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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

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My CS:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I tried to make a personality for Strabmon. Its not all that original but he'll develop in the rp. I mean you said they were just born, they can have developed much of a personality.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

22xander said
No I got all the data from wikimon.com, they call him WolfmonAnd as for his level, is thair any way we can let that pass. Technically he is a hybrid Digimon, a level all we that's supposed to be equal to adult yes... I have to say that sence he only appears in one season in the anime, one game 9 cards and a virtual pet can't we tweak that along with everything else?I also have to figure out the knight's techniques, doesn't have a description anywhere and all I got is a bad translation of their names.

Okay. That's his Japanese name. It might be hidden, but there is a tab called Name, where you can see English and Japanese names for each Digimon, as well as where the name comes from.
I'm not sure what you're saying here, but that's quite a bit. If nine cards say it's a Champion, it's a Champion. (Armor and Human Spirit are Champions in the TCG.) That's good enough for me. It's not like he's super strong like MagnaAngemon, or Astamon, or super intimidating like Baluchimon, or even Digivolves from another of the same level like Myotismon. I have to say that Lobomon just comes off as a Champion, especially with all the forms that are after him. KendoGarurumon is stronger, Beowulfmon is a combination of the previous two, and so on.
If you're on Wikimon, then no. It's not "bad translations of their names". If you read the page, you would see. It's literally in the main description tab. Plus, Google is your Friend. I admit, I'll ask some questions I could just look up, but please, have some independence. I don't want to have to hold your hand the entire way, especially with the fact that we could have 6-10 players who may all need help, and I'd like to at least be able to help them as well.
Leaves said
(Hello, guys. I am interested in your roleplay....if this is a roleplay. I looked at the front page and there is nothing, but Out of Character conversation going on. The same goes for this last page too. I tried clicking on the OOC hyperlink, but it just sent me to a 404 error. )

Ohai thar! It's an interest check. That means it's for gathering players for a roleplay. So of course there's nothing but out-of-character conversation going on. Thanks for alerting me to the 404, I fixed it. I did the link wrong. I get the feeling you're new to this site. If so, welcome! However, I'd suggest getting acquainted with the forum titles and what is expected within them to avoid further confusion on your part, and possibly getting shouted at for accidentally posting your greeting in an IC, because posts can't be deleted easily at the moment.

@Fellsing- Please use the CS that is given on page 2. I'll even put the permalink here for you.

22xander said
I tried to make a personality for Strabmon. Its not all that original but he'll develop in the rp. I mean you said they were just born, they can have developed much of a personality.

You could say that of anything else, but they're data, as well as characters. Plus, by the time he's a Rookie, he'd be hardly "just born". You seem to really ignore the first two and last three stages when it comes to filling out the info, it seems.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I don't know I'm just confused by what you mean, I ment that it's lobomon translated from Spanish to English. As for that thing, the problem is that I can't think of a way of fitting things in. Also, you said before that I couldn't give him a backstory or something. I gave him a presentable personality, one that is to be honest more fleshed out then many from the anime or other simuler projects. I've been trying to fill out info, but its hard when your traits are being cute or being just born. As for latter I would figure sence they won't be thair for a while. As for lobomon, it's just obvious he directly digivolves to Beowulfmon which is hard to put in that case. I created lycanmon to fill in a space, then I put him were he made the most sense. Also as for the knight, I'll figure him out in time which I evidently have before we get to that point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I'm not going to address the rest of this at the moment, because it's late, and I'm a tad peckish, but not even I know the kind of pacing we'll have. I'll be honest and say that I won't drag early parts on too far, but no one can be entirely sure when what will happen until it's almost happening. Secondly, since the Knights are the focal point of the RP, I feel like it's more likely that you should choose how you're playing that first.
As a side note, your clarity still needs some work bro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

All right, I understand. I'll work on figureing that out, I will have to give him new moves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Maybe done? I have no idea what you're expecting for the personalities of the higher levels to be honest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

RBYDark said Maybe done? I have no idea what you're expecting for the personalities of the higher levels to be honest.
It's fine. Some times subtle changes are employed between forms, and other times not. I thought that particular V-mon was a different color, yes? Or are you deciding against that?
I really like the use of alternate art. I used a few, since the regular BlackWarGreymon X art is obscured, and I just felt like using the figure image for Alphamon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

tobiax said
@Fellsing- Please use the CS that is given on page 2.

Phew. After about an hour of messing around with the sheet, trying to fill in all the information about Kotemon's forms - as well as trying to think of a Mega 1 form to go between Knightmon and LordKnightmon - I am DONE... well mostly. I have updated my sheet as you requested Tobiax and replaced the old one. Tell me what you think.

Just one thing though: I wasn't entirely sure what to put for the control method. Could you help me?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Okay, good. I think it works. I like it, personally. Might want to tweak the mentions of "Primary Server", and recompress the Kotemon part, either trickling it back through or explaining it in a different way. As I've noted prior, it's basically starting with Baby Digimon.
I do like SkullKnightmon as the transition, but it just says "SkullKnight" on the CS.

Well, it seems you have most of Kotemon's forms mainly defensive, so, maybe put that as the control method? And feel free to make up a defensive technique if you want, or put a variant with the same name noted by a ' after it, like I did with two versions of Digitalize of Soul. Or not, your call.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tweaked the CS based on your suggestions, Tobiax. Hopefully it should be okay now. *fingers crossed* Also, I added a defensive ability to LordKnightmon, based on your suggestion. Is it okay?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Thank you.
That's fine. Actually, that's perfect.
Yay Forcefields!
I recommend them actually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ok, I've tweeked my thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I see what you changed, although I don't technically see why. While "Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!" is more of a comical attack, Tekken Seisai is really self explanatory (punch combo basically), and Chabudai Gaeshi is actually something that needs nerfing in a Roleplay. (I mean, being able to uproot a small city sized area is a bit much, even late-game. I know I made Bay of Alpha a bit of a world-ender, but that's only if it's sustained for up to hours and Alphamon is in some state of lacking control. Basically there as a point-of-beginning type attack. Being Alphamon and all, I thought it fit, but it's more clerical in normal usage.)
The major issues of non-personality still stand.

Also, I'm pondering making a link to a Google Doc in the OOC, that way whoever wants to can collab with myself and whomever on posts, and if the site is down for long periods of time, or something else happens, we don't loose all contact. How does that sound?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yeah... He needed something of an attack. As for personality, I'm still not sure what, or how to put it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

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tobiax said
It's fine. Some times subtle changes are employed between forms, and other times not. I thought that particular V-mon was a different color, yes? Or are you deciding against that?I really like the use of alternate art. I used a few, since the regular BlackWarGreymon X art is obscured, and I just felt like using the figure image for Alphamon.

Alright, good. There'll probably be changes, but they'll be a result of what happens in the rp more than anything else, I think.
Thanks dude. Admittedly, I know she was a different color before but A) the alternate art all keeps the blue color and B) I actually forgot what color I'd made her. I think it was green? Can't be certain.

@xander: Have you checked Tob's sheet or Fellsing's/my sheet? It may help you see what you need to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

22xander said
Yeah... He needed something of an attack. As for personality, I'm still not sure what, or how to put it.

There were three right there that were decent bases for attacks. Just because some are minor cultural jokes doesn't mean they can't be used. I mean Tekken Seisai literally means "Striking with Fists". That is straight up an attack. "Jishin! Kaminari! Kaji! Oyaji!" could be used as any number of attacks from Hinukamuy, and most of the name is natural events, Earthquake, Lightning, Fire- pretty destructive. I already explained the other one.
Personality should have been your thought before you chose Gankoomon. I'd allow you to pick a different Digimon, but I'd almost be wary of you redoing it and changing things a whole lot more before the exact same conditions as now are reached... (Personally, for Gankoomon, I'd look and see how he's a fist fighter, but supposed to be a world traveler, and model him after someone like... Master Asia or something, just as an idea, but not exactly the same.)
RBYDark said Alright, good. There'll probably be changes, but they'll be a result of what happens in the rp more than anything else, I think.Thanks dude. Admittedly, I know she was a different color before but A) the alternate art all keeps the blue color and B) I actually forgot what color I'd made her. I think it was green? Can't be certain.

@xander: Have you checked Tob's sheet or Fellsing's/my sheet? It may help you see what you need to do.

Indeed. Once the RP starts, we can deal. You mentioned her being green before. I'm aware the alternate art remains blue, just throw a note under each pic about what colors are different, like I did practically every stage of Ryudamon except for Gaiomon, and I think BlackWarGreymon X.

EDIT: @Fellsing: You don't have to say LordKnightmon's armor is weak. On the contrary, you could say the pink armor is an alloy of Standard and Red Chrome Digizoid- very tough stuff. I mean, Sleipmon's armor is Red Digizoid, so I'd think what seems to be our designated tank should have something similar as well. The weaker punch/kick and defensive nature are enough of a control method,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Now, now, Tob, if I don't have to alter V-mon's personality for Magnamon, then it should probably be fine if Gankoomon is consistent with past digivolutions. They're new Knights, aren't they?

And I'll go tweak colors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

tobiax said
EDIT: @Fellsing: You don't have to say LordKnightmon's armor is weak. On the contrary, you could say the pink armor is an alloy of Standard and Red Chrome Digizoid- very tough stuff. I mean, Sleipmon's armor is Red Digizoid, so I'd think what seems to be our designated tank should have something similar as well. The weaker punch/kick and defensive nature are enough of a control method,

Oh okay. I just wanted to make sure LordKnightmon wasn't overpowered, but if that's the case, I'll change it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by 22xander


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I was just trying to translate the attacks, that was the best I could do... I wanted to keep them all in the light theme, and those were the best ideas I could come up with. I'm sorry if I'm a bit bad, I'm just super streassed about school. I'm trying to do my best, I really hope we can reach an understanding.
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