Name: Nadal Orchendar
Nickname: Nettle
Gender: Male
Element: Air
He is charming, and gentle in appearance. Smiling and being nice and sweet on the outside.
He grow up with strict parents who didnt like him crying, so deciding on his own when he was a little boy that he will not show them his sad face anymore, so he would not trouble them further. And he grow up like that. No friends came close enough to him to see him anything but smiling. It is his mask along with the occasionally teasing of the one he caress.
He avoided trouble and arguments by just walking or running away. Thought he did know how to use the common weapons...well just the basic. Never in the mood to really fight, never putting much effort to get good at it.
If he got hurt in the fight how should he explain it to his family?
The only moments when Nettle completely relaxes are the moments when he is alone. Humming to himself he would show his emotion on his face, and just do what ever his momentarily impulse is. Enjoying the company of cats and other animals, or nature in general.
His dream moment is just drinking a nettle flavored tea surrounded by a flower garden. He is aware of the girly sound of it, so he hides this too. It wouldnt do if people look at him all weird. He became some bit of a flirty boy. Trying to find that beautifully relations ship in which he could relax. It didnt yet work out, disappointment pushed away he smiles and just hopes on a lucky time the next time.
Favorite weapon: none as of yet.
He has a great love for nettle tea, as it calming him when ever he was troubled. He even sneaked the tea in a bottle in school, causing the nickname Nettle to stick to him.
He wears a hair pin to keep his bangs from failing into his eyes. The pin was a present from his first girlfriend. They break up quite fast as romance in the early teen days just do not last too long.
He enjoys reading, but fails to talk about books as he feels the reading is a personal experience.