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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 days ago

Don't oversell yourself, kid. The writing for those characters is miles above a psychotic manchild with the powers of RAGE and DARKNESS. 9.5 DARK AS MY SOULS/10 blood-stained razorblades.
7x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 28 min ago

Alright guys, I've had enough of Sicarius. The best way to deal with a guy like him is to just ignore him. Just don't respond to anything he says. Even if what he says is highly insulting or anything, just pretend like he isn't even there. He's banned for a reason, after all.
So my current idea is a mostly-powerless kind of character. Anything supernatural/sci-fi about her comes from the weapon she uses and the goggles she wears, and the goggles are only heat vision, night vision, and flash-proof. The weapon's kind of magical, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lillian Thorne
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Lillian Thorne NO LONGER A MOD, PM the others if you need help

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by clanjos> snip
This should be your last post in this thread. Walk away and make your own RP. No more discussion, no more argument. NO MORE Posting here. Everyone else, move on. Don't discuss him or what happened. Just continue your RP and have fun.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I agree. I hope it's not a problem if I put clanjos' comments in my signature quotes. EDIT: SO HOW IS EVERYONE, EH? SNOWSNOWSNOW
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh geez you're right. the snow is melting COME BACK SN-...COME BACK WHITE STUFF, AND STICK no homo
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

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Name: (horrific insectoid noises) Alias: Badurong Broadcasting Executive, Lord of the Late-Night Timeslot, The Almighty Lord of Bloodsport, Spandez Age: Yes. Personality: On stage, Spandez is cheery, jovial, and constantly smiling. As a gameshow host should be. However, he is also a bloodthirsty tyrant who draws sustenance from sentient creatures' desire for violence. He relishes the sights and sounds of combat, and is eager to throw contestants at a planet until it's ready for conquering. He speaks in broken English, having had to learn Japanese to invade Tokyo, and gets furious when someone mentions the words "Rangers," "Excellent Super-Bat" or "Lightning Round." Powers: Spandez is, surprisingly, quite quick and quite heavy. His chitinous shell is fluted like a bird's bones, but due to his compressed body, his nerve endings are tightly packed. Thus, while his shell can stop bullets, it will still hurt like the dickens. When the situation gets dire and there's no other way out, he can return to his true form- The Almighty Lord of Bloodsport. Weakness: He can't resist showing off. He also has a very low pain threshhold until transforming, meaning he tends to chicken out fairly quickly. As the Almighty Lord of Bloodsport, he is easily angered and becomes incredibly bloodthirsty, lashing out at friend and foe alike. Thus, he will not return to his giant form unless absolutely necessary. Appearance: Here. The form at his feet is his true form, an insectoid creature about the size of a city bus. He shrinks and contorts his arms and wings to appear more humanoid, the wings folding to form his trademark suit and his transparent ears becoming his distinctive eye-markings. Bio: Spandez is, in fact, older than many benchmarks for "old." He might actually be among the oldest living beings in the cosmos, as he was born when the first sentient creature thought how awesome it would be to see two animals fighting. Spandez is the literal embodiment of bloodsport, from gladiatorial combat to violent sporting events. He spent a long time as a spacefaring conqueror, setting up gladiatorial arenas to amuse and feed himself. But he began to notice that a lot of other creatures would pay to get in… which led to profits, which led to faster expansion, which led to more spectacular arenas, which led to more power for himself. One day, thousands of years later, an agent for the Badurong Corporation came to Spandez's Skull-Palace of Pain and explained the wonders of television to the Dark Lord of Bloodsport. The Network could not only broadcast his gladiatorial matches to the universe, but harvest the energy created by those enjoying the battles. They even offered to provide more unique equipment and gladiators (be they insubordinate employees, a bored Action Commander, or a prisoner from another world), provided they got a cut of the advertising revenue. Spandez even got a free cable package, which led to him discovering a gameshow. His gladiatorial matches had many contestants, but very few were volunteers. It had many fans, and many viewers, but also many decrying the barbaric spectacle. But gameshows… people were willing to do insane things for those prizes. They would humiliate themselves in public. They would take candy from children. They would leave people stranded on alien worlds with no food and water if the prize was great enough. And that's when Spandez hit upon the idea that all his gladiatorial matches needed was a fresh spin. And thus he hit upon an idea. Badurong would offer prizes to his contestants. The contestants would sow chaos and discord on planets. If the contestants won and managed to conquer the planet, they'd get legal ownership of it and a choice between becoming a planetary governor or handing it over to the Network's Mining and Exploitation Branch for a hefty prize. If they lost, they'd often do enough damage to the planet's infrastructure through the gameshow's challenges to make conquering the planet much easier for the mercenary forces of Badurong. This brilliant stroke elevated Spandez from a powerful warlord to chief executive of the Badurong Broadcasting Network and a trusted enforcer of the CEO. And then Spandez tried to do the show on Earth. The first 15 minutes of the 30-minute time limit looked to be incredibly promising, with the contestant ravaging Tokyo. And then a bunch of weirdies in spandex started beating the crap out of his contestant. By the time the 22 minute mark passed, the contestant was dead, and Spandez was left wondering what the hell just happened. The rest is chronicled in The Spandez Conquest Hour: Season 5,103 (marketed in Japan as Super-Bat's Squadron: Justiranger), but the long and short of it is: The spandex-wearing freaks stymied the invasion for an entire 52-episode-once-every-7-cycles season- the longest anyone's ever managed. Though the rules of the show say that the contestants' government will not be a contestant again, the Badurong Legal Firm found Spandez a loophole- Earth doesn't have a single government. Thus, technically, the show's free to start up on a different government's turf. So Spandez has decided Jump City will be the next contest ground- after all, how many superheroes can this planet have? Arc Ideas: He runs an intergalactic gameshow. Give me the word and one or more contestants are invading with a hare-brained scheme. Other: An alien game show host who uses his program to expand an interstellar megacorporation by offering invaders fabulous prizes for performing typical Sentai monster antics to destabilize a planet's infrastructure. Also, "Titans Forever."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 28 min ago

Spandez looks like fun! Now, um, need to work more on my character definitely. I think I have a pretty solid basis, I just need to work on personality and backstory for the most part.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

...As co-GM I would like to apologise for the unpleasantness that occured, and that I was away for a few hours during it. I will strive to make sure it never happens again. Sorry for any inconvenience or upset caused. Anyways, moving on... Spandez looks pretty awesome to me, so unless Krab has any objections he's accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Bellona Alias: Gladiator Age: 18 Personality: Having been raised in an environment and culture completely alien from any found on Earth, Gladiator is rather ignorant of the customs and etiquettes of Earth, let alone those of the USA. Her approach to the world and people within is excessively blunt, nor does she pick up on the subtle things (like sarcasm and verbal expressions) very well. In some miracle of the universe, Gladiator is a good person at heart despite her upbringing, but she is still rather insensitive towards others - an issue she will have to work on while on Earth. She's the kind of person who if you said 'something went over your head' to them, they would respond with 'that is impossible, my reactions are too fast, I would catch it'. In line with her blunt view of life she believes in retributive justice, an eye for an eye and so on. Powers:
  • New God Physiology: A former denizen of Apokolips called a New God, Gladiator is a "being of genetic perfection", whatever that might mean. This translates into her having invulnerability which makes blunt-force attacks ineffective unless dealt by a being of a similar strength level to hers or greater, but this does not extend to energy based attacks. Similarly, slicing/piercing attacks appear to be able to partially bypass this invulnerability. Gladiator's strengh level greatly exceeds that of the strongest human. The upper limits of a New Gods strength can be measured in hundreds of tons (and in one notable case, nearly limitless), but Gladiator is actually on the lower end of the New God strength scale. While she won't be punching out Superman, Orion or Wonder Woman any time soon, she still classifies as a Class 70 (capable of lifting 70 tonnes at least, although she is capable of greater when under duress or in extremely stressful situations).
  • ???: It is common for New Gods to develop a unique ability or two past what their alien physiology gives them. As Gladiator is still young (incredibly so, by New God standards), she has yet to figure out what that is. Only time and experience will reveal what it is.
  • Radion: All New Gods are inherently weak to this mysterious substance to a lethal extent. If applied as a bullet or bomb, radion can kill a New God in one go. In the case of a bullet it matters not where it hits, as it kills through the rapid and aggressive poisoning.
  • Magic: Not really a weakness but, as in the case of Superman, she has no defences against the arcane. This is not to be confused with the idea of magic fire being able to harm her more than normal fire, or a magic hammer being able to hit harder against her, but more things like targeted transformation, teleportation, curses, and 'beams'. Natural phenomena recreated by magic will have the same effect as natural phenomena against her.
Bio: A New God born of secretive circumstances on Apokolips. Although not an orphan, Bellona found herself placed into the magnanimous and gracious care of Granny Goodness. Her early years were made up of non-stop indoctrination, military training and education. "Die for Darkseid," she was told, "Die for Darkseid" - over and over. Where most broke and became one of the many zealots of Apokolips, Bellona answered the same way each time in her head; "I refuse". She refused to die on anyone's will other than her own. Considered a problem child by Granny Goodness and her other tutors, she was none the less shaping up to be a fine warrior, earning the name 'Gladiator' among the orphanage and lining up to be a potential candidate for the Furies. That was until she escaped. It was difficult, but not impossible. The only other (known) escapee of Granny Goodness' care was Scott Free or 'Mister Miracle' as he is known on Earth. Bellona's own method of escape was very simple, using a little bit of sleight-of-hand (thanks to her training with Kanto) to acquire a rarity off of the body of Granny Goodness - a Motherbox. With its transportation capabilities, her escape to Earth was a breeze...apart from the bit where she ended up opening a Boom Tube miles above Jump City, approaching the ground at a terrifying rate. Her landing is going to create a mess, and it probably won't be her ending up hurt. Arc Ideas:
  • The Call of Apokolips: Found by her home and with nowhere to go, Gladiator must turn her back on the Titans and even become their enemy, not for her own sake but the sake of those within Jump City and beyond. The grip of Darkseid operates in many ways, and sometimes it is not always willing.
  • Die for Darkseid: "I am many things, Kal-El. You couldn't even begin to imagine half of them. But for now, I shall take the role of the executioner." An endgame scenario has arisen - Darkseid is attacking Earth. Parademons plague the skies without number, overwhelming any counter-attack, and Darkseid's lieutenants are clear matches for the Heroes of Earth. Darkseid himself, one of the most malicious and powerful entities in the universe, intends to sap the very spirit and will from the people of Earth, the adopted home of his enemy Kal-El, and then make them his mindless pawns. One mind. One Will. One Life that is Darkseid.
Other: Her weapon is the Thunderlance, a nigh-unbreakable weapon which appears/returns to her hands if she calls it, making a thundercrack sound as it does so. She is very much trained in its usage. Gladiator fulfils the niche of a team 'Brick' with hints an armsmaster thrown in there. While Apokolips would usually not bat an eye if one of their orphans did manage to leave (Scott Free being an exception due to his circumstances), Darkseid's forces will be looking for the girl for reasons known only to them...and possibly Gladiator. Creation was inspired by Drax the Destroyer and Big Barda. "Titans Forever"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

As the actual GM I would like to apologize for not being here during all that drama. I would like to thank the admin, mod, our CO-GM Rin, and a few others for stepping up and helping to bring peace to this RP even if it hasn't started up. Thank you all. As for the RP. Now that I have some free time I will begin writing up the IC, expect it to come in at least around this weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I would like you to add a certain something to the 'Other' section, but other than that you're accepted like Rin said.
I'm not to sure about the strength, 70 tons, and she can go higher? I want to accept her because overall it is a decent character app, I can't say its perfect since I can't make one, but I am hesitant on the power level on that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 2 days ago

Titans Forever, boss.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klaudus
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Klaudus This isn't even my classroom!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

ey b0ss, When's this IC post going up?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Art of Fun
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Art of Fun oh dear

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

70 tonnes is the weight of a tank or a big truck, as far as DC brick superheroes go it's pretty lightweight. Pretty much all super strength Titans lift more than that (Superboy and Wonder Girl coming to mind). Even Cyborg can do 20, and he's not really a super strength guy. I can tone it down though, it just seemed reasonable when compared to other strong types who have been Titans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

ey b0ss, When's this IC post going up?
I plan for it to go up today, I'm already working on it, but expect it to be up by at least this weekend. Sorry for the extreme delay but I've been busy lately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Klaudus
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Klaudus This isn't even my classroom!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Don't worry about it, just curious is all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Right, Monkey King's app is finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

And unless Krab for some reason changed his mind since he was first posted, Monkey King is accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KriticalKrab

KriticalKrab Massive Damage

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Alright everyone first IC is up, be sure to check the first OOC for some details if you need them.
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