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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I did. I'm probably just blind and stupid though, so could you humor me and tell me what it is?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Also, deciding on a favorite color is really hard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silverwind Blade said
I Mister Roman07 - are you you want to play? Because every other time you have joined in on GEARs, you've dropped out about two posts in after saying you can't take your character seriously, or just dropped out without a word. If you're sure that's not going to happen this time, then welcome. But I'd rather not get into things, and then you change your mind or drop out once we've got started.

The biggest problem is the whole anthro thing. I just can't seem to get my head around a character that's not human so I'll admit its much harder to play. I wanted in Aristo's game but it looked like it was about to die so I'm kinda dying to play a good mecha game. I've noticed your starting up a metal gear esque rp as well and honestly wo dering if id be better suited for that game. I really like your writing style as well as the stories you come up with and that's what keeps bringing me back.

I never had any intention of ruining the game for others so if you like I'll gladly step down for the int check ppl that way it does not get too overcrowded like previous games. If its ok with you id rather apply for the metal gear game since it would fit me etter despite the lack of pilotable giant robots lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HopelessIncubus


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

hey guy's i just got the replacement screen for my good laptop with all my old chars on it, so im going to redo mike from that,instead of making a new one entirely. it should be up tommarow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 5 days ago

I know I said I would have a CS up today, but it's taking longer than I thought it would. I'll have one up this weekend for sure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: Oliver Stone
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Tiger

Oliver is an extravert and social person. He's easy to talk too and often likes to be in the center of attention. He's outgoing and undertaking. Often rather impulsive and recklessly jumping on the opportunity without thinking things through. His impulsiveness has often brought the Tiger into trouble. Oliver is always playful and hardly ever seems to take things seriously. For him live seems to be a game. Behind his cheerful and extravert mask lies a more darker side. Oliver has a hard time of letting people get truly close to him and hardly ever shares his true feelings. When people tend to get to close Oliver shuns them away. Especially his relation with his father is a touchy subject

Oliver is the only child of Maximilian Stone. A now high ranking general among the Landren Defence Force. His mother died due to complications while giving birth to Oliver. Due to the loss of his wife Maximilian Stone started to focus almost entirely on his career as a professional soldier, leaving his son in the hands of various care takers and private schools while he rose through the ranks. Leaving Oliver to grow up practically without his parents.

Without proper parental guidance, Oliver started to hang out on the streets with his friends looking for ever more exciting ways to entertain themselves. On the age of 13 Oliver hijacked a civilian construction GEAR and took it for a joyride through the capital of Landren. Even though the ride lasted less than a hour, he still managed to cause severe property damage resulting in 4 months of juvenile prison. His father only visited him once during that time to tell Oliver that he was a disgrace to the family. Over the course of the next 7 years Oliver would get himself another 14 times convicted for all kinds of small crime and juvenile misbehavior such as alcohol and drug abuse, joyriding, vandalism, trespassing, sexual harassment and shoplifting.

Displeased with the behavior of his son, Maximilian finely kicked Oliver out of the house at the age of 20. Without the financial support of his father, Oliver was forced to look for a job. Considering his criminal record, it proved to be a mission impossible to get a regular job. As a last resort Oliver Joined the LDF. During basic training Oliver proved to be a touch customer to drill as he was more into drinking with his mates and pulling pranks than conforming to the armies hierarchical discipline. None the less Oliver managed to pass the final test with only the minimum score. It was much to his surprise when Oliver found out that he would be enlisted in a renowned 101ste Tactical Gear unit "RoughRiders".

Personal equipment:
- 9mm pistol
- 9mm submachine gun.
- Customized GEAR Pilot helm with additional HUD information capabilities
- Infrotech mark IV PADD with custom OS and applications. It's the latest model produced in the south.

Favorite color: Red
Personal theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3n5t6A9FUk

Mecha sheet:

GEAR Name: Triuss Heavy Industries, S-Series "Saxknot"
GEAR Serial number: I.D. 3364-880
Role: Reconnaissance & Electronic warfare
The GEAR's loadout is focused on gathering information by using it's radio antenna's to listen to wireless communications and relaying that information to the rest of the squadron. Also it's systems can be actively used to jam radio frequencies or overpower transmissions with it's own.
Weapon systems:
2 X 5.56mm machineguns in the left wrist with 1200 rounds each
1 titanium retractable blade in the right wrist
1 X 20mm GEAR assault rifle with 4X30 round mags
Anti-radar chaff
Sensors and Electronic warfare systems:
GEAR Launched reconnaissance drone
360 degree aerial and ground scanning radar
UWB "See through walls" Radar
Thermal imaging and nigh vision sensors with long-range zoom
Standard GEAR computer
GEAR electronic warfare/code cracking computer
Multi frequency radio antenna's
Radio jamming antenna's

Other notes:
The Triuss Heavy Industries MP series is known for its flexibility in load outs and great mobility. The GEAR offers two hard points on its back to install weaponry or sensor modules with ease. Also all electronic systems are module based and easily replaced or upgraded to later models. The GEAR is lightly armored for a GEAR but offers great speed and maneuverability but offers little protection against armor piercing rounds
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Friendly bit of information, you've got a 403 on that character appearance image, buddy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

The Roman07 said
The biggest problem is the whole anthro thing. I just can't seem to get my head around a character that's not human so I'll admit its much harder to play. I wanted in Aristo's game but it looked like it was about to die so I'm kinda dying to play a good mecha game. I've noticed your starting up a metal gear esque rp as well and honestly wo dering if id be better suited for that game. I really like your writing style as well as the stories you come up with and that's what keeps bringing me back. I never had any intention of ruining the game for others so if you like I'll gladly step down for the int check ppl that way it does not get too overcrowded like previous games. If its ok with you id rather apply for the metal gear game since it would fit me etter despite the lack of pilotable giant robots lol

Fair enough, it's a shame you find that a stumbling block, espeically if you like my storyline and writing style, as it's kind of an integral part of the setting. But nvm, feel free to join in the other one.

HopelessIncubus said
hey guy's i just got the replacement screen for my good laptop with all my old chars on it, so im going to redo mike from that,instead of making a new one entirely. it should be up tommarow.

Woo! Glad you got it sorted, and that your laptop is back in business. I bet you must be happy about it too. I'll look forward to seeing Mike's return.

Ridlins said
I know I said I would have a CS up today, but it's taking longer than I thought it would. I'll have one up this weekend for sure.

No worries - I was expecting to have got mine up by now, but the site's been up and down, and I got hooked in vidya games last night, as well as doing some chores. No rush, take your time.

Milkman, Oliver looks fine, but Rafale's right - you have a broken image link. But approved anyway. Same with you, Rafale old chap.
I'll start adding approved characters to the OP shortly (probably after I get mine up >.>;;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Hmm, I think it's the image size. The link works fine when I paste it in my browser. Changed it to a link as workaround :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Character Sheet

Character Name: Silverwind Blade
Age: 44
Species: Red Fox
Around 5' 9", and solidly built. Muscular, but not a powerhouse; more of a stamina vs. power build. Obviously keeps physically fit and active. Fur has dulled to a rusty colour with age, and his white has become a little less brilliant with age. Grey around the muzzle, and his brown hair has white and grey streaks in it.
Only one eye; warm, brown and occasionally twinkles with mischief, humour and especially determination. Still looks young, in the rest of his face. His left eye is gone, and is instead at the middle of a pattern of rough and crude scars. Normally, it's covered by a black leather patch. Small nicks and notches on his muzzle on the same side, and a little cut out of his left ear too.
Left arm is also gone, replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis that exactly mimics the originals' range of movement and sense of touch, but is obviously not real, made of synthetic plastic materials and artificial muscle and nerve fibers. It is coloured black-and-white, and has no hidden gizmos or gadgets: it's a replacement, not an enhancement.
Wears practical, functional clothing, but has an eye on what he likes. Often wears BDU-cut trousers even when not on duty; just not in camouflage colours. Boots of some kind instead of sneakers etc. Likes T-Shirts and work shirts.
On duty, normally wears BDU pants in an appropriate camo pattern for the area, with either a BDU shirt with the sleeves removed, or a T-shirt with no sleeves, fingerless tactical gloves, and an equipment harness. His PADD is strapped to his right forearm in a ballistic nylon case for easy access. He sometimes wears a Shemagh-type black-and-white scarf around his neck as well.

Despite his gruff voice and weathered look, Silverwind is a pretty nice guy. He's had some tough times - quite obviously - and met some terrible people, but he's also seen the best of what Arvaran's - of any nationality - can do to help one another, which he finds inspiring.
He is dedicated to the idea of doing better, and trying to help those who can't help themselves, and while a man of strong morals and good nature, he is not naive or a pushover, and will not easily forgive and forget those who make others suffer. Especially those he cares about. He is more than cognizant of the fact that 'good people sometimes have to do bad things', to make the world better for everyone, and while a good man, 'good doesn't always mean nice'.
He is loyal and rewarding to those who are good-natured and friendly toward him and one another, and has little time for those who are unpleasant or cruel to others, and will deal with them as much as is necessary, and no further.
He values intelligence and honesty, as well as bravery, and would not ask anyone to do something he wouldn't do himself.
His personality has gotten him into trouble with LDF high command, and with various politicians he's come into contact with, but this doesn't bother him a great deal, as others who are like-minded have taken his side on more than one occasion too.
While he has a great deal of respect and faith in the discipline and organization of the LDF, and for it's regulations and protocols, he also still harbours a very ingrained independent and creative streak, and believes firmly in encouraging others to think outside of the box and develop their particular and unique talents and skills. While he frequently bends the rules or interprets them creatively, he is firmly dedicated to his oath as a soldier and the constitution of the LDF and Landren as a whole, and more so to his own moral code and beliefs in protection of the weak and innocent against those who wish to harm them.

Personal History:
Silverwind was born in a small town near the North-West border of Landren. Between the shores of the Drennian sea and the forested foothills of the Andalean Mountains, it is a land renowned for its' natural beauty, as well as it's extensive farming area.
His mother was an artist and musician, while his father was a GEAR Pilot in the LDF. He has a younger sister (two years younger) named Sabine, who is a medical technician in the General Hospital of Anteriad, one of Landren's larger cities.
Silverwind was a bit of a troublemaker at school, but mainly for getting into fights sticking up for people. He received some talks from his Dad and his Dad's friends that straightened him out a bit, but retained that edge long into his teenage years and adulthood.
His father was killed when he was around 13-14 years old, and while he was devastated - along with the rest of his family - the stories from his Dad's combat buddies of what he did inspired him to join up with the LDF, and strive to do the same.
After joining the LDF, he scored excellently in all tests and grades, but had a minor problem with authority and the specifics of his orders, but displayed courage and initiative.
He was trained as a GEAR pilot, and deployed on several tours of duty, receiving mention in messages to HQ for his actions several times in encouters with raiders and other menaces, and eventually was selected for Special Operations.
There, he excelled, and was quickly seconded to the Roughriders, one of the premier units of Special Ops in the LDF. There he met people who became his best friends, including Reeza's later commanding officer, the 'Kommanda'. The pair became firm friends, and he also grew very close to Izzy, one of his colleagues in the unit.
They performed many successful operations, acting as an Arvaran equivalent of the Navy SEALs; operating with a great degree of freedom and latitude, balanced with a strong sense of pride in their unit, intense training and self-discipline, and a wide array of skill sets and expertise.
They were becoming almost too famous at one point, especially so for their distinctive GEARs, which were home to a wide array of operational test equipment and systems. However, after a mission turned bad due to a betrayal from within, the unit was disbanded. Most of the members were MIA or KIA, and the remainder all suffering from grevious wounds, either physical or psychological - or both. The remaining members kept in touch with one another as they drifted into different areas of life.
Silverwind fell into a deep depression at this time, bought both by the loss of his comrades and Izzy - who had become his lover - and due to the extent of his injuries. It was only a year ago that he recovered enough, after being headhunted by an old acquaintance to spearhead a new project for the LDF, in the form of a QRF based around mixing types of GEAR in the same unit, and using unconventional tactics, as pioneered by the original 101st. She wanted Silverwind to lead the new group, and he agreed, after some soul-searching, and a great deal of intensive planning and strategizing with her, and other influential and trusted colleagues and comrades-in-arms.

Personal Weapons and Equipment:
Standard LDF-issue heavy calibre revolver w/optional LAM/flashlight unit. Carried in holster on left thigh, with speedloaders on right thigh.
Carbine version of standard LDF Adaptable Battle Rifle (ABR) with standard electronic sight and under-barrel flashlight. Optional suppressor, grenade launcher and shotgun attachments issued as needed. When carried, is clamped to a mount-point on the right of his GEAR-harness backpack, to be drawn over one shoulder. Spare magazines carried on pouches down right side of GEAR pilots' harness.
He also carries a Kukri-style machete, clamped to a harness point on the left side of his back. This is carried most of the time when expecting trouble.
A standard-issues combat/survival knife is carried on the right side of his chest in a plastic sheath, handle down, to be drawn quickly for use. As above, this is carried whenever trouble is expected, or when it might be useful to have a cutting tool.

GEAR pilots' suit for when in action, plus ballistic armour/equipment harness, and pilots' helmet with red-white checkered pattern on visor guard.
Military-spec PADD strapped to right forearm
Cigarettes & paraffin lighter (zippo-esque)

Personal Theme:

Mecha Sheet
Gear Name & Serial Number: H4R-CV Harlock (Commander Variant)
Role: Command Variant of general-purpose battlefield GEAR
Normal Loadout:

  • Hand-carried 20mm autocannon rifle w/under-barrel single-shot anti-armour rocket

  • Right shoulder mounted 3-tube guided multi-purpose missile launcher

  • Left shoulder mounted auto-loading 60mm light mortar, fed from carousel of rounds for total 18 rounds. Usually split with a third high-explosive, third armour-piercing and the remaining 6 into paired special types (EMP, smoke, etc).

  • Utility/Combat GEAR-scale Kukri machete stowed on rear waist

  • Twin 6.7mm head-mounted miniguns

Other Systems & Equipment:
As a command-variant GEAR, Silverwinds' Harlock mounts a C3i - command, control, communication and intelligence - electronics suite that assists in giving a full picture of the battlefield and deployment of forces through the 'net and data fusion from multiple sources.
The Harlock in general also mounts smoke, chaff and flare launchers, as well as a modest amount of internal cargo space for personal survival and combat equipment, as well as a heavy-duty powered winch and cable, and powerful spotlights with infra-red filters.
Numerous equipment hardpoints for add-on equipment packs are provided on the frame, to allow rapid refit for different roles through the use of additional weapon, sensor and environmental modules.
Other notes:
The Harlock family of General Purpose battlefield GEARs have been the mainstay of the LDF for the last twenty-five years. The base of many variants and upgrades, as well as remaining the standard combat GEAR for most LDF units, the Harlock is beginning to show it's age, but has still got plenty of use left.
The Commander Version features enhanced artificial muscle systems, as well as improved power-trunking and data-network capabilities, as well as reinforced joints, aside from its' C3i upgrades. The additional head-antennae on the Harlock CV distinguish it from the regular version on the battlefield.
Now long in the tooth, the Harlocks are being examined for replacement, as they are now the oldest GEARs in LDF service, with a multitude of other types around them. Tenders have been accepted from a small array of companies (the Sul-27, for example, is one being considered) and have been deployed as a trial in field by some units to test their performance in comparison to existing models of GEAR used by the LDF.
Nonetheless, a Harlock is still a capable machine, and in the hands of a good pilot, remains competitive with newer models of GEAR.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rafale
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Rafale Eurocanard

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Very nice, Silver, as usual.

Anyway, I was looking over the characters and I found that Milkman's character also has a 403 on the appearance. Might want to look into that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kyelin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hope this picks up soon, am keen to start ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nowadays, I mirror all my images to Imgur. Save Inkbunny some bandwidth and just do that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

I just noticed that i get an error when opening the link with my cellphone. I will look in to it as soon as possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitches
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I can't seem to figure out how to open the files to read about this RP. Could you explain how it works?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

They're just links to files on dropbox. Shouldn't be any trouble in opening them up, no-one else has had any trouble. However, they're background files on the subjects mentioned, as the background is a big part of the game.

Essentially, to try and distill it down a little - The player characters are all part of a race of anthropomorphic animals on a planet named Arvara. They live in a pre-constructed society, which is hi-tech and civilized. The 'pre-constructed' part is apparent, as they gained awareness around 250-some years ago that they had been living a 'routine' life, without questioning.
This awareness shook their society, and lead to the forming of nations and groups, and has lead to a state of near-war between the various groups, as they have different ideas on how to run their society, and who their Creators might be.

Some of their high-technology is in the shape of formidable robot vehicles, practical because of their level of technology, and the unique geography of their world, that involves strong magnetic fields that prevent aircraft from being a dominating battlefield presence (you can see examples of the mecha on peoples' sheets).

The current situation is that there are two large power blocs, the oppressive, fascistic Northern Empire, whose self-declared Royal Family use disinformation and propaganda to whip their population up into dedicated xenophobic frenzy, and the mysteriously isolationist and aloof Southern Alliance, who close their borders to outsiders, but still seem to be spying on everyone and pulling strings.
In between are the far more moderate and varied Independent States. Landren is the biggest one, and (probably) one of the most liberal and moderate. The PC's are a newly-formed experimental combat GEAR squadron of the Landren Defence Forces - LDF - and will end up getting involved in something that starts out as a routine op, but ends up being vital to the survival and outcome of the whole Arvaran species, and answers a lot of questions.

In short, you get to play a fuzzy animal person who pilots a kick-ass robot. Your character will need to be well-rounded, as it's not just about playing a furry. It's not especially cute, it has a plot with some serious questions and implications, and there will be quiet drama moments as well as things exploding a lot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Kyelin said
Hope this picks up soon, am keen to start ^^

Just waiting for a couple more people to post their characters! I'm sure they'll pick up soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hailfire
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Hailfire Tenacious Rogue

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My CS is ready! Mostly. The final paragraph of ashers personal history may need altering.

Name: Ashers Price

Nickname: (feel free to create one IC. Nicknames are given not chosen. I will add it here once ones developed)

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Species: Artic Wolf



Always wears bandages as hand wraps on forearms sometimes changing the colour. Ashers is generally something of a tomboy in her fashion sense. She enjoys changing up the dyes she uses in her hair and fur usually going for vibrant colours where she can. The two black streaks on her face in the ref pic are examples of this.

Personality: Ashers has always had an ambitious and devil-may-care attitude to life and this causes her to frequently take risks in her actions although the pressures of actual combat may tame this somewhat. Only time will tell. Aside from this she is usually caring and outgoing with some exceptions. She has a nasty temper once she's lit.

Personal History:
Ashers Price house as she grew up was in the poorer sections of Landren's capital Ourven but it is important that her house is differentiated from her home. It's true she spent a lot of time at her house but, where possible, she spent as much time as possible at her fathers work on the shock racing track where she learnt about mechanics and racing. As soon as she hit thirteen she began to spend whatever time she could outside of education at the track either talking to the drivers or in the garage tinkering with spare engines. It wasn't long before her father had her working on the racing vehicles with him.

It was clear early on that Ashers was a risk taker. Her creations and work at the track had a tendency to either be resounding successes or spectacular failures and rarely conformed to the normal means of doing things or the requested end. The moment she hit 18 she began to race always insisting on doing the work on her vehicle herself.

As she had thought she would Ashers excelled at racing even became prominent in the big leagues of the races gaining a number of well paying sponsors. At 21 though her career ended as rapidly as it had begun when, during her first race in the top league, Ashers went for a risky but theoretically possible overtake. The other racer, not accounting for her taking the opportunity, had swerved and the cars collided totalling both of them and severely injuring the other driver. Ashers escaped only with splints in her forearms caused when she threw her arms in front of her as the airbag came up. The incident, which received heavy media attention, was pinned on Ashers and her sponsorship was withdrawn effectively eliminating her from any future competition. The damage to her arms healed fast but ever since she has worn bandages on her forearms and wrapped around her hands for two reasons. One. They function well as fingerless gloves. Two. They look baddass.

It didn't take long after her accident on the racetrack for Ashers to decide to join the LDFs standing army as her next big challenge and within months of leaving motor-sport she entered the LDF academy. From here Silverwind hand-picked her for her aptitude with machinery, as well as her innovative and somewhat resourcefully rebellious streak; he's looking for people with those attributes. Also, he wanted someone fresh, rather than experienced, so they'd be able to bring a perspective that wasn't coloured with years of acquired habits.

Weapons & Equipment:
-Explosives. Ashers carries a large amount of these in her UG-02s "sapper sack" and a smaller quantity in her own rucksack. Being a malleable material the required amount can be broken off the main block and then set and armed with a variety of different detonators. The fiddly process of setting the detonators must be done by hand but once done the bombs may be placed, armed and detonated by a GEAR if need be.
-LNF (Landren National Firearms) PDW-3p.This is a highly compact; high capacity, bull-pup personal defence weapon. It utilises a helical magazine loaded through the stock that stretches until just behind the trigger assembly. When loaded the magazine is completely enclosed and not visible from the weapons exterior. A lever accessible from both sides of the weapon must be disengaged and pulled back manually to retrieve the magazine. Fortunately reloading isn't necessary often with a capacity of 50 rounds. Despite being classed as a pdw due to its compact size the weapon uses 5.56x19mm rounds. It is approximately 40 centimetres long overall with a barrel length nearly as long. The p version of the gun is made primarily of polymers in an attempt to lighten its weight. Ashers has hers equipped with a single point sling, a high frequency laser sight and a flashlight. 3 magazines carried including the one in the gun. (This weapon was a heavily remodelled version of this gun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PP-19_Bizon.i)
-Ordnance Disposal Suit. You know what this is. Heres hoping it never needs to be pulled out of the sapper sack where it belongs. Adjusted to meet the body proportions of the user and heavy as hell. This suit is coloured in digital camouflage pattern.
-Rucksack. Khaki green with little pink flowers on it. Isn't it sweet?
-Tactical knife.
-Vanguard Handgun: a standard-issue semi-auto handgun. 3 magazines carried including the one in the gun.

Personal Theme Tune: "GEAR rush [to victory]" Classical violin dubstep - Kim Eifert

Gear Name: UG-02a1 "Beelzeboss"

Pilot: Ashers Price

Appearance: The UG-02a1 line of GEARs are bulkier than dedicated combat models and possesses wider joints in addition to a thicker torso. Their forearms are longer and significantly wider than the norm and, when the GEAR is standing, drop down to about halfway between its knees and ankles. It's legs are digitigrade giving the GEAR more height and increasing the ground clearance of the machines enormous arms. On the back of the each leg, on the raised portion between the digitigrade toes and the machines ankle, is a set of four heavy duty looking wheels set up like in line skates.

The machines head is shaped much like a (real world) olympic cycling helmet with the pointed end running down the machines back and the bulbed end affixed at the top of the torso. There is no visible joint or socket where the head attaches and the entire gloss black structure of the head has a low profile in relation to the torso.

Aside from the front of the UG-02s torso the entirety of the machine is designed with rounded edges or, where possible, to eliminate having edges at all. The front of the torso is built with flat panels arranged in a near V shape minus the corner on the front which is cut off to look more like this : \_/ . The torso gets thinner towards the waist.

At the moment the entirety of the machine with the exception of the head is currently painted matt grey and its serial numbers are printed on the front panels of its torso.

General Info:
UG line GEARS are designed as utility GEARs and as such built with higher strength and load baring ability than the average combat GEAR, hence its bulkier frame, joints and unusual arm design. The UG-02 is designed for combat engineering roles and is chain produced although nowhere near as common as old Gungir models of GEAR due to its specialised role in the field.

The oversized arms the UG-02 possesses can be used to aid in the GEAR locomotion if necessary granting it more agility than it would otherwise have had and aiding its speed up hills. Its speed is also aided by the wheel-set located between the machines digitigrade toes and its ankles. In spite of this the machine is still slower moving than most general combat GEARs.

Due to its intended purpose as a utility vehicle instead of a focussed combat one UG-02s are rarely seen with purpose built weapons affixed to their hard-points although some engineering equipment is useable in such a capacity. The head design traded visibility for durability on account of the likelihood of an engineer encountering heavy rubble, removing the joint at the base of the neck fixing the head in place and in doing so, removing a potential weakness should the head be struck hard.

Weapon Systems:
-Chainaxe. A heavy duty axe with a rapidly revolving chain on its cutting edge. Useful for rapid slicing of the environment and as a melee weapon. The weapon requires two hands to wield effectively. The weapon is holstered on the left side of the sapper sack with the handle facing upwards.
-EvD (Environment Demolition) Rockets. A rack of five heavy rockets is mounted on the UG-02s right shoulder equipped with large HESH (High-Explosive-Squash-Head. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-explosive_squash_head) warheads ideally suited to the destruction of fortifications, buildings and other environmental obstacles. The missiles themselves are sheltered by the rocket bay which, like the UG-02s head is low profile and hardy, lacking a pintle to avoid breakages in the event of falling rubble.
- GEAR Assault Rifle / GAR-21 as its primary hand-carried weapon. It is essentially a 30mm automatic cannon that fires multiple types of ammunition. These range from a variety of high explosive and armor piercing rounds; the most common being high explosive incendiary, high explosive fragmentation with tracer, and an armor-piercing ballistic capped with tracer. The GAR-21 has two selectable rates of fire. The first is fired between 200 and 300 RPM, while the second fires at a faster 550-800 RPM. Each drum holds 300 rounds standard.
An under-barrel shotgun is mounted as standard, holding 12 rounds of fragmentation ammunition for use against personnel and 'soft' targets. It has some effect against GEARs as well, in terms of damaging sensors, or other unarmoured systems.
-Grapnel Cannons x2. Technically not a weapon but theoretically useable as one these cannons shoot high tensility cables out to 60 metres at forces capable of punching through thick armour. At the end of these cables is a grapnel hook that will deploy after punching through an object or on command. The hooks may also disengage on command. At the back of the cannons are high power winches capable of pulling a little over the UG-02s weight. Spare cables are kept in the "sapper sack" in case the originals are needed for things such as the creation of a bridge and cannot be retrieved. Exchanging standard cables for flechete or explosive ones allows them to be used for mine and infantry clearance. The grapnel cannons are integrated into the UG-02s forearms and do not occupy a weapons slot.
-5.56x19mm machine guns x2. Chosen for the limited amount of space they absorb. Integrated into the UG-02s forearms.

Other Equipment:
-Cockpit lift-wire cable
-Ejector seat
-Flare\chaff countermeasures
-Linear Frame cockpit control chair
-Integral wheels for limited skate capability.
-Internal bins for personal possessions and survival gear. Close-able to ensure equipment does not fall out should the GEAR tumble.
-Sapper Sack. Essentially an oversized metal rucksack for engineering GEARS. The top portion may contain anything the engineer wishes to put in there whilst the bottom third is a tool box that may be removed separately from the rest of the sack. This contains upscaled tools that an engineer might need in the field including cutters and welders.
-Standard GEAR sensors: Night-vision, 5x zoom optics, radar/LIDAR, laser-communication, radio communication (both frequency scrambled and encoded), networked sensor/data feeds with friendly units.

Anything Else: Beelzeboss is as fresh off the line as Ashers is.
Also I like green. Green is my favourite colour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HopelessIncubus


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Michael Nawlin
Gender Male
Age 23
Nickname: Mike, "Prowler"
Species: Tiger

Appearance: Mike is a six ft tall black and grey anthro tiger with a muscled swimmer build. He has short black hair and unique hetero-chromos eyes, the left a emerald green, the right a deep lagoon blue.

Personality: Mike is a reserved, observant soldier that ,on occasion, may lash out with a brief flare of roguish wit, before returning to his usual timid self. in truth mike doesn't care what you call him, and he can forgive and forget a few shoves and terse words without a thought, a sucker punch can even be swept under the rug. It isn't until his allies or friends are in trouble that his anger truly comes to the surface and he turns his entire focus on the cause.

Personal History: Mike grew up constantly under siege. As a child his unusual height caused him to be singled out and targeted by those with napoleon syndrome. it never ended well when they mistaked his calm nature for a coward, as He was commonly found bruised and waiting for the principal. As he grew his body got strong and his mind grew sharp, but thankfully his friends blunted the anger. he still fought defensively for himself, but may fate have mercy on the jerks picking on his friends. Given the uneven odds he was presented with, he learned to adapt and cheat if necessary, when you're outnumbered you can't afford not to. he learned the subtle hints of trouble, and when you should have started running 5 minutes ago. the best thing that happened to him, was when he joined the military his ability to focus on multiple things at once, and abnormally high perception and reflexes earning him a spot in the GEAR program.
Mike got lucky when he got through the training, it was tough, but his underhanded fighting style and perception made him stand apart from others, especially when he knew he was going to be screwed over. he was the first to spot an ambush, and several times he would be found in a half ruined gear refusing to shut down as 3 others piled atop of him. his crowning achievement however, was walking back to base coated in red paint, being followed by the four others coated in his yellow paint, they didn't notice the mines in time. he may have lost, but the enemies played dearly. at the end of his training he was approached by a shady officer and given a choice, join the rank and file soldiers, which didn't sit well with him. Or, he could get access to newly developed tech, at the expense of mandatory station with a specialized taskforce. the next day mike was shipped out on a cargo plane to his new home.

Weapons & Equipment:
Up armored standard issue combat uniform with reinforced joints, and articulated panels over vital areas. Bug out pack (usually stored in his GEAR "Prowler") including emergency rations, ammunition, communication gear, medical kit, and GEAR repair kit,

personal weapons include:
1x-Model 12 SMR sniper variant. (bull pup, long barrel variation of an old battle rifle.)
1x-Standard semi auto pistol,
1x-field knife,
2x-trench knives.

Personal Theme Tune: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjFpacnZ5fw

Gear Name: "Prowler"
Pilot: Michael Nawlin

Appearance: http://fullmetalpanic.wikia.com/wiki/M9D_Falke

General Info: the G9L "Prowler" while a lightweight GEAR, uses angular armor composed of steel encased composite ceramic, allowing it to take a substantial hit, and remain operable where other GEARs of its class would not. The joints are heavily reinforced and carry newer, denser muscle fibers, allowing Prowler to be faster than heavier GEAR classes, while remaining stronger than those of its class. combined with newly installed jump jets, Prowler can get into places most Gears would find unreachable. Prowler is currently fitted to act as a scout/over watch for the team. optical camo, the angular armor, and advanced coolant system make it difficult to track from a distance, while long-range sensors and cameras allow him to keep an eye on his team mates.

[b]Weapon Systems:
2x-7.62x51mm Vulcan guns in shoulders.
1x-35mm Semi-auto Sniper Cannon
1x-60mm Shotgun, Box fed variant
1x-25mm defense pistol,
2x-Anti tank Trench knives,
1x- General Issue Chain Blade (long sword style chainsaw)
Other Equipment:
Repair Kit,
Comm. suite,
enhanced sensor suite,
countermeasure packs,
jump jets,
advanced coolant system,
Optical Camo- New Charge sensitive paint with embedded electrodes allows mike to cycle through several camouflage schemes at a moment's notice, limited to a 4 color, non-shifting predetermined digital camo pattern. (IE, he could change from snow, to desert, to jungle, or make it all neon but it would be the same base pattern and limited to 4 colors.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ramzam

Ramzam Squeaky Boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm almost done with deathbunny's sheet. Just making sure everything's consistent.
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