Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"It's official I am lost" Yuuka said to herself as she tried to find where she was. This is what she gets for rushing after completing that one mission of protecting the town. Though looking around she couldn't find heads or tails of the city and she was this was the right spot. "Oh well best to forage onward perhaps I could find a nearby town or at least a mage who could point me in the right direction." She said softly as she twirled her parasol in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Lamia Scale
Lamia Scale harbors in Margaret Town, Fiore. Having heard news of the fuss about the town, the members of Lamia Scale were eager to take action, more so reckless to do so and charge without analyzing the situation. The guild has been the strongest guild since X-792 and until now it has been the strongest guild. Rival to none, Lamia Scale is the parent guild of Viper Bolt, according to rumor due to sharing some sort of similar name. It's a bright day in the guild, 4 S Classes and its wizards gathered in the guild hall that of a castle, rooftop.
Master Lyon Vastia
"All of you heard the news. While there is a demon attack in Magnolia, Cedar, Clover. We can't let such commotion continue. Our rival guilds need to be present in the Grand Magic Games, if you do care, I say let's lend them a hand." Master Lyon strips.
"YOO!! THAT'S RIGHT WE GONNA SHOW THEM WHO IS BEST AND LOOK FOR OUR LOVELY PLANT MAIDEN AND LYON! What's with the stripping?! WWOOAAAHH!! GUYS LET'S HEAD LET'S HEAD OUT! LE--" Lyon sighed and ice floored making Toby slip comically. "...." He sighed.
The aces of the guild and fellow S Class. The Sky Sisters are shown about. ------
"Just follow me idiot." Black Mamba said to Kyuuten. "There are demons everywhere, I could use extra hands to pound these guys. And if you're not convinced." Black Mamba reveals his face to Kyuuten. "Now you're convinced." He said. "Watch out!" He uses his shadow magic to protect Kyuuten. There were two demons who got them cornered. "My sleep magic isn't working."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cedar Town: Battle Start, Gwen vs. Acedia and Avaritia
Gwen's attack was impressive taking out quite a few of the nightmare beasts in the area, but Avaritia had been able to avoid it quite deftly, now leaning agai st Gwen's back, a groan crawling out of his throat. "Of course the first mage I have to kill is completely smoking hot, why does the universe hate me? What did I ever do to deserve this?!?!" He moved again during the speech, now standing on top of a nearby building. "Well then, lets get this over with, god this sucks. My name is Avar, and I'm supposed to beat the crap ouy of you to get into a really cool guild. I could kill you too, for bonus points, but I really don't want to. I will if I have to though, so don't think I'll go easy on you. Oh, and please-" Suddenly, a barrage of Avar's came at Gwen from seemingly every direction at ridiculously high speeds, aiming to slash her to pieces. "Do try to keep up." While Avar was fighting Gwen, Acedia was off focusing his energies in another building, a ways from the battleground, aiming to cast a strong Nightmare Curse on the entire area. But it would take time, time that Avaritia was currently buying by fighting the girl and blabbering like an idiot. With his magic and reflexes, she'd have a hard time being able to hit him, as evasion was the little brat's specialty. And if he did get himself trapped, then Acedia's nightmares would be on her, giving him time to figure away out. They were a team after all, and had to watch each others backs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Cedar Town
After completing his mission Oram had repacked the Dragon Lacrima and had them shipped to Master Alec. He was gonna take his time getting back. At least like this he wouldn't have to lug the think around or worry about them being taken or destroyed or something of that nature. However, he'd made a bit of a mistake while on the train. He'd over shot his original destination and ended up in Cedar town. "Fuck... I outta beat the living shit out of... Motherfu..." He grit his teeth annoyed, and preoccupied with his own business before he saw the state of the town. "What the fuck?" His eyes widened as he picked up the pace moving deeper into the town. An ominous presence. Death. Destruction. Whenever a nightmare beast approached him he simply dispatched it with his gravity magic. A punch here, a kick there. It was simple. And that's when he saw it. That chick. Fuck. What was her name? She was from one of those two guilds. "Hey! What the fuck is going on here?!" He called out as he made his way over to the woman. Vyper? Harpy? He couldn't be bother to keep the specific details in mind. Ah well. She was fighting. He knew that much. And this place was gonna end up a wasteland if whatever was stopped. Obviously he wouldn't have cared on general occasions, but this drudged up a few bad memories. Not to mention, it would be good for the Lunar Wolf image. Alec would want him to in order to keep up the charade he had. Obviously he was underestimating the enemy for just a moment as he ignored everyone but the person he somewhat remembered.
Nicolas Grimmond, Clover Town
The day had started out nicely. Nicolas and Trisana had been in Clover Town. What were they doing again? Getting food or maybe looking around a magic shop. It all seemed so pointless now. This was terrible. Why? Why was this happening?! "T-trisana..." He'd almost suggested running. Just getting the hell out of there. Saving their own lives. But if he was going to become a mage... A member of a guild... He couldn't. "W-we need... We should... H-help." He was terrified, but if they could help out some then there was no real other choice. And that when he heard it. A scream. A young girl. It had come from near their position. Just as he thought. He wanted to help regardless of how absolutely terrified he was. And at the very least, he could give support. He didn't need to fight the people behind this himself right? "Come on!" He said with a bit more of confidence in his voice as he ran forward to where the scream at come from. There was a young girl being attacked by some sort of beast. Likely one of the causes of the chaos. He hadn't really seen what was making everyone freak out and run. He'd only seen the aftermath of some of the deaths and bodies. "No..." He took a breath and held his hand out. He spoke quickly in a low, somewhat ominous language and an orb of magical energy, resembling a tomoe formed around the girl. And just like that it disappeared. When it reappeared and released her he grabbed her. This was not one of his best plans. He would have to get out of there before the things turned to attack him or something. Like this he could help others out. Maybe not everyone. But as much as he could humanly help. And he had Trisana to help him right? Maybe?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well that was certainly a trip" She thought to herself after getting directions to Clover town. Humming to herself she quietly walked towards the town which was now coming into view before she was paused. "Well that doesn't seem right" Yuuka muttered to herself before starting to run, the town seemed to be in a panic who knew what was going on but it was her job to help those who couldn't protect themselves right? She tried to gather what was happening but couldn't seem to get people to answer her only thing she understood was some kind of monster. Though hearing this she settled herself to fight if she must she was a proud member of Lamia Scale and as such she would do her best to make Lyon proud of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "That's just how he is," Cynthia muttered in response to Piper, before taking off after Sable. Once she caught up, she bonked him over the head with one hand. "When are you going to learn not to run off alone? We're partners now, if you're going on a mission you're not going without me." She sighed and shook her head. under her breath, she muttered "Of all the times there could be demons, it had to be right now?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten might not seem like the brightest wizard in the gold but he knew an ally when he saw one. He didn't need any convincing though Mamba was a little impatient for response and showed him what was under that helmet. "Thanks. I'll take down as many as you need me to~" He spun on his heel and placed his arm out at the demons Mamba protected him from. "Heavens Palm!" After blasting them back a magic circle appeared on the back of his hand and at his feet. "Open, Gate of the Demon Flame, Kara!" A sapphire wisp shot forth from the magic circle and formed into the demon-esque spirit. "Who needs be turned to ash!" A tail similar to Kara's unfurled from under Kyuuten's shirt as he and the Celestial spirit bumped their wrists together. "We've got plenty fight so let's crank up the heat~" With that Kyuuten initiated Celestial Unity. The two were consumed by a bright light. Once faded the new being was revealed. Kyuuten stood with black streaks in his hair, his ears long and pointed, aand two small blue flames resting on his head as well as one at the end of his tail which was wrapped around the sword Kara left behind. He swiftly drew the sword from it's sheath whipping a torrent of blue purifying flames towards the demons and destroying them. "So what's the plan?" Kyuuten drugs looking back at Black Mamba with the blade rested on his shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

While she doesn't know what's going on, Gwen matches the speed of her opponent. "Gwen Sniegow of Viper Bolt. Nice to meet you." She couldn't think of any better way than using her martial arts than revealing the fullest of her abilities. Pure speed and reflexes, Gwen uses martial arts, equalizing her magic with her opponent. She delivers a few feints and backhand feints(no hits) the boy, Gwen's going to get faster and faster as this keeps up. "Every direction huh? 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Pivotal yet composite moves in clock like directions." Gwen analyzing the trajectory of the attacks. Gwen simply jumps and cast ice platforms for her to run on. Then she lands a sword of ice as a foot hold and stepped on it, extending her leap towards the boy followed by a feint of multiple punches and a kick to the boy's stomach. As expected from a Vyper Bolt, martial artist. "He moves in an evasive pace; almost as my speed. Without magic, our speed are equal but with magic it's different." Gwen smiled, "Playing whack a mole, I believe. I guess I don't need to do it. Is that all?" She taunts the boy. She appears in front of him quick and lands a quick punch. This was all done when she stuck the ice of sword to the ground where she has to make two plans. Plan B is unknown, "That was my clone." The real Gwen said. "I'm not a fool who enters the battle by giving everything my all. But as you can see, even ice can slow the flow of time." Figuratively speaking, Gwen is not slowing down time but giving a speech about it. Meaning, she was able to analyze how his enemy moves. It is getting cold with Gwen around as she uses ice to buy time and freeze with mist slowly. "When I kicked you a while ago, a residue of ice was in your body which made my clone spawn and punch you, you should know that when ice reaches a certain temperature, it slows down atoms. I'm sorry, I hate to waste my time on my opponents. ICE MAKE: Rosen Krone!" She launches multiple roses made of ice. Black Mamba He get Kyuuten out of the situation where some demons were about with him and Merrian. "I'm sorry I'm not able to get Merrian out in time." He said. "The plan is we need to keep these demons as far from here. We need to do it fast by leading them to a trap and exactly like leading them to a trap with our devastating spells." Mamba spammed "shadows" to sucker punch the demons. "I need you to run at your top speed. You see that big demon over there. The higher the momentum and velocity, you'll be able to land a clean hit and all these demons will be gone." Plenty more to come. "Keep up with my speed, I mainly appear in dark places but I'm at a disadvantage here." Mamba starts using Kung Fu and Juijitsu on the demons and then sucker punches them again. "Akira is on the way for help. I heard you have heavenly body magic, Kyuuten. Don't ask because I'm Black Mamba, I stalk people." Implied in the past two weeks of Viper and Harpy staying together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten shook his head at Mamba's apology. "Merrian will be fine. She'll barely ruffle her sheets against these things." He said with a confident smile. He listened to the plan and nodded. "If you're looking for speed then I chose the right partner for this fight." Kyuuten tightened his grip on his sword the blade igniting into radiant blue flames. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the larger of the demons. "Here I go!" Waving his hand Kyuuten launched a volley of Heavenly Beams. Using Meteor he sped after the beams controlling them to circle around him as he raced forward blasting through the horde of demons. When the path was clear Kyuuten's split from his remaining beams and charged ahead with his sword ready to strike as his beams carved their way towards the big demon as well. This was Kyuuten's specialty, mirroring his ability to merge his powers with his spirits he used his arsenal to it's fullest with powerful combination attacks. "Take this, Heavenly Flame Crush!" His sword erupted with purifying flames as his blade met the demon the same moment his Heavenly Beams hit their mark resulting into spectacle of blue fire and starlight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sharyxe
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Sharyxe An Abstruse Conundrum

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aria Hunterblade
Aria's face began to take on a bored expression, and her scowl slowly resurfaced. She was beginning to get bored by the game. When Brad zapped Nathan though, she frowned even more. "Let him be, Brad, Nathan wants his rest," Aria spoke, scowling a little. She sighed, and her mind wandered to think of what the other guild members were doing. She couldn't help but feel some ominous feeling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Nigel sat quiet, watching the knight vent off his frustration on Matisuki. Nigel would have stopped the huge man if Lucas couldn't but he managed somehow to make Matisuki change his mind and wait for the others. As they were waiting, Nigel got a bunch of vials from Lucas and gave two to Matisuki, "Here, take these. As Lucas here said before, you will need these to trap the fragments in, once the demons are killed. You don't want to get possesed by one of those fragments..." he told the Lizardman. After some minutes passed, Sable and Cynthia arrived at the guild hall as well, "About time you guys came" he said and quickly gave them two vials each."There's no time for chit chat, the demons out there are destroying Cedar town and Clover town as we speak" he added and with that, Nigel grouped Matisuki, Cynthia and Sable together and got them in the magic trasportation cycle Lucas had created. "I am sending you guys to Cedar town. I will wait here until we can form another team that will head to Clover town. Good luck" he said and turned his attention to Lucas. "To Cedar town" he told the knight, who quickly nodded in appreciation and turned to the group. Lucas raised his arms towards the sky and then quickly brought them down, slamming the floor where the magic cycle was and pouring into it magic. The cycle started glowing a bright white light and after a second, the group was gone, teleported to Cedar town, a few hundred yards away from Gwen's and the two demons battle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Cedar Town
"Funny," Avaritia said as the attack came towards him, a mischievous smile on his lips as his red eye began to glow ever so slightly, "Neither am I, Celeres Duae!" Suddenly, the boy was gone, and before Gwen could react, she'd feel a blow to her face, feeling like a kick. It wasn't that strong by itself, but add in the speed at which he was now moving and it would definitely rattle her attic. Suddenly, Gwen was being assaulted at all sides, the boy moving faster than the human eye could cope with, alternating between punches, Kicks, and slashes with his knives. His barrage would continue like this for a little while, barely giving Gwen time to breathe, until he suddenly stopped. He landed on top of a building, a smug smile on his face as he gave a clap of congratulations to Gwen. "Wonderful, I'm truly impressed with you being able to keep up with my Celeres Unus and for putting up a rather good fight. Alas, it seems we have some company, so I'll leave you in the capable hands of my partner." And then, with a wave good-bye, he was gone again. As soon as he had left, however, an intense energy had blanketed the area where the guild mages had assembled, a purple dome forming around it, trapping them inside. "Insomnium Novale." A voice whispered into the back of their minds. Suddenly, they were no longer in the city of Cedar town, instead, they were in the last place they'd ever want to be, a place in their past that filled them with fear and anger. And In this place, they'd see the person they hated or feared the most taking the place of the other mages, nightmares beasts, and unfortunate people who had gotten caught in the field. "Your worst nightmare stands in front of you, you most vile enemy, detested traitor, they wish to end you again, finish what they started. hurry and kill them before they kill you." ((OOC: Basically, everyone except the demon's are trapped in a enclosed sphere and believe they are in a place they hate or fear the most, whatever emotion is stronger, facing the person or thing they hate or fear the most, again based on the strength of respective emotion. They will believe that every one they see is the thing they hate or fear and will react accordingly. Cynthia maybe able to heal herself and the others, but she has to realize it's not real in the first place, which is very hard as the magic drags you into your own mind, and thus, your senses if logic and reason will be very much dulled while you emotions and impulses are greatly increased.))
[Clover Town: Battle Start: Nicolas vs Invidia, Trisanna and Yuuka vs Luxuria and her brood
Invidia couldn't help but grin as she saw that their targets have arrived, 3 mages of varying power levels, over all non of them a threat or real challenge to Luxuria, but more than enough for herself. "I call the little boy, I want to make him scream and beg, I want him to bleed, oh yes I want him to bleed. Can I, Luxuria, can I please?" The girl begged, looking at the elder woman with puppy dog eyes. Luxuria chuckled at Invidia's childish begging, giving a mental order for her beast to land on top of the building across from the two mages. "Fine, my little darling, and have fun. I'll play with these two little girls for a bit then." Luxuria smiled as Invidia jumped on to the ground and rushed over to the boy, pulling a cord on her belt to release a stream of ribbons from her dress, and doing a spin towards the boy. The moment the ribbons touched him, however, they would cut deeply into his flesh. If he didn't move soon after that, he'd be well and truly sliced to pieces. "Come now boy, lets have some fun. I've been itching for some action all day. Luxuria's been hogging all the kills for herself all day. Oh, and say good bye to your friend, cause she's as good as dead now that she's facing Luxuria." She finished her statement with a giggle, which quickly turned into a dark chuckle as the girl pulled out a whip and began to slash at him, maneuvering it around so that it would be striking from directions just inside his blind spot, aiming for his legs and arms. She wanted to stop him from moving, so she could take her time slicing him into tinsy-tiny pieces. Luxuria, on the other hand, made no such speeches, only snapping her fingers sending every beast in clover town, around 40-50 in all, charging towards the two female mages while she took to the air to watch from above. "Have fun with my children for now, if you survive, I'll be sure to give you both a nice treat." The hounds movements are fast, and their strikes are deceptively string, but worst of all, they attack in a group. The moment you turned to face one, another would come up to strike from behind you, and this will continue until they manage to fell you. If either of the mages fell to the ground, the hounds would converge on them, and that would be the end of them, almost assuredly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanu Ashton Vanu had her daggers in position to strike and she waited for the cloaked person to move. Strange thing though he stood stock still like he ... 'Oh shit!' Vanu though at the same moment he lifted his leg. He knew and even though she tried pulling her daggers away from him she only got 1 out that wasn't molten beyond use. The next moment she saw him jumping out of the flames and landing on the roof opposite to her. How had he spotted her that fast? She then noticed the roof beneath him getting red and knew an attack was coming. She saw him jump away, but the red glow remained so she did the wise thing and tried to get as far away from it as possible. She quickly put a soul inside the suit she was wearing beneath her cloak and jumped off the beam with her back to the building. In that instant she made the beam start to rotate and stay between her and the building while she was gliding down. She had almost reached safety when the building exploded. The first thing she felt was a wave of force that made her feel pain all over, the second thing she felt was 2 sharp things smashing into her back and 1 below her left shoulder. The other shrapnel had been blocked by her rotating beam. She hit the ground harder than she would have liked, but she survived. She got up on her knees panting. Her body was in pain and she couldn't move her left arm, she probably had something sticking into her back judging by the feeling. She was having trouble staying conscious, but refused to go down. She got up and looked to the direction the guy had jumped towards with determination in her eyes. "Just you wait, I'm going to kill you and I'll enjoy every second of it." With that she sent a soul to a sturdy looking piece of wood since her beam was quite broken. She took a seat on it and floated between the buildings in his general direction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well, color me surprised. I never really thought you'd know of such a nice place where you are so... loved." Oriel giggled at the antics of the shop owner. It was a really girly giggle different from her usual tomboyish demeanor. She was very amused at the whole scene of Aiden being hugged tightly by another man, but she soon left them to their emotional reunion to take a look around the store. She took a look at the fridges where the ice cream was stored in, trying to choose just one. She might not look like it, but she has quite the sweet tooth, but of course, the one she liked the most was... "Hey, Aiden? Ain't there some kind of wine flavor or something of the like? I've been sober for way too long." Regardless of the answer, she continued on looking for her favorite flavor of ice cream. "And what'd you like? I suppose you have a favorite flavor too, given how... often it seems you come around here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 3 days ago

Piper Hatfield - Ms. One Shot
"I don't understand any of you..." Piper relented as Cynthia charged ahead to catch up with Sable and Gwen ran off to... who knows where, but it certainly wasn't toward the guild hall. Well that was three people. With a large portion of both guilds being out of town for the S-Class Camp, there weren't too many she had to really gather. The majority were already at the guild hall. But still, she felt some magical presence of other mages in Crocus so it was her objective to inform them of the situation. After a few minutes of jogging through the crowds of Crocus, Piper honed in on the mages she sensed. Stopping outside an ice cream parlor, she saw Aiden and one of the newer mages, Oriel. "What is up with these couples today?" she asked herself, taking a moment to catch her breath from her exercise. After composing herself she entered the store approached the two. "There's an emergency!" Piper announced, to catch their attention. After realizing that this was information the nearby shop owner shouldn't be hearing, she lowered her voice and got closer. "We need everyone back at the guild hall. There are demons slaughtering towns and we have a way of teleporting to them."
Ajax Thera - Council Member
Ajax listened calmly to the mysterious man's explanation on what is happening. He took another sip of his hot cocoa and closed his eyes. "As I predicted," he said aloud. When his eyes opened, he was giving his trademark stern gaze toward the hooded figure. "I hope you enjoy your show," Ajax began, setting the cup down. "Your demons will lose. And as you are collecting data... so are we." The council member looked around at the other masters. This room had three Wizard Saints, a former Saint, and four guild masters. "Likewise, you cannot expect to safely leave once this falls through for you. You made a mistake in showing your hand."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

“Oooooohhhh, predictions. Should I let you read my palm then, tell me my future.” The figure chuckled humorlessly at the councilman’s statement, the smirk never leaving his face. “I’ll have to correct you on somethings you just said, Ajax-kun. Firstly, whether they win or lose, it doesn’t hurt me either way. If they lose, they are of no use to me and since they know of nothing importance, you can torture them to your hearts content and get nothing that would touch me or my organization. This, as I said before, is a test, and the cost for failure is death or capture. Secondly, I’ve shown nothing except what I want you to see, which is that I’m ruthless, sadistic, have means to blow this city sky high, care nothing for my subordinates, something Master Alec Roganoff can understand I’m sure, can sneak into your guildhall without any of you noticing, by the way, do you guys always have so much fun in the hot springs or was I just lucky today, and that I have strong demon’s on my side that I can afford to throw away like they’re nothing.” The man stood up, and began to make a show of placing his hand in front of Ajax’s face. “I must say, a rather good hand to show, isn’t it?” He returned to his seat, legs crossed and his hands together, taking a look at the projection in front of him. “I’ll say this, the demons at Cedar town have been a rather big disappointment to me, so you may be right there, Clover Town, on the other hand, is almost certainly doomed. You see, the best part hasn’t even begun yet. I can’t wait to see your faces as your mages are ripped limb from limb, I’m sure it’ll be rather entertaining. Of course, I exclude Alec from this, as I’m sure all I’ll see is minor agitation at best. Oh, and I almost forgot the third thing, you thinking I can’t escape from the lot of you, that is a rather big claim, given you don’t even know what my capabilities are, or if I’m even here in the first place. I could be a really well made thought projection. I’m not, but I could be.”
Aiden cheerful mood was rather soured when Piper busted in, her tidings being anything but good. "We'll have to take a rain check on the ice cream today, Mr. Tiberton." The man nodded, his face turned grave at what he'd managed to over hear. "Be careful now Aiden, I'd probably have to shut down 8f anything were to happen to you." The man's attempt to lighten the mood was appreciated, as was the worry that was clear in his voice. Aiden walkee over to Oriel, told her quickly "You can slap me for this later," then he swept her off her feet into a princess carry and rushed out the door, a magic seal, appearing underneath him as he made his second step. "Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He said, and henwas off,launched high into the air by a stream of highly pressurized water. Him and Oriel flew quite a distance, and he landed with a crash near a cafe , where he saw Yuuyami. "Oy, cat-girl, We've got an emergency at the guild hall, so move you're ass. Water Dragon's Flying Step!" He spoke quickly before launching off again, this time busting in through the hall doors and making a skid-landing, stopping right in front of Nigel. Once he was steady, he would let Oriel,down bedore turning to face the S-class mage. "Whete are we headed and what should we expect upon getting there?" Aiden asked, wanting to know every detail before he approached he went anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yuuyami-Where is everyone? Sitting outside, under the shade of an umbrella at a cafe, Yuuyami sighed, before taking a bite of her crepe. "No one was at the guild hall..." Muttering to herself, the Dollmaker sighed once again with boredom. "Bufft mphabye they're buphy(But maybe they're busy)?" Hearing the muffled words, Yuu looked across the table at her sister, before smiling. "Don't talk when you have food in your mouth.", before reaching over and wiping off some cream off her sister's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin - Destination: Cedar Town
Matisuki takes the virals in his hand as he joins a group that also want to go to Cedar Town. As said before, he usually works alone and only in rare instances does he ever work with anyone else. Some people call him anti-social, despite his jolly and funny attitude when in the guild eating and drinking down. Soon enough, his team was ready and they were teleported to Cedar Town by Nigel. BATTLE START! As soon as Matisuki lands with his group, a gigantic bellow can be heard from his mouth as he unleashes his terrifying war-cry against the demons. He strides forward, using his Kaiju Soul to transform his right arm into a giant, charcoal-black, beast arm. He then plows through any demon resistance that dare to stand in his path, trampling them as he goes. Several demons try to leap onto him, but Matisuki was quick, using his arms to send the others flying! He looked as if he was an unstoppable killing machine!
Kuroko Nagasai - Magnolia
Kuroku suddenly sees the demon attack Vanu as he pauses to witness the action. It then began to follow the assassin on the rooftops in where Kuro proceeded to give chase. The demon was beginning to ravage the young girl as the next thing he knew, she saw her struggling to get up. It seemed as if her consciousness was beginning to fade. Despite her rude actions against him after he had changed his mind to team up against the threat, The Winter Spirit spares no time as he begins to make his first attack against the demon. "Ice Make:... Deep Freeze!" With the power of Ice Make, he sent a vibrant beam of ice, heading straight towards his opponent in an attempt to freeze him in place and bide Vanu time to make the next attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cynthia "No..." Cynthia backed up a step. For a moment, she had been in Cedar town for a moment, but now she was somewhere else. Somewhere terrifyingly familiar.
"No, no, no, nononononono! Go away! Go away, go away go away go away! You're dead! Gone, killed, you can't be here! Why!?" She lashed out, striking at the closest person she could see, a feral mix of fear and hatred taking over her actions. Trisana "You want to fight?" Trisana said, her voice carrying a bit of an accent, "We'll start this off with a bang, then." Pulling a deck of cards from her pocket, she closed her eyes and quickly drew two cards. "Tarot Magic! Misfortune!" She yelled, revealing the cards. Hanged Man (Reversed) - Normally would cut the caster's physical abilities in half. Reversed doubles the caster's physical abilities. Magician (Reversed) - Normally would double the target's magic power, Reversed halves it. "I can work with this." She said, tossing the Magician card at the demon who was fighting Nico. If it managed to hit, the target would be complete and the card would take effect. Otherwise the magic would simply fizzle out. In the meantime, the Hanged Man card was taking effect. Normally negative, the reversed position turned it to her advantage. She grabbed one card from her deck, not activating it's effect this time, and charged it with magic. "Come at me, puppies." She struck one with a kick, and used the card as a knife to slash the next one. She would have no trouble handling these minor creatures, especially with her boosted strength.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oram Hellios, Cedar Town
Jesus. What was the girl’s name? Oram thought for a moment. Gwen? Yeah… That was it… Right? She was fighting. It wasn’t his place to jump in, but he likely would have. Alec finding out he helped the enemy would be a sight to see. Worth any punishment he could dish out. However, soon everything he was thinking would change. He looked around. “This place…” His eyes widened as he whipped around inspecting the area. Blood was splattered along the roads and buildings were burning. It was a small village. At least, relatively small. Sure it wasn’t huge, but it wasn’t tiny either. “What the hell am I doing here?” He grit his teeth, surveying the area. It was just how he remembered. Bodies riddled the street. Men, women, seniors, even children. All of them were dead. Some were on fire as well. The smell of the building and the bodies burning filled his nostrils. It made him sick to his stomach. He stepped back a bit before turning again. “Hey…” He stopped dead in his tracks, having been about to question that Vyper girl. She wasn’t there. “You… What the fuck kinda game are you playing here you rotten old man?!” He shouted staring down Alec Roganoff. The logical explanation would have been that somebody had done something to him. Even Gwen would have been a better suspect. But this scene and Alec just tore away all stems of rationality. He breathed heavily. He’d never wanted to see this place again. He tried so hard to forget. Some nights he didn’t sleep just to avoid nightmares of it. But right now. He was fuming. Absolutely livid. That was probably why he did it. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” He shouted as he charged at Alec(Gwen) and threw a powerful, gravity enhanced punch, followed by a kick, continuing into a medley of quick punches and kicks. -------------------------------------------
Nicolas Grimmond, Clover Town
One second Nicolas had been helping get a young girl to a safe place. Most other villagers were getting out. At least, those who were dying or dead were. He was going to try and help them too, but his entire plan fell apart when he heard a girl’s voice. Had she stayed quiet she might have just killed him there. But that didn’t seem to be what she wanted anyway. In truth, Nicolas was scared. Terrified. He’d just wanted to help the citizens get out. God, why had he left Trisana? He’d been in too much of a hurry. Too eager to help. This was what it would be like in a guild though, wasn’t it? So he knew he couldn’t let the fear stop him from acting. “With all due respect. I would really rather not play with you.” Nicolas spoke as he grabbed the girl he’d saved moments ago and leaped out of the way. “And sorry if I sound arrogant, but there’s no way my friend would go down so easily.” He thought quite highly of Trisana when it came to battle and the like. Or maybe her own bragging had rubbed off on him and he could only see her that way. Regardless, this situation was what was important. And it was even worse than he could ever have imagined. Not only did he need to fight this seemingly crazy girl, but he had to protect the child behind him. “Stay behind…” He shut up immediately feeling the whip. It hurt. It hurt so much. He definitely wasn’t used to fighting like this. He couldn’t even stop the whip. This girl was good. Avoid and blocking was out of the question cause the strikes came just inside his blind spot. He was vulnerable. Yes, he was. He wasn’t the fighting type. Not to this extent. But he had to do something. He couldn’t just stand there and die so pointlessly. He held up his arm, palm wide open towards Invidia, while he gripped his forearm with his other hand holding it steady. “Ih Ragdo!” He spoke that same ominous language. The language of the Yakuma Clan, just before a tomoe-esque orb of magic, about the size of a basketball, formed in front of his hand. A stronger more skilled mage with this magic likely would have had a larger orb or something, but for him this was fine right. It didn’t matter anyway as the orb quickly took the form of a beam firing at Invidia. This beam was fast and powerful despite his size, and would explode on contact. He’d have liked to avoid as much collateral damage as possible, but his magic was just a bit too destructive when not used in his usual supportive manner.
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