Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The Elemental Nations, home the greatest warriors of the ancient times, the infamous Shinobi. These warriors have abilities beyond anything the everyday man can comprehend let alone imitate. With abilities to transform themselves and the world around, alter the senses of those not trained to resist their arts, wielding the 5 elements with a mere hand-sign and with bodies that were forged in the fires that would kill any ordinary man.
Though these warriors are scattered across the land, excepting any work that they can in exchange for coin, the large concentration of these mystical warriors are in the ninja villages of the 5 big nations; the Hidden Leaf in the Land of Fire ruled by the Hokage, the Hidden Cloud in the Land of Lightning ruled by the Raikage, the Hidden Sand in the Land of Wind ruled by the Kazekage, the Hidden Stone in the Land of Earth ruled by the Tsuchikage and the Hidden Mist in the Land of Water ruled by the Mizukage. These villages are used by the daimyos of the land to undertaken missions for their territories and to add the lesser nations surrounding the 5 great nations to gain allegiances and turn a profit.
Unfortunately this system relied to much on the conflict of between the great nations and led to 4 great wars where the villages deployed their greatest weapons, the Jinchūrikis. These warriors are men and women who had one of the nine demons of the world, the tailed beasts, sealed into their bodies as children to both stop their rampages and to also channel the beasts power to aid their cause. This ended after the 4th Ninja war where a single boy, Naruto Uzumaki, freed the demons from their captors and spearheaded a truce between the ninja villages and between the Shinobi and the Tailed-beasts.
A hundred years later we still abide by the terms of the truce, their have been conflict on missions between nations but there has been no war in the nations in all that time. Also in accordance with the truces a new group of Jinchūriki were chosen by the beasts to be sealed inside weak seals that allowed them freedom to move inside their hosts without controlling them or endangering either of their lives. These Jinchūriki are sent to the Hidden Leaf village to train to work with their beasts after the time they become Genin, the lowest ninja rank, and work together to form bonds that would ensure that they wouldn't fight one another if the event of a war did take place.

Chakra: The combination of mental and physical energy inside a living creature that in fed through a series of coils throughout their to every area of the body. Chakra has a natural affinity to one to three elements and are molded by handsigns for various effects. If channeled to various parts of the body to stick to surfaces and walk on water with enough control.

Genjutsu: The art of manipulating an opponent's senses to create illusions or put them to asleep. Can be broken with a strong enough burst of chakra or self-induced pain.

Taijutsu: The art of fighting unarmed, with and without enhancing the strikes with chakra.

Ninjutsu: The art of molding chakra to alter the world around the caster or the caster themselves through the medium of handsigns. Can be used to make intangible copies of caster or solid clones made from elements or pure chakra, switch the body with inanimate objects, the manipulation of the elements, etc.

Fuinjutsu: The art of writing complex seals that could be modified to be able to do just about anything.

Bloodline: An inherent ability in certain clans that is impossible for people outside of the clans that possess the ability to use. Prime example is the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, a special set of eyes that when active turned bright red with up to three tomoes inside the red iris and has the ability to copy their opponents jutsus and increase reaction time by seeing everything move at a slower rate than normal. Other abilities include special chakra releases that combine two elements into a lethal variant, e.g. fire and earth combining to form lava release. For more info and list of bloodline limits check this link: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Kekkei_Genkai

Summoning contracts: Contracts signed with blood and chakra that allow the user to summon race of intelligent and sentient animals that the contract is with by using a little blood and the summoning jutsu. Years later and with a strong bonds with summoning creatures can lead to sage training.

Tailed-Beasts: 9 demons made of pure chakra with little actual ill intent to those who have not earned it. Their strength is indicated by the number of tails they possess, ranging from 1 to 9, with 1 being the weakest and 9 being the strongest. For more info on them or individual beasts see: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Tailed_Beast
((Please note that the 10 tails and 9 tails are unavailable in this rp.))

((If you have any question I will answer to the best of my ability. Two bloodline limits or a bloodline limit are allowed per character. Rinnegan is a no for this rp))

Tailed beasts
Shukaku the one tail: taken (demon shinobi)
Matatabi the two tails: lekio (mochin)
Isobu the three tails: Angelo (jangel13)
Son Goku the four tails: taken (rei)
Kokuō the five tails:
Saiken the six tails:
Chōmei the seven tails:
Gyūki the eight tails:
Kurama the nine tails: Naruto Uzumaki, on pilgrimage across the elemental nations

the cs but can be edited if you want to add more information to it
Village of birth:
Ninja rank (ask if you don’t know.):
Clan (if applicable):
Bloodline Limit/ summoning contract:
Tailed beast:
Elemental affinity (if have a special affinity like lava must have both of the elements for it, i.e. for lava need fire and earth. Two or three):
Crush (because why not):
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Appearance Except he is also wearing a traditional straw hat, his height is 5'8, he has green eyes but his eyes change to black when using his dark eyes.
Name: Angelo Gorou
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Rank: Genin
village of birth: the hidden cloud village
Skills: Strategy and capturing of enemies and slight medical knowledge
Specialty: Ninjutsu, Strategy
elemental affinity= lightning and wind
Equipment: needles for mid to long range and a kunai blade for short range. Keeps blood increasing pills for a hard fight and carry a bingo book on him to capture criminals. Normally carrys military food ration pills and especially poison to use on his needles
Kekkei Genkai: known as the dark eyes, a lesser form of the hyuga byakugan instead of seeing chakra points of the body it allows its user to see the body framework from nerve points to blood and skeletons
Other Clan Traits: because of the mix of the hyuga blood in him he has a longer life expectancy
Personality: a hard worker and perfectionist. Angelo is also a smart mouthed person not wanting anyone to bad mouth his ability or that his father was a disgrace to the hyuga name by running and marrying his mother. Angelo is very honorable and never backs down from a direct challenge to him and his own skills
History: Angelo's dark eyes aren't found by any hyuga history book because its a relatively new visual justsu. His father was a hyuga clan member and as such had byakugan already acquired however when he meet his mother they started to fall in love and unknowingly to him she also had a visual justsu, what neither Angelo or his father knew to this very day and because of it Angelo has had a new mutation form in his eyes that he proclaimed the dark eyes or "eyes of healing" since they allow Angelo to see the inner workings of any human which allowed Angelo the potential to be a great medical ninja if he wished but knowing his father was not a hyuga because of disgrace Angelo decided to go back to the hyuga and be a part of the clan in his own right and if not then he will form his own house from what he has.
jinjuirkie= isobu the 3 tails
Other: something that he does out of personal habit is not take off his straw hat, Angelo will bow and kneel as needed but he does not take off his hat unless in the presence of someone he respects
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mochin


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Here is the repost of my character sheet :D.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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I need everyone to repost they're characters before I start
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Hey, before I make a commitment, I want to know which tailed beasts are taken, if you don't mind me asking of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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says so on top numbers 2 and 3 are taken
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Hey two questions.
1. Can I join?
2. Can I be a Chuunin?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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still open and yes you can but you cant over power yourself. keep in mind this is a jinjuikie training camp but it also teaches those with unique talents, just keep that in mind
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Jangel13 said
says so on top numbers 2 and 3 are taken

I just wanted to make sure other's weren't taken in the interest check or anything.
But thanks.
I'm having a hard time deciding between Shukaku and Son Goku.
More importantly would I be allowed to say change the personality a bit for the jinchuriki I choose?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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depends on what you change, for example if one of them was meant to be a tailed beast of rage you cant make them calm as a kitten but you can make them sensible in how they go about going into rage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Jangel13 said
depends on what you change, for example if one of them was meant to be a tailed beast of rage you cant make them calm as a kitten but you can make them sensible in how they go about going into rage.

I mean more along the lines of something like...
Say I choose Shukaku.
In the beginning he was stated to truly hate humans and if Gaara went to sleep he would go on a rampage and kill people.
Taking into account everything that happened, I figure he might still be a loud mouth as he was, but he wouldn't necessarily hate humans any more and would be more cooperative so long as he was treated right.
Would that be acceptable?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Just popping in to grab Demon and punt him to Megaman and our Naruto RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Zarkun said
Just popping in to grab Demon and punt him to Megaman and our Naruto RP.

I'll get to it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Demon Shinobi said
I mean more along the lines of something like...Say I choose Shukaku. In the beginning he was stated to truly hate humans and if Gaara went to sleep he would go on a rampage and kill people. Taking into account everything that happened, I figure he might still be a loud mouth as he was, but he wouldn't necessarily hate humans any more and would be more cooperative so long as he was treated right. Would that be acceptable?

putting it like that yes that would be acceptable
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

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Jangel13 said
putting it like that yes that would be acceptable

Thank you. Then I shall be taking Shukaku. I will have a character sheet up before I go to sleep tomorrow...
Cause I'm a little too tired to make characters right now @_@
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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bump for everyone
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can you reserve Gyūki for me I'll post my character up later in the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Will do
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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I'm going to hold a space here for Son Goku Jinchuriki, as this seems rather interesting. Question, can I have the character have a bloodline, or is that too op?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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its okay to have a bloodline, hell im doing that to
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