Roll Please!
I'm fine with other people getting rolls, but I really don't want to be subject to that myself. I mean, I have my nation idea already all fleshed out already, there's no need to randomize it.The point of the RP is you take a roll, you work with what you get and create a nation from that. It was made clear in the rules, you dont decide if you have a roll or not.
<Snipped quote by Vahir> The point of the RP is you take a roll, you work with what you get and create a nation from that. It was made clear in the rules, you dont decide if you have a roll or not.
GM word is final. Advanced standards; common sense approach; game of logic and collaboration. Sheets should be posted on the OOC (though they can be sent via pm as well) for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public. These sheets adhere to the traits/provisos/rolls made my the OP in dialogue with the player. Play to enjoy, not to win. You are assumed to be an adult by submitting a nation/character for this game; please act like one. Applications may take a few days before a decision can be made. Generally, issues will be resolved over pm. Players are encouraged to play typically one-on-one scenarios, large battle scenarios, cloak-and-dagger scenarios, small plots and large plots. To be creative, and to interactive with their fellow players on their own to plot. Take initiative but don't be a dick. 'Meta-gaming' is evil (just don't be a-holes). Tech levels range from stone to steel (though full plate is a rarity), anything pre-gunpowder is a rule of fist. More rules can be added per GM leisure.Not seeing anything here about your entire nation being randomized. I mean, if we're playing randomized nations, why not just make the nations yourself, and give them to us to play as? It seems like it'd be the same thing. I see why some people would want to have randomized stuff, to stimulate creativity, but some people might want to make a nation that appeals to them, as opposed to one forced on them.
You work with what you have, not with everything you wished for. Not to say I am unreasonable and will not work things out with a player. This mechanic is simply in place to avoid unsurmountable "God Nations".I would have been more than glad to work something out with you, @Vahir since you were clearly not aiming to play something all-powerful. As @ethanjory and @gowia said, I'm always up to discuss things. I even stated as such in my opening post, right under the part where I explain this roll-system is in place. However, I cannot very well do that without the consent of the rest of the players for reasons of fairness. It wouldn't add up to let you just do your thing while the rest have to adhere to the rule and rolls. It pains me you just left without trying to look for a solution, but that is your good right.
No offense, but I find this mechanic stifles creativity, and puts too much focus on game mechanics on the game mechanics, instead of the RP.I understand what you say, but strongly disagree. There are no other mechanics in place. This is just a precaution, providing a base to work off. It is there for a reason and past experiences with certain people. Also, if you look closely it does not determine TOO much, just provide building stones. Have you read the rolls?
I see why you guys want to do here, and why you do, and it just isn't for me. I'm going to bow out here and leave you folks to it.While I never enjoy people leaving roleplays, I am afraid this might lead to a bad start. No hard feelings, though, I think you would be a great addition to this RP and setting. If you do change your mind, please let me know. I did like your mercantile city-state.
<Snipped quote by Sadko> Pardon?I decided I couldn't spare my time for this roleplay, and took back my interest. Sorry.
<Snipped quote by Sini> I decided I couldn't spare my time for this roleplay, and took back my interest. Sorry.
Roll for me, too.ESSENTIALS Population Density (Population - 5,300,000) - Regionally Dense; A small amount of manpower for the military and economic purposes, with social infrastructure strained more at a regional basis. Civic projects are expensive, since most of your citizens till the soil. Economy - Slow Growth - The economy is performing adequately, though there is room for improvement. There are certain limitations on the economy that are bottlenecking real growth, such as a restriction in investment capital, amount of labour or insufficient demand. Urbanisation - slightly urbanised: There are several towns and but only a handful of cities present, communities generally range from a few hundred to a thousand individuals. Technology - Slowly Modernizing: The industrial infrastructure is in the process of improvement, and this is a teething process. But the economy is seeing increased activity because of this investment. New technologies are slowly becoming domestically available. However, there is a degree of dependence on imports, including in terms of the expertise to modernize the economy. Metallurgy is limited to bronze and some iron products. Domestic Political Stability - Quite stable GEOGRAPHY Largely consists of plains and hills, with some mountainous areas RESOURCES Mineral Deposits - Moderate deposits of metals and minerals. Valuable Mineral Deposits - None. Unique Materials - flax and linen --> textiles Agriculture - crop and small livestock based, extensive food surplus MILITARY Military Focus - Decent army, decent infantry and cavalry ratio (7:1) Military Recruitment - Hereditary, with certain blood lines born to serve, levies in wartime Reliability - Levies are of decent quality, decentralised units Military Size - small core of professional units: requires some upkeep, easy to equip/supply quickly, seasonal levies Military Technology - Slow Modernization, your nation does somewhat lags behind the rest of the world, instead holding to traditions and conventions. Military Training and Morale - Highly Trained; High Morale, levies are of good quality but low morale Military Leadership - Competent; Competitive; Corrupt Military Reputation - Popular domestically; considered impetuous but capable by foreigners Siege Equipment - antiquated, seasoned corps of engineers and sappers; Loyal and capable
roll plsThis'd be (somewhat) perfect for a semi-nomadic sort of civ. A low total population but strongly centralised in large communities, economic disgruntlement could push these people to raid and seek their fortune elsewhere. In addition, his military rolls turned up high, which suggest a militarised society like migratory barbarian hordes, steppe nomads, etc. While it is technologically behind, that does not mean Faze's people have no access whatsoever to iron or steel equipment, it is just not widespread and likely reserved for his elite. ESSENTIALS Sparse Population (Population - 1,500,000) - Less manpower for economic and military purposes, but it also means that the social infrastructure isn't under much strain. Educational costs and civic projects tend to be cheap. Economy - Stagnation - The economy is performing adequately, though there is much room for improvement. There are certain limitations on the economy that are bottlenecking real growth, such as a lack of manpower. There is some unemployment and economic unhappiness among people, and there is a degree of criticism in what can go wrong, even if it hasn't gone wrong yet. Urbanisation - Heavily: Many towns and cities are present in your nation. Technology - Obsolete: The industrial level and domestic technology level of the nation lags behind, though that does not necessarily mean that the stuff it produces is bad, it's just old-style tech; milled and forging as opposed to high-heat ovens, more wood, leather than metal, etc, etc. Your artisans are skilled, but not educated. High technology production requires foreign training and foreign experts. Domestic Political Stability - Growing unrest GEOGRAPHY Largely consists of plains and hills RESOURCES Mineral Deposits - Minimal deposits of metals and minerals. Valuable Mineral Deposits - Trace deposits of rare earth metals, predominately silver, some marble quarries. Unique Materials - Exquisite leather Agriculture - cattle based, slight food surplus that is decreasing over time MILITARY Military Focus - Decent army, excellent infantry and cavalry ratio (3:1) Military Recruitment - Volunteer Force Military Reliability - Levies are of excellent quality, generals play politics Military Size - Large, relative to population: requires considerable upkeep, harder to equip/supply quickly. Military Technology - Rapid Modernization, your nation does not lag behind the rest of the world, and even sets the standard on some levels. Military Training and Morale - Badly Trained; High Morale, levies have low morale, bad at following orders Military Leadership - Competent; Rose to their positions through battlefield exploits Military Reputation - Popular domestically; considered huge but wild Siege Equipment - Developed, seasoned corps of engineers and sappers; Loyal and capable
Reserving this spot for nation profile, to be posted shortly.ESSENTIALS Population Density (Population - 3,200,000) - Regionally Dense; A good amount of manpower for the military and economic purposes, with social infrastructure strained more at a regional basis. Civic projects range from affordable to expensive. The nation requires a stronger economy to sustain itself. Economy - Stagnation - The economy is performing adequately, though there is room for improvement. There are certain limitations on the economy that are bottlenecking real growth, such as a restriction in investment capital or insufficient demand, however. There is some unemployment and economic unhappiness among people in the lower income brackets, and there is a degree of criticism in what can go wrong, even if it hasn't gone wrong yet. Urbanisation - Semi-urbanised: There are several towns and a few cities present, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand inhabitants. Technology - Slowly Modernizing: The industrial infrastructure is in the process of improvement, and this is a teething process. But the economy is seeing increased activity because of this investment. New technologies are becoming domestically available. However, there is a degree of dependence on imports, including in terms of the expertise to modernize the economy. Metallurgy is limited to bronze products. Domestic Political Stability - Growing Unrest GEOGRAPHY Largely consists of jungles and hills RESOURCES Mineral Deposits - Rich deposits of metals and minerals such as copper, lead, coal, usable stone. Valuable Mineral Deposits - Trace deposits of rare earth metals. Unique Materials - incense, dyes, ivory Agriculture - crop based, food surplus that is decreasing over time MILITARY Military Focus - inferior army and navy, ranged focus, bad infantry and cavalry ratio (15:1) Military Recruitment - Forced recruitment Reliability - Levies are of decent quality, generals play politics, decentralised Military Size - small core of professional units: requires some upkeep, easy to equip/supply quickly, seasonal levies Military Technology - Antiquated, your nation lags behind the rest of the world, and stubbornly clings to ancient traditions. Military Training and Morale - Highly Trained; Low Morale, levies are of decent quality but low morale Military Leadership - Competent; Rose to their positions through experience and battlefield exploits; decadent Military Reputation - Unpopular domestically; considered devious by foreigners Siege Equipment - practically non-existent, instead your army relies on grapling hooks and infiltration
Looks interesting. If there's still space, I'd like a roll. Also, Flag Maker 1.7 is great for designing flags.Still room, yup.
<Snipped quote by DancingEagle> Still room, yup.Then roll, would you kindly.
Interested! Roll request.ESSENTIALS Population Density (Population - 8,000,000) - Adequately Dense; Lots of manpower for economic, public and military purposes, and social infrastructure (housing, roads, public buildings, sanitation) is only under some pressure. Civic projects are quite affordable. Economy - Rapid Growth - The economy is performing adequately, though there is room for improvement. There are certain limitations on the economy that are bottlenecking real growth, such as a restriction in investment capital, amount of labour or insufficient demand. Urbanisation - highly urbanised: There are several towns and lots of cities present, communities generally range from a few hundred to several thousand individuals. Technology - Slowly Modernizing: The industrial infrastructure is in the process of improvement, and this is a teething process. But the economy is seeing increased activity because of this investment. New technologies are slowly becoming domestically available. However, there is a degree of dependence on imports, including in terms of the expertise to modernize the economy. Metallurgy is limited to bronze and some iron products. Domestic Political Stability - Religious unrest GEOGRAPHY No results - based on further rolls I'd say mountainous with some fertile regions. RESOURCES Mineral Deposits - Moderate deposits of metals and minerals, large stone and salt deposits Valuable Mineral Deposits - Marble Unique Materials - Porcelain, gems Agriculture - crop and cattle based, extensive food surplus MILITARY Military Focus - inferior navy, strong army, decent infantry and cavalry ratio (6:1) Military Recruitment - Hereditary, with certain blood lines born to serve, levies in wartime Reliability - Levies are of poor quality, decentralised units Military Size - medium sized core of professional units: requires upkeep, relatively easy to equip/supply quickly, seasonal levies Military Technology - Slow Modernization, your nation does somewhat lags behind the rest of the world, instead holding to traditions and conventions. Military Training and Morale - Highly Trained; High Morale, levies are of poor quality with low morale Military Leadership - Somewhat Competent; Competitive; Corrupt Military Reputation - Popular domestically; considered craven by foreigners Siege Equipment - Outdated, seasoned corps of engineers and sappers; Loyal and capable