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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mara grew more excited as more and more people arrived. So this was the other creatures her parents said were going to the school. She wondered if they another form or what their powers would be. Maybe there would another mermaid! That excited her greatly though she calmed down and paid attention as a beast of some sort flew down from the roof and introduced himself. Mara stared at him awe, wishing she was able to fly. She stood there quietly as he proceeded to explain where everything was. She just knew she was going to get lost; she wasn't the best when it came to directions. He then asked if they had questions and Mara's hand raised hesitantly into the air. "Yes, do you have a...a body of water? Oh what do land-walkers call it? S..Swimming Pool! Yes, is there is a swimming pool?" She asked in a quiet voice, almost inaudible. She stood there waiting for an answer, having forgotten that her knees and shoulder were bleeding from her fall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Jack nodded, smiling. "Indeed we do. The swimming pool is in a corridor just off of the Gym, there is also a lake which is in the forest clearing, though finding that can be a nightmare for some. Also, there is a fountain in the park. Just for any water-dwellers who may want to know for future reference. Any other questions?" He asked, looking around the group. "I'd rather get these out of the way, then, for anyone who wants it, I will do a tour of the castle and it's facilities."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by oOWonderKinOo
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oOWonderKinOo ~The curious~

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After hearing the directions to the location of the dorms, she lifted up her bag and made her way in that direction. Once she was inside, she found herself staring around like a wide-eyed child. The entry room was massive and everything looks so manicured. She hasn't been in a place this nice before. It took her a while to reach it but she eventually found an empty room with a single bed. Once she placed her bag on the ground next to it, she collapsed on the bed and let out a huge sigh of satisfaction. "Thiff isshhhh awwwfffuuummmm" She moaned into the pillow before flipping on to her back and kicking off her shoes. Lu sighed and tugged lightly on the shawl wrapped around her head and neck. She wasn't comfortable with removing it yet. How long could she stay here? Being realistic, she knew she couldn't stay here long. (Edited)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eva overheard the conversation about the swimming pool and practically jumped into the air. "Yes!" She looked to Mara and grinned. "Are you a selkie too? The only other one I've met is my mom! She said I might meet others and make friends. You're bleeding, by the way." She drifted toward Mara, despite not even knowing whether the girl was even a selkie, and said, "I'd like a tour."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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James didn't speak very loud, knowing that dragons had hearing many times greater than most beings. "I'd like a tour..." he said, so quiet that the only one who could hear him speak was Jack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mara nodded shyly, happily about that fact that where were several bodies of water her that she could pick from. The mermaid then jumped in surprise at an exclamation next to her. She stared at the girl with wide eyes as she was excitedly asked if she was a selkie. Mara hesitantly shook her head. "N-No, I am a...serea. Mermaid. Not a seal." She replied, hands clasped nervously in front of her. She glanced back over to the one who has wings' "I w-would also l-like tour." She then glanced down at herself. Oh yeah, she had fallen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by oOWonderKinOo
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oOWonderKinOo ~The curious~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(large post alert) After lying in bed for a solid 35 minutes, she slowly sat up and looked around the room. There was another door that wasn't the entrance. Lu opened the door to find a small personal bathroom and she squeaked with glee. She hadn't slept in a real bed in days but it had been ages since she could have a hot shower. Lu excitedly ran to her front door and locked it then leapt to her bag to find some slightly less gross clothes to change into afterward. Once she got things ready, she stopped. Did they provide soap and towels? She stuck her head back into the small bathroom and chirped happily. Yes! They did provide soap and shampoo along with towels. After a 45 minute long shower, Lu opened her bathroom door allowing steam to pour into her room. A long sigh escaped her as she sat wrapped in a warm towel on her bed. She quickly changed into a different set of clothes and looked in the bathroom mirror to see her head still wrapped neatly in a towel. A short sigh came from her as she reluctantly untied the towel. Her wet red hair slapped onto her shoulder like slimy eels and out from the sides of her head twitched small wings that seemed to have taken the place of her ears. They were matted from the water and drooped almost as if they were sad. Seeing herself in the mirror only reminded her that she was different, but it couldn't be that bad right? She was now in a place where everyone was different and it was safe for her here. But, is it safe for the others if she stayed here? Lu sighed feeling rather depressed about her situation. She found a place where she could stay for a while and be safe, but she fed off the life force of others and that fact made it extremely difficult to spend a lot of time with people. All she had to do was touch them. Once her flesh makes contact with their she can see their life force like a silken thread that undulates through their person. She takes from that life thread until she doesn't thirst anymore. The effect it has on others varies on how long she keeps in contact with that person's life force. If it is for a short time, the person will feel some degree of drowsiness, but the extreme is killing the person and the feeder going feral from having to contain so much life energy in their body at once. Jack did mention that there was a city nearby. A city full of clubs and bars were she could feed off of unknowing drunk people. That's how she survived before, but she would have to ask permission first. That would be awkward to have to explain her situation,but it couldn't be helped. Lulu finished getting dressed and rummaged through her bag to find a hat to cover her weird ears. She glanced in the mirror one more time to make sure she looked as human as she could, she left her dorm and began to search for Jack. She hoped that she wouldn't have to explain herself in front of everyone but she was sure she would have to at some point.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Jack nodded sharply, indicating that he had heard all three of them. "Okay, if there are any questions on the way around, feel free to ask." He called out as he turned away from the group and headed towards the door, pushing his hand out, using magic to open the large, oak double doors. "Let's head inside, shall we?" He asked. That was currently his most impressive trick, beyond his draconic heritage. He wasn't as skilled at magic as he could have been by now, but he spent most of his time buried in student issues. He hoped this new lot would be a bit kinder to his eardrums.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"I've never met a mermaid before," said Eva with a smile. "We should have a swimming race sometime. I have been itching to get in the water." She stared in wonder as Jack opened the doors using only magic. What an incredible bunch of people, she thought. She adjusted her huge backpack and trotted after Jack, looking forward to whatever free time she'd have to swim.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mara nodded shyly at the girl's suggestion, deciding it would be nice to swim with someone that wasn't a fish before. Don't get her wrong, she loved her fish friends but she has always wanted to swim with another person. She watched as the selkie trotted after the winged one and Mara grabbed her luggage and followed after. She almost tripped again but she managed to catch herself and keep following.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by oOWonderKinOo
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oOWonderKinOo ~The curious~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lulu walked to the entry room and saw Jack with all the students she met outside. Her stomach clinched at the thought of bothering him while his hands are so full so she quickly turned on her heel and walked around the building herself. She didn't feel the need for him to give her a tour. If she spent enough time there, then she would get to know the place better on her own. Her hand self-consciously drew up to her stocking cap that she put on after taking a shower. It was great for holding all her gross wet hair and it was stretchy enough to cover her winged ears. Lu's gaze fell down to the path directly in front of her feet so she wouldn't trip on anything. This habit of looking down while she walked was developed from a long life of avoiding people's gaze and not drawing attention. Now, she justifies the behavior by thinking, 'If you don't look, you might trip and whatever is on your head might fall off'. Then they would see. Even though she knew that she was in a place where it would be safe to show her ears, she didn't want to explain that she is from a predatory species that feeds on others. That would most defiantly not go over well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A portal giving off a vast amount of negative energy opened in front of the school. A figure shot out of it like a gun shooting and slammed into the ground creating a small crator. "Ah!!!!! Damn!" Larz stood to his feet and yawned heavily."That was a good night sleep.......where the hell am I?" He begin to walk around the school's ground looking for anyone that'd could possibly assist him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

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Being a spy wasn't exactly what Kali had thought it would be. First, nobody on the surface world could pronounce her correct name and she instead had to adopt another variation of it. Secondly, all of the fleshbags smelled generally the same and were equally as unattractive and finally, the honks and bright lights of the creations known as "cars" scared the living daylights out of her. That's probably how the young Hellhound had ended up at the academy, but even if a little late. Truth being, she there a bit earlier than the rest and was positive that the dragon had heard her and just ignored her or maybe he hadn't even noticed her presence, either way, she was grateful. All of the unfamiliar scents and presences scared her off into bushes not too far off from the castle. She watched most of them go inside through the bushes before stumbling out, brushing herself off. "Whew, I don't think they saw me," she commented awkwardly as her ears immediately perked up, her attention to a newcomer with horns who had materialized from a portal. Thinking with her heart instead of her nose, she approached the boy. "You're a demon.. but you're also not a demon?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"I'm a hybrid ,but don't let the half breed part fool you. I'm Lucifer's grand son.......wait......how'd you know I was a demon anyways?!?! Also were and when am I? I'm positive before I went to sleep the Roman Empire fell. So if I'm right ,which I hope its 476 A.D. isn't it." Larz was pretty lost and was becoming frustrated that he didn't know what was going on. Second after second his facial expression became angrier and angrier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by oOWonderKinOo
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oOWonderKinOo ~The curious~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lu found the back gardens and decided to 'explore' the grounds. She didn't know right off where the city's direction was in relation to the castle, she needed to find a place very high up to see it in the distance. Craning her head back, she looked up the side of the castle from the garden entrance then looked out on the grounds. Was there anything higher than the castle? Maybe it would be her best bet to see if she could locate the highest tower and look out from there. She had to know where to go soon, she was starting to feel hungry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cyndyr
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Cyndyr Redeemer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The claim of being Lucifer's grandson was met with bright, wide eyes. Surely, the boy wasn't pulling her chain, was he? No. There wasn't a demon insane enough alive to impersonate royalty. And that's when she took a knee and bowed before the boy, "I-I'm sorry, sire, such dreadful manners, I wasn't aware you are royalty," her tone to be graceful was traced over by a slight sense of pleading. Ugh, she was so pathetic. Not only was she born of lesser spirits, but she wasn't even a useful Hellhound -- she couldn't light herself on fire to save her life and she didn't have three heads either. Standing up, she bowed again, dusting herself off, "I'm a Hellhound.. you can't smell it on me? Anyway, you're at an academy. And I haven't heard that empire name in a long time. I believe you've been in that portal of yours for a very long time, sir. I apologize sincerely, but I cannot estimate the proper amount of time you've missed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The claim of being Lucifer's grandson was met with bright, wide eyes. Surely, the boy wasn't pulling her chain, was he? No. There wasn't a demon insane enough alive to impersonate royalty. And that's when she took a knee and bowed before the boy, "I-I'm sorry, sire, such dreadful manners, I wasn't aware you are royalty," her tone to be graceful was traced over by a slight sense of pleading. Ugh, she was so pathetic. Not only was she born of lesser spirits, but she wasn't even a useful Hellhound -- she couldn't light herself on fire to save her life and she didn't have three heads either. Standing up, she bowed again, dusting herself off, "I'm a Hellhound.. you can't smell it on me? Anyway, you're at an academy. And I haven't heard that empire name in a long time. I believe you've been in that portal of yours for a very long time, sir. I apologize sincerely, but I cannot estimate the proper amount of time you've missed."
"Hey you don't have to bow. Yes I might be royalty ,but this is....an academy and plus my ass of a grandfather is probably responsible for me slipping into my eternal sleep." He walked closer towards the girl and got uncomfortably close to her and began to sniff."You do have some reminace of hell on you. Why does it smell so faint? If I can help you become stronger just ask. I'm not a total ass like my ancestors were." He raps his hands around his neck and started examining his surroundings."What the hell is wrong with these mortals....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack stepped into the main hallway, otherwsie known as the entry room. He gestured around. "This is the entry room, or the main hallway. From here you can access most areas of the castle." He told everyone, looking around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eva craned her neck to look around her and take it all in. She was already impressed, but then again, she was easily impressed. She'd really had to contain herself on the flight over here, and now that there were no overly-suspicious security guards she felt a little freer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mara followed after the others, looking around like they did. She imagined she looked a lot like those foreign land-walkers that visit Ireland, gaping at everything they see. At least she wasn't doing what they did with that little metal box that flashed like the sun. She had had a chance to examine one once before, after it was knocked off a cliff and lost to the ocean. It had not been as heavy as she would have thought but she had been disappointed because she couldn't make it flash like the two-legs had. But yes, she probably looked a lot like those land-walkers had as she gazed around at her surroundings.
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