Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by paigesweetheart> Shane didn't stop his assault on the training dummies. His energy was focused on perfecting himself. "I was the reason we lost today. I lost control and almost killed two people. I'm not letting my imperfection get in the way again", he grasped Riya with both hands and plunged the sword into the torso of the dummy and lifted it upwards. "If this happened while I was on a job..", his mind went back once more to the warehouse but he quickly removed it from thought. He didn't want to say it but another reason for him pushing himself so hard was because he was afraid of what he could have done to Ariella. She was probably his only friend here and his only real friend in a long time. To think that made him upset because the last time he had a friend she ended up dead. He sheathed Riya and turned to face Ariella, "What I meant to say was; If I had hurt you I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Your my only friend here and..", he never was good with sentiment "..well you get the idea".
Ariella smiled at Shane as she walked towards him giving him a hug! Yeah, she felt bad for him and that was only because he said that she was his only friend. That was really amazing of him to say that, and to be honest...they both have something similarly in common, she was lonely at times as well as himself. Now taking a step backwards standing next to James, she elbowed him so he could say something to Shane as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leon had really managed to screw up, being so late he had taken cleaning duty over a failing grade for the day. God Gotham was less harsh than this crap! Leon sighed as he walked to the cafeteria and grabbed some pizza and burgers. He walked around the cafeteria not sure where to sit, he saw Jin with that speedster and felt a twinge of...Jealousy? What the hell? Why was he feeling that? She was his friend yeah but he didn't exactly have the right to feel that way, but still...there it was. Leon waved at her a bit before making his way to an empty table and sitting down to seriously think about things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Leon had really managed to screw up, being so late he had taken cleaning duty over a failing grade for the day. God Gotham was less harsh than this crap! Leon sighed as he walked to the cafeteria and grabbed some pizza and burgers. He walked around the cafeteria not sure where to sit, he saw Jin with that speedster and felt a twinge of...Jealousy? What the hell? Why was he feeling that? She was his friend yeah but he didn't exactly have the right to feel that way, but still...there it was. Leon waved at her a bit before making his way to an empty table and sitting down to seriously think about things.
Jin saw Leon wave at him, and cheerfully waved with the hand that wasn't occupied by a double cheeseburger. When he sat down at an empty table, she cleared her mouth before calling out. "Yo, Leon! Our table's got space, dude, we'll move some of the plates for you!" She wondered where he'd been. Maybe he needed some peace and quiet too. Hopefully the class she'd skipped hadn't been important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack would smile a bit and sit back, taking a big drink of water. He's wave at Leon as well, recognizing him from the assembly. "I have to eat almost all the time, or my energy will drop and I really could pass right out. I do a lot to keep up." He would hold up his small bag that he carried with him, pulling out protein bars, some weird paste tubes, a few drink mixes, and some chocolate. "This stuff keeps me going well enough. Most of it is specially made for me by some of the people I know. And I can burn through a 5 hour energy in 5 seconds, so this is some strong stuff. Wanna try one?" He would ask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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Ariella smiled at Shane as she walked towards him giving him a hug! Yeah, she felt bad for him and that was only because he said that she was his only friend. That was really amazing of him to say that, and to be honest...they both have something similarly in common, she was lonely at times as well as himself. Now taking a step backwards standing next to James, she elbowed him so he could say something to Shane as well.
Shane wasn't expecting a hug so when it happened bit caught him off guard. It felt strange because it had been a long time since he had an actual friend. It was a refreshing feeling, the constant brooding and indifference he usually had gone and to be honest it felt good not to feel that way. Despite all this he still wasn't good with words of sentiment so he figured it be best to just say what came to mind, "I-uh..thanks Ariella, I'm not used to this emotional stuff so I'll just say it. If you need anything, anything at all just let me know.". Shane noticed Ariella nudge James to say something as well and smirked saying,"Don't worry James you don't need to say anything".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack would smile a bit and sit back, taking a big drink of water. He's wave at Leon as well, recognizing him from the assembly. "I have to eat almost all the time, or my energy will drop and I really could pass right out. I do a lot to keep up." He would hold up his small bag that he carried with him, pulling out protein bars, some weird paste tubes, a few drink mixes, and some chocolate. "This stuff keeps me going well enough. Most of it is specially made for me by some of the people I know. And I can burn through a 5 hour energy in 5 seconds, so this is some strong stuff. Wanna try one?" He would ask.
Jin nodded. "Heck yeah, I'll try some." Jin would try any edible once, and really hadn't met a food she couldn't stomach. Jack's paste looked weird, but she'd eat it. "Give me one." She held out her hand, her eyes eager.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack would hand Jin a tube of the protein paste. "It goes down easy enough and its chocolate flavored. Should give you a real kick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

<Snipped quote by paigesweetheart> Shane wasn't expecting a hug so when it happened bit caught him off guard. It felt strange because it had been a long time since he had an actual friend. It was a refreshing feeling, the constant brooding and indifference he usually had gone and to be honest it felt good not to feel that way. Despite all this he still wasn't good with words of sentiment so he figured it be best to just say what came to mind, "I-uh..thanks Ariella, I'm not used to this emotional stuff so I'll just say it. If you need anything, anything at all just let me know.". Shane noticed Ariella nudge James to say something as well and smirked saying,"Don't worry James you don't need to say anything".
James chuckled a bit. "Good, I'm not all that good with sentimental stuff. Seriously though, if you need some help with something then let me know. I'm pretty good with scientific instruments if it'll help at all." He was thinking more along the line of learning more about what Shane had turned into. The event clearly had an impact on him and probably brought up a lot of questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 12 days ago

Shane knew what James meant with his offer. He knew what that thing was and it was waiting for him to lose control again. "Thanks James but if it's all the same with you I'd rather not go further into what happened today. I went looking for answers and what I found...let's just say I won't be using my powers for a while", Shane replied. A part of that statement was a lie however. He did want to look deeper into this, to figure out how to get rid of this thing from inside him. It was a curse and he wanted it gone. As for not using his powers that was completely true. He didn't trust himself to sustain control after losing it as quickly as he did. For now he was more focused on his human side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack would hand Jin a tube of the protein paste. "It goes down easy enough and its chocolate flavored. Should give you a real kick."
"I like chocolate." She took a bit on her finger and tasted it. "Huh... it's kinda like... cocoa toothpas-" She blinked several times, and suddenly her eyes went brilliant, pale silver, and force flared around her body. "Holy shit!" Her voice had a faint reverberation to it. "This shit's amazing!" The various plates and trays started to be pushed away from her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leon smiled a bit realizing that he still had friends around so he didn't need to feel beat up about getting in trouble, Leon took his tray and sat down at the table, it was almost comical since he had way less food, "You guys are hilarious." When Jin at the Chocolate Leon looked surprised, "Dude thats awesome!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jin looked extremely excited, and was actually starting to float half an inch off of the bench. "This is incredible! What is in this stuff?" She started to breathe slow and deep, tucking and slowly decreasing her power until she stopped emanating force. Her eyes were still bright silver, though, even as she kept eating. "Amazing... Hey, can I keep this? It'd come in handy if I ever wind up like I did today." She reddened slightly, then looked to Leon. "By the way... thanks for getting that guy off my back. I appreciate it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by makarov
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makarov Miss Graceful

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Leon nodded with a mouthfull of cheeseburger, After swallowing he spoke, "No problem...Most of these kids aren't from the real city...They don't get it." Leon looked at Jack with a smile, "So you're a speedster huh? That's pretty sweet man."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tidus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jack would be cheering up a bit, feeling better to have a couple people to get his mind off things. "Here, take a couple bars and tubes. They're a mix made for me personally, so they should all hit like that. If you ever need more, just let me know." He would hand her a few flavors. Looking at Leon, he would nod a bit. "I've always been fast, but this was all a dream come true for me. I've always idolized the speedsters. Wish I was as fast as them though." He would say with a tinge of regret.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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"You heard her, up and at 'em good to walk?"
Molly nodded slow, no longer looking pained or dizzy. She simply nodded dimly as if she were tired. She swung her legs from the bed and wobbled to her feet like a newborn faun, reaching out for the ground before emitting a weak propulsion field to keep herself upright and right up, a few centimetres from actually touching the ground. She gave a curt nod to the nurse, attempting to mumble out a thank you before hovering toward the exit. Her hammer, Vulcanus, followed in short order, floating along as if it were a loyal dog at her heel as it hummed low and menacingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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"It's a pleasure to meet'cha Ryan. I think i'll stick to your name for the most part if it's all the same to you." Dimitri said just as Molly removed herself from the cot. The cyborg was about to tell her to take it slower, however the words died in his throat as he watched her levitate towards the exit with her hammer in tow, "Huh. Forgot she could do that. Well, time to make good on what I told the nurse i'd do." He said before letting out a small sigh and following after Molly. Dimitri was almost at the exit when he turned and looked at Ryan expectantly, "You coming man?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan looked surprised when Dimitri asked if he was coming. "I suppose so." He quickly put on a mask of impassiveness and followed Dimitri. "Have a good day miss." He said to the nurse on his way out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The nurse nodded to Ryan as he said his goodbyes and gestured towards the departing Dimitri, "Keep that one from head butting people again. If I get another one like the girl because of his antics, he's going to learn first hand just what kind of tests I ran back then." she half joked. Dimitri visibly shuddered as he heard that. Potential joke or not, the nurse was not a person he wanted to take a risk with by pissing her off. The cyborg took a moment to compose himself before he spoke again, "So, any idea what you guys want to do now? It's lunch period after all, should we grab a bite?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Jack would be cheering up a bit, feeling better to have a couple people to get his mind off things. "Here, take a couple bars and tubes. They're a mix made for me personally, so they should all hit like that. If you ever need more, just let me know." He would hand her a few flavors. Looking at Leon, he would nod a bit. "I've always been fast, but this was all a dream come true for me. I've always idolized the speedsters. Wish I was as fast as them though." He would say with a tinge of regret.
Jin looked at Jack, curious. "So you knew what you were. You had... what'dyacall. Role models. That's cool." She toyed with the glass of water by her hand, making the glass spin in place with her powers and watching the liquid in it swirl. "I didn't know what I was, besides different. My brother... well, he's different too, but not like me. Took me a long time to figure out what I could and couldn't do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Horrid
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"I want me a greasy as hell burg. Burger. That is all I need right about now. Just that. What about y'all?" She rubbed at her forehead with a grimace as she looked at them both, the edges of a headache creeping up on her slowly. Her hammer hummed at her back, slowly moving with her and ready to fly into her hand at a moment's notice. She shook her head and squinted at them, asking with in a grumbling voice, "What were you guys thinking of getting?" Her stomach rumbled.
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