> @Aphelion: Read your IC. If I didn't know any better, I would think you knew what's going to happen next. Creepy
Hahaha <3 I can't wait to see what happens next though.
also, if it's alright with you, would you take a look at my second character and see if it's okay?

**Name:** Akali dai Remethiel
**Race:** Elf
**Age:** 127
**Alignment:** Mage
**Personality:** Akali is a perpetually cheerful, somewhat naive and lighthearted elf at first glance, but one delves deeper they find that she is.... different. Her eyes are just a little too wide, her smile shows slightly too much teeth, her laugh is a touch maniacal . In her underlying fervor, she wants to _paint_ the world with her magic, to make the normal abnormal, to make the abnormal wondrous, to beautify the ugliness, to erase war, to cease conflict.
She has odd ways of being touchy with others, and even more peculiar ways of speaking. She will refer to herself as "We", and never "I" - and most people are _sure_ that it isn't the royal we, but as if she truly believes herself to be more than _just herself._ On top of the rest of her oddities, she is sure she can taste the emotions of others, and describes them as colors. All in all, when most people speak to Akali for an extended period of time, they're either left perplexed or irritated. Or both.
It is insanely difficult to offend this elf, and she infact loves when people describe her in different ways, no matter how bad or good. She loves it all! During battle, she is unpredictable and tricky, as if she is "playing" with her opponents. She leaves nearly every opponent alive, but she believes that in fighting for your life, there is beauty - and yet she wishes for all conflict to stop. A contradicting mixture to be sure, and it somehow adds weight to the way she describes herself as _"We"_...
**Bio:** Akali was born long ago to Vivace dai Remethiel, an elf who had been cast out from the Elven Forest not long after Akali was born. They had found the Arcane Magic within Akali, and instead of letting the Keepers of the Grove dispose of her precious daughter, Vivace chose exile. Vivace had known that it was impossibly stupid to give up her life for a mageling child, but once she had decided, there was no way to go back. She kept her eyes ever forward with her daughter, Akali, by her side and tried to eek out an existence in the wilds, so that her child wouldn't need to live a life restricted by the Luminous Knights.
In retrospect, Akali had loved living off of the land with her mother, but over time Akali had grown too curious about the world of magic. She delved into dangerous territories once or twice, with Vivace reeling her back in each time. Vivace knew that her daughter wasn't normal, even for a mage, but it was when Akali took it too far and had tried to _paint her magic_ onto a child that she lured from a nearby village that Vivace realized that Akali had no concept of _right_ and _wrong_. Vivace tried to instill these lessons into her gently at first, but when Akali wouldn't understand, her mother had to resort to violence.
Reprimands were in no short order as Akali aged further, but she did learn the basics of what she **should** and _shouldn't_ do, and to please her mother she tried to make her magic useful for peaceful ends. Illusions and beauty, these were things Akali knew that her mother would surely like! Akali practiced the art of such things, and cultivated it, all in order to show her beloved mother how wonderful magic could be.
When Akali used her _Illusionaire_ on Vivace, her mother experienced intense agony and fear, and collapsed from the shock. When she awoke three days later with Akali fretting over her, Vivace had, had enough. She took her innoncent and naive daughter to the wilderness with one thought in mind: Vivace had to kill her own daughter, before Akali could wreak havoc upon innocent people with her idea to "beautify the world".
Their fight was one-sided, with Akali so confused that she couldn't even muster a spell, though she had no desire to hurt her beloved mother. Vivace had her staff to Akali's throat, ready to crush it and end Akali's life, but she couldn't bring herself to the awful deed of erasing Akali dai Remethiel's existence. Her mother threw the staff to the ground and left, never looking back.
Since then, Akali has tried to find her mother, but to no avail. She wants to paint the entire world so that no matter where Vivace may be, her mother will see how beautiful Akali has made it and delight in her daughter's efforts.
**_"All we want is for mother to be happy with us!"_**
**Initial spells/techniques:**
- _Illusionaire:_ Akali twirls her staff around and as she does, an illusion weaves before her target's eyes of whatever they fear most. Other mages could see through it easily in it's early stages, while regular folk would be duped for it's duration, though as she gets more powerful, these illusions become more and more wondrous. And terrifying. (duration of 3 seconds at lowest level, then increase of 3 seconds per level as she gets more powerful)
- _Beautify:_ Akali's magic seems to imbue itself in the world around her, giving the world a magical and mystical look. This effects her opponent's auditory and sensory capabilities, as they seem to feel and hear phantom fairies and butterflies crawling all over their bodies. When the spell ends, each of the butterflies that landed on them explodes in pure arcane power, causing minor damage, while the fairies minorly heal whoever they land on. (5 butterflies and fairies at lowest level, increasing in increments of 2 for butterflies and 1 for fairies each level)
- _Starlight, Starbright:_ Akali raises her staff to the sky, and a shower of magical stars rain down on her target location. These stars will explode as they touch the ground or opponents into visions of furry and cute critters, typically rabbits and ferrets that run amok inside the area of effect, exploding on contact with anyone in the circle, healing or damaging them depending on the critter. Rabbits heal, ferrets damage. (duration of 5 seconds and 3 critters at lowest level, increasing in increments of 5 seconds and 3 critters)
- _Rei'shi:_ Akali was taught the style of Rei'shi by her mother, and she is particularly adept at it. This style is primarily defensive in nature, and when used it appears as though the user is fluid in motion, blocking attacks with open-palms and shifts of their body. It focuses on the use of the arms and upper body, while the lower body is kept light and free to move. Rei'shi is a practice of unwavering patience, as it offers no offensive attacks.
- _Acrobatics:_ Akali is unnervingly light on her feet, able to climb just about anything that could be climbed, and flip over and around all sorts of obstacles. She has adopted this light-footedness from her time spent in the wilds, climbing trees and rocks.
- _Staff Mastery:_ Her mother taught her the use of the staff growing up, and Akali has learned to be adept at using it to keep enemies at bay while she beautifies them with her magic. She can use this to vault away, or as a way to focus her magic, though the staff she uses isn't a Focus quite yet.
- _Vegetarianism:_ She refuses to consume meat and lives off of the plants of the land. She is adept at finding edible plants in the most unlikely places, as well as practiced in their correct preparation. To that end, animals seem to be attracted to her and she finds it unnaturally easy to befriend them.
**Combat strategy:** In combat, her true desire is for it to end. To that effect, she uses her abilities to slow and confuse the onslaught of her enemies, all the while she is keeping far back and away with her staff and acrobatics should any opponents try to attack her directly. If she were to face a Luminous Knight, she would try to run from them as fast as possible.
**Unique equipment:**
- _Memoria:_ The staff Vivace left when she abandoned Akali, and the one Akali uses to this day. It was made from Elven magic, twisted and formed into an extremely durable and flexible weapon that Akali takes every advantage of. On one end, it has a loop for a lantern, and on the other it has been attached with the head of a paintbrush. The latter was Akali's doing.
- _Friendship:_ Akali has a unique bond with a flying squirrel she found in the wilds. She has named it Viva, in memory of her mother, and the creature is usually crawling somewhere on her person, munching on nuts and acorns.
- _Themesong:_ [Dance of the Fairies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzXPxJ1BSlI)