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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

:P No it doesn't.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

:P No it doesn't.
Yes it does! It sound alike the dad of my planned second character…just ask Saarebas, I gave him hints who I was working on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It is now Accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Wanda Wilson Alias: Lady Deadpool, Deadpool's Daughter Age: 17 Gender: Female, Duh! Appearance:
Powers: Regenerative Healing Factor, Possession Resistance, Enhanced Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Speed, Awareness of 4th Wall Abilities: Unpredictability, Skilled Linguist(Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and French), Master Assassin Weaknesses: Mental State, No Morality, Cure for Cancer Equipment: Magic Satchel(Dad found in backyard…), Guns, Swords, Hammers, Assorted Weapons History: A mutant woman that Deadpool didn't unalive, who apparently had the ability to change someone's DNA just from a touch, slammed into a teenage girl, passing Deadpool's genes to her. After the woman explained what happened to Deadpool, he blamed bad writing and found the girl. He taught her how to fight, and let her make her own choices. Personality: Unpredictable, if you attacked her she could do anything: Kill you, Fight you, Make Out with you, or even nothing. She is also a little perverted… Family: Mom(UNKNOWN), Dad(UNKNOWN), Deadpool(Deadpool) Friends: Ummm, there is Spiderman…and Wolverine…and Deadpool! Oh and the voices in her head Crush/Relationship: She flirts with a lot of guys, she doesn't want a relationship… Other: She had to have her cancer sped up, so that her powers wouldn't kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Name: Wanda Wilson Alias: Lady Deadpool, Deadpool's Daughter Age: 17 Gender: Female, Duh! Appearance:
Powers: Regenerative Healing Factor, Possession Resistance, Enhanced Strength, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Agility, Superhuman Reflexes, Superhuman Speed, Awareness of 4th Wall Abilities: Unpredictability, Skilled Linguist(Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and French), Master Assassin Weaknesses: Mental State, No Morality, Cure for Cancer Equipment: Magic Satchel(Dad found in backyard…), Guns, Swords, Hammers, Assorted Weapons History: A mutant woman that Deadpool didn't unalive, who apparently had the ability to change someone's DNA just from a touch, slammed into a teenage girl, passing Deadpool's genes to her. After the woman explained what happened to Deadpool, he blamed bad writing and found the girl. He taught her how to fight, and let her make her own choices. Personality: Unpredictable, if you attacked her she could do anything: Kill you, Fight you, Make Out with you, or even nothing. She is also a little perverted… Family: Mom(UNKNOWN), Dad(UNKNOWN), Deadpool(Deadpool) Friends: Ummm, there is Spiderman…and Wolverine…and Deadpool! Oh and the voices in her head Crush/Relationship: She flirts with a lot of guys, she doesn't want a relationship… Other: She had to have her cancer sped up, so that her powers wouldn't kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Did you click the naked tab?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

I just opened them all without even reading what they said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I just opened them all without even reading what they said.
Good job
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Cassandra White Alias: Marvel Girl Age : 17 Gender: Female
Powers: Photonic Blasts: Cassandra can fire powerful concussion blasts of photon and stellar light energy from her hands and fingertips. Energy Absorption: Her body is capable of absorbing various types of energy for the purpose of temporarily enhancing her own physical attributes. She can augment her strength and energy projection. Flight: Like most heroes, Cassandra can take flight. Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed Superhuman Stamina Superhuman Durability Abilities: Combatant: She is trained in armed and unarmed combat. Multilingual: Cassandra knows multiple languages, English, Spanish, Korean and even French. Actress: A very good Actress at that, in other words.. Cassandra is a very good liar.. she could act it up, really good too! Weaknesses: Her weakness would be absorbing too much energy. It could cause her to die. Also insects. Equipment: None. History: There isn't much known about Cassandra but that she was brought to a family home in a basket, as a baby in-front of a families doorstep. So they became her foster parents, her foster father was a martial art master. He taught her everything she needed to know when she was young. But then suddenly, Cass started to act weird... and that was only because she has been receiving these strange gifts. It made her foster family creep out, except for her father. He knew that with these gifts she could protect herself better. Later in the year, she was grown up and was invited by Nick Fury to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. She accepted it, becoming a member. Personality: Cassandra is a very sweet girl and likes to be happy, sometimes. She is fond of charging straight into the action and assaulting head on. Head strong! Cassandra is smart mouthed and she enjoys cracking jokes and being humorous. She is very loud and outgoing, she loves to run around, being active. At times she can be quiet when thinking, but in general Cass is a loud person and likes to do things her way, sometimes. Also, she likes to have fun. Cass could be friendly to people who deserve it and respect her. Cass doesn't like to be used and she tends to stick around people who she cares about and will always be there to protect them. Family: Cassandra never knew her parents... so Unknown. But she did have foster parents. Father/Edward White: [dead] Mother/Rachel White: [Left them] Friends: None as of yet. Crush/Relationship: None as of yet. Other: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily
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CallaLily The Flower Girl

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name Isis Alias Black Magic Cursed One(by her caretakers) Age Unknown, though she appears to be an average sixteen year old. Gender Female Powers Necromancy; Isis can summon up the cursed souls of the dead, in spiritual forms or in skeletal forms. Telekinesis; Isis can use telekinesis to lift and manipulate objects, she can also use this to hover, giving her the illusion of flying. Nemesis Form; Isis can take the form of someone's worst fear. Desire Form; Isis can also take on the form of someone's biggest desire. Enhanced Physical Condition; Isis is at the peak of her physical condition, meaning she is stronger, faster, and smarter than most human beings. Abilities Isis is a natural at Hand-to-Hand Combat. Equipment Nothing but Isis and her suit Weaknesses Isis is overconfident, and has a large ego, so in a battle she will underestimate foes. Since Isis is "cursed" she has a large weakness to holy things, such as crosses, so she is basically a vampiric figure. History The short story is as follows, a long time ago Isis was born to a single mother, who had been taken to bed forcefully by a man that disappeared the morning after. Her mother died in childbirth, leaving behind an unwanted child that was shipped straight to the nearest orphanage. At the orphanage, Isis' unnatural powers started to develop, and after one of the caretakers at the orphanage saw Isis floating about in her bedroom, they gave her the nickname "Cursed One" and locked her away. One year, on her birthday, the caretakers found a way to get rid of her. Nick Fury was recruiting for his team, and so they managed to catch his eye, and Isis made her way into the team. Personality Isis has never been around many people, but she likes to think she's very friendly. She's never gotten a chance to test her people skills with anyone but the caretakers, who never spoke to her after the incident, so she's fairly awkward. Her ego is inflated, and she likes a bit of attention. Family Neveah- Her mother Unknown(until later on)- Her father Friends N/A Crush/Relationship She doesn't have a crush or a relationship, unless her teddy bear counts.... Other It May not be practical, but this is her costume,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Love it, accepted. And Teddy Bears are awesome! Btw, never become Wanda's Nemesis or Desire...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Nikolai Bear Alias: Bearman/ Mr. Teddy Age: 37 Gender: Male Powers What are the powers of the bearman, you ask? He is a bear, and he is a man. The perks include being a 3 meter tall musclebound beast with claws the size of daggers and a hide so thick it can stop small calibre bullets with ease. And you get to keep your opposable thumbs! Bearman is an enormous, powerful hunk of flesh and claws, backed by human intellect and the capability to use tools. Bearman has a distinctive sense of smell, and can track people over long distances. He's also quite fast, can climb with ease, and is near to immune to cold temperatures. Abilities: Mastery of a unique martial art called 'Bear Fu'. It focuses on fighting with your bear hands, although there's also a section on armed combat. The reason nobody else can use Bear Fu is because it requires immense physical strength, as well as claws and teeth. In all seriousness, Bearman is an expert in melee combat, a master warrior who knows perfectly how to use the strengths of his hybrid form. He's also a good marksman, experienced with the use of fully automatic weaponry, a decent pilot and a good driver. He has extensive military training, can recognize most weapons and tactics for what they are, and has extensive knowledge on the subject of bears. Equipment: A custom made suit of armour plating forged from molecularly altered ceramics. In addition to being immune to temperatures of up to 4000 degrees, it's impenetrable to all but the heaviest calibres of bullets. This suit would be too heavy for a normal person, but is comfortable to Bearman. Often Bearman carries a heavy gattling gun into the battlefield. While usually this weapon would be mounted on a tank, Bearman carries it along with ease, allowing him to unleash immense firepower on his enemies. He lovingly refers to it as 'Vanessa'. Bearman has an arsenal of weapons at his disposal, from rocket launchers to axes. He may carry any number of additional weapons into the battlefield, if he so desires. Weaknesses: Bearman is Bearman, he needs no weaknesses! Bearman's only weakness is his hatred for stairs - he cannot walk up them. He also severely dislikes small doors, and tight spaces. History: Once upon a time, a man was bitten by a radioactive bear. That man died. It was a radioactive bear, there is no way you're going to survive that encounter. Meanwhile in Russia, the perfect soldier was being developed. Mad scientists mixed man with animal, to create a being with the best traits of both. A bear supesoldier, the soon to be Captain Russia. However, the soldier in question had other plans. Nikolai escaped the labaratory after the modifications had been completed. The process had meddled with his brain, and he lost his memories. Even now he cannot remember quite what happened, nor can he remember what group had attempted to mutate him. All he knows is that he emerged as Bearman, and he has been Bearman ever since. Personality: Bearman is simple, yet theatrical. He is gentle, with a tendency to make horrible bear puns. He dislikes complexity, and loves to make a show of whatever he happens to be doing. However, he has quite the temper. You wouldn't like him when he's angry. Bearman is loyal to those he trusts, seeing his friends as family. He's straightforward and honest, disliking nothing more than traitors and liars. He is also severely grumpy in the morning. Family Everyone is Bearman's family! Friends Same thing! What's the difference? Crush/Relationship Does crushing one's enemies beneath one's claws count?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It is just the truth chumps, deal with it." Name Vincent "Vince" McLain Alias XLR8 Age 17 Gender Male Appearance Vince is tall, standing at 6'3, and has a well toned muscular body. He has lightly tanned skin that has few scars pepper around it, such as the small one on the right side of his upper lip. He has grey blue eyes that hold a scheming gleam in them. He has messy jet black hair that hangs down to his neck. He normally wears a random rocker T-shirts, his black jacket, a pair of black jeans, some fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. His costume consist of what ever the hell he is wearing at the time. Powers Vector Manipulation Vince is able to change the magnitude and direction, or in other words its vector, of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors, this also applies to static or non-moving objects as technically speaking the object still has momentum as it is moving through space. This allows him to basically change the direction and speed a object is heading in, though it is much more drastic than it sounds. Such as he change the vector of a baseball he threw so it is traveling so fast that it can crack concrete, or he can completely stop the vectors of a car that was heading towards him causing the same reaction as if the car crashed into a brick wall. He has been able to redirect the vectors of bullets so that they "return to sender" in a pretty bloody way. He can even redirect his own vectors to allow him to move with superhuman speed, augment his punches and kicks so he can shatter stone, lift mind blowing weight, and even simulate flight though he is still bit iffy on that one Superhuman Physical Condition Vince's body is incredibly durable, if it wasn't using his powers on himself would basically cause his insides to explode. He is much stronger, faster, and agile than most humans. He can't take full on gun fire, but he can take a beating that would kill others. Accelerated Thought Process Do to the nature of his power Vince needs to be able analyze a object's vectors before he can manipulate them otherwise it won't work or worse. As such his mind works at speeds way beyond the capabilities of a normal person. This does not make him a geniuses, but he does learn at a much faster rate than others. Abilities Hand-To-Hand Combat Though he isn't formally trained Vince deploys a form of street fighting that is incredibly affective, especially when paired with his powers. That and he isn't afraid to cheat in combat. Expert Thief From pickpocketing or lock picking to just being down right sneaky Vince is a master of it all. So make sure to double check your pockets whenever he is in the room. Parkour Vince is a master freerunner, outdoing almost everyone at it. He has even been able to pair this with his power to make himself even faster and more agile. Master Impressionist Though it isn't really a too useful skill Vince can mimic any accent perfectly, it has gotten to the point that no one knows which one is his real voice anymore. Musician Vince is perfect at playing almost any instrument, as if the second one is in his hands he is a master. Weaknesses Concentration Vince has to keep focuses in order for his powers to work or things can go bad really quickly. As in if he is knocked out while making something go faster the object can end up breaking from going too fast. Bullet To The Brain If someone can manage to get close enough to him Vince can be killed through most of the usual fatal inducing attacks. Equipment Anything in the given area really, he relies on his own personal abilities rather than gadgets. Though when he was younger he use to carry around a sack of marbles as his weapon, throwing them and making them move so fast it was like getting hit by a brick. History "No one gives two shits about that homeless kid they just walked pass down the street, they are more concerned about whoever the hell is on the other end of their phone and whatever crap gossip they are spouting on about. Well guess what I was one of those kids, it doesn't really matter how I got there my start was basically the same as all the others, piss poor parents who were strung out on some drug or another beating the hell out of the kids they brought into the world. Shit, I don't need to talk about it, I've dealt with that crap a long time ago. What does matter is that I was able to get out of there with my little sister, Emma. ...It wasn't easy having to raise a kid on the streets, I had to go a few nights with out eating to make sure she got enough food. It was like that for a while before this guy, called himself The Kingpin, came to a bunch of us homeless kids with a offer. Work for him and we would get paid beyond our wildest dreams, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know most of us accepted. It didn't take long for me to realize what this job really was, I had joined a gang, but honestly I didn't care. I was able to offered a little place for me and Emma, it wasn't much but it was a roof over our heads. I was one of the Pin's top thieves, getting some of the most high risk jobs in the bunch. Well that was until my powers showed up, that was when things got interesting. I was fourteen and just finished getting a hold of some documents the Kingpin wanted when the owner of the documents, some rival crime lord, busted into the room with a group of some heavily armed dudes. They opened fire and I thought my ass was toast, but something happened. I kept thinking about how I couldn't just die and leave Emma all alone, that if only he had a shield or something, or if only those bullets would turn around and go back to those damn bastards... it actually happened. The bullets came within inches of me before stopping dead in the air and turning back at and flying at full speed into each of the gunmen and the crime boss. I was more than confused, but hey I had a job to get done. I got the documents back to Kingpin and told him what had happened, the giant bastard was more than interested in the story. Turns out I was a mutant with the power to control a objects vectors, or in other words I am badass! Anyway after that I got bumped up from just a thief to one of the Pin's top enforcers, he sent me to collect protection money from the rich people of the city or to "teach a lesson" to whoever Pin told me to. And to think I wasn't even fifteen yet! Things were so much better for me and Emma, I was able to get her enrolled in school and everything, though she had no idea what I was doing. This went on for about three years before I had a run in with SHEILD, one of the politicians I was suppose to put some pressure on got a tip that I was coming for him and called up the boy scouts. Long story short they caught me, though I did break quite a few bones that weren't mine in the process. I was expecting a rescue by Pin, but the fatass left me out to dry, the prick. I would be in jail if captain eyepatch, or Fury as everyone else call him, didn't offer me a deal to join some new 'hero in training' program. Well I said I would join as long as Fury swore he would watch out for Emma. Now story time is over, SO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!!!" Personality Vince is the very definition of the word cynical. He believes people would sell there own daughter for the right price, maybe because he has seen it happen. He doesn't see himself as any better, but at least he is honest about it. He is cocky, showing off at nearly any opportunity he gets. The way he puts it there is no black and white in life, just a whole bunch of bullshit brown so you should better get use to it. He loves music, even classical though he rarely listens to it, he mainly listens to rock or heavy metal, if it isn't shaking the ground then it doesn't count is his motto about music. He has no problem being the blunt person in the room, he enjoys it in fact. His over all tone is sarcastic, unless he is mad then it is like a nuclear bomb just been set and you better look out for the explosion. He has a soft spot for kids, they being the only ones completely full of bullshit in his eyes. Family Deadbeat One and Deadbeat Two His parents that he has no intentions in contacting ever Emma Sarah McLain His little sister, currently ten. She has been placed in a foster home in a well off neighbor hood by SHEILD, he calls her every night to say good night. Friends "Me, Myself, and I" Don't need anymore fake people in my life Crush/Relationship "Haven't found a girl who isn't just trying to get something out of me." Other He hates the circus and is allergic to Tofu.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I think it is time for a little change around here." Name Vincent "Vince" McLain Alias XLR8 Age 17 Gender Male Appearance Vince is tall, standing at 6'3, and has a well toned muscular body. He has lightly tanned skin that has few scars pepper around it, such as the small one on the right side of his upper lip. He has grey blue eyes that hold a scheming gleam in them. He has messy jet black hair that hangs down to his neck. He normally wears a random rocker T-shirts, his black jacket, a pair of black jeans, some fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. His costume consist of what ever the hell he is wearing at the time. Powers Vector Manipulation Vince is able to change the magnitude and direction, or in other words its vector, of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors, this also applies to static or non-moving objects as technically speaking the object still has momentum as it is moving through space. This allows him to basically change the direction and speed a object is heading in, though it is much more drastic than it sounds. Such as he change the vector of a baseball he threw so it is traveling so fast that it can crack concrete, or he can completely stop the vectors of a car that was heading towards him causing the same reaction as if the car crashed into a brick wall. He has been able to redirect the vectors of bullets so that they "return to sender" in a pretty bloody way. He can even redirect his own vectors to allow him to move with superhuman speed, augment his punches and kicks so he can shatter stone, lift mind blowing weight, and even simulate flight though he is still bit iffy on that one Superhuman Physical Condition Vince's body is incredibly durable, if it wasn't using his powers on himself would basically cause his insides to explode. He is much stronger, faster, and agile than most humans. He can't take full on gun fire, but he can take a beating that would kill others. Accelerated Thought Process Do to the nature of his power Vince needs to be able analyze a object's vectors before he can manipulate them otherwise it won't work or worse. As such his mind works at speeds way beyond the capabilities of a normal person. This does not make him a geniuses, but he does learn at a much faster rate than others. Abilities Hand-To-Hand Combat Though he isn't formally trained Vince deploys a form of street fighting that is incredibly affective, especially when paired with his powers. That and he isn't afraid to cheat in combat. Expert Thief From pickpocketing or lock picking to just being down right sneaky Vince is a master of it all. So make sure to double check your pockets whenever he is in the room. Parkour Vince is a master freerunner, outdoing almost everyone at it. He has even been able to pair this with his power to make himself even faster and more agile. Master Impressionist Though it isn't really a too useful skill Vince can mimic any accent perfectly, it has gotten to the point that no one knows which one is his real voice anymore. Musician Vince is perfect at playing almost any instrument, as if the second one is in his hands he is a master. Weaknesses Concentration Vince has to keep focuses in order for his powers to work or things can go bad really quickly. As in if he is knocked out while making something go faster the object can end up breaking from going too fast. Bullet To The Brain If someone can manage to get close enough to him Vince can be killed through most of the usual fatal inducing attacks. Equipment Anything in the given area really, he relies on his own personal abilities rather than gadgets. Though when he was younger he use to carry around a sack of marbles as his weapon, throwing them and making them move so fast it was like getting hit by a brick. History "No one gives two shits about that homeless kid they just walked pass down the street, they are more concerned about whoever the hell is on the other end of their phone and whatever crap gossip they are spouting on about. Well guess what I was one of those kids, it doesn't really matter how I got there my start was basically the same as all the others, piss poor parents who were strung out on some drug or another beating the hell out of the kids they brought into the world. Shit, I don't need to talk about it, I've dealt with that crap a long time ago. What does matter is that I was able to get out of there with my little sister, Emma. ...It wasn't easy having to raise a kid on the streets, I had to go a few nights with out eating to make sure she got enough food. It was like that for a while before this guy, called himself The Kingpin, came to a bunch of us homeless kids with a offer. Work for him and we would get paid beyond our wildest dreams, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know most of us accepted. It didn't take long for me to realize what this job really was, I had joined a gang, but honestly I didn't care. I was able to offered a little place for me and Emma, it wasn't much but it was a roof over our heads. I was one of the Pin's top thieves, getting some of the most high risk jobs in the bunch. Well that was until my powers showed up, that was when things got interesting. I was fourteen and just finished getting a hold of some documents the Kingpin wanted when the owner of the documents, some rival crime lord, busted into the room with a group of some heavily armed dudes. They opened fire and I thought my ass was toast, but something happened. I kept thinking about how I couldn't just die and leave Emma all alone, that if only he had a shield or something, or if only those bullets would turn around and go back to those damn bastards... it actually happened. The bullets came within inches of me before stopping dead in the air and turning back at and flying at full speed into each of the gunmen and the crime boss. I was more than confused, but hey I had a job to get done. I got the documents back to Kingpin and told him what had happened, the giant bastard was more than interested in the story. Turns out I was a mutant with the power to control a objects vectors, or in other words I am badass! Anyway after that I got bumped up from just a thief to one of the Pin's top enforcers, he sent me to collect protection money from the rich people of the city or to "teach a lesson" to whoever Pin told me to. And to think I wasn't even fifteen yet! Things were so much better for me and Emma, I was able to get her enrolled in school and everything, though she had no idea what I was doing. This went on for about three years before I had a run in with SHEILD, one of the politicians I was suppose to put some pressure on got a tip that I was coming for him and called up the boy scouts. Long story short they caught me, though I did break quite a few bones that weren't mine in the process. I was expecting a rescue by Pin, but the fatass left me out to dry, the prick. I would be in jail if captain eyepatch, or Fury as everyone else call him, didn't offer me a deal to join some new 'hero in training' program. Well I said I would join as long as Fury swore he would watch out for Emma. Now story time is over, SO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE!!!" Personality Vince is the very definition of the word cynical. He believes people would sell there own daughter for the right price, maybe because he has seen it happen. He doesn't see himself as any better, but at least he is honest about it. He is cocky, showing off at nearly any opportunity he gets. The way he puts it there is no black and white in life, just a whole bunch of bullshit brown so you should better get use to it. He loves music, even classical though he rarely listens to it, he mainly listens to rock or heavy metal, if it isn't shaking the ground then it doesn't count is his motto about music. He has no problem being the blunt person in the room, he enjoys it in fact. His over all tone is sarcastic, unless he is mad then it is like a nuclear bomb just been set and you better look out for the explosion. He has a soft spot for kids, they being the only ones completely full of bullshit in his eyes. Family Deadbeat One and Deadbeat Two His parents that he has no intentions in contacting ever Emma Sarah McLain His little sister, currently ten. She has been placed in a foster home in a well off neighbor hood by SHEILD, he calls her every night to say good night. Friends "Me, Myself, and I" Don't need anymore fake people in my life Crush/Relationship "Haven't found a girl who isn't just trying to get something out of me." Other He hates the circus and is allergic to Tofu.
Accepted (I hate Tofu XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Codename: Overwatch
Aliases: Four(on account of the goggles), Warden Age: 23 Gender: Male Powers: Telekinetic Push-where as possessors of telekinesis are capable or completely manipulating an object with their mind Overwatch can only push objects back in a swift blast of telekinetic energy. To put it simply when Overwatch extends his hands towards an object he can use his power to throw the object back a certain distance depending on its size, resistance to his power(like if someone tries to fight against being pushed back), and how much energy he focuses into the push. Abilities: Superhuman speed and strength as well as healing factor and mastery of sniper rifles. Extensive training in hand to hand combat. Weaknesses:
  • G1 Wardens had healing factors which made them practically immortal. Because of this it caused most to go insane from experiencing events which should have killed them but didn't. The D.M.A. was forced to bring down the healing factor to the point where injuries such as broken bones, cuts, organ damage would heal but if limbs are severed it will not reattach.
  • Warden G2s are more human and so are prone to emotional distractions. Their emotions have more sway on their decisions and so G2s can sometimes be incapable of completing assignments depending on their moral compass as each G2 is unique in its personality.
  • Electrified Combat Knife
  • SR-Volt Rifle: A sniper rifle variation of the SWC-Volt Rifle which instead of firing electric assault rounds is capable of firing long range rounds with the same electric effect. The SR stands for special requisition, what makes it special is that the shooter can determine the exact wattage in each round from minimal being a shock capable of disabling electronic devices to maximum being able to kill or release an EMP upon impact.
  • Standard Warden II Stealth Armor-The wearer is invisible for as long as is required however they are not invisible in the sense that once activated is impossible to see. In truth one can see the wearer if looking carefully, one would see light bending where the soldier is.
Personality: Overwatch is a very cynical and angry person. He isn't in a constant rage just he always seems to be upset with something and rarely smiles. It very hard to get past the cold shell he has created but sometimes he shows a bit of his real self who is a sarcastic asshole...but a loyal one. History:(Pulling a crossover here if that's okay)The Department of Meta Human Affairs wanted to create a superhuman peacekeeping force that would be stationed around the world to act as first responders against any hostile anomalies. The first superhumans created were the Generation 1 Wardens, these super soldiers were efficient killing machines but that was all they were. Killing machines. The D.M.A. noticed most Warden G1s were sociopathic with some becoming psychopathic after long periods of time. In an attempt to improve the program a new breed of Wardens were created. These Warden G2s were more human with actual emotions were as the Warden 1s were mindless killing machines. The G2s were a success and all production of them was increased 100%. However with more free will these G2s developed as normal people would. Overwatch was one of the later Warden-IIs and a special one at that. All Wardens were grown in vats until they were about eighteen then put into service. Overwatch and a select few were part of an experimental Warden program named "Project: Scions". These selected Wardens were grown in vats till about the age of six where they were taken out and raised by the same scientists that grew them. The facility where they lived was known as "The Incubator" where the young Wardens spent most of their lives growing up as normal children would(besides the fact their parents were scientists who grew them and they couldn't leave their home which was a giant underground bunker). The Scions were raised by the scientists until their eighteenth birthday where they underwent a test to determine if they were fit for duty. Surprisingly they all passed with flying colors and the Scions were declared full fledged Wardens. With the group showing good chemistry together it seemed only fitting to put them in a squad together. The group was stationed in Saudi Arabia to protect civilians from insurrectionists. The Specters had been in Saudi Arabia for four years without a single mission failure. However this would change as one day their base was attacked by a large group of insurrectionists. The Specters held the base for a week before they were overrun and only Overwatch survived. The overseers of Project Scions decided the project itself was the cause of the squads failure and so shut down Project Scion, making Overwatch the last Scion Warden in existence. Overwatch was put on solo duty but quickly showed signs of mental instability and was designated for execution were it not for one of his upbringers from Project Scion intervening on his behalf. Instead he was discharged and handed over to the New Heroes Initiative for rehabilitation. Family: Overwatch's friends were his family...just not biologically Friends:
  • Sovereign:Male/Warden G2/Specter Squad Leader/ Creative Strategist
  • MD-Female/Warden G2/Squad Medic/ Obsessed with dissection
  • Ghost-Female/Warden G2/Infiltrator/ Quite rowdy despite name
  • Vanguard-Male/Warden G2/Heavy Support/ Uses portable gunner droid
  • Tink-Female/Warden G2/Technologies Specialist/Weapons and explosives modifier
Crush/Relationship: None at the moment. Other:
  • Overwatch may be mentally ill but he is not insane. At night he has dreams of his time in Saudi Arabia, memories he was able to overcome up until the day of the siege.
  • Overwatch did not know he had his telekinetic ability until the day of the siege which ultimately saved his life.
  • The dog tags of each member of Specter Squad is worn around Overwatch's neck along with his own.
Normally I would accept, but I REALLY don't wanna open up for crossovers
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oh no what I meant as crossover was I invented the Warden character concept in a DC Universe RP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay, then 1 question: How is Healing Factory, Strength, and Speed all Abilities? Since Abilities are LEARNED skills
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