Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 4 days ago

"I'm telling yeh, I searched the place top from bottom and the ol' scatterbrain wasn't to be seen." Taking a moment to lightly tap the spot where the whimsical candy lover had just popped out from. And with a smirk directed toward Felyse he spoke, "Yeah, well maybe yeh should try and improve yer aim a bit? No harm done though, I guess we're all learning still." Glancing around at all the new arrivals made the Irishman feel more at ease. Rohrbach wouldn't keep them all waiting in the cafe all night, would he? Maybe it was a social experiment, to see how we would all get along? Or maybe Ferghus was just over looking it. The somewhat distracted man shot a quick smile toward Emily"It would be worth a shot, yeah bird?" He responded quick to the idea that she could locate the number, or at the very least attempt to. Ferghus mind filled with memories of attempted phone calls to the professor before, not a single one found their way to his ears. Adjusting his green jacket and loose-fitting black tie, it was a style he loved, he head toward the pot to pour himself a nice steaming cup of black. Ferghus felt rather ashamed that he hadn't known so much about most of the other participants that hadn't decided to stay in the labs. So he made an effort to walk around chatting about menial things, gauging their personalities. The Irishman finally moseyed on back to the couch that he had earlier planted himself within and sat next to the rather snide looking Nick. Glancing around the cafe and its bustle Ferghus fixed his attention on the marching orbs that Orion was controlling before placing them back within a pocket. He had an idea for a little game to pass the time. In an obviously joking manner Ferghus spoke intended at Orion, "Hey porcupine head! Lets see if you can blast those marbles quicker than I can catch 'em. Oh and try and aim for the couch, don't wanna break nothing ya know?" Sure he was playing around, but deep down Ferghus wanted to test his ability, besides he and Orion had been going at it ever since they had first awakened their powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"If you boys are going to play with dangerous things, do it outside." Vee admonished, coming back into the room with more pie and coffee for the late arrivals. Sighing, she pulled the apron from around her neck and tossed it lazily back onto the counter, collapsing onto on of the free couches. She had forgotten to pour herself a cup of coffee, and she didn't feel like getting back up for one, so she settled for complaining. "I'm tired. I'm sure the professor will be here though, guys, we just have to be patient." She rolled to the side and just before she was laying completely down she shifted to her favorite form: a sleek black jaguar. A deep purr rumbled from her throat as she laid across the couch, her head resting on the arm. She continued purring until her far more sensitive animal nose picked up what her human nose had missed under the smells of coffee and sweets, and her purr turned into a a growl as she buried her nose in the cushion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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"Him? A date?" Penelope asked Orion, letting out an short chuckled. "That would be the day." She continued, shaking her head. "But seriously, I feel like I barely know the dude. I wish he'd talk to us a bit more..." She added. Penelope turned to look at Emily, hearing her offer. Shaking her head, she replied, "Nah, I think he'd just be annoyed by it. Better just to wait. I was just curious." She chuckled as she heard Ferghus call out to Orion and then Vee's addition. She lifted her arm, letting her hand snake through the obstacles between her and Vee and gave the black cat a few light pats. "Good kitty." She teased, laughing. "Anyone taking Richer this semester?" Penelope asked absentmindedly while petting Vee. "He was being super annoying in class today. Kept yelling about random stuff, as if we weren't listening. I mean, the dude's a lunatic." She complained, pulling her hand back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xaynce


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Orion rather liked the thought of the mini-game, but he didn't let the orange-haired Irishman know that. Sitting back in his chair and mentally going over the things that have been said; mostly about the professor, the black-haired young man nodded and shrugged, all at the same time. Because he could do that. "I have a bunch of no-name teachers. It should be smooth sailing from here." His voice was as calm as ever, even as he ignored Vee's warnings and took out around twenty marbles. Rolling them onto the table, Orion tilted his head slightly, narrowing his crystal blue eyes. His voice was rather distracted as he talked. "Just slap him with an elongated boob. That'll show him." He flicked his finger, and smirked as five of the marbles suddenly blasted towards Felyse, only a little slower than a bullet. Orion leaned back and rose one finger, and five more marbles circulated the digit. With only a push of the mind, one more blasted forward, a bit faster than the other five. He trusted the other man's agility and reflexes, however. If he got hit? Well...that was on him. It's what he would've deserved for interrupting Orion's sleeping time...every....fucking...night at the lab. Orion's face broke out into a rather large, evil grin that only happened when he was thinking evil thoughts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 4 days ago

Orion's marbles were now quickly barreling toward Felyse, dirty trick. In Ferghus's eyes time had slowed, but these were certainly still fast moving projectiles, this was a test, one with consequences. He couldn't let a single one of these telekineticly powered marbles bean the much flimsier Felyse. With a hop off of the comfy cushion Ferghus sprung into action. Placing himself in between the unsuspecting target and his antagonizer. The Irishman, with the aid of his enhanced agility and reflexes, extended his hands in the direction of the incoming projectiles near the speed of a bullet train. Feeling the hefty impact that such small balls of glass can achieve is astonishing. Within a moment five of these orbs were in between the fingers extending from Ferghus's left hand. "Come on Striphe, I could do that one with my eyes closed!" He preemptively turns to walk away when he barely notices Orion's face light up with mischief. Another orb, this one faster than the rest. Such little time, with as much precision as he could Ferghus aligned himself in a way, a shield of sorts for Felyse. The marble flung at high speed glanced across the Irishman's angled shoulder. The impact didn't sound too pretty, a loud smack silenced the cafe for a split moment. Followed by the mocking sound of a marble rolling across wooden boards, and who could forget Orion's half-chuckle. "Ballsch! That'll leave a mark!" Ferghus exclaimed, breaking the silence, and dropped to his knees and clutched the scene of the impact. He faced Orion from the cafe floor and grinned, "Looks like I win. Sure yeh banjaxed me arm, but I guess I caught 'em all." Ferghus let out a forced laugh, fraught with obvious pain. Grabbing the last marble, still rolling about, he rose and returned them to his sadistic partner. Finally he sat down again in the comfy couch beside Nick hoping that no one was staring at him. "Sorry there Vee, Striphe's a pisser yeh know?" He flashed a warm smile and returned to sulking in his pain. "Oh" He spoke in a hushed tone, "Have an icepack?" still staring at the somewhat frustrated kitty cat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Half a moment passed between the marbles being fired and a vicious feline roar ringing out across the room. In an instant, a black blur launched itself from the couch, pushing it backwards a foot, and before it impacted Orion shifted into a large brown hawk. The effect of the transformation was ruined, however, when Vee realized she didn't know how to fly, and instead of landing on the boy's shoulder as she had intended, she fell to the floor and skidded to a halt. She lay there a moment, stunned, before turning back into a human. "ooooh, ow." She moaned, trying to push herself off the floor and just falling over instead. "mmmm. I don't feel so good." She just continued laying still until Ferghus asked for an ice pack. "Yeah, I'll go find one, and maybe some asprin too..." She pushed herself up a bit and half crawled, half dragged herself toward the counter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ray entered the room, looking disgruntled. He had a big fight coming up in a few months and his training had turned from hard to hell. He flopped down on the nearest couch and sighed deeply. He took a peak at all the others experimenting (playing?) with their powers and snorted; he had barely even used his. He'd experimented some, but in the end found it useless for his daily life, even when used in secret. "Say, does anyone know where the good Prof is? I've got a few questions for him," said Ray, looking around and not seeing the professor. The gruff man knew why they were given these powers, but there was still information that he needed before he could fully commit to this scheme. He didn't know about the others here (heck, he disliked a lot of them on first sight, especially the girls, and especially Penelope and that brat Emily) but he wasn't going in blind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Felyse slowly tuned out the conversation at hand, not at all too concern about the good professor’s absence or the professor that Penelope was complaining about. The pie before him was all too enticing. Just as he was about to pile on more into his mouth, a giant mass of muscle suddenly knocked into his chair. In his face was a very familiar hand holding a few marbles that had almost practically appeared out of nowhere. “What--?” the young man managed to startle out until Ferghus knocked against his seat once again to act as a human meat shield. The impact was so hard that his chair started to tilt so far to the side until he saw nothing but the ceiling. The sensation of falling brushed against his nerves. Quickly, in stunned daze, he tried to grasp the edge of the table only for his hands to slip. With adrenaline running through his veins, a draft could be felt from beneath as his chair tumbled into the portal that had materialized suddenly. As quickly as it had appeared, the portal was gone before he could get dragged into it as well – only for the hole to reappear behind Orion with that said seat tumbling out and hit the back of the black-haired man’s chair. Staring at the scene before him, Felyse had a lot to take in at once. Just one look at the injured Ferghus, the smirking Orion, and the pitifully crawling Vee was enough to understand the jest of it. The teen threw Orion a look of disappointment that clearly expressed his respect for the older man went down a few notches. His gaze soon turned away to matters of more importance. “Well, that was rather reckless, Ferg.” Felyse huffed, nonchalantly brushing off any dust from his clothes. Although he might look annoyed, a hint of concern underlined his words. He sighed and shook his head. The wrinkle between his eyebrows disappeared as he stared off into the distance. “I might not be the most ideal couch for these games, but I could’ve handled it.” Turning his gaze to the owner of the cafe, Felyse crawled after to Vee. Being the one who didn’t overexert himself, he managed to catch up to her within seconds. “Veeeeee, go sit on the couch. Gimme your arm.” He huffed and moved to his feet, tugging at the sleeves of her shirt while offering his shoulder. “I’ll get the stuff. Just tell me where it’s at.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick was fast getting irritated by the stupid marble game that the Mick and Orion were playing, it was one of the many things that he had no desire to learn any thing about, but he was watching the Irishman's body as he moved....his form....his catch....Clarity. His power's kicked in, without even attempting to, he perfectly understood the fine art of catching, angles, trajectory, falling speed, it was all pouring into his head like an adult magazine. To demonstrate his new skill he grabbed his slice of pie, and tossed it in the air, standing on the couch he positioned himself perfectly and SNAP, MUNCH he caught it in his mouth, after wiping of his face, he lit up a cig, and blew the smoke in Orion's face as more students of the project arrived. He took a small sip of his non-alcoholic coffee and spat it on the floor next to him. Goddamnit Vee!, this coffee is too hot, if you're gonna serve me a virgin drink at least let it cool down first, shit. He then slumped back down and put out his cigarette in the still scalding coffee cup. Scowling at nobody in particular he started to whine. And speaking of virgins, where in the crap is that prof.lab rat?, I'm getting bored already, Id rather be home solidifying my place on the 'Call of Glory' online leaderboards. I could give a crap if he's on a 'Date' or not, I got shit to do tonight. He turned towards Emily, re-igniting his sleazy smile. As for me, I don't even waste my time with dates, I prefer to get straight to the point... His eyes wondered over Emily's body until Ray the boxer walked in, he had a heavy step to his muscular weight, and it caught Nick's attention, he was fascinated by fighting disciplines, and could tell just by looking at this man that he knew how to fight. Ray grumbled something about looking for the Prof and Nick approached him, smirking devilishly. Yo, Punchy, hit me in the face, don't knock my head off but pop me with a stiff jab, come on just do it, don't be a pussy, it'll kill time. Nick let his arms swing by his side, showing no intention of retaliation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Ray made a sound that was halfway a snort, half a growl. If it came to annoying people, this guy, Nick, he recalled, got on his nerves real fast; he was rude, an asshole, a punk, and an asshole all in one. Just from his face you could tell he was nothing but trouble. If he was asking for something like hitting him, that meant he had something planned. Fine then, he'd play his game, but not by his rules. "If you want it, you got it," he said. Slipping into his 16oz gloves, Ray decided to test the waters and throw a heavy jab on the man's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"No fighting..." Vee said without her usual strength. She was seeing double, and her head was pounding a beat for her stomach to dance to. "Oouuh, maybe shifting so fast isn't a good idea..." She allowed herself to be led to the couch, only protesting slightly. "There's some frozen pees in the freezer for Fer... urg... and some asprin in the first aid kit on the wall." She closed her eyes and buried her face in the couch, trying to keep from vomiting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

At Penelope’s request, Heather flipped the sunglasses upward until the darken lenses rested on top of her head. She didn’t say much else, choosing to sip the black coffee Vee had offered her and listen in one the ongoing conversation. Where in the world is that professor of theirs. “Well, I’m sure we’re not the only lab rats he planned to poke and prod at today.” Heather wraps her hands around the smooth mug as she talks, paying little attention to the marble game that was happening around her. “He probably needed to pencil us in today, right between ranting and raving in front of his captive audience of students and unethically playing god before sitting down to ‘Wheel of Fortune.’” Heather adds a shrug and a casual smile, “You know, usual old mad scientist stuff.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

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Only the Brave dare to look upon the gray-upon the things that cannot be explained easily, upon the things which often engender mistakes, upon the things whose cause cannot be understood, upon the things we must accept and live with. And therefore only the Brave dare to look upon difference without flinching.
-Richard Hungerford
Finn Rohrbach stood with a puzzled look on his face. In front of him, a whiteboard covered with complex calculations and data. He tilted his head slightly, for the umpteenth time this evening, and furrowed his brow. A curious hand rose to stroke the stubble on his chin, a move that he said made him feel more... scientific. In reality, it just sort of made him look... odd. One of the science majors and her professor, Dr. Stanton, stood behind him, passing confused glances to one another. "Ah-ha! I've got it!" He exclaimed, only trying to further his ridiculous stereotyping. The two behind him, the short stumpy older gentleman, and the tall and lanky science nerd beside him, both gave him startled looks, even more confused by his actions. All they'd wanted was a second opinion on their research... For the next hour or so, Rohrbach spent his time explaining the fallacies in their analysis of the results and their error in the experiment, completely dissolving all of their previous hard work. The man, Dr. Stanton, gave Rohrbach an unamused look before politely asking the man to leave so that he and his students, half of the class was still there, could continue their lesson. Rohrbach turned to look at the rest of the students who had decided to stay through his long dialogue. "O-Oh! Well, hello there!" He greeted them, a goofy grin on his face. "I suppose I must have taken up quite a bit of your time, I apologize." He told them, looking at his watch to see how long he'd been there. 6:07 PM ... ... Before the students even had time to react, Rohrbach was racing down the hallways, his lab coat fluttering furiously behind him. The students he passed by could only catch a glimpse at the man's face, shock registering on their own. For... it was a face not many got to see. For such a laid back individual who worked so closely with the school, the students had hardly ever seen him so... fierce. Or at least, those that had tried very hard to forget about it. Making up for lost time, Rohrbach, once on the first floor, took the first open window he could find and jumped, avoiding the unlucky circumstance of his coat getting caught. He raced from Brumley Center across campus and by the time he'd even gotten close to Vee's place, he was out of breath and practically dying. For anyone looking on, he must have looked like a creepy old man, zombified. "Oh no, Rohrbach's really gone crazy now!" He heard girls gossip to one another, trying their best to avoid him. With heavy breaths, he dragged himself toward the Fresh Pot and laid a heavy hand down on the handle. Pulling it open, he stumbled inside, and looked around, his breaths still very heavy and labored. "Ah... I see... you all... made... it." He breathed before stumbling his way over to the nearest empty table and collapsing into a chair. "How... have all of your days been?" He asked, putting a rather pathetic smile on his face. "I'm... not late am I?" He asked, feigning ignorance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After dumping Vee onto the nearest empty couch, Felyse followed the young woman’s instructions and made his way to the freezer and then to the first aid kit. While doing so, the good professor Rohrbach was dragging himself through the door and onto the nearest table. “Quite dandy, professor. Like a candy in the fall,” Felyse answered with a thoughtful yet distant expression. "Who held you captive while you missed out on all the pie?" He tilted his head slightly to the side and – for no apparent reason – lightly tapped the top of the professor’s head with a slender finger while he walked pass. Although the professor had the looks of a ragamuffin with his lab coat in all disarray, such image wasn’t a touch out of place. Ever since the teen had moved into the lab, he would see that man in such a state more often than twice a week especially if the professor had been concocting something in the lab all night. Maybe a few bags of skittles would help. Ignoring the manly bonding taking place between Nick and the newcomer Ray, Felyse waltzed over to Vee and handed her some aspirin. “Here you go, spud. Incoming!” Felyse did the same with Ferghus, tossing the Irish man the bag of frozen peas and a couple pills of aspirin. He then sat on the arm of the couch whose only other occupant was Dominic, and waited patiently - which was just spacing out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Unraveller
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Unraveller of Lore

Member Seen 4 days ago

The pain from the impact was rather horrendous, Ferghus almost began to fear what everyone in this room was truly capable of doing, of all the people who could be hurt by their newfound power, of all those who could be saved. Struggling to catch the freezing bag of peas due to his momentary distraction of thought, the wounded Irishman glanced toward the detached boy and smiled, Felyse was odd, yet Ferghus enjoyed his company in an almost curious sort of way. He placed the cool vegie pack upon the point of impact soothing the pain through a the sleeve of his jacket. A cursory look at the marble inflicted wound was all it took to realize that this was going to be a right nasty bruise in the morning. Only moderately discheveled his attention was set upon the exhausted Rohrbach, he spoke in a rather facetious tone, "And just where've yeh been? Hmm Doc?" Without waiting for a response Ferghus adds, "Now I'm not meaning to be rude or anything, but yeh were so brief in the message. Why'd you ask us all to meet? Don't tell me our powers are gonna go insane an backfire or something." Adding in the last part sarcastically. So many questions he had for the professor, so few did he ever receive a direct answer to, rather a drawn out and dodgy explanation of some tangent or another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Madame_March


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heather quietly watches Dr. Rohrbach burst into the cozy café, silencing the room of all speculation and gossip. She takes a sip from her mug as he collapses in a chair, enjoying the bitter coffee and the heat it provided. “Been pretty peachy Rohrbach,” Heather replies sarcastically with a smile, “I mean, all things considered.” She watches the older man catch his breath, it seem he had been in a huge rush to get here. Heather turns her attention to Ferghus, who had a really good point. Why the hell are any of them here, in such a casual location? “I agree with Ferghus, everyone here probably has a lot of questions. I for one would like to know what we are doing in your little science experiment and when you will decide to pass out those pretty antidotes.” Heather pushes the half empty mug away and leans forward in her chair. “Do we need to run some mazes maybe? Or do you have fun surveys for us all to fill out?” Heather tried not to sound angry as she talked to the doctor, but her mood from the other night was beginning to surface. Until Heather was given a reason not to be angry for being deceived or afraid of what was happening to her, she was going to remain slightly irritated with Rohrbach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rohrbach took a moment to catch his breath as the students bombarded him with questions. Ferghus even asked if their powers would backfire. That was a bit of a laugh. No, it probably... wouldn't.... Right? Yeah. Hasn't yet and it's been like... a month. And they were all doing relatively well. Well... With the powers, not all of them had emotional stability just yet. But... Rohrbach figured they'd get used to it eventually, even come to grow an affection for their powers. What was that one movie with the nanny? When they didn't want her, she would be there. When they wanted her, she had to go. Rohrbach let out a little huff, chuckling to himself before he replied to them. "No, no. No chance of that, Ferghus." He told him, chuckling slightly. He turned to Felyse who was helping those that, for whatever reason, seem injured. "Ahh... It was my old mistress, Science. She always has me wrapped around her slender, handsome fingers." He responded, rather dramatically. He then turned to Heather, a look of surprise on his face. "Nothing of the sort! My, you speak as if I see you all as lab rats." He began, shaking his head. "No, my dear. I've explained it all before, haven't I? I hand selected you to help me on my... mission, I suppose you could call it. If you don't want to help, that's fine. But I won't be helping you with your powers." He explained, his voice growing dark near the end. "But... I'm here because I have news for all of you!" He spoke again, his voice suddenly much brighter. He pulled out a rather large tablet from his lab coat pocket and flicked the screen on; on it was a news report. "I have two cases for you all to go on. Of course, this means that you will have to split into groups of two. I've already handled the list of who will be going with who, but I will let the groups chose which case they would rather take on." He explained matter-of-factly. One page was about a series of bank robberies that involved a family of robbers, the Pattersons.
The Pattersons Two adults males One adult female One male minor Transgressions Millions of dollars stolen, 5 innocent lives taken. The group must find out where they will hit next and taken them down. Do not kill, hand them over to the police.
The other explained the actions of a recent terrorist.
Sam Wenton Transgressions 16 innocent lives, arson, destruction of public and private property, etc. Group must find him and take him down. Do not kill, send to police.
Rohrbach lays the tablet out on the table for the group to look at. "The groups I have decided on are as follows... Group 1 Emily Ray Ferghus Felyse Heather Group 2 Penelope Orion Nicholas Vee Dominic Darrien If I left anyone out, please let me know. Or if you need to hear which group you are in again." The doctor explained, his voice clear. "Also, when you all decide on which you'd like to take, send one of you to tell me at the lab. That's pretty much it. Oh! And, please start on your missions this week. No slacking off. I won't set a deadline, but I'll be keeping watch. And... let those that aren't here know? Thank you!" He explained further. "If you need help in anyway, you know where to find me. Also, I will leave a piece of paper with my number on it so that you may all contact me as you need to. But please, only use it in cases of emergency. I can't be bothered to answer it if you call me every day." He told them, "You are free to look at the tablet at your leisure. Orion, when you come back will please take the tablet with you? I'll be counting on you. Goodbye!" He finished as he stood, left a small piece of paper, and walked out of the building, headed back for the lab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

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Nick stood there, with his hands swaying, unnervingly relaxed as Ray tied on his large red gloves, and assumed boxing stance. Nick was paying attention to every detail, the angle of the shoulders, the direction of the feet, the slightly bent knees, it was all coming together in one fine collage...Clarity. SMACK! The impact was less like a jab and more of a force of nature, the punch to the face knocked Nick back at least 3 feet and he found himself spiraling backwards into the table, knocking over most of the coffee but he managed to catch the pie. Ahh you motherfucker, that was awesome!! Nick could feel his cheek throbbing, his face was stinging but he was ecstatic, he just learned how to box. Nick rose to his feet, and weaved back over to Ray, his lip started to bleed as his smile got wider. I hope you enjoyed that punchy, because nobody is gonna get such a clean shot on me ever again... Nick's smile turned into a smirk as he flexed his biceps and winked at Emily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ray snorted. "Don't be too sure of that, short stuff. Unless you're willing to take me on?" he said, half-jokingly. So that was his ability huh? Damn that was disgusting as fuck. "You gained the experience of a heavyweight boxer. Our specialty? Taking and giving hits. You're several weight classes under me to do that and your physique is shit compared to mine. If you go up against pro's with more experience with me and a better body than I do, you're pilfered knowledge is useless." To emphasize his point, Ray stood up. Even under the jacket, his body was huge and noticeable. "Have you honestly not considered that? You may have the knowledge, but not the experience or the tools to use it right." Also, that ability of yours pisses me off, he thought. That was years worth of practice, sweat and tears, and you just up and grab it? I would beat this sonofabitch down if it weren't for the fact that I'm not allowed to . . . yet. He turned to the professor. "And it's good to see you, Prof. Don't mind out little horseplay here. Anyway, we've got a job? I don't see any problems with the groupings, so count me in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nick looked up at the large man and scoffed, he then put his hands down and belched rather loudly in Ray's face. You should stick to the speedbag, Rocky, you have no idea how the power works do you? Nick assumed his new found boxing stance and started to dip and weave very slowly but fluidly. Just because we have the same tools, doesn't mean we are going to build the same house, I don't have to fight like a moronic heavyweight and block punches with my face just because you choose to RayRay. After you jabbed me you raised your right hand to parry, and put weight on your back foot to circle away. You have the tools to fight defensively and I'm going to cherry pick the shit I like about your style and mold it to my own sexy advantage, I'm a lot faster then you now Ray and I know exactly how you throw punches, Id LOVE to see you land a second hit on me.... Nick then turned to the prof and with a cockeyed glance. This low rent Starbucks is starting to bore me, put me in any group and give me any job, I just want to get outta here.
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