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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

No Rest for Weary...
9 years ago, Kenan at sunset. Neon lights popped on at sunset in Kenan, their eerie colors ranging from cold blues to fiery reds. Cars zoomed by like flashing streaks, running on the street tracks then shortly vanished around the corner. People, ignorant or shit face not caring, wandered the local clubs and bars looking for some adrenaline riddled fun. Absentminded of the crowds in the earth below, rain poured and soaked everything in relentless water. All the activity around gave a hint of exotic thrill and wanted rather then what it really was. Dangerous. However, unlike most of Kenan's residents who were lost in the illusion of euphoria, Emmet was edgy. His eyes jerked about, slithering from shadow to the next, expecting something to lurk there. He felt exposed standing out here in the back alley attached to Sinner's Luck Casino, making the anxiety grow worse by the passing second. Trying to chase away the feeling, he let out a breath that fogged over in the chilly air causing him to hug himself and rub some life into his arms. He had worn the thickness sweat and hoodie he could manage to put together but even that failed to chase away the frigid nip around him. No...he knew it wasn't the air that bothered him. It was the fact his sister was stolen and likely terrified. Emmet's uninjured fingers tightened in anger when the memory of last week played in his mind. Over and over, his mind tried to alter facts in a faint hope to change his fate. It didn't work. The bitter lie didn't change the fact sister was still gone, lost in that bastard's claws and in a pissed mood, Emmet's fist slammed on the wet wall. A fleshy smack sent the riveting water dripped back in his already soaked hoodie. Neck hairs stood straight up when he felt eyes land on him. Suddenly his eyes snapped up when something rattled then relaxed, realizing it was the casino's back door open and his current handler settled there smirking. He was an aged, white haired man with a smile that cried weasel and a tailor suit that likely cost more then he made in a year. The mere sight of him made Emmet's face hardened. Letting his cigar burned idly in between his fingers, the handler held out the unmarked package to Emmet. It was simply covered in nothing but plain brown paper. All that stood out was the logo: Darius' tribal fox. “So, you're Darius' new runner, eh?” The man chuckled lightly, leaning back when Emmet jerked the package from his grip. Unfazed by the attitude, his eyes filled with wicked mirth at some private joke and noticed his other hand. It was wrapped and bandaged to heal after Darius made a clean break. Emmet just glared, his jawline tightened to bite his tongue for a moment. His hand twitched and considered shoving his fist through the smug face then stopped. Darius' words echoed in his mind causing him to swallow his pride. “Yeah, you got a problem with that?” The ass' smile deepened. “No, through if Darius' ever gets tired of your ass then I know a few brothels looking for a new bitch.” With that last note, he turned about letting his laughs echo behind. The door shut loudly leaving Emmet alone in the rain as he seemed to spit venom, his hand still held the box tightly to his side and rain pouring down. Taking whatever patience he had left, the eighteen year old started to make his way to the alley's exit. His steps were quick and steady bring him along at a good pace before several blocks in. He turned off into a underground parking lot still under-construction, hoping the shortcut would've been enough to give him addition time. It would be a mistake he would never make again. His steps echoed and broke the unsettling silence, his eyes flirted from one end to the other, while his jog's pace died down to a walk. Thump...thump... his heat beat to remind him he was alive as his feet stretched across the open space. Darkness danced around him, swallowing what he couldn't see and hiding it well. The rain had cease to drown him now that he had slink into the concrete building, leaving the streets and the roar of their activity behind him. Now silence surrounded him. Half way into the parking lot, his skin prickled from unseen eyes licking up his back as his arm tightened his grip on his task. Something was dead wrong. He could feel the sensation crawling up his spine yet his eyes failed him in finding the source. Emmet's pace quickened, his package shifted to his other arm while reaching for his back pocket, where the silver switch blade was hidden. Chuckles stirred in the darkness to his left and Emmet flinched, his head jerked to the location. His figured jerked about to face to it, only hear a feminine voice her amusement. Her tone flirty and teasing, sending a fresh wave of dread. “My, my... he's rather cute...Don't you agree, Ramsey?” A shadow flirted across his vision's side, too fast to be seen. Shit...where are you bitch? Emmet's instincts bellowed in his head, his heart hammering harder, pouring the adrenaline in his veins and seemed to set him on fire. It wouldn't matter. Whatever lurked here was strong. Maybe too strong, Emmet's eyes hardened, his feet grind to a stop as his hand tightened around his knife. If they were too strong, his run for the entrance would've only provoke them to rip him to pieces. Then again staying put wasn't doing him any favors. Emmet decided it was the time to get the fuck out of here. “Oh can you hear it, Felicia? The sound of his panicked heart rattling in his chest? Lovely, isn't it?” A male voice erupted far too close to his ear. Reacting on fright and instinct, Emmet's hand rip his blade out. His elbow slashed behind to slam into the rib as he twisted about on the ball of his foot, bring him about to face the threat. The click sound came when the blade ejected yet nothing was behind him. “Jittery, isn't he?” The voice chuckled, something brushing by his shoulder. “Stop fucking around,” Emmet growled softly, becoming irritated at being toyed with, his hand pressed the silver blade against his good arm. The cast one cradled his package tightly under his arm where he intended on it to stay. Barrels suddenly fell to his left, causing Emmet's blade to whip that direction. Again nothing but fucking shadows. Where were they? He couldn't help wondering, his eyes jerked from shadow to shadow, his sight seeing hints of a form before it vanished. In the backdrop were safer sounds created by passing cars, walking people, and more that seemed to call him back. Already his feet were inching that direction, slowly retreating. “Awww... how rude.” Movement from his peripheral vision and silver flashed to his right, stopped in mid-motion inches from pale, sickly flesh. Caught by a rough hand, a male vampire flashed him a wickedly smirk. Dressed in a trench coat, a long scarf wrapped about his neck and seemed to have walked out of a cheesy novel, he held Emmet's hand in place easily. “Impressive... I like when my food fights back.” Clapping started as from the far shadows, a woman, likely Felicia, melted from the blackness. The sound shattered the silence when it echoed off the walls, followed by high heels clicking in her approach until she stood just a foot from the entangled pair. Emmet watched her eyes flickered purple as she looked up him from top to bottom while she ceased her applause. He gritted his teeth and tried to put more effort behind his blade, edging to Ramsey's throat. Her companion's eyes grew a brighter then tightened his grip. Bones in Emmet's wrist protested, his fingers refused to give up his only line of defense, making the vampire insist by increasing his power. Agony flamed though his wrist with Felicia giggling lightly at his stubbornness and clearly enjoying his failure. “Bravo, bravo.” Her tone was mocking, letting each word ring in his ears, “He's almost too precious to eat, wouldn't you say?” Ramsey growled, baring fangs, his fingers tightening about his prey's wrist and making the fragile human bone flare in additional pain. Emmet gritted against the agony rippling up his arm, instead eyed his attacker and shot a sparing glare at Ramsey's partner, feeling his adrenaline racing in his heart. Fuck.. Emmet silently cursed. His other hand was useless as it was wrapped up. Darius had broken several bones and to heal, they were forced to place it in a cast which had rendered it useless. He tried to free his trapped hand, unable due to the vampire's greater strength, while two continued their conversation, ignoring him. “Possibly,” Ramsey reached for Emmet's hood then flipped it over. Smiling at Emmet's venomous glare, he commented. “I expected a prettier face, Felicia, but this one seems to have...disappointed.” Emmet had turned to keep his back from being exposed, his head turned and now able to see the female vampire. She shrugged, beginning to pout some in a fake and childish way. “Pity. I was hoping for a new chew toy, Ramsey.” “Well...maybe,” Ramsey answered, frowning as he raised his hand to brush away some of Emmet's hair making the teen jerk. “With a little bit of a trim.” “Get the fuck of me,” Emmet said, his hand jerked only to make Ramsey's smirk deepen. “I like his feisty attitude. It should be fun to break him into a whimpering bitch, won't it luv?” “Very...” Felicia's lips to curl into a wicked, seductive smile. Quicker then a cobra, she struck. Her hand ripped forward, nails long and claw like, sank her claws into his shoulder surprising Emmet. He yelled while his hand jerked down the silver blade as it sizzled on Ramsey's back and forcing a yelp from the vampire, a hot impression left by the contact. Instinctively the grip was released allowing Emmet to whip his blade about. Pain, warmth and a hot sensation seared in his head sending him to his knee. Her tongue swirled disgustingly about the deep marks making his skin crawl with his blade point aimed for her back. Felicia, apparently, was the oldest of the pair. Without flinching, her left hand still holding his injured arm to her torso and neck in place, she jerked out her right to stop the blade. At the same time, she tenderly forced him downwards until he practically laid in her lap pissing Emmet off farther. Ramsey had took a few steps back, nursing his still sizzling hand, fuming subtle curses while he glared at Emmet staring back. His lips held their deep seated frown yet his tone became playful on seeing Felicia feeding vigorously. “Enjoying the bastard, aren't you?” Emmet felt his wrist squeezed causing the blade to be knocked away, his body becoming numb and intoxicated by the feeding. No... DAMN IT! Weakness seeped into his limbs and breath slowed, becoming lead in his chest, even when the female started to gore herself a bit. Emmet's golden eyes shifted to see Ramsey's eyes tighten slightly in curiosity. “Felicia, sweet, you'll kill him at that rate.” No answer from her made Ramsey shrug. “Pity, I guess she changed her mind.” Smelling the blood, his fangs clicked out and his hands grasped Emmet's wrist before joining in. Time ticked into a mind numbing state, Emmet's sight blurred some, the surroundings hazy and unfocused, edged into darkness. His mind was slipping away as his blood was being drained. The last thing he saw was a man swaggering out of the darkness. He was lean and dark skin with molten, hot veins making jagged patterns on his surface, topped with dread locks braided in his hair. Everything went dark when Emmet blacked out from his blood loss. He later learned the demon's name... was Juan.
~~~~~}0{}0{}0{Present}0{}0{}0{~~~~~ Location: Safehouse, unknown Time of Day: Morning
Emmet jerked up off the bed. Sweat drenched his figure, the sheets stuck to his currently half naked and bandage shape while dizziness filled his mind. His hands pushed out to stop from his face from suffocating into the pillow less mattress while his eyes glanced about the room. First off he knew at once he wasn't in his apartment as everything looked used, abused and rather clean compared to his residence causing his heart to beat loudly. It rattled in his head for a moment before he shook it clear. Cold sweat dripped off his skin and stained the sheets, evidence left by the nightmares, leaving him to shiver a bit. Gingerly he started to turn in his bed only to feel something brush his wrist causing him to pause, seeing the thin, silver line sticking out. A needle. Emmet stared harder, his eyes flickered with worry, and edged to the bed side. He mumbled softly, “What the fuck?” Out of habit, his hand brushed his hair from his eyes to look in confusion on the room and determine where he was. Last thing he recalled was that he was in Darius' mansion before the fox and him went rabid on each other, his face meeting the dirt and blacked out. Slowly his bare foot touched the icy floor then pressed weigh into it. It crumbled and buckled under him, bring Emmet to curse as he landed on all fours. His back exposed showed three more needles in his back, one near his neck, another in the center and last one in his lower back following his spine in a straight line. It might've explained why he didn't feel anything. In his sides and about waist level, the last two needles were stuck in and got caught among the sheets. Not willing to stay down, Emmet's feet tried to push himself up back only to get a few inches then fall back on all fours. “Damn it!” Emmet nearly shouted. Meanwhile Juan had stopped trying to fend off Kasain, his own torso sloppily bandaged as he requested the needles removed, when he heard Emmet tumble out of bed. His head twisted about then shifted quickly toward the man still trying to walk unaided. He rolled off a quick comment to the fallen patient as he started to ease himself off the stool he was on, intent to help Emmet back up. “Well, if you wanted a wake up call then I could've given you a better one sleeping beauty.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
Avatar of Synthorian


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Principle’s Little Pet

Location: Master Melody’s Academy, Loom. Time of Day: Morning

Contributors: @Synthorian and @Fallenreaper

Lily sat there working. Every so often, her eyes flickered from the document propped up in the stand beside the desktop computer to the door of her office. The meeting had been completed an hour ago though she had completely bypassed Rex on the way out, her time pressed as it was and to be late wasn’t suitable for her position, sadly skipping out on their scheduled social time. A matter she wasn’t pleased with. He naturally understood though it didn’t stop her heart from sinking into her feet for most the meeting as it was weighed down by guilt.

When she returned, Rex was already gone. Likely he had decided to distract himself and would come back soon enough. Hoping to be ready for his arrival, Lily had cleared the arrangement of teas, cakes and other sweet treats after Ms. Matthews had left, with her guardian in tow. If there hadn’t been a meeting, Lily would’ve considered personally ensuring Darius’ young daughter had been situated and seen she was taken care of. Though unfortunately, as a principle, she couldn’t dare to show favoritism to one temporarily student over the numerous musicians at the Academy. It was bad form and not one she would indulge in, considering the Essence still required keeping to ensure the school was left untarnish.

Now there was just the sound of her nails typing in a rhythm much like her music on the ill suited keyboard. Her lips gave a wistful sigh while her eyes were drawn to her violin, its strings and notes playing in her head, though her office was drowned in utter silence. Part of her missed the simpler days, idly musing over lost times. Even Maroon crept into her thoughts, still a charming teenager with the cocky smirk and flaming red hair, before her mind shattered the image abruptly thanks to the red threads cutting into her throat. For a moment, she paused. Her body pushed back from her desk and elegant fingers reached to rub her throat, worried she would’ve felt the raw, torn flesh underneath. Lily wasn’t sure which hurt more. The threads or the fact Maroon’s choice cared more for strangers then herself, willing to end her life for the upper hand. A hand that didn’t exist causing her to stare at the unfinished document, her expression sober and blank.

A knock at the door broke the aching silence.

Lily felt her mind jerk from the memories filling her attention when the hard knock reached her ears, her eyes snapped upright. She knew where it came from and little surprise, she knew who was behind it as she had been woken up to that heavy, raspy breathing many times. “Come in, Rex.”

The door opened slowly to reveal the Wolfman behind it. His huge mass being larger than the door itself. Years of practice have made passing such small passages much easier. He dexterously entered into Lily’s office, and shut the door behind him. “Busy day, hmm?” Despite his menacing form, his voice had a comforting sweetness to it. But then again, his relaxed, laid back nature made him come off as more charming than menacing.

He approached the Principal's desk, his powerful hind legs thumping against the wooden floor boards. Since all of the furniture wasn’t suited for his weight, he sat on the floor instead, waiting patiently for Lily’s reply, with a cheesy, childish animal grin on his muzzle.

Lily regretted never approaching a chair maker to create a custom seat for her spouse, her guilt surfacing on her face briefly before it faded. Her eyes studied Rex’s wolfish smirk and let the sensation of love, comfort and more fill her for the moment. It was a relief to see him not angry with her though it was rather rare in most cases, a trait she cherished, as she placed the computer on sleep mode. Her hand reached to flip over the protective plastic sheet onto the document, preventing any wandering eyes from reading them, a matter which had occurred in the past, then pushed up out of her seat. Lily walked about the desk in her graceful, casual walk before she stood just in front of her love.

“Yes, sadly, though it’s a blessing to see you Rex,” she reached over to gently brush a tender kiss on his wet nose, “Personally I wish I was at home with my feet propped up and enjoying your company.”

Rex would know the subtle hint to what type of company she was referring to, her figure pulled back to her original position. “How was your day?”

He knew exactly what his love was referring to, and the thought made his grin wider. His day was quite something. Lounging around at home all day was what happened these days. Either that, or mercenary work. And he was not interested in the latter anymore, he left that life behind him. “A little boring without your company, love.” He replied, his sheepish grin remained glued to his muzzle.

She gave Rex a small, sad look while she related to the fact she rather be home with him. The matter that she wasn’t was due to lack of trust with the Essence and in the end, she feared leaving the school and risked coming back to it in ruins. Lily sighed the thought off into the back of her mind before she focused on her visit instead. “I only hope this day becomes better, which reminds me. I need to notify Linda to expect a call from Darius, he’ll likely want to talk to Ms. Matthews and see if she is alright. Also finish sending out memos to the various teachers about Ms. Matthews’ arrangements and her privilege to sit on classes without notice.”

Still thinking about it, she shifted to grab a sticky pad then began to scribble her notes down.

Rex looked down at his large paws, or hands, since he had fingers. They were big and clumsy, and asking Lily if she wanted help would be a bad idea, as he would end up making things worse with these things. But then, he felt guilty for not asking. He lowered his hands and asked. “Can I help you in anyway?”

Lily’s writing stopped abruptly. Her dark head lifted and turned to Rex, her eyes studying him a moment with a soft smile on her lips. It wasn’t hard to see what had crossed her mind but in a place of business, that was the last thing she could indulge in. “No Rex, but I do ask one thing: try not to turn my guests into cherries too often, dear. I believe Ms. Matthews has a permanent blush after your playfulness.”

Lily gently teased her husband, her ears had caught the earlier conversation after she departed.

“Heh…” The wolf breathed out. “I’m sure when she finds a boy that she likes, he will make her redder than I have.”

“That’s not funny, Rex.” Lily stated, though her tone was softer than scolding. Her eyes averted from his, slightly, as she recalled a few times of being in Olivia’s position when they were dating. Being over seven hundred years she thought it was impossible to blush anymore until Rex took the challenge and proved her dead wrong. “Darius certainly raised her well.”

Rex visibly frowned a little and said. “Never really trusted that fox, but he did raise a nice girl. I can give him that.” The Kitsune was a sly bastard, and a resourceful one. He never dealt with him personally, but he always got a strange vibe even at the mention of his name. “I hope she likes it here. Not many safe havens like this around these days.”

“It’s only temporary, we have no idea if that kidnapping was merely a one time thing or the motive behind it, Rex.” Lily corrected, her body turned to rest her hips on the desk edge and crossed her arms around her chest, “We don’t know if this attempt will occur again and since she hasn’t any magical talents, keeping her longer than necessary is only going to harm her education. We don’t offer the proper academics for normal humans beside the scholar program. To be truthful, I don’t have much faith in her succeeding in that route after seeing her rattled so easily.”

Lily stopped when she noted her tone had a slight more edge to it than she intended for it to have. A matter she made obvious with a sigh and shifted from the topic, answering Rex’s dislike toward Darius. “I won’t deny, Darius’ activities and goals are hard to figure out. Even I can’t fully understand why he wanted the Essence and I to work together, save one goal is to benefit his pact holder. It’s in the nature of all his kind. A matter that very well will hurt him the most.”

“Hopefully…” Clearly, Rex didn’t have much to say on the subject, so he changed it to something more lighthearted. “I haven’t asked you how your day has been yet.” His cheesy grin returned in full swing. “So… How was your day?” His head tilted and his ears focused on his wife, awaiting her answer.

Lily gave him a look that seemed to wonder if he’s been listening at all, mostly as from her statements it would’ve clear how her day went. “I thought it would’ve obvious dear, namely from recent events and such. Then again, keeping the Essence in line isn’t easy. That pushed aside, the day’s been normal so far. I still have tons of paperwork to get typed in and sorted before the week’s end which has started to give me a headache lately, especially when all I want to do is play my violin.”

She had a little bit of longing in her thoughts while she glanced at the instrument, likely the only thing able to withstand Rex’s handling, sitting on it’s iron stand and tempting her. Normally she wouldn’t need encouragement but things had been piling up lately, any free time was spent playing catch up.

After a moment of thought, and following Lily’s gaze, he looked back at her and spoke his thoughts. “Perhaps it’s time to spend some of the remaining hours for yourself, hmm? You have worked your fingers to the bone. They might as well relax a little and play your violin’s strings.” Rex suggested as he stood up and approached the musical instrument, gently grasping it, and bringing it to her.

His hand outstretched, presented her second love to her, the Violin. As she looked at it, it stared back at her, subliminally beckoning her to take it into her hands and caress it.

Though she had played before Olivia arrived, a weakness in the moment, she had only done so in order to sooth the child’s troil and not for herself. Now Rex had encouraged her to play for her heart and own pleasure, something she hadn’t done in a long time. Unable to resist she gently took up the violin again then pressed it to her chin while her arm held the other end, her breath steady and still for several moments. Her bow held in the familiar gesture she adored which gave her complete mastery over the movements she would pour into each note pouring from her core. The sound began softly and smoothly, sounding like more than one had began its musical flight making her lips curl into a warm smile. The melody echoed through the small room, filling each corner leaving it with a sense of passion she added to the vibrations.

The notes repeated in an endless circle driving a warmth to flood those listening right in the heart. Her eyes closed, letting the music sweep her along in its waves rippling in each movement of her bow. Each pass it was clear she was lost in the emotions she stirred within herself and the enjoyment she gave to her single listener, her very love and life.

After several minutes, she let the string’s last hum die and set her instrument back on the iron stand. Her eyes glanced back to Rex, smiling at his earlier encouragement. “Thank you love, though I have a question for you. Why did you chose to visit today?”

He loved her music, he always has. Earlier today he didn’t even enter the room and simply let her play. That was one of her greatest passions, one that he loved watching. Just the simple joy and pleasure she got from her craft. It warmed his soul in a way this dark, horrifying world could not. He shut himself away from that world just so he could be here, to listen and watch. Perhaps that’s how she got a hold of his old wounded heart. Sirens were known for that.

“It’s our anniversary today.” Rex said softly, his heart aching from the chemical reaction that Lily’s music alone had caused in him.

Lily blinked a moment, her eyes narrowed on Rex as the words sank in. Her head jerked to the desk calendar on her desk which held today’s date and nearly slapped herself with her own instrument when she realize what he spoke was true. It only took a moment for her heart to drop from her chest, replaced by the hollowness of guilt taking its place. “No… I-I can’t believe it’s that soon already, is it?”

Her eyes looked at him, pain and sorrow written in her eyes over the mistake she made. Even demons, despite their age, could make human mistake. A fact many of the older ones have often forgotten over their long life, jading them to the essential truth they all had been something weak in the past. She knew Rex wouldn’t have been mistaken about such an important event as she looked at him with an apologetic look.

Rex simply smiled in response. Her forgetting such things wouldn’t make him angry, she couldn’t make him angry anyway. He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her small frame. At least it was small in comparison to his. “It is that soon…” He said.

Taking a glance at the clock, all studies in the Academy were about to end and recess would begin. “That boring paperwork can wait for another day. I doubt you’d want to spend your anniversary filling out spreadsheets…”

Lily shook her head, “Rex, I can’t. There’s the new musicians who need to be addressed, scheduling a meeting with Hazumi, class reports, death tolls and ensure proper funeral arrangements, and-”

Rex placed a leather padded finger on her lips to stop her. “You’ll kill yourself with that much work on your hands, and doing it all alone. You need rest, darling. Please, do it for your own sake, not for me.”

She smiled, weakly, and nodded her understanding. It was times like this she wished deeply Rex had stayed at the school, merely so she could see him more often without feeling terrible about leaving the Essence unattended. Seeing her husband’s point, she subsided finally when she couldn't recall the last day she took off in nearly a decade. When Rex removed his finger Lily replied softly in a loving voice, “Sometimes I need reminding, but it helps to alleviate the guilt when it’s not just myself that will enjoy it.”

A smile crept on Rex’s muzzle as he leaned his face into hers. Their lips collided, and Lily received a long, heavy kiss that seemed to last for tens of minutes. He kept her close and didn't let go. His kiss soon changed, into one that stole her breath and exchanged it with his. Lily’s body relaxed and melted in Rex’s arms as she returned his affection, holding onto his chest as her nails dug into his fur. This was just a taste of the night awaiting them, and what they would make of it when it came...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A dance of Shadows

The Academy, Midday after Lazarus first class

The training room was devoid of students. It would be filled within the hour. They needed the training, the practice, the thrill of pitting themselves against each other. One day these sessions would give them the edge in the real world. Keep them from an untimely demise.

Lazarus stood surveying the room. The class was actually considered non instructional and was listed as open combatives practice. Half of the class was devoted to individual study and improvement which meant Lazarus was a glorified babysitter for the students who often took the time to practice techniques from the other combative classes. The second half of the class was an opportunity for the students to fight one another and practice with each other. It was usually interesting to see the freshman fight one another and to see the slow and often clumsy attempts that would eventually be tempered by time and training. Then there were the opportunities for them to face off against the older students. Often with disastrous results for the freshman. Mr. Snyder was always painful to watch as he was efficient, swift, well trained and really didn’t belong in the class but it was technically for all skill levels. So it was often a learning experience for the inexperienced. Luckily, Ian understood and was typically a great instructor for the students who struggled in their own combative classes and more often than not could be found helping in the first part of the class as opposed to working on his own things.

Lazarus let out a heavy sigh and turned to face the other person in the room. The being was a seven foot smear of shadow. Are you ready Lazarus? Lazarus nodded. Dropping his overcoat Lazarus unsheathed dracul. The being moved its hand to its left hip and then grasped the hilt of a Katana that protruded from the robe of shadows. In a single fluid motion the being drew the Katana. It was a blade of black steel that seemed to suck light from the surroundings. Taking its left hand from the sheath it gripped the hilt with the left hand holding the Katana in a Tyoama Ryu combat stance.

Lazarus held the sword in his right hand setting his left hand in a wu hand guard infront of his chest. “Lets do it.” The movement was fast. The shadow Katana lashed out and Lazarus met it with Dracul, sparks of shadow danced as the blades met. Lazarus switched his grip so he held the sword in a reverse grip and leapt. The blade slashed in a criss cross. The shadow slid backward over the floor evading the slashes. It came back across the floor gliding and slashing with the Katana in a flurry. The first cross cut Lazarus used a wing block against and side stepped the slash as it glanced off the blade. The Shadow turned the Katana directing a cut across Lazarus gut. Lazarus switched his grip to his left hand twisting his hips out of the way and blocking the cut. The Katana flashed up and over into another angel cut. Lazarus dropped to his knees and rose delivering and rising slash to the Shadows leg. The Shadow slapped the cut away and slid backward across the floor.

You’ve improved

“Yeah. It’s been a long time”

They paused for a moment.
Neither of them appeared to be phased in the slightest by the exchange. Shall we go again. “You know I’ve always been a fan” The next exchange was even more aggressive. The blades flashed faster than the human eye could track in a series of cuts, parries and ripostes. Western sword combat met Japanese sword style as the two exchanged dozens of blows in a handful of seconds. After about thirty seconds or so of the exchange it became clear that Lazarus was out of his league.

“Well it seems like you got better too”

The World turns we must turn with it.

Lazarus’s spectres began to take up the slack as he could no longer deflect all of the cuts and stabs. Still using those old things. There was a chuckle from Lazarus as he continued to back away and circle. “Well I don’t have all the advantages you do.” We make do with what we have. The Shadow suddenly surged forward overwhelming Lazarus and all four of his specters all at once.

The next thing he knew Lazarus was on his ass on the ground laughing and gulping air. “Every damn time I learn something new.” The Shadow nodded. You win or you learn. “When are you coming back?” The Shadow turned away sheathing the sword as Lazarus stood up. I don’t know, the academy is not ready. Lazarus just nodded. “You’re always welcome here.”

With that the shadow faded from the room leaving Lazarus alone with his thoughts.

Waiting on his students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
Avatar of Celaira

Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chaos Class Catastrophe
Loom - The Academy

Collab: @yoshua171, @Celaira, @Wind Wild, @Themerlinhawk, @Grin

Having taken the cart with him, Mairyell entered what would be Aeris' classroom. Glancing about briefly he chuckled at a stray thought and then rolled the cart at the front of the room before he began to look the room over in more detail. Like all the rooms he'd seen in the Academy thus far it was in some manner impressive. He could not quite describe it for himself, but it had an air about it. It was fitting for Aeris to be in it, right? He hardly knew. He wasn't sure, it'd been so long since he'd last spent time around her and even having had moments with her this morning and the day before, he was sure that the Aeris of his memories was not the same Aeris that would teach in this classroom.

He wasn't sure whether to feel sad or happy in regards to this so rather than dwell on it he moved to the back of the classroom glanced up, seeing the top of a small pillar embedded in the wall, and then jumped onto it. He would almost seem to fade into the background, the shadows, as the room was lit only by its windows, and so he waited. It'd be far more amusing to be the mysterious man in the far corner of the room than anything else he could pull off. Perhaps one of the students would put two and two together, realizing who he was. This would be about as amusing, but he had no intention of counting on that mere possibility.

So there he sat, wondering how long it would take Aeris to sign Olivia up and get her situated.

Having quite enjoyed Lazarus' class, Timore had a smile on his face as he headed for his next class. It had a rather long name, but it was a good one--at least he thought so. It also helped somewhat that he knew the teacher would be playing a little prank on the rest of the student. That'd be fun to watch, he mused a bit, glancing down at Metentis for a moment as he walked through the hall. Had he not done so he would've noticed a green eyed man briefly poke his head out of a wall and smirk at him, before disappearing back into it.

Eventually arriving at the class room he glanced at his schedule, and the time. Dispelling the Veil: A Comprehensive Study of the Western Realm it was called, and apparently he was a bit early. Oddly, the door was already open, so he decided to walk in and take a seat. He was pretty sure Aeris wouldn't mind.

He sat in the second row from the front, doing so because he had already made up his mind that he'd not be sitting in the same relative position in each class.

Once he'd sat down and arranged his materials on his desk he leaned his cheek against his hand, the elbow to which was propped on the desk. He then closed his eyes. When Aeris walked in he'd be seen nodding off a bit. He wouldn't notice her initially. He hadn't slept much last night afterall--it'd been too eventful.

Aeris' body moved with a slow and candid purpose. The uniform that she wore hugged her curves as she moved, though it seemed as if no one was in the halls as she neared her classroom. Strange. Her chestnut tresses flared out behind her as she walked, the sweet scent of lavender shampoo filling the air around her petite form.

It didn't take her long to reach the classroom, and when she did she simply sat atop the oak desk that was placed at the head of it. With the way she appeared it wouldn't have surprised her if a few students mistook her for a classmate. That is exactly what she wanted, after all. Shifting her body slightly to cross one leg of the other, the vampire reached into her messenger bag and pulled out a book similar in make-up to the ones that rested on the cart to the side of the desk. It was then that she noticed where her brother had gotten to, her iridescent blue eyes watching him from their peripheral vision, a small smile pulled at her lips, but she remained straight-faced.

It took her a few moments, but as she laid eyes on a young man sitting in the second row of desks, and smiled knowingly. "Hello, Timore." She spoke with a slight grin, winking at him, but not moving from the desk.

The doll planned to wait until the second bell that signaled students being late rang to make her real entrance.

"Huh?" his eyes shot open and he glanced around a bit, he was still a bit drowsy from having nodded off. "Oh, good morning Aeris," he smiled, a slight sleepiness about him.

There was a loud banging in the back of the room, coming from one of the large ivory cabinets, followed by an annoyed groan.

At the sound of a loud bang, Aeris' body stiffened and she looked up over the desks to the back of the room. The sound of a groan caused her head to tilt to one side, and she slid off of the desk to investigate. The heels on her boots made low clicking sounds as she moved to the back of the class to one of the cabinets, her hand trailing along Timore's desk as she did so. Cautiously she watched the cabinet for a moment. "Hello?" Her voice was soft and concerned as she reached for the handle to the cabinet door.

Even as Aeris reacted Timore turned his head, raising an eyebrow. As he did so he noticed two glowing purple irises near the ceiling of the room. The eyes briefly shifted to crimson and a smirk formed on the figure's lips, Timore immediately looked away, the blood having drained from his face. Oh god what did I walk into this time, he thought to himself, trying to ignore what he'd just seen. Hopefully whatever was in the cabinet was not even a fraction as sinister as what he'd just witnessed.

As the boy looked away, Mairyell's smirk only grew and he chuckled quietly to himself, barely audible to begin with, but even less so with the noise coming from the victim of a nasty little prank he'd partaken in--not that the girl would know that.

Out came a redheaded clutz, toppling over to the ground with a loud thud. She lay there for a moment, her mint crystal eyes wide with panic. She recovered, however, and sat criss crossed on the floor. "OH MY GOSH THANK YOU! I WAS STUCK IN THERE FOR AROUND AN HOUR." She rubbed her temples, Her feet finding the floor, positioning the girl up. She stared at Aeris, confused, before beaming brightly. "Wow, you're so pretty! I'm Iris! Do you know where the teacher might be? I was looking for a textbook when I got a little...sidetracked.." She grinned sheepishly.

"Iris?" Timore asked rhetorically, feeling less humor than the last time he'd seen her wipe out, or at least nearly do so.

When a girl came tumbling out of the cabinet, Aeris took a tentative step back and looked at her. "How did you get stuck in there for an hour?" The doll asked curiously, her head once again tilted to the side just as the girl was getting to her feet. When the vampire was complemented, she blushed slightly and smiled, "Thanks. As are you. My name's Aeris, nice to meet you, Iris." Aeris' voice was polite, and her glowing blue eyes regarded the girl warmly. When she asked about the teacher, however, Aeris shrugged. "Maybe they're late?" She questioned softly, and then turned to look at the desk beside which the cart of books Aeris had asked for was stationed. "I'm pretty sure those books over there are the textbooks, though."

Iris blinked, then shook the girl's hand in a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you too!" She beamed. Iris's hands were soft as silk, and she wandered over to the cart, searching for the one book she would want to carry with her. "I got stuck in the cabinet because I thought I saw a textbook towards the back, but I couldn't reach it, so I climbed up into it to get the textbook out and the cabinet closed on me..." Iris paused. "It sounded a lot better in my head before I went through with it." She giggled a little before grabbing one of the books, waddling over to a desk towards the middle of the classroom and smoothing her hands over the surface of it.

When Iris went to go get a book from cart, Aeris followed her back to the desk, picking up her bag and book and sitting down in the desk beside Iris. Faintly, she smiled at the other girl, until her own eyes went back to the book. Curiously, she wondered if any of the students who hadn't seen her at the ceremony last night would guess that she was actually the teacher.

Watching the exchange Timore waited for her to get her book, only waving when Iris turned back around. "Hi again," he said, chuckling a bit, "You really have a knack for getting yourself in odd situations, don't you?"

Iris blinked, then grinned the sun at the familiar face. "Timore!!" She stopped midway getting out her pencils and eyed the shy boy. A pout found her attractive features. "I've been unlucky this past week, I guess. I could have sworn the cabinets wouldn't lock behind me though..." She brushed off the thought, her eyes meeting a new face, Mairyell's. "Oh! Hey person! If you didn't hear me earlier I'm Iris, oh, and this is Timore!" She gestured towards her classroom friend.

Timore smiled back sympathetically as she responded, seeming to empathize with her on that note. However, when she addressed the ominous figure, Timore leaned over, as Iris had again picked a desk near his, and whispered, "I don't think you ought to bother him...he's got a dangerous look in his eye,"

However, more silently than the young man had spoken, Mairyell had crossed the entirety of the room and was now right behind Timore, looking down at him with an amused smirk. “It’s not nice to talk about people behind their backs you know," his purple eyes turned to Iris, "...you've the right idea, Iris, though I did hear you earlier. My name is Mairyell," his eyes then turned to Aeris and he tilted his head, making a show of looking her over.

"And what might your name be? You seem new here." The irony was that Mairyell was also new to the Academy. It wasn't like he'd been within its walls terribly often. Still, it was an amusing ploy.

Aeris listened to her brother speak, her face buried in her book to hide the smirk that was pulling at her lips. When he addressed her, however, she blinked and looked up at him, surprise written all over her face. Her acting was flawless, and without missing a beat, she blushed and began to speak. "Ah, name's Aeris... A-are you taking this class too...?" Her voice was timid, like a schoolgirl with a crush, her body even moved slightly back in her desk as if to keep herself from accidentally touching him.

Inside her mind, however, she was grinning like a fool. She found her own joke hilarious, and wondered how the students would react when things got into full swing.

Iris noted the change in the girl's behavior, but hid it behind the icy forest in her eyes. She nodded at Mairyell and Timore before her behind met the chair to her desk, squirming a little to be situated.

"You could say that," he replied with a chuckle as Timore practically shrank in his seat--trying to gain any sort of distance he could. The boy didn't respond, but he took no mind to it.

Ian pressed open the door to the classroom; an open book in one hand which he was reading as he entered the class. Closing it he surveyed the room. Taking in Mairyell, Aeris, Timore and Iris. He nodded at them and covered the rest of the room making sure he hadn’t missed anything. With that he crossed the room and rooted through the cart full of books and produced a text book which he tucked under his arm. Opening his other book he turned to walk towards the back of the class to take up a seat by the door. “Tim, Iris” He took in the other two giving Mairyell a searching look as though half remembering something. Ian took in Aeris in her tight school uniform not sure what to make of her as he continued on to his seat.

Leaning back in the seat he went back to the book, letting his right arm fall over the back of the chair. It appeared calm but in reality his right hand was grasping the firearm in the middle of his back. He thought he recognized the vampire and he had a sneaking suspicion about who Aeris might be.

Iris eyed the boy, ready to introduce herself but stopped when she realized it would be rude intruding on someone who was so much into their reading. With that she bit her lip.

Watching the new arrival for a moment, Mairyell then followed suit, walking to the back of the room, where he deftly lept back to the pillar he'd been roosting on before. As he did so, Timore glanced back hesitantly before looking away and shuddering. Mairyell simply shook his head.

The two vampires might have sensed the rise in tension but it didn't get to rise any further as Sam marched in. She was carrying something huge covered in gift-wrap and as she passed through the door, her arms spread wide apart to hold the thing, one of them bumped into Ian's, causing him to drop the gun. She didn't apologize or acknowledge she felt the collision as she walked between the rows, throwing Aeris and Mairyell a brief look.

“Hullo.” She lisped, a lollypop in one cheek. She reached the teacher's desk and popped the gift on the seat, putting her hands on her hips and evaluating the outcome critically. She shifted the ribbon slightly and grinned, then turned to the two unfamiliar people. “So, who are you two?”

Noting Sam's presence, Timore waved slightly to Sam then raised an eyebrow, trying to once again ignore the stranger's presence, as she asked of their identity. He said nothing, instead leaning over his desk somewhat, bringing his wrist under his chin and resting it on the arm lightly. His eyes closed a bit and he let out a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

His eyes trained on the fallen firearm for a long moment, likely before Ian stowed it away, Mairyell took note of this oddity then turned his attention elsewhere.

Turning to eye Sam, then Aeris, then Sam again, raising an eyebrow. "You just missed it, we're all acquainted," he said a bit dryly. There was a long pause, "Nonetheless, tha name's Mairyell, though that's all that needs knowin'," he stated a bit cryptically before turning his lightly glowing purple eyes away from the student. He wondered how Aeris would handle this one. It'd probably be fun considering the acting she'd just managed. Seems she'd picked up as many skills as he had in the last 200 years.

Aeris watched as another student entered the classroom, and simply smiled at them as they walked. She watched as the male reached behind himself, and tilted her head her eyebrow arching slightly. Her attention was brought back to the front of the classroom as another new student entered the room, a large box in her arms, the vampire couldn't help but blink.

When the girl spoke, Aeris waved offhandedly to her, looking at the box that now sat atop the oak desk over the girl's shoulder. "Name's Aeris, and you are?"

Sam stood there, staring at Mairyell as if mesmerized for a long moment. Her expression was straight but her mind was working, tying to figure out why the face looked familiar. Unable to pin it, she moved the lollypop from one cheek to the other, this time biting on the twitching stick on the right. She then took the candy out and smiled at Aeris, polite but not overly enthusiastic. Sam was quick to judge and she could tell the other girls' manners were too refined for her wild tastes. She adjusted the bag on her shoulder and proceeded to slouch over a desk around the middle of the class, next to the window.

After receiving the girl's gesture, the bell that warned students were going to be late rang out loudly. As if on cue, the vampire rose casually from her seat and walked to the windows and peered out of them, her eyes seeming to scan the area for a moment before she pulled the shade down. This pattern continued until there was only one window uncovered. Little Kasio stood by the windowsill for a moment, her body lax against the wall as the lights in the room began to flicker and dim. When the final shade was pulled down the lights went out.

The only lights in the room were the glowing eyes of the two vampires who were standing in different spots, Aeris by the window, and Mairyell still on the pillar in the back of the room. The sound of her heels as they met the hard tiled floor echoed even more loudly than they had when the lights were on, and a soft chuckle cascaded around the room as she made her way back to the oak desk. The sound of wrapping paper shifting resounded in the room as the door creaked slowly shut.

The present that Sam had placed on her desk was seated on one of the desks in the front row as Aeris situated herself back on it. Another soft chuckle echoed around the room, "I hope you're not afraid of the dark," The doll paused, to meet eyes with her brother for a moment. "Because in this class you'll learn why you should be."

Ian closed his book at the darkness. Placing his left hand on Fidrieon, Koshmar layered a grey scale over his vision. It was good to have a Nightmare Demon sometimes, even if he was a giant pain most days You're welcome. Ian rolled his eyes at the comment as he took in the odd pair. Watching for the other students' responses. Sitting near the door did in fact have another advantage. A quicker escape should the instructor attempt to eat the class. He eyed the other students to see their reactions to the darkness and the strange pair running the freak show. Lazarus was strange but atleast he told you he might kill you accidentally.

Mairyell chuckled, it seemed that his sister really had developed a dramatic flair.

Timore on the other hand glanced about and as the room darkened he instinctively began spinning the ring that he wore. He could hear Metentis' thoughts, sense him, but he knew that the instrument was no longer on him, which was extremely worrisome. The damned fragment had apparently slithered from his wrist while he'd nodded off. Still, he had to admit that Aeris' little trick was a good introduction, considering the nature of her class.

Meanwhile, Metentis slithered across the floor, keeping out of sight as it headed for Iris, wishing to sate its curiosity greatly. Hopefully no one would stop him before he managed to.

Sam's foot started its annoying habit of counting down the seconds, betraying her excitement as she leaned forward on her desk, arms on it like a really curious model student. Her eyes ran over Aeris, a new appreciation making them gleam with curiosity. The thought of danger didn't bother her - in fact, it was only adding more adrenaline to her body as if every movement the teacher made was another drop down the IV drip.

Suddenly the whole classroom heard a loud groan out of the redhead, her face thumping onto her desk. “I DIDN’T COMPLETELY UNPACK GUYS.” Iris's lips puffed some air to get loose strands of scarlet away from her eyes. “Not cool.” Her eyes caught the two glowing irises in the center of the classroom, and her jaw dropped. It took some effort, but she hummed a small tune to herself, pushing the vibrations at the eyes, making sure whoever bore them got the message.

Aeris? I recognize your eye shape. What are you doing?

Iris gasped to herself.

Are you a magician?!

The better question, is are you? a insidious male voice whispered in the little doll's mind. A familiar voice, one dripping with amusement and what many would perceive as arrogance. The already pitch darkness somehow became something more and what felt almost like a deathly cold would sweep over and through the students--bringing with it a feeling of dread. Aeris was right, they would learn to fear the dark, if they had any sense. After all, those who had not feared him often died as a result...or worse.

He smiled at the thought.

When the voice penetrated Aeris' mind, her eyes widened. Though she had wanted to respond to Iris, who she thought had spoken aloud, she couldn't think anymore. Her body shook slightly as she slid from the desk to the ground, "Mairyell... The shades. Get the shades." Her voice was quiet, low enough that only her brother and the man within her mind would have been able to hear it from across a room.

Mairyell, as asked, immediately began lifting the shades, his senses alerting him to a being's presence that he would rather did not exist at all, let alone exist within the same room as he and his sister. Oddly, despite his senses, he could not tell where said being was.

It was then, that she braced herself. "All right, class," She spoke, swallowing the anxiety that was crawling up her throat. "If you feel or hear anything strange, I want you to call out. Immediately. We might have a visitor." She paused slightly, making her way through the rows. "Interestingly enough, I was going to start my lesson on a race known as Nightwalkers. You'll find that the Western Realm, about which you'll be learning, is where most of them originate."

As Aeris moved through the desks, she created a small blue flame and placed it in midair above each occupied seat. While she did that, she called back her shadows slowly, trying to discern where his began and hers were ending. A shiver ran up her spine as she continued to speak, but she remained composed. "The textbooks I have given you for this class were books I asked the school to retrieve for me from the rubble of what was originally Loom's Library."

When Little Kasio reached the back of the room, her body stiffened. She was expecting something, anything to happen. Part of her even thought that he'd simply pop out and say "Boo." The room was significantly brighter now, as her shadows had completely dissipated during her trek through the class.

Her eyes shifted through the classroom as she turned back around to face the students that were probably watching her in confusion. For a moment, she didn't say anything, her face in a sort of deadly calm. "If you'd open your books to the first chapter, you'll find a piece written by an angel on Nightwalkers and what they can and can't do." Aeris' voice strengthened slightly as she looked around. "It's about three pages." A small smirk pulled at her lips. "And surprisingly, all three pages are wrong."

"Chapter one, Nightwalkers." Aeris spoke aloud, pulling the book from the desk she was previously seated in next to Iris. "They are creatures born of Shadows, and have no physical forms." She paused, shaking her head. "This part is partially accurate, in that Nightwalkers are primarily composed of Shadows, but they can and often do have physical forms that they prefer to take." With that, she skipped down a few paragraphs that talked about the government of a Nightwalker society and how it had destroyed several villages along the countryside. "Nightwalkers are seemingly more adept at living a sort of loner lifestyle. That's not to say that they don't sometimes have families, or even colonies. But, out of most Nighwalkers I've met, they prefer to be alone."

"Now, here it says that Nightwalkers are something akin to dopplegangers, in that they will take one shape and one shape only. This is false. Nightwalkers are masterful shapeshifters more often than not. They could change from one of you to a dog in a matter of seconds if they really wanted to." Aeris voice was warm, and calm as she read the text aloud. Most of it had to do with this particular angel getting reports from Humans rather than actual research he had done. It even said that in the Western Realm of Hell there was no ruler, and Nightwalkers roamed freely throughout all the realms. To this, Aeris simply shook her head. "Now, as this was a different time, I can't say that was this angel was getting reports on wasn't true. However, I can tell you what I know. And what I know is that the Western Realm does in fact have a ruler. He is a Nightwalker. And, fun fact, Nightwalkers are actually where Vampires come from."

"You see, when a Nightwalker infects or possesses someone, or even just feeds on them without killing them, it leaves a virus inside their bodies. Sometimes this virus lays completely dormant, and some times it doesn't." The doll looked at her brother for a moment, warily. "Now, there are other ways to become a vampire. Being bitten by someone who already is one, for instance. In most cases a Nightwalker will deliberately turn a Human into a Vampire, or the virus just won't take. Sometimes a Nightwalker will infect a pregnant woman, and instead of the woman becoming a vampire, their child or children will." Aeris paused, taking a deep breath.

"For the moment, however, Vampires aren't what we're here to talk about. But, does anyone have any questions?" Aeris, who had been pacing through the classroom throughout her monologue was now standing in front of the present that Sam had brought her. She stared at it curiously, and then looked back at the class, waiting expectantly.

Mairyell's eyes carefully surveyed the room, watching for any irregularity in the shadows that remained present even while the room was lit. The bastard was there somewhere, and while he would've liked to listen to Aeris' lesson, he was more concerned with their safety. He was glad that he hadn't left to do something else....

Sam didn't seem to think much of Aeris' little fit, having learnt to expect that in a place where near everyone had sudden mental breakdowns for no apparent reason. She only eyed Aeris curiously and smiled when she regained her composure, proving her mental fortitude. There was something approving in her smile, as if the woman had gained her respect, at least somewhat.

Her interest was captured which was evident by the way she kept quiet throughout the entire monologue. When she raised her hand and waited to be called on before speaking, it was a sign of that respect.

“Is there a difference then in the vampires created by Nightwalkers and those rabid ones we sometimes meet on the streets? Or are all of them created by Nightwalkers? And is the process undoable?” Her grin was somewhat sinister. “As in, can we try it out for the fun of it? And how disastrous would it be if we can't go “human” again?”

"Why would you want to do that exactly?" Ian's response cut through the room. "It seems like that would be more than a bit dangerous." Ian's gun was out of its holster now and resting casually on the desk. Clutched in white knuckled hands. His eyes wild as they scanned the room for danger. Knowing it lurked in the shadows. "Care to tell us what exactly is stalking us? And in the Academy no less."

Timore, while briefly aware of a flicker of movement that had nothing to do with his physical senses, was far more worried by the fact that Metentis had escaped. He wanted to get up, but he also didn't want to ruin Aeris' fun, though she sounded rather worried all of the sudden. Wait, her worried? That didn't sound right, she'd been so confident the other night. Wait, what am I thinking about, he asked himself as an image of her flashed in his mind and he felt a rush of blood to his face for a moment before it faded. He really needed to get back into his damned skin as he was getting rather tired of this nonsense. Despite all that was running through his head he tried to pay attention and simultaneously search for his instrument while Aeris told them to open to some page, which he managed, and began her lecture--if that's what it was to be.

With the lights on his eyes would flick away from Aeris here and there, scanning the room. When he finally saw Metentis the serpent had made its way to the back of the classroom, then apparently circled back, slithering with surprising silence towards Iris. Well that's not good, he thought, spinning the ring about his finger nervously. He didn't want to get up and bring attention to himself, but he also didn't want Metentis to get to Iris, that could only be bad....

Then he registered Ian's words, glancing back at him. His eyes widened slightly and his mouth opened as if to speak, but no words came. What was he talking about? Was it Metentis, no, even if he is a nuisance he wouldn't...not here in broad daylight at least. No, the serpent wasn't dangerous enough to be considered something that might stalk any of them, and even if he had been, Ian had no way of knowing that. With this in mind Timore's eyes scanned the room, first everywhere, then just the shadows. When his eyes moved over them he frowned, that was odd. He raised his arm from his desk slightly so he could see the shadow it cast.

It looked different than the rest of the shadows in the room, barring the student's and the ominous stranger at the back. Mairyell he had called himself. Still, he didn't know why the shadows were different, but the fact that they were at all bothered him. He took off his ring, his eyes darting back and forth every now and then. He was on guard and unfortunately, Metentis had just become a secondary priority.

Aeris, who had been standing silently for a few moments while she waited for questions, watched the room intently. Her glowing blue eyes remaining fervently calm even as she pointed to Sam as to have her ask her question. While the student spoke, Aeris simply smiled at her, amusement plain on her face. "I'll answer your question in parts, if you don't mind." Aeris spoke softly as she moved back to the front of the classroom, her hands resting on the oak desk that lay at the head of the room, her body leaned against it. "First, sometimes there is a difference and some times there isn't. That all depends on the Nightwalker, or other Vampire that created them. You see, Vampires can breed. At the very least, those infected with a Nightwalker's essence can. When a Vampire child is born, they tend to have more control over their selves as opposed to someone who was infected by a Nightwalker and left to die." Aeris met Sam's eyes with a continued smile. "An inexperienced Nightwalker often times doesn't intend to create a Vampire, and can't teach them what they need to do. Most often the Nightwalker doesn't want to teach them, and would rather let them run rampant. These are the rabid vampires you see in the streets. They can learn, they just haven't."

"As for a cure," Aeris thought for a moment, "There is only one that I'm aware of. If you're turned by a Nightwalker, they can turn you back to Human if they know how. I'm not entirely sure how the process works, however, so I can't comment on it. I do know that it has to do with a lot of essence being drained from your body, and it's likely that if you were turned back you wouldn't have an aptitude for magic anymore." Once Aeris had finished speaking, she heard Ian's voice cut through the air, and turned to look at him. "Often times curiousity is a good thing to have in this world. Just because there's danger doesn't mean you shouldn't try something." Aeris responded to the boy calmly, walking toward him when she saw the gun on his desk.

"Put that away. I won't tolerate you having a weapon drawn in my classroom." She spoke firmly, now standing directly in front of the boy's desk. Her gaze pierced him with an eerie calm as he asked his next question. "No, I won't." The doll's eyes moved from the boy to Mairyell for a moment, watching her brother's stiffened body as he surveyed the room. After a moment, her eyes returned to the boy in front of her, "However, I'll let you guess what it is, anyone is welcome to give it a shot." With that, she turned and walked back to the head of the classroom, her eyes briefly resting on each student's face as she looked around.

Silently she hoped that her reaction had made the students think she really didn't know what it was.

“What, don't tell me you're not curious what it feels like.” Sam snapped at Ian before Aeris started addressing her question. What she was saying was interesting and shed some light on some fundamental questions and unfortunately probably meant she wouldn't get to experience vampirism unless she made friends with a really kind Nightwalker, and they didn't seem to be generally such.

There was something actually in the classroom? It wasn't just in their heads? Sam glanced around, more curious than worried. Some of the students were reacting while others were just as clueless as her. 50/50 then. Still, while some students were more paranoid than others, Aeris didn't seem overly bothered and that other guy at the back wasn't yet pounding anything so it was probably alright. The teacher asked what it could be and Sam really hoped it was a nightwalker. She'd read the Academy used to arrange “surprises” like that in the old days and if that were the case, it would explain the stranger's presence – probably a mercenary or some other sort of bodyguard to make sure whatever was lurking wasn't gonna kill anyone. The girl reached into her pocket and took out one Sameda, absently rolling it back and forth on the desk. Its light was dim but still visible in the room, the Instrument her equivalent of Ian's gun. Except it was a toy just as much as it was a weapon.

“I hope it's a nightwalker, haven't battered one of those before.” She commented with a grin.

Iris was silent for most of this time, taking in everything she saw and learning the best way she could, through detailed observation. She tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear and sighed. Nightwalkers, huh? She thought about Sam’s question, and whether or not it held any value to her. Her arms found over her head in a stretch, as her eyes glanced over to her harp, which leaned against her desk patiently. Her stare returned to Aeris, however, when a thought rose to her head.

“Can Nightwalkers have romantic relations with one another? How is it that they continue walking the earth if they all prefer to be by themselves?” She frowned, before watching Timore’s instrument slithering up near her out of the corner of her her curious eyes.

A laughing fit befell Sam and even though she put her hand on her mouth it was still a pretty loud giggle. She wasn’t taking the situation seriously but hey, apparently she wasn’t the only one.

“What a wonderful question,” a suave mystery of a voice stated, the sound of it permeating the room. A shadowy hand laid itself on Iris’ shoulder and a wave of anxiousness spread through the room as a figure, entirely from nowhere, materialized rather suddenly behind the student. The hand lifted, and as it did the figure vanished, likely leaving Iris quite confused as to the identity of whomever had touched her.

“It is always amusing as to how little people know of my kind,” his voice was clearly audible to them all, but Sam would hear it as if it had originated right next to her, almost as if the comment was directed at her former wish.

“...though I much prefer the reaction of those who think themselves steeled against them.” This time the voice originated near Ian, particularly all around him, making it impossible to tell where it actually came from.

By now Mairyell had hopped from his place atop the pillar, landing soundly on the ground where he glared about the room, his jaw stiff, and his eyes a bloody crimson. “Come out you slimy bastard,” the vampire snarled under his breath, a certain venom in his tone.

Arms wrapped around Mairyell’s torso, their composition that of materialized darkness. “Why so tense?” Mairyell whirled, slashing with his now formed claws, his eyes somewhat wild.

There was nothing there, the arms were gone. “Dammit...” he growled. There was a laugh and then the room dimmed somewhat, the light from the windows somehow unable to fully penetrate the mire.

Two white embers opened just above Aeris’ head, and the voice again rang through the room. “My kind do not often love as humans do, and even should we choose to, it is not so as to make another of our own,” there was a light chuckle, “ We are demons after all and the proliferation of our kind has little to do with any sort of intimate act, as one of yours might put it. Then again, that all depends on your definition of intimacy, doesn’t it pet?” It was in this moment that the Nightwalker’s form materialized once more, draping itself about Aeris and surrounding her entirely. She would for a moment appear as a feminine silhouette standing in the dimmed light, and quite unable to move.

Timore’s reaction? He was frozen entirely in fear. Not only due to their visitor, but due to the fact that Metentis had made his way under Iris’ chair and was sneakily slinking his way up one of the legs of her desk. He had no idea what the serpent was planning, but, much like their visitor, it could not be good.

Iris eyed the north wall with an unreadable expression, her hand sliding over to the skin where she was touched. She silently noted how it felt before a small smile found her lips. “Thank you for answering my question, strange visitor. Your touch is very cold and your breath is foul, but you seem to have much pride for your people.” She was relating to the nightwalker in the best possible way she could. “Don’t you ever feel lonely?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, also, strange creature, here..” She dug into her bag and brought out a small container of mints, setting it on the front end of her desk. “Take some.” She sat back in her desk with her big green ice eyes staring at nothing, or was it really nothing? Whatever emotions she had they were smoothed underneath a collected mask.

They’re all as fucking mad as you are, aren’t they? There is a demon wandering around the classroom and they simply don’t seem to care Koshmar laughed the sound resounding in Ian’s head. Oh how interesting I haven’t seen a Nightwalker in an age, shoot it. I’m interested to see how it reacts Ian had ignored Aeris request but at the behest of Koshmar he put the gun away and gripped Fidrieon instead. It’s enveloping Aeris, no way am I going to shoot something not fully corporeal that is occupying the same space as the instructor Koshmar snorted Buzzkill

Ian finally spoke “Are your kind so secretive that someone teaching a class on you is cause to show up in the heart of a paramilitary magic training facility for the next generation of peacekeeping individuals, and act like some 20th century knock off vampire? Because I find that to be rather pathetic. Isn’t your appearance just telling us more about your capacities and your need for dramatic flair?” Ian paused for a moment “I mean clearly he isn't happy to see you” Ian gestured to Mairyell “however It seems like a really huge coincidence that you just decide to show up while she’s teaching a lesson” Ian gestured to Aeris “So are you here to show off and be dramatic? Start a fight with some of the only people that could probably stop you? Or did she bring you here to prove a point?” Ian let the questions hang as he cradled Fidrieon.

Sam stared at Ian with newfound admiration. It was obvious that he was much better than her at expressing things in words. Quickly her gaze shifted back to Aeris and her shadow, eagerly expecting some answers.

This lot certainly seemed an unruly bunch, the lord thought to himself as Iris’ behavior changed. How odd, he thought as she so rudely insulted him, though her comment was almost entirely groundless and he cared very little in regards to it anyways. Their opinions meant very little to him after all.

His eyes surveyed the room, looking over the class for a moment before his attention was drawn by Ian. With this a grin formed over his shadowy surface, appearing as a whitish crack before the shroud that was his body drifted from Aeris and gathered. The cloud continued forwards, towards Ian, even as it took form, solidifying entirely upon the Nightwalker’s arrival right before the student’s desk. An eyebrow was cocked, and a grin laid ‘cross his face as he looked down at the seated human adolescent. “You know, for a child you are awfully conceited. First you should know that even if several master musicians took it to mind to play a tune for me, I could kill them all before a single note exited their shards. Secondly, should it be one of the measly hunters I’m sure this establishment hires to protect their precious musicians, it would take double their worth to do much of anything. I’ll have you know that the last time I was challenged, I began the destruction of the Angellic council, starting with several thousand innocents, and ending with three archangels devoured before fending off a threat to my kingdom singlehandedly. Oh, did I mention I am the Western Lord of Hell? If you’re not informed, that means I have the power, by myself, to wipe out a city on my own and you think I’m pathetic because I simply enjoy having a bit of fun? If so, my dear boy, I believe you are terribly misinformed,” he then turned away from Ian and strutted between the desks, weaving somewhat aimlessly, sometimes passing a student, sometimes not.

Timore’s eye remained glued to Aeris, his entire body was shivering, but he couldn’t move. He didn’t think he’d ever been this afraid. “Thhaanksss Mss. Intrigue,” Metentis suddenly hissed, having come into plain view upon Iris’ desk. Despite being unable to actually eat the mints, the metallic serpent slithered to them, curled about them and began to slowly crush them into smaller pieces, watching them fragment as he did so with what appeared to be glee. “I do enjoy thiisss ssort of thing,” the fragment glanced away from his game, briefly regarding the nightwalker. Metentis’ green eyes briefly became so bright that Iris, or any other, would have trouble looking at the serpent, before they dulled once more and the serpent turned to Iris, where his eyes stayed as he slowly crushed the mints in his coils.

Metentis’ master wasn’t pulled from his stupor even by the voice of his escaped instrument. He remained still, as if that was all he could do to stay the least bit composed. It was.

Meanwhile Mairyell took several steps from the back of the room, he had moved to stop Szayeis, but not so unexpectedly, he was caught by a shadow and rendered unable to proceed. When the demon did not attack Ian, his eyes narrowed. What was the bastard playing at?

He briefly considered trying to figure out what the nightwalker was thinking, before casting the idea away. It was impossible, Szayeis was entirely insane and unpredictable. No point in even trying--at least in his opinion.

Thus, instead, he remained near Ian when the lord withdrew, putting his hand on the kid’s shoulder and glancing at him. “You okay?” He said, trying to keep the anger from his voice.

Iris, Ian, Sam, Mairyell… Aeris’ mind registered the people that Szayeis interacted with carefully, her eyes trailing his writhing shadows about the room. When his body weaved itself up and around her she moved her arms under her chest and closed her eyes, allowing him to encase her. Though she couldn’t move, she could speak, as well as focus. With her eyes closed, she concentrated for a moment, and a blue aura flickered to life around her body beneath the shadows. When she heard Iris speak, her eyebrow raised and she smirked a bit at the thought.

When Ian’s voice met her ears, she couldn’t help but laugh slightly… Until Szayeis’ body left her. Then she grew a little worried. The vampiress watched as the Western Lord made his way about the room, her eyes staying with him consistently when he got to Ian. When Szayeis began to speak, Aeris’ head tilted to the side as she listened to him. “For those wondering, no I did not invite him here, but I knew who it was when I felt his presence the first time. He’s the reason I know so much about the Western Realm in the first place, after all, he trapped me there for 20 years.” Aeris spoke the sentence as if it was as simple as breathing, though, on the inside she was a brightly flaming ball of rage.

The doll watched as Mairyell went to Ian’s side, smiling softly at his consideration for the boy, though he obviously didn’t really care that Szayeis was who he was. She then brought her eyes to the Snake-like creature coiled atop Iris’ desk and--ignoring Szayeis for a moment--walked toward it. She watched the creature with a cold, analytical curiosity. One born from years of instruction. “Hello there.” She spoke softly, placing her hand on the desk next to the creature, her eyes moving back to the Lord of Chaos.

Lord Szayeis,” Little Kasio started her sentence emphasizing the word lord as though calling him only by Szayeis would warrant some form of punishment. It likely would. “How’re you feeling?” She questioned the Nightwalker, intent on knowing whether or not he was still as weak as he was when she last saw him.

Metentis paid her little mind as she addressed him. He continued to slowly, delicately, yet brutally, crush the mints. The edges of his metallic jaw curved up slightly as if in a dark grin.

Szayeis on the other hand looked in her direction, brow raising on his now human face--though it was but a ruse one might say. “Yes love?” There was a subtle smile on his face as he said it. Mairyell twitched.

In response to her question, he just chuckled and, with a tone she knew, he lied, “I’m perfectly fine. Having quite a bit of fun as you can see,” he said it as if no one else was listening to their conversation.

“Mmm…” Was all Aeris responded with, watching him, and then moving her eyes, and body slightly to look at her brother silently.

Ian’s eyes flared with Nightmare fire. His voice was slick like oil sliding across water. “Go back to your realm Szayeis, this surface does not belong to you. And this human. Is mine.” Koshmar casually set his feet on the desk and crossed his ankles. At the mention of him being fine an echoing laugh filled the room “Liar Liar. Feeling a little frail Szayeis? Needing a little Help from the Essence of the World?” Koshmar snickered “Or did you forget what I’m a fragment of?”

Ian closed his eyes as he grappled with Koshmar and forced him back into his cage. His eyes blinked open and he took his feet off the desk looking around at the majority of the class staring at him. “What the hell is he talk-” Ian stopped mid sentence and connected the dots with his dream the night before and the hairs stood up on the back of his neck. “Oh shit…”

As the Nightmare fire lit Ian’s eyes, the lord’s own white irised orbs snapped to the human. His head tilted and an eyebrow raised, then the boy spoke. “Oh how little you know, insect,” there was no amusement in his tone, instead there was only a dry, almost sarcastic, sound. Szayeis’ white eyes glanced through the room, scanning it with the same dry look. Now he was annoyed.

By the time the foolish fragment finished his second comment, Szayeis had vanished and almost simultaneously reappeared in front of Ian. It was at this point that Sam exclaimed.

“AH!” Sam's shout echoed through the room before anyone could respond. She jumped from her seat sending Sameda rolling off her desk with a cling. “The Lord of Chaos, are you serious?! The real one, the guy who totally demolished the Council and then just turned on his heel, seriously?!” Her excitement exploded, butchering her words to breathless gibberish. “I can't believe you actually came personally to teach this class and I mean to teach and not just try to devour us all, it's so cool that you're here, I bet you can tell us so much about your kingdom and just how cool you are and---” she gasped, her head whipping around to look at Mairyell, enlightenment shining in her eyes. “Is that Sanguine?! I knewIrecognized himfrom somewhere butwho could evenimagine we'dgetsomanyelitesteachinghereatthesametimeand--” She paused to take a breath, holding her heart that seemed to be literally on the verge of exploding. Sam's expression was that of a child at Christmas, eyes scanning the room as if it was a candy factory. Passing over Aeris they froze on her and a slight frown furrowed her eyebrows. “Did he say lover?”

Szayeis, at this point, gritted his teeth, noting the human’s control returning. His white eyes would briefly meet with Ian’s, piercing through him before glancing down at Fidrieon. He smiled, a look that to everyone but Mairyell, Aeris, and Ian himself would appear harmless. However, Ian would see the malice in those eyes before they turned from him entirely, the aura of violence receded, and Szayeis spread his arms, smiling at Sam.

“Why yes, I am that very lord,” he lowered his arms and chuckled, “...now take a deep breath would you? Perhaps several. It’s hard to understand you when you’re choking on excitement, and you’d hardly want to annoy me, now would you?” Despite his back being to Ian, it would be obvious to the boy--and everyone in his poor mind--that the comment was aimed at them.

Then, at Sam’s misinterpretation, Szayeis shook his head. “Not quite. I heard Aeris speak of my kind and thought I’d drop in for a bit to visit my two favorite vampires. Afterall, a sire must visit their offspring to check on them, don’t you think?”

In response, Mairyell snapped. “Get out,” he growled, taking his hand off of Ian’s shoulder. He stepped past the student’s desk, his eyes now an almost black crimson, so dark was their color. The vampire’s essence spiked, flooding his immediate surroundings with an aura that was sickeningly hostile. It would smell almost like blood.

Then it became apparent why.

A crimson liquid flowed out from the chimera’s skin, coating his hands entirely, and solidifying into wicked talons as it did so. He then slashed straight through Szayeis’ body before the demon could even react. A fierce purple light flickered like electricity in the space he had struck.

The lord’s body stiffened and any who saw his face would note a distinct look of shock on his features, followed moments after by a smile. “For a moment, that actually hurt,” he turned on his heel and slammed his fist into Mairyell’s stomach, sending a wave of searing essence through the vampire’s nerves. “Why don’t you take a little nap,” the lord sneered before slamming his other elbow hard against the back of Mairyell’s head, dropping him to the ground instantly.

He turned, looking to Aeris as he wiped his hands off, “Deal with him,” he stated simply.

The vampiress met her brother’s eyes for a moment before turning her attention to the most palpable fear in the room. Timore. With a small smile, the doll reached out and placed her hand upon his shoulder, channeling some of her Brisn through his body in order to calm him. “Don’t worry, Tim. It’ll be okay.” With that, she turned her attention back to Metentis, “Who does this belong to?” She questioned calmly, quickly snatching the creature from the desk, her thumb pressed into the base of his jaw, keeping his mouth closed. The remainder of her hand was wrapped around what would be his neck, forcibly tilting the fragment’s head up.

When Koshmar spoke, Aeris whipped around, dropping Metentis on to Timore’s desk by accident. Though, the snake was a secondary priority to the life of a student. Before she could say anything, Szayeis had made his move, and she could do nothing but blink. He was certainly getting riled easier than usual. Her head tilted to the side hearing Sam. There was a visible cringe when she questioned Szayeis calling the doll love. “Ah, no… He’s not going to be teaching. And no. He is not--we’re not lovers,” Aeris stated coolly, pausing to smile softly at Mai before she continued to speak, a hint of something else in her eyes, sadness? “Sanguine… Mairyell, however, is my older brother by blood.”

When Szayeis’ response to Sam met Aeris’ ears, her nails dug in to her hand, but she said nothing. That is, until Mairyell went ballistic. “Mai, don--” Before she could even finish her sentence her brother was falling to the ground. Before he had completely dropped, she slid to his side and caught him, looking up to meet Szayeis’ white eyes with a look of both anger and uncertainty. That’s when it registered to her that there was more than just a power difference with the lord. “Mm… Lord, what happened to your eyes?” She asked cautiously, holding Mai in her arms, her hands glowing with the same blue aura that she had used when Szayeis encased her in his body. She was healing him.

The doll stayed kneeling on the ground with her brother, waiting for him to wake up, but her eyes never left Szayeis. There was something she wanted to do, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it in view of the students, or her brother. He would hate her, wouldn’t he?

Iris stood up from her desk. She grabbed Metentis, stroking his metallic head for a moment, her voice warm like honey. “You remind me of a good friend.” She gave the fragment a wry smile before placing it onto Timore’s desk. Kuro… Her heart ached for a moment before she shook the name off her thoughts. Without having to think much her fingers grasped the grip on her harp as her body sat itself on the table of the desk. Something was completely different about Iris, and nobody seemed to notice while the other events were the priority. Her eyes glowed green plasma, and her tattoos were faintly glowing, as if lighting up completely would be a sin. She just sat there, and then she spoke, her voice had strings of higher frequencies woven into it, ones that any of their ears couldn’t comprehend, except for maybe Szayeis. “Tell me more about your powers, Szayeis.” She beamed of stars in her mouth. The girl was beautiful, but something about her current form hinted at slight madness. For some reason the events didn’t phase her, or did they? Maybe she was trying to calm the situation down.

Like a whisper in a quiet room was the essence in Iris’ voice, but not just to Szayeis for there was one other--aside from the siblings--who had an eye for essence.

With Aeris managing to calm him down somewhat and Metentis finally on his desk again, Timore could think. Iris’ approach did throw him off somewhat not to mention the sharp crack of Mairyell’s skull likely being fractured for a moment. She stroked Metentis before going and sitting, where she took her harp in hand and then spoke. However, something was different.

While he could not hear the frequency itself, the fact that one occurred was apparent to him, and its color was orange. The normal sound of her voice had been golden, but now it had shifted from red, and when the girl spoke to Szayeis, it was orange. What?

Szayeis on the other hand, who had been queried first by Aeris, glanced down at the clearly angry woman. He regarded her with a sort of apathy. The same expression was given to Iris when she spoke. His attention, at first, appeared to turn from her and back to Aeris as he spoke.

“What ever do you mean,” he said somewhat drier than was fitting.

Simultaneous to his verbal response was another, a mental one, projected directly into Iris’ mind, What are you? He queried, his eyes pinned to Aeris, ...and what exactly makes you think I’d tell you anything?

Iris stared at his form, her glowing eyes somewhat flickering with flames of curiosity. There was a low hum that eased out of her lips, the vibrations curling up towards Szayeis into what was her voice. ”My name is Iris.” She stated. ”I am terrified of you, that’s what I am, but I want to know why.” Her voice slipped into him like a caress, numbing his ears. She smiled weakly, then waited, if a response were to return.

Sam had sat down slowly as the situation in the room suddenly turned bitter. Eyes pinned on the dynamic between the now subdued Sanguine, his dominator and what turned out to be his sister, she grew quiet and still. The danger was suddenly obvious and her animal-like instincts were reacting, making her slowly drift to the edge of the seat and then down, almost curling up under the desk. From there she observed, her muscles coiling for a fight-or-flight reaction but her heart was steady and calm. The bounty-hunter was knocked out, the strongest of them was threatened with imminent pain, the teacher seemed distraught, an instrument was running wild and the new girl was revealing a part of her that was blazing with mysterious potential.

Too many players a logical part of her mind regarded, too many pieces on this board. Where did it come from? Was it an artefact of the old Samantha? Or something the new one had recently learnt? Was it a projection of Crow? Or perhaps it was even Sameda trying to communicate? She didn't know. Confusion clouded her mind for a second but she pushed it away.

Silently, yet making no attempt to hide, she got on all fours and crept to where Mairyell was, sitting beside Aeris and slapping his face gently. Was she hoping to witness an epic battle or was she genuinely worried for his safety? Was she just curious about the brisn or was she showing Aeris that she's got her back and she's free to move? It wasn't exactly clear what her motives were, not even to her, but it felt like the only right thing to do.

Aeris’ eyes drifted from Szayeis to Iris, back to Szayeis, and then on to Sam who was now seated beside her. The vampiress watched as the student smacked her brother’s face, her head tilted in confusion. Then her eyes found Iris again, staring quietly before looking back at Szayeis with a small, timid smile. She wasn’t sure what to do with herself, simply holding Mai to her person for both her own sanity and his protection.

Though the doll kept her eyes locked on the white embers of the Nightwalker before her, her mind was elsewhere, debating on an action she wasn’t sure she was ready to take. Why are you staring at me? Did I do something wrong? She questioned the Lord mentally, her anger subsiding to a dull ember, as she focused solely on being courteous.

To say that she was calm given the situation, would be accurate. However, she also remembered the punishments her Lord doled out quicker than he breathed. One misstep, and she could find herself back in the Western Realm for another 20 years of torture.

Ian’s voice cut through the tension in the room like a knife slicing through a taut string. “Leave them alone.” Ian had stood and walked from his seat in the back of the class towards them. No Nightmare fire blazed in his eyes. They were clear and all too human. “You have so much power and yet at the end of the day all you are is a bully” He stepped up next to his professor sitting on the floor next to her felled brother and the two girls in the class.

“Koshmar says it was easy for you to obliterate the council. You can kill beings that can see the future and you can wipe out Archangels. And yet you choose to come here and beat up someone with less power than you and threaten the weak” Ian curled his lip. “Two hundred years ago Judas ruled this world through force and fear. Hazumi helped him do it. And you know what? He was a bully too, crazy. Sure. But a bully none the less. If you’re so fucking powerful and so damn old. Explain to me why you get off on petty shit like this. Because I feel like if I were in your shoes I could find something more interesting to do with my time. Unless you actually have a reason for being here besides hurting those weaker than you.” Ian folded his arms and gave Szayeis a hard stare. And tried not to tremble.

This Iris was an odd one, as delicate as a flower, but with a certain solidity to her. Still, like most, she was fragile. You fear me as any prey fears a predator, he responded telepathically, his eyes leaving Aeris in response to her questioning. She would get no response, at least not yet.

Noting Sam’s movement, the lord’s eyes then shifted to Ian as he once again stood for the weak and wanting.

His expression remained apathetic. “I am not sure if you are brave, or just stupid,” Szayeis looked the human up and down. Fools and heroes were far less interesting to break, but perhaps this boy was different. There was something about him, though he was not yet sure what it was. “However, I will answer one of your questions,” he then stood right before Ian and chuckled, his white eyes locked with the boy’s own.

“It is fun,” he stated, a smile forming on his face, “...and honestly...” he splayed his arms out wide in a gesture, “...if I did not, then I would have little else to do. After all, the majority of those alive are weak by comparison. Including you.” He shook his head and turned, glancing at a clock, at which point he frowned.

“How unfortunate,” he said, sounding annoyed, “...it seems I’m late for a meeting,” he chuckled, switching from annoyed to amused. Primarily because he had not scheduled anything. He walked past Timore, who stared directly into his eyes unflinchingly. The small serpent now wrapped around his wrist. Szayeis smiled, his eyebrows raising for a moment before he shook his head humans, he thought with a chuckle.

Iris sat back in her chair, the glowing from her body ceasing, but the plasma still remaining in her lava-like stare. This man scared her, she knew, but something about the way he spoke, the way he worked, also guided her to admire him. She knew one thing above all else, however, is that she sympathized with him. She knew, more than most, what it’s like to be all alone. She didn’t respond to him after that, however, just stare. Laced through all the strings of fear and chaos woven into her first impressions of the man, she knew one thing. She hoped to see him again, when she’s stronger.

As Szayeis reached the door he stopped, seeming to think a moment before turning around and looking at the small congregation, “I hope this has been informative as I assure you this is not the last we meet. I have a way of...getting around,” he smirked, “...oh and Aeris; Nice outfit, it suits you.” He turned and walked from the room, waving as he did, “Tata~”

So as he had come, he was gone just as suddenly, vanished around the corner leaving behind an unconscious vampire and a score of scared children. Ah yes, life was good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

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Falair Ver Akan Sa'eyeis
The Madhatter
Kenan - Midtown - An Outlaw Bunker


Hunt-ing time~ the hatter's eyes said, gleaming white in a random corner of Kenan. He had extricated himself again, but this time, he was hungry. As a human passed through the alleyway and its delectable foot made contact with the shadow of one of its walls, the human found itself shredded and pulled into the blackness.

There'd not even been a scream. Omnom nomom, Falair sung in his head, his eyes bobbing back and forth in the darkness. Then something wonderful happened, a small gang of humans, angels, and demons strutted into the alley.

From what he could tell they were heading to a gathering, and with this their fates were sealed. Oh this will be such fun, he thought, talking to himself inside his pretty little head, perhaps today I'll earn some friends, what do you think?

In the black scape of Falair's mind a clown face turned towards another, one that was no clown at all, but instead had closed eyes and a fairly apathetic demeanor about it. There was no response, you're no fun, lordling!

His attention turned again to his hunters prey, whom he had now become the shadows of. A light joyful feeling would begin to ever so gradually enter them, both mind and body.

Each step would end in a light jaunt of elation and soon enough, drunk on the feeling, they all broke into a sprint and swiftly arrived at their little bunker. Ohh this was so fantastic!

"Daenin, who're these punks?" A large man asked one of the fellows at the front, an angel--surprisingly.

"New recruits a' course. 'Cha think I'd bring here, a bunch of stray dogs? Fuckin' idiot," he motioned to his posse and they pushed past the bouncer and down the stairs leading to the basement of the building. Tin tin, drink them in, la la, turn them off, the hatter began to sing, the sound slowly entering the minds of the posse. They all began to hum only a minute afterwards. Trai trai, cut out their eye, Sen sen, behead them, none of them seemed to notice the lyrics they were singing.

The basement was fairly well lit and as they entered a cacophony of voices drowned out the quiet singing of the group that the Nightwalker had come in with.

His shadow began to spread.

Suddenly the place quieted down as a microphone of some sort was tapped and the screen at the far end of the room, one that filled up the entire wall, suddenly flashed white, then red and blue. Everyone turned to face the monitor, which then displayed a hollow circle, with two black eyes and a snake for a tongue curling outwards and over the circle's edge, where it then twirled up and around what looked to be a tattered wing. On the other side there was a horn. "Drel drel, yer goin ta hell~" Falair whisper-sang as another voice reached out through the crowd, addressing them all.

He even felt several of his own kind in the room. Nightwalkers and Shades and Sullicitus. He licked his lips, for by now his body had formed, having donned a wonderfully colorful top hat, a monocle on one eye, and a chain made from bones extracted from various beings--animals, demons, humans, and angels all included. He wore a purple vest and a multicolored tie whose primary colors were orange and green. His pants were plaid of blue and black, and his shoes were those worn by medieval jesters.

He felt quite snazzy.

"You have been gathered here today, be you recruit or veteran of the Chaeris group, so that you can be initiated and informed of our next great goal. All whom leave today will depart not as individuals, but each as a representative of our noteworthy organization. Equipped with the full extent of your brother's and sister's might, and watched over by the great Char. You will go out to ready yourselves. However, if you leave now, there will be nothing for you." A dead silence fell as the voice's echo faded out.

Falair tilted his head, an intrigued look in his youthful white eyes. "What a delightful little gathering," Falair whispered to a human that stood just astride from him. The boy was barely seventeen, he'd wager, and took little notice of him, motioning for him to shut up, an annoyed look on his face. Falair's mouth opened wide in a form of shock, his eyes opened wide before the narrowed, his pupils vanishing completes and the whites of his eyes going pitch black. "Now now," his voice fluctuated from its typical height, to a lower pitch, gradually switching between them, though it began to settle upon the lower--more serious--tone. The human actually looked at this time, and upon doing so gasped before his neck was promptly crushed by Falair's hand. The human's body vanished completely and as others looked to see what the noise had been, there was nothing there to witness.

No blood, no human boy, no Falair.

Their attention turned back to the screen, which flashed again to gain their attention, beginning to display various graphics of what their plans would be, but Falair could not be bothered.

The Lordling was hungry.

Too hungry.

"We will start with the lower district of Kenan, the slums as many of you call them. We will start at the edges and create a quarantine," the announcer continued, but the Madhatter couldn't hear him anymore, the only sounds he could hear were his own singing and the beating of hundreds of hearts, all in the same room. Shrill, shrill, time to spill, Bloood bloood, it must floood. Frail frail, their bodies pale. Everyone in the room began to frown and turn about here and there every few moments, as if there was something they were straining to hear.

The announcer suddenly stopped, his sentence cutting off. "Lime, prime, time, dine." Another voice replaced the announcer and the screen gradually changed, blood dripping from the top and downwards across it. The insignia changed first to a clown, then to a tophatted man. The tension in the room was palpable, it could've been cut with a knife, and people were beginning to push towards the exit despite the likelihood that leaving early would likely get them killed.

"Sorted heads and arms are done. Bowels bloody, eyes soaked, fun!" Various people in the crowd began to sing along, their neighbors turning to them in confusion and horror. Upon the singers' faces was plastered a look of manic happiness, as if all of them had been possessed by some insane doll demon. Their skin had paled, all color leaving them, and their eyes were rolled up in their heads. Their arms swung freely, uncontrolled as they jerked about, twitching as a gangrenous black liquid began to tear its way out of their flesh, and eyes.

The screaming finally started.

The screen began flashing rapidly from white to black even as all others lights were shattered, dimmed to nonexistence, or otherwise destroyed.

The few Nightwalkers, and their ilk, fled into shadows to escape in a futile attempt to salvage their lives. "Pale eyes, dead skin, bloody parties, murder din," they all sang, only one of each race left to witness the spectacle.

"The fuck is going on," the angel said to her demon counterpart as they pressed themselves against the wall and gradually made their way towards one of the more secret exits. "We didn't have anything to do with this," the demon spewed out, yelling over the singing so they could even hear one another. "I...I can't believe this, it's just...Unreal?" All three of them stopped, the human the most still of the three as right in front of them stood two figures, one a terrifying specter and the other a stoic human with white hair, white eyes, and black clothes.

"You should have run when you saw me," both said in perfect sync.

Those were the last words the three heard before everything went black, their ears no longer able to register the chorus of voices all singing. "Fallen, falling, twisted minds. Too bad no one reads between lines. If they knew secrets still, I'd be gone, dead, laid still. Now they're here, both awake, the blood is spilled, pooled into a lake. No one ran, no one hid, all were eaten, no witnesses."

This would continue for several hours, escalating in volume with every minute.

The din became so loud that several dozen noise complaints were called in and eventually the police, followed swiftly by a SWAT team or ten, and a team of mages to boot. It took all of them to shut down the macabre concert, and even after they'd quelled the singers, the song continued, resonating through their minds for several minutes afterwards.

Some of those men and women would not go home that night.

Falair however went home nice and full. Both of him and Crow was none the wiser.

Kasain M've
The Doctor
Loom - Safehouse

Having argued and debated with Juan, while also assisting with his wounds and bandages despite the man's unwillingness to cooperate, Kasain's eyes immediately turned when Emmet awoke. However, he did not react otherwise and his eyes returned to Juan not a second after looking. When Juan finally reacted Kasain put one pair of his four arms on his hips and scowled. "Now now, why would you do that?" The pudgy misshapen demon scolded, trudging closer, but allowing Juan to remain between he and his patient for the moment.

"Almost died, and gets on its feet like it should even be awake!" The Doctor exclaimed this, his arms thrown into the air before lowering once more as he sighed with great exasperation. "You going to let me treat him now, you craven fool!?" He snapped at Juan, growing tired of his paranoid nature.

He was a doctor, and he'd be damned if he was not allowed to do his job. Or rather, Juan would be damned--in his opinion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
Avatar of Celaira

Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Forbidden Revelations

Loom - The Academy - Aeris' room

Collab: @yoshua171 and @Celaira

For a few moments after the Lord of Chaos exited the room, Aeris simply sat there, staring at the doorway. She didn't know if she could continue with her lecture for the day, not with the knowledge that he was around. Though, she knew she'd have to get over it at some point, and thus, she shook her head and began to lift both herself and her brother from the ground. Before she could even ask for any help, the bell dismissing the classes for that hour tolled, and a part of her sighed in relief. She had remained calm throughout his visit, but inside she was starting to crack slightly. Because of her being there her brother had gotten hurt, and the lives of her students were put in danger. What a great first day, Aeris. She thought to herself, sarcastically.

The vampiress watched as the students filed out of the room, having told them to do so herself. Her eyes searched each of their faces as they walked away, and then lowered to look at Mairyell, who still lay unconscious in her lap.

"What am I gonna do...?" Little Kasio questioned no one in particular, the sadness in her own voice grating on her ears.

Staying in his seat longer than the rest, Timore stared at his wrist for a long moment, somewhat spaced out, before he heard the footsteps stop. Shaking his head he pushed up from his desk, his chair sliding back across the floor a bit. He put the chair back in its place after moving out from his spot then walked towards the door. He stopped halfway there, his brow screwing up a moment before he glanced back at Aeris. "It could've been worse," he said a bit quietly, "but for the record, I like the bit where you got to lecture...and I'm sorry Metentis added to the trouble," he waved, giving her a smile that looked slightly forced. "I'll be sure to come back...even if no one else does," he then turned and left the room, his fragment's eyes shining green a moment before dimming to black.

However, as Timore left Aeris' view he entered the sights of another instructor, one with eyes as green and luminous as his own fragment's. "Aye laddie, tha little mistress lingerin'?" Reates said with a wide smile and a questioning tone, his cheery voice would be readily apparent to Aeris despite her being in the room and he in the hall. Timore just stared up at the man for a long moment. "Ye doin' fine? Ya look a flutter. Like a cliff's gone and broken up with ya on it," said the irishman in his characteristic accent. Timore, after another moment of consternation, just nodded in the affirmative, then pushed around Reates and left.

It occurred to him that he'd not introduced himself to the man. He hoped it wouldn't be held against him later because he was a bit too tired for all that. He was lucky that he had an hour or so of freetime before the next class was due.

He could finally take a nap and stop thinking for a bit.

Aeris heard a familiar Irish accent, and her eyes rose from her unconscious brother to the door leading into the hallway. Why was Reates looking for her? She wondered, moving so that she could get her brother's arm over her shoulder and hoist him up. When they were both up right, Mairyell's full weight leaned into Aeris and she blinked. "What have you been eating for the last 200 years, you weigh a fucking ton." The vampiress muttered bitterly. She looked at the room, and then saw that she needed to get both her bag, and the present Sam had brought in with her.

She groaned.

Glancing back over his shoulder at the student, Timore was his name if he recalled, Reates made a brief note as to whom in class should get tailored comments. He had two on that list so far, Ian and Timore. He really needed to do a better job at this, he'd been slacking. What would the second years think?

Turning away he walked to Aeris' door, realizing he could've just looked through the wall to check. Still, the real question had been [I]is she alone in there and is everyone okay,[I] but that's just not how he functioned so it hadn't occurred to him to just ask in that manner. Entering, Reates immediately noticed the unconscious essence of someone else and sighed. Looks like something had happened. Still, he'd done his job and Abstractis was keeping a close eye on both the intruder and his charge, Olivia. He had also left the little kitty to guard her. "Ello Aeris, I felt you 'ad a visitor. Mmm," he looked her over, noting the dedicedly downtrodden air about her, "...don't look like it went all that well neither. A shame."

He began crossing the distance, "Need some help with the goat-snake-lion?" His tone was an odd mixture of cheerful and serious as he offerred some help.

Aeris' head tilted to the side when Reates asked her if she needed help, and then it registered what he meant. "Ah, yeah, that would be great." She said with a small, sad smile. "Thanks Reates." She spoke softly as she handed her brother off to him for a moment to retrieve her bag, and then shouldered the present, reaching out with her other arm to wrap it around Mairyell's torso. "Today was not the best day." She said in response to something he had said earlier. "The reason I can even teach this class showed up out of nowhere, so that was fun." The sarcasm in her voice was palpable.

"And, my brother, being my brother, sorta lost his cool for a bit there." Her voice dropped a few octaves as she adjusted Mai's arm around her neck. Her eyes dropping from Reates' face to her shoes.

As she moved to take one of her brother's arms, Reates shook his head and his eyes burned a fierce green for a moment after which Mairyell began to comfortably levitate. It was as if he was floating on a bed of air, He smiled at her, tipping her chin up to see his smile, "Aye, there're good days and bad 'uns. Tomorra will be bett'r," he beamed and glanced up at the unconscious chimera, "Now, let's get this silly man to yer room so he can at least wake up comfortably, aye?" He patted her shoulder lightly, glancing towards the door.

The doll watched from the corner of her eye as her brother began to float, and then met eyes with Reates as he tilted her chin up. A small, grateful blush colored her otherwise pale cheeks as she slid the large package from her shoulder to hold it with both hands. "Ah, yeah... Not that I'm positive any of the students who came today will even come back. Save for one, but I'm not sure if he was just trying to make me feel better." Aeris stated, nodding when Reates suggested getting Mai to her room. She walked toward the door, expecting the Irishman to follow, and cautiously guided him to her room. Her cautiousness was due in part, to Szayeis being somewhere in the school, and another part of her not being completely acclimated to the entirety of the school yet.

"Is Olivia all right?" Aeris wondered aloud as she walked, her irredescent eyes watching Reates curiously.

His eyes stayed on her as she spoke, as was polite, though his attention was divided between holding the vampire, watching his step, and listening he still managed not to miss a beat. "Heh, ya'd be surprised. Excitement is interestin' for most people, even if it involves bein' a bit afraid," he shrugged a bit, thinking towards the future. His class was in an hour, "...most of my students leave class without a clue, but most of 'em still return." He smirked, winking at her conspiratorially, as if he had some kind of method to his madness.

He might've, but who knew.

Turning the corner as they gradually approached the dorm rooms, Reates nodded his head at her question before responding in his usual tone, "Aye, she's under the dutiful watch of my companions at the moment, and I've also got Abstractis keepin' an eye on the little shadow who thinks the place his own playground," at his mention of Szayeis an odd undercurrent entered his voice, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly behind his glasses. The green darkened for a moment and Aeris would feel a distinct shift in the mage's essence for the briefest of moments before his eyes returned to normal, any tenseness vanished, and his essence relaxed once more.

If she picked up on the cues it would be quite apparent to her as to how Reates felt about demons that displayed such antics in his sphere of influence.

He didn't like it, not one bit. After a long moment he spoke again, "She's in good 'ands I assure you," he smiled at her again. "I can promise she'll come to no harm as long as she's under my care." They were nearly to her room.

Aeris came to a stop at her door, listening as Reates spoke. His strange shift in mood left her mind itching to understand what the fuck just happened. When he answered her question about Olivia, her worry for her goddaughter was somewhat put to rest. "I really appreciate your help." Her voice was soft as she reached out and opened her door.

Just as the door slid open Lisara's massive form strutted halfway out of the frame. Are you okay, Aeris? The dry female voice filled her mind, and the obvious worry saturated the air around the beast.

"I'm fine Lisara, back up please." Little Kasio said, gently placing her hand on the Fire Dancer's muzzle as she stepped into the room, and waited for Reates to follow suit. "You can set Mai on the bed, and also," Aeris motioned to the seven foot tall flaming dog who was seated in the center of the room. "This is my Fire Dancer, Lisara. A gift from that little shadow while I was with him." She emphasized what Reates had called Szayeis for affect, though she wasn't really sure how he was going to react to it.

He nodded, "My pleasure," he said with the same smile. As she opened the door his head tilted slightly and his glasses shifted--though not in appearance. He politely waited for her to invite him in and explain. He set the vampire down on the bed comfortably, but immediately afterwards his attention turned to the massive hellhound and an intense interest could be seen pooling in his emerald green eyes. "and a magnificent specimen she is too!" His voice was filled with jubilation as his eyes scanned through the demon, assessing her somewhat, though the hound wouldn't feel it at all.

He reached out with his essence, making polite contact and sending a message through it as a medium, 'Ello there Lisara, I hope you don't mind.' If Lisara didn't want him using telepathy, she could merely refuse to receive the message. As to Aeris' little inflection when mentioning Szayeis, the professor had merely cast her a sidelong glance with a more subtle smile, rather than say anything in response. He left it for her to decode.

I don't mind... Much. Lisara responded curiously, her head craning down to sniff at the strange man before her. There're only two people I can communicate with like this, not including you, and only one of them actually likes talking to me. She said, nuzzling Aeris a bit with a soft whine. Aeris reached up and patted the beast gently, being able to hear the conversation easily. She smiled at Reates when he acknowledged her statement, and then turned her attention to her brother.

What did Szayeis do to him? Lisara questioned, sniffing at the vampire's unconscious form curiously.

"Punched him, and sent a massive wave of essence through his body." Aeris responded sitting on the edge of the bed, and stroking Mairyell's cheek, the glow of Brisn beginning to carress her body as she got closer to her brother. "He also elbowed him in the back of the head." She finished, more calm than she thought she'd be when she said it out loud.

Reates chuckled and nodded slightly, reducing the essence medium to a thin, but quite durable, thread. It was invisible of course, though detectable by anyone who could do such things. 'How unfortunate, you feel like you'd be quite fun to interact with, plus look at you, you're gorgeous. Especially your tail. Do you groom that? Every word was filled with curiosity, honesty, and joy at being able to interact with such a creature. Most of the Fire Dancers he'd seen had been trying to kill him after all--through no fault of his own of course. The question was said as he looked at the fiery portions of her tail, he had always been curious if they had to maintain that somehow or if it was just automatic.

As Aeris stated what had been done to the hunter that now laid upon the bed, she might notice Reates' right eye twitch slightly. The mage glanced over at Mairyell a moment, his smile dimming for a moment as he looked him over.

"He heals quickly," the professor stated simply, his gaze steady.

Yeah, I do. Lisara responded, simply, watching Aeris. Little Kasio's attention rested on her brother for a few moments before she looked at Reates when he spoke. "Ah, yeah, he's good about that." The vampiress responded. She wasn't sure what else to say, or do, so her attention returned to Mairyell. Please just... Wake up already, brother... She thought somberly.

Reates nodded slightly, and noticing a very subtle change in the male's breathing he bowed his head to the two ladies, "I will leave you two to your devices, ah, and give him my regards when he wakes. It may pain you to see him like this, but the little shi-" he cleared his throat, "...-shadow, deserved it." He smiled and then departed, closing the door softly behind him.

Someone had made a new enemy today.

Though Aeris didn't react to the way Reates spoke, Lisara growled slightly in agreement. Once he was gone, Aeris moved and laid down beside her brother, curling up. Tears welled up in her eyes and began to stream down her face as she laid there reliving the events that had transpired in her head. "God dammit..." She cursed, her voice cracking slightly.

What the fuck was she supposed to do? Once again, she'd gotten her brother hurt because she couldn't do anything to stop Szayeis. Even though she was stronger than she had been 200 years ago, was there really nothing she could do to help him? She knew that when he woke up he'd have questions, but she wasn't sure how she was going to answer them. Or, if she even could.

Curses spewed as blood was spilled and a canvas of flesh was painted crimson. His teeth gritted and his eyes wild, the same crimson as the blood he wielded, though the liquid was tinted blue--unlike his eyes.

Demons poured and attacked from, and as, the shadows, beating him and Layna, his mother, back towards the Veil of the West, the Chaos Barrier. He growled, a deep menacing sound in his throat, as he split a demon's body in twain, spinning to catch another and pulse Brisn through them before tearing them apart.

He was in control.

He lunged forwards, trying to make headway, his mother at his side, wreathed in brilliant blue light--magic that reminded him so much of his dear sister. The line of demons began to split before them, unable to hold them back.

It didn't last. The ground began to shudder, spikes slamming upwards towards them, one catching Mairyell in the shoulder. He merely grunted, his wings spreading and sweeping downwards, driving him into the air.

The wind buffetted him then, slamming him backwards and back to the ground, where he flipped and slid, catching himself. Layna beat a demon away from him, incinerating it with blue flame.

They had to win!

His blood tinted blue, and his eyes purple as he began to raze everything in his path, his rage and determination mixing to form a powerful flurry of blood and magic. They again cut a swath of death through their enemies.

He looked to his side, making sure his mother was handling things, but instead he saw a man in a trench coat, a demonic visage, with flaming eyes.

A demon tackled him to the ground only to be turned to a pathetic screaming beast by acid that spewed as if from nowhere. Twas magic of course. Mairyell rose and moved to Solus' side, their surroundings blurring to him, making everything foggy and indistinct. He began to notice light dancing at the edge of his vision as he and Solus fought back to back, now being pushed back the same as before. Finally they had to give in and Solus called the retreat.

Mairyell listened and, with anger swelling in his chest, swallowed his pride.

He fled.

Failed again and many paid the price.

Mairyell snapped awake, slashing at thin air as he sat up, before realizing where he was. That he wasn't in Judas' city, that he wasn't on a rampage. He wasn't in Hell. His claws melted back into blood and were absorbed again. He relaxed somewhat and his eyes faded back to normal from the red that had been at the edges of his vision. He could feel Aeris in the room, next to him, he could hear her crying. He rubbed his head slightly, his headache quickly fading. "Ugh..." he said, twisting his neck to get rid of a knot before he laid back down, turned on his side and hugged Aeris, sighing a moment before he did.

There were certainly some questions he wanted to ask, but first he wanted her to stop crying, because he had a feeling that the ensuing conversation was not going to be pleasant for anyone--least of all her. He'd probably get angry again, as much as he disliked feeling that way. Anger made him feel...powerless and without control, more often than not. These were both things he still hated.

Still, he had to stop hiding from whatever Szayeis had done to her, even if doing so hurt them both.

The truth was important...that was something he'd learned in the last 200 years. Sometimes it was more important than anything else.

His acceptance of that fact even baffled him somewhat, but he wasn't about to go back on it.

It was a good thing to know, he felt, so he'd keep doing so till he was proven wrong, that was simply his way.

Aeris' sobs were almost inaudible to those with human hearing. Mai didn't have human hearing though, and so, when he shot up with claws extended, Aeris blinked, not really surprised by it. What she was surprised by was the fact that he laid back down and hugged her. She didn't expect it, nonetheless, she clung to him on instinct. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." It was hard for her to speak because of the crying closing her throat somewhat, so her words came out as broken whispers, even more muffled by his chest as her face was buried in it.

"I didn't mean for this to happen... I didn't know..." She babbled uncontrollably as she tried to calm herself down, it ony served to make her worse. She just didn't want him to hate her.

She couldn't live with herself if that happened.

Squeezing her gently, he kept his breathing even, he could only imagine what that bastard had done to her to issue this kind of response, but he knew that if they both survived, he would spend as long as it took to make Szayeis pay. The only indication of his anger was a slight tenseness of his muscles, but it was quite subtle.

He took a deep breath and let Brisn flow through his blood, cooling his temper somewhat in the process. "I don't blame you Aeris and I doubt I ever will," he squeezed her again gently, letting her sob into his chest as he kept his breathing even and natural. It wasn't her fault, he knew that, but they didn't know each other like they had so long ago, hell even then he'd known her better than she did him. He'd been hiding so much after all. He was glad he had a second chance now, glad she was alive, even if she was different it didn't matter.

So was he.

"There's nothing he can do that would make me hate you," he said with a certain confidence, though in the back of his head he hoped that only Aeris heard him. He pulled away slightly so he could look down at her. Even crying he found himself marveling at her somewhat. It took him a moment to speak, but when he did his tone was even and his eyes shone a gentle blue, "We're family, Aeris. I don't abandon family.... If anything you should be mad at me. I gave up, I thought you were dead...." He trailed off, looking away a moment, before he swallowed hard, took a deep breath and continued, "...But I'm glad you're not...and unless it happens in front of me, which I won't ever let happen, I will never think so again. I can't...you're to..." the words caught in his throat and he stared at her blankly, unable to finish. He pulled her close again instead, hoping she knew what he was trying to say.

He didn't want to lose her again...she was too precious.

He wasn't sure he could take that.

Not again.

She listened as he spoke, her sobs quelling slowly as he tried to calm her. When he spoke about thinking that she died, she nuzzled his chest. She didn't really have the words to respond to him, but she understood what he was trying to say to an extent.

After a few minutes of silence, she gently pulled away from him, meeting his eyes as she sat up. "So, I'm sure you have questions about what happened. I don't know where to start, so you might want to just start asking..." She spoke as she moved to sit with her legs curled beneath her. Lisara was looking at the two of them from across the room. The beast huffed slightly and turned away, to sleep. Aeris smiled gratefully to her.

Rather than sit up, at least not immediately, Mairyell rolled onto his back as she situated herself. He nodded a bit, staring up and to the side at nothing in particular. "Give me your hand," he said, not meeting her eyes as he did so.

Curiously she looked at him, sliding her hand over his, and gently squeezed it.

He squeezed back, then relaxed further into the bed, taking a deep breath and then letting it out slowly, closing his eyes, then opening them again a moment later. "He tortured you...didn't he," his eyes met hers. It was clear from the slight furrow of his brows that he knew the answer...but still had to ask.

Aeris nodded somberly. The words among other things entered her mind, but never left her lips. "Yes." She answered him aloud, squeezing his hand again. "Though that wasn't until after he had turned me. When he tortured me as a Human it was more psychological than physical. He taught me how to use my Brisn, and how to control my levitation."

His eye twitched slightly, he closed them and took another deep breath, squeezing her hand a bit as he did so, before continuing. "I...I know this is personal, but," he bit his lip, then let it go, grinding his teeth. He didn't want to think about it, he really didn't, but he knew Szayeis was capable of anything...and he had to know. "...did he rape you," he even twitched as he said it. He held his breath, hoping he was wrong.

Aeris' eyes widened at Mai's question, but she didn't verbally respond. After a few seconds, she simply looked at her legs, and slid off the bed. "Turn away for a minute?" She asked him, knowing that he was probably still reacting to her reaction.

He let go of her hand as she slid away, sitting up. She likely heard his breath catch when her eyes widened. He could feel his body shaking slightly, but nothing else. There was no anger, just...pain.


He turned away, "Okay." He waited silently.

The sounds of buttons popping and the distinct rub of fabric against skin were so loud in the silence. There was another, softer click and then her weight returned to the bed. "...kay." Her voice was small, as if she had barely spoken. If he turned around he would see several jagged scars that wound their way over her back. Some were small, like nail marks, but there were two that made a sort of 'X' shape down from either of her shoulderblades to the lower part of her ribs. Though there were a few scars that spread down below the line of clothing, and her arms were crossed, covering her chest.

Hearing the sound of clothes slipping off he had to check himself again for even though it hurt him deeply to think of what had happened to her, that was the past.

He began turning. He knew that nothing he did could heal he-.... His thoughts cut off and, without intending to, his hand reached out and touched her back. He remembered seeing it a long time ago. When she was younger, naive. Still a child. He even remembered stumbling in on her changing a few times, not something he was particularly proud of, but it had nonetheless happened. Her back had been...pretty. Smooth.

Now it was horribly scarred and, after running his hand across a scar, his eyes trailing down, back and forth, he finally pulled his hand away. Suddenly he was very conscious of how his touching her might make her feel, how she might feel about showing him these...memories, the trauma clearly etched in her skin. He remembered the nightmares then. He remembered the painful nights, unable to eat because he was too stubborn to accept what he was, too stubborn to ask for help, to tell her. He remembered all the injuries he'd ever sustained, even if the pain and reasons for them were all blurred together in a heap of unpleasantness that he'd rather push to the side in his mind.

Whatever he'd done to her, he knew it was worse. So much worse.

It took a lot to scar a vampire.

His exhale was accompanied by a terrible shudder, he felt hot tears in his eyes, and the anger finally came. His claws formed, smaller than normal, and he dug them into the flesh of his own hand, biting back the pain. Ignoring it. It was nothing compared to this, "I'm so sorry..." he barely managed. He moved closer behind her, and despite her nakedness, he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her again. He didn't know what else to do.

When his hand met her skin, she shivered. His hand was considerably warmer than she was at the moment, and with showing him these scars, it was like someone had locked her in a freezer. Her eyes closed, and she fought the urge to curl in on herself as she felt him staring at her back. Part of her thought he was going to grab her by the throat, or something. The part that knew that's what Szayeis would do.

His eyes were closed as he held her, but partway through he forgot and they opened, briefly looking down as was the natural reaction. He swallowed and drew away slightly, kissing her head, though he found himself drawn to her neck...not that that was he only place he noticed. Disengaging completely after a few more moments he sighed, wiping the tears from his eyes and smoothing his hair back somewhat, he wasn't sure what to do.

When she opened her eyes and saw Mai with tears streaming down his cheeks, she moved slightly and kissed his eyelids very softly.

Parts of him knew what they wanted, but he wasn't so sure. Then again, he was used to doing risky things, but perhaps being a bit more cautious now that he had someone else to live for was better.

But truth was paramount, wasn't it?

He ruffled his own hair in frustration, fully realizing and beginning the process of accepting what was--at least possibly--there. She had likely began to put her clothes back on, but before she finished he moved closer again, putting a hand around her waist, pulling her back to him before he spoke, his voice more tender even than before, "...Aeris," there was still a sort of hesitation in his voice. She would likely feel his breath against her shoulder.

When he pulled away and kissed her head she moved to start pulling at least a shirt back on. Yeah, she decided to forego the undergarment she had removed and simply slid a shirt back on.

Just as the shirt was slipping into place over her back, and abdomen, Mai's arm wrapped around her waist, and her breath caught in her throat. She didn't know what he was doing, but she froze when she heard, and felt her name leave his lips. "...M-mm?" She answered, swallowing hard as she craned her body slightly to look at him, her sapphire eyes brightening a little due to their Brisn resonance flairing up.

She had turned, just as he'd thought she would, closing most of the distance between them. He licked his lips nervously, "I..." he didn't have the words, so he gave up on speaking completely, leaned down quickly, and kissed her, his other arm pressing to her cheek gently.

As their lips touched Mairyell felt a sudden flare of warmth as their Brisn both acted up in sync, channeling through them both. He hoped she didn't push him away, because after this long he didn't want to regret being true to what had been there all along...even if no one else would ever understand.

He hoped that she would.

When Mairyell kissed her, her breath once again caught in her throat. She felt his hand on her cheek and her hands rested against his shoulders, gently gripping his shirt as she softly kissed him back. The feeling of Brisn as it resonated between was causing a soft, sort of icy fire in her stomach. She reconized it as a shiver cascaded up and down her spine. It was the same feeling as the one she had felt 200 years ago when he had fed on her.

This time, though, she knew exactly what it meant.

When the kiss ended, there was a strange nervousness, and a slight pang of fear in her as she kept her eyes on his. She didn't know what to say, much like the majority of their interaction thus far.

He was leading her like he always had, and she was okay with that.

He was somewhat breathless when they finally separated, though she remained in his arms, gazing up at him with the same look he knew he was feeling. He could feel the nervousness, but it was a happy feeling. It was a sort of nervousness he could live with, though he hadn't felt it much before.

He remembered a saying he'd heard a long time ago...Love is blind, deaf, stupid, but at least it knows no boundaries. He had thought it was bullshit back then. He had hardly believed in things like love or peace. Accepting the good in the world had been hard for him then, but now he knew that it was there, and for him in this moment everything good about it was in front of him in the form of Aeris.

He laid his forehead against hers, a contented sigh leaving him, the smile still on his face. He could hardly believe that this was real.

Was he still dreaming? No...his dreams were not usually pleasant ones. It seemed that no amount of time could get rid of early trauma. It was unfortunate, but he didn't regret going through it, not anymore. Not right now.

For this it was all perhaps worth it.

"I...I'm glad that you didn't push me away," there was relief in his voice, an overwhelming amount. "...but I hope you know that...now, I'm not going to let you go again," he grinned at her, opening his eyes to reveal their prestine blue color.

So this is what love was.

For a few moments there was nothing but silence between the two. His forehead rested against hers, and she nuzzled him gently. She knew the feeling that was working its way up through her body. Love. Though, it was a different type of love than she was used to with Mairyell. It scared her a little...

What scared her most, though, was that the happier she was, the easier it would be for Szayeis to tear it away from her.

When he started to speak, she smiled at him softly, "I don't think I could've pushed you away even if I had wanted to." When he opened his eyes, Aeris gasped softly. "So, that's your natural eye color." She murmured leaning into his chest.

She was silent for a moment, and then she looked up at him again, "I love you, Mai."

"I love you too, Aeris," he responded, there was no hesitation when he spoke this time. He leaned down a bit and kissed her again, lightly, then drew away, nuzzling slightly before he fully straightened. He swallowed a bit, noting how his body was reacting to finally releasing what had been pent up for over 200 years.

No wonder he'd never felt properly satisfied, he mused to himself before glancing at the clock. He had some time.

Laying down he pulled her down with him and cuddled up, pressing to her lightly. He was rather curious as to her reaction.

He was guessing that it was mutual, given the amount of Brisn flowing through him.

When he kissed her again, she smiled against his lips, kissing back only to have him draw away. The feeling of hearing him say that he loved her, had her heart picking up its pace. When he pulled her back down onto her bed with him and pressed close to her, she blushed, looking away for a moment.

Her body was practically humming, and it knew what it wanted, but was she ready for that? She wasn't really sure... Though, she did find herself kissing him again. When their lips met a wave of electricity swept through her, causing her to shiver against him. Unsure of what he expected from her, Aeris simply waited, her hands pressed against his chest, lightly gripping his shirt.

He shivered, pleasantly surprised when her lips met his a third time, leaving him the one smiling during their kiss. He pressed closer, a hand slipping to her waist and pulling it just as close before exploring further back. He didn't care if she had been beaten and broken. Anything could be repaired, and if he couldn't heal her body, at least he could try with her heart.

With that thought in mind, he flicked a hardened droplet of blue blood, with a tendril, across the room where it hit the light switch.

Apart it may have been easier for him to hurt them, but let him try when they were one.

He might be in for a nasty surprise~
Hidden 10 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

An Order...or a Plea?

Loom - The Academy - Hazumi's Study

Collab: @yoshua171 and @Wind Wild

A stranger among children, strutting through the halls of what was meant to be a haven, Szayeis was rather pleased with himself. It was good to be back, he marveled.

He had already ruined at least three people's days to varied extents, properly terrified several children--not to mention gained new people to torment in the process--and was now about to visit an old acquaintance or two.

Today was going well.

Following Hazumi's essence trail, which she left unintentionally as most did, Szayeis eventually became rather annoyed and simply shifted through a shadow, vanishing in front of a large group of students. Their startled and confused reactions were priceless however, he imagined Hazumi's response to him walking right out of her own shadow and embracing her from behind would be even better. "Hello, dear Essence," he whispered in her ear, a grin spread from ear to ear.

This would be fun.

Hazumi's body twitched and tensed, even though she knew to expect him. She had felt him invade her Academy, felt the terror he spawned in his wake and felt a rather unfamiliar nervousness tickle its way along her nerves. She had considered going to the classroom and had considered all the possible outcomes of their potential meeting, and decided none of them was worth the risk. She had sat here, quiet as a mouse, and just wished the storm would pass her by. Instead it came to loom right over her head.

Her skin crawled under his cold fingers, the knowledge of them capable of dissolving her to nothing lodged at the back of her mind. At the forefront was an eerie calm and some feeling halfway between dread and happiness. She hated them both.

“I'm getting too many visits from gods lately, I'm not sure if I should consider this a good or a bad sign. I like the formal title, though, despite the fact that your physical proximity clearly indicates it's mockery.” Her voice was clear despite her throat being so dry.

His smile dimmed and he growled internally, something that could not be felt. At least she couldn't read his mind like she might someone else--it was nigh impossible. His appearance having little effect aside from chilling her, the nightwalker promptly walked right through her body, speaking as he did so, "I see you've gained some identity since last we met." He continued forwards, phasing through the desk, at which point he turned and sat down in the chair opposite her and crossed one leg over the other, appearance entirely relaxed, "Oh and while I appreciate the compliment, I am not a god," yet, he mused, his tone serious.

“I wasn't referring to you.” She smirked. Damn right, she had gained some "identity" while he was away. That meant talking back and pretending to be more cool than you actually are. Unfortunately it also came with a pinch of fear of the prospect of losing said identity. Her eyes scanned Szayeis slowly, looking at him, first on the surface, then underneath. Apparently she thought he was attractive - a bothersome thought. But even more bothersome was the fact that it was impossible to decypher his essence. She didn't know what to look for, and there was too much to look at. "You are free to explore said "identity" but that's hardly why you came."

"Ah," he said, shaking his head and chuckling lightly. He felt her consciousness attempt to sift through his and his eyes met hers, the look in them clearly telling her how aware he was of her actions. If there was anyone perhaps more aware of Hazumi than herself, it was Szayeis.

Good thing it had been Judas who gained the sword...and not him. Well, good for everyone else.

His hands folding at his lap, Szayeis chuckled again, now at her new comment, before speaking himself. "Quite true, dear Hazumi. You may fail to read me, as all do, but you know me well enough to say I do nothing without reason," his white eyes did not leave hers and his characteristic smirk remained on his handsome features. He briefly wondered if she'd notice the change in eye color, most didn't, "I am here because I can no longer restrain Inaniae sufficiently on my own." His tone grew serious, the amusement bleeding away even as his smirk died, "He must be expunged from this reality, or he will destroy it."

At this he waited for her response, his entire demeanor now serious and...oddly professional. He may have been speaking to her as an old acquaintance, but this was business.

Szayeis did not like having allies. Unfortunately, he didn't have a choice....

Hazumi's eyebrows rose in acknowledgement of the change in demeanor. It's funny he said she knew him, she didn't feel like that at all, even if she'd seen him at his most vulnerable. To be honest, his restraint and seriousness came as a surprise. Her body relaxed and her back leaned into the chair, a sigh escaping her as she grabbed a pen and spun it in between her fingers. It gave her something else to look at but his desaturated eyes.

“You know, it's interesting, I'm learning new things about myself each day. You're the third person in the last month asking me to save you, and interestingly the more people ask, the more reluctant I am to just comply.” She looked at him, a clever smirk pulling on her lips. “After all, I have a history of that and I've spent too long listening to people nagging at me about it. I've heard other opinions but let me ask you yours, what do you think makes you worth saving, of all people I can waste my time on?”

He let her finish, but when she asked him the question he simply burst into a fit of laughter. After several minutes of his laughing, he wiped tears from his eyes, his arms having wrapped around his abdomen as he laughed. Had he truly had a body his abdomen would've been sore, but this was just a mimicry of form, rather than an actual one. "Ahh Hazumi, it really is unfortunate that you were wasted on Judas, I think you and I would have had quite some fun," he chuckled and shook his head, his grin having returned by storm, "To answer your question, I do not consider myself worth saving, not by the hands of another. However," all mirth vanished from his features, his gaze piercing her all the way to the very depths of her essence, touching her soul.

He may not have had the eyes of Praestrigia anymore, but his gaze nonetheless could cut that deep. "Do not bother asking why. I am fully aware that in the eyes of any decent being I am immoral, amoral, and utterly irredeamable. However, I ask you this," he stopped for effect, his tone smooth and ever so slightly calculated. "...is this world worth saving? If that is not enough, then are you? If you do not help me, both of these things will be utterly lost. You, me, and every innocent human, demon, angel, or chimera will be snuffed out; unable to ever reach their potential, or find themselves, love, hate, communicate, or interact. They will not just be dead either. They will not exist at all and the only one that will remember them will be a being with no emotions and no empathy for anything. A being of void who I know you fear just as any being would." He leaned further back in his own chair before continuing, "You may act high and mighty all you want, but it will mean nothing when he escapes the prison that I have made him in the coming months, wipes out everything in his path, assimilates me and any of his remaining fragments, and then devours this realm without a second thought. Your inaction will have killed not only yourself, but it will eradicate everything that ever was."

Szayeis rolled his neck, then stood from his chair, walked around it, then put his hand on the back of it, looking her over. "Can you truly live with that? Can you live with the fact that you will be the cause of existential genocide? I doubt it. You're not strong enough for that...few are." He then turned and headed for the exit, stopping at the threshold and looking back for a long moment. If she had something to say, she best say it now, before her chance was lost altogether.

Hazumi let him laugh and let him finish, demonstrating manners that had taken decades to polish. She kept quiet but when he headed for the door she followed and when he turned her hand was holding his sleeve/arm. "Come on, Szayeis. This is not about the world and it's not about who's noble and who isn't. It's obviously my duty to protect everything in existence and I will the best I can. But you didn't need to come for that. This is about you surviving, because the Void can both exist and die without you, even if it's your biggest battle it's not only your battle. It can go on without you. But you... you're not noble enough to give up on your asshole manners and you're not iredeemable either - not if I can be forgiven. So the question is, where do you stand in this whole conflict. Do you deserve to be saved. I have asked you this question before and you didn't answer." She smirked. "I'm almost tempted to believe you have emotions such as regret and something resembling nobility in you. And you're not doing a very good job convincing me otherwise."

He looked down at her, his eyes unreadable as he intentionally veiled his thoughts and emotions both in an unreadable mire. After a long moment he sighed, allowing himself a moment. His eyes closed and the doorway became sealed by shadows. In less than a second the entire room was soundproof. Any sounds would be absorbed from the inside, and anyone trying to telepathically interfere would meet what would feel like an intense resistance.

His eyes then softened and he looked away, pretending to survey the room. His form was no longer human by then, and instead had reverted to that of a base nightwalker, more or less a humanoid silhouette. Gradually the black of his body became grey, continuing to lose its pigmentation with each passing moment, "Hazumi, I was born like this." The essence that made up his body was now a luminscent white, but despite the change in coloration his eyes still stood out as surrounding the white irises were black sclera. "I doubt anyone else remembers, but I had family once. An older brother and a younger sister," the timbre of his voice was different, softer, more gentle. There was nostalgia in his eyes...and longing.

"I doubt my brother still lives, and I know my sister is gone," his essence shuddered briefly, anger would for the smallest moment be apparent to her, though at whom it was aimed could not be determined. The white color of his body faltered, beginning to grey again, his eyes closed as the transition began occuring, "...but by my life, the corruption of the void, and perhaps by power, I have been stained black." His eyes opened again as his dark tint returned fully, in them was a familiar look. Something on the edge of apathy and boredom, now however, Hazumi might just be able to see something else.

There was more depth in his eyes now. "This is about my survival, but not for the reasons you might think. I do not fear death, though I much prefer life. If there is anything I fear, it is, ironically, losing myself...most of all to something else." He sighed and shook his head, the shadows in the room fading and the threshold opening. He chuckled, a sad sound in his voice, "At least I know no one will forget me, even if they want to," he smiled slightly at that, and then the barrier of darkness was gone and they were free to leave again. He looked at Hazumi, "I do not have anything else with which to convince you, Essence, I just know that I want to live. Even if I don't know why, I know that I must live. Perhaps this is how humans feel...with their fleeting lives," he mused, then shook his head, smiling at his own foolishness. "Is that all?"

He asked, sounding more subdued than she'd likely ever heard him. He may have sounded weak when she visited him in the West, but this was something else. Something...different, that fact, at the very least, was undeniable.

Hazumi stared at him, her face oddly calm despite her surprise. For a moment she had felt like she had made a mistake, the words leaving her before her mind caught up to stop them. She was puzzled then by what she was actually saying, expressing feelings and thoughts she didn't remember having. His reaction, however... It answered that question. It was an ancient piece of her talking, a piece that must have remembered him as he used to be, and a piece that lay dormant among the rubble of souls that was her existence. Perhaps it was a Gatekeeper who felt like a mother to all, or a Gate that has sung soft lullabies in his ear, or maybe someone even closer, possibly his own sister. She couldn't know, but it was somebody who cared. And Hazumi hated that feeling because it was exactly that feeling of love that had brought about so much disaster.

She heaved a heavy sigh, her eyes softer than she liked, betraying a tenderness he shouldn't see. She didn't avoid his anymore.

“If you live through this you better find a way to reform yourself. There is more than one way to leave a trace. Something I have a feeling you're gradually coming to grips with too.” A slight smile fluttered over her lips and she let it grow. “Thank you for not killing anyone today.”

Funny, he thought at her final comment, ...that one with sight such as yours does not know. "Perhaps," he said thoughtfully and then, turning on his heel, he departed, strutting down the hall. He could already tell that Lily wasn't present. He'd just missed her. Perhaps he'd come back tomorrow. He had other business to which he must attend. After all, he did not have time to waste, even if he acted like he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Weathering Innocence

Characters: Olivia & Aluvia

Location: Master Melody’s Academy, Loom Time: Just Before Midday

@Sundered Echo and @Fallenreaper

Olivia's head darted to the side table where her things began to pile. Granted she appreciated the thought, even if it was temporary, as she waited patiently. Her head shifted idly to the clock positioned in the far wall in front of her while second ticked away slowly. Likely by now Ris' class was almost over, the girl slightly sighed. After their conversation at the headmaster's office followed by the embarrassment with Rex, Olivia and Ris had gotten her school uniform as oppose to walking around in her current state. The bad part it had taken a lot of time to find something which fitted her well among the vast size selection. By the time the woman had a moment to look, the free time between her and Olivia was gone. Not wanting to keep her sister from her class, Olivia suggested she take her belongings to the room and they could meet up later at the lunchroom. It would've given her a chance to explore her way through the school, learning her way before joining on any classes, without getting Aeris in trouble. There little likelihood she was going to leave the school unattended... if at all in the next few hours.

In truth her brother had been inching his way into her mind, a fact which had started to wear on her. Talking to Aeris help push that guilt away but it was only a temporary fix. Now she began to wonder why he hadn't shown. Anxiety started shortly when the mental images of Hank were replaced by Emmet's wide eyes, shocked expression and sudden he crumbled to the ground causing her to shiver slightly.

Her thoughts were distracted when the woman pushed four uniforms at her. Olivia quickly rushed to keep the blouses, skirts, socks and other garments from falling onto the floor as the woman muttered something about paying attention. The girl just sighed, seriously missing Ris right now. It was odd wandering a new school alone after everything that happened and her mind needed someone to distract her. Too bad she felt so lost and alone. She noted she was being waved off, giving a shrug and nod then twisted about to the door and into the hall. Most the classes were currently in progress as the hallways were empty, eerily quiet. Olivia’s feet had to stop every few moments, her shirt or another item slipped from her thin arms, and forced to crouch down to snatch it up again. Sadly the more she tried to snatch up her clothes, the more she ended up dropped.

Several meters behind the young girl stood an angel with partially furled wings, wings that seemed to glimmer almost as though they were on fire. Already arrayed in the academies uniform, Aluvia stood and watched, making no move to help or hinder. She knew neither if she should simply leave, or why she should help. This place was foreign to her. Everyone and everything in it was foreign. Not merely in the way of people not yet met, but in terms of this being something she had never experienced in any way. She had no memory of being around other people that didn’t either pretend she didn’t exist or outright want to kill her. This was alien to her.

Her wings burned with pain. The flight here had been hard, for her wings were not the great expansive sheets of white she remembered them being. They burned with the pain of extended use, and with the pain of memory. Red clawed at the edges of her vision. Despite it she stood still and unbowed. It was not so unusual to see her vision blur under the weight of memory.

“You’re not doing very well.” She stated coldly, if for no other reason than to try and begin a dialogue. She did not really understand that what she said would likely be construed as rude or cruel. She did not understand anything about social conventions.

Olivia felt one of her skirts slip from her grasp and fall at her own feet, the fabric crumbled and stepped on causing her nearly fall forward. She managed to slam her knee into the hard hallway floor as she lost the rest of her uniforms. Her head jerked backwards, spying the speaker, a pretty angel with white wings that seemed to be outlined with gold and flickering red, making her frown slightly. Darius’ fatherly lessons about being polite flooded her head causing her sigh softly and like an obedient child didn’t raise to anger. Instead the girl tried to pick up what she could, speaking in a cheerful and unbothered tone. “Well, could you help me, please? Else I’m going to lose the only clothes I have currently.”

“Help… you?” Aluvia said slightly surprised. She had never been asked to help anyone with anything before. She stepped towards Olivia, keeping her wings as far unfurled as the corridor would allow, not the most comfortable way of moving with wings but the least painful for her right now. Her movement was stiff, for though she was unbowed by the pain, it did make grace impossible.

The few others that had spoken to her before had seemed to consider names important, so she decided to try asking that first. “What... is your name?”

Olivia had been busy trying to pick up what she could as her eyes missed the confused look on the angel’s face, forced to refold her skirt on the ground one handed and balance her two remaining shirt and one skirt. This was a pain for her to say the least. Her head lifted up causing her expression to narrow with concern at the woman’s tone, finally noting the way her wings were held outright and awkward way she moved, far more stiffly than other angels. Realizing she was staring, Olivia quickly averted her eyes back to the ground when the question finally reach her. “Olivia… Olivia Matthews. Umm, are you alright? You don’t look so well.”

Aluvia stared for a moment, then bent to help gather the sprawled clothes, her wings shifting backwards to keep her balanced. She did not fold them though, not realising she should. “I don’t?” She said with genuine surprise. Not so much that her pain showed, she did knew she could not hide it all, but more that someone cared enough to ask. Why would they? “I am Aluvia. I am Cerria.” She said then, completing what she understood to be the ritual name exchange. It was only after she had spoken that she remembered the confusion the others had seemed to suffer at the way she presented her names. It wouldn’t really surprise her if it confused this new person too. It was confusing even to Aluvia.

When Olivia finished folding, sloppily, the shirt uniform she flopped it hastily overtop the mess she had manage to keep from the floor. Her eyes shifted to see the angel just grab up the shoes, socks, and remaining shirt in one scoop. Normally, Olivia wasn’t this clumsy but after kidnapping and her mind continually drifting to Ez, it was harder to focus. She had practically had to stop herself from rushing to the nearest pay phone, dialing his emergency and shift uncomfortably in place with a prayer he would answer. The girl swallowed her anxiety when she heard the student question her comment.

Her face narrowed in thought about her next words, only to catch the dual name being spoken. Olivia blinked a few times and looked curiously at Aluvia/Cerria. A few moments passed when her head tilted, her eyebrow raised and mouth pulled upward, wrinkling her nose a bit at the introduction. “Uh? Do you have two first names, or is Cerria another name you go by? Is it a last? Which do you prefer I call you?”

She almost had another question pop out when it dawned on how many she had spoken already, all without giving the angel a chance to answer even one. Olivia flinched inwardly and had a sheepish expression fill her face when she apologized, “I’m sorry, that was rude of me.”

Taking a soft breath, Olivia started again as she pulled her arms forward with clothes piled on top. If ironing the uniform never tended to be a pain, she would’ve bundled them under her arm otherwise but better to save herself some work in the end. She gestured for Aluvia/Cerria to place the garments on top, “Could you put them on top please? Also which name do you prefer I call you or would you mind if I called you AC for short? You can call me Liv for short if you want. Most of my old classmates did before....”

Olivia let the thought trail off before the emotion threatened to overwhelm. Last thing she wanted was to be crying in front of someone else, especially someone could she be friends with since Aluvia/Cerria seemed to be as much out of place here as she was. At least she looked it.

Aluvia placed the crumpled clothing where indicated. Just like before, this person had also asked about her name. “I don’t know.” She said slightly exasperated. Then she took a breath and tried to explain, both to herself and Olivia. “I remember both names. I was Cerria… Before I was killed. Now I am Aluvia, but I only remember being Cerria.” She paused then and sighed. She wished this would become clear to her. “Call me whatever you like.” She added in a neutral tone. she closed her eyes then and fought to stave off memories. With memory came pain, and the memory of her death brought many kinds of pain.

Olivia’s face soften, her eyes looked at Cerria/Aluvia and tried to imagine the pain of what she spoke. She was surprised to find how difficult it was to relate and any hurt that surface only seemed to feel hollow, unreal. This made her realize relating wasn’t possible. Then something about the angel’s words clicked as Olivia stared, her skin pale and confusion spilled over her face, “ Killed?!? That doesn’t make sense, you can’t be here and dead. I don’t know much about angels but I do know if they are killed, they don’t hop back and shout boo… do they?”

“It is confusing for me as well. I remember distinctly being impaled, I remember Luciens sword and the blood… The terrible blood…” She shuddered, reliving it once again. “And yet here I stand. In a different body, with the same memories.” She fought back a tear of pain. “It hurts to remember that day.”

“That’s strange, impossible I think.” Olivia’s eyes tightened before she realized the pain she caused. She felt terrible, her mouth opened to apologize immediately, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. I was curious and didn’t mean to hurt you. I’ve never met an angel before especially with wings like yours. Most the ones I’ve seen were grey or almost white. Could what you told me is what made them like that…”

The last sentence was spoken softer and more to herself, Olivia after all did not want to cause the woman anymore grief because of her wandering mind. She stared a little longer at the delicate yet fiery looking appendages. Then brushed it away when she returned to a better subject, “Are you new at the school?”

Aluvia was glad of the change of subject back to more recent memories. There was less pain there. “I arrived in the night.” She stated, not choosing to elaborate on the journey itself. “They told me they could help me to remember.” She said, not daring to hope it would be true. She desperately wanted a purpose to call her own. Then she glanced back at her wings, still burning as they always did. “They used to be white. But when I remembered they changed. They hurt so much.” Her voice was sad as she spoke. To her her wings were not pretty, they were not useful either. She couldn’t fly with them - not properly. They were just painful. Like so much else.

“I wonder what happened to do that?” Olivia asked more to her self then Aluvia/Cerria, feeling upset to know the woman was in pain. Not really caring if her clothes were wrinkled anymore, she tucked them under her arm and would be dealing with the fact she would need to iron them later. She let her head tick with ideas on how to answer but felt anything she said was pointless, mainly as she couldn’t take the pain away. “Aluvia..err, Cerria… oh crap,” she started, then finally gave up and referred to her nickname, “AC, have you tried to tell anyone? The school nurse or teaches to see if they could help with the pain?”

She looked at the woman with empathy, hoping the idea of her suggestions had merely not been considered.

“No… It always hurts. I’m used to the pain.” A short moment passed, then she spoke again, eagerly. “Do you really think they could take it away?” She was used to it, but the prospect of remembering without feeling like her every molecule was on fire was quite enticing. She was feeling a little more comfortable with the idea of talking to people now instead of killing them. The others had seemed like they were sizing her up for a fight… This one seemed to care more for the sake of caring. She didn’t understand why someone would do that, but it was still good. “Why are you here?” She asked bluntly, curiosity surfacing again but about something other than herself for a change.

“We can try at least,” Olivia sounded hopeful. In truth it couldn’t hurt any and if wasn’t possible, she at might at least make a friend. At being asked why she was here, her mind flickered with Ashley’s image as well as the man’s chest, the man who ordered her kidnapping. She shuddered some before answering honestly. Everyone would likely know sooner or later anyway, though from what the principal said this was only a temporary situation until they were sure her kidnapping wasn’t a one time thing.

Shifting a bit uncomfortably, she replied, “Someone ended up coming to my school and tried to take me. In the event, I was stupid enough to cry out for help and…”

Mr. Findley’s image flashed before her eyes causing her hand to rise up, stifling a sickly sensation at the back of her throat. She held it there for a bit until she was sure she wasn’t going to vomit then gave a weak smirk. “It didn’t end well. I was grateful Noel came along and helped me. Else I would’ve still be in that woman’s hands and who knows where. Then Aeris, and her brother Mairyell, came to retrieve me and that’s how I ended up here.”

Deciding it was best to move and talk, she gestured for AC to follow her.

“Oh.” Was all Aluvia said. She didn’t really know what to think about that. Yet another thing she had no memories to clarify. One thing did stick out to her though. “They told me that this place was for learning… You make it sound like you are just here to be protected though. Is that something else this place does?” She was slightly skeptical as she asked.

“I guess, I don’t really understand myself. I only talked with the headmaster a bit ago and my stay here is only for a few days, at least until other arrangements are made.” Olivia stated as she began to lead the way to Aeris’ room, “At least since I don’t have any magic. Though one thing bothers me… My brother didn’t pick me up, instead someone else was sent,” And killed said the small, guilty voice in the back of her mind, her head shaking a bit to clear it away, “and now I’m scared something might’ve happened to him. He’s never late. Bad part, I can’t go and find him. I don’t even know where the pay phones are to call him. It’s rather frustrating over all.”

She sighed slightly, looking a little depressed though she didn’t expect any sympathy as she had the feeling the woman wouldn’t have the slightest idea how.

“Oh.” She said again, though this time different emotions were sparked. She remembered the man who killed her. Lucien had been his name. He was like a brother to her. She didn’t remember what it was, but she knew she hadn’t been there for him when he needed her most. She knew she had done what she thought was best at the time. “I’m sure he was just doing what he thought was best at the time.” She said slightly shakily, unsure of herself and whether she should talk about that or not. For once, remembering that day didn’t bring back nearly as much pain.

Olivia shook her head, though she knew her brother best and that AC’s words rang true. Her brother always did what he thought best for her, even if she disagreed with it. A fact she sometimes hated him for. Keeping her mind partly on their direction, she continued, “He’s never failed to be there for me though. Never. I’m scared something might’’ve happened to him and I’m just stuck here while he needs me most.”

She was struggling not to cry feeling the guilt wash over her heart and threaten to drown her, worsening her situation. “Worse part, I’m so angry which I know I haven’t any right. He’s my brother and I know he does what he can, but he’s suppose to be there for me. To help me when I need him…”

Her palm came up to wipe away the dampness starting on her cheeks as they drew close to Aeris’ and her room. While in her attempt to hide her tears a tie slipped from her notice and floated on to the ground causing her stop abruptly to pick it up. Feeling bitter and ashamed, Olivia looked at AC with a questioning look, “I’m being childish, aren’t I?”

“I’m sure he wants to be here with you right now.” Aluvia said, not sure if she was defending this person's brother or her own remembered actions. She wasn’t exactly sure what to say after that. “I’m sure he’ll come back to you as soon as he can.” She repeated.

“It’s hard to see anything stop Ez. He’s never done this before without prior notice. I can’t help feel like I’m letting him down by ignoring my gut instinct that something’s wrong,” Olivia admitted, her eyes noting they had arrived at her room. Realizing for the first time she was seriously under dressed, she turned on heel and made a request, “Can you wait out here for me? I’m going to change and I’ll be right back out, okay?”

“Alright.” Was all she said. She was eager to get to someone who could help her remember, but she also wanted to stay near this person that cared. It was strange to have someone care about her, and she wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.

“Thank you and I appreciate it. I hope we can be good friends,” Olivia smiled warmly, her body vanishing behind the door.


Several minutes she emerged, ensuring Lisara didn’t follow her outside, she closed the door tightly behind her. Still smiling she gestured for her new friend to follow as she decided to seek out a payphone. It was time she tried to call her brother and see what had happened, even if her stomach twisted into knots because of it.

“Come on.” With two simple words, the pair were off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Following Misfortune

Location: Kenan - Darius' Mansion Time: Morning

Darius waited several moments after Szayeis had fully departed. His eyes watched until the Western Lord had vanished outside his office, the steps echoed throughout the hall until finally they ceased leaving him in utter silence. It wasn't until he was fully assured Szayeis was gone did he feel the aftermath in his choice. He shuddered, his left leg crumbled underneath him as his arm shot out to catch himself. He gripped the desk edge, his knuckles white, in an attempt to remain upright. His essence certainly different. Hollow, emptier perhaps, compared to earlier making his heart still in panic. What have I done? His mind knew the reality but accepting it fully was another matter. Most demons failed to show their emotions outward and to all others, often appeared made of stone. A matter never completely true. Even himself wasn't above common sense or emotion, to lack it altogether merely made one a puppet for others.

Szayeis' words echoed in his mind, his throat burned with a sourness as he resisted the gag reflex that followed. Slowly his eyes closed, leaving his body to inhale slow and steady breaths. All around him white eyes started to materialize to gaze upon his too still body. One by one, shadowy foxes started to form and casually reach him, looking to his next command. Darius had been counting down in his head over and over. Each number let a moment trickle by just to let his mind settle down, his spine forced to straightened up fully. Suddenly his eyes snapped open to see the eyes watching, waiting, and requiring direction all around him. His lips tightened in a firm, serious frown when he started to move.

It was time to get to work.

His feet clipped in a quick pace bring him from his office to the front door, his pace increasing only when he hit the stairs then reached out to the yard. Those unfazed by Szayeis, unsurprisingly some kin to nightwalkers, had already been busy counting the missing and aiding those locked in shock. At seeing Darius approach, one female, a Nightbane strolled forth. Her hand was tight on her shadow blades, her body pausing long enough bow her head then receive one in return. Not missing a beat, Darius watched her twist about to walk beside him, keeping up with his fast clip easily. Linage, her given name, hastily glanced back to note a growing pack of foxes tailing him. It was extremely rare to see his full force out in their natural form, often their shapes melded with the shadows or twisted into humans. As if hearing her thoughts, Darius' lips tightened and his foxes' forms started to shift. Their forms shimmer into various human guises. Several defected to one side , breaking from the pack, and rushed to aid those still affected by Szayeis' influence.

He had wished Szayeis hadn't devoured so many but it was impossible to tell the Western Lord what he could and couldn't do. Not if one expected to stay unharmed at least. Linage was the one he had put in charge, her immediate actions showed his wise choice when she spoke. Her voice was strong and calm, despite its ethereal echo rasping through her feminine voice,“Originally from the earlier fire fight, several were wounded while about ten humans were killed in action and all bodies are gone. The rest of the missing, likely devoured, are a total of thirteen and are as listed. Five angels, a tamer, miracle, and three battle. Eight demons: two sirens, three vampires, two nightbanes, and one wild wind. Six are still in shock from the experience, mostly demons who are kin to nightwalkers and at least a miracle angel, yet survived. Four out of the twenty-two in the second wave are unfazed or show minimal effect from the experience. Myself , a weindyn, and two nightwalkers.”

A few more steps she finally asked the question he was waiting on, “Are we retaliating?”

Darius noted the hesitation and the choice of words, his eyebrow raised only slightly. He wasn't surprised she was upset or worried, but rather that she would even consider attacking the Western Lord after being absorbed almost. “No, just tend to those still in shock is the first order of business. Followed up with a list of dead, damage report, and put out a fetch order on Juan Barette and Emmet Matthews. The compensation being a fairly larger amount then normal. Barrette will be wanted dead or alive, but Matthews I require alive. Make it clear any other way will receive nothing. The other tasks include quarantining warehouse 9's area section, rounding up one of the local gangs should do the trick. We've almost had a containment breach and I rather not see any of Juan's projects escape, so make up a believable reason for it. At least until we have someone willing to check it out tomorrow. It might be ideal to contact Margrethe, get her price and interest, and set her on the task with a few musicians on hand. I rather not have a repeated incident due to underestimating one of Juan's little 'project houses'.”

“I understand. I'll bring up the car shortly, but I fear your driver, Joseph was consumed,” She said, noting Joseph was one of the vampires.

Darius' pace slowed but he never stopped. Mainly cause he knew if he did then he would suddenly collapse, a matter that didn't settle well. His pride demanded he remain on his feet through out the presence of his subordinates, largely due to his weakness being a blow to their morality and blood to the sharks hidden in his organization. Crumbling was a luxury he had taken away when he started his career and didn't suit him anymore, least of all in present company. He waved his paw to brush off the airy apology from the Nightbane. It wasn't her fault none of them expected Szayeis to appear, the news delivered still heavy in his core and mind, while he approached the garage, “Very well, but I'll end up driving myself then. As for that tone in your voice, to answer your inner thoughts, no, it's not your fault. No one can be actually prepared for the Lord of the West's arrival or defend against it. After all, it is in his nature to come and go as he pleases. I have only known him that way and I expect it will never change, even in another thousand years.”

Darius was a little amazed at himself for sounding so calm, then again Szayeis' absence seemed to have lifted a weight from his chest. A relief that was likely only temporary. He knew it was likely to get chaotic and messy in Kenan under his watch, his connection with Szayeis bring little good or aid to his own people, resulting in a power struggle later down the road, if that happened. The fox knew any attempt to control the Lord was impossible. To even consider trying was a means to failure, possibly the very definition of it, and bring about consequences from it. So he would merely have to be content in damage control. A fact he hated more than anything.

He made an effort not to bring up the current situation about Inaniae, there was little use in causing panic or in making the situation more difficult, knowing it would take time to at least locate possibly fragments. It also required him to access information he hadn't bothered to use in a long time. This meant a detour trip to Loom's Library for a while and finally hours spent researching what he could. The next few hours were spent surveying the damage first and finishing up here.


Darius had finally made time to settle down. The essence chunk taken by Szayeis had left him weak and wobbly inside, his round about to survey the damage was more of a ruse which barely paid off. Mainly it saved him from collapsing and curling up on the floor in the darkness. Anyone seeing him weak was the last thing that would help him now in this game he played. Still feeling rather pitiful, he had managed to turn on the desk top computer then watched the surveillance video for the last hour. His paws folded under his chin while he absorbed the scene playing out. A man, average looking in the fox's opinion though likely tainted by his nature, approached the guards at the gate before being stopped and shortly the scene turned into a mini war. It started with a message mention then fell into a firefight rather quickly. Mostly it was human personnel he had on the premise which was unfortunate as it meant they would need replacement.

He clicked a key causing the image to pause, the frame froze at a clear shot of the apparent human. Golden eyes studied him closely and drank in every detail, setting it in stone and pushing it into memory before reclining in his desk chair. Then he clicked on the keys typing in the data base he had acquired though a combination of law enforcement, private research and tidbits thanks to the connections in the Academy. After several minutes, nearly half an hour, something popped up over the image's owner. Crow, thirty-four and an non-magic user, his public record revealed a few brushes with the law in his youth which resulted in arrests, fines and minor repercussions, going cleaner in his later years. Recently there was nothing that screamed illegal activity while Darius' claws typed harder in his search. A few charges issued were sprinkled here or there through association, though none ever stuck resulting in them being dropped soon after. Darius frowned slightly at the oddness that a human that held no links to Darius himself would create an unwarranted attack. Even more curious was that this Crow person had helped to aid Juan in retrieving Emmet. One faint possibly was that Juan and Crow knew each other though with Juan's paranoid and enigma nature, the fact was highly unlikely.

Darius rubbed his temple softly with his finger tips. Something was wrong in this picture and he intended to discover what it was, hopefully leading to Emmet in the meanwhile. After a few moments he let his headache subside before he clicked copy, downloading a duplicate of the video into a file on his flash drive and exited off the screen. It went black just when a light on his phone blinked. Catching his eye, Darius leaned farther into his chair and picked up the phone. He held it to his ear while noting the man on the other line. An angel named Neil Patrick spoke, his rich and calm tones entered the receiver.

“Hey, Abigail can you can set Liška on the line?”

“Yes, what is it Mr. Patrick?” Darius asked cold and business like, his expression neutral to the conversation. Of course any attempts to wire the line was being monitored as it was difficult to tell who was ears dropping within the police office. After all, nearly anyone could walk in since the police causally worked at their desks working or otherwise occupied causing the fox to click a few buttons at the thought, “I assume you have something important to discuss?”

The fox immediately was reminded over his arrangement with Mr. Patrick. The angel was an old associate, a former guardian who turned detective after his charge's lifespan concluded naturally. The angel already had recalled three lifetimes which doubled his own and explained how he managed to still be breathing even when his old assignment was six feet under. In the past, Darius had offered Patrick a job in becoming his daughter's personal body guard only to have been turned away. A fact Darius respected, though he was less than pleased about it. To show no ill will and the fact the angel still was willing to work under him, the fox had discreetly aided the angel into being hired by the local authorities as well as his own personal inside man. Few actually knew Mr. Patrick answered to Darius since the connection was hidden under more paperwork, back door deals, and worse that it would've taken at least a century to discover even a trace. In addition, the ex-guardian had never lost his charges due to sloppiness. Ever.

“Hey, baby, how's it going? You having fun at your sister's?” Patrick started his charade, the dull droll of the Kenan police station hummed in the background, “I won't be over any time soon.."

He paused, pretending to listen for an answer before continuing, "You sure you want to know why? Alright. First off, looks like it will be another long night as some bigwig's little girl got snatched. Several witnesses reported the grounds keeper being murdered before the bitch took off chasing the girl down a crowded street, detouring to an abandoned alley. We've got a good description of the woman though we've still not found the girl or the scum that took her.”

Darius gently informed Mr. Patrick about Aeris' involvement when the topic came about Olivia, “That has already been attended to. My daughter is safe and currently under the charge of someone I trust dearly. Did you receive the charges against her brother and his associate, Juan Barrette?”

“Yeah, I hope so too hun. In addition, an hour ago a bulletin went up for two guys' arrest warrants and suspected vandals as well. Bastards, according to Phil made a really damn mess of the same guy's place while they shot, gassed it and worse,” Mr. Patrick commented, his tone edging into a lighter and on a friendlier tone, “Can't say I feel sorry for asshole they targeted. I think the guy deserved it personally as he just seems like an over dressed punk.”

“Good.” Darius said, ignoring the cheap shots at his image by his contact.

“I knew you would understand and agree,” Mr. Patrick continued, his voice became cheekier on the phone, “It's why I love ya, though I will admit your ass and breasts are a bonus. The worse part, that's not the highest priory of the day right now.”

Darius' eyebrow raised in interest when the angel paused, waiting for his answer, “Continue.”

“I don't think you would like this one at all, Liška. Even with your morbid sense of humor. Currently there was several calls concerning some racket down in the slums of Kenan, in the 12th District. No idea what they were doing there but something happened, next thing we know the officers call in back up and followed by the swat teams. Blood, gore and some macabre singing that still gives me the fucking shivers. Most the guys from here as well several other precincts are trying to mop up the mess which means someone's likely to report to the Academy and that is no longer our problem. Granted they likely already know but, meh, you know procedures Liška.”

“Well, looks like something I'll need to take care of the aftermath in one manner or another. Keep me informed, Mr. Patrick and good bye.”

“Yeah, I promise to make it up to you when I get a chance, sorry about this babe. I rather be there with you and Abigail than cleaning up this bullshit-fuck gotta go. Chief is waving my ass over to the office, likely to chew me out for this... love ya, and bye!” Neil Patrick rushed the rest of his little act before the call ended with an abrupt click.

Darius let the call end, his hand setting the receiver down, then rose upright. It was time to head to the Academy though it would seem he would end up making it there some time around afternoon. He sighed, disappointment filled him as he knew he would have to warn Aeris about Szayeis' appearance though he was certain the Western Lord has already visited his little 'pet'. Recalling Szayeis' name for Aeris, Darius' claws dug a little into the desk's edge. The wood splintered slightly at the curved points yet no farther damage was made. Either way he would have to warn her that Szayeis had seen the family photos and to keep a close eye on Olivia, namely as she couldn't come home now. To allow her would encourage disaster into her life. Something neither Aeris or he would allow in end, at least not without a fight.

It only took a few minutes to travel down the stairs and onto the lawn, his route taking him into the garage. Though he could afford numerous expensive cars, Darius was practical enough to keep a small selection which was for his own personal use. His pace slowed when he came to his favorite, a 2213 Bentley remodeled and only a few years old. Darius took a brief time to admire the white finish and touched the graceful curves before he reached the door, opening it softly. It had been some time since he driven though most would assume it was strictly because he didn't know how, a fact which was very, very incorrectly concluded. Mildly he lowered himself inside then shut the door closed. His paws wrapped about the steering wheel, his mind remembered the blurring scenery, his paws manipulating the stick gears, and ticking by the seconds in a speed most could lose themselves in. Darius smirked when he also recollected sirens flashing their blue and red lights in his rear view mirror. Usually they were left in his dust when his car drove across a docking ramp to land safely into the rear of a barge departing the bay. He was a good transporter after all as an earlier start to his career, his skills still alive but rarely practiced.

A devil may care expression on his muzzle, Darius clicked the ignition and registered his identity. Once through he slowly reversed out onto the driveway then booked it onto the street where he vanished in literal seconds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ian VS Iris

The Academy- Midday

Themerlinhawk & Grin

Ian sighed as Lazarus pushed him into the circle on the mats where he’d been having his advanced students fight. Lazarus was an excellent martial artist. Claimed he’d learn from some guy named Alzir Alvuad. Ian had no idea who that was but when Ian had been making a decision about the class Lazarus had mention that he’d learned from Grandmaster Lee and that had immediately convinced Ian to take the class. It was mostly a combative class but it had a lot of philosophy to it.

He took of his gun belt and his ASPs leaving them on his back pack. He left Fidrieon on his right hip. Lazarus didn’t have rules about instruments. Other than they were not to be used to influence thoughts or to use directed magical assaults. Luckily for Ian, Koshmar did none of those things other than Nightmare Fire. Ian just used the serial killer's calm and the heightened reflexes. He wore his sleeveless Gi, his hands were wrapped, and his upper arms were crisscrossed with scars from his academy missions. None of the students liked fighting him. Mostly it was his reputation. Lazarus called a new name, It was the new girl. Iris. Ian rolled his eyes, none of the students here approached his skill level. It wasn’t their fault but nor was it Ians, He’d been doing this his whole life.

Iris stepped on the mats, hesitating. Something about the way the boy looked at her like she were prey for his next meal. She didn’t back down, however, for she trusted Lazarus with her life. Whatever he wanted for her in this fight, she would work her hardest to achieve it. She unwrapped one of her bandages around her ankle and used it to tie her hair up. Her red tattoos glimmered with the skin on her arms and legs, as some of the students noticed. She took a deep breath. “Ian,” Her warm voice vibrated the air around her. “Good luck.”

Ian seemed distracted and refocused when she said his name and nodded an affirmation. Someone stuck their head in the door of the training room and said something to Master Lazarus who stood and walked to the door. He spoke to the person and stepped out the door. Ian caught Iris glancing after him. “Little bit of daddy complex you got going there.” It was meant as a dry joke but he wasn’t really paying attention as he checked the clock. How long was this class again?

crack. Iris’s fist met Ian’s jaw. Iris’s expression burned into Ian’s mind, her icy green eyes glaring at him with death as their goal.
“Don’t you dare say something like that.”

Ian staggered ‘what the fuck?’ the girl had an arm, he was still shaking the cobwebs out of his head as he covered up with a double arm block like a boxer catching another punch on the block. Koshmar, time to rumble. He got silence and then a strange voice filtered up from the depth of his his mind. I’m back and I’m here to stay. it was female, and then he heard Koshmar again. Sorry mate, this crazy bitch is back and I need to deal with this once and for all. Catch you on the back side. With that silence reigned. That was until Iris fist connected with his ribs. Ian felt the breath leave his body as he exhaled hard. No help from Fidrieon. Great. And he was already on the defense.

Iris stepped back, exhaling. “have anything else to say? jerk.” send him into a nightmare. Iris’s eye’s widened at her own voice in her head. no, no I won’t do that. He probably didn’t mean any harm in his insult.

“Yeah, sorry dearest dad is a problem for you ,typically just saying something is a good way to redress that” Ian kicked Iris straight on not holding back on the power with his front snap kick. It took her off her feet. “I advize staying down, don’t know why you’re so wrapped around the damn handle” With that Ian dropped his guard and rubbed his jaw. She had a serious right that was for sure.

Oh the little bitch is going to get it now. Blood found it’s way out of her nose and she inhaled yet again, taking in as much breath as she could.
“you want me to stay down? Okay.”
Iris smirked, then opened her mouth and her throat pushed. A scream, louder than anything Ian ever heard blasted his ears. Iris stood up and used this opportunity to grab his hair with her hands and throw it down as her knee came into contact with his right temple.

Ian’s head snapped back. ‘Are you really going to use a direct attack from your instrument?’ Ian slammed his fist into her right thigh targeting the sciatic nerve. This fight was not going his way but he was too distracted by the absence of Koshmar and the ringing in his ears to think of anything other than fighting back.

Iris cried out by the blow as her arms wrapped around Ian’s own. She pulled him closer and she smacked his right temple again with her forhead. Still being close to his face she hummed some melancholy chords that intensified the area around Ian. She pushed him onto the floor and kicked herself off of him, her green eyes glowing with boiling energy. she broke her bandage keeping her hair contained. The strands of red shone like copper, falling wildly as her arms rip her harp off of her back and held the instrument horizontally.

Ian clambered to his feet, pissed beyond belief. At Least Fidrieon was good for something. He drew the flute from its sheath holding at his side like a sword. He was seeing double but he didn’t give a shit. All he knew was that he was in a fight and he needed to win it. Nothing else mattered.

Iris no longer hesitated, her fingers caressed the strings with intimacy, the gracefulness of her talent sending peaceful waves of music out of the instrument. Iris started panting, sweat slipping down her skin. She sent a whisper through to Ian, one that felt hot though she was far away, and one that sent ice down his spine. sleeeep….fall into it…..I’ll embrace you with warmth you’ve never felt before.. Iris’s armor gradually melted into a long black silk dress, her angry expression softening. Her hair fell in gentle copper curls in front of him. Iann….come towards me….A seductive smile found her lips. Let me embrace you.

Ian’s eyes widen. ‘What the hell? fear gripped him, the same kind of fear that gripped him when Koshmar use to play with his dreams. Fidrieon fell from his nerveless fingers as he scrambled for the lone pocket on his pants. The deck, he needed the deck.

Iris gracefully strided up to him, her soft fingers folding over his own, causing his arm to go numb. That’s it Ian….fall to me...it’ll be worth it, I promise…. Her voice was warm butter slipping all over him. Her hand caressed his cheek, before the skin tore in half. Everything Ian saw was ripped from him, replaced with Iris, cutting her scythe deep into his flesh. her tattoos were glowing like a mixture of lava and blood, as her green eyes pierced through his own, their glow burning it’s light into his pupils. The remaining warmth of her voice turned ice cold, sending shockwaves all over his body in spasms. Then silence. Deathly silence swallowed up the room, leaving Ian and Iris staring at one another with an intensity that could have a deafening sound of its own, if it spoke.

Ian seized the deck in his pocket but part of his animal brain told him this was a lost fight. The rest of him scream to keep fighting. To kill the thing that had hurt him. Ian tasted blood from his lips. He realized he’d barely missed losing an eye to her harp. His hand ran along the edge of the deck. 53 cards. The enchantment shattered and the world came rushing back in. His head hurt like crazy, his vision was blurry and his face was on fire from the harps slice. He couldn’t focus. How the hell had this even happened.

Iris walked up to him, her expression unreadable. She wiped the dried blood from her nose, then with one final blow her foot found Ian’s temple with full force, collapsing his world.

The was a roar like thunder. Lazarus had slammed the door of the room back open. Dracul unsheathed in his right hand and essence curling around him. It was so thick that it was visible to the non gifted. He took in the scene. Iris standing over Ian. Suddenly Ian jerked upright his eyes alight with purple fire. “Hello bitches!!!! I’m back!” the voice was decidedly not Ian’s. “Time to die you fucking cunt!” Suddenly Ian was holding a gun pointed at Iris at point blank range. He open fired. Lazarus moved faster. The RIP rounds tore apart in the air as Lazarus’ shield flared to life between Iris and Ian. “You fucking buzz kill” The voice cackled madly. Suddenly Ian collapsed again. He fell to all fours on the mat, shaking his head. “What?....” He realized he was holding a gun and couldn’t seem to understand why. Lazarus bent to help him and then Ian put two and two together. Right when Lazarus touched him. Ian used the now empty gun to slug Lazarus in the solar plexus “I told you this was a bad idea.” He tossed the gun aside. Fidrieon was back in its sheath. Lazarus doubled over in surprise more than pain as Ian forced himself to his feet and out of the classroom before Lazarus or the other students could react.

Iris stared at the mats on the floor in front of her, her panting the only thing she could hear. I’m sorry...Ian….I’m so, so sorry…. nobody spoke while tears trailed down her face, her legs limping towards the door. In fact, silence remained for the rest of the class, and for the first time ever, Iris couldn’t find the heart to sing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ganryu
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Ganryu Overlord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zeki Glaedwine- Hell's Broker

Morning- Loom

Pacing around a shop, a man dressed in black fidgetted with his cane.

"Business is slow Maria, SLOW! Do you know how boring that is?"

A shop clerk drummed her fingers against the desk she was behind, nearby a register.

"Well, people are busy. Something's up around Loom. You got the call from Bob, things aren't so stable, people are scared. Besides, what do you mean slow? I was working late yesterday, only to get called in today too! This is the first quiet patch we've had in weeks!"

Zeki shook his head.

"That's hardly busy for me. I've lived a long time, and I don't like giving it time to catch up to me. Though does give me time to admire my beautiful clerk."

The woman raised an eyebrow.

"Don't make me file for sexual harassment. Besides, you wouldn't find another woman to put up with the crap you make me do."

Zeki sighed popping open his phone, looking through numbers. The clerk put a finger to her chin as a question came to her mind.

"Mr. Glaedwine.... do you mind if I ask a question."

Zeki grunted an affirmative

"Why is business so important to you? You seem weaker after every deal. Most demons are interested in getting stronger, aren't they? You're only losing when you are so busy."

Zeki pressed his phone shut.

"Well, it's not so easy. I'm not interested in power. If I wanted to, I'm sure I could have been strong enough to overthrow hell itself, but what then? What more would I have to have deal with? Only thing of note has been that recent Great War, and Judas. Other than that, not worth ruling. Here I get to live a life no Hellion would consider. It's the little things that make life interesting, power isn't one of them."

Maria had a confused look on her face still, it didn't quite register.

"Look, I'm happy with my life, if I get stronger, I have to deal with more boring crap. Fighting's intense... the first ten thousand times you do it. Then it's boring. It's as if-"

A ringtone sounded in the little shop, Zeki answering it midconversation. Maria wondered for a moment if he would die without it. Frantic conversation was heard on the otherside, though Zeki's face didn't change. He took a moment to answer.

"I don't care if a Lord of Hell himself is there, if anyone wants to pass, they have to get permission. No toll, no road. Tell them to them to pay the price, or get lost. If they want to deal with me personally, they won't like it."

He closed it and looked back at Maria.

"Where was I?"

"Who was that?"

"No one important. Just another one of my side hobbies. Demons can be so unreasonable."

"Tell me about it."

"Whatever, I'm heading out for a bit. I'm leaving a few stamps, document any contracts that are made while I'm gone."

Zeki walked out the store, needing something to do. He whipped out his cell phone, and called a number of a 'friend'. Well, he considered him fun to harass, in Zeki's book that was close enough to a friend. It was either call him, or just show up. Being hidden in the city of Loom was only fun because of Crow.

"Hey, Crow, Mr. Glaedwine here. Lighten my boredom with some squawking, what's new in your collection? Ready to do a contract, yet? Got any other business for a little ol' shopkeeper?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sam was wandering the streets aimlessly, dragging her feet along the gravel and licking an ice-cream on a cone. Life was so boring sometimes, especially when you’ve just jumped off Freedom Tower and been caught by an angel in the last second. That was an adrenaline rush unlike any she’d felt before. Well, except for those near-death experiences you sometimes got during missions. Except, those involved pain and pain was seldom as fun as pure excitement. It was quiet in People’s park, the protests of the gravel only interspersed with the sounds of lovers kissing in the dark. Sam rolled her eyes and imitated the sound mockingly. She would have preferred the screams of people in danger… but unfortunately the afternoon was calm and everyone was being nice and tame. And boring.

A flicker of light, the sound of a calm breath rippling the air. Sam’s ears perked up and a hopeful smile crept up her face. She picked up her pace and soon enough a silhouette came in sight, some 100 paces away. Though his back was turned to her there was something in his walk that left no doubt that he was a trained fighter, always ready for action. And that’s all the sign she needed. Sam reached into her pocket, pulling out a small marble-like ball that was her Instrument. Kissing it theatrically she aimed and launched it straight at the head of her new playmate.

Of course she was right, her potential new playmate was trained, but far beyond her comprehension. The man, dressed in black, didn't even turn around as the ball speed towards him. His right hand shot right out of his pocket, and effortlessly caught the speeding ball of light in the palm of his hand. His catching arm lowered itself towards his hip, where his hand opened to reveal the sphere. "Nice candle-light, kid..." Replied the man with a hoarse voice.

Sam’s smile grew larger at the attention and she started at the man. “It’s called Sameda. Have you seen it before?”

The man was starting to feel it's power in his hands. "Heh, a fragment... an Academy punk then..." Suddenly he turned around, revealing his face to her and in a blink of an eye, he threw it back at her, straight at her mouth.

Although she had expected him to do just that, what Sam didn’t expect was the speed with which Sameda would be flying her way. It was too fast for her to dodge so she had to immediately drop that plan and improvise. As it approached her Sam moved her ice-cream in the way of the speeding ball and made Sameda itself softer than the frozen good. It hit with the dull sound of a rattling ball and splashed ice-cream over her face.
Sam laughed and her eyes gleamed with excitement as she lifted her gaze to the stranger and licked the strawberry off her lips. Recognition flashed across her features. She knew the guy, by descriptions and pictures at least, and she was sure there was no mistaking it.

“Solus! Solus Grim! I thought you were dead! You up for a duel?!”

The man she referred to as Solus raised an eyebrow. Slightly surprised that despite his long 'trip', his name still held sway in this world. "Heh, a duel...? Are you sure?" He asked calmly.

“What, why not?” she asked, honestly surprised. Her lip twitched upwards at the next sentence. “Are you scared I’ll miss my curfew?”

"Well..." He said. "We don't wanna piss off your headmaster now, do we...? But something tells me you couldn't care less..."

The girl laughed, squeezing Sameda in her fist, the light pulsing of its core picking up and sending shivers of anticipation down her spine. She could barely contain herself, looking at the man. Solus Grim, the legend, right there in front of her! The grin on her face almost threatened to split in in halves.

“Are you kidding, I wouldn’t miss that opportunity, even if it meant having to drop out of the goddamn place!” Her foot was beating the ground impatiently. “Weapon of choice?”

"I will be using my hands... You can use whatever you want, kid... Let's see just how good you are." He crossed his arms, waiting patiently for her to begin.

Sam didn’t wait for another invitation. Her body already felt like a high-strung spring that urgently needed a release. So she propelled herself forward, her fist aiming straight at Solus’ jaw.

Yet her fist collided with nothing but air. One moment he was there with his arms crossed, the next he simply vanished. Sam turned her head to see that he was now standing behind her, with the same expression he had before. Though she wasn't unprepared. Despite her fist hitting nothing, essence charged down her right leg as she twisted her hips to aim it at Solus' head. Again, her magically charged foot sliced empty air. Yet again, he was gone.

"Too slow, kid..." Solus' words echoed into her ears from behind her.

The girl laughed gleefully as she picked up the speed of her attempts. However, it soon became obvious that this strategy just wouldn’t work – as expected of a legend he had skill behind his fame. Still, her time was not wasted – she had scanned the environment and remembered all the trees, bushes and benches around. Now she stepped back and made use of that knowledge.

With an invisibly-fast movement Sam reached into her pocket, pulled one Sameda out and launched it at Solus’ image. As expected it went straight though his image, and just in case his moves were predictable, Sam spun around to punch behind her as soon as Solus’ silhouette disappeared from in front of her.

She didn't surprise him, or catch him off guard. As he moved in behind her he leaned back, letting the punch swipe the air again. Solus was testing her mettle, her endurance. He wanted to see how long she would last before annoyance and frustration took hold and forced her to use her fragment, her instrument. He wanted to see what it could do.

However, Solus wasn’t the only one who liked to screw around. She was perfectly aware of the condescension with which she was treated, which could only mean the opponent was underestimating her. And while she didn’t enjoy the thought, she wasn’t going to indulge him by being predictable. She kept playing his game for another ten minutes, her movements never slowing, the second part of Sameda still tucked safely away in her pocket. Still, she kept the first part of it bouncing around, a crisp metallic ring accompanying every time it touched a tree or bench before lurching at Solus.

It was at that point that Solus noticed the fragment's trajectory. Where it was heading every time and what it touched. She was guiding it, attempting to him as he evaded her strikes.

His feet suddenly slammed into the ground, he bent his knees and leaped, a good 35 meters away from her, his launch kicking dirt and gravel in all directions. That sudden surge in power in him seemed demonic in some way. He landed with a thud, straightened his back, and dusted himself off.

"I have entertained you... But Sameda seems more eager..."

“We’re both more eager.” Sam caught the ball and put it to her ear, enjoying the final tunes of its sound. “But no, you haven’t entertained me just yet, Master Grim. You’ve just left me to entertain myself. You need to try harder.”

"I'm not here to entertain you... And this is starting bore me. I know there is more to you than that..."

"It's mutual then, because you're boring me too!" She snapped. "So, are we going to get serious or am I better off looking for fun elsewhere?"

"I have been waiting for you to start since you threw the first punch..." Replied the man with a smirk.

Sam rolled her eyes at him and threw her hands into the air irritably. She knew she wasn’t supposed to show off her powers here and there – after all, no matter his fame, who knew of his current state of mind? Who knew what he was thinking now?

But then again, who cared really? Those were questions to ask later, now was a time to act. A dream could come true and the time to grasp it was now!

“If I show you what I can do, will you show me what you can do?”

"We'll see. En guard..." Replied the man as he prepared himself.

“Show-off.” She commented but didn’t seem really bothered. Tapping her foot Sam slowly took the other Sameda out of her pocket and gently let it slip out of her hand. Hitting the ground, the ball produced a low, deep thud that repeat itself as the ball bounced back and Sam tapped it down again. A rhythmical beat started that she was sure would reflect Solus’ own heartbeat. It was steady at first.. and then started gradually slowing down. As the tempo slowed, he would feel calmer and calmer – a feeling almost natural, like drifting off to sleep. The man would feel his heartbeat literally slow its pace as the drum slowed too, a sense of tranquility washing over him like the treacherous embrace of a snow-demon.

And then, in the haze of the moment, another sound started – a dissonant one, lively and energetic, erratic and unpleasant. The second melody would try to enter Solus’ mind like the voices of a dozen screaming creatures, their pleads indistinguishable yet only enhanced by the underlying tranquil sound.

Solus suddenly felt... slower. His feet seemed to drag along the ground as he moved. He grasped his chest and realized what was happening, what that fragment was doing. His heart had slowed it's pulse, but at same time that pulse was unsteady, erratic. He knew if this went on for too long, his heart would stop...

He closed his eyes for a moment as he channeled something within him, something to dull out the sound. Not only what he was hearing, but what he felt as well, trying to steady his heartbeat. But not by his own blood. With something else.

Within his body a black thick soot overran the blood that pumped through him, and his heart suddenly stopped. It wasn't needed. The dark corruption within him would keep him alive for now. After all, it was a parasite, a living being in it's own right, and it will protect it's host to survive, providing oxygen and moving by itself through his body, giving that ample supply of air that he needed. Solus opened his eyes again and the flames that once burned brightly from his face were gone. The parasite, the black tar, dripped from his mouth, nostrils and eyes. He stood there for a few moments, before his fist suddenly appeared just before Sam's nose, heading towards her at a speed that could lethally break a demon's neck in one blow.

Sam couldn’t have expected that development and reluctantly she had to admit that she’d become a bit caught-up in her own music. She had to admit it when she noticed the black tar a second too late, a second long enough for the man’s fist to impact her barely shifted shoulder and crack the bone in an explosion of pain. A second long enough for one of the Samedas to whiz past her and roll away harmlessly. But at least after that one second, she had a second of her own where she could use her damaged arm to pull Solus’ arm down, grab the remaining Sameda and attempt to smash it in Solus’ face.

Which failed. Solus grabbed her attacking hand and twisted it, forcing the remaining Sameda fragment out of her hand. With that thing out of the way, he threw Sam aside, away from the fragments.

Sam attempted one last kick before she was pushed away and forcefully parted from Sameda. She propped herself up, wincing as she put weight on her shoulder and shifted to relieve it. A part of her, an instinct, told her to attack again, no matter the consequences. Another part, however, a slightly more sober one, reminded that this wasn’t a life-or-death situation. That thought was enhanced by the sharp pain from her shoulder. That wasn’t going to magically get better – if anything, it could only get worse. She was already severely incapacitated and Solus, the bastard, wasn’t even damaged once.

Extending her hands Sam shot out a string of her own essence and pulled Sameda back to her and moved her shoulder experimentally. The pain was still dulled by adrenaline and it was still sharp enough. She stood, shaking the gravel off her hair and her scraped face and stared at Solus, wondering if he’d have a go at her again. If he gave her a reason, she’d be more than happy to go all out. Their fight wasn’t settled, not yet, not until she made him hurt too.

Whether she noticed or not, the black ooze was gone. His flames had returned and he stood there, relaxed with his arms crossed, staring her down with a smirk. "You want to keep going...?"

“Especially when you give me that condescending attitude!” She exclaimed. People said you need to know when to give up. Did she know when to give up? Yes, she knew she should give up now. That there was “only so much you can fight”, “only so much you can risk”, “only so many you can defeat”. Yet… Knowledge and impulse were very different. Knowledge caused pain, and so did impulse, but they hurt in totally different ways. One stopped you from doing things – the other urged you to. She tried to move her arm back for a swing but a shot of pain and a burst of stars settled her dilemma.

“I’m fine.” She hissed, despite herself. Then she was over it, she straightened up and grinned at the man. “Glad to have you back.”

The man chuckled. "I never left..." He walked past her, ready go to wherever he was going before he was interrupted, but stopped and turned around to address the young Academy student. "Pretty relentless. That's good. But you still have a lot to learn..." And then he continued walking away, leaving her behind him, another challenger defeated.

Sam shamelessly followed him, chirping at his side.

“Well, I enjoyed myself, and that’s what matters. You provided some good exercise, and maybe you could do it again. We could use someone like you at the Academy, you know.” She waited for him to throw her a glance before she grinned and added. “As a punchbag. That punches back.”

The man did glance back. "Me and Hazumi don't see eye to eye..."

"So? You don't have to." She blinked.

Solus stopped. "Look, kid. I don't like the way the Academy is run, and what Hazumi is doing. I would rather avoid that place, for everyone's own good."

"It's not for everyone's own good, though. It would be good for us students to have you. I mean, it's up to you but the Academy won't cease to exist just because some people don't like it. All you can try to do is contribute to making it better. Besides, let's face it, there are plenty of interesting people there to keep your old muscles well toned." She giggled, poking his biceps.

He stared at the girl for a while, seemingly in thought. Then he said, "Not interested." and continued walking, leaving Sam behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Celaira
Avatar of Celaira

Celaira Lore Mistress

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A New Deal

Loom - Outside Academy Grounds

Collab: @Celaira and @yoshua171.

No longer famished, and once more as whole as he might ever be, Falair was standing before the Academy, looking at it with that same crazed, manic look in his eyes. Crow had told him never to approach the place.

So he wouldn't, though he really did wish he could. Instead, he poked the man from Crow's little brigade. "Call already, or would you much rather we wake the Academy," he stated, gesturing at himself and smirking, his eyes wild. He wanted to meet the girl again, Aeris had been her name.

She was pretty.

"F-fine..." the henchman said before he dialed a number. Falair began to jump up and down excitedly, hopping from one foot to the other, his hat becoming aloft with each movement, though it always landed on his head again...which ought to be impossible, but happened anyways.

Aeris' phone began to ring.

"Unngh." Aeris groaned as she heard her phone start ringing, having fallen asleep against her brother's falling and rising chest. The irridescent blue of her eyes gleamed brightly as she looked at the device. Slowly, she sat up, and reached for the phone. When she wrapped her fingers around it, her thumb slid across it, unlocking the screen and answering the call in the same move.

"...Hello?" Her voice questioned the person on the other end, the sleep falling away from it quickly.

"I-is this Ms. Aeris?" There was a sound of nervousness in the man's voice as he responded on the other end. Falair snickered, getting uncomfortably close to the human, his nose only three inches from the man's face. He was listening closely, gleefully.

"Mm'yeah, who is this?" Aeris' voice sounded both slightly amused and irritated by the male's nervousness.

"My name isn't important. However my employer's name is. You have a meeting with Crow in an hour," the man said somewhat hastily, a business-like tone coming over his voice. The man then hung up and glanced at Falair who was no longer near him and instead croached down, poking ants to death. The ant hill was swarming with them, but their bites did not appear to deter the demon whatsoever. He sighed and went to lean against the wall at the edge of the Academy. He would wait, though he now realized he hadn't mentioned that they'd be escorting her there. He swore under his breath. He hoped Falair didn't decide to play with him for his mistake.

Aeris listened to the man on the other end of the line with a seemingly bored expression on her face, until he mentioned Crow. "Where--" She started to ask the henchman where the meeting would be held, but was quickly cut off by the tone of the call ending. With a sigh, she turned and leaned down to kiss Mairyell atop the forehead before slipping out of the bed to go take another shower. She slid from beneath the covers, revealing the remaining scars that trailed her cream colored skin.

On her way away from the bed, the vampire reached down for the shirt she had been trying to put on earlier. She slid it over her small form, and sauntered into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. For a few minutes she found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror. She seemed to have a soft glow about her skin. Strange. Shrugging it off, she went to work starting the shower and getting the water to the right temperature.

After about 10 minutes, she climbed out of the shower and proceeded back into the main room to start getting dressed. It didn't take her long to slip into an outfit that she felt was appropriate for the meeting.

While she'd taken a shower Mairyell had awoken with a brief start. He'd had another of those damned dreams...it'd been awhile since he'd slept. At least most of the time had been spent on more enjoyable activities.

He smirked at the thought. The sound of the shower registered as his mind fully awakened, he rose partially and stretched. The smell was unmistakeable, and he knew he'd need a shower too. He was tempted to slip in with Aeris, but the thought came too late as the sound of running water ceased. He sighed and chuckled, perhaps that'd have been jumping the gun a bit anyways. He sat up fully and as she emerged there he was, his chest bare, and his eyes still a luminscent blue. The feeling was pleasant, as was the view, even if she was clothed. "Where're you goin?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, a curious tone in his voice.

When Little Kasio heard her brother's question she looked up at him from her shoes and smiled warmly at the look on his face. "Ah, I have a meeting with the information broker that pointed me in your direction." She responded with a happy tune in her voice. There was no reason to keep Crow a secret, after all, he wasn't that bad. At least, not that she knew. Once Aeris had put her hair up into a high ponytail, bangs falling around the right side of her face, she took a step toward Mairyell. She laid a soft kiss upon his lips, before grabbing her cellphone and walking toward the door.

For a moment, she paused and turned to look at the vampire still in her bed. "Did you know father's company is still around?" She asked, a slight bit of disdain dripping from the word father as she spoke it.

He nodded thoughtfully as she told him where she'd be going. That name sounded familiar, but he couldn't place it...not quite at least. He was still thinking when she laid a kiss on his lips, to which he responded just as gently, a smile on his face as she drew away. However, at the mention of their father, Mairyell's expression became a good deal more difficult to read. He nodded, "Yes, I did. Be careful out there, kay sis?" He knew she could take care of herself, it was made obvious by how long she'd survived, but that didn't mean he couldn't worry about her safety...even if he knew better.

Aeris' head tilted to the side at her brother's now stoic appearance. She shrugged it off. attributing it to his dislike of their father, a feeling she shared. Though, she couldn't help but smile when he bid her to be careful. "'Course, Mai. I'm not gonna risk not being able to come back to you." She spoke with a knowing grin, and then left the room, walking out of the Academy into the courtyard. For a moment her mind drifted to Olivia. She wondered if she should pick her up once she was done with the meeting and take her shopping. She smiled to herself, walking out of the exit through the courtyard, and then finding herself face to face with Falair, and another man whom she presumed to be a friend of his.

"Hey, Falair. What're you doin' here?" She questioned the strange nightwalker with a soft smile.

He Madhatter's grin returned and his body literally exploded into confetti, which then reconverged behind her. "Pop! Just waiting for you, this here is who called ya. He's an mini-onion!" The man winced and then rubbed his temples, sighing. "The Boss is waiting, we oughta get a move on," he stated before turning and gesturing to a black car. Falair didn't listen, "It'd be more fun to haaaang around," he jumped into the air, and then hung upside down, his body levitating in midair as he spoke. "Ugh," the other man said in response, clearly exasperated.

Aeris giggled a bit, clearly amused by her Nightwalker friend, and then turned to the 'mini-onion' with a grin. "All right." The vampiress spoke as she slipped into the backseat of sleek black vehicle.

"Boring," Falair pouted, still upside-down, before curling into an impossibly tight ball, and bouncing his way into the backseat of the vehicle all round like. The man just shook his head and got in the front seat, muttering to himself as he did so, "This shit's gonna kill me someday...". He started the car and began driving towards Loom's downtown area. It was quite for awhile till Falair began to hum, and sing slightly below his breath. "Drel drel, yer goin ta hell~" he began, "Sorted heads and arms are done. Bowels bloody, eyes soaked, fun!" Their driver looked back uncomfortably, before swiftly switching on the radio, which was coincidentally on some death metal station. He began tuning it to find something more to his tastes. while he tried to ignore Falair's quiet singing.

Aeris watched Falair curiously as he began to sing, her head tilted to the side. She didn't interrupt him, though, only watched in silence as their driver became increasingly more uncomfortable.

In his search for something to listen to, the man stumbled onto one of many news stations. He listened, turning it up slightly so he could hear the mumbling better. "Today in Kenan what appears to be some kind of criminal gathering by the infamous Chaeris Syndicate, was turned into a terrible massacre. When authorities arrived on scene there were only three survivors, all of whom we are told are in a state of trauma. The culprit appears to be unknown for the moment as authorities sweep the area for essence that might give them a lea-...chhhhh," he turned the station as the volume of Falair's song went up somewhat, "Pale eyes, dead skin, bloody parties, murder din.

With little luck on the radio, the man finally gave up and pulled over, after which he turned to Falair and said, "Would you stop that, I can't concentrate!" In response the Nightwalker went dead silent and his eyes flickered between colors, settling on white for the longest amount of time, before going back to a very odd heterochromic state, in which there were at least eight colors in each eye, all mixed up in a bizarre randomized pattern. His expression was blank for a moment, before the smile returned and he began to bounce up and down, having become a ball again.

The man gritted his teeth and got back on the road "We're halfway there," he said, barely audible for the normal human, but perfectly audible for the car's current occupants.


The car pulled up to a rather large looking building, one of at least forty or so stories. It was next to an extravagent looking bank and some fancy restaurant. The car's engine quieted before the man exited the vehicle, walked around and opened the door for Aeris. Falair had already walked out of a nearby shadow where he began peering around curiously. "This way," the man said.

Aeris stepped out of the car with a curteous nod, smiling softly at the man and then looking at Falair with a grin. Casually, she walked toward the door of the builiding, resting her hand on the door for a moment before gently pulling it open.

As it opened a smell of cleanliness bombarded her. She was in a lobby, and the building appeared to be a hotel. The man gestured to a nearby elevator, he'd already pushed the button. Falair had vanished.

The elavator door opened and provided she walked in, the man followed and pushed the button for the 6th floor. The elevator would rise till then, at which point a small chime would sound and the doors would open. He remained silent as Falair's form was revealed by the opening of the elevator. He pushed past him with irritation and headed down the hall. The place looked much less lavish here, as most hotels tended to. After a minute or two they'd arrive at a door labeled 602, which the man would knock on once, pause, then twice, pause, then two, then one, then four times. He then turned to her, "Crow's inside waiting for you." He checked the holographic watch at his wrist, noting that they weren't late.

Falair would follow her in.

Aeris stepped into the elevator, a curious look on her face as they ventured upward. When the elevator stopped, and they disembarked, Aeris stared at the walls and doors until the man who had been guiding her stopped. The vampiress nodded in response to the man's statement, and gently turned the knob of the door, sliding it softly open. As Aeris stepped inside, she heard Falair following her, and waited politely for him before closing the door behind the pair.

As they entered the room, they'd note the normal lay out of a small hallway, the bathroom to their left. The tiny entrance hall then opened up to a room with one bed, a TV, a desk, and a chair--not to mention the bedside table. However, one unique aspect of the room is that it had a balcony, and it was on this balcony that Crow could be seen. His arms were pressed against the railing and a bit of smoke could be seen drifting from a lit cigarette in one of his hands.

Falair began to ruffle through the coat hangers, making a ruckus. Crow didn't even react.

Before going out to meet Crow on the balcony, Aeris noted Falair's actions and smiled a bit. After a moment of watching the nightwalker, the vampiress ventured to the open door leading out to the balcony, and rested against the railing a bit, her ever irridescent eyes watching the information broker calmly.

It took a few minutes of silence before Crow glanced at her from the corner of his eye, then away, after which he finally broke the veil of quiet. "Apologies for the short notice, I hope this hasn't inconvenienced you at all," he glanced at her again. He seemed a bit bored, or was it tired? It was hard to tell.

Aeris smiled as the broker seemed to notice her, waiting patiently for him to speak. When he finally did, she shook her head a bit. "Not at all." She looked over the balcony for a moment before continuing with her thought. "I'm sure you want to get to business, though. So, I'd like to thank you for your information. It lead me right to him."

"Glad to be of assistance," he said with the slightest of smiles, "...as to the price of that information," he glanced at her a moment, then rose to his full height, no longer leaning on the railing. "If it is convenient, I would prefer it paid in favors. I have none for the moment, but I would certainly call on you later." He now gazed at her, his eyes intense, his visage calm.

When she heard him talk about what the payment would be, she simply nodded. "That's perfectly fine. You have my number, when you want to call on me."

"I'm glad we've come to an understanding," he nodded his head then glanced out at the city, its sounds and smells wafting up to them from the streets and surrounding buildings. "I realize I could've simply called you to establish this, but I decided a meeting might be more pleasant," he glanced at her and smiled slightly, before it faded and he took a pull from his cigarette. "I'm curious," he began, his eyes gazing outwards at the scenery again. He had run a few...searches on her name, and there weren't too many people in this area that went by the name Aeris. Only a few of them matched up with the small amount he knew about her.

Except, he had her essence. As he always did with his handshakes. "...why is it you don't claim what's yours," he did not specify what he meant, but he was looking down the block as he said it, where a Kasio corp building rested.

Aeris rested against the railing of the balcony with a content look on her face as Crow spoke. When he spoke about being curious, her eyes returned to his face, a pleasant smile dancing on her lips. "Mm?" She responded, waiting for him to finish his thought. When he had, the vampiress' head tilted to the side, only to follow his gaze. "Mm... I see you've done your research." She spoke with a soft laugh.

"As to the asnwer..." She paused, staring at the building with a masked expression. "I hadn't the want, nor the need to step foot in one of those buildings for the last 180 years. I was hoping to keep it that way..." Her voice was soft, but there was a rueful smile on her lips now, "I feel, however, it's probably time that company had new management."

Her upper body turned, so her eyes rested on Crow's face. "But, you knew that, didn't you?"

He did not react in the least, one might call him stoic in that regard. "Know that I've already cemented a contract with the corporation," he did not so much as look at her, "and regardless of a change in management, legally it must be upheld." He took another long draw from his cigarette then tapped it on the ashtray before rubbing the end in it, dousing it. His eyes met hers, their gaze steady, the air about him serious, but not at all threatening. There was a long moment of silence before a crash was heard, and Crow glanced into the hotel room only to see that Falair had somehow managed to cause the TV to fall forwards onto the ground.

He sighed. "As long as that is upheld, do as you will. It is not my concern as to who controls Kasio corp," he smiled slightly as he glanced away, out at the city, then it changed to a more gracious smile as he looked to her, awaiting a response.

"I'd think that it should be upheld, considering it's already been signed, yes?" Aeris' head tilted to the side, curiously. When the crash of the TV sounded, she turned, startled, and then shook her head slightly. "How'd you manage that, Falair?" She asked the nightwalker, resting her back against the railing.

When Crow smiled at her, she smiled back. "Well, since I already owe you one favor, I might as well add to the tab while I'm thinking about it." The vampiress started, her eyes resting intently on his face, though she did curiously look at his suit before locking eyes with him. "Could you perhaps get me information on the current CEO, and possibly the board of directors of the company? If I do decide to go through with this, I'd like to know what I'm getting into."

Interesting he thought to himself as she made a proposition. So not only would she be attempting to take over, but she wanted him to help her do it. This benefited him greatly, more than she might realize. "I could look into that for you," he said simply. He didn't even need to shake her hand this time, he already had her essence and she'd just consider this a continuation of their former transaction. "Any details in particular, or shall I simply dig up as much as I can manage?" He glanced at her.

"Just anything you can dig up would be fine." Aeris responded simply, her eyes resting on his face. She wasn't sure exactly what would be needed to take over the company, something she would have to research when she got back to the school.

He nodded, "Very well," he stated before he extracted his phone and calling her number. Aeris' phone would briefly ring, before he hung up. "That's my number. It may change due to the nature of my business, but I'll always have yours. We'll be in contact. It has been a delight, have a good evening," he bowed his head to her briefly, putting his phone away and then glancing at Falair.

The Nightwalker was playing with the TV remote.

Aeris looked at her phone when it rang, and quickly saved the number under Crow's name. When he concluded the meeting with his words, Aeris nodded and smiled. "See you soon." She said as she walked back into the room where Falair was standing with the remote. "Falair, I'm going now. Thank you for seeing me here, again. I really enjoy our visits." Aeris smiled warmly at the Nightwalker, waiting to see if he responded before she walked out of the room and subsequently the hotel.

Falair's face burst into a smile, and then confetti, before reforming. He patted her head as his own reformed, "Play dates are always fun~," there was an almost child-like sound to the way he said it. A sound that made Crow glance behind him and into the room.

Aeris smiled warmly at the nightwalker, and waved, before walking out of the building as a whole. As she made her way down the sidewalk she found her thoughts wandering to Mairyell, and what the two had done. What did that make them? Were they lovers now? Were they together? Were they not? Was that just a one time thing? The questions danced about her mind, almost making her dizzy. She wanted to ask him, wanted to know, but she didn't have the courage to call him to ask; let alone ask in person.

As she left the room, the door slipping closed behind her, Crow's gaze did not leave Falair for a second. After a few seconds, the nightwalker began to become murky, and in that moment Crow was in front of him, his arm piercing the center of Falair's chest where it gripped something. Falair looked down at himself and then at Crow, tilting his head, the expression on his face disturbingly blank. The two remained entangled like this for roughly ten whole minutes of silence, before Falair's expression lightened, a smile returned, at which point Crow let go, and watched as the nightwalker skipped and phased through objects within the room.

He let out a long sigh, one of relief, and then glanced at the door as if Aeris were behind it. "Strange girl...by the looks of it she effects more people than most. Odd," he turned away and extracted his cigarette, lighting it again and taking a long drag from it. He was glad that he wasn't really a human, as it'd be unfortunate to get smoker's lung or something equally as troublesome.

He returned to the balcony, tapping his fingers on the railing as he looked out over the city street. Cars drove by, people ran and walked to wherever their day would take them next. This would be his city one day...he'd make sure of it.

If all went well, no one would even realize the change had occurred at all. He smiled slightly at the thought. Maybe his subordinates would take to calling him the Silent Conqueror, not that he wanted them to. It was a rather silly name. No, he preferred things simple.

Crow was fine, much better than his real name. It fit better too, at least he thought so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
Avatar of Lucius Cypher

Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 day ago

Conflict and Resolution

Loom - Safehouse

Collab: @Slade, @Lucius Cypher, @Fallenreaper, and @yoshua171

“Juan, not in the damn mood to fuck with you,” Emmet managed to rasp out, ignoring Kasain completely. His mood was soured by the fact he couldn't move back to the bed edge, let alone upright. It only worsened the longer he failed to get his ass up, finally registering the sheet still wrapped about his legs and entangling him. In one sloppy and pissed off movement he jerked the thing from around him then tossed it aside.

His breathing was heavy and labored, his body covered in a cold sweat from last night, fighting the shivers trembling through him. Stop it, stop... He almost yelled out loud at himself feeling his weakness seep though his very being against his will. He had to move, even if he couldn't and head to Olivia's school before the school's trail went cold. The man's mind ignored the reasoning pouring in his mind, from facts like too much time had passed to the fact Darius would note his absence. His muscles screamed their protest while he forced his arms to brace against the edge and pulled himself up higher, his teeth gritted against his misery and muffled a painful cry.

Meanwhile, Juan chuckled lightheartedly when he noted the doctor's hands on his hips and looking rather outraged. Ever since he denied the doctor from doing his job, the poor little thing had been rather irritated, something that slightly amused the demon. His chest had already been stitched by his own equipment after he had been forced to readjust the sliver coin in his sternum where it kept his essence proper. Though he hated the sensation of being numb more than anything purely because unknown to his companions, save currently Kasain M've, he was constantly in agony. He gingerly moved toward Emmet's fallen figure in an unhurried pace. His movements looked unimpeded by his condition, he paused long enough to look and causally reply to Kasain. The teasing tone obvious in his voice despite the sourness, “A little pain is good for the pleasure, Doc. Though don't be too pissed off, he's just eager to be on his feet is all.”

Juan came to a stop when he arrived beside Emmet, his legs bent and brought him into a crouching position. His arms rested on his knees as he studied the needles for a moment, in the corner of his sight he managed to catch the doctor's frustration. For a second, Juan's eyes hardened with a coldness at M've. Sharpness not characteristic in the demon seemed to silently slice the air before suddenly, it pulled back and vanished under dark lids. He shook his head in chiding, answering Kasain in a relaxed voice, “I think I owe your boss enough. I much rather not get my cute ass in much more debt than it already is.”
Reaching to take up Emmet's right arm, Juan's voice called over to Damon in a coaxing manner, “Damon, could you get a saline solution and blood bag from the fridge? Also I need two needles, tubes and something to hang them on else gravity can't do its work. I rather the needles and tubes came from the bag I brought. By the way, be careful not to touch the fridge front else you'll get a nasty surprise.”

Emmet's arm jerked from Juan's touch as he growled. His body flinched, reflexively, while he tried to shove himself upright only to crumble back down again. His frustrated was clear in his tone, upset at his weakness, barely rising up onto his knees. “Git off me, I have to...shit!”

Kasain merely huffed at Juan's first statement, but when the second one came, his height increased drastically, as he went from 4'6 to 5'9 rather rapidly. His eyes were wide now and his jaw locked. His skin and labcoat bristled, as did his patchwork hair. He didn't care about debt, he hardly cared about money! This man was a foolish one. It was like he didn't know who he was. His thoughts paused, then the gears began turning. That would explain a lot actually. Still, he was not pleased, "Debt? Crow asked me to come along as a favor. I'll be compensated, but that compensation depends on me. Yet you stand there denying me my patient. Who is in no state to stand, and should not even be awake yet." He growled and essence sparked around him.

He gradually began to shrink in size, his mass redistributing slowly. His lanky arms, ended with his ever long, unnaturally jointed hands, twitched, as did the fingers. Kasain then plopped himself into a chair and waited.

"Hmm? Oh. Right."

Damon had been watching Emmet since they've gotten back. Well, he's been around. Damon had been lost in thought since they've gotten back, up to the point until their little rabbit woke up and started to thrash about like the caged animal he was. Damon was hidden on the ceiling, disguised as a mere stain on the paint. If he had to he could literally get the drop on Emmet, but Juan seemed to be able to handle their guest. He asked Damon to get some supplies from the fridge, but warned him not the touch the front of the fridge. "OKay..."

Damon slipped off the ceiling in front of the fridge and stood there debating how to open the fridge. He shouldn't touch the front from what Juan told him, but what counted as the front? The handle was on the front, so he shouldn't touch that. The door itself was part of the front, so he couldn't just grab it from the side. What was the surprise anyways? Was the front made of silver? Is it trapped? "Geez, that paranoia." Damon simply picked up a broom and pryed the door open rather easily.

Emmet's mind swirled and blurred, though one thought was clear. Olivia. He had to get to her, the fact she was missing and Darius' had suspected him drove him on. Inhaling deeply, his foot pressed flat against the floor as his other arm reached back for the bed edge. His eyes were barely able to tell one blurry object from another until he finally managed to touch it. Feeling it was solid, Emmet managed to bring himself into an upright sitting position. Now he just needed to to make his head stop spinning. Emmet currently didn't give a damn about the conversation going on between Juan and the other, but his ears caught the words Juan had spoken clearly.

His eyes flashed to the demon immediately, his voice was harsh and venomous, “Debt...what did you do?”
“Saved your ass,” Juan replied in a scolding tone, his face pulled into a frown at Emmet's anger, “like usual.”

“I don't need saving Juan, god damn it. I need to get the fuck out there and find Olivia.”
Juan lifted his head upright, ignoring Emmet for a moment, watching M've's shape shift and mold oddly. It was slightly impressive how easily the demon shifted sizes which brought his curiosity mentally to the surface. Letting the doctor toss his little temper tantrum, he kept crouched closely to his rabbit and listened carefully. It seemed he had hit a nerve with his comment after seeing the result and if it wasn't for the fact he had seen some of what the doctor was able to do, Juan might've laughed at the childish image. However as the doc stated, it was Crow that asked him along and not Juan himself. That made a great deal of difference.

“Sorry to upset you Doc, but point is: I don't even know who you are to begin with and in my line of work, trust is a rare thing...”

Juan stopped for a moment to see Damon struggle with his instruction. He sighed a little then added more and attempted to clear up his earlier comment, “Damon, the handle is alright just don't touch the door's front side. Sigil is invisible and if you recall right, my paranoia did save our asses before.”

With the door open Damon extracted the items Juan requested from the fridge. As for the needles and such, Damon simply produced them from his own body. Closing the fridge carefully Damon went over to Emmet and Juan. Thinking about it, this would be the first time Damon met Emmet. He doubted he was in the mood for any sort of pleasantries, but Damon figured he might as well introduce himself. "Heyo. Name's Damon. You're in bad shape: You'd just die if you tried to do anything serious. I dunno what Darius did to you, but you had a foot in the grave when we found you. I'm sure this Olivia lady would be real sad to know that you killed yourself trying to find her." Damon said simply. While he was certain Emmet already knew this much, and would still risk his life for it, Damon also knew that there wasn't much Emmet could do. He could hardly stand, let alone walk. Without a doubt the kid was tough though, still he seemed to be suffering injuries that would have killed Damon ten times over. But than again Damon wasn't really a tough guy either.

As Damon helped Juan set up their little improvised chop shop Damon tried to explain the situation to Emmet the best he could. "Right now I'd imagine that Darius and his boys are on the look out for you Emmet, as soon as they're done licking their wounds. With any luck however that shadowy bloke from before would keep Darius preoccupied, and failing that, he may be more interested in finding the bastard who attacked him in the first place. Assuming Juan didn't smile for the cameras you two aren't on his hit list, but your disappearance won't go unnoticed. I'll do my best to give you guys some breathing room however. But you need to use this time wisely. Right now you're on borrowed time with your injuries, but if you rest and recover than you'd at least be strong enough to get away from us." Damon joked about that last part, as he had stuck a bug into Emmet's hair when he was asleep. A risky trick, but at least this way Damon can keep tabs of the rabbit they've worked so hard to secure. Than through his mask holes Damon produced a pastry. "Care for an eclair?"

"Yes, clearly," Kasain responded grumpily before he reached into his labcoat, and extracted a phone. "You better call me if something happens," his grating voice said, his eyes glaring, before he turned away and exited the building to dial Crow.
It was time to report and he was damned tired of this fool thinking that the way he treated him didn't have its own price.

Juan frowned when Damon clearly ignored his request to get the needles, tubing and such from the bag. Naturally, Damon had opted to extract them from his own body. However the man had said little to the matter, knowing scolding or following his own instruction would only lead to wasting time. Time he needed. Already the creeping sensation things had become a mess edged into his usually easy going attitude when he noticed M've's displeasure. Little did the good doctor know there was more than one reason Juan didn't want him to treat Emmet, a matter that was a mix of pride and risking outside influence. Any little variable he couldn't account for could end up ruining over two hundred years of research. A matter he had already experienced and didn't intend to do so again.

His teeth gritted in recollection at losing the original test subject as his eyes jerked to watch Emmet and Damon interact. He already noticed M've's departure and words, though following them were another matter. Only when it seemed he hadn't any other options would he finally consider the doctor's help, consequences be damned. To expect he would live to see his research come to fruition was a folly notion and the least likely to happen. Casting those thoughts aside, his body raised to retrieve the items from Damon. He twisted about the bed and slowly started to set up the equipment while Damon ensured Emmet didn't move much. His hands moved quickly to align the tubing, set up the bags, and even let the drip start before he was able to push a needle into his subject. The bad part he knew he would have to sedate Emmet.

As if to remind him, Juan's mind drifted to the table side near the bed and spotted the syringe. Not a pleasant thought considering he didn't have a heart monitor to ensure Emmet's pulse was steady, among other things. The matter reminded him he still had to test Emmet's blood after the sewer demon's venom attempted to digest his subject's nervous system. It was a pure miracle the boy wasn't crippled by it, then again possibly Zi had altered that result more so than Juan's calculations gave her credit for.

Emmet's mind tried to absorb Damon's words, drifting in and out of awareness. A factor that took a hell of a lot of effort, focus and energy on his part to stay awake. All he could do was lean back against the bed edge as his arm failed to, yet again, get him standing. Not easy when there was at least three needles that prevented him from finding a comfortable position, namely without the fear he might end up sending the middle one driving through his chest, coming out where his lungs or another vital organ was. He was out of it, but not enough to be suicidal. When Damon spoke up about his sister, Emmet managed to shoot him a glare. Even when Damon made sense, his frustration and anger at being helpless rose to choke his throat. So many thoughts poured into his mind, questions mostly, trying to spur his failing body onward.

How could he protect her when he didn't know where she was at?!? They could be anywhere. What if the bastards who took her were....

Emmet's mind couldn't bear to finish the thought. Instead, his hands closed into fists and through gritted teeth, he spoke. “Fuck no, get the hell away from me.”

His head whipped around to Juan's direction, though he felt himself nearly collapse on his side in the effort, “Juan... you fucking asshole, what have you done?”

“I'm sure Olivia's fine. The kidnappers called not long ago and made demands. Darius' got connections and if he loses her,” Juan said in a rather cold and uncaring tone, his hand inserting the tubing and clicking the IV drip, “you don't have to listen to him. He loses his control. Damon's right and doing something stupid will only leave her alone, something I know you wouldn't dare do. Blood is thicker than water after all...”

Emmet was silent. Noting this, Juan moved to look over at his subject as his body edged over to the weakened figure. Granted he himself wasn't in the best shape, but he had judged Emmet suicidal time to time, namely when it came to Olivia. A mistake he wouldn't be making again. His hand held the sedative hidden behind and ready to be inserted should he get a chance.

Damon sucked the eclair back into his mouth hole, the sound of chewing indicating that he was eating it. If he had a knife he could cut the tension in the air. It didn't take a mind reader to pick up on the hostility that Kasain and Juan seemed to have created, though Damon didn't know the context behind it. He just guessed that Juan didn't trust him and wanted to cut loose ends. As for the drama between Emmet and Juan, Damon figured that Juan knew Emmet would try something stupid to get out, even if he didn't have a clue what he was going to do after getting away from them. And after what they did to rescue him Damon could understand Juan's annoyance. But somehow, these thoughts barely scratched the surface of what was really going on. The fact that Juan was being so secretive and careful around Emmet said something more than just concerned about a friend. This was like handling a fragile object, or a sensative compound; one missed movement and everything was over. Damon didn't know what however. Juan was being careful, but not for Emmet's sake. For what reasons however, Juan was trying to carefully do something to Emmet. "This mystery is annoying."

This was most telling when Damon spied Juan hiding the needle that was to sedate Emmet. If they were as close as he suspected there shouldn't be an issue with trying to hook Emmet up to an IV. So hiding it meant that Juan was doing something that Emmet wouldn't approve of. Damon silently sighed and figured that he should at least play his part in all of this: The distraction.

Moving himself at the foot of the bed, away from Juan, Damon hung himself on the ceiling in an attempt to look as odd as he can. "Say Emmet, tell me about Olivia. I... Might have seen her in the past recently. Or maybe... Know someone who did." Of course he didn't. And even if he did, it would be in passing, from a person who would have no reason to know this girl. Still anything to keep Emmet distracted, and from that glare he gave Damon earlier, talking about his sister was the easiest way to get his attention. "Now that I think about it, using his sister would be the easiest way to bait this kid. Maybe we should figure out where this Olivia girl is at, peace of mind and what not..." Damon thought to himself.

Juan raised an eye brow at Damon when he spied the demon moving about and immediately edge to the ceiling. The movement distracted Juan enough to cause his body to rise upright and stepped aside, careful not to draw attention. His eyes darted to the demon's current location giving Damon a fleeting gratified look. The sedative was a precaution after all but regretfully an unavoidable one, though one better than other options. Namely forcing Emmet to mend when he clearly won't. He turned back to Emmet to see his reaction. A part him had hoped the subject might see reason but deep inside, he knew Emmet far too well. The boy lacked common sense and it came to his own survival over Olivia, it only took an idiot to see he wouldn't risk his life for his sister. Sadly, Juan had no whims about letting Olivia die to save Emmet. A fact both some times clashed on like now. His thesis was proven right shortly when Emmet still didn't answer. Instead, he just slouched there and seemed to have missed Damon's comments.

Juan's neck hairs rose on end while his body approached cautiously, eyeing Emmet's hands. He uttered curse for a warning, the only word that summed up his thoughts adeptly, “Shit!”

Emmet's hands were spread out and during Damon's words, had been feeling his essence edge out into the ground. It was a one story and wooden floor, but underneath it all was concrete. Stone and earth which meant there was something he could tap into with some effort. His eyes closed and his body leaned forward, appearing to be adjusting his posture some, then started to will his essence into the floor. Emmet felt dizziness crash into his head, nearly bring him to collapse face first into the floor. Trying to focus and keep his essence flowing, he sensed something warm, damp trailed from his nose. From the rustic and copper scent, he knew exactly what it was. Blood. With the needles in his body, he didn't feel the excruciating agony that would've caused him to black out and his mind focused on forming a puppet.

One to seek out his sister.

Red droplets splattered on the floor from his lip but his expression was empty, voided of feeling when the irises started to color reddish. Inside him, something seemed to waft and stir. His mind noticed it when it brush at the back of his mind...No, deeper. His being's very core seemed to waver. His eyes shifted from that golden hue into glowing slightly.

Juan knew Emmet was killing himself the moment he started to bleed. It had happened before in the past, though he was in much better condition and Juan could usually stop him with reasoning. The bad part, Olivia was the main factor between now and then. Juan's body jerked to react and tried to stick the needle into the shoulder. Emmet's hand shot up to stop it with surprising quickness. The hand wrapped about Juan's wrist and seemed stronger compared to the weakness earlier, keeping the needle from reaching the skin. Something wasn't right. The fingers tightened causing bones in Juan's wrist to crack, breaking slightly from the abnormal strength. More blood seeped from Emmet's ears and nose, his mouth corner starting shortly after, causing Juan to shout the first name that came to mind, “Dr. M've!”

During their little conversation, Kasain had heard it all. Apparently his patient had some relative named Olivia. It was causing him distress, so as he reported to Crow he asked for several records. When a link was found and information gleaned, he finished his report. At the tail end of such he heard his name and in response he curtly told Crow he was needed, then hung up, shoving the phone into his labcoat, and slamming one of his hands into the door, blasting it from its hinges and sending it halfway through the room.

He looked furious.

The demon's eyes glowed fiercely even in the lit room and his fingers twitched and spasmed. Emmet found himself entirely paralyzed not a moment later. The bleeding stopped, some of it even being pulled back into the human's body. "You idiot," the essence in the needles which were still in Emmet brought him to lucidity for several moments while Kasain spoke, "Listen here little rabbit. Your sister is fine. The Academy has her safely in hand. I checked. I'm sure she's quite worried about you since you're the one who went missing from her perspective, not to mention that she doesn't know that you're currently more or less on your own personal death bed." His eyelid and eyebrow twitched slightly.

He had crossed the room, grabbed Emmet's wrist, and pulsed essence through it, deactivating his nerves and muscles in that area for a moment so Juan could extricate his arm. They then reactivated so as to continue bloodflow. "Now, lay your pretty little head down, or I'll do it for you and you'll end up in a coma till you're healed? Understand!" The fury was still in his eyes as he questioned Emmet, his mouth and face suddenly able to speak now that it was required of him.

Damon watched as Emmet, Juan, and soon after Kasain started to violently try to subdue their patient. Damon wisely chose to simply remain on the ceiling, ready to drop should the need arrise. Luckily it did not as Kasain effortlessly subdued Emmet using the same technquie, or at least something similar, to what he did with the fox. Damon had a passing interest in knowing how he did that; it would certainly make hunting prey easier. Regardless Emmet was leashed and news about his sister came into light. "The Academy?"
Damon knew a little about the academy. Or at least he knew about as much as any other passerby would know about the academy. Damon never had the pleasure of consuming someone from the academy, that was for certain. Though this didn't make Damon feel any more at ease at the situation. The Academy always attracted trouble, and if Olivia was there Damon guessed it was only going to be a matter of time before another round of chaos ensued. Thinking about it, Damon did know someone from the academy. It was a stretch that he'd know anything about Olivia, but he did owe him a favor. Damon knew something deeper was going on and he wasn't going to go in blind. But he'd need someone on the inside to feed him what he needed to know. Creating a cellphone within his body Damon texted an old friend of his.

"Hey Noel, it's me, Damon. Where you at right now?"

With the message sent Damon waited patiently. He needed to know the whole story before the demon started to throw his lot into anyone's pool. While he owed it to Juan to help him out, it was obvious that he was hiding something and Damon wasn't privvy to trusting someone holding secrets from him. He needed to talk to Juan in private if he wanted answers however.

"Now that our rabbit is asleep, why don't we hurry up and set up the equipment? He's obviously still hurt and suffering from some sort of curse or whatever. Juan, what do we need to make sure this kid doesn't kill himself in his sleep?"

Juan's eyes jerked when he spotted the door come off its hinges and shot about halfway across the room, collapsing smack dab in the room's middle. His expression was clearly a mix of surprise and discomfort, still struggling to release Emmet's iron grip. The human wasn't supposed to have the strength, naturally or in his current state, which deep in Juan's mind had stirred his curiosity. Was I going about the wrong way to activate Isaac's trait this whole time? The question echoed in his mind before it fleeted away leaving him to observe Emmet's grip had stopped breaking his wrist. In silence, he saw Kasain chewing out Emmet. It was a surprise he felt himself flinch inwardly at Kasain's words and expression, fully realizing the demon had a tendency for violence if pushed. A matter true for any creature.

Emmet's body had just started to shut down when Kasain's needles were activated. Whatever had tried to push his thoughts and mind down suddenly stopped, its essence calmed and became motionless again, gone it seemed when he started to achieve awareness. The reddish glow in his eyes faded instantly leaving his eyes their normal color again. The blood trail that had edged along his mouth retreated with a mind of its own and slipped back in, his body unable to move when Kasain's words rang out. Inside his body relaxed at hearing his sister's location and the fact she was safe. When his hand was grasped and the fingers loosened, Juan carefully pulled his wrist from Emmet's hand.

After Kasain's words ripped into him, Emmet could sense his face regain movement. Unable to move his neck or brush off Kasain's hold, he inhaled then submitted, “Fine...”

His body didn't resist when Kasain aided him back into bed, left with the only option of laying on his stomach while the doctor worked. It didn't take long before he passed out from a mixture of exhaustion and his earlier stupidity.

Juan remained crouched down, his eyes studied the interaction and remained wisely quiet. Cradling his wrist, his thoughts were broken when Damon spoke up causing him to look at the demon with annoyance. “He's not cursed, I'm certain of that. It's much more complicated and I'm rather insulted you would think I would risk tainting my subjects with something as unpredictable as a curse. It wouldn't even influence the areas I required let alone the same malleability and ability to be controlled. However, appears it's rather unstable and the fact it took him being on death's door to activate explains a lot. Namely why I couldn't get any of the prior subjects to display any of the trait subject zero had. Truthfully, I don't even think he was aware it was happening.”

Rising to his feet, his arm held close to his stomach, he set the sedative on the table. It wasn't necessary anymore with Emmet asleep, his eyes drifted over the result and tried to understand what exactly happened. Juan barely registered the shift in his speech pattern or the fact his tone was unemotional in his reply, letting his body leaned against the wall. Despite his mind being active and buzzing, his bones, muscles and more had seemed to suffer enough. A disappointing matter since demons were believed to have greater endurance when compared to normal humans.

“As for killing himself, knowing she's safe helps. His judgment tends to fog over when his sister is in danger and threatened, a reason I wanted to sedate him before allowing him a chance to act stupid. Though to know exactly what happened I would have to examine him and run tests. Not something I aim to do while in his current condition.” He added quickly to assure the doctor he wasn't about to risk the patient's health...yet.

"Test subject huh? I see." Damon could now understand, at least somewhat, why Juan was so careful around Emmet. This kid wasn't important to Juan because of blood ties or anything like that. Emmet was one of Juan's little experiments, and it seems like he was the only one. Damon guessed that this Emmet kid was going to be the conduit of some sort of powerful demonic energy or maybe even something angelic. Damon couldn't say for certain, he never saw anything like this before. This would also explain why Juan was so uneasy around Kasain, as Damon figured that Kasain might do something that would ruin Juan's experiment on Emmet. Naturally Damon's curiosity wanted him to investigate this further. Juan would know the most about Emmet given that he's his test subject, but Damon also figured that someone like Kasain could figure out what's up with Emmet. He just needed to figure out who would least likely try to kill him over this. He didn't know much about Kasain and Juan was acting strange about Emmet. And in Damon's life, when someone acts strange you can no longer predict what they'd do.

"Well than, I'll leave you two to work on the rabbit. I'm going to see if I can figure out what the situation at Darius's mansion is like, see if he's going to come looking for us or not." Damon crawled along the ceiling out of the room. He was going to look into Darius's situation, but he made sure to leave a mean to pick up any conversation left in the room. Damon crawled to the roof of their hide out and took the form of a fly, preparing himself to go scout out the situation back at Darius's mansion.

At the same time he made a phone call to Noel.

Rhett turned the handle and stepped out of the shower, grabbing the nearest towel and wiping down his wet beard. He had been very thorough; he hated the feeling of dried blood getting stuck in his hair. He wrapped the towel around his waist and wiped away the condensation on the dirty mirror, sighing at all the scars that had been carved into his body over the years. Then he cringed when he saw the syringe marks riddled all over his arms and quickly dressed himself: A simple long sleeve black shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Didn't fit him right, but it was the only thing he could snatch in this dump of a hideout. Though he did manage to snag a bottle of spiced rum he pillaged in a random cabinet and had left it on the bathroom counter, just waiting for him when he finished washing up. He smiled to himself as he swallowed a quarter of the bottle in one swig. If Crow was going to be sending him on more missions like that, he was going to be demanding more booze. He fastened his holster and made a gentle touch to his machete handle before he walked out bottle in hand to see what his fellow compatriots had been up to.

Naturally the door had been busted open with the room containing faces almost as sour as his own. Apparently there had been an argument which seemed to have gotten a little... emotional. He looks up as he sees Damon leave through the ceiling. Odd fellow. Rhett glances at the other two before taking another big gulp and gesturing towards Emmet.

“So is the package alright? Or did he not make it?

Kasain remained silent throughout Juan's little speech, setting up several pathways of essence through Emmet's body for good measure and then hooking him up to the IV drip. He'd not be waking up any time soon. Once he'd finished Rhett made his presence known almost exactly as Damon exited. "He's alive and stable, though he's also an idiot," Kasain growled, though his aggression was not aimed at Rhett in the least. After checking everything over, he turned away and walked up to Juan, looking up at the man for a long moment with slightly narrowed eyes. He then laughed and looked away, going to the chair and sitting down once more.

It seemed he had more to report to Crow now, or perhaps he'd follow his doctor's oath? It really depended on how he felt about everything once all was said and done.

Juan was silent, letting the doctor make the reply. In truth, he hadn't gotten a chance to examine Emmet and satisfy his own questions. Instead he just stood there with arms crossed over his chest overlooking Dr. M've's work. In his mind, however, he felt his fretful nature clawing into his mind throughout the whole time. His fingers dug into his arm, still careful not to farther injure his wrist, when he overheard the demon's growl causing a memory to flicker over his attention. It was gone the moment Dr. M've walked up to him, his eyes jerked upright and met the doctor's eyes directly. Jawline tightened while Juan expected to be lectured or worse, only to hear the doctor laugh.

His eyes followed M've all the way to his chair, trying to determine the reason. Inwardly, he knew this problem had to be dealt with sooner or later. His eyes shifted back to Rhett and considered heading outside, namely to follow Damon and disappear for a bit to give the doctor time to calm down. The only reason he hadn't was the fact he was curious at what the doctor had laughed at and the unbridled thought the doctor might know more than he was letting on. Slowly he edged from the wall and turned his vision to the settled doctor. His eyebrow lifted while his voice emitted a calm, steady tone in his question, “Something humorous, Dr. M've?”

Kasain glanced at Juan as he spoke, and then back down at his hands, which had extracted a needle and were twirling it between his fingers deftly. "Many things," his high pitched voice stated, "...mostly how easily you lose control, after berating others, only to let them regain it so you can take hold again. It's annoying," he smiled and his eyes met Juan's, "...and pitiable."
Juan's eyes hardened, his lip curled to reveal his teeth slightly. His eyes noted and kept tabs on the needle, still aware about the one inside his body. Part of him wished it had been removed earlier, his lungs inhaled for a moment as his insides twitched again. If he could've felt it than likely he wouldn't have been standing, let along able to do anything besides wither in pain. Inside, he knew if it came down to a fight than he would lose. His body too damaged to take a hit, let alone fight back, reflexively making his fingers tighten on his arm. Clear tension spread throughout his posture though his eyes never left, “Missing variables often are the most misleading....”

His eyes broke from the doctor's and looked at Emmet, for a moment reflecting on the cost of what was right in front of his eyes. If they only knew, most would've called him a monster for it “Right now, my only concern is that my work isn't tampered with Dr. M've. Beyond that, what you and your lot do isn't my concern in the least.”

"For one who values something so much, you are not very careful as to how you treat those who help you," Kasain said observantly, "...by the way, there's an awful lot of pain moving through your nerves." The doctor's fingers twitched. He was always aware of the bodies of those whom his needles were piercing, they were linked to his essence in a way. His eyes glanced to Emmet as he spoke again, "I'm not your enemy, we could be friends, but you're to scared to let anyone in anymore. Fear and caution only get one so far. When you're the only one left to pick up the pieces, the burden can easily overwhelm. I'm a doctor, a being in the profession of saving the lives of others." His eyes turned to Juan again, calm. His smile was gone, "...I know what it is to be overwhelmed by the feelings of others, and by my own work. Luckily, I'm lucky enough to have learned my lesson." The doctor shook his head and channeled essence through the needle in Juan, it would be like an intense, but not quite painful, warmth traveling up into his arm. The bone fragments would graze eachother, reallign, and then fuse together. The process was painful, but once he was finished, his hands twitching and jittering about in the air, Juan's wrist would be healed...well, mostly. "That'll be tender for a few days, but at least it won't bother you much. In return, give me a bit of...wiggle room. You don't have to trust me."

He straightened his coat slightly, "Look at it this way. You can either work with me, and we both benefit, or you can get in the way of my job, and we both suffer the consequences. There's not much way around it. Either we both win, or no one does."

Juan looked at Kasain, his expression suspicious at first and digesting the words. When the doctor shook his head, his teeth gritted as the bones mended slightly painfully when his wrist was healed. Slowly his head lowered and watched his wrist flex and rotate, almost as good as new. He stood in silence, remembering the last man, his assistant, that he trusted. In the end it nearly cost him everything, making all his sacrifice and work worth nothing in the end. It was hard to allow it to happen again. Letting the doctor finish he closed his eyes for a moment before finally accepting the truth that Emmet wouldn't survive without Kasain's help. “Very well. Though, to inform you. The last assistant I allowed to care for my subject had nearly caused all my work to be worthless. It would've been as if you treated a patient and trusted another to take care of him, only to have him kill the patient. These habits won't be easily broken, especially after two hundred years so expect me to hover..frequently.”

Something clicked in his mind when the mention of pain in his nerves surfaced to his attention. He examined himself internally for a moment, feeling nothing when his eyes twisted down to see the needle. His jawline tightened when he spoke, “Can you judge how much pain exactly? Is the Aura essence fluxing in a rapid pattern when I speak?”

His mind had hoped the medal was properly aligned but it was possible it wasn't, a fear flooding his heart if his suspicion was correct. Namely because he would need to remedy that quickly.

Kasain flicked his finger, and in response a wave of pain flooded through Juan, briefly overflowing through his nerves, before it receded to a dull hum, then vanished again. "It is clearly important, and I figure that will answer your question as to how much," he chuckled and then closed his eyes. His fingers twitched a bit more, allowing Juan to detect that his body was in pain, without him actually being debilitated by it, something only possible with magic. He did not respond to Juan's earlier statements. Most of it was irrelevant, though he stored it for later. This man was up to far more than he let on, though whether or not he decided to inform Crow depended entirely on how he was treated from this point forwards.

If all went well, he would heed his doctor's oath and not a word of Juan's other side would slip to Crow, but if he found himself particularly bothered by the ordeal, then Juan would be in an unfortunate position if it ever served Crow's purposes to sell him out to Darius.

A sad prospect, not that it mattered much. Even if Juan ended up pursuing him, he'd find that while Kasain was no fighter, that he was about as dangerous as most demons his age. After all, he was over 1000 years old already. He knew how to survive.

Juan's mind stuttered when fire ruptured where numbness once resided. His nerves to scream in agony causing dread to settle in his heart, bones and worse of all his mind. No...he realized. His hand jerked out immediately to prevent himself from being brought to his knees while the pain edged into something more manageable. His lungs breathed in and out in a slow, steady rhythm while he tried to adjust to the sensation. Every fiber was burning on the inside which meant the ifrit and human essence were tearing each other up rather well... a matter that soon brought to light his manners and attitude in the situation. With urgency and no warning, his free hand moved to his chest where he peeled back the wound as far back as the slice allowed. It wasn't enough sadly to fully examine the problem. It didn't help the needle made ripping it open rather difficult, his eyes still warily eyeing it with slight distaste than closed his lids for a moment.

“Thank you,” Juan spoke, straining with the fact at who the words were directed, “Seems there's complications to correct before it becomes... grave.”

Choosing to overlook what the doctor might think in favor of solving the issue quickly, his body pulled past the demon and leaned down to the bag nearby. It was brought in by the shadow fox, now lounging in a corner and seeming to be asleep. He extracted a small case and twisted about, placing onto the small table before clicking it open to reveal several adept tools. Taking the Weitlaner, a tool used to pry open the flesh, he settled it against the thin tissue and thumbed the lever into extending the wound wider and held his hand there. From his smooth action and lack of reaction to the painful flare, he clearly had done this enough to expect it. He retrieved a smaller flashlight then flickered it under the skin where his eyes widened in surprise.

“Ah... sloppiness,” He commented causing him to flip the light about into his palm than reach his fingers into the wound. Something clicked and shifted, metal on metal, until a sudden shift in his pain levels occurred. Juan visibly flinched though it wasn't because of any hurting.

Gently he placed the light aside and removed the Weitlaner, inhaling for the moment while checking his body's condition thoroughly. Juan smirked in a familiar smile when he was pleased to have fixed the problem, “That's better, much better. Seems I need to work on my people skills a bit, don't you agree doc?”
His posture relaxing much more than was normal, he turned around and rested his ass against the table edge. Mentally he was trying to word his thoughts careful before he added, “Now two questions before I apologize. One, what's the rabbit's over all damage, namely after his stunt? Two, can you keep me updated on any changes in his condition? Mainly due to medical history and knowledge I rather not share unless needed doc. Mainly to avoid complications with our rabbit,” Juan's words were fluid and milder now, “As for my behavior, allow me to make it up to you. Since you seem to have a passion, I would imagine allowing you to exercise it would show you my sincerity. The choice is yours and understandable if you decline, but if you like, then I'll be appreciative if you would bind my wounds properly. Consider it my practice, though I suggest if you take that offer than you might want be careful as I am ticklish.”
Juan chuckled a bit at the last part.

The doctor's eyes remained closed, but he motioned for Juan to come closer, after which two of his four arms extracted needles and he sat up in the chair. "There was plenty of internal bleeding, several broken, or fractured, bones, and a score of terrible bruises. The bruises are healing, the bones are set together and somewhat mended, and all the internal bleeding is stopped for the moment," while he explained the rabbit's condition, he worked on Juan, his wounds closing, any bleeding ceased, though there'd still be some damage as he finished. "I will keep track of his state," he stated simply, opening one eye to regard Juan for a long moment as he cleaned and retracted his needles, stowing them in his coat once he'd finished.

After a long moment, his eye closed, "My essence will flair if I am needed, thus waking me, but for now I'll be taking a nap. I don't often get to." At that he went silent and his breathing steadied as he drifted into sleep.

Juan stood in front of the doctor and watched the demon work on him, his ears listening to the diagnosis given. It was little surprise to hear the results since Emmet had the luck to be a wound magnet, a fact his career showed often enough. Than again, Darius' attention did the boy little good in the following years. Despite Juan's continual warnings, hints and more against the Fox's punishments, Darius refused to listen so the current predicament was bound to come to a peak. Juan felt his skin mended to a tolerable state as the bleeding stopped and was patched back together, closing the wound to look several days older than it actually was. The whole time he tried not to fidget but old habits were hard to overcome. His attempts weren't helped when he felt the barrier pushed against viciously causing his fingers to curl into his palm, the nails dug into his hardened skin deeply when Kasain finished. Juan noted the eye regard him and his mouth smirked, innocently, finally happy to be rid of the doctor's needles.

After the doctor went silent, Juan made a wordless nod. His head twisted about to where Damon had vanished and thoughtfully knew he would have to follow him, Damon's hint now clearer in his head. He sighed, finally taking a step toward the door. “I'm going out to gather some supplies I hope might help some with the situation and will be back soon. Getting them later will be rather difficult. Sleep well doc as I get a feeling... the work has just begun.”

With his words left behind him, Juan exited the safe house and shut the door behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Wind Wild
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Wind Wild A sprinkle of Weird

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Themerlinhawk
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Themerlinhawk Aegis Kai Doru

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Back On the Horse

The Academy, Early Evening

Themerlinhawk & Grin

Lazarus turned gently extending his left hand through part of Si Lum Tao. I meant seeking the bridge, Lazarus had always enjoyed the gentle flow of Wing Chun forms. A pity he doubted Iris had the patience for them. Perhaps one day she would but today it was a day for beginnings. The practice room was devoid of anything but a foam mat to cushion impacts. After her fight with Ian he’d decided it was time to give her some practical training.

Iris slid through the door, expecting nobody to be present in the dusty room. When her eye’s met Lazarus’s she jumped and tore her stare to the floor. “I...never knew of the harp’s power until now…” her face furrowed into one of focus. “I still feel so much anger and hatred for no reason.”

Lazarus smiled gently at Iris “I can read the mind of a god, but that fact is written clearly on your face sweet girl” He stopped his motion through the form “There is nothing wrong with anger. It’s merely a question of learning to direct and control it. Ian just happened to be foolish enough to be standing in the way and for all his skill the young Master Snyder still has much to learn. Do not take your victory as the end of things though. Next time he will use Koshmar. And he will win.

He gestured for her to come further into the room “You know before the current combat instructor taught the academies combat classes, a man.” He paused at the word as though contemplating it. “yes I think man is a good word, A man used to teach the classes. This was before that idiot angel. His name was Alzir, and they called him the Hundred handed Devil. He was the finest martial artist in the world. And he knew much of anger. This was when I was young if you can believe that.” He smiled at her “And when I was just learning what anger was. So do not think that you are alone in knowing hatred. Or that you are special because of it.” Lazarus rolled his neck “You are special because you will use it for great things. Until then. I shall enjoy teaching you to control it. By making you angry. Shall we begin?” He adjusted his right foot back slightly and tucked his hands behind his back.

Iris’s expression softened and she took a deep breath, her eyes wandering up back to the smiling mage. She tightened her mouth to a straight line and pressed the harp against her chest, like a high school student carries books on a cold winter day. “Okay,” She cursed her shaky voice. “I’m ready.”

Lazarus suddenly furrowed his brow “Iris, what I’m about to say to you. I don’t mean it, but I have to make you angry.” Lazarus face changed to a sneer “So what is it like? To be rich and have it all to yourself? See Ian and I still have parents, well. I mean I did for the first forty years. You had them for what? 14 years and you could walk for what? 12 of them. Ian’s like 18 and his are still around. Guess he won that fight” Lazarus chuckled darkly.

Iris clenched her fists, her hood’s shadow covering her face. It was silent, but then Lazarus heard the faint sound of crying. Her anger was melting, only to be replaced by complete sorrow. As the tears smeared onto her clothes sighs hiccuped out of her in order to gain control of her embarrassing emotions. “Damn it, Lazarus…you suck at this..” a sad smile crossed her lips.

Lazarus sifted through the emotions rolling off her. Did he push her or did he give in to the need to comfort her? “You’re the one crying over dear dead daddy.” He bit his own lip as he said it and his gut twisted. Loosening the wards on his mind he gently tugged at her mind letting comfort push gently into it. Maybe we should talk instead since clearly there are some other things going on. The thought pushed gently at her consciousness.

Suddenly the room got tense, as if all the molecules in the air compressed it. Talking is for cowards. Iris’s tattoos began to glow, the red energy oozing from the symbols like glowing blood. “My dad has to still be alive….” She swallowed. “You shouldn’t talk about him like that…”

“So why the hell don’t you stop me? You seemed happy to do that to the young Mister snyder, and it’s not like he even suggested he was dead. And for the record, he doesn’t have to still be alive. He could have died a long time ago. And you know what? Maybe you’ll never know.” Lazarus stood calmly, “What are you going to do about it?”

Iris was silent, then she suddenly snaked up to Lazarus’s ear with speed, a cold, playful voice tickling his ear. I’m not the only one with dead family, isn’t that right, Tommy? what appeared to be silent laughter echoed around the room with an icy trickle, the tones of it shrill and unsettling. Iris strummed a few low key notes on her harp, the sounds reverberating off the walls. The room suddenly began to fade, the ground melting into darkness.

Lazarus eyes glazed over with solid quick silver. His hand snaked out and grabbed her by the jaw Come, enjoy my nightmare. Unraveling the Essence she had woven he rewove them turning the room around them into a desolate village. Smoke rose from the surrounding buildings and the scent of burned flesh filled the air. Do you know what it feels like to kill someone my dear? A single life sure, how about all of them? holding out his arms he gestured to the crisped skeletons scattered like dead leaves. A few of them were cowering in fear, one appeared to be a mother and child, she was covering the child and they were both dead, flesh seared from their bones. Your hatred lead you to beat Ian, mine slaughtered a whole village.

The area around Iris’s eyes were dark, like she had two black eyes. Her face had gone pale and her body quivered. No more... The village twisted and melted back into the shapes of the wall of the practice room, where Lazarus saw Iris in front of him, kneeling, her body shaking and her eyes watering. Her voice muted to a whisper. “I hate manipulating people into reliving nightmares…” Her quivering began to rise to a tremble. “I don’t want to dive into a nightmare from me again..nobody should have to feel that way..” Iris shut her eyes, preparing for whatever scolding Lazarus has in mind for being such a weakling.

Lazarus gently sank to his knees with her, his eyes still swirled with the silver sheen of Essence leaving them silver pools that reflected the soul. “Then you understand why hatred is so dangerous sweet girl, yours only hurt Ian’s pride. I wiped a village from the face of the surface with mine. You must learn to quell it and to direct the anger. You have such power and so many gifts, but you are still young. You will grow into it but I am telling you if you let it rule you, you will live to regret it.” He gently gathered her up in his arms “We all have nightmares and some of us will forever be forced to face them again and again. It is what we learn from them that matters.”

Iris sniffled and tightened her lips, trying to push back the tears as best as she could. It was a pretty sad attempt. “Okay, I just don’t want to use them on my new friends, I’m so afraid I’ll lose them…” Iris paused. “They’re so precious to me, since...since I feel that the Academy is all I may have left…”

Lazarus rubbed her back gently “Then we will simply have to learn to control them” With that he pulled her to her feet. “Lets beginning, this time. With roots.” He planted his feet firmly on the ground. “Everything comes from how we brace ourselves. From fighting to loving to thinking. You need to plant firm roots, so that you may weather the coming storm.”

Iris wiped away her tears and stood there with Lazarus, and for once, she felt like she could make a difference. She couldn’t just weather the coming storm…

She could control it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

An Unsure Alliance


Collab: yoshua171 and @Ganryu.

As Zeki joyfully yapped on his cellphone, he heard footsteps behind him, and a shadow cast by him. His eyes opened wide, and he shut his cellphone mid introduction, turning it off.

It was the first time that phone had been turned off, or even a phone call ended early in its whole life.

Zeki turned, holding his cane up to the approaching figure, the insignia on the bottom of it pointed at the man.


Having searched for at least half an hour for the man, he found himself somewhat surprised when Zeki whirled and aimed his cane at his chest. Standing several inches from the end of the cane, Szayeis found himself glancing down at it, noting the insignia, then looking back to Zeki. So he wasn't just a businessman, he was an old acquaintance too, and an influential one at that. Why, he hadn't seen the man for at least two thousand years, if not longer. Portraying this amusement was a smug smile and a knowing look that rested upon his face and in his eyes. "Hello Zeki, I've been looking for you, but it seems I have stumbled upon information far more interesting than what was given to me to find you." He looked down at the cane again and raised his hand, moving it towarrds the cane. "I wouldn't suggest that, we're in a public place and I don't think you want anyone to get hurt," his smile remained as he used a single finger to lightly push the cane downwards.

Zeki put the cane down, a smile coming to his face too.

"Wouldn't suggest what? I'm just your friendly neighborhood deal broker. It's just a cane. I was just surprised that's all. I didn't expect to run into someone of your status. So! Do you like the atmosphere up here? I think the little things make it lovely."

Zeki aptly using his cane to lower his hat a little as he looked at the person he least expected to run into. It wasn't often he ran into 'old friends'. Or whatever the hell this fiend infront of him was suppose to be. It soured his day a little, he'd have to think for the first time in a while about his aptly place prospects. This made things not so simple. In a way, perfect, it threw some spice in life, in another way, he wasn't sure he liked Szayeis as the chef.

"So, old timer, what can I do for you? I've got some lovely business going here. Feel quite settled here. I'd hate to see anything happen to it. "

On edge, yes that was the phrase that perfectly described this fellow, and how he did love to put people into such situations. "Oh? I'm sure you have some...wonderful prospects in contract. Walk with me," he gestured for Zeki to follow him as he walked past him.

Zeki followed without a moment's hesistation, twirling his cane to his side as he walked to the side of Szayeis, whistling an old tune.... far older than this city. Something probably only Szayeis would recognize. An old hymn.

Chuckling lightly as he heard the song, something lost in another time to all, but the few who lived so long as to outlive an era. Yes, Zeki had always interested him, even if the demon rarely allowed him near. After half a minute of listening, Szayeis chimed up, looking about their surroundings at how Loom had changed, or rather how it had been rebuilt, in the last 200 years. "I'm not sure if you're aware, humble businessman you are, but the end of this world is coming," he did not so much as look at the man as he spoke. "Do not misunderstand. I am not the one threatening this world," at least not this time, he thought with a chuckle. "Something far older is at work. It's rather...fortunate that you are more than I thought you to be Zeki. After all, this gives us both a unique chance," he glanced at him, a sly smile ever on his lips, "A chance for us to, perhaps, ally for once rather than fued as we used to do, even if only in jest. Of course, once the threat has...passed, we can forfeit this contract, if you will, but I think it would benefit both of us if the world continued to exist, don't you think." His smile grew and he laughed as if he'd said some kind of joke, before he turned away, appearing to observe their scenery again.

Each time he blinked, he noted another detail elsewhere. Something marked with this man's essence, or perhaps someone. Yes, it really did seem that his old friend enjoyed this new Loom.

Perhaps later...he would tear that enjoyment away, but not till later...not till he'd been of use.

Zeki's arm wrapped around Szayeis's shoulder as he joined in with the laughter, finding Szayeis's joke hilarious appearantly, he pressed the on button to his phone.

"Always were funny you were. Afterall, it was hilarious when in jest you burned down my island, and even more so when half your demons got stranded and lost."

Zeki's tone was a little confusing on whether he found that funny, or just Szayeis in general. He took a selfie with the man. Zeki's nature wasn't particular brave, but it wasn't to back away either. He marched to his own tune, and nothing was going to change that.

"So, buddy, what exactly is in store to make you scared? That. That is interesting to me."

Zeki unwrapped his arm, his voice more serious.

"Do you know how hard it is for something to be interesting to me? But you, you being scared is one of them. I don't particularly care what title you use to describe us, allies, enemies, whatever, it's all the same. People like you are normally easy to read, see what benefits you the most. It's all so boring. But circumstances like this.... it makes me feel alive to experience something new. It doesn't matter if you're trying to play me or not, I'm curious. Do tell."

While he heard Zeki's comments about some of their prior...exchanges, Szayeis made no comment, instead he just smiled slightly, a false smile, "Indeed." As the man continued however, he found the demon's choice of words rather annoying, even if it was more accurate than he'd like to admit. "This is hardly the place," he said, glancing about, "...perhaps somewhere more...private would suit our purposes better, mmm? If you don't trust me well enough for that, then let me first offer you a teaser. What we're facing isn't just stronger than a demonic lord, or a gatekeeper, it's stronger than a god, and its only wish is to see this world, and the two joined with it, wiped from the face of existence along with everything that lives within it." As he finished, the lord looked to Zeki and smiled, yet while his smile appeared innocent enough, the look in his eyes showed a deep malice that would tell him to stop toying with him.

For all the sufferring he inflicted on others, Szayeis did not much like it when the tables were turned--even if only in minor situations. One could say that Szayeis coveted control, perhaps that was why he was so good at manipulation.


Zeki's reaction seemed underwhelmed, though truth be told, it was something that definitely caught all of his attention. He was already getting deep in thought when he noticed Szayeis's glare.

"Please, you look like my mother-in-law."

He scratched his chin, and leaned against a wall as he thought about it. This sort of thing wasn't normal. For 'Gods' like Szayeis to use the term, this thing apparantly had a pretty good shot at doing it. The world ending would be bad for business. And stopping the world from ending would keep him busy for a little bit. How wrong would it be to be bored when the very world was ending.

Zeki's face broke into an even larger smile.

"Kudos, Mr. Szayeis you've caught my interest. I believe we have a partnership. Let's see. I know of a warehouse not too far from here that will be empty. I'd love to see how I fit into your plans."

The word 'will' was definitely definitive. If it wasn't, it was going to be. Zeki, curious, was one of the most dangerous forces on earth.

His glare diminished somewhat after which point he looked away, raising his hand and looking down at it. He could feel the essence he'd managed to gather thus far, it still wasn't enough, but it was a start, at least no normal schmuck, or some demonic lord could step all over him now. He had Darius, and his earlier feast to thank for that.

Glancing up when Zeki smiled and began to speak, Szayeis nodded then gestured forwards, "Lead on then." He liked how the demon had said it would be empty, rather than supposing that it already was. Perhaps they'd get to have a bit of lunch before their...chat.

Zeki held a briskwalk towards the warehouse, walking straight through the front door. Several forklifts were at work in it, and a manager directing it. He turned to see Zeki.

"Mr. Glaedwine? What can I do you fo-"

"Get out. Send everyone home. This place is taking a break today."

"Today's packed there's no way-"

Zeki simply glanced at the man, whose essense ebbed, the back of his neck burning. Zeki's mark visibly showed itself through his clothing.


The warehouse was empty in under a minute, more like evacuated. He turned to Szayeis.

"I'm sure you're disappointed. Now, as you were saying, some heathen wants to play god. What's the story?"

Zeki leaned against a crate, waiting to be filled in.

Mildly impressed by Zeki's influence, but also mildly disappointed, Szayeis watched them all file out, after which point he let out a deep breath, his form ceasing to be human as he reverted to a more natural state. He was like a three dimensional silhouette in his base form, a silhouette with white pupils embedded where a face should be. Slight discolorations showed various features, namely a mouth, fingers, and the seldom marking that slipped over his shadowflesh--if one could call it flesh at all. "It's not quite that simple, if it were I'd not be asking for help, now would I?" His tone was much more serious now.

With little humor in sight he began to explain, "As you know this world was formed by a god named Aaurus, who later created Lucy, the second god, or rather first goddess I suppose." His white eyes glanced towards Zeki as he continued, "That is a god, a being capable of easily and seamlessly creating not just life, but entire realities as well. This is not what we're dealing with. What we're dealing with, is a being...or rather half of a being, that most people are not even aware exists--even though they talk about it here and there." He paused again, his form fluctuating slightly as his essence assimilated nearby shadows, though he did not change their form by doing so. "The void, as most call it, is not just a realm. It's a massive, infinite being beyond the scope, in both power and consciousness, of even the gods. In fact, Aaurus is apparently its child, from what I've gathered." He looked to Zeki again, "The bad news is we're dealing with this being, whose name is Inaniae, the good news...we're only dealing with half of it, which incarnated into a mortal form near the beginning of Hell and was later fooled into shattering its soul."

He stopped there, regarding Zeki for a long moment. He wasn't quite done, but he was curious as to the demon's reaction to all of this. Plus, he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell him the whole truth. He didn't know if he wanted to tell this man, who in some ways was his equal, that within him dwelled a fragment of Inaniae's shattered soul. Even further he did not want to reveal that it was very possible that, if done a particular way, he would die in the process of purging Inaniae from this reality.

So how much more should he say? That was the question after all. It always was when one was playing the Game. That...and how to say it.

Zeki reguarded the situation very seriously. It was in a way, applaudable in the Szayeis had shut up his banter with the news. It wasn't just some minor demon rebelling, or some angel displaced. It threatened all demonkind, mankind, angelkind, and chimerakind. For a minute, he wondered if Crow wanted a 'god' to add to his collection. Zeki though had one question that he couldn't find the answer to.

"Where do I fit exactly into all this? I'm not sure exactly what a humble shopkeeper like myself can do. It seems to me, the best choices we have are not reasonable ones. I don't like anything I've come up with.I'm guess you are planning on incorporating the void into all of this. Are we throwing ourselves, or this 'god' into it? I don't see even solutions to this ending well."

With Zeki's reaction, he figured he could trust him with a bit more information. "Well there are two things of relevance really. First is its fragments, which must be sought out and purged, the second is of course, Inaniae himself. I managed to lock him in the center of my realm within the Chimeric Citadel, but that will only last so long. Once his fragments are gone and his body destroyed, he will, like any being with mortal form, be sent to the void where he will rejoin with his other half. Normally this would be an idiotic plan, but the process of entering the void erases personality and emotion. From what I could tell while the damned primordial was attempting to assimilate me to hasten its awakening, it normally would not have emotion and without motion it would lose the very hatred that drives it to wish destruction upon the reality we all call home."

He took in a deep breath and then looked to Zeki, "So yes, I suppose the question is twofold for you, Amrit. Will you gather enough people together to assist in the defeat of the main body and the search for the remaining fragments by way of your connections, or are you willing to stand against it yourself when the time comes?" His eyes bore into Zeki's own as he waited for the man's response. Both plans of attack would be helpful, but in his opinion Amrit would gather others to serve both as fodder and to find the other fragments, then stand alongside those who would ally to prevent the destruction of all they had ever known.

However, they did not live in a perfect world.

If they did, he would not exist, and neither would this problem. So it was up to the demon before him.

Zeki flinched at the use of his real name. It reminded him that he didn't hold over Szayeis what he held over almost everyone else, experience. He hated having anything close to an equal there. Power, that didn't mean much to him, so many people had that, but experience.... that was a domain he was rather fond of having. The eye boring for once actually did bother him. Zeki grabbed his hat with his cane.

"You do realize, this could be the worse possible scenerio, if we succeed, it could be far worse than if we failed."

Zeki didn't bother explaining, and stood up fully.

"I think I know what I'm doing. Power's not really important to me, so I'd rather not stand against it myself. I'm a busy man. I'd rather it be a wee bit weaker, have someone younger and more spry do the job. Put me roughly under the category of finding fragments."

For a long moment his eyes remained on Zeki as he considered the demon's choice. "Very well," he raised a shadowy hand and gathered together a sphere of essence, infusing into it the necessary knowledge to discern fragments. He then weaved the essence into a spherical construct of shadow and let it go, at which point it drifted over to Zeki. "Mark that with your sigil, it will provide you with the necessary knowledge to tell the difference between a normal nightwalker and a fragment. There's enough essence in that for you to share it with some of your other colleagues and...clientele if you deem it necessary. When in public the orb itself will hide in your shadow. Feel free to tap into it at any time. Doing so, depending on whether or not your intention is to contact me, will notify me of your use. Think of it as a phone of sorts."

He left it at that, his form drifting to a nearby shadow, before he glanced at the demon again. "Good luck Amrit..." he then turned away and strode through the shadow, vanishing from the area, both form of presence both.

What Szayeis' new ally didn't know was that the orb also served as an eye. Szayeis didn't quite trust him after all, and so to leave him with such extensive knowledge and not at least attempt to place some insurance, would be utterly foolish.

With this in mind he had constructed the orb. Luckily, Zeki, while an old friend, did not know much of his personal capabilities--few did. While the demon broker would surely know he could manipulate shadows, take in chaos, and detect deception with his eyes--an ability that he no longer actually had--he would not know the subtleties of such. This gave him an advantage. However, he was in a similar position. After all, the two had neer fought outright.

Putting it out of mind, the nightwalker headed for the Academy. It was time to pay Aeris a visit, at least before he got down to business.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sometime in mid-afternoon

The ring of the phone was shrill. Especially after the twentieth time. There had been a little pause when it’d kicked over to voice mail, but it started back up soon enough. Whoever was calling thought it was important enough to keep going until someone answered. Which might not have been the wisest idea for them in the long run. But finally, someone got up to answer the phone.

It was far too early in the day to be awake. It was hardly even close to sunset and yet, she was awake. And anything but happy about it. Especially since it seemed that it was because of idiocy that she was awake when she could still at least be laid up in bed working on trying to get herself some sort of relief from the nagging in her brain. But even that wasn't going to be enough she knew. That didn't stop her from being annoyed about being dragged out of bed. But she was always annoyed about having to do things she wasn't in the mood for.

Masha was sat at her office desk, lacy robe half draped around her shoulders but untied around her middle. She was on the phone with someone, slim fingers trailing along the spine of her little kitty cat who was walking along her desk. "Yes, for the fifth time in the last ten minutes, I understand what has happened." The voice on the other end of the line chattered on, leaving Masha literally rolling her eyes at this.

"You must be new," she said, cutting in, her voice now fully colored with her annoyance. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have done something so stupid as to call me in the middle of the day." And with that she hung up the phone. A string of curses rolled out in Russian.

A ginger head popped into the room, followed by the owners shoulders. "Not worth it then?" The tall man asked, stepping in more.

"When is it ever," she sighed, rubbing at her eyes while her tomcat hopped into her lap, settling down with a soft purr. "I know that I've told them to call if there's problems, but you would think at least one of them had a few brain cells to rub together. Three hundred years, and humanity just seems to get stupider."

The man sat himself down on her desk, crossing his arms over his bare chest. "Well, we can always go back to bed you know." He gave her a teasing smile that was followed by a chuckle.

Masha stretched, jostling the cat from her lap when she stood to lean against him. "I do like that idea, Bryce," she murmured, silky and low, fingers trailing along fresh cuts along old scars from her on his flesh. "Maybe I've given up on humanity too quickly, there's still a few good ones in the herd."
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