It's my fault for starting it so late. I hope we aren't moving too quickly.
RainDash said
Is it bad? It ended up shorter than usual but is it too long for this RP?
RainDash said
Is it bad? It ended up shorter than usual but is it too long for this RP?
KatherinWinter said
There is no such thing as too long
RainDash said
Ah, thanks. Just didn't wanna steamroll you guys is all.
Toxic Diamond said
I'm good on either short on long posts. But I really hope to strengthen my ability to write long style with detail, and to be able to do it well.
RainDash said
All it takes is practice. Take time to ask, what would this person be doing while talking, or how do they respond then carefully write responses.It not always perfect, but it helps.
Toxic Diamond said
Haha, I love how the girls are all like"Oh, hello madam, I do hope we aren't going to our deaths"And then the guys are just like"Hey idiot, you forgot your pants."
YamiCuoreLaroux said
I laughed way too hard at this.