Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@xXSINXx Luke smiled and a strange feeling of nervousness came over him, but it was soon ignored. "The same can be said about vampires then. Some aren't so bad either." He said with a teasing wink.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@MafiaM16 Alexi smiled, allowing her fangs to show. She started to blush. "Good," she said "I'd like to hangout with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Somebody is blushing again," Luke said, chuckling quietly as he teased her a bit about her red cheeks. "But sure," he added. "I would like that. Might raise a couple of eyebrows though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure Fiera is gonna have a few words for us as well." Alexi replied, starting to feel very comfortable with her new aquaitence.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

In bird form, Evan came flying over to the building and landed in front of the entrance before shifting back to human form. He opened the door before walking down the hallway. He looked at the clock on the wall. Seems I'm a bit late. He shifted to a falcon once again and flew off in the direction of the art room. After a bit, he found the room before flying in and landing behind the desk. He then shifted to human form. "Sorry to keep you all waiting, lost track of time." After he got that out of the way, he looked at the three students(Arin, Price and Juno) in here. "Anyway, my name is Mr. Karu and I'll be your art teacher this year." He said. Arin sat up at the sound of someone speaking and saw the art teacher had finally arrived. Juno had been talking with his vampire friend. However, their conversation was cut short as another voice filled the room. He turned to face the front to see the art teacher standing before them. Price turned his attention to the front of the room as well. _________________________________________________________ Joey looked to see if there was anyone to talk to in here. He saw one person, but she appeared to be asleep(Fiera[sp?]).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kuro hurried along to his history class. Taking a seat as soon as he could. He thought about his sisters. The three of them. All of them teachers. Aoi enjoyed the polishing of her blade. The blade itself shining as it was polished with a pure white cloth. Viola was doing almost the same thing that Aoi was. Polishing her demon blade, waiting for her first period to come. Blanca was making sweets. Watching her pot of molten caramel partake the color of the sweet candy. Pouring it into a pan and curing it not bite sized, chewy, caramel colored sweets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Icarus walked into the school reading the forum his father had sent him of the school. "Literally what the fuck was Sieg thinking , when he just out of the blue rerolls me into a school." He walked angrely to his first period class, which was art. He didn't care if he was late he had more important things to think about. Like how he was gonna have to have a serious talk with his father. Icarus entered the art classroom and sat at the back looking out the window. His hoodie covered his eyes making it impossible for him to see. So some students might wonder how did he successfully walked into class without bumping into things. Icarus didn't like drawing attention anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fiera was siting Alone in history class, she didn't seem to have many friends in this period, thus making it dull for her. Firea then began creating a fire ball in her hand and she began making it grow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luke rolled his eyes, knowing full well that Fiera would of course comment on Luke and Alexi once again. "I shouldn't expect anything less from her." Finally the art teacher had arrived and a Mr. Karu by the sounds of it. Luke was eager to get the class rolling, despite him not being a huge art guy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bill, the school janitor, turned his attention away from this human filth and toward a class where the majority of students were heading too. He walked up to the doorway of the class, and glanced at the sign indicating what class is being taught. He gasped, and staggered back, noticing it was the most horrifying room in the school, next to the cafeteria. He hated how students who sucked at art were forced to draw, paint, but mostly make messes. He strutted in and pointed his mop at the teacher threateningly "may I have a word with these future 'master craftsmen'?" he said mockingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Bill, the school janitor, turned his attention away from this human filth and toward a class where the majority of students were heading too. He walked up to the doorway of the class, and glanced at the sign indicating what class is being taught. He gasped, and staggered back, noticing it was the most horrifying room in the school, next to the cafeteria. He hated how students who sucked at art were forced to draw, paint, but mostly make messes. He strutted in and pointed his mop at the teacher threateningly "may I have a word with these future 'master craftsmen'?" he said mockingly.

Evan was about to begin the lesson only to be interrupted by the janitor. He turned to face him and gently lowered the mop. "Not right now." He then turned his attention back to his students, hoping he could start teaching.

A necromancer walked onto the campus and looked around before using magic to cover himself in shadows. Slowly, he moved closer to the entrance. "I wonder if Dino-boy is attending this." Unless someone were nearby, he would not have been heard. He just loved hearing himself talk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Luke simply eyed the random entrance of Bill the Janitor. He nearly died of laughter at the fact that the janitor had raised his mop like a sword. It was quite humourous to him and it allowed the class to quicken to do all the interruption.

Beck seated patiently, ready to begin with pencil in hand. Soon enough the class was about to start as Dr. Adam Frankenstein would soon rise upon his wooden chained throne-like chair and close the door of the classroom. He stepped forward with a slow gait to the front of his desk and introduced himself, "It is a pleasure to meet each and everyone of you. Today is the start of a new semester, a new grand scheme in the shortcomings of life. I shall be your mathematics professor for this semester, Dr. Frankenstein." He paused to take a look around the class before continuing, "I can see many new faces and some old ones as well." He said staring at Beckham Conway in the desk directly in front of him. "But without further ado, let us begin." He clears his throat and opens his teacher's text book and says, "Open to page 101, we shall be learning about algebra right off the bat."

However just before we can begin to teach the class a loud knock on the door was heard. Adam placed a bookmark into the text book and approached the door, opening it and seeing a student waiting. Adam eyed the teen and said, "You're late, Mr. Kozlov..."

"Da, I apologize Dr., but I have good excuse, yes. You see, I had just finished makin' out with a beautiful chick." Replied the student.

"Is that so, Alexander?" Sarcastically said the teacher.

"Of course. Math is so boring, so I thought I would simply miss a bit of it. It is no harm done."

"Boring? Perhaps we can turn mathematics into a fun course, just for you."

"Really? This is excellent news."

"No... Now get into class before I throw you in. Pick a seat at the front of class and open to page 101. Now!" Roared Adam in fury. It is students like Alexander Kozlov that makes him regret becoming a teacher...

[Addressed to the "Necromancer." ^]

Outside of the school an old school mustang at just rolled by the front gate. It was a beautiful muscle car, truly a gorgeous machine if any. The door opened and out came a shirtless, beat up looking kid. He leaned over and grabbed his grey tank and slipped it on, and then grabbed his long coat and swung his arms into it. He then grabbed his back and shut the door and began to walk into the school yard. He walked with an attitude, a certain swagger. He was extremely late, but he didn't care as he lit a cigarette. He got close to the school's entrance. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ended up bumping into someone who seemed to have been talking to himself. In an agile twist, the mysterious teen began to walk backwards, now eying the man he bumped into. He gave him a nasty look and said, "Hey, pal... watch where you're fucking walking."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by United
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United You know who's got to cast that spell

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bill was flabbergasted that he would be denied an opportunity to fill these dull students with knowledge. How dare that teacher refuse a janitor, particularly him. He was the highest ranking janitor in the school! Bill, fearing an uprising by the students if he release the precious knowledge he possessed, expertly spun his mop, and sheathed it. This resulted in water lightly spraying the classroom. Bill gave the teacher a half-hearted salute and walked out. He had done his rightful duty, to clean messes, physical ones, and mental ones. He whistled as he walked by the front entrance, and spotted a kid walking unusually slow toward the school. He whipped his head around fearing the Teen Titans would appear and kill everyone, but sighed a relief when he saw nobody. He turned his attention back to the kid, and walked toward the front doors, opening them one...by....one, until he reached the one leading outside. He carefully opened the door, and jumped out, lunging at the kid with his trusty mop. He slapped the spaghetti like ends onto the pavement in front of him. "Your either late, or you don't belong here" He blurted out. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, afraid what this guy would do to him. He though of his family, who had all been rooting for him as he took the gracious, luxurious life as the school janitor. His face grew stern, and he gripped his mop handle tighter. "You better answer, cause if you don't, I'm going to mop the floor with ya" He growled. (Hehe puns.)
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ishiyama sat in his chair in the music room with one of the acoustic guitars just strumming and humming since there was no teacher he figured he could have a free period for the time being. He then changed from humming to low-volume singing. "And when the light shines from high above, a beauty known as the great white dove, shall appear!" He sang to himself. Ishiyama usually writes his own music and lyrics but he is still kinda new at writing lyrics. "And when that beautiful white dove appears, a bell will chime and then you'll hear, I love you." Ishiyama finished his first full lyrics he had been working on with that last verse. "I hope this sounds good." Ishiyama thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

[Addressed to the "Necromancer." ^]

Outside of the school an old school mustang at just rolled by the front gate. It was a beautiful muscle car, truly a gorgeous machine if any. The door opened and out came a shirtless, beat up looking kid. He leaned over and grabbed his grey tank and slipped it on, and then grabbed his long coat and swung his arms into it. He then grabbed his back and shut the door and began to walk into the school yard. He walked with an attitude, a certain swagger. He was extremely late, but he didn't care as he lit a cigarette. He got close to the school's entrance. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and ended up bumping into someone who seemed to have been talking to himself. In an agile twist, the mysterious teen began to walk backwards, now eying the man he bumped into. He gave him a nasty look and said, "Hey, pal... watch where you're fucking walking."

Hunter deshadowed(new word which I hope doesn't sound weird) himself before turning to the man. "Hey, you bumped into me." He said, clearly not fazed by his threat.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Teoinsanity
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Teoinsanity Lost on Jeopardy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A certain purple school bus drifts into a parking spot perfectly .Teo walks out a puts the keys in his pocket as he walks in the school humming his theme song. Teo walks into the library ,and starts looking for a book about the history of cartoons in this dimension ,possibly getting a few new trick from it ,he grabs a ladder and starts looking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MafiaM16
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MafiaM16 The Beast Within

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


The vulgar figure had a look of boredom on his face as he raised his hand to his mouth and yawned. "I don't care if I bumped into you or if you bumped into me. Just don't do again, alright? Else were going to have some serious problems. Got it? Good." He then began to walk away but as he began to move he raised his arms up, created fists and then stuck up his middle fingers as he casually walked away as if nothing happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hunter watched as he walked away before shaking his head once the man left. He used his magic once again to cover himself in shadows in order to keep hidden. He then continued his search for the Dino-boy(aka Arin). He went inside and stayed near the walls for a bit.

Evan turned his attention back to his students. "Now, where were we?" He asked before answering his own question. "Right." He handed out some paper to each of the students. "Today, you can just draw whatever you want. " He would've had them do something more productive if it weren't for the janitor's interruption earlier. "Make sure it's decent, though."

Arin pulled out a pencil and looked at the paper, thinking of what to draw. Once he got an idea in his head, he put the pencil to the paper and began drawing.

Price began drawing himself on the paper as well as his neko-friend. He wanted to show the good times they had.

Juno decided to draw his cat form which was a grey tabby that looked like a kitten.

In English (User did this one, but not sure where he is)

Ace leaned back in his seat as he waited for teacher to start the class. He decided to talk up a storm for a bit until the bell(not yet) would ring.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris landed in front of the school while in her spirit form and walked up the steps towards the doors walking past the seemingly mad man with a mop and the person he was talking to only giving a lazy glance in their direction. When she reached the doors she shrank down to about 4'5" as to not fill up the hallway and started on her way to the gym class knowing fully well that she was late but just kept walking until she reached the class giving a small bark as she entered the room, then layed down at the side of the room curling up in her wolf form falling asleep until the teacher got there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 2 days ago

((I totally forgot about my Virgil XD))

In Gym

Sitting on back bench of the bleachers, Virgil had been waiting on the teacher to arrive. He then looked down to see someone had entered the room, but it was only another student. He turned his gaze away so wouldn't look like he was staring at her.
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