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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Master Jak
"Alec!! You asshole, what the f@ck are you doing? We need you to go out there and nullify everything! Your power as a Wizard Saint tells you to do so." Sadly the person they need the most is a selfish man, his magic is nullification and he could have stopped what's happening but he chooses not too.
"I could if I want but demons like them aren't even worth it. Accelerator will crush them."
Master Liem
"Gentlemen. We need the best brains around here. Nigel and Akira will be working on the counter. As for our Kung Fu Wizards, we need to get them the Intel as fast as possible." Master Liem's pet snake Paku starts devouring him. "P-P-PAKU! No I said w-wait." Then runs away. Master Man Li told them. "Don't mind our younger brother like that, he tends to act like a clown with snakes but what he said is right." --------------
Cedar Town
After Gwen got speed blitzed, she keeps her mind straight and alert ready for anything to happen, she suddenly sees her away from Cedar and back to where it all started. "Where am I?" To her surprise she sees a young girl crying in a devastated town and images of Ivory taunting her. Gwen smite those images with distaste and disgust. "It's not real." Those image flashing but more to come.
Gwen tells herself. "My past doesn't make me who I am. It is the present that make me who I am, right Liz?" Keeping herself calm and brushing off the nightmares being shown to her, she facepalms and cools her own eyes. Little does it hurt but it still hurts. She fights those faker image of a nightmare.
The image of her beloved mentor who helped her walk the right path appears the most positive thought of her mind. Gwen shed a tear after what she did with her eyes. She remembers the words that her Master said. "If that monster is your darkness, then I have a reason to fight it, no?" Gwen recalls positive thoughts. "This is nothing but false images, pictures of nightmares like the devil coming to wreak havoc, steal, kill and destroy. I am an avenger, that means I must be stronger than my prey." Gwen declaring herself to be one but a slap back happens to her moments with her Master. At the same time, fighting her fiends and demons that she hates, corrupter who are talking bad about her losses, Gwen slashes it with her sword but its not real yet she continues to do so. "Do not be consumed by hate, Gwen. You are you. You're my beloved pupil. You are not an avenger, you are Gwen and just like my magic and its forms. You'll find your own form and eventually, you'll find yourself and your happiness. Everyday people lost someone dear to them but that doesn't mean they will contemplate and get lost in sorrow." At that time, Liz was comforting an 8 year old Gwen, teaching her Ice Make, she molded ice sculptures of her parents and Ivory. Glimpses of Gwen's past. "Your parents are gone but don't you think they will always be right here." She shrugs it off, "I will not let the shackles of the past chain me, Liz." Gwen is brought to her knees,recovering from that dreaded experience, the cool in her eyes starts melting, her eyes were watery, method to that of "crushing her own eyes". "Damn it, I won't try another jackass act again." She still is exhausted from it, psychological exhaustion. Through her positive bringing resolve, Gwen breaks her nightmares! But then a man with a white hair delivers consecutive blows sending Gwen a distance, "I can't see yet. He can't possibly be attacking now??!!?"
Black Mamba
"We'll head to Clover Town, Kyuuten. Grab my hand!" He yelled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten stood over the felled demon his flanges settling. "Oh yeah, who's next? I'll barbecue the lot of 'em!!" He celebrated with wide grin as Kara's persona took over momentarily. Kyuuten's much more relaxed demeanor returned as Black Mamba called for him. "Yeah, let's go lend a hand." He sheathed his sword and rushed over to her with Meteor taking her hand swiftly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin - Cedar Town
Matisuki continues to charge through the demon's, almost totally unaware of the nightmares that affect the rest of his guild members. It seems as if nothing could stop him... until Matisuki stopped dead in his tracks. Just several feet away from him, with his vision going blurry, he sees his father standing motionlessly. He couldn't believe his own eyes. How could he be alive? He looks so real, so pure, just as he remembers him from long ago. Matisuki begins slowly walking towards his father mesmerized, blocking out any demon that tries to get ahold of him. Suddenly, without warning, a giant demon forms out of the black fog and roars at Matisuki. It looked exactly like the one he and his father fought so many years ago... when they were partners. Yet this was the same demon... that killed Matisuki's father. A horrified reaction run downs the warrior's face as his soul runs cold with fear. "Father!" he calls out as he begins running towards him with all of his fight, transforming his fists into Kaijrian fists. Yet alas, the demon's fist crushes down on the old nobleman as blood splatters across the floor, some landing on Matisuki's face. The warrior's face begins to tremble as he looks upon the remains of his father. Then with a violent outburst he leaps in order to punch the demon in the face, only to punch nothing but smoke and dust. This was nothing more... than a nightmare. Matisuki was already on the verge of breaking down, realizing that he was fooled by his own memories. Yet he remembers the rest of his path... he overcame that horrible memory and brought honor towards his father. He would be proud to see him as a strong S-Class warrior. As demon's began to swarm around him, Matisuki's emotions turned from grief into what he would call 'honorable anger.' With another violent roar, he manages to smash the demons around him and tries to find the demons responsible for this deception. More demons try to push him back, but seemed to fail as he pushed them right off. He was PISSED. And he will smash the ones responsible!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ajax Thera - Council Member
As dangerous as it was for the hooded figure to place his hand so close to Ajax's face, the large Wizard Saint didn't bat an eye. Rather, he simply kept his thousand-yard stare on the mystery man. "You've shown us more than you think," Ajax responded simply, setting down his empty mug. "You aren't the first of your kind and you won't be the last. After you run away with your tail between your legs in... fifteen minutes or so, you'll take the information you gathered on Fiore's mages and try to work a way around their strengths." The large man stood up from his seat. "Only your new plan will be worthless." Ajax let out a sigh and began walking away. "Where's the restroom here? And make sure he doesn't escape while I'm occupied. That was directed to you, Alec." After being given the directions Ajax walked calmly out of the room. It was only when he was out of the Masters' sight did he break into a sprint. Drinking too much hot cocoa had its side effects.
Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
After informing Aiden and Oriel, Piper was again abandoned as Aiden carried Oriel away and used a spell to travel faster. "Ugh, of course," she said to herself. Out of politeness, Piper gave a reassuring look to the storeowner that seemed to care about Aiden before taking off in a jog. She wasn't unfit, but running around like some kind of errand-girl seemed to exhaust her a lot more than, say, running for her life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Sable Rhodroth - Wretched One Ethereal light vanished into the air as the teleporter finished its job, leaving Sable amongst a bunch of crazed guildmates. He sidestepped a feral slash from Cynthia out of instinct, his eyes narrowing in her on hysterical expression. Something was off, everyone that had just arrived was acting like dogs in a corner and that didn't even begin to explain the sudden color change of his scarf. He gripped the black scaled-cloth. He had to figure out what was going on but he wanted to save Cynthia first. It would be tough, especially if it seemed like she'd be attacking him with everything she had. He'd have to do something to snap her out of it but what? Smashing his fist together, flames barreled over his forearms before releasing outwards in the form of a shocking but harmless heatwave. "Wake up, Cyn! I need you on my team!" he yelled out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cedar Town
"Two woke up, and one seems immune, should I head in there, Acedia." The raven haired teen shook his head, already working to solve the problems. In front of him were 3 dozen captives, each one scared out of their minds. Good. "Nightmare Terminal." Acedia made a sweeping gesture, and several lines shot out from it, stabbing through all of their heads. While there was no physical harm, they were all trapped in a hortible nightmare, their fear growing exponentially. Acedia took a dozen of these minds and focused it into one nightmare beast, a shadowy demon-esque figure, increasing it's power by a large amount. Also, it wouldbe able to reform 3 times before one of the hostages died, which meant the creature could revive itself 36 times off of the hostages' mental energy. It would be facing Maitsuki, providing him with a tough fight. He had another 6 and focused them on Cynthia's nightmare, intensifying the emotions she felt to a maddening degree, as well as covering her in a dark gothic armor. As long as she was suffering from the nightmare, she gain an increase in strength, magical power, the potency of her magic, and speed. Sable's cry's would fall on deaf ears. He did the same to Oram with the other 6, leaving a dozen spare minds for him to draw in. "Avaritia, go out to the area and start sniping at them from outside the dome, but don't go in. I'm not skilled enough to keep the nightmares from you. . . and there is no way in hell I'm putting you through that again. Do you hear me!?" Acedia asked, his voice stern and unflinching. "I got ya,. . . . Acedia, please be careful, okay. Don't over do it." Avaritia's response lacked it's usual mirth, the sadness hitting him harder when the teen failed to respond. Wordlessly, Avaritia left the room, standing a top a building with abords eye view of the area with in the dome. Pulling out a knife from out of nowhere, Avar focused his energies on his arm, which took on a soft glow as he did so. "Celebres Duae: Sonic Rifle!" The boy yelled out as he rapidly launched the knife, his arm not even a blur he moved so fast. The blade moved even faster, breaking the sound barrier as it passed though the dome and went straight at Matisuki. Avar sent 3 more his way, as well as one each at Gwen and Sable, all from different directions ashe moved from vantage point to vantage point in the blink of an eye. By the time he was finished, he had to catch his breath on one of the buildings, doing all that movement was exhausting, though he'd recover in a few seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin - Cedar Town
Matisuki was finally coming from out of his nightmare, when suddenly he feels a sharp pain coming from his side. He grunts as he looks to his side and finds several more knives coming at him at blinding speeds! With a quickly dodge, he lands on the ground and rolls out of the way. Once he got back up, Matisuki's right side was beginning to bleed a bit, but he ignores the pain as he growls at whoever attacked him. He then a boy who seemed to be the culprit of the attack. Not only had he thrown knives at he, but also at Gwen and Sable! With a grunt he runs towards the boy's location and with tremendous power he leaps towards the building he was. In the air, he raises his arms and fists up, preparing to smash the puny boy below him with a loud enough roar to make people just a few feet away from him to become deaf for a good minute..
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cedar Town
Gwen uses requip magic for the first time! "Requip!" Wölbung Geisterbeschwörer (The Arching Exorcist) Gwen's form of requip that revolves around combating demons though the it is inferior to Devil Slaying Magic, it is effective against demons but not as painful compare to Devil Slaying Magic.
Adding and amping up her endurance upon Oram's gravity attacks making the impact less as well as making her more flexible in combat. Kreuz Schütze(Cross Arrow)Form of a silver crescent shaped bow, its arrows are from the requip dimension allowing Gwen to use it remotely in battle. The arching exorcist bow possesses demon slaying properties. "Kreuz Schütze: Kreuz Schwert." Her bow turned into a sword, dual swords that are chained together. "I may not have devil slaying magic but with my armor, I will slay you." She felt Maitsuki's presence and smiled. "I can't strip in this armor which is sad by the way." She tells out loud to her enemy which is Oram but not really enemies as she was blind. She jumps away from Oram. In an attempt to go after the demons, Gwen uses her armor that of a compass. "My armor is embedded with exorcist magic, it reacts to demonic presence much to like how Devil Slayers react to it." Gwen made an ice foothold for her stand on, she's 10 ft off the ground. Trying to get the trajectory to pinpoint the curse energy. "Got ya. Kreuz Schütze: Luminous Pierce!" Gwen fired two arrows at once, a 1 meter long luminous arrow filled with demon slaying properties to Avar's direction. The second arrow is delayed which is to ensure, he will take the first bait, dodge it and get hit by the 2nd one. "It's over. Your pretty friend is next." Gwen continues to follow the demonic presence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cedar Town Avar was helpless, his magic still recharging after that last blitz, unable to move out of the way to avoid the attack, so all he could do is watch as the man came down on him. As Matisuki was about to crash into Avar, the dome, and the nightmares, would disappear and a rush of wind could be heard, followed by a harsh shove to Avar's side, pushing him out of the way. Looking to his right, Avar saw Acedia give him a smile. Then Matisuki hit,his fist breaking the demon's fragile bpdy apart, splattering blood every where. Avar looked in horror as Acedia began to die, looking at Abar with a sad, yet peaceful look on his face. "I'm sorry that your big brother's so helpless Sam, I'm so, so, sorry." Snd with that, the demon known as Acedia passed. Avar crawled over to his brother's corpse, tears streaming down his eyes as he shook his broken form. "Come on Jack," Sam, the human inside, whispered, "Come on, dammit, get up Jack! You can't leave me again, you can't do this again! I didn't have him revive you just so yiu can leave me again!!!" Sam's cries became hysterical, the tears flowing down face inrives as he pressed it against Jack's body. "Come on, Jack, get up. Mom told you to take care of me remember, don't you remember. YOU CAN'T DO THAT IF YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!" As Sam mourned, bawling like a babe as he cradled his brother's corpse, he remember what brought them here. They had been recently orphaned after their mother had died. Jack, who had always been sickly, grew very weak on the streets, so Sam took to pickpocketing and burglary to pay for medicine. After a year, however, he had become well-known throughout Crocus as the best thief in the city, and was reruited by a local gang to do their dirty work. When Jack found out, however, he banned him from pick-pocketing, not wanting his brother to be involved. The gang didn't take to kindly to this, so they raided their shabby hut in the slums of Crocus, holding Sam down as they beat Jack to death. "Now that your brother dead, you work for us," The gang leader had said, "unless you want to join the usele-" Before he could finish, Sam had stabbed him in the neck with a knife he'd stolen from one of the gang members. The man fell, and Sam kept going at hmim, stabbing him again and again, long after he was dead, until he was pulled off by his thugs. they were about to give him a similar treatment when suddenly, they were all beheaded, their heads becoming red mush on the back wall. A strange hooded figure stood over Sam, hand outstreched for a deal. He'd bring Jack back from the grave, but they would both belong to him. Sam, maddened with grief, accepted, and the man wordlessly brought out two vials. The rest can be guessed. Sam looked up from Jack's body, glaring at the one who had killed him. "You killed him. . . now I'm going to kill you." As he spoke a black smoke rose from the remains and flowed into Avaritia, the boy known as Sam dieing as the demon took over. A pillar of shadows shot forth into the sky, blowing Matisuki off the building and Chrome's arrows off course into some of the surrounding buildings. But before he landed however, he wss viciously kicked into another building, causing it to tumble a bit. Standing in front of them was the truly demonic Avaritia, for he now bore horns upin his head, leather wings built for speed, clawed hands and taloned feet. His eyes had an increased iridescence to them, the pupils being slit and white. The pain of his brother's death,,the absorbong of the soul fragments Acedia had,and the death of his humanity had allowed Avaritia to access his Etherious Form, and he was pissed. He immediately charged Matosuki again, finding him in the buliding and continuing the assault with murderous rage in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia Cynthia was about to launch another attack on the soldier, tears streaming from her eyes, when the spell broke and she found herself facing Sable instead. She froze, quickly putting together what had happened and collapsing to her knees. "Sable... I..." She started, but before she could finish, she fell over, blood still pouring from the wound on the side of her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aiden cheerful mood was rather soured when Piper busted in, her tidings being anything but good. "We'll have to take a rain check on the ice cream today, Mr. Tiberton." The man nodded, his face turned grave at what he'd managed to over hear. "Be careful now Aiden, I'd probably have to shut down 8f anything were to happen to you." The man's attempt to lighten the mood was appreciated, as was the worry that was clear in his voice. Aiden walkee over to Oriel, told her quickly "You can slap me for this later," then he swept her off her feet into a princess carry and rushed out the door, a magic seal, appearing underneath him as he made his second step. "Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He said, and he was off,launched high into the air by a stream of highly pressurized water. Him and Oriel flew quite a distance, and he landed with a crash near a cafe , where he saw Yuuyami. "Oy, cat-girl, We've got an emergency at the guild hall, so move you're ass. Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He spoke quickly before launching off again, this time busting in through the hall doors and making a skid-landing, stopping right in front of Nigel. Once he was steady, he would let Oriel,down bedore turning to face the S-class mage. "Where are we headed and what should we expect upon getting there?" Aiden asked, wanting to know every detail before he approached he went anywhere.
Those three are more than capable of dealing with the two demons at Cedar Town. As much as I don’t want to admit it in front of Lucas, Clover Town’s safety is more important as that’s where the guild masters summit takes place Nigel thought. He reached out to the nanorobot inside Piper’s brain, “Piper, good job. Matisuki, Sable and Cynthia just left for Cedar Town so you can come back now, we both are going to Clover Town to see what is happening over there” he said. At that moment, Aiden burst through the front doors, holding Oriel in his arms, “Oh, wait a minute. Aiden just broke the front door. Seems like it won’t be just the two of us on this one” he told Piper telepathically and with that, turned to Aiden. "Glad you guys came" he told them."Currently, Clover and Cedar Town are being attacked by demons. Cynthia, Sable and Matisuki just left for Cedar Town through that magic teleportation circle down there" he said pointing at the circle, "and that is Lucas, a knight tasked by the Council to aid us by transporting us to the battlefield. With your arrival, we are 3 and with Piper on her way back, 4 in total" he said "Oh, did you happen to meet anyone else on your way here? Every available A+ mage is needed for this mission" he asked Aiden. "By the way, I'm going to ask of you to let me implant my robots in your head. This way we can communicate through long distances and share information with one another in an instant" he finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Bristlebane walked into the guild hall carrying a bundle of fireworks to come into a situation that looked far more serious than he was expecting. He came in just in time to hear that Clover and Cedar town were being attacked by Demons. He surveyed the scene briefly and decided that he wanted to head to Clover town and help any way he could. He dropped the bundle he was carrying and they clattered to the ground as Bristlebane rushed to the knight who seemed to be in charge of sending people places. "Take me to Clover town right away!' he demanded eager to help in any way he could although he wasn't really sure what was going on. "Anyone one else coming with me?" he asked of the assorted guild member.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
As Piper continued across Crocus, she heard Nigel's voice in her head. His nanomachine technology was really useful sometimes. It was probably useful all the time, but it largely depended on her mood whether she found it useful or not. "Yeah, I got everyone I could find," she communicated back. "We should be good to go." After another moment of running, Piper found herself back at the guild hall. Turned out Aiden actually did break the front doors so she didn't have to slow down until she was already inside. "Alright," she let out between breaths. "I'm back and ready to go." To further demonstrate this, she held out her left hand. A white magic circle appeared, from which a sniper rifle appeared. Taking it in both hands, Piper put on her less-than-intimidating war face. "We can't hold back against these demons," she stated, removing her right hand from her rifle and using it to lift her glasses from her eyes and place them on top of her head. Despite the weapon had no scope, she could use it with incredible efficiency when going without her glasses. "Let's fuck them up."
Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai
The building Matisuki was smashed into was a hotel, mostly abandoned by now given the situation Cedar Town was in. There was still a single occupant inside this building, however, and the resulting destruction from Matisuki's body sent rubble crashing down on her room. While wooden beams and shattered floors now covered the bed in a thick blanket of debris, the woman underneath finally began to stir. "I'm awake... I'm awake..." she muttered from underneath the pile casually. With a half-assed shove, most of the debris was pushed off the bed. Where a normal human would've been crushed underneath the weight, the pink-haired woman that now sat up in her bed seemed entirely unscathed. "What's going on?" Hana said slowly, only now realizing the building she was in was partially destroyed. With a slow and casual pace, the young woman got out of the bed and slid her feet into some dirtied pink bunny slippers. She herself was wearing pink and white striped pajamas and her long hair was already a mess. "Oh my..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"What in the actual fuck!? I don't mind about the princess carry, but what about my ice cream, baka Aiden?" Oriel shouted, after being inadvertedly picked up and dragged around by Aiden. As said earlier, she didn't really mind, though her heart did beat a bit faster than usual. They went to check up on another girl, Yuuyami, seemed to be her name, before launching up again. It definitely made her fell a bit dizzy, the quick motions and everything. "H-Hey, can you... slow down a bit? I might throw up worse than when I get drunk." Luckily, they came to a stop in the guild hall. She climbed down Aiden's arms and squatted down for a bit, with her hand on her mouth. She really did feel like throwing up. She slowed her breath a bit and then started taking deep breaths, until the urge faded away. And how so, she was just in time to hear councilman asshole running his mouth. She didn't really mind going to kick some demon ass, that was her specialty, after all, but having some kind of implant inside her head? He just HAD to be kidding. "Yeaaaaah, noup. I don't really appreciate people messing with my head. I might be crazy as fuck, but I like it that way." "Besides," regaining her teasing demeanor, she elbowed Aiden's side. "He and I can communicate through out minds. Call it 'Lovers telepathy' or shit like that." She let out a hearty laugh. "Speaking seriously now, don't you have anything better than that for us to keep in touch with each other? I'm sure there are a shit ton better ways than THAT."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-This is sudden Somewhat stunned by the sudden entry of Aiden, Yuuyami only blinked as she heard the knees, before rather impolitely told to help with the problem. sighing, she looked back over at her sister, before stroking her head gently. "Looks like we'll have to interrupt our snack." with a smile, even in the face of her sister's pout. Standing up, Yuu placed a few coins on the table, before walking towards the Guild Hall, her sister following right behind. Finally making it to the guild hall, Yuuyami swiped her hand across in front of her. Her sister disappeared, only to be replaced by Seraph. "So? Can someone explain in detail who I need to deal with?", she called out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Cedar Town
The illusion was all to real for Oram. This nightmare. This man. "Alec ROGANOFF!" Suddenly Alec was on some sort of foothold. "I don't know when you started using that magic but..." He paused as he broke through the foothold Gwen was on, unaware of who he was actually attacking. However, as he broke the foothold the magic befalling him ended. Gwen would likely be coming down much more rapidly than he'd expected. "Crap..." He'd attacked her. That wouldn't look very good on his part, whether or not she got hurt. That was likely the only reason he would attempt to catch her. But if she could land herself he wouldn't get in the way of that. "Hey what was that?" He asked regarding the illusion that had just happened. It was likely magic of some sort. But he had no real idea demons were involved. Still, since he knew he ended broken the magic and nobody had really helped him personally, he could only assume the caster had been dealt with. The only downside was now he couldn't get revenge on the bastard for making him see things he wanted to forget. But he knew he never would so moving on was next. And it didn't seem like he'd be apologizing for attacking Gwen anytime soon. "And are you okay?" He could at least ask that much right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Aiden "I think it'd be best if you didn't fight drunk or even slightly tipsy, plus it woukd have been ready for ten minutes anyway. Don't worry, I promise I'll make it up to you okay." Aiden said to Oriel, choosing not to comment on her 'Lover's Telepathy' bit. He did agree though, he didn't want any robot in his head, not now, not ever. "I'm also goinh tp have to agree with Oriel on the no to robots in my head. We should be fine on our own, and I can't let my new partner out of my sight." Aiden said seriously, not aware of how that might sound to those not in the know about his new job as a Magus Hunter. "As for available mages, they are all here now," Aiden pointed to Britz and Yuuyami. Turning to the latter, he quickly re-explained Nigel's explanation to her. When he finished, Lucas came and gave every one 2 vials from the crate, explaining their purpose that they'd only work if you focused your magical energy into them. Once that was done he moved everyone into the magic circle and sent them off to Clover Town. Upon arrival, they'd ge attacked by 15 grotesque hound-like creatures that had split off from the main group attacking Trisanna upon their arrival. Aiden would start the attack, summoning his Naginata and launching a vicious barrage of strikes at them, Killing two before one managed to sneak behind him and bit his leg, pulling it out from under him, and leaving him on his back, another of the beast capitalizing in his loss of balance and bouncing on him. Aiden managed to block with his Naginata, but wouldn't be able to do much else, and other beast would come upon him soon if nobody helped him soon. Clover Town: Invidia Invidia's ribbons sliced Trisanna's card thouroughly, not that she noticed. She was to busy taking joy in the fact that this boy was a poor fighter, and that he had a little brat to protect. 'I wonder what'll happen if I kill the brat. Woul he cry, would he get mad, or would he just be broken. I'm hoping for broken.' She giggled, seeing the attack coming at her, and deftly dodged the beam by bending over backwards, doing a flip back to her feet, then she charged at him, this time aiming a solid knife hand to his shoulder, intending to cut of his arm. "Come now, boy, you can to better than that, can't you. I thought guild mages were supposed to be a challenge."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Okay, suit yourself then" he responded to both Aiden's and Oriel's refusal to get a nanorobot in their brains. "Piper has one and that is how i told her to return back to the guild hall after going around, bringing you guys all in. Anyway, I'll keep a camera on you two so if you need any help from us just signal" he finished. Nigel then waited for Aiden to finish explaining to Yuuyami what had happened and then proceeded to enter the magic cirle that would sent them to Clover Town. Once they were teleported, they were warmly greeted by a pack of demonic hounds that surrounded and attacked them. Nigel went into TM-001 mode and transformed his left arm to the shape of a compact cannon while at the same time jumping backwards and up, landing a few meters away from the hounds. From there he could participate as well as watch the battle, enabling him to strategise more effectively on the spot. From where he was, Nigel spotted Aiden getting bitten and dragged down on the ground by one of the hounds. He also spotted one more that was about to maul him and so fired a concentrated beam of Ethernano at the two hounds, melting holes through both of them and killing them on the spot, "Aiden? You're okay?" Nigel asked loudly. Okay, let's see what we have here Nigel thought and released a few dozens of his tiny nanocameras, giving him a nice, birds-eye view of the town and everything that was going on in it, while another hound dropped dead by his beam. Nigel's displays showed that there were two powerful magic signals coming from two different directions, a few hundred meters away from where their group was fighting the hounds. The signals flunctuated quite a lot, something that showed they were releasing a lot of magic power. Those two got to be the two demons. Hmm, are they fighting? Well, It would be stupid of me to think that the Council didn't send the same emergency mission they had sent to Harpy's Wing and Viper Bolt to all the other top-tier guilds, that or the demons were just butchering the townsfolk... Nigel thought. "Hey Aiden, I'm picking up a strong magic signal a few hundred meters that way" he said and pointed towards Invidia's location. "I'm 99% sure that you will find one of the demons there, probably fighting a mage. Take some of us and head towards that direction. I'm also picking another, different signal, some hundred meters at the opposite direction. I'll check that out" he told Aiden. "Let's split up and finish this quickly, anyone who wants to, follow me" Nigel told everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nicolas Grimmond, Clover Town
As much as he wished they would, Nicolas wasn't so sure Trisana's cards would be of much help this time around. That fact was made evident when the demon sliced through one without even knowing it'd been coming at her. And he couldn't ask her to help any further because she had her own problems to deal with. Why me? He questioned himself mentally as Invidia came at him once more spouting some nonsense about how she thought guild mages were supposed to be strong. Even as she came at him with the intent to cleave off his arm he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he attempted to move back. This was out of character, but he couldn't help it. "I'm sure a true guild mage is much stronger than I am, see as I'm not a guild mage yet." He said, just before he found himself falling backwards. The young girl had apparently taking his advice to stay behind him too literally. Without warning he was now on the floor. Even if the inntial strike from Invidia would have missed his arm he would certainly did if he didn't think of something. "I wish I could say I hate to disappoint, but I really don't." He manage to say before holding his hands out to form one of the same tomoe spheres of magic in front of him and the young girl he was now apparently guarding with his body. Hopefully she wasn't hurt. As far as the Tomoe went, there was a plan in mind. Nicolas was hoping that by forming it so abruptly she'd end up charging or maybe even falling into it, as he and the girl had fallen so suddenly in front of her. It was possible she'd trip or fall as well. And if she did, she'd find herself released in the air high above the battlefield. Yes. She'd fall from there. It might not have been much, but it would likely be much better than this close range which he was so utterly unprepared for. What I wouldn't wish for an official guild to be here right now. He thought as he got himself as the girl to their feet in the case that this plan didn't work. At least he'd be more ready then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Reina dropped her bags, looking on in shock at the sight before her. Just over the hill she found Clover Town wrecked and could hear screams even from where she was. "What is this...?" She was supposed to have a concert here tomorrow. She never expected to arrive to this. "How awful..." Clenching her hand she darted towards the town hoping to help. Entering the town and dancing around the rubble she soon came across the culprits of such destruction. A couple of demons were bearing down on a teen and his little sister. "Get away! Just leave us alone!!" The boys cries rang in Reina's ears like piercing howl. One of the demons lunged at them. "DON'T YOU DARE!!" The demon's claws came to a halt at the sound of Reina's voice. It turned to glare at her only to see a steel glare from her, all worry gone and replaced by fiery determination. "Come at me. Attack someone who can attack you back!" The demon growled and rushed her way bearing it's claws. Reina raised her leg and brought her foot down as heavy step. The demon closed in but to it's surprise it was hit and pushed back by an invisible force. Just as it recovered it's balance Reina was within it's guard. "Your bark is worse than your bite...it still doesn't compare to mine though. Sound Palm!" With a strike to the demon's abdomen the beast was sent flying by powerful soundwaves and into the nearest building. The other demon had circled around and was aiming at her back. Reina ducked it's claw and shot up flipping back and delivering a strong kick to the back of it's neck slamming the demon into the street. Assured it was out cold Reina rushed over to the two kids. "Hurry on, get out of here. I'll make the big bad monsters go away~" She said smiling at the little girl. "Thank you." Her older brother said and grabbed her hand and ran. Reina watched them until they were out of sight then turned hearing the sounds of fighting off in the distance. I hope there's still time... She thought and trudged off in that direction.
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