Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Am I the only one who chose to have a support class? I see plenty of warriors and some combat mages, and I'm just a bard. Ehh, whatevs.

Also, I will try to make a dungeon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PrincessOfMyBedroom


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm gonna pipe in, being a martial artist and someone who has trained with weapons. It is literally impossible for him to have that many weapons, let alone run and jump with them. Strength aside, that much weight on his back for who knows how many hours a day would destroy his back, especially with the added weight of his armor. And I don't just mean muscles, those can be trained. I mean bones, tendons, nerves, etc. There wouldn't even be enough space for them on his back, the sheaths would get caught and tangled on one another.

Not even going into the fact that at only thirty, taking in to account the time he must have spent in the forge learning his craft, he wouldn't have the time to have learned even the basics for each weapon. Because despite the fact that most are swords, every one is used differently.

Not trying to pick on you or anything. Just stating my professional opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Yeah, you can't expect a human to even carry that many weapons, let alone use them. Even elves and dwarves in fantasy novels with their excessive strength and old age are skilled at perhaps 3 weapons at best, and even then carry perhaps 2 at most. Blacksmiths are definitely strong, buuuuut not superhuman strong.

Plus, chains to bring back weapons... interesting concept, but perhaps quite dangerous to the unskilled. You can easily end up hurting yourself with the weapon you bring back, regardless of the armor you wear. Yeah, just tone it down with the weapons, and stick with 2 at most.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm not saying I agree with the amount of weapons that Santa's character has, but it is pretty much believed that Blacksmiths could be extremely skilled with the weapons that they forged and knowing the art of forging weapons was incredibly valued by society, so it wouldn't be unheard of for a blacksmith to be an expert at weapons
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Santa
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Lord Santa Body of a man, heart of a Chupacabra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Changed it, it was pretty dumb to have that many weapons. Also changed his dexterity cause weapons. Limited to around 2 swords, an axe, a shield and a mace. That's probably better. Oh, and throwing knives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hmm, I still think that may be too many weapons. Maybe remove perhaps two or three weapons, and I'd consider that fair.

You can't expect a human to be able to wear heavy armor and carry that many weapons and still be able to fight well enough to defeat an opponent, regardless of his strength.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Patriarch: Like I said, what did you plan for a Gnome?

Also, um, as a general thing I might be judging characters tomorrow but most likely the day after.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NobleArchangel


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Va'ralan Lindai
Age: 315
Gender: Male
Race: High Elf
Class: Spellsword


Personality: Va'laran is quiet most times. Due to his lack of experience with interacting with humans and other races, Va'laran can come off as stoic and emotionless. Though if one is able to break his tough exterior, one would find that Va'laran is quite soft hearted. When in battle, Va'laran is completely different. He fights with unrivaled passion and fury, very different from his usual stoic self. Va'laran is also unusually shy around females surprisingly, sometimes blushing uncontrollably before walking away.

Backstory: Va'laran Lindai was born on the other side of the Veil of Tears, west of Velt, in the High Elven city of Vindasel. His father was a Sentinel of The Veil, which is a Mystic Warrior who guards the western side of the Veil of Tears. His mother was a priestess at of the temples of the Ancestors. Growing up Va'laran wanted nothing more than to follow on his fathers footsteps. At the age of 19 Va'laran entered the Order of The Ancestors were he was to begin his training. For half a century Va'laran trained rigorously in body, mind, and spirit. At the age of 69 (lulz), Va'laran became an official Sentinel. For 200 years, Va'laran guard and patroled the western side of the Veil. During those years, Va'laran was involved in numerous skirmishes with human bandits and marauders and Orc/Goblin raiding bands who dared to enter to the other side of the Veil of Tears.

Out of those years, Va'laran always wondered what was on the other side of Veil. Finally his curiosity got the better of him; and he ventured beyond the Veil, not looking back; in search of someone.

Equipment: Va'laran wears medium mithril armor, which was mixed with a tiny amount of gold to give the metal its amber shine. The armor is enchanted with the ability to reflect a portion of his attackers damage back at them and can slowly heal wounds over time.

Va'laran wields a blackened mithril longsword named "Suledin". The double edged blade is as black as midnight, and holds an enchantment that transfers some of his enemie's mana into the blade giving it a chance to deal elemental damage whether it be fire, frost or lightning.

Abilities: Va'laran's physical prowess is definitely not lacking. For a high elf he is quite strong, but mostly relies on his speed and agility to get the upper hand on his enemies. He is adept with destruction based magic whether it be elemental or nature. He is also quite proficient with buffing
magic, able to cast wards and ethereal shields around himself and one other ally, if in close proximity with one another. Able to temporarily boost his strength or agility, though these spells drain his mana by a great deal. Finally he is an expert swordsman able to wield Suledin with deadly efficiency.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Finn of Oakwood
Age: 25
Gender: male and proud of it!
Gnome: gnomes are short humanoid species that resemble halflings in many ways except they have spiky wild hair and are as tall as dwarfs. They can have really good senses and are really in tune with nature and the mystical forces behind it. Gnomes are known make really great Rangers and druids. They live mostly in the wild and form communities made up of clans and villages.
Class: Ranger

Personality: Finn is a free spirit and likes being indepentant from the rest of society when he can, but this doesn't stop him from helping others and doing duties that he feel will help those in need. He loves the life of an adventurer above anything else with the exception of his battle brother Bernor, and is always looking for the next quest where he can find many and glory. His dream is to become the greatest adventurer there ever was and be remembered forever. He is very proud of his masculinity and will get furious with anyone insults, which is an extension of his angry personality. Finn can also be cocky and thinks of his abilities as a ranger very highly. He firmly believes that rangers can be just as much of an asset to adventuring as any other class. religiously Finn believes in just one god who is the unnamed god of the wild and doesn't believe that any of the other gods are real, just tales created by humans and other races. Despite his negative personality traits, Finn can be very friendly to those he likes and is incredibly loyal and will always stick up for his friends. He is incredibly brave and doesn't back down from a fight with someone bigger than him, but fights smartly and uses his abilities in the most effective way. Finn is a lover of nature and life, he respects it completely since his god is the ruler of life and the wild.

Brief Backstory: Finn grew up in the wilderness with his clan of gnomish villagers and hunters. From the moment he could remember, Finn had always had thoughts of adventure and encountering daring danger. When he was five years old, he went on adventures out in the deep woods and angered his parents for his recklessness, but he didn't care, he loved going on his little adventures. He sometimes would bring his friends along and they would make all sorts of trouble. He was a free spirit and wanted to explore the world and see all that it had to offer. His parents told him stories of the great heroes who had ever lived among his people and Finn dreamed of becoming a great hero as well. When he was fifteen, Finn decided that it was time to leave and go out on his own.

He packed up his things and left for the open world, not knowing where his adventure would take him. He had his god to give him solace as he journeyed out of the woods of his homeland and into the vast lands beyond. The first thing he decided to do was to go and find an occupation and skills that he would need to survive out in the world. He decided that he was keen to become a ranger thanks to his good hunting and tracking skills. He spent many years developing and honing in on his abilities as a ranger. Eventually he became very skilled in the art and that was when he met Bernor the bear. The bear had been trapped by hunters and even though Finn was a hunter himself he felt sympathy for the animal and fought the hunters.

After rescuing the bear, Finn was given the gift of beast speech by Bernor who had revealed himself to be no ordinary bear, but a guardian of the forest. After having a conversation, they decided to become battle brothers and Bernor joined him on his quest to see the world and gave his title as guardian to another more younger bear. From then on, Finn and Bernor went on many adventures and encountered a great number of foul and wondrous things. They are now seeking their next big adventure and Finn hopes to become the greatest adventurer that ever lived.

Equipment: two shorts swords, a longbow, a quiver with fifty arrows and ten of those arrows have silver heads to make them more effective against evil, twelve daggers and leather armor. He also has a long battle knife and a horn that gives off a loud noise with magical properties that can frighten enemies that are low in courage, and a dark green cloak with hood to keep his face unseen when he wants to be discreet. Finally Finn has a pack that has all of his adventuring needs such as food, maps and herbs for when people become sick.
Abilities: He has very few magical abilities but he is very skilled at taming wild animals and can speak with them. Finn is incredibly skilled with archery and is excellent at quick drawing his arrows as well as performing trick shots with them. He is very good with his shortswords and he duel wields them when he is not using his bow. Living a life in the wild has made him develop very keen senses and incredible survival skills and a big knowledge of the wilderness, he also has developed the ability to see in normal darkness as if it was normal day light. Finn is also very skilled in unarmed combat and a natural born street fighter. He has a bear named Bernor who is his closest friend and battle brother. One of his magical abilities is that he can imbue his arrows when he has them notched with nature magic which makes them magical and more effective against supernatural and undead monsters, but he does have to say a prayer to do so. He is an excellent climber and can climb better than most animals. His agility is so great that he almost appears like he is everywhere at once which makes it very hard to catch him and single him out in a battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 days ago

Not sure what you'd like me to change then? For biological reasons, it could just be that Nem mixed race babies come out the size of normal Nem and just get bigger as they grow.

For Luck magic, it'd be less 'i come up with a random thing on the spot' and more, I make a list of a few level appropriate attacks, buffs, debuffs, and maybe something silly, like falling asleep or getting like cake to the face or something, and then I roll. I could PM you the lists and rolls if you think I'd be trying to exploit it or something.

Why didn't you just give him a bag of holding?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheRider


Member Offline since relaunch

Falrien has been edited Vita.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Name: Reaper's Horde

Brief History: In a cave far from civilization, a group of dark mages had attempted to summon the demon Lord they revered through the use of dark arts and a mysterious gem that contained a dark aura. They believed the cave to be the location of some sort of gateway that would allow their Lord to be brought forth and achieve their goals. Instead of their demon lord, however, they summoned his executioner instead, who had whispered in their minds and promised them power and riches beyond their wildest dreams if he was freed. The executioner then possessed the leader of the dark mages, granting the mage immeasurable power, but at the cost of his and his group's freedom. Their souls were bound to the demon executioner, and they could not escape even through death.

The gem mentioned beforehand was a key to unlock the seal that had imprisoned the executioner long ago, and the foolish mages had broken the seal and granted the demon freedom. However, the gem still has some power in it, and forces the executioner to stay where it is. As a result, the executioner summons its own minions from parts unknown through long forgotten magics. The monsters that are summoned are very deadly and incredibly hostile. Beware if you wish to enter, but if you should succeed to defeat the executioner, you will be rewarded with its fantastic treasures it has obtained from said parts unknown. After all, what good is a powerful demon without powerful and valuable items?

Layout Summary: It used to be a fair normal and large cave, but the executioner had its sunmoned creatures work on the cave to make it very grand and foreboding. It is now a three-floor underground fortress. The top floor is an expansion of the original cave, with some rooms and hallways that have occasional weaker monsters patrolling and wandering. The second floor consists of roughly the same, with more powerful monsters patrolling. The third floor has the fewest, but largest, rooms, and the very largest consists of a throne room, containing the executioner himself and the dark mages who have long since lost their will to the executioner.

Threats(Enemies, Traps, etc):
Floor One:

Floor 2:

Floor Three:

Boss Room:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm gonna start editing Vita and assitants and post it tonight.
Merry Christmas.

I have a question and I'm going to need your help. Aside from Velt there are other countries right? Since you allowed me to take on the Japanese analogue, am I allowed to make a place for my OC or just stick with Velt? I imagined the place to be cold and mountainous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I should probably get a description for Velt itself actually posted up soon. ^^; Looks like that'll be another thing coming most likely after Christmas.

As for Japan-analogue, I'd avoid making specifics and just say that it's far away and exotic or something, since as of now all I have is that it's on a completely different landmass, is far away, and is an analogue to Japan.

Everyone's going to start nearby one another and in Velt, though, obviously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thank you and my edit will be in a few hours. Aside from exotic, of course the common stuff like "Dungeon Clearers" are included as well as Paladins.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Merry Christmas.

Scarifar, I made a support character. Nice dungeon, by the way. Looks like an instant classic. Any thoughts about my own?

Santa, your character struck me as a human version of my own, but both a blacksmith and a warrior with none of my dwarf's weaknesses. They're similar down to both being able to make fire on a moment's notice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I can't wait to kick some ass with my character
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay, um, so looks like I've got more downtime then I expected today so I'll hopefully be handling all the new posts, bios, and dungeons fairly soon. I'll be starting with getting a good description of Velt itself down, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Decided I'm making a healer since we kind of need one. Mayonite priestess, ho!

Probably not getting done today for obvious reasons but yeah. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name: Teri Eriksdottir

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Nem

Class: Berserker

Appearance: Like all nem, Teri is frighteningly pale and absolutely tiny. In fact, she's even smaller than normal nem--only 2'11 when standing up straight! She's more muscled than essentially any other nem, though, whilst retaining a noticeable layer of padding from lots of good food.

With wild, black hair to her knees, a wolf pelt (folded over) as a cape, and scanty amounts of studded leather, she's every bit the barbarian. The red eyes even help. She's just too small.

Personality: Of all the things that could be said of expected personalities from Teri's appearance, you wouldn't expect one of the sweetest girls you've ever met. Seemingly not possessing a mean bone in her body, and rather shy before crowds, the small nem is entirely unsuited to her chosen profession.

But when she gets into a fight, it's easy to believe.

Brief Backstory: Over two decades before, a nem expedition to the far north found itself running into trouble: unprepared for the northern winter, they both ran out of food and firewood, and only one managed to stumble all the way to one of the local villages--carrying their infant daughter. Even they, however, succumbed to the illnesses gained from their long trip... leaving the girl with just a first name to be raised by a proud warrior people.

Always raised in the icy north, Teri avoided the fate of her parents and their partners, growing up without really minding that everyone else was always so much bigger than she was. Despite the size differences--and the inherent physical difficulty of trying to keep up with burly northerners--she grew up about as big and strong as could be expected, but able to prove her strength in the traditional way: wrestling a wolf to death with your bare hands and bringing it back.

She practised her fighting skills a little more, but was granted permission to go on a trip to the south--both to find training opportunities and prove the strength of the north. Of course, there was an ulterior motive in letting her go: she gets to meet other nem.

And find out that she's still tiny.

Equipment: An enormous double-headed warhammer. That is, it's enormous for a burly, muscled man. It is not something that any nem should ever be walking around with, but Teri has the ability to wield it.

Abilities: Teri's enormously strong, despite her small frame, and pretty tough as well. Of course, physical toughness can only take you so far when you're totally unarmoured, so she more often relies on dodging. Of course, when it comes to actual berserk-rages, dodging goes out the window: it's just enormously difficult to bring the tiny girl down, all the while she's smashing anything that can be reached.

Strangely enough, the small girl is an accomplished cook, and her knowledge of recipes has expanded on her travels: you can ask her for most northern or local foods, and she'll be able to provide them.
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