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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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[@Eklipse] The wooden tendrils took mere seconds to go through the debris and attempted to wrap themselves around Elza and drain her once more. They moved so quickly because they did not tear through the obstacles, but grew around them, using them as leverage to grow more. At that moment, Meruin herself flew backwards and out of range; that was because the magic circles had returned and surround the area. "Rain of Fire," Meruin once again intoned - in response, the area around Elza was once again bathed in a sea of hot light.
Elza sighed as she felt the wood wrap around her draining her magic powers and immobilizing her, she hadn't expected the shadow walls to hold them for long and was prepared for defeat facing someone she knew was rank 3 on the council but losing even in a sparring match was still a disappointment. "Alright I yield Meruin, it was a fun spar." she said, still happy that she had gotten to fight such a powerful mage. To top it all of the draining effect of the roots and the tree curse made her totally ready to conk out when they returned.\, which was a definite plus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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@olcharlieboi @BlackCat @The ghost in black Tony shrugged, "want to go spar or train outside? Most of my time is devoted to fighting ya know? I didn't become #5 out of chance, it took a lot of hard work and determination." Hart thought some more, then smiled deviously, "we could have a party? We could have it tonight in the woods, you could summon in all the stuff we need. Or I could call it into existence, whichever..." It would be a good way to break the ice with everyone. It would also be interesting because there would totally have to be some sort of drama. With a little help from some booze, it would probably be really fun. Although, drunken super humans.... Probably not the best idea. Lucy was surprised to hear how bad Lani's sister was, she would have to steer clear of her. "She sounds like a nightmare. Tony's actually a nice guy, doesn't talk much though unlike me. Well, he talks when he's excited and stuff. And his magic... I've never seen anything like it." Lucy had not only seen the destructive power of Sage magic, but also it's ability to heal and create. It was balanced and lethal. "Oh and another thing about my brother just in case you somehow fight him. You're pretty much, and excuse my language, fucked when he uses his Protection of the Gods spell. It actually awesome to watch. But yeah." Her attention was drawn to the display of power form Eris. "That has to be handy, there are only so many things that you can deal with at once. Forcing your opponent to multi task will give you openings to find a weakness. Smart."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan smiled at Creuz's choice of words. "Indeed." He walked with them to find Slick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@DaDrummer676 he would rub his chin "at the current time we'd probably damage the school even with a sparring match... well at lest I know I would probably.." he chuckles "hm...a party..." he grins bit evilly "question would be how to inform everyone" he starts pacing back and forth as many things fly rapidly throughout his head... which can probably only mean trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Eklispe Meruin floated down slowly and her feet tapped the floor. She looked over at Elza and gave a small smile. "That was a good match. Having control over the terrain definitely makes it harder to hold you down," she said. "We should do this again sometime." She snapped her fingers and the vines wrapping Elza untangled and sank into the ground. Soon, a small plant popped up and quickly grew into a shrub - it was a plant made by all the energy that had been absorbed from her. Meruin picked it up and held it up for inspection. "I wonder what properties this one would have . . ." she muttered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick walked out of his dorm, and through the hall ,passing everyone and nearly knocking a few kids over. His face was blank, however his whirlpool blue eyes, spiraling into a black void, were filled with emotion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus walked alongside Ryan and Cruz, thinking over the things they said about researching someones abilities. Deus understood what they could've probably meant. Don't play around with something so dangerous. Deus spotted a person walking a bit further away from them, his face was as blank as a sheet of paper"Hey guys, is that the person you guys are talking about, uhh, Slick was it?" @MagusDream @floodtalon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony got up of his bed and stated out the window. "We could go into the forest? That could give us enough room. As for telling everyone I can do that no problem." His spell book appeared in his hands and he flips through the old book's pages. Finding the correct spell he performed the proper hand signs and his ring began glowing. The spell book disappeared and he cupped his hands. He put his hands to his lips and chanted a few words in the Ancient Language and opened his hands. A bunch of doves flew out of his hands. Each dove would fly to a student and drop a note that said "PARTY IN THE FOREST TONIGHT AT 10, BRING WHATEVER YOU WANT. ASK TONY OR CHARLIE FOR MORE INFO OR IF YOU WANT TO HELP."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin felt the magic of the dove before she could see it and frowned as it approached her. Letting the letter drop into her hands, she burnt the container without touching the note itself - just in case it was cursed. She read the note then looked at Elza. "Do you . . . know something about this?" she said slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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@JELDare @floodtalon @BranchOfSin Cruz Meister and Agni Blackheart Location: Boys' Dormitory Corridor Cruz looked at Slick, going through the corridor. He seemed like a moving corpse or a brainwashed person. "I'm happy to see him, but I'm not liking what I'm currently seeing. I have to analyze him before something goes bad.", he said. Calling two virtual panels, one as a screen and another as a keyboard, Cruz started to analyze Slick and find what was happening. Seeing the situation of things, he decided to ask. "Which of you two is fast? We need to take the other students out of here.", he said. Soon, a red and black shadow started to move around, putting the students behind Cruz, Deus and Ryan. As all the remaining ones that weren't knocked down were put into the designated position, the red and black shadowy figure revealed itself to be Cerberus. "W-What the-?! Who's... what even is that?!", Cruz said, surprised. As he looked behind Slick for a moment, he noticed another student. It was Agni. "... Finish him.", Agni said. Cerberus nodded, but as he was going to run at his target, Cruz intervened. "Wait!! I'm analyzing him, so don't do anything!!", he said. "... One minute.", Agni said, imposing a time limit to them. Cruz started to analyze him faster, but he knew it would be hard with them around. "Guys, I'm sorry for asking this, but you have to take these two out of here for a moment. I can't analyze him with them around...", he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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@floodtalon @MagusDream Deus nodded to Cruz. He looked back at the man, Kusanagi began reacting a bit to the person as if he wanted to fight him. Deus put his hand on the sword. "If it would be possible I would like to resolve this without fighting but if we have to fight I would. Now please give him more time to "analyze" him." Deus tried his best to persuade him. Of course he doubted it would work. He put up his defense to the max getting ready for anything that would happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cornelia: 'Yes, all the blood surrounding this school, its magnifique' Cornelia walked around the halls of the academy. She decided to go outside for the time being. She wanted to sharpen her knives. She walked all the way to the entrance of the forest and sat down under a tree. As she began sharping her knives a dove came flying to her and dropped a small note. Cornelia attempted to kill the dove but it flew away too fast, she bit her fingernail cursing herself. "Tch! Let it get away, well lets have a look here. *Reads note* Why this should be interesting. More blood."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Meruin felt the magic of the dove before she could see it and frowned as it approached her. Letting the letter drop into her hands, she burnt the container without touching the note itself - just in case it was cursed. She read the note then looked at Elza. "Do you . . . know something about this?" she said slowly.
Elza hmmed looked over the note. "Nope no idea, but it looks like it could be fun. Or is it against the rules or something?" Elza asked wanting to go just to meet people but she didn't want to break any rules doing so. She back through the portal into their room since the spar was finished. --- Sol was laying on his bed when a fluttering of wings came and went leaving behind a letter for what seemed to be a... party. Sol considered, perhaps it could be fun, if nothing else he could see if anyone from the old school was still here. He quickly strapped on his swords and got up stretching. It was just about lunch time, and if it was anything like last time the school featured an impressive buffet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus jumped out of his seat and fell to the floor as a bird collided with his face dropping a note."What the hell!!!!" He jumped to his feet to find nothing and no one. The girls that were left in his care had already left and he was there by himself. He sat down and read the note."Tony....." Obviously the only name he noticed on the piece of paper." Wanna play tricks now don't we!" Marcus shouted as if Tony was there and could hear him. He thought Tony did something that caused him to fall on his ass but didn't think of how he did it. "TONY!!!!!" He shouted running around the school until he came across Tony.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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"Yeah well..." she started before looking at the bird that had just flown in and dropped the note, she looked at the other two before walking over and picking it up. "Hey guys there's gonna be a party today you wanna go?" She asked @BlackCat @DaDrummer676
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@DaDrummer676 Charlie looks at tony surprised and chuckles "looks like that is indeed what we're doing, better get there faster than the others" he grins and claps his hands... before him and tony is suddenly in the forest "ah there we go.. time to start setting up" he says as he starts calling in table.. then lots of food an drinks to begin with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan stared at his opponent and smiled. "Let me show you why i'm on the council." The ice that coverd him at all times melted and turned into whips. Ryan's eyes lit up as electricity flowed through the water. "You may want to reconsider."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin shook her head, but nevertheless looked displeased. "A party this early in? It's rather . . . well, perhaps it's simply because I am not very social," she said vaguely. "Well, in any case, the wild expression of feelings that is a party is bound to be dangerous considering the student body. I might have to go to make sure it doesn't get out of hand." She grumbled a bit. "Thank you again for the match - it was an enjoyable one for the start of the semester, but for now I'll be going to investigate this. You may come if you wish," invited Meruin, walking out the door, the plant still in her arms. The moment she stepped out of the girls dorms, she tapped her feet and a wave of magic coursed through the whole school. She could feel spikes of energies going up in several places, and there was no shortage of bloodlust. She pouted - parties and fights not even a week in; she didn't know whether to be exasperated or impressed. "Where do I go first?" wondered Meruin as she processed the knowledge of notable occurrences of magic or bloodlust.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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@Slendy@olcharlieboi Tony nodded in agreement but sort of gasped in surprise when Charlie summoned them to the forest. He kept that in mind, he could not only summon things, but also humans. Interesting... Tony took in his surroundings, then nodded and his spell book appeared in his hands. Hart began chanting and items and food and a huge stereo appeared. They arranged themselves. "who needs money when you have magic?" he smirked under his breath. Than Marcus came running full steam at him. He looked mad as all Hell! Tony resisted bursting out laughing, was he mad about the party or something? "Sup boss?" He asked innocently, with a hint of sarcasm, a smart-ass grin plastered on his face. It probably didn't look too good, music, punch and booze, etc. @BlackCat@The ghost in black Lucy grinned, "just like my brother... I'm in if you guys are. Once you see my nerdy ass looking bro you'll doubt he knows how to party. It'll be fun though!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@DaDrummer676 @Slendy Charlie nods "easy to agree" he chuckles "hey any recommendations on a band?" he asks "I've meet most bands out there and they all had promised me they would play at one of my events, I just would have to 'call them'" he laughs, as he calls spot lights around the clearing. he would then see Marcus running at them "uh... what's up with him?" he chuckles "don't tell me you sent something insulting instead of an invite" he says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@DaDrummer676@Slendy@olcharlieboi Meruin turned towards the forest - the number of people there was increasing. Looks like the party was starting early. With a sigh, she took a single step and the world around her shifted. The scenery was replaced with foliage and fauna, and the faint sense of magic in the air. She was in the forest. From here, she could clearly see three boys conversing with each other, on what terms, she did not know, however she did know that the forest was a popular place to fight. "Excuse me . . ." she called out.
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