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Trainer N a squad of bagpipe players

Member Seen 10 yrs ago










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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Trainer N
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Trainer N a squad of bagpipe players

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Luna

Nicknames/Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Birthday: March 21st

Age: Appears to be in his late teens to early twenties, rumored to be much older

Class: Blue Mage

Occupation: Member of the Mage Guild

Species: Human/Dragon Beastkin Hybrid

Appearance: Luna is a mildly tall young man who towers over almost all of his relatives with the exception of his half-brother, who is the same height as he is. Luna has a slightly unhealthy and hunched over posture, but he's aware of it and straightens his back out during important, formal events. Luna has pale, milky skin with some scars on him, but his complexion is nonetheless rather healthy. However, he sunburns easily and doesn't tan well, most of the time ending up with a burn. Luna has a scar on his right shoulder blade, as well as a fairly long one on his right arm. One scar stretched across the bright of his nose, before angling up slightly towards his left eyebrow. Luna has a stronger build than most mages really do, being a Blue Mage. While the rest tend to be flimsy with physical strength and stamina, he's fortunately stronger than most in that area. However, his powers are more difficult to utilize. He has a good amount of stamina, and fairly powerful arms as well as legs. Still, even if he's physically more powerful than other mages, he isn't as strong as many physically-oriented classes, such as Heroes or Samurai, and even Necromancers have better stamina and physical strength than Blue Mages. He has angular hands that are a bit roughened from excessive training, as well as dabbling in trapping knots.

Luna is a handsome young man. He has tousled, dark blue hair with his bangs parted over his left eye. It goes down to below his ears. His eyes are a bright silver and snakelike, and are framed by surprisingly long eyelashes. He has narrowed pupils. He has a soft and delicate jawline, giving him a gentler appearance than his brother. He has an elegantly curved nose, that is more stout and perhaps cute than anything else. He has nice, white teeth. His expressions are often on the soft side, and he hardly betrays any harsh emotion emotions. It's very rare to catch him with an expression of pure anger or discontent. He doesn't tend to show stronger emotions, and because of this, he's rather good at acting and at deceiving people. He's very good with camouflaging how he truly feels. He has a calm, floaty voice that can often send others into a sense of safety. He has elvish ears, that are long and pointed.

Clothing Style: Luna most commonly wears black trousers, tucked into long, blue boots that reach up to his knees. His trousers are secured by a blue belt with intricate silver and gold features. He wears a long, blue jacket, with gold-colored buttons and black designs on it. The jacket's hood is gold rimmed. The back of the jacket has an illustration of two, black wings. Underneath the jacket, he often wears a black or blue dress shirt. He has multiple pairs of his boots and trousers, as well as shirts. He wears black gloves as well. He only has one of his jacket, as he sewed it himself. It's made out of sturdy fabric.

Personality: Luna at first appears to be a very kind and gentle young man. He's generous, and seems to be able to intervene in tense situations to calm everyone down. His motivations are guided by the general good, and he seems to be very willing to help others out. He often provides others with materials they need and will easily do favors for others. Luna is considered respectable by many people. Numerous people in the Mage Guild revere and look up to him, not only for his skilled, dexterous powers, but for his accepting and tolerant attitude as well. He never seems to lose his patience when around new members of the Mage Guild, and doesn't let first impressions leave too much of an impact on him. He doesn't jump to conclusions when judging a person's character. He appears as a peaceful young man who cares for everyone around him. For some reason, some of those in the upper ranks of the Mage Guild seem to fear him.

Luna is actually a very deeply tormented and crazed young man, with an obsessed devotion to his long deceased lover. Due to his enlonged lifespan due to his species, he often finds that all of his friends will age much faster than he will, and die long before he does. This causes him repetitive agony, to the point where he frequently distances himself from others and wonders about his true purpose and reason for living. He tries to only ally himself with fellow dragon beastkin, as well as vampires as they have similar lifespans to him. Luna suffers from frequent bouts of depression and paranoia. He isn't really good at pulling himself out of depressed slumps, no matter how many times he does become depressed. Because of his depression, and his own emotions, he has periods of time where he sleeps constantly, for as much as a week at a time. He unsurprisingly has little faith in humanity, and believes that if he wants to get something done, that he'll need to get it done on his own.

Luna isn't an arrogant person, and usually frowns upon those with massive egos. He sees it fit to tear down over-inflated egos with scathing remarks. He isn't very kind on the inside, and can actually be considered to perhaps have a phobia or maybe a general hatred of people overall. As much as he tried to sway his though process into being less judgmental and kinder, Luna believes it an impossible task to genuinely like most people. The way he ages also gets in the way of him making friends with humans. He doesn't like their lifespans, and secretly, he is very afraid of getting hurt. Bringing the difference in aging can often upset or agitate him. Luna is actually very emotionally fragile. He has an obsessive mentality over his past lover's last wish, and will go to the ends of the earth to fulfill it. He has a steadfast dedication to fulfilling whatever promises he makes. This is why he no longer really makes promises.

Even though he sleeps for a week at random intervals, the guild allows him to stay due to the fact that he's so immensely powerful. Tales of his strength has been passed down frequently through neighboring towns and villages. Many bandits refuse to break into the location of that branch of the Mage Guild, purely due to the fact that Luna lives there. Luna does not flaunt his powers and he does not abuse them. Rather, he fights as little as possible. Although on missions, he tends to easily push himself. After he does complete a mission, it's very likely he'll sleep for days or even a week straight.



Past/History: Luna's mother was a dragon beastkin and his father was human. Luna truthfully does not remember his father very well, as he died when he was very young. Luna's mother continued to raise him despite how delusional she became in her devastation. Although graceful and sane when with other villagers, Luna's mother had lost sight of herself. She eventually locked herself away in her home, only letting Luna go out to play. She refused to come outside. Still, she got Luna the best tutors her money could buy. Even if her life seemed to be crumbling, she wouldn't let that get in the way of Luna's success.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ScarlettWaters16
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ScarlettWaters16 Level 80 Assassin Badass

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Leviathan
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Leviathan Inhuman

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ningal700
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ningal700 Slave to Emotion

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Maraya Mylidia

Nicknames/Aliases: Raya

Gender: Female

Birthday: Unspecified

Age: 19

Class: Assassin

Occupation: She is a thief or an assassin when hired, and basically a loner. She wanders around doing odd jobs... For a price.

Species: Elf, she has the capacity to use some minor telepathy with those she feels a strong connection to/concentrates on (if allowed).

Appearance: Maraya stands at a height of 6'1", and has long, muscular legs. She isn't gangly, though, and knows how to hold herself. She has a pale skin tone and is rather slender, and her long black hair falls to her mid back. Her bangs also lays across her eyes, which are a crystal blue. She typically lines her eyes with black, and has fairly pale skin that gives her a dark look. She has cuts on her left wrist... self explanatory, many believe. Her air is one that says, stay back. (Also, my current personal avatar was created based off of her).

Clothing Style: She typically wears long, dark robes, varying in shades from purple to red to black. At the current time, they are black. They are slightly tight-fitting, with enough room to move around comfortably but not to get caught on something. Her shoes are usually brown boots, covered by the robes. Also, she carries a small knife, hidden in a sheath inside of her robes. She wields a silver, gleaming sword, enchanted with magic to keep it strong and dependable as well. It hangs by it's ebony tinted hilt from her waistline.

Personality: Raya has a complex personality. She is generally dark and mysterious, and doesn't talk to many people unless they speak first. However, once you get to know her, you find she is quite talkative, indignant, and has a lot on her mind. She radiates independence and is stubborn as an ox, and is always honest when she speaks, whether or not this sincerity is reflected in her actions. She can be skillful and precise when neccesary, and sneaks around, but oddly enough she is also a bit accident-prone for being an assassin. She's highly intelligent and always has a sarcastic quip. She can be emotional, but it's rarely displayed to anyone who hardly knows her. She is not always to be trusted, but also not to be ignored.

Likes: She loves many animals.She has a passion for cooking that she can't express often, and is into poetry and writing, and rare drawing. She thoroughly loves music, although she admits this to few.

Dislikes: She has a secret intense fear of arachnids. She's also afraid of commitment/sharing emotions and feelings.

Past/History: Raya has a dark past, and at this rate, an even darker future. She was abandoned and made to fend for herself at a young age, and knows nothing of what has happened to her family, if she has any still alive. She has been moving around for several years, travelling as she feels fit, and works odd jobs to make ends meet, from servitude to inn-keeping. She carries a brown backpack full of things she needs to survive her constant travel, but it's not enough to weigh her down. She also has a small pouch hidden within her robes that carries as much of the local currency as she can earn... or scavenge. She does not like to share anything important or anything else that she does remember from her past with anyone, usually. She believes it is her information to know where she's been, and where she's going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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Snarl Pls fight me

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jere Locklear/M/ 23

February 9th

Class: Beast Whisperer

Occupation: Tracker

Species: Wood Elf. Lifespan: 150 or so years. Abilities: forest expertise, botany-inclined. Weaknesses: fire deals twice as much damage on them (idk)

Personality: to sum up Jere's personality you could simply call him a boy scout. He's sensitive toward the needs of others and finds it hard to say no to people. Optimistic and joyful, he's youthful and views life as something to be cultivated. Not the most courageous in dire situations but if he sets out to do something he does not see it halfway, in fact he sees it to the end. Jere loves chatting and telling others whats on his mind. He's prone to dramatic displays and overreactions, however. Stubbornness and lying are his downfalls.

Likes: eating sweet things, being outside and under the stars, wild/dramatic adventure stories, playing music on his flute

Dislikes: crying/see others cry, foul smells, ghosts/scary stories, injustice, unnecessary violence, leaving something unfinished.

Past/History: born and raised in the small village of Garrowtree hidden away in a forest. From a young age he was drawn toward the wildlife around him. He was naturally inclined toward raising and taming the smaller critters that lived by his home. His grandfather nurtured this talent in his grandson, recognizing that he had a gift, which was passed down every other generation. Jere uses a glass flute to tame the beasts. He specializes in forest creatures above other types. He set out on his own when he turned 17, headed toward a major city to find a guild that would suit his talent. Once at this major city, however, his attention as drawn toward the disrupt in the world outside of the safety of the forest. He felt more inclined to help those suffering around him and instead joined up with a group of travelers to help relieve the turmoil that the demons leave in their wake.

Gian/M/(appears 25)

around 200 or so (he doesn't keep track)


Class: Necromancer

Occupation: embalmer

Species: parasite. A creature that fuses with a body and takes control over it. Lifespan: potential immortality since lifespan depends on host. Abilities: mind control over host. Weaknesses: the parasite does not die when the host does, the parasite itself has to be destroyed for it to die.

Personality: shameless in his pursuit for pleasure- his life of debauchery, however, is a strange one. His standards are different than that of others. The parasite mirrors the needs and drives of its host, however due to its workings being so simplistic it often confuses these needs and drives- often "crosswiring". Meaning that when the host is hungry the parasite could have the host eat rotten meat rather than something more appetizing. Basic emotions are understood- like anger and delight, sadness and boredom- but more complex emotions do not register with him (love and compassion) so he comes off as cold. He has no understanding of limits or morale. He is childishly selfish since he does not consider the feelings of others. Socially he is low functioning- but when it comes to matters of human anatomy and other biological processes he is a savant.

Likes: he has an obsession with decay and torment, inhaling noxious fumes, gore and guts. He's always getting high on some hallucinogen. Moths.

Dislikes: loud noises/people, feeling helpless/no control over his situation, sleeping (he sees it as a waste of time), demons (they disrupt his experiments because they taint the bodies they kill)

Past/History: He is the product of dark magic. His creator, however, succumbed to his creation. The parasite, with each host, grew in intelligence. He took on the name Gian after his creator. The parasites thoughts are disruptive and odd, for he has a tendency to take on the personality of his host, which often conflicts with his own and sometimes even the remnants of his past hosts. He took up necromancy and views it as a science- he strives to look for the perfect body, one that will not decay under the strain that he places on it. He has a Frankenstein complex- where he'll go as far as to dismember and mend bodies together- his mad scientist pursuits, however, have proved fruitless. Gian has lost count of the bodies that he has taken control of. He's also lost track of the dead bodies that he's disrupted in their holy rest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AiyvaGuard
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AiyvaGuard Arisha the Spellsword

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alyssa Strauss



April 22, (???)




Half - Elf
(Human - Moon Elf)


Clothing Style

Alyssa is a very timid person, she is shy due to multiple events in which occurred during her lifetime and thus created a new reputation for herself. She is awfully scared of people due to the mass murder of her family, thus she has grown the instinct to be scared of other social-beings. She secluded herself from life and calls it safe, seemingly loneliness is her only friend that she will ever seek out. She is traumatized and scarred by the sins of others and it seems as if she can never return to her normal self. Though a way to vent out her scarred memories and regret, anger, and other feelings she fights and her passion for fighting is...to an extent in which is unholy for others, as a spellsword she fights furiously against others and some might say she's an real demon, though her hate and anger resonates with the blade of her heart and thus uses it as a fighting mechanism for herself in combat. But...it is seems rare for her to gain a friend as I have described her, but it isn't. As long as you care for her and treat her like a person she is able to be very sympathetic and...at least 1+ open.

Alone Time

Being beaten

She had a dark past, and like every cliche dark past her parents had died, though the strange thing is that she...killed them, though she was not arrested due to the fact she was only 10 at the time and didn't understand what she was fully doing, but she did serve time in a solitary room for years and even though she was only a child they had to do various tests to return her to her original state and dispose of the gore in which had happened in front of her eyes. During that time being solitary, she was training to be a spellsword, though she always wanted to be a Tarot Mage she was forcefully put into the position as a spellsword. You could call it...class-brutality when she was training, she was semi-beat during her time away from the village and she was put to her best in the solitary confinement, it was only considered the best...because prisoners or people who are willingly able to go to this solitary confinement and how many years they stay they always come back either crying or proud as they have excelled in their class-profession. But it only took 7 years for her to accel at spellsword, she had to gain more stamina than she had before she killed her parents. As a spellsword she was always tested with speed, carrying overly heavy things to increase her range of strength and agility in which is required for spellsword and the most surprising thing is, she had willingly stayed. She felt sick and distraught at first though as she gained more knowledge of a spellsword she decided to forget about what she'd done and literally almost gave her life within the solitary-confinement. She excelled as a spellsword, and for the past 7 years during her time she felt confident in herself, the weight of others shunning her was simply light and had the strength to move them out of the way. She was given a choice to stay or walk away, " I want to live. " She said bluntly to her teacher as she wanted to go out and experience the world though once she left she had soon regretted her choice. She was extremely shy around others and the only way to actually communicate was fighting. The world is a big place and she is only a small percentage of the people on earth, she has a whole life around her and she simply doesn't waste her time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SMS
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SMS A Tired Writer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Elisha Marluxia

Nicknames / Aliases: Eli / Elle

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 30th

Age: 17

Class: White Mage

Occupation: Student

Species: Human


Clothing Style:

Personality: Gentle, kind, shy, and meek, Elisha's personality was molded through her harsh upbringing. A girl with a heart of gold, she's always willing to help someone if it meant their happiness. Never one to hold a grudge, her kindness knows no bounds. She has always put others ahead of herself, where her martyrical nature has bit her in the rear more than once before. Despite this, she grit her teeth and forced herself to move on.

Underneath all of this however, is a girl whose self-esteem is always at a dangerously low point. Someone who frequently questions her purpose and goal in life. Her outward demeanor hiding a frail and weak person. She frequently has considered committing suicide, but she has always barely shot the idea down by telling herself that she just needs a little more time to change.

As a result of her family's long outdated look on left-handed people being "servants" of a greater evil, she has developed a complex about her dexterity. While she is naturally a southpaw, she has forced herself to deal with the world with her right hand as well. Elisha only ever reverts to her dominant hand in private or during dire situations, while keeping her right in public.

Hometown: Otonoki - A fairly average-sized town just about two hours to the South of Maplestead by horse. The town is best known for developing some of the most successful mages in history. Featuring some of the top ranking universities in the country, Otonoki's quality in teaching is well-known and respected. If one wants to learn how to be a very good mage, then Otonoki is one of the best places to learn at.

Otonoki has a medieval theme attached to it. The town is abundant with nature and filled with green pastures and surrounded by forests. Aside from that, the town is covered by several mountains to its West side which compliment its old-fashioned look, as well as serve as the training grounds for up and coming mages.

Likes: Children, left-handed tools, music, reading

Dislikes: Loud and crowded areas, romance, large bodies of water, her family, being referred by her last name

Past / History: Born into the wealthy and prestigious but old-fashioned magi family of Marluxia, her upbringing was meant to be one of high class. At first, this was the case. An accident during her child years nearly took her life, as well as leaving her heart in a very frail state. Elisha was no longer able to be physically fit. Every time she tried to run, her heart would be strained easily and she'd be out of breath. Anything that shocks or surprises her can give her a heart attack. Anything that hits the area around her heart can give her a heart attack. Her family was supportive despite this. Her siblings were there to help, and her parents spent their precious work time to be with her. Somehow though, Elisha felt they were only doing all of this out of pity. A thought that quickly turned into fact.

Her life slowly turned for the worse when her parents discovered her preference for her left hand. Her family was quick to change their demeanor around her. "A sign of the devil's servant", they say. Elisha's family beat her. They locked her in her room for years. Only letting her out for food and trips to the bathroom. The servants who tried to comfort or sympathize with her were quickly fired and replaced, eventually leaving her with no one to connect with. No one was allowed to be associated with the "devil's servant". She grew to resent her family, all the while never once losing her kindness to others despite the abuse. She greeted and spoke to them all the same, with a smile and polite mannerism.

Over the years, she forced herself into relearning the world by using her right hand. Once her parents deemed that she has "cleansed" herself enough, they allowed her to "live" normally again. Given that she was tutored at home to avoid other people finding out about her dexterity on top of the abuse she went through, she had poor social skills. They eventually allowed her to study at a high school near their mansion. With her first year being the point of when she was taken advantage of several times due to her kind and awkward nature. She took all of this in stride. She never considered anyone her friend and treated everyone the same, despite a few of them showing legitimate signs of wanting to be friends with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Name: Miercoles Guanabana

Nicknames/Aliases: n/a


Birthday: Quadeceimus of the 7th moon under the sign of the thousand drunk rabbits

Age: twenties


Occupation: Bard/wandering warrior

Species: Human

The man himself is clearly foreign as indicated not only by that warm latte skin tone but also his accent which has been muddled to keep it ambiguous. He is a man of average height and in good physical condition due to his prior training. He carries little aside from a black rectangular box strapped with rope on his back and his sword in an elegant scabbard.

Clothing Style:
A sharp dressed man from way outta town who proudly wears his group's uniform. That being: A matching midnight blue jacket with a white shirt and pants embroidered with an natural elemental motif and with some silver decorations on the latter end of the sleeves. And most importantly a hat worn low that gives off that sexy and mysterious wanderer vibe.

Mixes business with pleasure but with and edge towards going business first. Not necessarily a nice guy and seems quite aloof due to possessing a certain type of capriciousness like the wind as he goes where he wills with only the barest of direction save for when he's focused on anything related to the bars.

Making progress on his goal
The ripples across a pond under the light of the full moon on a clear sky
Bad busking sessions
try hards

Hailing far elsewhere in a sunny place, he's made his way through the lands as he continuously tracks down the thieves that stole a priceless artifact of his group. But what does that even mean? Well rewinding back he was just a regular kid playing around until one day he saw the warrior musician sect of his country. So not too long after he'd join in and things were good, he excelled in his training and got his own personal clothing making him a full fledged member. Things were all sorts of rosey until the sacred pilgrimage to retrieve the sacred bars, which are more a form of tablets. That is until the bandits attacked and stole their relic in the middle of the night. Now he's been piecemealing clues on to their direction and slowly recovered three of the eleven sacred bars. However his vow to never to return until he has them all back and the continuous travel has had some negative effects which in short has made him into a bit of a jerk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Uruvion
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Uruvion The Nomad

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Vance Meridian

Nicknames/Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 19th

Age: 33

Class: Templar

Occupation: Knight

Species: Human


Clothing Style: (See above)

Personality: Vance is very strict with the rules that he was raised by, and keeps these morals as his guides in whatever he does. He has a strong sense of justice, and what he feels is right and wrong. He's easy to get along with, as long as he doesn't suspect any foul play has been done by those around him. Though he is quiet, and reserved in his opinions of those around him, he is usually empathic to those who he is near.

Likes: Order, protecting those who can't protect themselves, camping.

Dislikes: Disobedience, injustice, disagreements.

Past/History: Growing up, Vance was seen to be quite skilled in the healing arts, and displayed a fierce protectiveness of those around him whenever they were being mistreated, or bullied. This led to him being recommended to the knighthood for training to become a Templar. In his teenage years, he showed promise, but the hopes were dashed when he saw a friend get killed, and the murderer walked, due to a technicality in the system. Vance went out that night, and killed the man himself, thus betraying his order. He went into hiding for years, just recently emerging again after a hiatus, leading a nomadic life mostly in solitude after the 'incident'. Time hasn't done much to alleviate his feelings of guilt for his betrayal, though he was never caught, or brought to trial for his own crimes. He has been traveling across the land, trying to do everything in his power to right his wrongs, helping anyone who will accept it, and never take payment for his deeds. The first place that he approached was the forest town of Masa(May-sa), and he considers that his 'home'. He can never again go back to his kingdom for fear of being charged for his crimes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonite777
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Dragonite777 Dragon of Ages

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Nicknames/Aliases: The Shadow (Cecelia's contact Alias she earned)

Gender: F

Birthday: February 29

Age: 22

Class: Thief

Occupation: Anything you pay her to do, as long as it doesn't involve participating in a party or talking to too many people.

Species: Human with elf blood (grandmother on her mother's side is elven)


Clothing Style:

Personality: Cecelia wants to make frineds, but can't seem to talk normally to people until she has some alcohol in her. She prefers solitude, so she will sit in the corner until the booze takes over and makes her talk to lots of people, eventually leading men on and it's more likely for them to cry in the bedroom than have any sexual activities.

Hometown: Bamburgh - A rural city, for the most part, with an agricultural economy. People buying and selling crops, livestock, and daughters for marriage (because a wedding dowry was basically free stuff in exchange for getting rid of a mouth to feed). The "downtown" area was almost a city in itself, with actual money being exchanged for goods and services. Two of the three little pigs could have built the non-downtown part of Bamburgh, while the third little pig hired a contractor for downtown building and maintenance. Downtown was still very rural, with any gangs that were formed wearing straw hats and/or overalls. There was an orphanage, but it got shut down due to lack of funding. The building was then turned into an apartment complex, so it could make money for the town.

-Moonlit nights
-Shiny things
-The adrenaline that comes with barely being able to sneak past someone

-Sunlit days
-Having to kill someone (happens, but not by her choice)

Past/History: Cecelia was an orphan, having to fend for herself since age 3 with the other orphans. Around age 7, Cecelia had gotten separated from the other orphans, having nobody else to talk to. Her few possessions became her only frineds, and the only things she soberly talked to. She started stealing things for others about age 9, when an old man asked her to buy him a watch he said he saw in his neighbor's house, but couldn't find anywhere else. He was offering about half the retail value of the watch, and she had no money, so she stole it and traded it for money. She later sold the information to the neighbor about the old man stealing the watch.

Since then, any theft, switcheroo, or nonpersonal intimidation went through Cecelia, giving her the name "The Shadow". If she couldn't do it, she knew who could and gave information on who could without charging the client. She stayed in a shack on the edge of a major city, getting notes slipped under her door whenever someone needed her help. She's had to kill a few guards during some heists-gone-wrong, but she always hated having to when it happened. She would kill them with a single killing blow from behind, and leave the bodies with a flower, laid out as they would be in a casket. Her business got as much infamy as it did fame, soon forcing her to move after a threatening letter came to her door.

Now Cecelia has an expansive network of agents that she occassionally contacts to give or receive missions, doing odd jobs to keep her cash flow from drying up. Over the years, her abilities of the night and dark have tapped into something in her elven blood, allowing her to distract guards with illusionary tactics, like making a sound appear to happen behind the guard, a shadowy figure that looks like a person to move to a location, or even create an area of complete darkness. Cecelia rarely uses these tactics unless she really has to, but enjoys toying with them in the day time, just because they're free entertainment.


Brennen Garron

Nicknames/Aliases: Cyclosa (contact alias he gave himself), Prof. Garron (teacher's name)

Gender: M

Birthday: January 3


Class: Tactitian

Occupation: Teacher in a battle tactics class at day, coaches anyone who pays to take strategic advice on a battle.

Species: Human


Clothing Style:


Personality: Brennen is sarcastic, intelligent (some call him smug and arrogant), and loves to battle wits just as much as with steel and magic. If he's against a single enemy, he draws the battle out, usually coming out of the battle with a bruise and/or scratch. He tries to be honorable against opponents, and enjoys when it takes longer than 10 seconds to figure out how to take down an opponent. He loves a well-matched fight.

Hometown: Warrington - Large town with a school-based economy. There were many schools, each teaching skill sets unique to each one. Each school had tuition and whatnot, but it was more like renting a place at the school. You pay a moderate fee monthly, get a room and learn. There were plenty of places to work in town as well, but not many houses near the town's geographical center. Any houses in the town's "city limits" are sectioned, one-story flats strung about the outskirts of it, and were mostly owned by professors and/or students who wished to live outside of campus (whether by lack of rooms or choice).

-outsmarting anyone he meets
-killing people with one coutnter-attack
-making fun of people
-being the underdog in a fight
-an opponent who makes him think hard about his strategy

-Being outsmarted (in wits or battle)
-Someone taking the fun out of the fight (surrender, too quick a battle against a "fun" opponent)

Past/History: Brennen was always fascinated by the coreography fighting seems to make. Like two well-matched fencers in a fight to the death, not in an indoors fighting... line, will dip, dodge, spin, slash, block, push, punch, counter, flip, and stab at each other for anywhere between five and ten minutes. In the school his parents made him go to learn fighting, he took one of each of the classes he was interested in: swordfighting and Black Magic 101. He aced every battle tactics class and got average grades in swordfighting and magic classes, because fundamental techniques were 1/4 of the grade, and they weren't practical skills.

After "graduating", Brennen went on to anywhere that had a means of fighting and practiced his tactics classes and sometimes used the practical skills he learned from swordfighting class and magic classes in duels. After making substantial amounts of money and finally getting bored, because "I've fought everyone here and could now take them out in less than a minute. Why would I want to fight them again?" he moved on to teach battle tactics. His teaching method was all in practicality, stuff you can take outside the classroom and actually use. If, at any point, a student challenged Brennen to a duel and won, they passed the class. Otherwise, they had a paper to write on defeating a scenario Brennen came up with (different scenario for each student), and if they had a viable plan that could work, they passed.

When teaching tactics classes wasn't enough, he went out for hire. Anyone who payed would get Brennen's advice. A flat fee for any limited-fighting battles (fencing/tae quon do tourneys), and an hourly fee for true tactics (1v1 duel, clan fights, etc.), with an increase in fee if they asked Brennen to join the fight or fight for them. Now, Brennen is just searching for an opponent who takes at least one full hour before a winner is decided, without him drawing out the fight by healing said opponent with potions and rest time.

Fighting style: Katana two-handed, but has two small straight sword on his back that he uses when strategy is best for either small blows and some minor magic, or the number of hits is more important in the battle than how strong each attack is.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Adrial Hackis

Nicknames/Aliases: Sir.Hackis, Seraph.

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 5th

Age: Looks around 24 (in his hundreds)

Class: Cleric

Occupation: Healer for hire

Previous occupations:


Species: Elvinian: This subspecies of elf support the same age, lifespan and shape of regular elves but possess a set of white like bird feathers along their elbows, chest and feet, along with tiny useless white feathered wings on their back, they possess the power to harness the energy of magic and solidify it into a physical form, such as wings which can help them glide or fly for a short time or make these solidified balls explode with magic power over a short range to damage foes.

They are weaker to offensive black magics however in trade of being able to use healing magic as an defensive tool.


Supporting a tall 6 foot 2 inch tall physique with slightly pale caucasian skin and emerald green eyes, adrial possesses a set of short black hair and a set of transparent glasses. He has a fairly thin yet athletic build for a cleric, healthy in every way and Supports a line of muscles along his stomach.

Clothing Style:

Adrial wears a long, shin lengthed white and golden trimmed leather robe, a mythril chestplate and underneath it a sleeveless white velvet tailcoat trimmed gold. He wears a glistening red belt on his waist, a set of white leggings and gold coloured steel boots. He also wears a satchel along his side, containing his spellcasting grimoire.

When he wanders about normally, he wears his other clothing except without the steel chestplate and boots, wearing white noble shoes instead.

Personality: Cold, Rude and straight to the point, with a stick up his ass attitude, Adrial is almost always expressing his opinion outright, without holding back or caring for other peoples opinions on his own. He isnt a nefarious individual, and will always help those he believes are truely worthy of need, though as a healer for hire, he will charge for his services, believing it to be an equal transaction. As an intellectual, he can be somewhat arrogant at the lack of knowledge people have compared to his own, he tries to help people in a way that benefits everyone.

Despite this, he does prove to be hard to work with because of his conflicting personality and rude behavior, this is somewhat justified due to the worlds opinions on mages, and how everything in the end is their fault for not doing their job right. The stress of healing is a heavy one, but Adrial remains dedicated to proceed with his career and make the most of it.

Homecity: Carnan


Fresh bread
Studying and reading
Drinking milk
Staring at scenery
Being in quiet places
Talking with intellectuals


Loud atmospheres
People who talk too much
Non-freash bread
People who are not very smart
Savages and criminals


(( this backstory will he told in the first person from Adrials point of view to give you an idea on his speech and how he acts ))

"Used. How else could I describe a cleric? The brainwashed masses only care about your ability. To them you are nothing more than a tool, an object, something they can abuse with little regard. They dont understand the pain I have to endure conjuring the amount of healing I do, the amount of lives I save, but who gets the rewards? They obviously go to the reckless apes that throw the selves at their opponents like moths to a flame, and should one soldier die? All these feckless bumpkins will blame you outright. Its not the reckless idiots fault for running his face into a blade, no its magically the healers fault for not ressurecting him in time five miles away! Nobody appriciates people like me... So I make them appriciate me. Everyone gets atleast one heal from me, but should they act negatively afterwards for saving their life, treating me like a dog... I wont ever help them again, they can be fed to the dogs for all I care...!"

I was born into a priesthood, though we never truly believed in any gods, it always seemed to please the twits of the world and help their recovery speed. I was taught by my mother and father the artes of healing magicks. I studied it day and night, never once breaking away from my studies. I never did gain any friends during that early childhood of mine. Well, perhaps I would have had friends if every nitwit child wasnt a total cretin...! I was exceptionally intelligent, i know thia, but these people were morons. What fun is there in throwing rocks and fuards or disrespecting rules that cause panic and disorder? Thats simply embracing mindless discord! In anycase, i spent plenty of my life healing the sick to improve my powers and saving lives. But when you have an ability thats grand and better than everyones, people will decide to use you... This started me off in my next career as a soldier... A medic on the battlefield.

Where I came from war was constant, people died left and right and my powers were key to my "sides" advantage. I spent sleepless nights seeing nothing but blood, death, vomit, pus and fecal matter everywhere I looked. It was nothing but a living nightmare, as i spent my every waking moment mending the lives the soldiers to recovery. I couldnt refuse to aid, having a knife at my back like a damn slave, i was beaten, laughed at and oppressed... For many years i could have died, but fate begged me to continue suffering through such a long war until eventually it passed. I was awarded nothing for saving the most famous soldier in my team over 5 times, no awards for my attitude, no awards for helping win the war, nothing. Do you see a running theme? I was NOTHING. I simply took my leave, and drowned my fears of war away, and became a pathless vagabond... I needed cash, and thus, i became a healer for hire, if you needed healing, pay me. If your going to use me, i might as well make a living out ofit, so you either pay up or die, like i care....
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Name: Louis Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière

Nicknames/Aliases: None

Gender: Male

Birthday: August 3

Age: 17

Class: Princes

Occupation: None

Species: Human


Clothing Style: Seen in Appearance

Personality: Louis has a self esteem problem. Having grown up second in everything, he often finds himself struggling to be important, or better in something. It's a fight that sometimes consumes him, as he's been known to push himself to unreasonable levels to be good enough for anything.

He puts a lot of work into being as aloof and distant as he can be, but it's a behavior that runs counter to his nature. Louis is a very passionate person, often guided by his heart, with his brain relegated to working out the logistics. So despite how hard he tries to keep his emotions buried away, they always manage to free themselves easily. Also, as a side effect of being raised in a castle with little to no interaction with the world outside, he is rather ignorant of said world

Hometown: Tristania

Likes: Being recognized for his accomplishments, feeling like he matters

Dislikes: Being compared to his brother, feeling redundant, being useless

Past/History: As the second son of the Vallière family, not much was expected of Louis. In fact, for most of his life, he was treated as his older brother Crow's backup, something that vexed him to no end. That said, he didn't hate his brother. In fact, his brother was the only person to treat him like he even mattered. Growing up, the two of them were very close. Having to live in his brother's shadow was very hard to do. Not only was his brother an extremely charismatic person, but he was also quite brilliant, as well as an accomplished swordsman. Young Louis couldn't find a single field where he could surpass his brother.

His relatively quiet life came to an end when his family's castle came under attack one day. To his bewilderment, it wasn't an army, but a single person according to what he heard while making his way to his parent's room, with dead guards scattered throughout the building. When he got there, he found both of his parents dead. The killer was never found, and to make matters worse; Crow was missing. With Louis to young to take charge, his family's adviser was placed in charge until he was old enough.

In the meantime, Louis was secretly sent to a remote village for his own protection, out of the public view. Unable to just sit around waiting, Louis came up with an idea that only worked in his perpetually second mind set; go out on his own and find his brother and his parent's murderer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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*All demons are threats to the player. All will attack when the player is near/detected.


Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Happy Go Lucky
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Happy Go Lucky Thank god for Jim!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Veltis Arunda

Nicknames/Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Birthday: June 21st

Age: 22

Class: Archer

Occupation: Hero. He simply does what he can to help people without asking for anything in return.




A standard Caucasian male, standing at 6 feet tall and having a slim feminine build, supporting a silver set of swept back flowing waist length straight hair, and possessing heterochromia, his left eye is a brilliant gold, while his right is a brightly lit green.

Clothing Style:

Veltis is equipped with a golden head bangle adorned with a unicorn looking horn at the front, which spikes upwards, his ears are pierced with golden rings all the way around the tip of the ears. Wearing a dark blue dyed lizard scaled jacket, white trimmed, white buttoned and supporting white cuffs, along with white plated shoulder circular pauldrons.

( his jacket looks like this, but lizard scaled and dyed dark blue and trimmed white )


He also wears a set of long white dyed formal leggings, supporting silver plated armor along it to give better protection against strikes, with silver plate boots to match.

He also supports a large box on his back which holds his large great bow arrows.


Veltis was raised to be a gentleman, raised to always put others before himself in order to please and be accepted by others for who he is, not shying away from answering or asking questions, he tries to befriend others with his kind attitude and humbleness, hoping to let others see that he's a man who will go an extra mile for them and not be some moocher who is only after them for something they have. Though pretty kind, he is incredibly flamboyant, and rather feminine in the way he moves and speaks, having a large amount of grace with his movements, making himself appear comedic at times. When it comes to serious scenarios, Veltis tries his best to help in any way he can, it pains him to see his comrades or innocent strangers feeling depressed or conflicted and it brings him joy to just be able to help them ease their pain, if he can. Veltis can be rather stubborn however when it comes to helping others, which can get him into some trouble, but believes that if he doesn't keep trying, then there's no point to his existence. Believing that everyone should band together in equal unison to bring the world forward, he loves giving people compliments to raise moral among his allies.

Hometown: Byron

Likes: Helping the weak, defending his comrades, dancing, happy atmospheres, making friends, giving to the homeless and romance novels.

Dislikes: Arrogance, those who would act in malice, drunks, fish and rabid monsters.


Veltis was lucky enough to be born into a family of wealth though not of royalty. Born in a town called Byron, Veltis was born into what many people where who were born inside Byron were, born into a family of traders and merchants, his mother and father both sold an assortment of goods and made strides in profit by assisting the most pleasing markets, while most merchants try to sell their goods to the most profitable market, as most merchants believe they would rather make no money than some money if they cannot make all the money, Veltis' mother and father took the chance they got, and sold to the markets which many thought were to be unprofitable, and ironically become profitable for them as nobody was selling to the niche markets in the realm. Due to their ingenious plans and their business potential, they became a rising trade and worked up enough to see them through to the end of their days with bales of gold left to spare. They were never greedy folk, always granting fair prices and always to the ones who desired it for non violent or nefarious reasons and so, when Veltis was born, his parents taught him of the value of speech, of talking to others and helping others to help not only themselves but to help everyone who wasn't cruel equally.

When growing up, his mother and father with their intellectual minds, raised him and granted him the knowledge that only the wealthy could pay for, while using their merchandising skills to knock the prices of his tutoring off a few notches. Veltis was taught many things about the world such as culture, civilization, history, the lore of magic, arts, the military, the views of the people, language, and other topics, and because of so much knowledge, Veltis would grow up to become intelligent himself, and due to his gentlemanly nature, would desire to spread his knowledge to the people who wouldn't be able to afford it.

While living in Byron, because of Veltis' good willed nature, his desire to assist others often gets him into trouble with the local guard for standing up for peasants who steal for having nothing to eat or for standing up for his beliefs against racism, sex and his other beliefs. He was well received by many others his age because he was so outgoing, playful and trustworthy, never breaking a promise with his childhood friends and never going against their backs, Veltis would always make sure to seek out those who have nobody to be friends with and become their friend so nobody would be alone to him, displaying his kindness openly like so.

While growing up, gaining a great education, sharing such education and gaining allies because of his personality and the way he was raised, one thing that was needed for Veltis to learn was to defend himself. Though he was not tutored in the arts of self defense like he was with his knowledge, his father was actually once known as a very skilled marksman, skilled in the use of large Greatbows, Veltis was trained to use the bow, but started off using smaller more efficient bows for practice and slowly building it up from there, countless training exercises to build his physique to give him the strength to wield a large bow like his father, in the middle of his days playing with his friends and getting his education, he made sure to practice and learn every single day with his father from an early age, and from building up his strength from his consistent training regimes, the noble young child born into his merchant family had now grown up, A strong and kind man of twenty years of age, his education had been fully completed, his training though incredibly hard and painful had came to an end with his abilities in using the Greatbow excelling those of his father now, due to his old age, with his skills, and was given the weapon used by his father, the Ebilis Lanquis, a greatbow heirloom passed down from generations.

Veltis has become a very strong individual, though not perfect, he is not a master of the greatbow, he cannot use swords and is unable to use magic, but he is a strong individual who is not afraid to put his life on the line for his ideals. From having grown up and seen many walks of life, he only wants the best for the people of the world and gear in hand, sets off to see that his ideals are met, and has set off around the realm succeeding in helping those less fortunate than himself, in the two years after his leave from Byron, Veltis has made a positive name for himself, not recognized everywhere he is still well known by many common folk, giving him a reputation with those around him, now at the age of twenty two, because of his well known reputation, this job to slay monsters was the perfect opportunity for him to keep them at bay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Stories Yet Untold

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Aokage
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Aokage The Wooly

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Serena Nuias

Nicknames/Aliases: None

Gender: Female

Birthday: September 5th

Age: She appears to be in her mid 20's

Class: Templar

Occupation: Exorcist for Hire

Species: Human/Beastkin Raven Hybrid

Appearance: Serena is a lithe, tall woman with a very toned, semi-muscular figure. Her eyes are a dark shade of blue and she has jet black hair that she keeps in a loose ponytail. She usually keeps them concealed but she also has a pair of raven wings that stretch out 8 feet from tip to tip. There are also jet black feathers on her arms, legs, and chest. She used to have smaller feathers growing on her cheeks, but she has torn the feathers out so many times that they don't grow back anymore. In the place of those feathers are two long scars that run down from just below her cheekbones to her chin on each side of her face. She also has a long scar that runs down her shoulder and one on her leg from an accident she had when she was still a child.

Clothing Style:

She doesn't wear the helmet unless she's in battle. She also wears a tan cloak that covers up her armor and conceals her wings.

Personality: Serena is a hardened fighter on and off the battlefield. Discriminated against by humans for her wings and feathers she has a disdain for most people and will not open up and become friendly to others unless she really knows them. When she does make friends though, she becomes extremely loyal to them and will give her life to protect those she cares about. She has a strong faith in the Gods that was instilled in her by the monks that raised her, and she still prays to them on her journeys. She has a bit of a sharp tongue and will almost always say what she thinks about a person.

Likes: The Summer time, sweet and savory food, people with open minds, praying, flying

Dislikes: Bitter food, large dogs (she was attacked by one when she was younger), ignorant people, Red Hand

Past/History: Serena was raised on the Filicarius Monastery in the Mountains of Shoria after stumbling upon them as a little girl. She was abandoned by her mother and was left as a street urchin, unwanted by anyone. Not even the orphanages would let her in because of her wings and feathers. She was chased out of the city by a mob and wandered into the mountains where she survived on her own for several weeks. When she finally came upon the Monastery, she was starving to death. The monks treated her with compassion and didn't care about the fact she wasn't fully human. They taught her how to read and write and about the Gods, and eventually their own style of demon hunting. At first she was rebellious and tried escaping by flying away, but the attempt went horribly wrong and crashed in the middle of nowhere during the winter. The monks spent 3 days looking for her in below freezing temperatures, trekking a dangerous and steep mountain. When they did finally find her, she was near death. After nursing her back to full health, she began to realize that the monks did truly care about her and took her studies seriously. She was a prodigy in exorcism, and soon after she reached maturity she left to go out into the world and help others by fighting demons wherever they may be. Years later, the Red Hand took an interest in the Monastery where she grew up and in one night wiped them all out. When Serena learned of this, she swore to destroy them all. Her mission is now to kill all demons and all Red Hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Snarl
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