Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 9 days ago

Roleplay Information
Original Creator: Cynder
GMs: VarionusNW, Grey, Jedly, Lucius "Lucy" Cypher
Veterans: Cynder, eddieddi, ERode, Exodus, Grey, Hebigami Shiho, Ipsie, Jedly, Kidd, Kilo6, Lucius Cypher, Norix, Nytem4re, VarionusNW, xAsunaWolfx, Zombehs
Level: Mid-Casual.
Status: Open
A Foreword
This is a reboot of an RP by the same name. All credit for the idea, and a good portion of the following text goes to Cynder. With this iteration of the RP, we want to focus on character interaction, just like in the original, but add in a dash of world building. Players will be allowed to add in bits of information about lucis/earth as they please, though planning things out in OOC would be a good idea first. This RP is by everyone for everyone, so have fun!
The year is 2066.
It has been exactly twenty years since two parallel, yet unseen worlds, finally made contact with one another. It has been officially nineteen years since these worlds viewed and respected each others differences and soon, it'll be time for the 19th anniversary of peace between this two extremely different worlds. After the very fabric of time and space split, Lucis and Earth, forever separated, became one through a massive breach in the sky.
This wormhole, dubbed by common tongue as the "Black Gale" is home to miles of unexplored wilderness and the infamous "mysterious labyrinths" which are known for appearing randomly, spawning a number of monsters and always changing in design when entered. In order to combat the threat of wildlife, labyrinths and even potential war between the two worlds, a number of academies have begun to pop up all over the areas of the Black Gale currently inhabited by humans.
These academies vary by location, but all have the same general concept -- "the end result is peace." Each school takes a variety of races from both worlds and by allowing them to co-exist and learn from each other, students work together towards graduation. Upon graduation, students are officially recognized as "Gatekeepers", an honor by any form of government and realized by both worlds to be enforcers of law, peace and overall, protection.
You are one of these students. Perhaps you are ordinary or extremely gifted, good with technology, magic, alchemy or people. Either way, you've been chosen by the headmaster of one academy in particular -- the Academy of The Arcane Artes. It is unknown as to why students are chosen, but the academy itself is outstanding by standards with high graduation and some of the most famous Gatekeepers are known to have graduated from there.
That being said, the option is yours to take.
Will you accept the offer?
The Worlds
Earth- Home to humans, who, over the past few thousand years, have advanced their technology to ludicris degrees. With everything from laser guns to giant mechs, humans are able to make up for their weaknesses. They have developed ways to make just about everything but space travel efficient. There are still 3rd world countries, still stuck in a retro-modern era, that ended 50 years ago for most 1st world countries. humans are completely incapable of using magic, at least Earth-dwelling humans, anyway.
Lucis- Home to just about every fantastical race you could amagine, though the most common are elves, dwarves, orcs, gnomes, and goblins. All of the races have their own take on magic. Some learn it, some have it from birth, while some never have it. Lucis is very low-tech, somewhat comparable to medieval. This lack of technological innovation was mostly due to the convenience of magic. If you create an original Lucian race, you have free reign on world building for that race, though, if someone wants to make a character with your race, your gunnu have to give them a share of the world building.
The Academy
To be updated over the course of time. In the meantime, enjoy your uniforms that just recently arrived in the mail -- just in time for the first day. (all credit to Cynder for the uniform images)
The Letter
The letter is received at the same time for every student. It is dropped nearby the student (such as a windowsill) by a raven, black as
night. It can appear during the night, day, afternoon or elsewise. Should you be a second year student and so on, you receive a variation
of this letter that is simply updated information about you. After this letter is received by the academy, you are to receive a uniform
bearing the academy's crest with the choice of a cloak or coat.
There is a sheet attached that is required for you fill out. When filling it out, please delete all brackets, thanks guys!
1.) You may have as many characters as you'd like and/or can handle.
2.) If you have any questions, please leave them in the thread, PM a GM or visit our chat. You may also request to join the skype group.
3.) I am not the only GM, just go look up, and you can see the loads of people who can judge your character sheets, answer questions, and other things.
4.) Shouldn't be too much of an issue, but there is to be absolutely no powerplaying, metagaming or godmodding allowed.
5.) Avoid speedposting. There will not be a posting order, however, we do not want two pages between the same two people.
6.) Respect Co-Mods, they have all the same powers as GMs. You may speak to us in the skype group if you wish to be a Co-Mod.
7.) No smut is permitted, anything past hugs and kisses is either "fade to black" or take to PMs.
8.) You may attack another player's character, however, you cannot kill them without permission.
9.) You'll receive a warning if you start drama outside of the Roleplay: first one to start, first one out.
10.) If a troll appears, feel free to poke at it, but don't feed it. Do not be a troll yourself.
11.) Not a rule, but I'd love to see some character development, plot twists, proper grammar and so on.
12.) You may not control another person's character without their permission.
13.) We all control the plot together, so use the chatzy and pm to plan things. Using titanpad to write collab posts is highly suggested.
14.) If someone else already created a race you want to use, go off of what they put or ask them about it.
15.) Have fun and enjoy yourself!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Full Name: Slick Sloth Zairos III Nickname(s): SS, M, Slick Gender: Male Age: 16 Year: 2 Birthday: 9th of August Astrological Sign: Leo Species: Half-Elf (Mixed with human) Class: Mage Weapon: A sword hilt, that can have energy channeled into it (Think of the spirit sword from Shaman King). World: Lucis Short Biography: Slick never knew his father, all he knew was that he came from Earth. This lead to him being bullied and never really felt at ease in his own body. So for the sake of others, he will make sure the "Black Gale" is never allowed to create a hybrid again. Personality: Usually quite happy, but when he, or someone he cares about, is in danger, he will stop at nothing to rescue them. However he will not kill and cannot tolerate the act. Partner: (None, TBA) Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s): (As previously stated) Slick will not kill, even if it means losing someone close to him, he will also not bring any harm to the environment (unless pushed to the extreme). His fears are that of loneliness. He is weak to water, since he was trained mostly in pyromancy (and didn't learn to swim well). He is limited by his energy, since he can create large spells, but some require enough energy to make him faint. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits: Can see the souls of any living thing, as fire-like crystals, coloured by different attributes of the personality. Theme Song: His world. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrCGk0BE7RA Other: Don't screw with a mage!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by That AWFUL Guy
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That AWFUL Guy You Monster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name:Experiment 736 Nicknames: 736, Rikhard Gender: Male Age: 6 (but with enough memories to function as an adult) Year: 1 Birthday: November 1st Sign: Scorpio Species: Flesh Golem Class: Fleshwarper Uses alchemy and minor magics to create and alter organic matter. In effect, this makes him functionally a kind of combat engineer, but with grafts, viruses and homunculi instead of guns, bombs and turrets. In addition, he is capable of creating ichors to alter the biology of living things, (essentially mutagens). Ironically, he cannot take advantage of these brews himself, as he is not, in the strictest terms, alive. Unlike other, less specialized alchemists, he cannot concoct explosives or alter inorganic material. Weapon: Blitzengeist: A biologically engineered symbiote of 736's own design. Capable of generating electric shocks and transforming into various weapons. Has it's own animalistic intellect. World: Lucis Biography: Created by an Alchemist dedicated to understanding the spark of life, Experiment 736 spent his "childhood" as the favored creation of his "father", as he demonstrated the intelligence that his kin lacked. Upon his father's death at the hands of one of his own spawn, 736 took up his mantle to continue his work. Personality: While blessed with true sentience, some would even say brilliance, 736 reminds most who meet him quite quickly that he is not human. If he has emotions, he certainly doesn't display them in any way and cannot detect them in others. Though he attempts to do what he believes is right, he has no inborn sense of morality. Due to this, he will often say things that others find disturbing, albeit politely and articulately. He often makes references to the past lives of his body parts in conversation (thus why few people end up talking to him.) Weaknesses: As far as can be told, 736 does not possess an actual soul. Given his rather massive frame, he is also quite clumsy. Having spent more-or-less his entire life in his father's laboratory, he has no real concept of friendship and many people find his appearance and behavior more than slightly disturbing. Though he doesn't show it, perhaps the strongest emotion he has ever felt is the fear that his existence will turn out to be inconsequential and that he has no place in either world. Partner: None yet Strange Attributes: Causes unprotected electronic devices to go haywire in his presence, due to a combination of Blitzengeist's electricity generating powers and leftover magical interference from his own creation. All things considered this is fairly inconsequential, as most devices would have to be fairly cheap or badly damaged to be affected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Removed til further notice)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jinxlynx
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Jinxlynx The System / in the Glitch

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Noster


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Full Name: Sylus Moriam Nickname(s): Sy Gender: Male Age: 16 human years, 200 elven years Year: 2 Birthday: September 2nd Astrological Sign: Virgo Species: Elf Class: Ranger Weapon: A bow and enchanted arrows that serve a myriad of purposes. These are as follows: fire (erupts in flames on contact with something) lightning (Pulsing electricity, shocks living targets and is obviously also useful for damaging Earth technology) leech (drains magical energy from tart\get at a steady rate, causing target to weaken and makes it much harder to cast spells. Only works if it pierces skin, can only by stopped by being physically removed, i.e pulled out) paralysis (target is paralyzed around arrow site until arrow is removed, as muscles around the area become useless as long as it's there. If shot in the leg, target will not be able to walk as well, if shot in arm target cannot swing weapons using that arm. again needs to pierce skin) World: Lucis Short Biography: Sylus's father was a quite well-accomplished gatekeeper who disappeared within the Black Gale when Sylus was much younger. he looked up to his father very much, so it was a no-brainer for him to accept entrance into the academy. He has a serious attitude when it comes to his studies, as he wants nothing more then to follow in his father's footsteps. His mother warned against him going, as she didn't want to lose her son as well, but Sylus sees no other acceptable future for himself. Personality: Sylus is rather shy around unfamiliar people, especially in large crowds. He slowly becomes more comfortable around people as he gets to know them, and once he has made a few friends he is quite friendly, optimistic and outgoing around them. he is very fond of nature and spends as much time among plants and animals as he can, preferring to study, eat lunch and such around school grounds rather than indoors. He is protective of those he cares about, and will resort to violence if one of them is threatened. Partner: (TBA) Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s): Sylus frequently has night terrors, and as such he sometimes avoids sleeping and has a habit of sneaking out of his dorm at night. He will often go out of his way to help people he cares about, often times endangering or exhausting himself in the process. Using his healing magic drains his mental strength and can be quite detrimental to his health. Skills/Abilities/Traits: Moderately skilled Archer. Knows basic enchantment which he uses to create magical arrows for different purposes, also dabbles in alchemy and can create various poisons to coat arrows with. He is studying druidic magic, which is magic derived from life and nature, and used for the benefit of it. he can communicate with animals fluently as if they could speak, and has a natural gift for befriending them. He can sense energies within living beings if he concentrates, such as magic energy, and life force. This allows him to sense beings that would otherwise be hidden to him, and tell how much life force a being has (how close to death they are essentially). He has learned how to channel his life force into other beings in order to heal their wounds or cure their ailments, however doing so is, for obvious reasons, extremely physically demanding. The energy required to heal another is proportionate to the severity of the wound or ailment. The more energy he uses to heal others, the more he risks passing out, becoming ill or worse. Other: He has formed a strong bond with a bird he named Feena, who lives in a tree on Academy grounds and that he visits every day. He can play the lute, and enjoys doing so as a hobby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AliceInRedHeels
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AliceInRedHeels Looking for a White Rabbit In Oz

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

(Totally didn't just carbon copy this. I'll make minor adjustments tomorrow.)
Stands at 5’8”, only weighing in at 114 lbs. Full Name Varren Yinyues Gender Male Age 17 Year First Year Birthday December 12th Astrological Sign Sagittarius Species A complete and utter ordinary human, down to the very core. Class Commando - Taking his expertise with firearms into account, and his moderate anatomical capabilities, Varren found himself most effective by fashioning such a class. Going by the book, a commando is an individual who shows cunning advancement in the field of ballistic weaponry, showing a knack for the practice at an early age, and excelling past those who would be considered veterans in the span of a few years. A literal sense of being the bullet. Fully intertwining themselves with their instruments, and wielding such contempt to unsurmountable extents on the battlefield. Though only a few individuals full under such a title, Varren being one of them, they thrive in the midst of combat, but falter in social interactions. Though most commandos tend to make themselves the focus of their enemies, Varren fancies hit-and-run attacks and tactics which involve stealth. Varren has also dabbled in basic medicine, carrying a backpack full of first aid necessities. However, he tends to only pack a small amount of resources, in precaution to impeding his movement. Weapon
World Earth Short Biography Born to the Yinyues family, a family which inherited the American manufacturing company known as Magpul. How the Yinyues managed to acquire the rights to Magpul, and all of the products under its copyright, is a story for another time. Since the present of a firearm was always present within the Yinyues’ house, Varren was bound to pick up on his family’s hobby. If anything, the idea of teaching a toddler how to utilize a firearm wasn’t even frowned upon. His parents believed it was a plausible idea, to enlighten the boy with prior knowledge of what he would inherit. It wasn’t long until they discovered he had a natural knack for the usage of weapons, soon fashioning and making his own adjustments to existing platforms. But such a practice became more than a pastime. It began to suck up a majority of the hours he was awake; and if he wasn’t engineering or practicing, he was most likely studying to secure his inheritance. This left no time open for social interaction, which lead up to his entitlement of the class Commando. Personality Varren is a fountain of self-expression, constantly flowing with emotion and passion. Considered to be an open book of his inner feelings, he conveys himself to those around him with any regrets or remorse. Though, stating his own opinions isn’t a problem; its making connections with the receivers of said opinions is his predicament. Unable to find the words to properly come across people as his true self, people are left to perceive him at their own digression. At times, he attempts to strike a conversation with others, but brushes them off as odd, annoying and a nuisance. Given his childish nature, compared with his age, he catches people off guard and unknowingly forces them out of their comfort zone.(Might add some more once I get home) Partner To be decided. Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Anatomical Defficiency: Not as strong as most would presume, Varren is generally a twig of a human being, who can somehow muster the strength to wield weapons of mediate caliber. Though anything chambered in battle or sniper rifles is a no-go, and can easily throw out his frail shoulder. Hot Chocolate: Can’t stomach the stuff. Found out he had such a weak spot for the beverage when his mother attempted to substitute it for his addiction with coffee. The results were not pleasing, to himself nor the toilet he clutched for the majority of the night. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits Persona Fluctuations: Medically diagnosed ’dissociative identity disorder’, Varren can completely change his personality at random intervals. Such occurrences are uncontrollable, and when documented, never show any relations or possible signs of a trigger. Though, the only persona which comes out of the fluctuation is completely different from the ordinary Varren. It is basically a polar opposite of the kind mannered boy, retaining an emotionless composure, leaving no openings for second thought or remorse. The counterpart is only in control for the span of a few moments, and once the proper Varren regains his senses, he has no recollection of the past events. Themesong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWoReDeZGzU Other Nationality: Japanese-American. Fluently speaks both languages, father is of Western origination, and married his Japanese mother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VarionusNW
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VarionusNW Nobody In Particular

Member Seen 9 days ago

We will have the OOC up soon. Pie Flavor, please change your CS or delete it, as we do not like people ripping off characters from pre-existing stuff. You can take inspiration, but there is such a thing as too much.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hey I'll have a Cs up in an hour or so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Full Name Echo Fake Name None Nickname(s) Android E( What scientist refer to him) Gender Male Age Ageless but has the physical appearance of a human 17 year old. Year Third Birthday February 6 Astrological Sign Aquarius Species Android Class Android Weapon Echo has weapons hidden in numerous parts of his body. Mainly guns that range from pistols to mini guns. World Earth Short Biography Echo is one of many successful break throughs in the history for science. An android , a perfect being that could help humans speed up their construction and the study of the universe. That's what scientist believed until they continued their work under robotics and soon came across mechs. Echo was soon cast aside as useless and only good for protecting rich families or other slave like jobs. Echo didn't quite agree with this and rebelled against his creators. They simple concluded that they must reboot Echo and make him more loyal. Years later he attempted to rebel ,but was instantly stopped and set for reprogramming the next day. Around this time Echo fully grasp the understanding of programing and secretly rebooted himself shortly after the operation. He nows roam the earth searching for knowlage and a human who doesn't believe in discarding the old. Personality He's nice ,kind,respectful and follows the laws of any documents down to the core.In other peoples eyes he seems to be emotionless and is usually treated as a tin can since humans are now able to achieve strengths beyond androids. Partner Open for business Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) Sharp objects(Swords,knifes ,pointy things). Oddly Echo bleeds blood ,this means he will become slower if dealed a blow that causes him to lose a great amount of blood. Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits Metallic like skin, heightened senses, inhuman strength and speed. Theme Song "I just wanna run." By Downtown Fiction Other The human side of Echo loves candy and coffee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by drewccapp
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Oh hai! Definitely interested! Full Name "Kelly Perrin" Fake Name "Nope no alias!" Nickname(s) "Kelly's short enough isn't it?" Gender Female Age "I'm 15." Year "First Year." Birthday "I was born on July 7th." Astrological Sign "Cancer, Why?" Species "Human." Class "Mechanic. I fix things. I make things. If it has moving parts, I'll probably have to do something with it at some point." Weapon "I built a bracer... the thing covers my forearm, left or right doesn't matter. There's a multi-tool in it, you know for emergency repairs. I have a small laser in it too, but that's better for cutting into non-organic things that aren't moving. There's a blade that pops out of the front portion and locks making for a handy fist weapon. The item is powered off of energy cells that charge from solar energy which takes a whole day, but I have two for a total eight hours of operating. It's not like I'm going to use it twenty-four seven and the charge drains mostly because of the laser." World "Earth." Short Biography "I was born to a pair of genius parents who were studying the works of Black Gale. Neither of them had anything to do with the peace that was created between the worlds, they were simply curious about the anomaly and wished to study it. They had a fairly hands off policy when it came to raising me after I was capable of walking, speaking, and learning. It seems they wanted to study the Gale over taking care of me beyond feeding me and giving me a place to sleep. I quickly picked up a fascination with all sorts of machines. My parents were most surprised when the walked in on me when I was 10 and I was halfway through the construction of a working model airplane with a improved design over most passenger planes. Well, it worked and that's probably why I'm getting this letter. Then I went and made the previously mentioned bracer, mostly for convenience purposes." Personality "I've been called rude, but I call myself honest. If I have an opinion about something I'll usually voice it. I hate loud noises since they make it difficult for me to listen to the machines I'm working on. I like to go for runs. Music is nice. I'm not really good with other people that aren't my parents. I tend to not really know what to talk about, so I'm not great at starting conversations. I like people though, they're fine. I get a bit focused on my work since distractions can ruin some things." Partner "Chose a partner for me." Fear(s)/Weakness(es)/Limit(s) "I really don't understand magic, which makes me uncomfortable with anything dealing with it. I'll stick with my technology thank you very much. "Well, I suppose it's a weakness. Lots of noise makes it difficult for me to do my work because I can't hear machines that well if it happens. Yes, I hate noise." "I can't turn off my ability, so I have to wear headphones to filter the sound, since headphones can't pick up that special sound the same way I do it helps a lot. It doesn't stop my ability to listen to people since I made a recorder that translates the sound of their voices to my headphones." Strange Attributes/Abilities/Traits "I can hear machines. I know, that sounds weird, but any and all machines have a sound that I can hear that others can't. If there's something broken inside of a machine I can listen to it and discern where and what is broken which makes it easier for me to fix it. I can also hear the location of machines from a fair distance thanks to this ability. I guess I basically hear the moving parts or if it's not covered in the plastic protection the electricity running through the wires." Other "I'm quite proficient in machine code."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

Gosh, I have too many ideas for this. What are the stances on Vampires, Dragons, and combining magic and technology, respectively?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gosh, I have too many ideas for this. What are the stances on Vampires, Dragons, and combining magic and technology, respectively?
y0, welcome to the thread. Alright, well, vampires and dragons, green light on both of those. Speaking from experience, we had one RPer who was a vampire, and two dragon-like characters in addition. As for the combination of magic and technology, let's just keep that as taboo for now. Kinda like mixing hot chocolate and coffee, just doesn't work out. Leads to a mess of OP-ness or overly explained minute points, with its own lovely entailment of controversy. As one would imagine, Lucisians(forgot what we called them) are more versed in magic, whilst the futuristic Earth is based upon technology. Think of the Black Gale as a medium between the two, where it is. Not just in a literal, physical sense, but also in a cultural one. Hope this helped out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 16 days ago

Is there any pre-established lore regarding the vampires or dragons I Need to know?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jedly
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Jedly Espresso Drinker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Is there any pre-established lore regarding the vampires or dragons I Need to know?
Hmmmm, for Lucisians, it's kinda like an 'anything goes' policy, as long as it's realistic to an extent and can be properly supported. The previous dragon chars we had were two dragon/humanoids, and one legitimate dragon which was the size of a house cat. So if you want to go for a medium sized dragon wearing pants and spectacles, be my guests. Not much restriction in Notre Dame department either. We'll review your CS and happily work out any kinks or bumps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Is there any pre-established lore regarding the vampires or dragons I Need to know?
I was one of the people who made a dragon character, though she was from Earth. You don't HAVE to stay consistent with other peoples' lores, but if you're curious about mine, I went with the following:
Dragons of Earth are as rare as other magical species, but far stronger. They take it upon themselves to defend other beings from hunters and humans who would exploit them. Overtime, they have "evolved" to take human shape, allowing them to blend in with society as necessary. They're strong and durable creatures, and (on earth) only another dragon's fangs or claws can penetrate their scales. However, the magic on Lucis is far more advanced, so there might be some weaknesses found there. They tend to live to be ten times as old as humans, so the early hundreds tend to be considered young.
You can also find that sheet here. You should also be able to find other sheets there, but again, I don't think you have to stay consistent and your sheet'll be judged individually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Online

Sup maggots. I'll be hopping into ze RP in one way or the other. Apparently, I got ze role of RPing out enemy NPCs as well, and I'm a rather bloodthirsty person, so expect suffering and maiming. Probs not death unless you're totes stupid though. Also, a question: what is the color of your blood? :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

This looks interesting. Quick question before I work on my CS though; are we allowed to create some sort of subspace (ie smaller dimensions connected to the on in the RP, kind of like heaven and hell) for our characters? Not as a home world, but more as a source of power
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