64.0 kg (141 lbs)
Den Grimsly has no bounty. Rather, he hunts people with bounties as a Rookie Bounty Hunter.
Grimsly tends to be quite calm inside and outside of combat, and is difficult to surprise. He is quite appreciative of many things he finds in the Grand Line, as he comes from the sky islands - where many of the things in the Grand Line do not exist. He approaches most of his problems through thinking, rather than charging in mindlessly. He can be quite obnoxious at times when it comes to strategies, and enjoys nothing more than poking holes in the supposed foolproof plans of others. In a group, he takes the role of a 'deadpan snarker', and is normally the voice which points out flaws during discussions.
When in combat, Grimsly tries to abstain from speaking, maintaining his focus, but he has been known to make the odd taunting remark or two.
He also tends to use the greeting 'Heso', as they do in Skypiea.
Grimsly hails from a Birkan family of Bounty Hunters. Before he was born, his family had moved from the warrior-filled sky island named Birka to the more peaceful and organized sky island; Skypiea. This did not excuse Grimsly from the battle-oriented culture of the Birkan race, and Grimsly was raised as both a Bounty Hunter and a warrior. His choice of weaponry had been decided fairly early in his life, as Grimsly demonstrated his gift of powerful eyesight at a young age. When he walked around Skypiea's beaches with his family, he would constantly point at things somewhat close to the horizon that were difficult to see, and would describe them with relative ease.
He was taught how to utilize multiple forms of guns, cannons and bows as he came of age. At no point was he shown how to use any melee weapons - save for a dagger which didn't require much skill to wield effectively, and was only to be used when there was no other combat option. As a result, Grimsly has little proficiency when it comes to fighting at close ranges.
Grimsly had a desire to collect different types of ranged weaponry, but felt extremely limited when it came to where he could go. Skypiea was only so big, and there would only be sea of clouds greeting him once he reached the sky island's edge. It was only in stories that he had heard of the fabled blue sea which supposedly lay below the cloud sea. It interested Grimsly as a collecter, and as a fighter.
Through the use of a four-length bird, Grimsly was able to travel from the sky, to the blue sea below. He had managed to get to the Grand Line this way, and has arrived on his first island.
Den Grimsly is a marksman, and owns a various assortment of ranged weaponry; extending from the basic pistols to a long-range rifle or bazooka. His ranged arsenal even extends to a bow, a slingshot and two crossbows. In combat, Grimsly constantly switches his weapons. He may be found firing a pistol for the first few seconds of a fight, but may switch to his long-range rifle to take a shot at enemy crew member on an another ship. His constant weapon-shifting keeps enemies on their toes and wary. Naturally, Grimsly's focus on ranged weapons leaves him at a very clear disadvantage versus anyone who can close the distance between him and them, as he lacks a significant melee weapon to fight with, and wouldn't be very proficient with it regardless. This combat style always makes people question where he actually stores his weapons. Not even he knows.
His eyesight is exceptional, and he is able to see over much longer distances than the average person. He is able to make out people on faraway ships, making him valuable as a ship's lookout (although he tends to get quite bored, doing that).
Den Grimsly is a Birkan. A race that hails from the sky island of Birka; southeast of Skypiea. He shortly moved to Skypiea after birth, however. Grimsly has had access to, and has collected: Dials. He uses these Dials for combat, but some of these can be also be used outside of combat.
Den Grimsly carries around a small bag which contains his Dials:
. Two Jet Dials.
. A Breath Dial.
. An Impact Dial.
. A Flash Dial.
In addition, Den Grimsly also has a large assortment of non-specific ranged weaponry.
Name: Remy Ramsey
Age: 22
Race: Humam
Height and Weight: 5'9''
Appearance: A man with short blond hair and starry green eyes. Stick thin, but dresses smartly with a white shirt, black dress pants and button up vest, and a pink bow-tie.
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Remy is very eager to please, accommodating to a fault, and doesn't have very much self worth. His confidence is a shaky sort that crumples at even the slightest criticism and he can't really accept praise without thinking that its just pity. He's sort of like mush; you can't really build him up, but you also can't break him down. This is why he continues to follow his dream in the face of all criticism, even though he also considers it an impossible one to achieve.
History: Remy is a chef. He knows for a fact that he is a chef. His heart is the burning heart of a cook. It is unfortunate, then, that he is such a terrible cook.
It's not even about nutrition. What he cooks is edible. It may even be nutritious. It will certainly keep you alive, it's just that you'll wish you were dead. He can't help it. Ever since he was a kid helping out in his parents restaurant he's been awful. The boy can't even boil something without seemingly sapping all its flavor away. His father realized this early in his career and forbid him to ever even enter the kitchen. Instead Remy acted as a waiter, which he was actually good at. He was an amazing waiter, it was like he was born to do nothing but wait tables.
But Remy wasn't a waiter. Remy was a chef, and so at sixteen he took all the money he'd saved up and set out to the sea to try and improve. Being laughed out of every school he could find and in most cases thrown off every ship where he touched the food, his wanderings eventually led him to Lougetown where he's been trying to book passage to the Grand Line. Because "Black Leg" Sanji sailed the Grand Line, and he ended up the best chef ever. So maybe it would spit him out a somewhat average chef.
Abilities: Remy is the worst cook ever. In the history of time. His dad used to joke that if Remy was the chef on it you could sail a ship up and down the Calm Belt without fear of sea kings, because they'd spit you out as soon as they ate you. It's not even that the food will make you sick, it just tastes bad.
This is in contrast to his skills as a waiter, because he's perfect at it. Not only does he have an air-tight memory, but perfect balance. He could walk across a tightrope carrying a stack of plates 30 high and not drop a single one. While blindfolded, if someone told him to just walk straight. He can also just toss things. He can chuck a plate of soup out the kitchen door and land it right where he was aiming, face up, without having spilled a drop. He can also do this trick with bowls, glasses, and at one point a whole party platter.
Inventory:Really just the clothes on his back and a set of cookware that he keeps diligently shined.
Name: Zerry Bell Age: 38 Race:Fishman ( jellyfish) Height and Weight: He is 6 foot 4 and weighs 164 pounds Pirate or Marine: Pirate
Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Zerry Bell is very laid-back and easygoing, speaking rather slowly and occasionally drawing out the last word of his sentences. He takes everything lightly regardless of the severity of the moment, but always keeps his senses on alert. In surprising, perilous and unexpected situations, he is apparently never shocked. Unlike most fishmen he has no problems with humans in general, but he does treat them like they treat him ie if they're rude to him, he is rude to them and so on.
History: Zerry was one of the many Fishman Island citizens who watched the fight the fight between The Straw Hat Pirates and the New Fishman Pirates. In fact seeing humans fight to protect his country not only changed his opinion of them, but also inspired him to go out and adventure himself. Like many others he joined the karate dojo hoping to improve himself before setting out. Unfortunately he lacked any real skill at combat this combined with his easygoing nature meant he only slowly improved. However he was serious about it in his own way and eventually left the island, confident that while he might not be the best fighter he would still make a decent pirate.
Abilities: Stinging Touch Zerry has the stinging cells of a Jellyfish located in both his tentacles (which look like his hair) and in his hands, they are not activated by touch but are instead triggered by the chemicals found on skin. This is how Zerry controls whether to activate this sting effect or not. While his sting is painful, it's by no means fatal and an experienced or driven opponent can ignore the pain.
Fishman Karate Zerry has spend years training at Fishman Karate Dojo though he is by no means very good at the martial art, he however hopes that being much stronger than the average human will help him make up for it. Techniques: Five Tile True Punch: The weakest of the so called Tile True Punch attacks, this punch is still strong enough to knock out an untrained human in one hit. Against anyone with training/fighting experience it's much less effective. Inventory:
Name: Jonathan Joestar Age: 17 Race: Human Height and Weight: 132 lbs/60 kg. 5'6"/169 cm Pirate or Marine: Pirate Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Jonathan is normally a meek and gentle boy, however he isn't afraid to fight. Because of his heritage, he's always afraid of abusing his power like the rest of his family, which is part of the reason why he only fights as a last resort. As a doctor, Jonathan would rather fix someone then break them. Because he grew up with only his busy mother and the doctor who trained him, He doesn't really know how to interact with people his own age, so he can come across as social awkward sometimes. He's very eager to please and has a very kind and nurturing nature. Hurting people he cares about is a good way to make him forget about his fear of abusing his powers and only fighting as a last resort History:
The general populace is under the impression that every World Noble is a cruel and self-centered asshole who doesn't care who they step on...while not too far of, it isn't quite the truth. One World Noble, a women named Jennifer, was quite frankly appalled at how many criminal acts they could get away with...although not at first.
When Jennifer was 14 years old, a ship that her family was on got attacked my pirates (not aware of the on-bord World Nobles). Instead of pillaging the ship, the pirates instead just destroyed it from their own ship. Not many people survived the ship's destruction, and it was only made worse by the fact that this happened during a nasty storm. Although Jennifer survived, she was separated from her family and carried away by the waves.
When she awoke, she found herself washed up on the beach of a small island with her clothing torn in several places (and her air helmet missing). She was soon found by a band of pirates who were staying there. While she tried to assort her authority as a world noble to make them find her a replacement for her helmet and then to take her home, the captain just laughed at her, saying that she had no way of enforcing her authority on her own. When it finally hit Jennifer that she was completely powerless, she broke down.
The next year was a real eye opening experience for her. First, she had to learn to breath without an air helmet, something that came to her quick out of necessity. Second, she had to learn how to take care of herself. While the captain let her stay with his crew while they were on the island, she had to pull her own weight. Her will to live soon won over her pride. By the time a Navy ship found her (the pirate crew hiding so Jennifer could be rescued without any unneeded complications), she was a changed girl. However she didn't leave the island empty handed; right before the pirates went into hiding, the captain gave her the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu Devil Fruit, which she promptly ate
Once back home, she found that her family had all survived the pirate attack, much to her relief. Although something that disturbed her greatly was just how much the World Noble's behavior and treatment of others horrified her. None of this was new to her, but her time spent on that island had changed her greatly. So much so that she began to actively work on getting the government to remove many of the World Noble's privileges...needless to say, her family didn't like this.
Deciding to take action, her father had her married to World Noble named Dio Brando. Jenifer didn't like him. While forced married life did indeed put an end to to her days of lobbying, it hadn't cowed her. Once she found out that she was pregnant, she immediately realized that se couldn't allow her child to be raised in the same environment that she had been. So on the day young Jonathan Brando was born, she used her Devil Fruit powers to escape with her son, renouncing her status as a World Noble as she did.
After leaving Mariejois, Jenifer changed her last name to Jostar, in memory of the pirate crew who opened her eyes. Likewise, Jonathan's last name changed as well. Raising Jonathan alone proved to be tough, especially in his early years, but she managed to keep them both alive. By the time Jonathan was five, they had reached Lougetown, somewhere Jenifer felt was far enough away from the home of the World Nobles to be safe (relatively speaking). Now with a home and a steady job, Jenifer was better able to provide for her son. While she hid her background from people, she didn't hide it from Jonathan, telling him everything once he was eight (she even showed him some of the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu powers in secret).
For a few years, things were peaceful, Jonathan was even taken on as an apprentice by the local doctor...until one day when Jonathan was 15. Jenifer suddenly came down with some kind of illness. Due to a lack of supplies, the resident doctor couldn't cure her. Thus Jenifer was doomed to die. On her deathbed, she asked Jonathan to bring her a fruit of any kind. Hurrying, Jonathan grabbed a pear and brought it to his dying mother. Taking the fruit from him, she told Jonathan that she was entrusting her powers to him. Since she had done a lot of reading about Devil Fruits, she knew what would happen if a user died. As she expected, when she passed away, the pear in her hands became the new Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu. Without any hesitation, Jonathan ate the whole thing (yes, the whole thing. Even the parts that aren't edible). Ever since that day, Jonathan has been waiting for his chance; unable to trust the Marines who protect the corrupt World Nobles, he knew that his only chance to explore the world would be as part of a pirate crew...just like the one that took in his mother during her time on the island
Abilities: Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu Techniques: Traits: Inventory: 153 Beli and a few loafs of bread
Name: Rem Age: 17 Race: Human Height and Weight: Five feet and six inches, 142 Pounds Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Rem is generally a very carefree person, unlikely to be the serious and demanding captain most would expect from a captain. He tends to act goofily and mess around, often being very blunt and disrespectful when doing so. When he speaks, he is often very loud. In fact, seeing him spend a day without yelling only occurs once in a blue moon, if even. Like many pirates, he is not only foul mouthed, but has lots of ambition as well. This stems mostly from his own avarice. He wants to enjoy anything the world can offer him, gain anything that he can attain, and explore parts of the world he's never seen. He is very loyal to his comrades, especially his crew mates. They are treated like family, even insulting them would be enough to make Rem lose his temper.
Rem, since his early childhood, has always been interested in learning about the world. While not initially seeming like he would, he possesses an adequate knowledge of the world's history. As a child, he dreamed of traveling to these places. This is one of the things (among others) that inspired him to set out to sea. While he is very dumb when it comes to other subjects, he has a vast knowledge of various islands. He is a very skilled piano player, an instrument he was taught to play by his guardian. He is very fascinated with bizarre or strange things, such as weird animals or people. He has a natural love for fighting and has great pride in his strength.
Ever since his birth, it seemed inevitable that Rem would become a criminal.
His parents were two notorious pirates, both rookies at the time. One of them was a man named Easton Seegar. He was a notably handsome and muscular young men, but also very cruel. Another trait of his that stuck out like a sore thumb was his oversexed personality. Wherever he went, he would always have a one night stand with a woman foolish enough not to know his true identity. As a result, many children have been left fatherless because of his tendency to never let relationships go beyond a one night stand. It is said that "Easton Seegar" is an alias and he keeps his true name hidden for reasons unknown.
The mother, on the other hand, was a curious woman. Her name was Morgana Levasseur, a former high-ranking marine. She was known to be very capricious, but no one expected her to do something of this caliber. The only explanation she gave was that she couldn't being held back by laws for much longer. Not only was she actively a threat to the world government, but she had also managed to gather a crew of incredibly powerful fighters. One of these fighters was a man named Bruno, a hairy musician whose main purpose was to keep the crew at high spirits. He comes into the picture shortly after a short series of events. Morgana was also known to be a thrill-seeker, always having the need to experience new things. This manner of thinking is eventually what caused Rem's birth.
Both of these infamous figures had met each other at Mock Town where they had both gotten incredibly drunk. Against their better judgement, both of them had decided to spend the night together. When morning came, it was clear that the Seegar was the only one of the two that didn't regret his actions. They both split up soon after, Morgana's crew never dared to bring up that moment again, but there was a reminder for the next nine months of travel. She was pregnant with Seegar's child. Even her own adventurous personality quickly grew frustrated by the torture she had to endure day after day. It was obvious to her crew from the very start that once she gave birth, the child would not be staying with them for very long.
She gave birth while traveling through the sea. Without so much as giving the newborn a name, she immediately ordered for it to be killed. Bruno knew that this was coming, but he could not bear to let a child be killed. Even as a pirate, Bruno still had standards. He firmly believed that children were born without sin and could not bear to see one be harmed. Even when they raided villages or committed other crimes, Bruno refused to ever harm a child. This was when Morgana issued a challenge to test his resolve. He would spend fourteen days without eating food. During this time, the baby would be fed in his place. Without a moment's hesitation, Bruno accepted the challenge.
For two harsh weeks, Bruno kept his word and ate nothing. All the while he played his violin for the crew as per usual. By the end of the challenge, Bruno felt significantly weaker than he did before. He collapsed right after the end of the last day. Morgana had pity on the man and allowed him to rest until he was fully recovered. Even after he left the crew, Morgana could not pretend as if the friendship she formed with Bruno had never existed. After a month of rest, they were sent off with a small ship and a month's worth of rations as parting gifts. The crew's ship was extraordinarily large and full of food; a month's worth of food was nothing to them.
They both arrived at the East Blue within a year. Bruno disguised himself to avoid being identified by anyone. Fortunately, because his most defining characteristic was his obscene amount of hair spread all over his body, Bruno was easily able to shave it and hide from the authorities.
Bruno raised Rem in a small village in the East Blue, one that wasn't very heavily populated. Bruno homeschooled him and taught him basic math and literacy. However, he was never taught any of the more advanced topics, mostly because Bruno wasn't all too bright either. Not surprisingly, given his heritage, Rem was also a huge troublemaker. He had a nasty habit of stealing from other people and often picked fights with. Several other boys from the village would try to fight against him, but not one of them had ever defeated him. This is also when he started trying to execute some techniques that he thought would be cool to pull off. He never did have quite enough strength to successfully use them on actual people. He was around 10 years old during this time.
Soon, he was challenged by a boy named Puer. The boy was a year older than him. But he was a bit too easy to make cry and constantly talked about his "manly pride". Predictably, Rem was easily able to take him out. But his other opponents, Puer would come back day after day to challenge him. While Puer never actually won, it was clear that he had been improving because of their fights. Over time, the two of them had developed an odd friendship. They would always fight each other and train to get stronger. They both dreamed of becoming the strongest warriors on the island and protect their "turf". Nobody really understood how these two were able to become friends. The closest explanation anyone got was from Puer; he said that their friendship was forged by the sheer power of their manliness!
On one of the island's more relaxed days, something strange happened. People had actually come to visit! Everybody was intrigued by the group of new arrivals. They were a group of adventurers that simply traveled across the world with no real goal in mind. Their leader was an adventurous botanist named Carlos. The group stayed there for the rest of the day. Rem and Puer listened to the stories they had to share. Carlos and his men told of unbelievable sights and new discoveries all over the world! The band of travelers are what inspired both Rem and Puer to set off to sea in the future. Rem had even convinced them to lend him one of the history books from their ship's small library.
After the travelers left, both Puer and Rem agreed that they would set sail when they thought they were powerful enough. They had also unintentionally inspired both of them to become pirates! As pirates, they would be able to explore just as Carlos and his men did. The major difference being that they wouldn't be restricted by the law of the government. While they had achieved remarkable feats, explorers were ultimately bound by the same laws of everyone else. Pirates had the most freedom on the sea, it was only natural that the two boys would choose to become one of them. Rem soon realized something. If a pirate had such freedom, how much would their king have? He was 12 years old at the time, he had gained two ambitions: become the pirate king; explore the entire world. After this point, they forced themselves to train even harding, vowing to turn into true men of the sea!
Despite talking about his ambitions to no end, his first actual experience with a pirate happened when he was 13. As usual, Rem and Puer were together. They were in a bar, trying their damnedest to convince the bartender to sell them some booze. Both claimed that it would be used in a ritual that would allow the two of them to become true brothers. Naturally, the bartender didn't budge in the slightest. It was then that panicked voices became audible from the outside of the bar. An actual pirate crew had managed to enter the village! Upon entering the bar, the captain of the crew, Leonidas, demanded that they be given all the alcohol the man had on him. While Puer was rightfully frightened by these events, Rem was fascinated. He immediately started pestering the pirates to tell him about their adventures. Rem had quickly managed to irritate Leonidas within half a minute of talking to him. So much so that Leonidas personally took it upon himself to rough him up.
Rem was shocked as the pirate knocked him down to the floor with a single punch. His curiosity and fascination had quickly turned into rage. He fought back, but was no match for the obscenely muscular man. Puer had eventually attempted to help Rem fight, actually managing to get a punch in purely by surprise. This served only to make Leonidas angrier, and Puer was given an even worse beating than Rem was, easily knocking him unconscious. Just when it seemed as if both of them would be killed, an unexpected rescue had come to their aid. Bruno had overheard the commotion and decided to check things out for himself. Immediately, Rem demanded that Bruno escape as soon as possible, but he refused to budge. The beating that happened shortly after was incredible. Leonidas threatened to kill the man should he had chosen to interfere any further, Bruno responded by knocking the man out with a simple uppercut to the jaw.
They were amazed by Bruno's power, even at the age of 52, there was no doubt that he had once been an incredibly powerful pirate. The rest of the crew were easily intimidated by him. They begged for their lives, promising to never return to the village. Bruno decided to leave them be, but promised to kill all of them if they dared to return to the village. Rem was infuriated even more soon after they left. Never in his life had he ever felt so weak. Even though Bruno had saved him, Rem's shame didn't allow him to thank his guardian. Puer was unable to thank the man either, even after he woke up. The single traumatic event was enough to break his will to become a pirate, but it was not until much later on did he make the decision that would end his friendship with Rem.
A year after the pirates visited the village, Rem and Puer were able to show the fruits of their labor. Both of them had an immense spike in power as they grew older, they were certain that they could defeat Leonidas if they had the chance. At the end of another training session, however, Puer told Rem something that surprised him to no end. Puer had given up his dreams to become a pirate. Ever since he was a child, Puer viewed pirates as being manly romanticists. Leonidas and his gang singlehandedly changed his perception of them. His goal had become different from Rem's, he wanted to become a marine! He wanted to become a marine to take pirates down! Puer urged Rem to do the same, but was immediately punched in the face. It was one of those few moments where Rem actually showed true anger. He called Puer weak for allowing his dream to be crushed so easily, scoffing at his new resolve. For the first time, the two of them had a real fight. The fight ended in a tie, something that had never happened in the entirety of their friendship. They both left the fight was horrible injuries. After that point, they never trained together again.
A few months after he became 16 years old, Rem decided that he was finally ready to become a pirate. His power had become monstrous, even the villagers that mocked him as a child were astounded by his strength. Despite his initial protests, Bruno was forced to let Rem pursue his dreams. As a parting gift, Bruno gave him a boater hat. The same hat he had worn while performing musical numbers on Morgana's crew. Rem gladly accepted the gift, but was surprised when Bruno said that there was one more thing that he had to say. The identity of his parents. Before Bruno could speak any further, Rem quickly put his fingers in his ears. He yelled at the old man, refusing to know who is parents were. The man was confused by Rem's actions, but felt pride as he heard Rem's reasons for doing so.
"I don't need to know who they are, you're my parent, old man!"
The rest of the villagers were there when he finally set sail on a small raft. Puer, who he had not spoken to in two years, left him with words that declared Rem as both his enemy and friend.
"I'll be the one to catch you, bro!"
Since they first met, they never failed to remind others that they were brothers, even if not by blood. Calling each other "bro" was a way to signify that. Rem had a grin on his face as he sailed away, simply daring Puer to try.
It was on these travels that he landed on an island that was terrified of a pirate crew that had settled there. To his surprise, it was Leonidas and his crew! Their first thoughts were to take revenge on him in they tavern they constant messed around at, but Rem was easily able to overpower them. They begged him for forgiveness as they did to Bruno several years ago. Rem complied, but decided to take something of theirs before he let them go. He noticed a small treasure chest with a strange looking fruit and ate it because of how weird it looked. He was more surprised by the taste than what the fruit actually did to him. Leonidas' crew once again left the island, Rem doing the same soon after.
He is seventeen years old now and has recently been looking for more people to join his crew.
Bomu Bomu no Mi: Rem has eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi, a devil fruit that allows him to blow up any part of his body without damage done to himself. He is granted immunity to explosions and can determine the quality of gunpowder by tasting it.
Pianist: Because his guardian was a musician, Rem was able to learn to play the piano.
Monstrous Strength: Years of daily training (and powerful genes) have allowed Rem to gain extraordinary amounts of physical power.
Boom Punch: Rem simply punches an opponent and explodes his fist while doing so.
Boom Barrage: Rem lets out a multitude of rapid punches, blowing his hands up each time he lands a punch.
Mucus Mine: Rem removes dried mucus from his nose and places it on the floor, blowing it up when an enemy gets near it.
Stealth Explosion: Rem flings a piece of his mucus onto an unsuspecting enemy. As the enemies are typically caught by surprise, he can blow them up without alerting them beforehand.
Boom Palm: Rem covers his opponent's face with his palm and blows it up.
Personality: Elvira is a child. She acts like one and cries when she doesn't get her way. Make sure you don't piss her off, for instance, don't call her 'Chibi' (little), although she is young and small, there is still a reason why she is a high ranking member in her crew. She has little quirks, like she doesn't understand grown up things... and she has a thing for 'yello' making bananas HER fruit, dont eat it around her.
History: Elvira's family were all pirates, her brother, dad and mum were once great pirates. When Elvira was three years old her family's crew was attacked out on the sea. Elvira, amongst the chaos slipped into the supply area and found a fruit. She was oh so hungry. When the fruit was all gone so was Elvira, she ate the 'Suke Suke no Mi' devil fruit, turning her completely invisible. Another ship came past and saw how un-even the fight was between the two crews. Interfering with the fight, the crew known as 'The Silver Eyes' destroyed the attackers and boarded Elvira's parents ship. No one survived that attack. A purple haired man came down into the supply area, looking for survivors. No one. He looked down, looking sad. Elvira's transformation had run out, right under his face. The man was shocked, but he knew it was a devil fruit. Adopting her has his sister, she quickly grew into a fearsome pirate and learning to use her powers to aid those in need.
Abilities: Elvira has the 'Suke Suke no Mi' devil fruit, allowing her to go invisible as well as objects and other people Techniques: TBA
Name: Ray Stryker Age: 21 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 4 (195.072 cm) Weight: 88 kilos (194.0068 pounds) Pirate or Marine: Pirate
Bounty: 100,200,000 Beli Personality: Ray is a joker most of the time but follows instructions down to the bone, often meaning he doesnt always agree with it. He's always smiling even during fights, often making it seem like he enjoys fighting. Ray sort of does like fighting, it just means that he is alive and ticking. He will never abandon a comrade (unless instructed by Drake) and will follow Drake into hell.
History: When Ray was 15 years old he got into trouble with the marines. Ray was secretly dating a commanders daughter and he slipped up one day. Caught by a pissed off dad with extreme power managed to get an order for execution. He told everyone that Ray tried to assassinate him. Ray, hand cuffed, going through the town everyone was watching. Something caught Ray's eyes. A strange looking purple haired man, how odd. Screaming started out of nowhere and almost instantly a massive smoke engulfed the street. Hands grabbed Ray and his head jolted, he's moving. Ray shot through the smoke and looked up at his savior... purple hair. Ray smiled with relief, but asked him why he's saving him. He simply responded with a gesture to a small red haired girl standing at a pier with a massive smile across her face. She wanted him saved. Ray was offered to be part of the crew and owing his life to the now captain of the ship, he gladly accepted.
Name: Drake Winmore (Elvira calls him 'Drakie') Age: 24 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 2 (188.976 cm) Weight: 60 kilos (132.2774 pounds) Pirate or Marine: Pirate
Bounty: 199,900,000 Beli Personality: Drake is a friendly person. He is kind to all who deserve it, likewise, those who dont, well.... bad for them. Drake cares about others before his own safety and he loves the beauty of the world. He is mostly talkative unless something is bothering him, which means its a dead give away.
History: Drake's father owned a beautiful ship known as 'White Corruption' home to the crew of 'The Silver Eyes'. When Drakes father found a Devil Fruit he had to make a big decision. Sell it and risk it falling into evil hands or give it to a young person so it can't be used for a long time. The decision was killing him, until one day, he was called to the wheel to discuss a change in direction. Drake, at the age of 7 went into his fathers cabin and saw the delicious looking fruit. Upon eating it, Drake exploded, but not into a fiery explosion, no, just a massive smoke cloud. The Devil Fruit was called 'Moku Moku no Mi'. Afterwards, his father made him train everyday all day, with weapons, guns and fighting styles for almost his whole life. On the way home, his father saw another ship destroying another in an unfair battle and intervened. Because of this act 'The Silver Eyes' gained a new member, Elvira. Drakes father decided to call her his daughter. Because of Drakes training, Elvira too was trained. One day, Drakes father was captured by the marines. In an attempt to break him back out, his children, Drake and Elvira went to where he was being kept, a town. In the vast efforts to get him, it was too late, he had been executed. They had to escape quickly before the marines got to them, the body had to be left there. On the way back to the ship, a young blonde haired kid was up for public execution. Not wanting anymore death, Elvira asked Drake to save him and to make him a crew member. After saving him, Drake became the captain of 'The Silver Eyes' at 18. They had numerous run ins with Monkey D. Luffy and helping them in their journey.
Abilities: Moku Moku no Mi Techniques: TBA
Name: Santo D. Victor Age: 25 Race: Human Height: 6 foot 3 Weight: 77 kilos Pirate or Marine: Marine (Rear Admiral)
Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Victor is a very easy going go and has quite the wits. In his power he often goofs off and does stupid things. He has a vendetta with Drake and often acts cold around him.
Name: Jack Heggar
Nickname: "The Careless"
Age: 24
Race: Human
Height: 180 cm (around 6 ft)
Weight: 90 kg (around 200 lbs)
Pirate or Marine: Marine (For now)
Appearance: Looks like a regular marine, no distinguishing features, however this will change over time.
Rank: Lieutenant
Personality: Jack is what one could describe as hyper-active, or perhaps reckless. Well, that or you could call him what most of his friends, and crew call him: Careless. He's not very detail oriented, and can easily miss small, yet important, things. He'll often say something out of place or rude and have no idea he had upset, let alone offended, someone. When it comes to his close friends, he's extremely protective, and perhaps is the only time you'll ever find Jack actually being a person that acts like they have responsibilities. Since Jack is so careless and lazy, he often finds some lower ranking marine to take any orders he might receive from his commanding officers. John has almost no temper, and is not easily agitated, and most of the time has a decently cool head. However he's not the sharpest piece of hay in the hay stack, and does almost nothing with his cool head. Instead he loafs about all day and pretty much accomplishes nothing.
History: As a child Jack had always dreamed of being a pirate like the legendary pirate kings, Gol D. Roger and Monkey D. Luffy, and left his small home island in East Blue when he was 13 in search of a great pirate crew to join. However, things didn't go exactly how he had planned. He soon found that his dream of what a "Pirate" was was shattered. Most of the pirate crews he approached about joining simply kicked him away, or laughed at him. He was even once told that he could join in the position of a toilet; bringing human 'mess' from the chambers to off the side of the ship. Of course Jack was eager for the position, however was merely kicked off the ship the same day he joined, nearly drowning before swimming back to shore. John decided he would put a break on joining a pirate crew when he was 15, when he had happened himself upon a Marine base. He told himself that he would just join long enough for him to eat his way back to full strength and then he would abandon the marines in search of a real pirate crew. However during his trainee days he made close friends with other trainees, friendship the likes of which Jack had never experienced before. So he stayed. He finished Marine Basic training when he was 16. Sea navigation and combat when he was 17, and became a low ranking sailor on the ship of Marine Captain Kris Ajir. Jack absolutely adored Captain Ajir, and made it his mission to be his right hand man. And thus Jack began to climb the ranks, passing off his duties quietly to his other low ranking marines and basically spending his life kissing Ajir's ass. At the age of 19 John was promoted to Seaman First Class, and was actually very close with Captain Ajir. So close, in fact, that he asked Ajir if he could give him special training. Ajir complied, as he saw a lot of potential in Jack; they spent the next 5 years training, and by present day, John was an extremely skilled man of combat. He was most recently just promoted to Lieutenant, and finally he would be able to be the right hand man of Kris Ajir! However, since Jack never learned the regulations of the marines he hadn't realized that he wouldn't be Ajir's lieutenant, he would actually be transferred away to be some other Captain's ship that actually needed a lieutenant spot filled. Jack was defeated. With a heavy sigh, he left his good friend Ajir, and departed to join Captain Darian Mekka's station in Loguetown, One of the most dangerous places in the world for marines. Upon meeting Mekka he knew he would despise him: he was strict, menacing, not at all warm or fuzzy, and a meticulous man of details (and upon Mekka meeting Jack, he knew he would despise Jack). Since the 3 months Jack had joined Captain Mekka, he had already had 7 accounts of insubordination, and had been caught at least once a day pawning off his duties. Jack, sensing that his days as a marine were coming to a close, has begun scouting small pirate crews in Loguetown for a nice fit. Jack is ready to resurrect his dream.
Abilities: Strong close combat skills. His best weapon is probably his fists, though he has yet to choose a real weapon that defines himself. (The arsenal of a marine is quite bland) He's extremely agile and prides himself on his speed. He doesn't use his speed to be tactical however, Jack isn't capable of tactics. Instead his speed is used for instinctual dodging and reactions, sometimes winning one on one fist fights with raw instinct.
Note: I will develop his fighting style over time, but for now he'll fight like a simple martial artist (of no relation to any style because I have no knowledge of any particular style).
Techniques: Ye-
Inventory: All that a marine has. His cool Marine hat. His cool marine vest. His cool marine pants... you get it.
Height and Weight: Lily is pretty small, she stands in about 4 feet and 5 inches tall and weighs no more than 50lbs.
Pirate or Marine: Pirate
Bounty: 0 Beli
Personality: Lily loves to explore, and quite curious in just about anything. Although she is naive, she also has a strong will, and will not stop at anything once she set her mind unto something, which makes her a pretty stubborn one. She is quite sentimental when it comes to people who are dear to her, and will try to protect them at any cost. She's also pretty guillible and clumsy.
History: WIP
Abilities: She ate the Poke Poke no Mi (Pocket Pocket Fruit), a Paramecia devil's fruit that enables her to open pockets anywhere, even in thin air, and pull several random things out of it. The idea is that once she open a pocket, another pocket opens anywhere near the thing she desires to acquire, and then she would only need to fish them out. Although most of the time, she cant control where the other pocket would open and end up pulling something else instead.
Techniques: 1. Profonde: Misdirection - Lily opens a pocket right where an attack would land, thus redirecting the damage some place else (or back towards the enemy). 3. Servantes: Corridinho - Lily creates multiple pockets around her, and start pulling and dropping several things at a time in an extremely fast and fluid motion that she would appear to her opponent like she's dancing. 4. Barrage - Lily opens multiple pockets around her opponent, and all the things she pulled and dropped during Servantes: Corridinho will rain down upon her enemy in a relentless torrent. 5. Top Hat Production: Ally Call - Lily opens a large pocket, and from there, with an immense amount of effort, she will pull an ally out to her aide (or to safety).
Inventory: She always carries with her a small sling bag with an assortment of things inside. This includes a notebook that serves as her diary, a quill and a bottle of ink, several Log Pose with a constant heading, a binocular and a lunch box filled with sweets.
Name: Nicholas Barrimore
Age: 26
Race: Human
Height and Weight: Nicholas stands in about five feet and eight inches tall, and weighs about 55 to 60kg.
Pirate or Marine: Marine
Bounty: None
Personality: Nicholas probably is the most relaxed among the three Admirals. He's very energetic, and quite optimistic in all things that he does. He loves to give people funny names, and teases them a lot. Although most of the time Nicholas behaves a little care-free, he can also be quite perceptive and enigmatic.
History: He came from the island of Bayleaf in East Blue. The island was supposed to be the center of astrological studies, and for thousands of years, it was being inhabited by astronomers and scientist to study heavenly bodies. Both Nicholas's parents were scientists in this island. They were happy for a time, satisfied with what they do and the sense of peacefulness the island gives them, until all of that was taken away when a certain group of pirates invaded Bayleaf. His parents was quick to notice that there was something wrong in town, and so they hid Nicholas along with other important stuff in a cargo crate at the bottom of their basement hoping that no one will notice him there. It was the longest night for little Nicholas, he heard explosions, gun fires, sounds of metal clashing, and most definitely the villagers' cries. The sounds tormented his young mind well enough that exhaustion soon took over. The next morning when woke up, he heard voices of men talking just on top of his crate. Then what he did next was either stupid or brave, he burst out of his box then screamed on top of his lungs hoping it'll scare them away. Sure they were startled, but they didnt walked away as he expected. The men exchanged looks then one of them lift Nicholas up from the crate. They told him that they are Marines who came to help the villagers from the raiding pirates, but they arrived a little too late and could save only a few. Unfortunately his parents didnt make it. One of the men offered to take care of Nicholas, and with his village destroyed and having no where to go, Nicholas agreed to go with him. From there on out, he trained to become a Marine himself hoping that by doing so he could save lives, and could prevent another tragedy like the one happened to the island of Bayleaf.
Type: Superhuman
Abilities: Nicholas can use Haki, particularly the Bosushoku Haki. This enables him to reinforce his attacks to deal more damage, and to bypass certain protection a Devil's Fruit user has allowing him to hit the user's real body. Naturally, Bosushoku Haki is also an invisible armor that protects the user from particular attacks, and with Nicholas case, he could deflect most basic attacks by imbuing Haki to cetain parts of his body to block of the damage. Aside from Haki, Nicholas also knows how to use Rokushiki. He can use all six techniques efficiently, but he particularly specializes with Soru. The technique gives him the usual advantage of moving in high speed, but he has done a couple of variations to it as well. For example, he will reinforce his fist with Haki and then with Soru, punches the enemy in an extremely fast pace giving them no time to keep up. Or he can imbue his body with Haki, making himself stone hard, and then hurls himself with such speed towards the enemy, knocking them real hard.
Shigan: Nagareboshi (Pistol Finger: Shooting Star) - using the basic Rokushiki technique Shigan, Nicholas extends the range of its attack, allowing him to shoot a projectile version of Shigan towards his target, dealing the same damage as that of a close range Shigan.
Shigan: Ryusei (Pistol Finger: Meteor Shower) - using both index fingers, Nicholas shoots multiple projectile Shigan towards his target in a relentless barrage.
Soru: Tekkai Dama (Shave: Iron Ball) - its a combination of Soru and Tekkai with the reinforcement of his Haki. Basically, Nicholas applies Tekkai to his whole body making it steel hard and then hurls himself in great speed towards his target. This is as good as a cannon shot.
Soru: Pistol Waltz - its a combination of Soru and Shigan where Nicholas starts to run really fast in several random direction around his target, making him almost invisible except for the wind trails he makes, and then starts firing Shigan in random.
Rokougan - the ultimate move for Rokushiki fighters. It needs great mastery of all the six techniques in order for one to perform this move. Technically, Nicholas places both fist infront of him and then launches a powerful shockwave that destroys anything on its path.
Inventory: A small black den den mushi strapped on his wrist, and a huge sword he calls Maria.
Name: Sabastiain 'Sab' Walker Age: 23 Race: Human Height and Weight: 5 feet 9 inches/175.26 centimeters, 63Kgs Pirate or Marine: Marine Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Sab is a bit on the unstable side with his personality. He is always interested in strange and odd things, and laugh almost at anything. He is obsessed with balance in every thing, if he thinks there is too much evil he will kill without a second thought. Same on the other end he has let pirates get away because he felt the was not enough evil in some place. He is a very happy and friendly guy but most people find him creepy. History: Sab was brought up and a wealthy house hold, his father was a trader so he was never home and his mother was always busy. He spent a lot of his time reading books on philosophy and other obscure subjects, this gave him his strange out look on life. Abilities: Sab is new to the navy so he has not fighting style. Techniques:
"I really hate the way the ocean looks. So much blue..."
Name: Griffin Rampart Age: 17 Race: Human Height and Weight: 5'8", 143lbs Pirate or Marine: Marine
Bounty: None
Personality: Griffin is a pious individual who believes wholeheartedly in the World Government. Though brash in his actions and subsequently prone to conflict, he is a rather calm youth in appearance and seemingly lazy to the untrained eye. He finds injustice among the common folk deplorable and outright hate most pirates. Usually not giving them the chance to spin a lie with their silver tongues. When confronted himself, its revealed that he hates to be challenged, regardless of rank, stature, or gender. He adamantly sticks to his ideals even if they are wrong. When he was younger he was fond of sucking his thumb and can sometimes be caught falling into the old habit.
History: His past is not so different from many other Marine recruits. Born in the East Blue, not quite sure himself on which island, Griffin was the result of scandalous fling between a Gorosei and a beauty. When he was young he was the center of a series of depraved events. Eventually he was to be killed, along with his mother but that didn't happen. She escaped the grasp of the Gorosei but eventually was the victim of pirates. She was later tossed into the ocean, clutching baby Griffin in the unforgiving sea.
When he was older, he was told this story by his aunt and uncle, who explained that his mother had made it to them on sheer will and died the after arriving. He was focused on revenge after that for the long story had voiced the love his mother held for him and he wanted desperately to return it to her. So he joined the Marines at the age of thirteen. At first he had little going for him, he was weak and fragile, easily broken and emotionally sensitive. But after going out on patrol and traveling to a island with pirate activity he was changed. Through the conflicts and eerily enough carrying Nidai Kitetsu, he returned booming with ambition.
A year after he was taken from ranks of those that would never grow and trained personally by a Marine swordsmaster. For another year they practiced and honed his skills; it would had been another if not for the announcement made by a certain band of pirates. With that came a wind of change and with a wind change came Griffin's call for introduction. He was sent to Loguetown by his mentor.
Abilities: A swordsmen first and foremost, Griffin has been trained extensively on a deserted island by his Marine mentor. His skills are impressive for his age, his dedication to his art even more so. He has enough strength to a cut a tree in half effortlessly and can arrest the common pirate easily enough. When he engage his foes, he has no stance only a keen eye and instinctive fondness for combat.
Nidai Kitetsu is one of the 21 Ō Wazamono katanas. It is a blade of inky color, one of the blackest of black with a wave of blue as its hamon. The golden guard is in the shape of a brutish triangle and its hilt wrapped in black silk, a blue charm hangs from its head, the shape of griffin's head gleaming silver. This cursed blade changes Griffin original persona when he is without it, he has a drastic overhaul.
Name: Elmusk Vienn Age:21 Race: Human Height and Weight: Elmusk is 5 foot 9 and weighs 70 kilo or 154 pound. Pirate or Marine: Marine
Bounty: 0 Beli Personality:Elmusk wholeheartedly believes that the Marines must serve Justice and the people first and punish criminals second. He is a diligent worker who wants to become a Captain, believing that that is the highest Rank he can possibly reach with his skill. That said in his free time he is often found reading or just goofing around.
History: The Vienn's are a family of Marines and Elmusk is no exception. As a child living in north Blue he and his younger brother trained daily to live up to the family legacy. It quickly became clear that he was the more skilled of the two which resulted expecting more and more of Elmusk. While this placed stress on him his father made clear why he was so demanding and treated both his sons equally when not training them.
However Usama started to resent his brother for his superior talent and decided to learn how to play the political game instead of improving his fighting skills, because of this he quickly rose in ranks and is now the same rank as Elmusk, Warrant Officer, despite being three years younger.
Abilities: Elmusk is a practitioner of Sōjutsu Techniques: Hassun: A quick thrust of his spear.
Name: D. La Soul Age: 21 Race: Human Height and Weight: 6 feet 3 inches. And weighs a solid 165 pounds. Pirate or Marine: Pirate Bounty: 0 Beli.... For now MWUHAHAHA!!
Personality: Soul doesn't believe in limits. Since his childhood he's had a problem with authority, growing up as a juvenile without parental guidance. Due to his constant and trademark smile me appears to be a tower of joy. This is correct, he lives for adrenaline, excitement, unexpected events. He feels he should flow with the tides of change, so he doesn't expect anything out of anybody or any situation. He has a personal understanding in life that death comes for everyone, if it's his day it was destined. Fate escapes no man, so he lives everyday like his last, engorging himself with expensive liquids and foods. He has a natural survival instinct gained when he was growing up a street urchin. He will be all means give his all to survive.
History: Soul is originally from a ghost town in Minion island. Abandoned by his father (an unsuccessful pirate) to sail the seas, Soul was left in the care of loving though struggling scavenging family. The young boy always dreamed of a life of luxury, 10 course meals rather then the plain rice which is all his guardians could afford. At a young age Soul realized he had to take his life into thy own hands. This started his streak of delinquency in his early teens, which truely started his fall to piracy.
Within months of fighting and robbing he'd established a steady income for his family, clothes, food. "We'll survive" he used to tell his aging adoptive parents. Though at one point in time Soul was very comfortable, never leaving the ghost town unless it pertained to pillaging docked merchant ships, eventually he realized the flaw in this. The true life of luxury was in the seas, taking what you want giving nothing back. Going to the source of wealth, game, and power.....The Grand Line.
During his 6 month preparation for sailing the seas, he met two odd individuals. The first; Flagrant Hugo, a loud mouth psychotic child. Soul found Hugo dissecting a group of corpses inside of an abandoned home in his ghost town, though Soul was unaware of anyone else living in such a place. Come to find out the little boy Hugo was eating the bodies to survive. To his disgust and curiosity Soul seen the survival instinct within Hugo and invited him in his journey. Hugo with the goal of eating the most strongest man of the world with his own theory of gaining power joined up with little persuasion.
Next came Mama Sam. Sam worked on Minion island as a shipwright for most of her life. Using her immense size and strength to easily haul wood and other building essentials with little effort. On one fateful, Soul and Hugo mistakenly took a marine ship for a merchant ship. Sneaking on board Soul came across a mythical zoan devil fruit. Upon consuming Soul experienced uncontrollable coughs and burps of flames, revealing his presence by burning down the ship.
Now with the Marines attention, overwhelmed by numbers the fight was sadly uneven. A unknown skilled swordsman even managed to claim Soul's left arm. When everything was virtually lost, a seemingly large boulder fell from the sky destroying the dock which the battle took place. Soul and Hugo were last seen drowning.
In actuality it was Mama Sam utilizing her strength to destroy the dock and escape with the two in a prototype submarine the Marines had ordered her to repair. The distraction caused by Hugo and Soul allowed Sam to obtain the work of machinery, and as thanks she saved their life.
After fully coming to his senses, and Hugo doing all he could to patch him up, it didn't take much for Soul to convince MaMa to join on his adventure. In return he promised her that he'd help her fulfill her dream of seeing the ruins of the fabled Noah; a colossal ship of legend.
And now they set sail towards the East from the North to achieve greatness in their own rite.
Type: Zoan Sub-type: Mythical Zoan
A dark green sugar cane with light orange inner color, with many s-shaped marks like the Gomu Gomu No Mi
Being a carnivorous zoan user Soul has an exceptional growth in strength and aggression in combat. His physical attributes are boosted when his devil fruit is activated. The scales of Soul are fire resistant, and as he continues to master his fruit they continue to strengthen.
This Zoan-type fruit allows Soul to turn into a dragon (the snake-like chinese dragon, think the size of Drake's T-Rex), giving the user also the ability to breathe fire and partially regenerate limbs. After limb removal Soul may only grow a limb back when using his devil fruit ability, unless it was severed while activated.
The user cannot fly freely due to lack of wings. Instead Soul was granted with The Glide. In his human or hybrid form he has access to boundless leaps, which he uses at his advantage for quick escapes or gaining advantages in combat.
**Soul has only learned the ability of partial transformations and low level fire breathing**
Techniques: WIP
Inventory: Will update throughout the RP.
Age: 13 Height and Weight: 4feet 5inches. Weighs in at 121 pounds.
Position in crew: Doctor
Abilities: Hugo is an exceptional young prodigy. He wishes to specialize in all fields of medicine, though for this he must build up on "test subjects" for his experiments. Lately he has shown interest in poisons and healing herbs. Though mentally unstable he had shown to have an extremely high IQ.
Inventory: Hugo owns scalpels of many sizes for his medical procedures. Some standing as tall as his captain.
Age: 35 Height and Weight: 6feet 10inches. Weighs in a 307 pounds.
Position in crew: Navigator/Shipwright
Abilities: Mama Sam is a Sumo style fighter. She utilizes a wrestling-type fighting style, with open palm thrust enhanced by Busoshoku Haki. She also has impeccable balance and durability, being able to withstand much without moving. ((Fighting style based on Sentomaru)) She's a viable source of defense for the crew due to her immense size and strength.
Inventory: Mama Sam is the La Soul Pirates navigator, so she possess a log pose, 3 broken eternal poses, and countless maps.