Well here's a rundown of the order I was talking about.
Name: The Knights of Ferrum
Location: Castle Steele is near to the end of the peninsula near Ocean Point.
Purpose: During times of war the order dedicates itself to defending innocent lives from feral Pokemon, hostile shifters, and more importantly mankind itself. When the days of blood are over the order changes gears and begins to help with reconstructing lands by turning tainted soil fertile and defending fragile settlements from harm.
Current leader: Darius Flint, Grandmaster of Ferrum and the chosen of the great Steelix Galatrax
History: The Knights of Ferrum began centuries ago during a time when the world was not united. Many kingdoms fought and kills for any manner of reasons, encroaching on boarders, imagined slights again honor, or maybe they just didn't like each other. Nonetheless the land was in turmoil and it was the innocents that suffered the most. Ludicrously high taxes, backbreaking labor, famines, plagues, and plain cruelty was as much widespread as much as it was intolerable. In retaliation to these crimes a lone knight under the name of Ferrum traveled the known world in search of the power to stop the madness, helping others along the way. Eventually, after nearly a decade of searching, he found his answer. Galatrax.
Galatrax was already ancient by the time Ferrum found him, a massive serpent of steel and stone. From his mountain home the two fought, not through their bodies but through their souls. For days the spiritual battle raged, neither one giving any quarter until finally and without warning Galatrax relented and accepted Ferrum as his master.
Armed with the power of Galatrax and his indomitable will, Ferrum travels back to the war torn lands and found it changed. Many of the warring kingdoms had united under a common flag however they were held at a standstill by several opposing and tyrannical kingdoms. Joining forces with the alliance Ferrum began to recruit and train men to fight but also how to bond with their Pokemon, creating great warriors from both species.
With a fighting force two hundred strong Ferrum, Galatrax, and the newly created knights began their campaign against the tyrants while the alliance continued to apply pressure from another end, quickly putting a stop to the tyrants.
However victory did not.come without a price, little over fifty knights remained out of the original two hundred and the lands had become razed. With little else to do Ferrum turned to returning the grounds to their former glory while also rejuvenating his ranks, ensuring that the people will always have a champion.
Core Values:
1). All life, both beautiful and grotesque, is sacred and must be protected.
2). The innocent are not to be harmed.
3). Evil must be routed and eradicated from the lands.
4). Never fall into the trap of self righteousness, men can do horrible things when they believe to be right.
5). Always heal the scars of war.
6). Always retain hope, the sun will always rise again.
Username: Pathfinder
Name: Minos Lux
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Country: Non affiliated
Weapon: A bastard sword, dagger, and a shield.

Nickname: Durus
Species: Aggron
Gender: Male
Move set: Hyper Beam, Double Edge, Earthquake, and Stone Edge
Standing at 6'4 and 195 pounds, Minos casts an intimidating shadow. With wide shoulders and a high amount of muscle he looks every part the good sir knight. On the other hand his body is riddled with scars of all kinds, stabs, slashes, bites, burns, and claws. Minos' right eye was irrevocably damaged in a fight during his first real mission, as a result it is useless and he wears an eye patch over it.
Personality: Minos is a staple of the Knights of Ferrum. Stern, independent, and good natured. When faced with danger he adopts a grim determination and does the deed that needs to be done with a cold heart and a steely frown.
Unlike some Minos does not outright hate shifters, instead he adopts a cautious attitude around them for he has seen what they can do and does not try to step on any toes as long as the shifter does the same.
The last thing to note is his utter devotion to his Aggron, Durus. The two are second generation warriors, with Minos' and Durus' fathers being partners since they were just children and like father like son the two are inseparable. The two have a bond that transcends words, they are brothers through and through with each willing to lay down their lives for the other.
Biography: Minos was born into the order much like his father and his father before him. In fact his family has been in the order since its founding, fighting and dying for its beliefs.
Soon after Minos was born he was paired with an egg sired by his fathers own Aggron and after several weeks it hatched, bringing with it Durus. From there they were inseparable. Eating, sleeping, and fighting together up to their graduation as squires. Then they learned everything they could from domestic skills to martial ones.
Fast forward several years and Minos had become a fully fledged knight, ready to take on the world. Only he wasn't. On his first real mission Minos got into a situation that he was not prepared for, a situation that cost him his eye. However with every dark cloud there is a silver lining, a humbling experience that tempered the idea of invincibility.
Since that day Minos has entered battles far more cautiously, avoiding any unnecessary flairs or letting his emotions rule his actions. After several more years the two warriors found themselves twenty years of age and faced with the same bandits that took Minos' eye four years prior. Unfortunate it seemed history was doomed to repeat itself only far more darker, with death imminent. The sight of his long standing friend was enough to push Durus to evolve to his final evolution and turn the tables of the battle. Eradicating the bandits from existence and regaining some semblance of honor from long ago.
From there the two have traveled the lands, doing good where its needed and returning to Castle Steele when they can.
"And so I leap into the fray sword drawn and shield raised, ready to face death or glory in a world uncertain."