame God Slayer Magic.

Spells :

Biography: Verin was orphaned in his youth by the Dragon Acnologia after his father, Dranis, a mage of fairy tail, attempted to slay the beast. As per request. Thus, having lost his mother at birth, Verin spent his youth under the care of his Aunt. As a historian and record keeper for the dark guild Lupin Claw, Alia, spent her time locating, retrieving and archiving ancient relics and texts. Something that Verin, in his youth, would often aid her with.

However, his life changed forever on the day that he discovered a book called 'The Archon of Sin'. Having unexpectedly found it within the library of his guild, Verin had questioned his aunt about it. Interestingly, Alia neglected being aware of its existence, thus, Verin attempted to decipher the text. It was while doing this, that its pages began to glow and a black light shot forth and consumed him.

When he awoke, having passed out due to shock, Verin could no longer feel his right forearm. Yet, the ten year old was even more frantic when he discovered that his fore-arm had been encased within a black scale-like substance. The book having vanished. It was Alia who eventually sensed his increased magical proficiency. Concerned, she then notified the leader of Lupin Claw.

As a fellow God Slayer, Auger immediately identified Verin as an God Slayer as well. However, he too was baffled by the gauntlet that had become his arm. Intent on using Verin to further his own motives, Auger spent the next eight years teaching Verin how to wield his magic. Despite the differences in their elements. It was during this time that Verin developed the moniker 'The Nephilim'. Little did he know that his career as a dark mage would soon come to an end.

During a particular assassination mission, something Lupin Claw had been notably notorious for, Verin was betrayed by his guild. Discarded as a weakling when he refused to execute a defenceless mage. While he was not alone in the decision to spare the young child, he alone was the lone survivor of his guild's purge. Albeit being severely wounded and left for dead. Thus, it was only after this unusual display of ruthlessness, that Verin decided to live as a rouge.

That was, until he crossed paths with a team of Mages from the Fairy Tail guild. Who he was forced to compete with over an on going job. Inevitably, the two parties clashed and did battle. With Verin swiftly meeting defeat. To his surprise though, the three mages who had beaten him into unconsciousness, also brought him back to their guild. Having taken pity on him after learning of his misfortune during their battle.

It was this act of kindness, as well as the realization that his father, who he couldn't remember, had belonged to the guild, that ultimately drove him to join Fairy Tail. Though that was over a year ago, Verin still loyally serves as a Fairy Tail Mage. Relentless in pursuit of his dream of becoming a hero of the world.

  • Esclarin was the sword used by his father during his battle with Acnologia. After earning the guild's trust, it was collectively presented to him by it's members as means of both welcoming him, and honoring his late father.

  • Verin's right arm is believed to be indestructible, as he has repeatedly used it to parry an array of weapons. However, doing so does cause him to feel pain relative to the force of the impact.

  • Despite his years of training as a God Slayer, Verin is notably weak for a mage of his kind. Mostly due to general inexperience. As most of his training dealt only with theory, as opposed to combative training.

  • Unlearned Spells

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BrassOtter
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    BrassOtter That dapper otter

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Name :
    Damon Gant

    Nickname/Alias :

    Age :

    DOB :
    May 29th

    Gender :

    Sexuality :
    Claims to be heterosexual, actions indicated otherwise

    Other Details:
    Guild symbol is Light Green, located on his right pectoral.

    Personality :
    Damon is not the kind of man to jump to conclusions. He always tries to stay calm, keep his head level, and observe carefully before acting. Rarely will he jump into the fray immediately, instead sitting in the shadows to watch and locate weak points before going in for the kill. His calm nature tends to spread around to other people, and he has quiet the ability to talk people down when they get a bit too riled up. His calm, observing nature has also helped greatly with his bad habit of flirting with every lady in the room. He sees himself as a bit of a player, He stays with one woman just long enough to get them hooked before moving on. He's gotten quiet the following.

    Damon is usually sly and charming, and will often put on a facade if you have something he wants. He's been known for hitting on the opposite gender, though no one has ever seen him do anything more than flirt before blowing off the man he was sweet-talking. He knows how to talk to get just what he wants... Though, he's been wrong before, and has received numerous blows to both face and groin. He's cautious when he's around a woman he knows doesn't like him, often times fearing them if they're another mage.

    He sees his Celestial Spirits as his closest family.

    Arsenal :
    Damon carries a pair of Brass Knuckles on his belt at all times. On the opposite side, he has his un-clipable Key-Ring holding his Celestial Keys.

    Magic Type : Holder-Type
    Mage Rank : B-Rank
    Magic : Celestial Spirit Magic

    Biography :
    Damon was born in to a family of Magicians, specifically ones that were members of Blue Pegasus. His mother was a Part-time Model and his father was the owner of a popular Magician Magazine. While they loved Damon very much, they were often busy with work, leaving him at the guild so there was someone watching him. Damon knew his parents were important people, but he still wished they could make time to spend with him. Due to being left at the guild so much, he quickly became friends with almost everyone there. He always had some-one to talk to, and from a young age he was a success with the ladies. The combination of his parent's genes had created quiet the beautiful child, and as such a few of the women in the guild thought he was simply adorable. Damon ahd a nice life, even if he didn't get to see much of his busy parents.

    But, disaster struck one day. His father was directing a photo-shoot with his wife as the main model, when another woman attacked them. She was hired by a rival company to kill Damon' father, but int he process killed both husband and the wife who tried to defend him. Damon was only 14 when he found his parents had been slaughtered, and the news left him devastated. He grew away from the guild, mourning for a long time. When he finally showed his face around the guild again, he was given sympathy and pity, which he returned with cold apathy. Though he had stopped mourning and was beginning to move on, he was still scarred from his parent's death. He began trying to fill the void that his parent's death had made, craving the attention of the opposite sex. He also inherited his mother's celestial keys, which he soon found very easy to wield.

    But, Despite the support of his guildmates, It was up to Damon to feed and clothe himself. He had to master summoning spirits quickly to start making money. Luckily for him, all the spirits he summoned knew him due to their previous contracts with his mother. Even though Damon had a Zodiac key, getting money with one-day contracts was going to be hard. Another guild member, this one a famous martial artist, began instructing him on how to fight. Damon took to it like a natural, using the anger he felt of his parent's death as fuel to push himself harder and harder. The Guild Member teaching him martial arts also gave him a pair of sturdy Brass Knuckles, which he wielded with lethal efficiency. Damon was soon ready to be a full-fledged Mage… Only, not at Blue Pegasus. He felt the guild held too many sad memories, and would be constantly reminded of his parents if he remained. So, the young man headed out to find another guild, one where he could let his skills grow and make new friends, loves, and enemies.

    He went to Fairy Tail.

    Other :
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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    Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Well dang. I should have noticed this earlier xD
    Since we seem to have a good bit of people interested in this now, how about I work on that dark magic user bad guy now?~

    Of course, If its still alright with you Marc
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    yeah you can do that Rune~ Also I'll have to go through these CS' properly after class, since I have to get ready.

    Our Lost Magic users seemed to fill up pretty quickly. I don't know if you'll be able to bring Amelia over, Animal, unless you want to just change her from a dragon slayer to a light magic user of sorts?

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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    Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Awesome. Is there anything specific I need to discuss with you? Or can I just do my own thing?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    we'll need to have a discussion over skype at some point. However, I have class for the rest of the week and I don't want you to wait that long. so what you can do is PM me your idea and I'll just approve it or make a suggestion here and there.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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    Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Works for me. I'll get to work on her soon~
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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    Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    Edited my first post with what I have worked out so far as i needed a break from thinking, have any Comments/questions/thoughts so far?
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RowsOfDeath


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Name: Aero Hale
    Nickname/Alias: "Hale" Storm
    Age: 19
    DOB: February 21st
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Appearance: Ice-White hair, and Blue eyes. He's about 5' 10", with an athletic build. He’s almost always in a suit or formal attire. Other Details: He has Tribal tattoos streaking up his arms and back. His Guild Mark is black, and it’s on his left pectoral muscle, close to his shoulder.

    Personality: Aero is a bit of a joker. He doesn’t like to take things serious, but when he does, it’s usually because of something really bad happening. He’s less destructive than most guild members, preferring to take a tactical approach to things, although he usually ends up destroying things anyway. He usually wants to be a leader, and will butt heads with anyone who won’t go his way. If he’s in a group, he’ll probably end up in a fistfight with another member.

    Arsenal : His weapon of choice would be a bow made of ice, as well as using reinforced ice armor. He has an ice sprite that he keeps with him, who goes in the form of a woman with white hair and silver eyes. She has the ability to use snow and ice, and shape them to her will, forming ice and snowstorms easily.
    Magic Type: Caster
    Mage Rank: B-Class Mage
    Magic: Static Ice-Make Magic, with one Dynamic Spell.


    Other: Often in serious situations, Aero will resort to non-spell ice magic, something he learned from the mages. He doesn't know how it works, only that it can freeze everything around him. This tires him out even more than the One-Sided Chaotic Dance, and even with the pendant can cause him to faint.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @Shifter, Alex is looking pretty good so far, and I like his magic. If possible, could you add a list of all the weapons/tools he is capable of requipping? Ignore me, I missed the weapons in my first read over of the CS.

    @datadogie, everything on James is looking good and I'll be happy to accept him as one of the Lost Magic users, but could you perhaps lower his Mage class down to C? It's just my own personal opinion, but I don't think someone at that age would be able to be classified as a B Class Mage unless they were forced to train magic from a very young age. From what I can tell from his biography, he didn't start learning magic until he was around 8-9 years old. That's still fairly young, so I'll allow him to be around a high C Class. There's that, or you could just make him older. I just personally don't like seeing very young characters at the start of the roleplay with high levels of power. Consider James almost accepted, so don't rush to change your CS because your dragon slayer slot isn't going anywhere.

    @kiltman, Klisa looks good and she is accepted as a Lost Magic user.

    @Myst3ch, I really like the back story for Verin, however I'd like to ask for his rank to be lowered down to at least a High C Class. I noticed at the bottom of your CS that you said most of his training was theory and he lacked experience. Reading that, I don't think he would be a B Class Mage. It's also a matter of God Slayer magic being probably one of the most powerful magics we have amongst our characters at the moment; so I'd like to compensate for that by asking you to have him start just slightly weaker than you intended. You don't need to change any of the spells, or anything else. Consider him almost accepted, just like James. Your Lost Magic slot is reserved until you make the slight change.

    @Brass, Damon is accepted.

    @RowsofDeath, I'm gonna accept Aero as a regular mage. His personality, spell descriptions and biography are all acceptable; but not for an S Class. I'll add him to the roster for now, but if you are keen on him being an S Class at the start then try and make the changes before another person grabs the slots. Also I'm sorry to say that all Lost Magic slots have been filled.
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