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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Gwen Parker Alias: Spidergirl, Spiderwoman, White Widow Age: 16(Mental), 23(Physically) Gender: Female Appearance:
Powers: Wall-Crawling, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Equilibrium, Regenerative Healing Factor, Superhuman Reflexes, Spider-Sense, Clone-Sense(This is similar to spider-sense, only it tells her if someone isn't the REAL them…) Abilities: Genius-Level Intellect, Photographic Memory, Master Acrobat Equipment: Web-Shooters, Spider Tracers Weaknesses: Confusion, though a genius, her past has left a few screws short. So she can be easily confused by what people say to her. Swaying, She can be easily swayed to be a villain, as mentioned before, she is a few screws loose. Ethyl Chloride…look it up. Memory, she has two voices in her head fighting for control, try to appeal to one, and it may take over. History: After Gwen Stacy's death, a few people noticed Spiderman dropped her dead body off. Inspecting the body, they found blood, though it did not belong to Gwen, though not all of it. Some Oscorp scientists started working with it, suspecting it to hold Spiderman's DNA. They were not wrong, though needed more DNA to combine with it. Luckily there was a dead woman who was being prepped for burial, harvesting some of Gwen Stacy's DNA, they combined the DNA of both of them to create a clone. After Quick Growing a clone, they tested her, forcing her to do strength training, agility training, even mental puzzles. Though when they figured out that she kept some of the memories and personality traits from Spiderman and Gwen Stacy, they had to dispose of her and start again. Before she was ushered into a room, she met a girl that looked like her, though didn't show any emotion besides anger. During the 'Deletion Process', she escaped and stole a hoodie and lab coat. After finding Spiderman, she talked to him and convinced her of who she was, having some of his memories. Though Peter feels bad for her, and tried to help her, he can't help but feel sad when around her, since she looks like his now dead girlfriend. Personality: Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, if she has her own, it hasn't been manifested yet. Family: Peter Parker/Spiderman(DNA Donor),Gwen Stacy(DNA Donor) Friends: Peter Parker, Deadpool? She is unsure about this…she only met him once. Crush/Relationship: She has some of Gwen's feeling for Peter, but doesn't want that to define her Other: I mostly wanted to do this because I was scrolling through pictures of Marvel characters, and found a few I didn't know, including this one
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Name James (he doesn't know his last name) Alias Lord of Blades Age 17 Gender Male Appearance (if he needs to hide his identity then he can just summon an outfit. :P) Powers Weapon Arsenal(at High level), Weapon Proficiency(this includes improbable weapons such as random things found around him as long as he can pick them up and wield them as a weapon); Also, for some strange reason, when he's angry he becomes stronger and faster, as if adrenaline actually increases his physical attributes. Abilities James has trained his body to the peak of human physical condition, so he can do things the average person can't because of his training. He also has a photographic memory, and a supergenius-level intellect, which helps him summon things of such complexity as a mini-mecha or a vehicle of some sort. Weaknesses Even with his powers, his body is still that of a human, so he can die like a human can. Equipment Whatever he summons. History Only a year or so after James was born, his parents died in an accident. He was soon sent off to an orphanage, but his extremely high intellect made a group of scientists take interest in him, and they took him for some tests. They experimented on him constantly. Well, up until he was 15 years old, when he finally got tired of the torturous experiments. That was when his powers awakened and, in his rage, he murdered everyone in the facility. If there were any survivors, nobody knows, because nobody wants to talk about that place. Ever since, he's just been a drifter, going from town to town and never staying in one place too long. Personality James is very quiet most of the time, only speaking when needed. He's also very calm to the point of seeming emotionless, and he doesn't seem to care about most things. He tends to ignore people who annoy him, especially if they talk all the time. Family he has none. They died when he was still an infant. Friends None. He has no friends. Crush/Relationship None. Other
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hey Arowne. Accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Hey. Long time no see. Where have you been? You vanished into thin air. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Shouldn't chatting take place in the OOC? ----- Name: N/A Alias: 533, Specimen-533 Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Powers: Density Control - Able to alter the density of her body to resist physical damage. With practice she can use the same ability to phase through objects or become lighter than air. Abilities: She has become accustomed to brawling, using power to overwhelm her foes. This form is probably favored because it lends well to her powers. Weaknesses: Despite being extremely resilient she is still only human. Her strength and stamina are not increased by her powers. She also lacks training when it comes to fighting. Equipment: None History: Kimura, a product of the Facility and one sick twisted... well, we'll not go there. But even she would go out on a fling now and then. With whom, no one knows, she would sooner torture and kill you than tell and everyone at the Facility knew it. But much to her displeasure Kimura discovered that she'd become pregnant. Wanting nothing to do with the burden of parenting or the hit to her performance she demanded that the life be extinguished. But the scientists convinced her otherwise, saying they could place the embryo in an incubation chamber and grow it artificially. With a brand new life form based on one of their own creations the Facility set out to improve upon the original. Manipulating the development process the new specimen would be able to control the density of it's entire body, not just the skin. They succeeded with their task, creating a being that was highly resistant to damage. Raised by the Facility they started her brainwashing as soon as she could understand. She still acted out however. But being as resilient as they had made her there was little they could do to reprimand her. Even her own mother, known for the ruthless beatings she would give X-23, couldn't inflict harm on the child. Despite this though the project was turning out to be a success. Unfortunately for the Facility their plans were cut short. Who knows how far she would have fallen had not SHIELD found the hidden lab. A joint incursion breached the defenses and those that didn't get captured fled. All the assets and experiments were taken by the authorities, including Specimen-533. While in the care of SHIELD very little changed. The girl refused to speak or interact much with anyone there. She'd heard too much about these people to trust them. Running low on options it was decided to take another approach. 533 had expressed resentment toward those who put her through hell in the Facility, including her own mother. The deal was that if she became a SHIELD agent that they would give her the opportunity and resources to hunt them down. How hard could that be? Personality: Having had bad experiences with people 533 is not a particularly friendly type. She lacks many social skills and has learned to speak her mind even when it is not kind words. If she doesn't try inflict harm upon you you are probably on her good side. Family: Kimura - Mother Friends: None Crush/Relationship: None Other: Having never been given a proper name 533 has been trying to decide what to name herself. Brownie points to the one who helps her out on that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Accepted. I feel like when these character talk for the first time, its gonna be 'I was kept in a lab most of my life…' 'Hey us too…' Also, Arowne, I was on a vacation at first, then my cousin had a kid, and we finally got home so I had to do extra school and work. Luckily I'm almost done with college.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Accepted. I feel like when these character talk for the first time, its gonna be 'I was kept in a lab most of my life…' 'Hey us too…' Also, Arowne, I was on a vacation at first, then my cousin had a kid, and we finally got home so I had to do extra school and work. Luckily I'm almost done with college.
Nah. My character doesn't like talking about it, especially since he killed everyone in the entire facility he was in, not just that one lab where they experimented on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Jason D. Hunter Alias: Crisis Age: 17 Gender: Male Powers: Biomass Manipulation Abilities: Combat. Literally. Due to the people he has absorbed, he has retained their knowledge and skills, although he has to train the skills to keep them up. This goes for sword, firearm, and martial art skills as well. However, when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, he literally just stays on the opponent with tremor-inducing, stone-splitting punches and kicks before brutally destroying their bodies and consuming their husks. Weaknesses: Large, heavy pressures of water can temporarily stop his shifting. Other than this, while his body is generally stronger than humans, brutally ripping a blade through his eyeball and destroying his brain will work wonders. Equipment: His body. History: His life had never been that great, honestly. Son of an abusive mother and father... Hated sibling of three... Born, over-all, into a crappy life, in an even worse neighborhood. The only good thing about his life was videogames. He could sit down, after a... round of 'friend roughhousing' with his father, and a...'mom to son argument' with his mother, and simply just...play until his heart's content. Of course, it couldn't have been too healthy. He knew that he was a freak...a weirdo. He wanted to hurt his parents...his siblings. Everyone that bullied him in school for being 'creepy' and 'dark'. Was it his fault that he could do these...things? That he was faster than a motorcycle at the age of 3? That he could lift up the teacher's desk and throw it in rage when they called him mean names? It wasn't... it wasn't his fault. Was...was it his fault when he accidentally cracked the class's pet...and absorbed it into his body? The blood...bones... innards, as his chest opened up into a maw of flesh and organic material, and the butchered form o- he couldn't bare to think of it; his four year old mind couldn't comprehend it. he had to mature from a young age. He was sociopathic, quiet, dangerous. The ones parents didn't want their children to turn out like. Cautious. Suspicious. Then...it finally happened. He snapped. His father had been talking down to him. "You worthless piece of monster crap!" the man would yell. Alchohol was on his breath, along with a smell that he didn't want to think about. His five-year old mind simmered, and he just tried...tried to lay down and take the stompings. it didn't hurt...but the sharp pieces of metal on the bottom of his boots did. that's how it was all the time. his father would stomp and punch him with sharp metal, since his body took punches and lashes without bruises or cuts. it hurt...hurt so much. he wanted it to stop. he snapped. he grabbed the boot before it could stomp his face in again... and twisted. The ankle bone snapped like chalk. like mrs. moore's cat. he tore it off of the leg, blood streaming through the air. stood up, the foot and boot absorbing into his tendril-writhing chest. a punch to his father's beer belly - the fist went through flesh and bone. tendrils blasting from his fist, hellish, writhing, and spiky tendrils. piercing vital organs, flesh...body. his father being absorbed into his own form. memories, not his own. Screams...not his own. Hours passed by. when he woke up, he was staring into the shocked faces of doctors. the rest is history. people only know that he showed up in a different state altogether, taking on life as a vigilante that...permanently ended and consumed anyone that took his ire. they called him... Crisis. Personality: Fearless. Nothing can hurt him now. Cold. He wouldn't take the pain. Determined. No one would stop him from living. Apathetic. No one would make him cry. Cunning. You had to be, to survive the things he did. Violent; no one enjoys tearing apart criminals as much as Jason. Sarcasm became a way to cope, and despite his outward exterior, there was still some sort of warmth in his body...if you could find it and pull it out. He is quite blunt and will simply slam his foot into anyone or anything if they anger him to the point of violence...and a kick from him is generally life-taking. Family: Xavier Hunter - Father, and deceased. Mother and siblings are unknown. Friends: None. Crush/Relationship: None. Other: Not much. He doesn't really like heroes, despite becoming one himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Accepted on 2 terms: 1) Add 1 more weakness 2) No draining Biomass from any PCs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gruesome…I like it… Oh wait, my insanity is showing, move along!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Don't worry, it is all in the plan." Name Aiden "Strange" (Is pronounced EYE-den) Alias Son of Dread Spawn of Darkness Child of The Black Baron The Blood Thorn of The Rose The Next Sorcerer Supreme Dudes!! Age 17 Gender Male Appearance Aiden is rather lanky, standing at 6'4 in height and weighting around 120 pounds. He has unnaturally pale skin, it practically being grey. His irises are deep crimson red and sometimes give off a fiery glow while his sclera are black. His hair is a light blood red and is long, hanging down to his neck, and usually messy. He has a deep blood red scar that goes over his left eye. He normally wears dark T shirts and jeans with a pair of sneakers, like any other teenager, but when he is in battle he switches to a black button up shirt, black dress pants and shoes all under a black and red long coat. He also dawns a golden eye amulet (see second picture above for costume) Powers Sorcery- Aiden is quite adapt to the arcane arts, surpassing many of the other magic apprentices his age. He has spent many years learning how to cast a whole assortment of spells to the point that he has built up quite the arsenal. Chaos Magic- Aiden is able to tap into the dangerous and slightly unstable power of chaos magic to augment his spells and physical abilities. Do to its chaotic nature it is hard for Aiden to control the chaos energy, with further training Aiden could get a better control of it. Demonic Physiology- Do to Aiden only being half human his biology is different than that of a human's. For example he is much more durable than the average person, being able to take quite the beating and walk away from it. It takes much longer for him to get tired, he can spend days practicing his magic before exhaustion takes him. Fire doesn't seem able to harm him, he has walked through roaring fires as if they were nothing. He doesn't require as much nourishment as others, a good meal can last him a few weeks, though he does like to eat quite a lot anyway. Abilities Multilingual- Aiden can speak a countless amount of languages, many of which have been dead for thousands of years Arcane Knowledge- Aiden's years of studies have left him with a in depth knowledge of the mystical aspects of life "Hell of a cook"- Though he doesn't need to as often as others Aiden loves eating food and prides himself on his cooking skills. His proudest accomplishment is cooking a batch of chili so spicy that even Dr. Strange refuses to eat it. Weaknesses Holy Magic- Do to who his father is Aiden is vulnerable to the "lighter" side of the magic spectrum. This is why he tends to be kind of iffy around religious stuff Physical Strength- Despite being quite durable Aiden is kind of a wimp. He can take a beating, but if he has to rely only on his own physical strength he can't give one back Demonic/Chaotic Nature- If he is not careful it is possible for Aiden to fall to the dark nature that he was born with Equipment Enchanted Satchel- Aiden has a satchel that has been empowered by a series of spells that allows Aiden to keep a whole library worth of books in it. Arcane Tomes- Aiden keeps a countless amount of books on the mystic arts in his satchel A Stash of Candy and Comic Books- "Dudes come on I can't be dark arts and demons all the time" A Cellphone- "I am a teenager and it is 2015, you do the math" History When it comes to origin stories Aiden's is... different to say the least. There was no radioactive spider bites, no explosions of atomic energy, no science experiments gone wrong, no metal covering bone surgeries or anything of the like. It was a handshake and a promise to a interdimensional being of dark magic that brought Aiden into this world, no big deal. To be a bit less vague Aiden is the result of a deal between the being Dormammu, the magical demon that rules over the Dark Dimension and foe to the Sorcerer Supreme Dr. Strange, and the leader of a group of cultists in the service of Dormammu known as the Brides of Darkness. The leader of the cultists, who is only known as the Black Rose, developed a plan with Dormammu to find a way around the promise he took with Dr. Strange that he would not invade Earth after the Sorcerer Supreme helped him regain control of his dimension. The result of their scheming was that they would create a child that held a piece Dormammu's power who would grow to become a incredibly powerful magic user and conquer Earth in the name of their father, not violating Dormammu's oath yet still giving him Earth. So it was done, Dormammu placed a portion of his being into The Black Rose which resulted in her impregnation. The pregnancy was considerably normal, besides the random fire starting when ever the baby kicked. When the child was born it turned out it was a boy, a son of Dormammu, with ash grey skin and blood red eyes and hair. He was named Aiden, meaning little fire, and was raised by the women of the cult. Aiden spent years being trained by the cultists in the dark arts, him excelling at a quite disturbing pace, until he was nine. That was when the cult's headquarters was discovered by the Sorcerer Supreme himself. Dr. Strange raided the base and captured most of the cultists including Aiden, though the Black Rose escaped. He debated what to do with the child, the Doctor was able to sense the boy's demonic nature. Strange finally came to the conclusion that he would foil Dormammu's plot in the best way possible, he would take the boy under his own wing and raise him on the path of good. Strange became an adoptive father to Aiden, he being much more caring and actually parent like than the boy's real parents. Aiden even went as far as to take the Doctor's last name to honor him. Strange trained Aiden in the mystic arts, though he was far less demanding than the cult was. It wasn't long until Aiden made it his goal to follow and Dr. Strange's foot steps and become the next Sorcerer Supreme. Recently Dr. Strange had decided that to help Aiden further in his training that he needs to join a team of young heroes like himself, so he can understand what he would be fighting to protect if he ever does become Sorcerer Supreme. Personality Aiden has seen some of the darkest, horribly twisted, most vile actions human nature is capable of doing, but he still manages to rock a smile. He seems like your usual teenager, kind of obnoxious, really sarcastic, and over all pretty friendly. He has a sense of humor for almost anything, but he knows when to hold back on the dark or heavy stuff. He doesn't go out of his way to make friends, but won't turn away a new one. When he needs to be he can be pretty insightful, almost mystical some might say. He does have his moments when he goes a little over board with attacks, which can be contributed to his Demonic nature. Family Dormammu- Father The Black Rose- Mother Satannish- Older Half Brother, Is a Full Demon and a Hell Lord Countless "Aunts"- The other Cultists of the Brides of Darkness, claim to be his family but Aiden is unsure if that is true or not NOT ON GOOD TERMS WITH ANY OF THEM Friends Dr. Stephen Strange- Adoptive Father Wong- Dr. Strange's assistant, friend, and defender. He and Aiden are rather close as Wong helped raise Aiden Clea Strange- Dr. Strange's wife, is also technically Aiden's cosine Crush/Relationship None at the moment Other Aiden enjoys cooking a lot. He often does it to kill the time, even though he doesn't eat most of the stuff he cooks
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Saarebas…as always: √Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raining
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Raining It's Always

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Halle(Pronounced Holly) Hoffen Alias: Honey Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: Sound Manipulation and a slight knowledge of Healing minor wounds Abilities: Halle is skilled in hand to hand combat and can use a large arsenal of ranged or close combat weaponry. Her high dexterity and strength making her a force to be reckoned with. Since she has been training for most of her lifetime, she has extensive knowledge in defense and offense. Weaknesses: - Sound requires a medium to travel through, such as air, ground or water, though it can be virtually anything. - Though the girl has a strong offense, her defense is lacking however it isn't enough to have her destroyed. Equipment None, she prefers to use her body as an outlet, yet on occasion she does snag a weapon or two. History: Halle was originally the daughter of a business man whom traveled across the world, many shops of his sprouted mostly in Europe, and some in America. Due to his constant moving about, it was only logical that she follow along and get dragged around the whole world. Though her life was filled with many pleasures, it was usually very boring and endless. She had looked to music as well as her personal trainers to keep her company and pass the time. Boxing. Karate. She went through every physical activity to keep herself fit and sane. One could say she was naturally a prodigy, and especially so in the field of combat and tactical planning. Her dad was quite mystified by her actions, however didn't object to such teachings since the girl loved it so much. One a rather cloudy morning, Halle had wandered about a city in Austria since her father had decided to settle down a week before packing up and leaving again. She had encountered a group of gangsters, and on the verge of getting into a fight, she had let out a shrill yell which magnified in volume and practically turned the brains of said criminals into liquid. With their blood spilled freshly onto the pavement, she had realized she unlocked a new skill in destruction. Halle's father had found her sitting on the street, staring down at the mutilated corpses that she had so caused. The girl was sent off in search of better things for her life. Personality: Normally quiet, Halle speaks very little unless she is approached in some way. The girl focuses on training and completing objectives more so than association, so her social skills aren't up to par with the others, creating a rather awkward aura in her vicinity. She shows little to no emotion and is practically an empty shell. After decimating an entire group of people, she has grown quite a hardy exterior and prefers keeping it that way. Family: Her father is still alive, however her mother had fled when she was very young, so her whereabouts are currently unknown. Friends: She has a practically non-existent social life Crush/Relationship: None
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I like her…social outcasts are the fun ones at parties! Accepted, Raining.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

(New Characters will be closed for a little, just so we don't have new people coming in during Test #1…it will make sense when it happens)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Taylor J. Jones Alias: Hawk, Silver Hawk Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: * Her Costume: Her Mask Her Costume** *She has two large, white wings that protrude from her back. When the light hits them just right, they look silver. That’s why she’s called Silver Hawk at times. **Without the cape. And the silver is actually armor. Powers: Super Human Speed, Super Reflexes, Super Eyesight, Force Field Manipulation, Ability to see Auras (colors around the human body. This helps her tell heroes from villains in battle), Quick Healing, and Telepathy at times, but most of the time only when she’s flying. Abilities: Masterful Fighter in Hand to Hand combat, Trained Acrobat, Amazing Swimmer Weaknesses: Her Telepathy: She cannot control her telekinesis as much as she would like. If many thoughts were aimed at her head, she would fall to the ground from the pain. Her Adoptive Family: Read her history to understand. Guns: She can heal from everything… except a gun. Equipment: A golden bow with a blue rim and a quiver full of arrows History: Taylor wasn’t precisely born with wings… She grew into them. When she was around five years old, she began noticing this small little bumps on her back, spread evenly apart, at the exact same height. She then noticed bones beginning to protrude from them after a month and she freaked out. Her biological parents took her to see a doctor, but when she got X-Rayed, the X-Ray caused rapid cell growth and made her wings sprout right there. Her parents couldn’t bear the sight of her because of these wings and within the next month, they had dropped her off at an adoption home. She learned how to hide her wings by folding them up against her back. She got adopted much faster that way. She was adopted into a lovely family with a mother, a father, and two older boys. The boys soon went off to college after she was adopted and she was alone with her new parents. One day, the clothing she was wearing ripped from how big her wings were getting and her adoptive parents saw her wings. They did not freak out though. They held her closer and told her that they loved her. She did run away though, when she was eighteen and was found by these people. But she always remembers her family. Personality: Taylor is very free spirited and fun to be around. She is quick with a laugh and loves to goof off and mess around. She loves to fly and tries to spend most of her ways traveling like that. She also feels like she needs to protect everyone the same way her adoptive parents protected her. She is a good team leader, or follower, whichever they need, and she is loyal. Family: Rose and Bob Jones with their sons Caleb and Grayson Friends: Doesn’t really have any. Crush/Relationship: Nope Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Accepted. And she can be on the ground, you will understand why in a little…
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name:Lloyd Rosemary Alias: WildCard Age: 23 Gender: Male Powers(These are non-normal, non-learned skills) •Accelerated healing factor •Breaking the fourth Wall( Only use to allow his guns to have unlimited ammo and to bring forth guns so he doesn't have to carry them.) •Superhuman stamina, agility, flexibility and reflexes Abilities: Lloyd is a superb assassin and mercenary, adept in multiple forms of martial arts, and an expert swordsman and marksman. Weaknesses: Children , gun shots to the head and decapitation. Equipment: •Guns(Ranged from pistols to heavy assault rifles to snipers.) •Carries a device that grants him teleportation History: At first Lloyd worked for a secret organization that was build around heavily trained assassins. The organization heard of S.H.I.E.L.D and its special agents and didn't like the idea of having a super powered enemy. So they decided to get their best assassin(Lloyd) and try to make their own super soldier. The experiment went well and the organization began step 2 of their plan to take down shield. Lloyd heard of their plans and wasn't a big fan of attempting to kill people who do great things for America so he rebelled obviously destroying the organization with ease since they were all human. Later he confronts Nick Fury and asks for a chance to join S.H.I.E.L.D so no more organizations like the one he was apart of become as powerful as sheild. Personality: Kind , nice , comical, doesn't like people who are to serious, has a soft spot for children and is not a fan of being sassed or pushed around. Family: Blake Rosemary-Younger brother Other members of his family are unknown. Friends: None at the moment Crush/Relationship: None Other: Nothing important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Wait a second…Wade…Fourth Wall Breaks…Assassin…Mercenary…This seems familiar…
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