Sorry I was absent these past few days. Currently in Central America and the Internet is pretty rough. Should be a lot better tonight. When I get a post up.
Post is up. I am enjoying the scene my character is in greatly. The idea of muggle not knowing anything is normal but let's see how things go when a wizard is confronted with how to eat an Oreo! Best of luck Jake.
Sorry for the absence. Thanksgiving had me busy and I will be a little busy today as well. So at the latest I will have a post up tonight. Also Miss and Eyeris I will take a look at things later as well.
Just so everyone knows I have plans for Devin breaking the game of quidditch. Very interested in him coaching a team he can't join yet with secret muggle based training. How about a keeper practicing as a catcher like in baseball? Could even get some combo training with a beater learning the hit a golfball while a seeker has to catch it before it hits the ground. Chaser squads practicing football with a rugby twist!
So many ideas and so excited to play out some of these scenes with my housemates. That being said if my characters muggle centric outlook is going to derail some of the overarching plots I am happy to reel it back. I'm still hoping to start the muggle culture social club, but perhaps that waits till another year (3rd year is when they get electives and Devin could take Muggle Studies)