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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister and Pamela Armellia Location: Cafeteria He walked with Deus to the cafeteria. As his friend was talking with someone else at the moment, Cruz decided to grab a plate of lunch. Although, a book would be enough, since a technomage's hunger was sufficed with information. Let's see, what should I pick... hmm, there are many tasty things here, but I think I'll go with only an apple., he thought while picking an apple. Just in the moment he picked, a group of students entered the cafeteria. They were Pamela and her small (and ridiculous) legion of fanboys and fangirls. "Oooh, what a beautiful apple! I want it!", she said, upon looking at the apple Cruz had picked. "Oh, there are more over there. Which one do you want?", he said, pointing to them and offring a hand. Pamela made a face that said Are you dumb or what? and spoke afterwards. "No, no, no. I think I wasn't clear enough. I want YOUR apple.", she said. "Ahh, so you wanted mine. Here you go.", he spoke gently, giving her the apple. Now Pamela was the dumbfounded one. She wasn't believing on what she saw. "Wait, wait, wait! Aren't you goin to say something like No, why would I give it to you?! and then we would start a discussion?! Normal people would generally do that kind of stuff, you know!", she questioned his actions, like if Cruz was doing something wrong. But he simply smiled at her. "Heheh. Well, then I like to be strange, thank you. I wouldn't mistreat a girl just because of something so trivial like an apple.", he joked a little, while grabbing another apple. After that, he left to sit with Deus and the others. Pamela looked at the apple. It was really beautiful, it reflected her image on it. She called 3 fanboys while she kept admiring the fruit. "I want all the information possible on that guy. His name, his favorite food, everything... especially the kind of girl he likes! Someone like him is perfect for an idol like moi! Understood?, she explained, as the 3 boys nodded while making disgusted faces. Pamela kept looking at her apple (like a baka).
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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@thehangedman Sol had blushed lightly when Meruin first hugged him, he know she was very sparse with physical displays of affection. He opened his mouth to answer her question until Cornelia butted in. Sol colored even more when Meruin asked him if he was going to marry her. "Erm, um, no, its just, I do believe that she was jesting. I've never seen the girl in my life before so unless i devolped a habit of sleep walking while i wasn't paying attention then no, we're not getting married." He would've explained that Cornelia was refereeing to the two of them being a couple but Meruin probably would've taken the jest as a suggestion and seriously considered it. Since he wasn't sure how to respond to that line of thinking he thought it best not to bring it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Eklispe "I see, so she was joking," said Meruin, nodding her head. "If that's the case, disregard what I just said. So, how have you been doing? You're the first person I've seen since the explosion, and familiar faces are appreciated."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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@thehangedman Sol's normally grinning face returned, "Quite well, although i suppose my face isn't as familiar as it once was." he says referring to his missing eye. "Never the less I’ve been doing quite well, my last class before the incident was with Chase and I learned quite a bit. I've become somewhat experienced in the art of Time Magic, and what a complicated art that is." he finishes somewhat prideful in his ability to learn it. --- Elza's face lit up when she finally found the cafateria "Foooooood!" she cried out and eagerly grabbed a plate and loaded it with meat, only meat and promptly began inhaling ignoring several other poeple that she recongnized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@Eklispe Meruin smiled. "Never mind the small differences in how you look - I'll always recognize a friend. Anyway, I'm glad Lady Chase made a good impression on you," she said. Then, she put on a thoughtful face at something Sol said. "Time magic, hm? I only know two spells that can be considered 'time magic' if only very loosely. They're not very powerful, but I've learned that power isn't everything. You're quite diligent to be studying it." The short mage did a sort of indian sit, however, her body wasn't touching the ground - just like her hair, Meruin was floating in the air casually. "As for me, I've been going into my studies into the different True Magics. Master Reina says I have a talent for the Creation Aeon, but it will be a few hundred years before I can achieve a even a sample of it. I've also unlocked thirteen more spells for my Grimoire." Meruin looked as proud as Sol did upon describing her current achievements. Well, looked as proud as Sol when it came to a person as expressionless as Meruin, anyway. "So, are you going to go for a spot on the Student Council? You seem like the type, and it will be nice to have someone I know on board."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Lucy sighed, "I wish I was that strong. Don't get me wrong, my ability is super useful but it's not offensively powerful. I've been physically training so I can hit harder but I have a long way to go to say the least...." Lucy shrugged it off, "whatever, I'll just have to make due with what I have." She watched as Ryan approached warily. Even a blind person could tell something was fake about his body language. She was also kind of peeved that he didn't acknowledge her, this ranking system was bullshit. @The ghost in black Tony watched Ryan go, he found the guy to be kinda fake somehow. He posed as nice but he seemed like he was more analytical than he seemed. Hart raised an eyebrow at Marcus' outburst, don't drink kids... "Chill man, he was looking for Eris remember? Wait, where the fuck did you get those binoculars? Puts those things away, you look like a creep!" Tony sighed, Marcus could not hold his booze. Tony then saw two more guys coming their way. He recognized one guy as Deus but the other seemed unfamiliar, maybe he was new? Looks like they had all met before, Hart stated quiet, observing Alex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus continued to watch Ryan through his binoculars ignoring Tony's demand and said." I can handle my alcohol. Oh and thank you Alex for helping us." He puts the binoculars down and turned towards Alex to shake his hand." I'm Marcus , 8 on the student council and also your counsoler ,so if you have any girl problems or bully problems just come to me." He smiled heavily. @Vec @BranchOfSin @DaDrummer676
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Lucy sighed, "I wish I was that strong. Don't get me wrong, my ability is super useful but it's not offensively powerful. I've been physically training so I can hit harder but I have a long way to go to say the least...." Lucy shrugged it off, "whatever, I'll just have to make due with what I have." She watched as Ryan approached warily. Even a blind person could tell something was fake about his body language. She was also kind of peeved that he didn't acknowledge her, this ranking system was bullshit. @The ghost in black Tony watched Ryan go, he found the guy to be kinda fake somehow. He posed as nice but he seemed like he was more analytical than he seemed. Hart raised an eyebrow at Marcus' outburst, don't drink kids... "Chill man, he was looking for Eris remember? Wait, where the fuck did you get those binoculars? Puts those things away, you look like a creep!" Tony sighed, Marcus could not hold his booze. Tony then saw two more guys coming their way. He recognized one guy as Deus but the other seemed unfamiliar, maybe he was new? Looks like they had all met before, Hart stated quiet, observing Alex.
Ryan looked at Lucy and noticed she seemed somewhat angry. "Forgive me, I seem to have ignored you. That is quite rude of me and I must amend for it. What was your name?" He really did feel a little bad about ignoring her. For just a millisecond you could see a bit of regret in his eyes but they quickly became the happy eyes that matched his smile. He looked over at Marcus with his binoculars and shook his head. "I do hope you're one of the more mature student council members around. The others I've met seem to be... What's the phrase, not the brightest bulb in the trees."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"You're welcome" Alex replied to Marcus and returned his handshake. "Although you might want to tone down the alcohol a little, It might cause you some problems in the future..." Alex added, hinting on Marcus being late to stop the fight himself. I wish I had girl problems Alex thought and picked a chair from a nearby table and sat down, waiting to be introduced to the others. @Slendy @DaDrummer676
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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"Oi, Ryan, whenever you're done checking out the competition get over here there's someone I want you to meet." Deus walked up to Cruz. "Hey Cruz, come with me for a second I want you to meet, someone whom helped us during the little Skirmish with Agni." Deus said dragging him towards Alex. "This is Alex, Cruz, he helped us in the fight with Agni." @floodtalon @MagusDream @Vec
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus smiled." I don't drink much only on special occasions and when I'm not in the greatest of moods." He slowly grab his binoculars and watched Ryan." I think Ryan seen me?" He purposily waved at Ryan to get on his nerves. @Vec @DaDrummer676 @floodtalon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan grimaced at all the attention on him. "Why can't they take their jobs seriously?" He asked himself under his breath.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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@Vec @BranchOfSin @floodtalon Cruz Meister Location: Cafeteria "Oh, so that was his name. Good to know.", he said, once he heard about Agni's name. "Oh, and it's really nice to meet you, Alex. As they said, my name's Cruz. Thanks for helping with that skirmish against Agni.", he said, smiling. Then, a beep was heard on the room. "Oh, sorry, that was a message. Just give me a moment.", Cruz said, opening a screen. The message contained strange symbols that no one would understand. ... Well, can't ask for more than this. The process will be slow, but it'll soon be resurrected. At least, I want it to leave the dead state that it currently holds., he thought. It was a message from an AI, speaking about the current state of the Hidden Realm of the Technomagic. He closed it and soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Hey Tony. I wonder who Ryan is talking to anyways." Marcus paused for a few minutes."WHAT IF ONE OF THOSE GIRLS WAS......!!! Wait what was her name again?" He asked himself." Dude come with me over there so I won't look like a creep." Marcus said as he stood up preparing himself to walk over to Ryan. @DaDrummer676
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"You're welcome" Alex said and watched as Cruz brought up a screen containing random letters that Alex couldn't identify; Must be his ability Alex thought and turned his attention towards the other guy Deus had called over. Was it Ryan? Alex wondered as he watched Marcus and the man talk. @Slendy @MagusDream
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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@floodtalon "Hi I'm Eris, number 6 on the council" She said as she wiped her mouth. "what do you mean by "Mature" though?" She asked with a smile "i'm not that smart though i'm may be a little above average but not that much"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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@floodtalon Lucy smiled, "it's fine, I'm Lucy, Lucy Hart. The block head next to the drunk guy is my brother. And yeah, he isn't the brightest bulb...." She said this lie without even flinching, she knew how insanely smart her brother was and even understood why he acted dumb. She was actually quite amused by it, people fell for it so easily. Lucy hadn't know what position Eris was in, she piped in, "hey that means you'll be fighting my brother to rank up. Shouldn't be too hard, he's like, reeallllyyy dumb." @Slendy@Vec Tony resisted the urge to smack Marcus up the side of his head, "jesus dude you need to go sober up. Your acting like a royal dumbass. And yeah the blond girl is my sister, Lucy." the teen grumbled. He then turned to the new guy and said lifted his chin in greeting, "I'm Tony by the way." Hart also noted that Cruz brought up some sort of screen with weird symbols. It had to be his ability, he would keep that in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"I'm not even that drunk dude. At the most I'm like 90% sober right now." Marcus rolled up his sleeves and for one moment had a serious look on his face." Hey Tony , why does it seem like we're not the favorite group to be associated with. I'm students would rather blindly follow people like that small girl(Pamela) with her group of horny boys and clueless girls. I guess people doesn't like order." He looks at his metal canteen and smashes it between his hands until it was completely pulverized." I'm gonna go train in my office for the rest of the day." He walks away from the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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@thehangedman Sol was once again impressed by Meruin's abilities, 13 more spells. If they had the power typical of Meruin's spells then it was quite a note worthy feat indeed. "I think I’ll get myself a role on student council tomorrow when we receive our bracelets and can begin officially dueling for rank." he said considering whom to challenge and then mentally shrugging, he would just find someone and take their rank. "In any case my stomach informs me it's about lunch time so I at least need so food, have you eliminated such mundane needs or are you do you still eat like the rest of us?" Sol asks jokingly as he begins to walk towards the cafeteria
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"You seem to be playing up just how dumb your brother is. Do you dislike him?" Ryan asked honestly. He really was quite clueless about these social situations. He also wondered where Meruin was. She was undoubtedly here. "Ahh, so you are number 6. How exciting, I cannot wait for our Gauntlets to arrive." He smiled a genuine smile for once then looked at Marcus. He observed Tony and quickly came to a conclusion based off of how he acted. "Is he number 5?" He asked without looking at either of them, instead focusing on Tony.
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