Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Allie
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Allie 5'3" of pure affection

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allie smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Midnight. Aislin is the fox on top of my head, and the guy who came in behind me is Ceveo. Taal is his fairy." Aislin jumped on to Midnight's shoulder. "You smell nice." Allie quickly picked her up. "I'm sorry. She's not very good at the whole personal space thing." Aislin didn't really seem to care that she invaded people's space. "What? I said she smelled nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight chuckled and said "No its okay. She is nice too", she smiled. "I'm supposed to get mine later I think or maybe now. I lost count of time again. Silly me" she rolls her eyes and softly chuckles. As she walked to one of the shelves putting a book back where she got it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ceveo hadn't even noticed Midnight as he started to skim through the information in the books. "Wrong, wrong, wrong, this is all wrong!" Apparently all the information in the first book was false. He sighed. "Wow. People really are stupid..." He set the book to the side and then started to skim through the second one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight looked at the boy tilting her head to what he was saying. It look like he was having trouble finding something. She looked away muttering something to herself as she held the gift her mother gave her in her backpack. She looked at the girl with a smile "So what brings you here to the library?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Allie
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Allie 5'3" of pure affection

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allie smiled at her. "I came here for the books. There's nothing I love more than a good story. I assume you're here for the same?" She looked over at Ceveo, wondering what he had discovered in the books.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Yup. I'm a born reader." She chuckles as she grabs a new book walking to one of the chairs. She ran her fingers on the book cover making her smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ceveo closed the second book and put it on the shelf, sighing. "Dammit...with this much false information going around, anyone that reads those books is gonna try to attack the Great Fairy, not realizing that she is the living manifestation of nature..." _"I know...but it's better that way. Gets rid of the stupid people."_ "Taal, I'm trying to prevent deaths here..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight heard what the boy said and felt her face turn white. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but it just happened. "Will you excuse me" she gave a smile then walked out of the room when the door closed behind her she ran to her room. She sat down on her bed her hands to her face. Why would someone try and kill the Great Fairy? That's not really a good idea since we all have powers that connect us to nature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Allie
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Allie 5'3" of pure affection

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Uh, okay." Allie watched Midnight quickly leave. She went over to Ceveo, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Is everything alright?" she asked, looking at the books suspiciously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ceveo sighed. "Yeah...but these two books are supposed to have the most accurate information on mystical creatures and mysteries of the world that have been solved...and it's all wrong. It says that the fairies are products of the gods, and that the world itself was created by them, but that's false. The gods only helped intelligent creatures such as humans evolve, and gave witches and warlocks magic. In fact, all other life was already here by the time the gods showed up, but even the Great Fairy has no idea where they came from. This book describes the Great Fairy as a 'forest guardian,' though, when she's actually a manifestation of the will of nature."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ruby entered the Cafeteria with Moon on her shoulder and looked around. ''can you choose a nice table?'' she asked and Moon nodded, she flew of and landed next to Rox. ''Hey, is there a place free for us ?'' she asked William and looked at him. Ruby saw it and was shocked a little that Moon did do that. She got something to eat for herself and the dragon and went to Moon. ''I.. I am sorry William...'' she said and looked at Moon. ''She normally doesn't do this..'' she said and walked to a table, still nearby but before sitting down, she turned around and looked at him. ''That violin play was great to hear... I really loved that'' she said. Andromeda was still in the library and heard new people entering, together with aslan she walked over to them and smiled. ''Hey, can I help you find a book?'' she asked with a smile and looked at the book that Ceveo was reading. ''oh wow.. Can you read that? I am really wondering what secrets are inside there.. My mother has the Nature Element too... and Bambi, her pet, is really a cutie.. a silver deer. One of the last ones'' she said with a smile. ''I have my fathers element.. Fire, it is a nice element but I would love the secrets about nature'' she said with a smile and then looked at Allie. ''You are the water girl..'' she said. ''sorry... I do not know every name but I mostly do know your element, I got the idea of carving the element signs inside the doors of your room'' she said with a giggle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The snow fell outside with calmness and by the empty surroundings, Fox could easily predict that he was late. He did not Luna confirming that for him, but it didn't seem to stop her, as the two moved closer to the gates, she remarked, **"Oh my dear, it seems we are late!"** In which she received a grunt from under the dark purple cape in response. **"Don't be so anti-social, dear!"** The wolf commented cheerfully before sniffing the air, **"I smell a large number of them in the cafeteria!"** She said happily in which she received a glare from her speechless companion. After a moment of glaring had subsided, he finally spoke: **"You don't smell anything aside from your own gluttony."** **"Hahah, oh. You wound me!"** She lifted her nose again, **"Would it kill you to be a little less _cold_, Fox?"** **"Was that a pun?"** **"Quite possibly,"** and with that the boy began to trudge through the snow, towards the front doors, causing the wolf to gallop after him, **"Hey! Have a sense of humor!"** She spoke rather playfully, but the lack of response had indicated that she had lost. And so, the wolf fell silent, lowering her head and walking in a stride of defeat behind the young warlock. Though defeat was not final as Fox pushed open the doors to the cafeteria, head beneath the purple cloak, a cold draft floating in after him. The draft was followed by a small whirlwind of snowflakes that disappeared in the hot air and onto the floor below. **"Now, if I get you some meat,"** he began, looking down at the wolf, **"Will you be quiet for the rest of the day?"** --- Holding his arms close, the young boy shivered as he walked besides a unicorn that glowed of holy light and calmness. **"I-I'm freezing," he commented through chattering teeth, despite the snow fall being light. Perhaps, he should pick less flamboyant garb in the future. Or maybe he was simply vulnerable due to being a warlock of the forest. A nudge from the unicorn pushed him further, **"Carry on, Henry. We're almost there."**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Taggerung


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Blushing and scratching his face he said "Oh.....you heard that. I am sorry if it was loud and annoying." "Ruby........ Come sit with us." Rox complained walking over to her nudging her leg. "This ouf gets boring sometimes." He went on
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Midnight sat on the ground of her room crossed legged. She closed her eyes as she felt cold air flow at her. She wanted it to stop so she focused on the fire that swirls in her. She imagined it moving out of her like a shield. She felt her body turn warm slowly making her smile a little. Once she opened her eyes. Her body was glowing with fire. She looked at the ground and made sure something was burning and got up. She almost fall back when she saw a black panther on her bed. Then it spoke *"Midnight I missed you for so long! I haven't seen you since you were a baby"* The panther gave a smile as she stood. Midnight's eyes widen as she watched the panther, all that went through her head was the panther and how she has her pet now. "What's your name?" The girl finally spoke after a while of staring at the panther. *"Shadow is my name."* she said softly and nuzzled Midnight's hand. The fire that was going through her family disappeared as she felt her eyes flutter shut. After a few minutes, she knew everything about her pet as if they knew each other their whole lives. After talking about so many things, they both felt hungry. So they got up and walked towards the cafeteria. Midnight smiled that she had a friend who was there for her and Shadow was walking next to her. Since Midnight didn't know the way to the place, Shadow used her senses and leaded the way. Once they got there, Midnight found other people here already. She looked down while sitting down in a table. Shadow runs up and lays down looking around at other people. Midnight ran her hand in the black panther's fur and felt Shadow purr.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

**"Oh, look, darling. There seems to be quite a mixture of familiars,"** the arctic wolf commented as she trotted close to the warlock's side. Not even bothering to feign interest in those who surrounded him, he dropped a tray on a table in an empty corner while throwing a piece of meat on the ground in front of the she-wolf. **"Eat,"** he commanded, falling into a seat in the far corner. The wolf seemed pleased and obeyed her master, ripping the meat to shreds in a jolly fashion. **"After this, we should meet some people and take the tour, darling!"** **"Let's not,"** was the response she got, followed by her master pulling the hood drastically over his head once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shadow moved around a bit so she could whisper to Midnight *"Well...there is so many people and pets here. Mostly wolves and foxes* the panther said. Midnight rolled her eyes chuckling "Yeah I have noticed too. But everyone is nice. Especially the animals." She gave Shadow some meat to eat as Midnight ate some of her food that she got.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Theo and Polaris walked through the snow unfazed by the temperature. "Theo you do realize that we are late right?" The polar bear named Polaris asked Theo. "Yeah ,but better late than never." Theo says starring at the shadow of the school in the distance."Hey I've been wondering , aren't you cold....I mean your not wearing a coat or anything else besides a vest....?"Polaris asked kicking the snow as they walked. " Nope I'm an ice and snow warlock so the cold doesn't affect me that much. Panda! I can see the school hurry jump on my back!" Polaris crawled on Theo's back so he can ride piggy back style." I'm....a polar bear." Theo glided across the snow as if he was ice skating or skiing ."Hold on tight!" Theo shouts as he sped closer and closer to the schools entrance. He skidded to a stop and Polaris got off his back."Why didn't we do that at first?" Theo opened the door."..because I...didn't know how much you weighed into now." Polaris sighed as they entered the cafeteria and sat at a table by them selves. Theo started to read a book while Polaris sat next to him eating fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Allie
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Allie 5'3" of pure affection

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Allie frowned. "Well, that's weird, huh?" She eyed a book that had caught her eye, jotting down a mental reminder to check it out later. "So, do you want to get lunch? I'm pretty hungry and I think everyone's already down there anyway."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 9 days ago

Ceveo sighed and stood. "Yeah. I'm starting to get hungry," he said. He looked at Alie. "And your little friend there must be pretty hungry too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Allie
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Allie 5'3" of pure affection

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Well it's about time you guys decided to get hungry!" Aislin grumbled. She hooked her claws into Allie's hair, tugging at it like reins on a horse. "Come on, let's go!" Allie let out a yelp. "Okay, okay!" She winced at the strain on her scalp, looking at Ceveo. "You might want to lead the way. I honestly don't know where I'm going and don't want to be 'steered'." She glared up at Aislin.
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