Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I have a question:

If I decided I'd like to play a noble, would you rather they use a legendary? Because I'd like to play nobility if I could, but use a regular pokemon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Accepted Avan.

You can just use any Pokemon, Evee. Nobles just usually have legends. :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay ^.^

Making my character now!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ipsie


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Could a morph live among humans in secrecy, provided that they rarely shift forms / avoid social contact often?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is my second character for now. I plan on making two more as time goes on.

And sure thing! Morphs can do that in my book. :3
Username: Dragon

Name: Nero

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Country: Luria

Weapon: Broadsword, daggers

Pokemon: Nyx- Lugia | Aeroblast-Ice Beam-Hydro Pump-Extrasensory

Appearance: Click.

Personality: Nero is the type of person who always has something to say but never says it. Even though he maintains a calm composure, a smile always remains on his lips even though the situation is grim. Rather approachable, Nero keeps an open pair of ears. Many people come to him when they have questions or comments, especially since he is one of the sons of the lord of Castielarc. He is reasonable to deal with, no matter what the situation. One of his faults is that he is rather quick-tempered—he doesn’t let anyone’s status get in the way of him getting angry. Of course, he doesn’t drop his calm stature when he does so. He keeps it pent up inside him until he has no choice but to unleash his negative emotions on an unlucky person. However, Nero is a rather fun person to be around, cracking jokes when things seem tense. It is rather easy to become friends with him despite his short temper.

Being a loyal person to his cause, Nero is willing to fulfill any duty that he has to accomplish. It is rare to see him refuse to follow orders from his king or his lord. He will gladly throw himself into the midst of a bloody battle to bring honor to his country.

Biography: The middle son of the Lord of Castielarc, Nero was raised to become a proper noble ever since he was little. He was trained in the arts of proper behavior; he had to learn how to eat, breathe, walk, and sleep like a noble. Even though he wasn’t that willing to give up all of the things that he liked to do when he was young, he knew that that was the way it had to be. And so, when Nero became older, he made his father proud over the fact that he had raised such a fine son.

When Nero was seventeen, his father had begun to give a few legendary Pokemon out to his sons and daughters. His older brother rejected the offer, stating that he wanted to tame a legend himself. Thus, Nero was given a rather young and rejected Lugia—at the time, it was only slightly bigger than himself and unable to be ridden. His father explained that the Lugia was from the clutch that the Royal Lugia—the Lugia of Layr—and that he had been given one as a gift from the king of Luria. Of course, since Castielarc was so close to Silverlanding, his father used to be able to eat with and visit the king regularly.

Nero was eighteen when he had begun to study strategy in hopes of becoming the captain of a section of the army. Even though he has not completed his goal as of yet, his dream does not fade from his mind the least bit.

Other: “Flying is a freedom I don’t wish to give up.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'll be making a Blaziken-Morpher soon, just gotta finish some other stuff up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eveekitten
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Eveekitten of many faces

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Username: Eveekitten
Name: Avyn Luria
Pronunciation: Aey-vin Loo-ria
Age: 20 (soon to be 21)
Gender: Female
Country: Luria
Weapon: A pair of wrist blades

Avyn is curious and adventurous by nature, she likes to explore and find new things. She's good at figuring out the right mood for the right moment, being serious when needed. She is interested in the kingdom, although she doesn't have much say in what goes on. She hates the war and wishes that it were over. When she was younger, she wished to train with the knights and fight by their side but was always told she was not allowed. As she grew, she realized that fighting wasn't always the answer and spent a lot of times reading on other political ways of putting differences aside. It was Sun, her beloved Espeon, who pushed her to keep her studies up to date on her kingdom, in case she was ever called forth for whatever reason. That reason has yet to arise, and secretly, she's happy that it hasn't, she can't imagine what she'd do with all of that responsibility. She has spent the past few years training herself in the art of the double wrist blades, after finding a book about them in the library. Sun agreed that it would be a useful thing to know, in case political reasoning didn't work, or the case where she Avyn might need to defend herself while he wasn't around.

Avyn is friendly with a lot of different people and gets along well with people no matter who she's among. She tends to be very well liked. She has a hard time ignoring her curiosity at the best of times, and it's often Sun who convinces her that it's best to walk away. The two seem to have an unbreakable bond and she is found with him most often than anyone.

Avyn wasn't born into royalty, as she believes. She was actually abandoned at the castle in Luria, in the dead of winter. One of the servants had answered the door, finding the babe and worrying that the child might freeze, brought her in at once. The King seemed drawn to the baby girl, her eyes similar in color to his own, even if her hair was the wrong shade. She had a sweet smile that instantly filled his heart, he knew he could never let her go. He ordered all staff and servants to treat the babe as his own daughter and forbid them to reveal to her or anyone else of her real heritage. She had a happy childhood for the most part, kept safe by all who loved and cared for her. As she grew older she was given classes on the kingdom and it's history. She learned of the war and it's origin. This fascinated her, while at the same time worrying her, she couldn't understand the deep strain between her father and his brother and could only hope to one day patch their relationship in some way. Of course, this was a dream of a young child and realistic visions came into light the more she grew.

On the child's tenth birthday, her father surprised her with a pokemon egg. She had always wanted her own pokemon, but could never decide which one she really wanted. He chose the Eevee because of it's ability to evolve into anything that she choose. She raised the egg, caring for it as only a mother could, until, at last, it began to hatch. The little Eevee became the single most important thing to her. She loved him with all her heart and vowed to always care for him. She kept him as an Eevee for five full years, training him as best she could. On her sixteenth birthday, her father came to her and offered her an assortment of stones, telling her to choose what evolution she'd like for her Eevee. At first, she hated the idea, she simply couldn't fathom changing one thing about her closest friend. In the end, it was Eevee who decided that it was time for it's evolution and the two worked together to choose it's new form.

As an Espeon, the pokemon had the ability to learn things that it never could have as an Eevee. She found that Espeon had a special bond to the sun and decided the name fit. She has a close bond to Sun and is very rarely seen without him close by her side. He's never been seen inside of a pokeball.
Everything else can be roleplayed.

"Live a life worth living, so as not to look back and wish it could have been different"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Username: Rune_Alchemist
Name: Levinia
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: Other, though could possibly be convinced to join a kingdom, if they would ever allow such a thing.
Weapon: Spear
Feral Form: Pokemon:

Move set
Thunder, Wild Charge, Spark, Ice Fang


Her most striking feature is her amber colored eyes and pale skin. The armor she wears, she stole from some human merchants after they made the mistake of passing through her territory once. She always seems to have some sort of smirk or confident, somewhat wild look on her face.

Personality: Overconfident and competitive, with a heavy dose of arrogance and love of fighting.

Fiercely loyal to the morphs and anyone she considers a friend or 'her plaything', and incredibly vindictive against anyone who would harm the morphs. She hates losing in any way, shape, form, or fashion - making absolutely sure to do her best at anything she does. Whether it be training or some other mundane task. She wants nothing more to be the best, (like no one ever was!) And as far as she's concerned, she can only get better and stronger. And she will, no matter what it takes.

To most humans, she is cold, aloof and considers most to be a pest after most dealings with them have ended badly. However, she doesn't view all as inherently evil, but she is wary of most of them, routinely intimidating any who stray to close to her territory into leaving if they aren't a soldier or a knight. If they don't leave...well, her charity only goes so far and she won't be giving them another chance. If they don't leave, then they won't be leaving. Any solider though, she will fight and possibly kill without mercy, though she'll probably toy with them a bit at first. She won't give chase though, should they decide to flee though.

When dealing with other morphs, she is noticeably friendlier and less guarded and violent though.

Biography: Levi grew up with six brothers and sisters, in a small village of morphs that was hidden away from the humans. Being the youngest child of the bunch, she was often considered the runt and was overshadowed by them. Though, her parents tried their best to make her feel as though she wasn't. So, to make up for this, she decided she was going to make sure she does her best, not matter what, even if it meant possibly hurting someone in the process. So from an early age she honed her hunting skills as a morph and in human form, making her first hand-made spear at the age of twelve, and her own set of makeshift armor at the age of thirteen. She didn't know it at the time, but these self-learned abilities would save her life one day.

She was out hunting and stumbled upon a group of human knights. At the time, she had only heard stories about them and what they did to morphs, so curiosity got the best of her. Needless to say, that was a bad idea. The pokemon with them immediately recognized her as a morph. The human knights decided it would be funny if they kidnapped her after appearing friendly to her. Well, the plan succeeded because she naively believed they could be trusted. After they successfully subdued her, they started back to wherever they came from. Levi managed to escape though, stealing one of the knights spears and fighting her way out. She killed two and knocked the rest unconscious. Now, most people would have probably gone back home. Unfortunately, she had no idea where she was, so she sat off in the direction she thought the forest was in, and went from there.

For the last few years, she has been travelling, trying to find her way back home while helping other morphs when necessary and sometimes harassing humans for the fun of it.

Other: "You want to fight me? oh you're a funny little human, aren't you? Don't cry when you lose."

Alrighty, I think she's as done as she's gonna get~
Please tell if there are any changes that need to be made~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ipsie


Member Offline since relaunch

Yay, I'm done now. Please tell me if I need to change anything!
Username: Ipsie
Name: Eris Froideur
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: Other, simply because she is not of a particular side, although she resides in Luria lands
Weapon: Throwing knives, though she is more skillful fighting in her feral form

Feral Form:

Moveset - Blizzard, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Wake-Up Slap


She often wears simple, plainly colored dresses along with a matching flowing cloak, which hides pockets of knives. She also adores flowers, which is always woven into her hair. Her pale eyes are slightly unnervingly cold compared to the rest of her deposition, not unlike her feral form.

Eris appears at first glance as a sweet, but shy girl. She maintains a practiced, pretty smile on her face every day. She speaks politely to anyone, no matter if she knows them or not, and acts very courteous and charming. She seems a little aloof, though, rarely attending social events and never speaking to anyone unless they speak to her first.

Most of her image is a perfectly sculpted mask - she lives in constant fear of humans despite her appearance, and is extremely cautious in her decisions in any situation. She instinctively looks over her shoulder far too often. She rarely puts her trust in anyone, and is often suspicious and wary of others who try to get to know her too well - but never lets that show. Eris despises many of her neighbors, hearing them preach about the 'demonic Morphs' far too often, but still tells them good morning with a smile every day. She is a skilled lier and actor, and does so without even a single flinch or thought, easily fooling even the most observant. There is paranoia within that lovely and calm exterior, often over thinking scenarios where the extreme worst could happen as a result of any little mistake (for good reason). Eris often puts herself down easily, and has low self-esteem and confidence overall, often blaming herself even on things she could not control.

When she sheds her 'mask', she is blunt and surprisingly cynical and negative in contrast to her everyday facade. She often casually expects things to go wrong, somehow, no matter what and cannot understand how some people can be so genuinely positive. She brims with hate and rage for humans, and bottles it up inside for the sake of her life. Having played a role for so long, she often forgets that she is a Morph, and finds the most exhilarating freedom when she gets a rare chance to be in her feral form. She spends a portion of her nights exploring the Nightshade Forest in her intangible ghost-type feral form, and that is where she is happiest. But always, always afraid.
She has never met another Morph - and she is unsure of how she would react to meeting one.

Eris was the only daughter of her family, growing up in a modest dwelling by Glassfield, rather isolated and located directly at the edge of the Nightshade Forest. To the public eye, they were a simple, lower-class household who scraped a living selling ice sculptures with the help of their Froslass. However, the reality was that both her mother and father were Froslass Morphs - and she was, too. For years, the family had carefully crafted their image to fit into society without suspicion of being associated the ever loathed Morphs. Thanks to living in the northern region of Luria, her father had befriended a wild Froslass, who became the 'family pet' for lack of a better term. However, the very existence of said Pokemon was the integral part of their lives that allowed them to live, as safe as a family of Morphs could be living alongside those that hunted them. If they ever accidentally crossed paths with a human in their feral form - and it was very rare, anyways - they could simply use the actual Froslass living in their house as an explanation, along with ever-practiced lies. And, to their luck, their isolated location of residence wasn't home to many villagers with Pokemon, further lowering their chance of being recognized. It was, in essence, the perfect location.

Her whole life, Eris was trained, taught, and educated constantly by her parents on how to survive as a Morph among humans. How to lie, how to distract, how to control her temper, how to remove attention away from herself with every action of her life, and how to forge in the wild if an emergency would prompt her to flee elsewhere. Eris became adept at these tactics, along with training herself with knives for self-defense as they were easy to conceal in her clothes and to sling on a belt. However, she became very withdrawn to her childhood friends over time as a result, and became known as 'the shy girl.'

When Eris became twenty, her father passed away, leaving the hunting duties to her mother. Her mother had gone into the Nightshade one day, saying that she would return by nightfall. And never did. A confused Eris was left in the possession of the house and the business, with only a silent Froslass at her side now. Falling into a depression from the loss of both of the parental figures in her life, she decided to take up their responsibilities, because who would? One day, she overheard a loud and rambunctious individual passing through, bragging about successfully hunting down a Froslass morph in the forest some time ago. It was no mystery what the fate of her mother was now. Eris was horrified, and became forever terrified from then on, becoming a shut-in and only leaving the house just enough to not arouse suspicion. She recited a made-up story of how her mother had left to care for an elderly relative at Ocean Point to anyone who would ask. The Froslass companion grew distant ever since, having been strongly bonded to her dead father, and only ever shows up to sculpt with Eris, and would disappear for the rest of the day. He never speaks to Eris even in her feral form, despite being the only familiar comfort she had left.

Meanwhile, her hatred of humans grew by the day, but there are still conflicted feelings whenever she greets her human friends. She retreats to the forest more than ever now, one reason being so she would not have to see their faces as often.

"If only the snow would never stop falling, then perhaps it could bury all the humans for me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Question. Can I use a character with a modern look, where his backstory is that he got sent back in time due to hunting Dialga? He'd look like the cloaker from Payday 2, minus the gun.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well here's a rundown of the order I was talking about.

Name: The Knights of Ferrum

Location: Castle Steele is near to the end of the peninsula near Ocean Point.

Purpose: During times of war the order dedicates itself to defending innocent lives from feral Pokemon, hostile shifters, and more importantly mankind itself. When the days of blood are over the order changes gears and begins to help with reconstructing lands by turning tainted soil fertile and defending fragile settlements from harm.

Current leader: Darius Flint, Grandmaster of Ferrum and the chosen of the great Steelix Galatrax

History: The Knights of Ferrum began centuries ago during a time when the world was not united. Many kingdoms fought and kills for any manner of reasons, encroaching on boarders, imagined slights again honor, or maybe they just didn't like each other. Nonetheless the land was in turmoil and it was the innocents that suffered the most. Ludicrously high taxes, backbreaking labor, famines, plagues, and plain cruelty was as much widespread as much as it was intolerable. In retaliation to these crimes a lone knight under the name of Ferrum traveled the known world in search of the power to stop the madness, helping others along the way. Eventually, after nearly a decade of searching, he found his answer. Galatrax.

Galatrax was already ancient by the time Ferrum found him, a massive serpent of steel and stone. From his mountain home the two fought, not through their bodies but through their souls. For days the spiritual battle raged, neither one giving any quarter until finally and without warning Galatrax relented and accepted Ferrum as his master.

Armed with the power of Galatrax and his indomitable will, Ferrum travels back to the war torn lands and found it changed. Many of the warring kingdoms had united under a common flag however they were held at a standstill by several opposing and tyrannical kingdoms. Joining forces with the alliance Ferrum began to recruit and train men to fight but also how to bond with their Pokemon, creating great warriors from both species.

With a fighting force two hundred strong Ferrum, Galatrax, and the newly created knights began their campaign against the tyrants while the alliance continued to apply pressure from another end, quickly putting a stop to the tyrants.

However victory did not.come without a price, little over fifty knights remained out of the original two hundred and the lands had become razed. With little else to do Ferrum turned to returning the grounds to their former glory while also rejuvenating his ranks, ensuring that the people will always have a champion.

Core Values:
1). All life, both beautiful and grotesque, is sacred and must be protected.
2). The innocent are not to be harmed.
3). Evil must be routed and eradicated from the lands.
4). Never fall into the trap of self righteousness, men can do horrible things when they believe to be right.
5). Always heal the scars of war.
6). Always retain hope, the sun will always rise again.
Username: Pathfinder

Name: Minos Lux

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Country: Non affiliated

Weapon: A bastard sword, dagger, and a shield.

Standing at 6'4 and 195 pounds, Minos casts an intimidating shadow. With wide shoulders and a high amount of muscle he looks every part the good sir knight. On the other hand his body is riddled with scars of all kinds, stabs, slashes, bites, burns, and claws. Minos' right eye was irrevocably damaged in a fight during his first real mission, as a result it is useless and he wears an eye patch over it.

Personality: Minos is a staple of the Knights of Ferrum. Stern, independent, and good natured. When faced with danger he adopts a grim determination and does the deed that needs to be done with a cold heart and a steely frown.

Unlike some Minos does not outright hate shifters, instead he adopts a cautious attitude around them for he has seen what they can do and does not try to step on any toes as long as the shifter does the same.

The last thing to note is his utter devotion to his Aggron, Durus. The two are second generation warriors, with Minos' and Durus' fathers being partners since they were just children and like father like son the two are inseparable. The two have a bond that transcends words, they are brothers through and through with each willing to lay down their lives for the other.

Biography: Minos was born into the order much like his father and his father before him. In fact his family has been in the order since its founding, fighting and dying for its beliefs.

Soon after Minos was born he was paired with an egg sired by his fathers own Aggron and after several weeks it hatched, bringing with it Durus. From there they were inseparable. Eating, sleeping, and fighting together up to their graduation as squires. Then they learned everything they could from domestic skills to martial ones.

Fast forward several years and Minos had become a fully fledged knight, ready to take on the world. Only he wasn't. On his first real mission Minos got into a situation that he was not prepared for, a situation that cost him his eye. However with every dark cloud there is a silver lining, a humbling experience that tempered the idea of invincibility.

Since that day Minos has entered battles far more cautiously, avoiding any unnecessary flairs or letting his emotions rule his actions. After several more years the two warriors found themselves twenty years of age and faced with the same bandits that took Minos' eye four years prior. Unfortunate it seemed history was doomed to repeat itself only far more darker, with death imminent. The sight of his long standing friend was enough to push Durus to evolve to his final evolution and turn the tables of the battle. Eradicating the bandits from existence and regaining some semblance of honor from long ago.

From there the two have traveled the lands, doing good where its needed and returning to Castle Steele when they can.

Other: "And so I leap into the fray sword drawn and shield raised, ready to face death or glory in a world uncertain."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

All of the forms look good except for Evee, who forgot the passphrase~
As for the Dialga thing, I rather avoid time travel. ^^;

Also do you guys mind if you edit your posts and put one character per post? That way I can add them to the front page?
I'm going to go ahead and start now guys. :3
I only posted as Zuria since I didn't know what to do as Nero, since it's night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

So I'm stuck between the three I want to use, I really want to play with either bulbasaur, zubat or ghastly as an homage to the first pokemon games. Zubat because of my totem, ghastly because of the imunities, and bulbasaur to really hold the feel of the starter pokemon. What do you guys thing?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Put Levi in the same general vicinity as Zuria, if you wanna have them meet or something~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe use a random generator? XD

Thanks Rune!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

knighthawk said
So I'm stuck between the three I want to use, I really want to play with either bulbasaur, zubat or ghastly as an homage to the first pokemon games. Zubat because of my totem, ghastly because of the imunities, and bulbasaur to really hold the feel of the starter pokemon. What do you guys thing?

Zubat. Because Crobat is Awesome. Had a shiny one in HG/SS/White 2. Stupid Pokebank wouldn't let me transfer that, or my Latias. *grumble*

Still got my Tenth Anniversary Celebi through, so that makes it all better xP
Celebi = Best legendary.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Archmage MC
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Archmage MC

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rune_Alchemist said
Zubat. Because Crobat is Awesome. Had a shiny one in HG/SS/White 2. Stupid Pokebank wouldn't let me transfer that, or my Latias. *grumble*Still got my Tenth Anniversary Celebi through, so that makes it all better xPCelebi = Best legendary.

Just do what I do, use black/white action replay and hack a pokemon using pokegen, and xfer it via pokebank. If you do it right you can xfer hacked pokemon, and pokemon xferred via pokebank are considered legit in Nintendo world tournys as both systems use the same verification process.

Which since its nintendo, its something out of the 80s tbh and very easily fooled.

Well if thats a no to the cloaker I can try the alchemist thing then. Either that or a cult leader, which one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TwilightDragon
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TwilightDragon Dragon of the Night Sky

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whichever you want. As long as it's fitting to the time period. :3

A reminder to everyone who put all forms on one post, please put one in each of your posts so I can successfully link them!

Also, Zuria isn't going to like it that Levi is in her territory. XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll post in an hour or two.
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