Name: Lenna Underwood
Nicknames/Aliases: "That Horrifying Yet Slightly Adorable Mass Of Unending Fury"
"The Queen of the Ring"
Gender: Female
Birthday: December 5th
Age: 20
Class: Beast mothafucking Kin
Occupation: Adventurer/Pugilist
Species: Bunny Beastkin

Has a scar on her tummy that she sees as a mark of pride.
Clothing Style: wears custom made formal clothing, suits usually intended for men. The suits are specially made not to restrict movement, and are enchanted to meld into her when she becomes a beast.
When out on an adventure, wears green ranger's gear, with a leather breastplate, elbow caps and knee caps for minor protection. This outfit is also enchanted.
In the ring, she wears shorts and a tank top.
She has many beautiful dresses that she wears when she gets the chance. These are unenchanted.
All of her clothes are tailored to let her tail poke through.
She usually is wearing some gem or another. In particular, her beast stone is always on her,modified into a necklace.
Personality: Lenna is very odd for a beastkin. For one, she has not an ounce of her culture. She is very polite, due to her noble upbringing. She is at the same time quite friendly, and sees it as her duty to make people feel welcomed. She is a very calm person, too. It is difficult to get her to show anger.
That said, her temper control is more careful control of her anger than a lack of anger. She's careful to pick her battles, and then berserk rage dominate them.
She tends to be irresponsible with money, and will spend it as fast as she makes it. She also highly enjoys pretty things. When she wears a beautiful dress, she often will outright refuse to become a beast, because of the simple fact that transforming would destroy the dress.
She has an over arching sense of right and wrong, and always tries her best to do the right thing. She does not lie, steal, slander, or otherwise do harm. However, she is happy to inflict justice on ne'er dowells.
Combine that with a ridiculous stubborness and refusal to ever give up, and you have an adventurer who is, at her best, a defender of the weak, and, at her worst, a bit of a zealot.
Doing the right thing
Badass weapons (even though she can't wield them)
Anti-beast weapons
The Underwood family is well known for its charitable efforts. The Underwoods have been doing their best to help people in need, using their copious amounts of cash. It's more or less family tradition to care for the poor.
So, it came as little surprise when Kyran Underwood married a commoner named Lee Cooper. What did come as a surprise was when it turned out Kyran was barren.
The Underwood heiress was heartbroken, but ultimately decided that she was okay with it. If her husband would be a commoner, then by the gods, did it matter if her child was too?
Thus, Lenna was adopted at the age of 2.
Only later did her family learn about the whole "beastkin" thing. Lenna considers herself to be culturally human. As she's grown older, she has started resembling other beastkin of her variety, having to shave pretty damn often to maintain a normal human standard of beauty, and her nails turning to small claws and teeth becoming fangs. She has also sprouted a small bunny tail, which really gets in the way of her dresses, and two bunny ears that make her the most obvious person alive at masquerade balls.
Lenna was a firecracker of a child. As she grew up, she constantly asserted her independence. She mellowed out with time, but still asserts herself as her own person. She works for a living, unlike most of her family, and truly goes among the poor to understand what they need.
She also at one point joined what is basically fight club. The Pugilist Gang, as it was named, was Lenna's first taste of fighting. She excelled as a fistfighter once she learned how to balance her impressive speed and strength with actual technique.
Eventually, she decided she wanted a taste of adventure. She attempted to find a beast stone in the market, but found her efforts frustrated. She was good at fistfighting, but she couldn't hold a candle to the adventurers that dedicated themselves to it. She was terrible with weapons to, and the only magic she could understand at all was blue magic. And even then, the only spell she ever successfully cast was "Bunny Blast", a weak, ticklish blast of energy from a small, magical rabbit creature. She did show minor talent with a rapier, but it...just didn't feel right.
Evwntually, her salvation arrived. A group of beastkin adventurers contacted her, and allowed her the chance to prove herself on an adventure, an escort mission to protect a nature priestess. She was green as grass and made mistakes, but she showed an obvious talent. They didn't give her a beast stone for a while, so she had to subdue threats with her fists. She could handle bandits, who were usually poorly trained and just desperate for cash(which made subduing them an unpleasant business for her), but when trained assassins showed up, she almost died against one.
He had attempted to shoot the priestess with an arrow, but Lenna managed to sneak up on and ambush him. They struggled for a while, and he stabbed her with a Beastbane dagger.
Lenna fell to the ground, and the assassin thought she was dead. The moment her turned his back, she pounced, then slammed his face into the ground until he stopped struggling.
After that, the beastkin thought she'd earned her beast stone.
She bears the scar from the dagger as a mark of pride, and rather enjoys her life as a dual adventurer/aristocrat. She is currently a freelancer, though is looking for a permanent guild to join.
Random Notes: Lenna is still very fast and strong in human form. So she's not as helpless as other Beast Kin might be without it. That said, she still can't face significant threats without it.
Lenna's fistfighting is self taught. She focuses on barrages of punches and deadly grapples.
Lenna is an incredible acrobat, unsurprisingly.
Lenna has considered purchasing a pet bunny. For irony's sake.