Full name: Pit
Alias: Kid Icarus
Brief Bio: Created from the soul of a young boy who passed away. Pit was always a different angel from the others in Skyworld. Although he had wings they were never strong enough to even lift him off the ground slightly. He was never teased or taunted for it by the others, as angels are very much about showing comradely to one another. Still it irked Pit to no end and made it hard for him to even attempt his training. Suddenly though the dark power of Medusa over wealmed the lands. Lady Palutena, the Goddess of light, was kidnapped and all the winged angels in Skyworld were turned to stone. Pit, although winged, due to his lack of flight was spared as he wasn't seen as a threat.
Armed with a bow Lady Palutena hid in cases of extreme emergency, Pit journeyed through the Underworld and other places in search of three sacred treasures, which gave him the power to defeat Medusa and save Lady Palutena. His bravery and courage gave him a completely renewed sense of confidence, and it gave Lady Palutena reason enough to make Pit her personal and most loyal servant. Training harder than ever before, Pit's skills in combat grew as he combated the forces of evil. Eventually earning leadership of captain to Lady Palutena's personal army.
Though time has passed, and the forces of darkness began to decrease as threats to the goddess of light. As a result Pit's training began to suffer, and eventually Pit found himself bored. Which Lady Palutena knew, on a count of Pit's personality, was a very dangerous thing. So contacting Wonder Woman, Lady Palutena arranged for Pit to split his time between Earth fighting with the Teen Titans, and Skyworld should the situation call for it. At first Pit was not happy with the decision, until he got to Earth and realized something. Earth food... IS AMAZING!
Abilities: Though he has gotten better over the years with flying on his own. Pit can only maintain flight on his own for around five minutes. Afterwards the wings become painful and Pit falls from the sky. Although Lady Palutena, who keeps an eye on Pit through magic, can supplement his flying powers for longer, around 30 minutes top. Even without his flight though, Pit can use his wings to glide gently down to the ground.
As an angel, Pit possesses great strength, it has never been measured, but 25 tons is an estimated guess according to Wonder Woman through prior experiences with angels like him. Although Pit is trained in combat with everything from angelic cannons, swords, clubs, claws, and other weapons. Pit's preferred weapon is Palutena's Bow. A mystical duel sword that detaches and reattaches, and forms magical arrows when combined which Pit can shoot with great accuracy. Although no one would ever mistake him for Green Arrow or Hawkeye (not just for obvious appearance reasons)
Personality: Pit is generally a very upbeat individual, even in tough situations. Though he knows when to be serious when the moment calls for it. Pit also possesses a strong sense of justice, and believes in protecting humanity and the heavens from those that seek their destruction. Even with all that though, Pit generally banters, and cracks jokes and puns so bad they make heads hurt. Due to his young age, Pit is childish, gullible and naive. He is unfortunately not very bright either. Having trouble understanding Lady Palutena's complex vocabulary, and not understanding sarcasm very well. Regardless though Lady Palutena and the army Pit captains all respect him, and consider him a great warrior.
Pit does have seemingly a bottomless stomach, and loves all kinds of food. Even when it comes from less than appetizing locations. He even enjoys Lady Palutena's cooking (except for that
one time) Also Pit holds a very strong fondness for hot springs and more recently the Teen Titans' hot spa in the training room. As they do renew his angelic health and if nothing else provide Pit with 'me time'. Pit's biggest hobby of late have been video games, and while some might wonder how Pit was able to get video game consoles and games in Skyworld. He is very knowledge and skilled in them to the point where men in his army jokingly say his a video game historian.
Finally Pit is a big fan of the international fighting scene, his favorite fighters being Kim Kaphwan and Ken Masters.

Pit stands at around 5'3, and maintains the appearance of someone around the age of 13, which hides his actual age which is MUCH higher.
Following normally the angelic code of conduct Pit prefers keeping his uniform on to be prepared at all times. However he does have some normal 'human' clothes for if he has to go out normally, along with a belt to tie his wings up against him and hide them for such an occasion. A trick he learned from the X-Men member Angel.
Affiliations: Lady Palutena – The goddess of light and lady Pit serves as servant, guardian, and captain of her personal army. When Pit goes out on missions wither its for the titans or Palutena herself. She keeps an eye on him and provides him back up magic. They have a great relationship, even if Lady Palutena doesn't always seem to have Pit's safety and interests at heart at times.
Virida – The goddess of nature and at one time Pit's enemy. She has a thing for him but will never admit it.
Dark Pit – Pit's dark clone. He has a much bleaker attitude compared to Pit's cheerful personality. He now works for Virida as her personal servent, and although the two don't make it a habit. Pit does get along better with Dark Pit these days than they used too (Even if Dark Pit is getting sick and tired of Pit calling him Pittoo)