Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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I'm... Starting to have my doubts about this, sorry. Will see if I can shake them off but um we'll see.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Lord Santa said
By the way, I'll be making arch enemies for you all so look forward to that. It also seems like you guys have left room for improvement, which is good. But keep a specific power up in mind because I want to make some walls for you to break through and get stronger and stuff. Because the final boss is gonna be great and you'll need a lot of power to beat it and stuff.

Don't overplan things. Players can and will take it off the rails. <.<

Still working out the hero side of things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Okay, um...

I still really want to join this RP but I have some things to say. Conflicts between heroes is fine, but I also don't think they should be there to the point that it's incredibly obstructive to the rest of the RP. Someone who fights the other characters every time they try to take down villains I honestly feel would be a bit of a pain. I don't see why a character couldn't have a less extreme version of this. I would honestly get tired if every time I had my character fighting a villain another hero showed up to stop her. Especially when the villains are violent alien invaders or something like that. Maybe when they're more sympathetic or something, but, um... I don't even mind occasional fights breaking out but it shouldn't be a regular thing.

I also think overplanning is a bit of a danger, and making sure you have unique villain figures is fun but is also a lot of work, especially for a first-time GM. I do have a suggestion in mind to remedy this, but it's one of those things that would need to be carefully regulated in order to work since...

Sometimes people abuse being able to play villains and make kind of unfitting overly-dark characters.

But it can also make for dynamic villains that the GM doesn't have to play.

Perhaps you could make it so players MUST sign up as a hero before signing up as a villain?

... And I'll emphasize the HERO part, even if they're kind of antiheroic they shouldn't basically be a villain calling themselves a hero or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm inclined to agree with Vita, there's a difference between friction and conflict between the Heroes and some of the Heroes just being villains that the actual Heroes inexplicably choose not to turn into hibachi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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Appearance: About 5'8"

Name: Diarmi 'Dimi' Akiyama

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Diarmi tends to stick his nose into other people's problems, offering his help without hesitation or foresight. He gets a little disappointed when he's turned away. That said, he's very tight-lipped about his own problems and tends to refuse help. Even when he's getting overwhelmed, he tries to fix his problems on his own occasionally with disastrous results. He's generally distrustful of most adults, even those around his age. Despite his general cheer, he seems to dislike talking due to an inexplicable (and apparently Russian) accent. He's chosen to fashion himself into a real-life superhero to protect the city and, more importantly to him, his little sister.

Hero Appearance: Though with a blue weighted scarf around his neck.

Hero name: Flip

Powers: He has a small variety of psychic skills that is granted by his item - the production of a levitation bubble, psychic shield, extra field of vision, and pyrokinesis. The power of these abilities do rely on his state of mind - for example, increasing anger or happiness can give a major boost to his pyrokinesis, resulting in a larger, longer-burning fire. However, he mostly relies on sleight of hand - since he lacks the physical strength to outright face opponents, he tends to "cheat" a bit. Distract, blind with his scarf, keep them at a distance, pickpocket their weapons, that sort of thing, as using his powers can be draining. In addition, several years of gymnastic classes have given him a fair amount of agility and flexibility.

Transforming item: He does need to apply pressure to the eye on the back of his neck and be able to focus on transforming - loud noises, sudden flashes, and the like can prevent the process from occurring.

History: Dimi's family absolutely loves tourists. His father runs a souvenir and knickknack shop year-round. His mother may be an elementary school teacher for most of the year but over the summer and breaks, she takes her two sons to the streets and they put on shows. Dimi was always the one to collect the money at the end, and he quickly learned how to play up his youth/cuteness for more money. His older brother also taught him how to get even more money through 'other tricks'. Off-season, Dimi was enrolled in gymnastic classes to learn more tricks for his mom's show. He was generally very happy with his home life and, when his mother gave birth to her first daughter, Delfina, Dimi doted over her as well. Innocence doesn't last forever, though, and at 10, he was caught pickpocketing. As it was his first offense, he had to return the money and was left off with a stern warning. His mother expressed shock apologized to the cop and the man (and made Dimi do likewise). It wasn't until he got home that his mother revealed how disappointed in him she was - that he got caught. Apparently, his mother's family had been con men and scammers for generations. His father knew but hadn't cared since, hey, they were tourists, they'd likely never meet again and he loved his wife dearly. Dimi couldn't tell anyone since there was his little sister to consider and, well, he was a criminal too.

Dimi ended up dedicating most of his time to trying to protect Delfina from being caught. He unfortunately couldn't stop performing in his mother's shows (with his older brother away at university) and was joined by Delfina. It was during one of these performances over the spring break before school began that he lifted a man's wallet. Inside, of course, was money and cards but also a strange little black paper packet. He opened to find within an odd orange eye-shaped pendant. He decided to hold onto it, figuring maybe the person would stop by the next day, and he could slip it back in. His family probably couldn't get much for it anyways. That bit of guilt assuaged, he went to bed that night - and woke up before dawn with a stabbing pain in the back of his neck. Reaching for it, he found the eye, fused slightly beneath his skin. His reaction of freaking out was natural, though, for a few weeks, nothing more happened. It was just a strange new addition he tried to keep covered. The man never returned, and Dimi did consider the possibility it was a cursed item he'd taken despite having no other effect.

Then he accidentally triggered a transformation while trying to sleep one night. The second freak-out was notably subdued compared to the first one, though he didn't calm back down until he managed to deactivate it. The second transformation was intentional, and he began to try to figure out what it was he was wearing. It took a few hours before he discovered his new psychic powers. After that, he made a decision: since he can't stop his own family from committing crimes, the best he can do is vent his frustrations onto other criminals.

Other: He seems to have an undiagnosed bipolar disorder that he refuses to have examined or treated, lest the results interfere with his life, abilities, or powers.
If anyone can also suggest a better armor suit, all ears. This one's a bit more armor-looking than I'd like.
EDIT: ....I feel like I chose a bad time to post this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

RBYDark said
His character

Sounds good, accepted.

VitaVitaAR said
Okay, um...I still really want to join this RP but I have some things to say. Conflicts between heroes is fine, but I also don't think they should be there to the point that it's incredibly obstructive to the rest of the RP. Someone who fights the other characters every time they try to take down villains I honestly feel would be a bit of a pain. I don't see why a character couldn't have a less extreme version of this. I would honestly get tired if every time I had my character fighting a villain another hero showed up to stop her. Especially when the villains are violent alien invaders or something like that. Maybe when they're more sympathetic or something, but, um... I don't even mind occasional fights breaking out but it shouldn't be a regular thing.I also think overplanning is a bit of a danger, and making sure you have unique villain figures is fun but is also a lot of work, especially for a first-time GM. I do have a suggestion in mind to remedy this, but it's one of those things that would need to be carefully regulated in order to work since...Sometimes people abuse being able to play villains and make kind of unfitting overly-dark characters.But it can also make for dynamic villains that the GM doesn't have to play.Perhaps you could make it so players MUST sign up as a hero before signing up as a villain?... And I'll emphasize the HERO part, even if they're kind of antiheroic they shouldn't basically be a villain calling themselves a hero or something.

With the whole hero conflict thing, I didn't mean that they would start fighting, I just figured that there might be some misunderstandings that lead to fights. I mean, my character looks like a demon and that could cause him some trouble. In reality, I want the characters to team up basically by circumstance to fight off whatever happens at night, So really, there won't be any unless someone really wants one... Also, in regards to the multiple villain thing, they're teaming up for the same goal in the end. They'll kind of end up coming out one at a time so it'll be easy enough to deal with, I think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phantom Wanderer

Phantom Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

May I join this?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Lord Santa said
Sounds good, accepted.With the whole hero conflict thing, I didn't mean that they would start fighting, I just figured that there might be some misunderstandings that lead to fights. I mean, my character looks like a demon and that could cause him some trouble. In reality, I want the characters to team up basically by circumstance to fight off whatever happens at night, So really, there won't be any unless someone really wants one... Also, in regards to the multiple villain thing, they're teaming up for the same goal in the end. They'll kind of end up coming out one at a time so it'll be easy enough to deal with, I think.

The thing is that with the characters as the are now there's going to be a lot more than just conflicts. Not all of them, but one thinks all crimes should be punishable by death, and one being introduced who will fight all the other heroes if they try to fight the villains.

I honestly feel introducing player villains would help dial back a desire for the heroes to fight one another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Still recruiting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyrant from the West
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Tyrant from the West Antagonist Punk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If i need to tone down my character for the sake of rp smoothness and not having tons of unnecessary bullshit , i will! I don't wanna be the reason things go downhill in this because i kinda want this rp to go well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Like I said, um, I think having player villains would help a lot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

VitaVitaAR said
The thing is that with the characters as the are now there's going to be a lot more than just conflicts. Not all of them, but one thinks all crimes should be punishable by death, and one being introduced who will fight all the other heroes if they try to fight the villains.I honestly feel introducing player villains would help dial back a desire for the heroes to fight one another.

Problem with that is that it might be a bit hard to manage with all the people, and if they suddenly drop off it'll be pretty awkward and kind of hard to deal with, though this kind of applies to all the characters. Not to mention waiting for others to post can be kind of a bother so I'd like a small group, I guess.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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If your concern is too many characters then I can agree this is the right way to handle it. I mean, if there weren't villains among the heroes that are likely to make things devolve into infighting which can't go anywhere because plot armour, I wouldn't be considering dropping this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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That's why I'm saying that villains are a second character made by people already playing a hero, so we don't just have people coming in to sign up as only villains.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Actually, if that's the case that could work. Let me think about it a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Double post]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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I thought it would help keep people from wanting to do infighting heroes. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Fin Richards
Personality: . He isn't trying to but he withholds his opinion and emotions making him quite off putting to most. (But giving him a fan club of girls that find him mysterious, and mature....much to his dismay.) Those that attempt to get to know him find him an ever open ear that offers sound reason in their times of crisis. He also shoulders the burdens of those that need his help without any thought of reward or even a thanks. Many resident tough guys throw down with him, but his reach and strength are greater than most making the fights one sided....Leaving him looking like some thug. His powers have only led him to more headaches as its form has many mistaking him for the villain.

Hero Appearance:

Hero name: Black Seriyu

Powers: His suit is comprised of a culmination of magic and science, and while it looks menacing it is of good intentions. Its main ability is its herculean strength, and its summon-able mace. He can not fly but his strength allows him to leap great distances and when he needs to summon runes that he can jump off of in air.In addition he can summon them as tools to block projectiles or push things with a reasonable amount of force. While it doesn't have many bells and whistles, it can take incredible amounts of punishment, this is due to Fin's will.

Transforming item: at will.

History: Fin was a orphan, in the sense his parents from the time he was two lived in another part of the world, leaving him in the care of a different relative every few months. He was well provided for but he had seen his parents 6 times by the time he was 9, and never at the same time. The meetings where awkward and mostly the parent on the phone while he sat their wondering who this strange person was. A lack of self began to form, his parents, his relatives none of them really cared. It was up to him to figure out what his life was going to be. Upon his 12th birthday he learned what he was really good at, fighting. An older kid attempted to forcefully take his hand held game system away from him, and skipping the details that 17 year old got the game system...lodged in his ocular cavity.
Fin's youth was largely like any other delinquent when he was thirteen he rebelled started fighting, stealing for the sake of it, the normal. For two years this behavior continued to escalate, going as far as to be a chief enforcer for a local crew. During this time he dished out some serious beatings, and took his in kind. Hardly hero material he had been arrested twice, and was bailed out....Oddly enough a elderly man took notice of his behavior and questioned why he wasn't in school. Fin found it quite odd that a complete stranger would even speak to him, let alone lecture him. Fin lashed out punching the man as hard as he could in the stomach, fin was sure the man would be vomiting but instead he merely grunted and smiled. "That was quite the punch!" Fin couldn't help it as he expressed surprise. The old coot then motioned for Fin to follow him, why he did Fin is still too this day not sure of. Shogi....The old man had wanted to play shogi with him? Fin sat down across from him, and hesitantly asked "How do I play?"
That event changed Fin for the better, oddly enough this man had been a hand of the yakuza for some time, but had led a life of regrets and blood shed. Nothing good comes with being violent, and even less comes from being angry. It was odd how they would meet once a day and play shogi, eventually the man convinced him to return to school and even more unlikely become calm. When he was 16 he had came by for his daily shogi match and to speak about his school day he found the door busted open, he had cautiously walked in being sure not to say a word. The house had been so still, but a gunshot rattled Fin. He had not been shot but his friend, could be heard letting out a pained yelp. Without thinking Fin bolted into the room, where three men had encircled his friend who laid beaten and bloody on the floor....It was only reasonable you can't retire from the Yakuza...But despite his logic and understanding that his friend had it coming, Fin rushed the back of one of the men.
The next thing Fin new his vision was red but not from anger but what seemed to be a lens? He had no time to process it before he nearly impaled the man with his newly formed armor. But rather than question why it was there he turned and grasped the next one by his throat and lifted him off the ground as if he was nothing more than a toy! He could have crushed his throat like you would crush a tin can, but the thought was interrupted by another gun shot, and another, and another, till the entire clip had been emptied! Without looking a red glyph slammed the man so hard he was logged in the wall. Fin in a moment of clarity remembered what his friend had said, blood being spilled is not the answer for blood spilled...
According to the police reports it was an inner gang power struggle and was left at that. While not pleased with these turn of events he would proceed to continue as the man wished, but the question of where his armor came from would remain.

Other: (The armor is something that will be explained but if you want to know now pm me.If you have any qualms with the character I am not overly attached so anything you would need I can do)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Your character sounds good, accepted.

In regards to the villains thing, It's kind of up to the players. I don't want to force people into doing something they don't want to do. So what's everyone's opinions on creating villain characters along with their hero characters?
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