Welcome, new recruits, one and all! And congratulations! You have all been selected and approved by the Nordic Council of History and Rediscovery to take part in a magnificent expedition! As you all no doubt know, our nations and our settlements managed to survive the Illness when it first broke out, almost a hundred years ago. Our culture, our history, was all saved and thrived due to the diligence of our forefathers and mothers. But what about the others, whom were not so lucky? Those nations who now make up the Silent World, forbidden to all, and fraught with danger? We intend to find out.
Your mission is to enter the silent world, traveling southeast from the Finnish capital of Saimaa, to find the forgotten Silent City of St. Petersburg. The journey will be dangerous, and you must be careful, for no rescue team can be spared should you fail. But worry not, for you are the best of the best, the pinnacle of profession, outstanding among your colleagues, truly the most skilled! (... That we could afford on our budget.)
Now, many of you are in different parts of the world. Some without electricity, others without walls. And we here representing the expedition understand that. Which is why we have three of support crew sent to you, to gather you up and prepare you for this journey! There may be some problems with our language barriers, but rest assured, we know that there are those among you whom can translate for others.
The positions in the expedition party are:
Non party members:
Character Sheet
Name: (must be of Scandinavian origin)
Age: (17-40)
Nationality: (Norwegian, Finn, Icelander, Swede, or Dane)
Gender: (Self-explanatory)
Area of birth: (Scandinaaaavia)
Immunity: (Yes or No)
Profession: (One of the above placements, as well as any other past jobs)
Languages: (Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish. You can have multiple languages spoken, it is actually encouraged)
Brief Bio:
Image or Description:
Expedition Crew
Name: Lise Almstedt
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Nationality: Swedish
Immunity: No
Area of birth: Mora, Sweden
Languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Profession: Military captain, and leader of Cat Squad
Personality: Lise has a wild and joyful personality, often jumping into things head first. She is very strong willed and stubborn, never backing down from a fight. She has to be, training creatures as fickle as cats to become loyal guards and vigilant scouts is no easy task. She is adventure loving and playful, but knows when it's time to be somber and when it's time to relax. She is eager to slay trolls and find treasure, begging her aunt Hedvig to let her come. Under one condition of course, that her trickster twin had to come with her.
Brief Bio: Lise was born in Mora in year 64, to a rather affluent military family. Her birth was a rare occasion, as it was the first time in recorded history since twins had been born in Sweden. Lise was always very proud of her family's military history, and was eager to join them, though her father insisted she finish high school first. A troublesome and hot-headed student, by some oracle she managed to graduate on time and signed up the day of her graduation to become a cleanser.
Unfortunately, because of her lack of immunity, her father pulled strings to make sure she would never be sent to the Silent world. Instead, Lise was stuck guarding sheep farms, training new recruits, and eventually, cats. And that was where her talent showed itself. Cats flocked and obeyed her like she was a kitty goddess, and if they didn't, she knew how to handle them. Her training impressed her superiors, and she was sent on a troll hunting mission at last. Though she came back, safe and sound, her father put her on leave out of anger. Frustrated by this, Lise went to stay with her aunt Hedvig, and once she heard of the expedition, she jumped at the chance. Due to her long years of military services and experience, she was selected as Captain, and sent to prepare.

Name: Leif Almstedt
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Nationality: Swedish
Immunity: No
Area of birth: Mora, Sweden
Languages: Swedish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish
Profession: Radio operator and official translator
Personality: Leif knows he's one of the most important people on the expedition, the most if you asked him personally, and doesn't do anything to hide it. Unlike his fraternal twin sister, Leif is calm and sly, using silver tongue words, flattering praises or devastating insults to get his way. A negotiator by nature and a socialite to boot, Leif can't stand being alone or stubborn people. Underneath his charming exterior, however, he can be rude and just as hot headed as his sister, though only she manages to bring out this side of him. He is fairly egotistical, believing he is the smartest of everyone there (he may be right, but that does't make him any more likable). He tends to keep his older sister in line when she would normal fling herself into difficult situations.
Brief Bio: Leif never really cared much for battle, preferring to study or play with his friends. A child prodigy, he mastered Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian before fifteen, before moving on to learn Icelandic and Finnish. Always fascinated by technology, he joined the Icelanic Institute of Technology at eighteen, only to drop out less than a year later, frustrated that they only spoke about attributing their tech to the gods, and not to people who obviously developed it long before. Instead, he returned to Sweden and like his sister, joined the military as a Skarl, working first as a beauracrat, then an operator, and finally an electrician specializing in radios.
When his father put his sister on leave, he followed, despite having made no foul quarrel, it wasn't like he ever left the compound, but he wanted to accompany Lise and make sure she didn't do anything rash. Which she quickly did, making him quit his job as an electrician and join some fool's errand expedition to the Silent World. What on earth was the point in all this anyhow, it wasn't like there was anything out there, or so he thought. His job, he was explained, was very important, probably the most, Hedvig told him to get him to shut up. He was the only one who would read the maps, radar, and monitor the frequencies. Who else was going to do that, a mechanic? Yeah, probably, but they wouldn't be as good as he was!

NAME: Otto Oletho
AGE: 24
Area of Birth: Hofan, Iceland
LANGUAGES: Icelandic, Finnish, Danish
CLASS: Cleanser
SUBCLASS: Mechanic
-Lee has a crazy but kind sense of humor. Sometimes, his jokes are hurtful but he doesn't mean it that way. He get's defensive over sore spots but is all very loyal and trustworthy towards his friends. His sarcasm is hilarious and everything about him is comical and funny. He can be serious when he wants to, especially when people threaten things he loves.
Otto was born outside Hofan. Otto always heard of the great military fighting against the scary monsters that prowled the land. He looked up to the military men and woman who protected them, and he wanted to be just like then. Unfortunately for Otto, he had no power, he was useless to the military. After this realization, Otto threw himself into work, looking for any talent that would render him useful to the army.
One day when the sun was setting, Otto decided to join the army anyway. Realizing that if he did not realize his potential there, he would never reach it. During his travels to the military recruitment grounds, he saw the lives and the conditions of some of the people who were affected by the beasts, this encouraged and solidified his decision. At first he was scared, but then he became excited, realizing that he had become truly worthy in his eyes to join the army.
After arriving and being recruited, he was trained by a senior Cleanser to understand, learn, and fight. After 2 years of training he was then eligible to be given missions and assigned to units. Otto has seen may battles in the front line, and has charred trolls into black husks.

Mari Vinter
The Danes
Area of birth
Icelandic, Swedish, Danish
Is a very isolated 'girl'. In her perspective, everything in the world is a book that needs to be read. Mari is a very 'lonely' person, in her village, being demanded by her father to 'study' and thus she earned the name 'Scholar'. Mari isn't the crowdy type of person she feels uncomfortable near people she cannot handle without a book in her possession so she always brings a pack of ink, pen, and a book on her expeditions. Though, when Mari is alone she..is a very 'creative' person. She feels like, when she is alone she can embrace who she actually is without anyone judging what she writes or does.
Brief Bio
Her father, Kjetil Vinter, was a 'leader' of a town. Covered by there mistakes of magic in use when they tried to reclaim there past they finally gave in and moved to a small colonized island known as Bornholm. Many others like them with a wrecked past of claim lived there as well. Kjetil, Mari's yearned for his home, his wife, and his baby, though they were dead. But soon enough another woman from a nearby village came of age, only a simple hunter they soon fell in love and thus came Mari. Mari, as a child had a curious mind, imginative, giving her the love of books she knew more than most and during her years as a child she began to be more isolated than the other children. Most trained for hunting, girls did the house work, and Mari reading her beloved books and when she almost reached the supposed age of a 'woman' she gained the name 'Scholar'. As a 'teen' she had began to go on expeditions in the forest with her only true friend, Kristan. Kristan knew Mari as a young child who always supported her, helpinh her with her studies, and thus they became friends, though he soon died. Drunk he wondered into the forests and was killed by a malicious beast. Mari mourned, though kept strong and this was a lesson learned to NOT be careless of her actions and soon her father felt as if Mari was a 'young' woman, no need of aid, giving her the trust she needed, and the hope for her adventures.

" Jeg vil forblive stærk for min familie. "
Mari Vinter
The Danes
Area of birth
Icelandic, Swedish, Danish
Is a very isolated 'girl'. In her perspective, everything in the world is a book that needs to be read. Mari is a very 'lonely' person, in her village, being demanded by her father to 'study' and thus she earned the name 'Scholar'. Mari isn't the crowdy type of person she feels uncomfortable near people she cannot handle without a book in her possession so she always brings a pack of ink, pen, and a book on her expeditions. Though, when Mari is alone she..is a very 'creative' person. She feels like, when she is alone she can embrace who she actually is without anyone judging what she writes or does.
Brief Bio
Her father, Kjetil Vinter, was a 'leader' of a town. Covered by there mistakes of magic in use when they tried to reclaim there past they finally gave in and moved to a small colonized island known as Bornholm. Many others like them with a wrecked past of claim lived there as well. Kjetil, Mari's yearned for his home, his wife, and his baby, though they were dead. But soon enough another woman from a nearby village came of age, only a simple hunter they soon fell in love and thus came Mari. Mari, as a child had a curious mind, imginative, giving her the love of books she knew more than most and during her years as a child she began to be more isolated than the other children. Most trained for hunting, girls did the house work, and Mari reading her beloved books and when she almost reached the supposed age of a 'woman' she gained the name 'Scholar'. As a 'teen' she had began to go on expeditions in the forest with her only true friend, Kristan. Kristan knew Mari as a young child who always supported her, helpinh her with her studies, and thus they became friends, though he soon died. Drunk he wondered into the forests and was killed by a malicious beast. Mari mourned, though kept strong and this was a lesson learned to NOT be careless of her actions and soon her father felt as if Mari was a 'young' woman, no need of aid, giving her the trust she needed, and the hope for her adventures.

" Jeg vil forblive stærk for min familie. "
NAME: Lennart Korhonen
AGE: 22
BIRTHPLACE: Mäntysaari, Finland
LANGUAGES: Finnish and a low-level of Norwegian
SUBCLASS: Scout (in the military)
PERSONALITY: Lennart is often described as gormless. He is not particularly bright or witty and rarely (if ever) understands more than the simplest forms of humour. When it comes to social interactions, he tends to talk nervously and swiftly in his own language as if not able to process that not everyone else speaks it. Even so, he is characterised by his infinite amount of courage and endless cheer even in the face of danger and adversity. This, in the past, has been taken advantage of. Lennart is gullible, believing in old wives tales and the craziest of superstitions as devoutly as he follows the path of a Finnish mage.
-Born on a small island on Lake Saimaa only recently cleansed, Lennart was the oldest of the settlers' children. Deaf in one ear, he often had difficulties learning even his own language, if only because few people found the time from their busy routine of fishing and forestry to teach him. His own mother was illiterate as he is, a Norwegian who stayed on land only long enough to give birth to him before escaping to adventure and his father was a Finnish man who sought only peace and safety in Keuruu and didn't see fit to take his son with him.
- He quickly fell into a routine of practical work and training in trade skills his village could use (sewing, fishing, scouting, construction) and spent so much time alone that his ability to see spirits was not fully realised until he was twelve years old. By then, it had started to manifest as incomplete attempts at runo. It was determined that he would be sent to a neighbouring island to apprentice under a senior mage there; however, he had been there for only a month when his previous home was ravaged by the rash sickness as few were immune.
- The news led to Lennart throwing himself into meditation and training with hopes of becoming stronger, to guide them into the afterlife. At 17, he enlisted in the military despite his master's fervent belief that he was too soft and would immediately die just from setting foot off the islands. His lack of social skills and unhardened nature gained him few allies but with his sharp eyesight and abilities as a noita he was, at the very least, acknowledged as useful. His only friends were the Gods themselves.

Name: Arto Enestam
Age: 24
Nationality: Finn
Gender: male
Area of birth: Finland:Keuruu
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Cleanser((2)X3)/ Subclass:Hunter(back in his teenage years)
Languages: Finnish, & Icelandic.
Personality: "Silent as the grave," is a comment used casually when speaking about Arto do to the fact he rarely speaks unless spoken to, or when given a order. With that said he is by no means a loner, and seems to prefer the company of others if not to only stave off the feeling of loneliness. Arto usually projects a aura of a protector rather then a fighter, and will always act on protected those around him first, and himself second. Oddly Arto is a well accomplished cook, and is known to hum away when preparing a meal for others it seems to be a passion for the strange man.
Brief Bio: Arto was born to a military family both mother, and father stationed at Keuruu's military base. His Father was a Cleanser, his Mother a Finnish Mage. Both were strong, and well respected by their peers. Thus when Arto was born great things were expected of him, and when he was old enough to be taught his parents made sure he knew what kinda world he lived in... not to say life was rough or extreme, & while she was a military Woman Arto's Mother never allowed things to get out of hand which did cause a few issues with his father. Thanks to his Mother Arto had his childhood until the age of thirteen which until he turned 16 was spent being taught by a Icelander Hunter his father had known in his younger days. At the age of seventeen Arto's father took over the young boy's training enlisting him into the military, and training him to be a Cleanser. From Seventeen to Twenty four Arto's life was spent cleansing what little their was left to cleanse of his homeland. Now he has been given a new assignment to dive head first into the old world, and discover what had been left behind.

Name: Ylva Sørensen
Age: 22
Nationality: Norwegian
Gender: Female
Area of Birth: Settlement of Leikanger
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Mage/Healer
Languages : Norwegian, Icelandic
Calm and serious, sometimes pedantic. Having witnessed an outbreak she lost her sense of humor. She doesn't seem to like sarcasm. At all.
Outsiders generally consider her to be rather frigid.
However, even though Ylva doesn't like to admit it she can be caring and empathetic, willing to risk her life for complete strangers.
Brief Bio:
Ylva spent most of her childhood in the Norwegian Settlement of Leikanger. After her magic abilities were discovered she moved to Iceland to begin her training at the Academy of Seiður. At the age of 19, when she had finished studying, Ylva relocated to her home country to support the cleansers at the frontline. There she worked primarily in the background, treating the wounded and spotting abominations along with the guard cats. Due to her lack of shooting skills Ylva has never encountered any of the larger beasts until recently, when the outpost she was stationed at was overrun. Thanks to her defensive magic she survived, among with a few others.
Shortly after these events Ylva decided she needed an outtime and went back to Reykjavík where she caught the attention of some local officials; who convinced her to join a certain expedition.
Description: Her haircolour is dark brown; her eyes are green. Her skincolour is pale, for a Norwegian she is pretty short (with 5'5'')

Description: Aimee stands at 5'6 with features that are more athletic than feminine. The girl has sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes.
Name: Aimee Anenson
Age: 19
Nationality: Norwegian
Gender: Female
Area of birth: Grimstad
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Scout
Languages: Norwegian and Icelandic, however, she isn't as good at the latter.
Confident and honest (or perhaps blunt is a better word), Aimee isn't one to beat around the bush and If she has something to say, you can bet she'll say it to your face. Yes, the girl is not afraid to speak her mind, but she doesn't go out of her way to be rude either. Aimee is friendly enough, with her out of place jokes and wry grins. She tries to keep the mood up, but at times her humor can be either out of place, morbid, or sarcastic.
"I get it, I need to bite my tongue sometimes. I meant nothing of it, kay? So don't get all pissed, you'll die young if you keep being a grouch."
Aimee is quick to shrug things off and isn't one to hold grudges, so most of the time she expects the same from others. She's not exactly the most expressive or empathetic person out there, but she does believe in 'action speaks louder than words' and if you've gained her trust, then you can expect her to have your back. Aimee is protective of her teammates, but she's got a certain coldness to her. She'll listen to people rant and rave, but she won't say much about herself and will probably offer a bad joke or an awkward tap on the shoulder instead of hugs and words of comfort.
Her affectionate gestures include headlocks, punches to the shoulder, and name calling.
"Uh...why is she crying? Did I say something wrong? Crap, I did, didn't I?"
"You are all so confusing, it kind of makes my brain hurt."
Aimee a mix of confident and awkward, and while well versed in hand to hand combat, she usually misses the most obvious of social cues.
Brief Bio:
Born in the portside town of Grimstad, Aimee grew up listening to tales of giants and sea beasts.
Aimee's father was a scout for the army, but he died in combat when the girl was six. She didn't really know him because he was mostly away on missions. Perhaps, it was for the best. Losing him didn't hurt as much as it ought to and life was peaceful. Well, until the town nearby suffered from another outbreak of the rash. People began panicking and soldiers were shipped out to fight the threats and keep them away from Grimstad.
Aimee noticed the suffering all around and wanted to help in her own way. At the age of fifteen, she decided to enlist, much to her mother's dismay. The girl excelled in most things physical, and in the span of a few years she was out with the soldiers, scouting the perimeter and fighting off creatures.
Name: Naemi Väyrynen
Age: 18
Nationality: Finn
Gender: Female
Area of birth: Kajaani, Finland
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Hunter
Languages: Finnish, broken Norwegian (she tends to substitute words she doesn't know with the Finnish one)
Impulsive and reckless Naemi is 98% instincts and 3% brain; a savage who is better suited to prowl along in the silent world than to mingle in with society. She can't read or do math and she certainly won't be waxing poetic about the known world, but she knows the Kajaani lands by heart and can maneuver through beast-infested forests with ease. Hunting is first nature to her—it's all she's ever known, really—and it's evident in the ever-present vigilance set in her perceptive eyes, and in her almost feral soul. Naemi rarely thinks things through before diving headlong into something, and she basically assumes she can accomplish anything with sheer force of will (or just sheer force). She relies on her quick reflexes and intuitions above all, and she has long decided that unnecessary pondering can only hinder one's actions. Idiotically bold, she is flippant in the face of danger; she'll sooner die in action than stand idly by when there are things she can be doing.
Having lost touch with the rest of the known world, Naemi hasn't much in the way of social etiquette. She is blunt and direct, particularly rude to those she dislikes. Working with others doesn't come naturally to her, and it'll be difficult to get her to follow tactics. However, anyone that manages to gain her trust is entreated to her undying loyalty and her tamer, affectionate side. She's actually a puppy behind all that snarl and bite.
Brief Bio:
Born to a mostly absent Norwegian father and a Finnish mother who has long since succumbed to the illness, Naemi grew up under the care of their small settlement in Kajaani. Despite having been cleansed years ago, the lands in Kajaani remained unsafe, and their settlement was among the least inhabitable, with their route to the lake obstructed by perilous, uncleansed land and their communication with other cities or settlements nearly inexistent. Her father was part of a group of traders that risked journeying through the silent world to keep what little remained of their settlement thriving. They brought timber, crops, and game and traveled all the way to Pori and back, sometimes twice a day if they made good time. Their expeditions sustained the settlement for years, but one unfortunate encounter with a Troll left most of the trading group's members incapacitated. Since then, they've all been cut off from the rest of the known world.
Abled and immune children in their settlement were required to train as hunters. Naemi learned to fight when she was seven and discovered her forte in archery then. As the settlement's best marksman, her people grew to heavily rely on her to hunt for food and to act as the last line of defense against lurking beasts and occasional trolls. She had keen eyesight and even keener hearing, which helped tremendously when she stalked the dangerous lands, whether in pursuit of game or other creatures to slay.
It was a year ago that a Giant attack left their settlement in ruins (she had been out hunting then, and had been unable to help bolster their defense), forcing the few who survived to risk travelling all the way to Eno. Feeling guilty for her absence, Naemi sought to provide for the remaining survivors and found work where she could. Eventually, one of her employers directed her to the expedition and she immediately took on the offer, under the misconception that she would be able to earn a fortune from it.
Image or Description:
Naemi is terribly sensitive to the cold and has therefore taken to wearing excessively warm garments. Underneath her layers of clothing, she's a skinny thing, with just enough meat in her to keep her from looking like a walking skeleton. Also due to malnutrition, she's didn't get to do much growing and stands only at 5'2. There are little scars scattered throughout her body as well, but unlike what many assume, these are not so called badges from her beast or troll hunting stints, but marks left by her arguably evil cat.

Support Crew
Name: Oskar Heimirsson
Age: 41
Nationality: Icelandic
Gender: Male
Area of Birth: Reykjavik
Immunity: No
Profession: Historian
Languages : Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish
Personality: Oskar is a kind enough fellow, though highly opportunistic and penny-pinching. He has very low standards, and was mostly in charge of picking the Expedition Crew members. (We swear, the two are not related! ... Maybe!)
Brief Bio: Oskar's family is a very old one, being in a position of prestige since Pre-Illness times, or so he claims. However, they have fallen on hard times, but seizing the opportunity to make money by smuggling illegal artifacts back to Iceland from the Silent world- er, rediscover history and donate any found items (to the highest bidder).

Name: Suvi Laakonen
Age: 53
Nationality: Finnish
Area of Birth: Saimaa
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Radio expert and historical engineer, professor, and retired military bureaucrat.
Languages: Finnish, Icelandic
Personality: Suvi has a warm and motherly personality, looking over the crew members and making certain they stay safe and well on the trip from Iceland to Finland. She is in charge of routing and transportation.
Brief Bio: Suvi was born while Saimaa was still being cleansed, and after a brief period in the military as a scout, she injured one leg and was moved to a desk job. She much preferred paper pushing, and stayed in her job in the military for twenty years before being offered a position in a Icelandic university, first as a TA, and later as a professor. She was one of the members who first suggested to her colleagues and the council on sending an exploratory expedition south east.

Name: Hedvig Almstedt
Age: 37
Nationality: Swedish
Gender: Female
Area of Birth: Ostersund
Immunity: No
Profession: Retired cleanser and hunter, widow
Languages: Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic
Personality: Hedivg has a very cold and strict personality, she is a stickler for order and can be cruel and insulting at times. She used her weight with the military to get the Expedition the military equipment-and cats- they would need.
Brief Bio: Hedvig worked in the military since she was 13, slaying her first troll at 16. She was a product of her time and environment, believing that the only way for humanity to progress was for the extermination of all infected. Her hard, cold exterior was eventually broken through by one of her colleagues, Markus, and the two eventually married, Hedvig retiring following the birth of their second child, Tyko. Five years later, Markus was killed on a mission, cleansing forests near railroads, when a vermin beast bit him on his ankle. As he was not immune, he soon perished, his body being quarantined and burned to prevent Illness from taking a hold of it. Bitter and grief stricken, Hedvig takes care of her four unruly children, three sons and a daughter, and was eager (though she won't admit it) to contribute again to a military cause.

Name: Olev Pääsuke
Age: 27
Nationality: Estonian
Gender: Male
Area of birth: Estonia, woods off the border of Russia
Immunity: yes
Profession: Warrior caste, Sub caste: Huskarl (means he is a veteran warrior among his people and a person to look to for guidance)
Items: He wears a leather tunic which servers as his armor as well, seen in his picture. His boots are made of leather. His shield is a round shield with a iron ball in the middle. For weapons he uses a bow among his people the draw force is about 90-100 pounds, his is about 100), he has a iron axe which he uses for cutting trees and other misc activities, for combat he has a double edged steel sword which is about 95 cm. He also has a small knife he uses for cutting small object, skinning animals. At times he can be seen wearing a fur cloak to keep warm.
Languages: His language is a mix of Estonian and Finnish. easily understandable by Finns.
Personality: Olev is one of the few people among his clan to believe that they should search for other people and expand. He is a progressive among his people. He can be seen as a radical. But even still his clan values strength and bravery as well as intelligence. Among his people he is respected as a leader for he ways of fighting. To outsiders he may seem cold and harsh. But to his people he his loved, the people adore him.
Brief Bio: Olev was born into the clan Yngling many a moon ago. His fathers fathers father would be one of the founding members of the clan. For that he is respected. At a young age he was taught the art of fighting with a sword, a axe, bow and arrow, as well as with a knife or a shield. He was trained to be one of the best warriors. By the time he was twenty he was by far one of the best warriors in his clan. During a festival were his clan chooses its best warrior he placed second losing to his friend that would later die by fighting raiders. He lost his friend during the spear competition. He has lead many battles against raiders and people wanting to do harm to his clan. On his home life he likes to farm and hunt. His clans farm are generally very small and are used to supplement during the summer. Hunting though would be his favorite thing he loves the feeling of the hunt and chase. When he is home he tends to his wife Ysolda and son Peetar.
His Clan: Yngling is the name of his clan. His people are known for being warriors and have been known for producing the best warriors among drifters and others. His clan numbers about 20-30 depending on the time of the year. His people are also semi-nomadic they have several permanent areas where they live. After each year the clan moves to the next place of residence. Special notes about his clan. They were founded by viking enthusiasts. So thanks to them his people have become 'modern day vikings'. His clan also has the ability to forge weapons and armor for its warriors. The clan has a single blacksmith and a single apprentice, they are the most protected people in the clan for if they are lost the clan loses its ability to fight. The clan also has a small amount of firearms; mainly bolt actions, revolvers and breech loading guns, each gun has about 15-20 rounds for it. The only time they are used is if there is a giant or raiders. His people also have a single mage the first in a long time. He is used as a healer and protector. Also at the age of 40-50 the clans old men and woman teach as much as they can before they go off to fight one last battle which is generally to the death. This way the resources aren't being used on the old and the clan is safe for the time being.

Name: Spirit
Age: 6
Breed: Mutt
Immunity: yes
Profession: War dog
Language: Dog
Personality: Spirit is a very playful and happy dog. She is full of curiosity and wonder. Though in times of fighting she takes a very aggressive stance and protects her owner and all cost. When it comes to cats she knows their value and is quite friendly to them and playful.

Name: Devin Lienheart
Age: 23
Nationality: Forgotten (English)
Gender: Male
Area of birth: Northwesternish Russia (I guess)
Immunity: Yes
Profession: All-Purpose Survivor
Languages: English, Finnish
Personality: On the surface he may seem somber and deadly serious, that is the effects of pure survival, given time and a safer environment would lead to the revealing of himself. Devin can be very social and almost always willing to engage in conversation, although after a few years of no human contact his social skills had degraded by quite a bit. Devin is a huge team player always willing to add to the common good, even willing to sacrifice his own life if the need is dire enough. He has an aptitude for learning making him able to quickly pick up on new skills, yet the saying jack of all trades, master of none heavily applies to Devin who has never truly mastered anything.
Brief Bio: Much of his history has been lost, well at least the history of his people. All that was left were stories of a journey to cross the waters, although they did not say where their old homeland was or the reason why they left. What did matter then was the present, what mattered was to survive their hostile environment, so that’s what Devin did from birth. At an early age they were taught how to fend for themselves, from setting snares, to cooking, to even fighting one of the monsters with whom they shared their world with. They were mostly isolated from any other human groups, the only last known contact was back when the ancestors first landed from their journey, they called themselves the "Fins". Overtime the small population of Fins integrated with the group, and before long were considered family, they helped the ancestors greatly by showing ways to survive in the new lands. The Fins also brought their own tongue, while it didn't became the primary language almost everyone learned it after English.
The greatest weapon and main weapon they had were guns, one of the remaining knowledges that came with the ancestors. They used bolt-action hunting rifles, while fairly simple being made out of wood and iron, the .308 rounds fired were more than enough to take down most beasts and perhaps enough to punch through the hide of a troll. Of course ammunition was impossible to come across so they made their own, mostly by repriming spent bullets.
Life was hard needless to say, lack of security was a major problem among many others, still they managed to survive by staying on the move. They lived in compact tents, some old technology from the ancestors, in only half an hour they were capable of collapsing a campsite to continue traveling. This was Devin’s life until the age of 19, he broke off from the rest of the group to find metal salvage they could use, it wasn’t until later when he discovered that he had been left behind. When Devin returned to camp there was nothing left, it seemed that the group left although it didn’t make sense why. It had been years since then, and Devin was no closer to finding any answers, without others to support him it had been rough attempting to survive. Armed with his rifle, the biggest memory of his lost family, and the skills given to him had made it possible to continue.
Image or Description: He stands at a height of 6' 0", with about average build and blue eyes. He has somewhat long, scraggly, black hair and a full beard. He is Caucasian, with little color in his skin. He wears clothes made from animal hides, and a scarf fashioned from wool sheared from wild sheep.
Cat Squad
Name: Tyr
Age: 9
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Hunting Cat
Class: A
Language: Cat
Personality: Tyr is a very formal and proud cat. He seems to know his position as an alpha and his importance to the squad, and takes himself and his work very seriously. He dislikes being cuddled, but enjoys praise and respect. He is constantly vigilant and very strong and brave, even taking on smaller trolls. He is named after the old norse god of war.

Name: Rane
Age: 5
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Hunting/Breeding Cat
Class: A
Language: Cat
Personality: Rane is a sweetheart. She is very calm and quiet, and loves attention. Her warm and open demeanor, coupled with her over protectiveness have made her a fine breeding cat. Breeding Cats give their litters every other year, to keep their mothers healthy and strong, and the team was lucky to secure Rane as a tool. She treats humans as her own babies, grooming and cuddling them. Her sharp senses making her an excellent tracker, able to find prey, supplies, and beasts beneath the ground. Her name means queen.

Name: Dagny
Age: 2
Breed: Norwegian Forest Cat
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Scouting/Guard Cat
Class: A
Language: Ancient Sumerian (Just kidding, it's Cat)
Personality: Dagny is a happy, bouncy, and all around hyper cat. This is her first mission out of training, so she is very green and jumpy. However, her speed and hyper-awareness make her an excellent scout, especially when her white pelt allows her to blend in with the surrounding snow. She is often punished for her excitement by Tyr, and tends to get in the way and cause trouble, though she doesn't mean it. She loves to play and wrestle. Her name means Joy.

Name: Ilkimys (Ilki)
Age: 6
Breed: Siberian Cat
Immunity: Yes
Profession: Hunting Cat
Class: B
Language: Cat (and a bit of dog and moose)
Personality: Aptly named Ilkimys is a sourpuss hell-bent on making everyone's lives miserable. He acts as though he is superior to any and all creatures (especially Naemi, who he considers his stupid human slave), and is very selective of whom is deserving of his attention. Ilki isn't all bravado and arrogance, though. He is cunning and quick, skilled enough to face beasts and trolls without having the proper training. What he lacks in power, he more than makes up for in speed and tactics. Even though he would probably survive better on his own, he has taken it upon himself to guide his stupid human slave through the silent world and protect her from her stupidity.