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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Morning sun arose over the island and vast sea as it did every day, though today there was a chill in the air and an eerie feeling as all the creatures would wake they would notice this unbalance and ponder what was different from today then yesterday? The island is home to many but none have ever encountered humans. Today will be different in more ways then one.
awoke in her favorite spot, on a rock surrounded by a coral reef of sorts, She yawned and decided to swim to the surface to check it out because she felt something different a shift in the balance. Seeing only fog, nothing out of the ordinary she shrugged but then in the distance she saw something rather large and coming closer, she was so curious she decided to go swim up to it but stay under water far enough whatever it was it couldn't see her.
had a very early start and she was so exited to see an island up ahead and called "LAND HO!" Finally after 3 intense years they found the island of myths and legends. Although she didn't believe in any of it she was just exited to par take in its treasures and mysteries. As they neared she saw something through the fog duck under the water she shivered not in fear but anticipation.
Was running through the forest over by the elf village, she thought it was funny they thought she was an elf because of her pointed ears and pale skin. She was most definitely a fairy but they welcomed her with open arms as if she was one of their kin, it would absolutly make them enraged to know she is fairy. She just played along though. running from the children, they liked to play hide and go seek tag. she jumpped high into a tree and saw over the island and saw a boat? Hmm weird
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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Eris awoke to the sun beating down on her through the clear water and stretched. After she had finished she swam up to the surface and looked around for a large displacement of water that was coming closer so she started swimming towards it almost fearing what it could be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarisse was settled into a small cove of the island, perched on a rock with her tail swaying in the water as she used a makeshift comb she made of coral to brush her hair. All the while she was singing a song to herself while doing it, seemed to pass the time more quickly. Though she abruptly stopped when she noticed a disturbance and a few creatures poking their nose where it shouldn't be. Worried, she dove back into the water and stayed under while swimming to the open sea. She surfaced but only the top of her head and eyes were visual while staying close to the island, but was also able to see the disturbance as she watched fellow mermaids swim towards whatever was coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Ahab came up from below deck and walked behind Dawn after hearing her call. He looked at the island curiously. "Is that it?" The so called Island of myths and legends looked beautiful enough but would it really live up to it's namesake? For all the stories h was expecting a bit more, perhaps it would prove him wrong once they came ashore. "We should get ready."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akira sat on a rock. Thinking. Her short fluffy hair fluttering slightly. She took a bite of the meat she was holding, savoring the juicy flavor of the meat. Staring at the ocean from her perch. A ship came into view. She sighed. Akira got up and stood in the shade of some trees, hidden from view.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Zvezdan - Merman

He was laying deep on the ocean floor, a feeling in his chest waking him up. The male sat on the soft sand where he rested and looked up. There was something....not usual. True to his dislike to change and belief to bring bad he start swimming up, turning in the water to follow the feeling. Not because he was curios, far from it he would have hided in a underwater cave if he was on his own. But because he knew too well there would be some who come to close.
First in view close to the shore was but peeking out of the water.
''Clarisse, you felt it too?''He referenced the feeling, assuming it had brought her to there too. ''....Come under the surface, I dont trust it. ''He said himself being underwater completely looking up at her, eyes starting to look around and seeing Athena and Eris getting closer to something .....that cast a big shadow on the ocean floor. A heavy sigh left him. ''Of course those two would all but swim up to the mysterious bad vibe sending ...is that wood? .... thing'' He shock his head already planning on how to get those curious mermaids out of harms way.

Fotis - Minotaur

He was awake the whole night, the fog was heavy in those morning hours making it nearly impossible to see much, as he wandered the forest picking up stones to make his arrows. He huffed, his instincts were telling him he will not enjoys today. Stopping his collecting he started to stroll the island to find any other creature to chat and maybe easy his worries. He wasnt aware of the pirate ship coming closer and closer to his home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Daichi was up in the crows nest of the ship, he had his rifle slung on his back and his sword at his side, when Dawn called out he turned around and noticed the island as well, he came down from the crows nest and walked over to Ahab and Dawn and looked toward the island, grinning at Dawn's excitement. "so that's the island"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarisse's eyes were fixed on the two mermaids that was swimming closer to the wooden ship, she knew well what it was since she encountered them before which explains the various scars on her tail. Her face showed signs of worry and she was all for chasing after those two to turn them around. Before she could proceed forward a familiar voice caught her ear and she turned to see Zveden under the waters surface. She turned to the two mermaids again before heeding his warning and going beneath the surface with him, "I see I'm not the only one who felt this," she crossed her arms and still had a worried look, Athena and Eris are going towards that thing we have to get them back before they cause trouble." Clarisse was more worried for Eris, well aware it was the exact same thing that had made her gone mute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Zvezdan - Merman

He nodded at the words of the other mermaid. '' Already on it. If we get deep under the surface we should be safe.'' He simply said, starting to fast swim towards them to catch up. Hoping Clarissa would be more mistrustful than curious. Stopping once he reached Eris first. '' Eris, come down deeper. '' He smiled at her a small bit, waving his hand for her to dive down beside him. It was getting closer and he could hear voices come from the thing. He sank deeper down, placing his own finger on top off his lip, showing that they should be whispering.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarisse followed behind him as they hurridly towards the two and as Zvnden dealt with Eris she persued ahead towards Athena. "Athena," she spoke in a hushed tone while grabbing her arm. Clarisse moved around in front of her with her arms outspread to make her stop, "swim back to the island right now," her eyes were narrowed towards the girl, she knew her curiosity would always get the best of her andnthat made Clarisse worry even more. "Stay here," she told Athena while swimming ahead not out of curiosity, but to scout out while she was deep under water to be unseen and only surfaced when she was directly under the ship and out of sight. As she moved along with the ship she overheard its crew, seems they were here looking for something on their island. Hearing enough she turned around, making a small splash when she dove back unde, "lets go," she told Athena as she continued swimming and beckoned her back to the island.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drakeonis
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Ahab strapped his sword onto his back, a little confused by his crewmates apparent enthusiasm. "Looks like it. You ready?" He asked both of them while he stared ahead at the island intently. Whatever awaited them on the shore he would be prepared to deal with it. He was broken from his concentration by a splash coming from the side of the boat, but saw nothing when he looked where it had come from. "Must've been a fish." he muttered to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akira scowled, glaring at the ship from her bidding spot. Her swords in her hands, armor adorned over her masculine body. Akira who already looked like a guy, looked even more like one when she was in hunting armor. She chewed and swallowed the last of her meat, prepared to attack if anything approached.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Alexi walked out from below the deck. She yawned and walked to the front of the vessel, peering into the distance. Here eyes were set on the water, watching for any sudden movements. She then looked towards the island in the distance. Hearing Ahab's words, she grinned. "Time to plunder eh?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Eris ducked under the water with Zvezdan and gave him a small smile before changing it to a small look of confusion as she floated down next to him. When she got to the level she pointed up as the ship then shrugged, shaking her head. The object looked familiar to her but for some reason she couldn't remember what it was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seth sat silently by himself all the way in the rear of the boat. He looked at the water as the boat progressed to the new land that await to be plundered and explored. "Whatever......" Seth whispered to himself not moving from his position. He wasn't really a people person in the first place ,so when they arrive at the island he was planning on wondering off by himself for awhile. But for now he needs to stick with his fellow pirates and uncover the mysterious secrets this island holds. Seth stood and leaned against the border of the ship looking at the sun reflect off of the sea. The sceneary was breath taking in the eyes of a normal person but for Seth it was just like any other day on the sea. The sun rising probably looked better from the island. After his odly long gazed at the sea he awaited for the signal to depart from the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KiraChan
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KiraChan The dainty & Easily Annoyed

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Athena frowned at Clairisse only slightly wanting to explore this new found thing.. whatever it was "But.. What is this?" She asked as the other mermaid swam away. Athena simpily wanted to touch it, so she did and felt the hardness of wood so smooth but it bite her. The wood it pricked her finger so she decided an eye for an eye is in order. Athena Whipped her tail around and hit it making a nice thud, then promptly swam away in the direction of the other mermaids.

"Aye the island of myths and legends, it has a rather large reputation to uphold" Dawn said and jumped into the row boat, preparing to set out on an adventure. Once she was setteled in the row boat she heard a thud, it must have been a shark bumping into the ship, although why would it? The ship was obviously large the only thing a shark would gain from hitting the ship was a serious head injury. She shrugged and smiled at the Crew "Well what are ye waiting for" She said and frowned in the sunlight
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SpazzyKat
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SpazzyKat Spazziest Of Kitties

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

When she saw Athena was behind her she let out a sigh of relief, I know how curious you are Athena, but something like that shouldnt be bothered with," they swam past Eris and Zvnden and beckoned both to come back to the island. When she knew bot would be safe with him Clarisse broke off from the group to go hide in the cove. The cove she was in before was special it was surrounded by steep holls and the only way in was through an under water cavern. She discovered it a little while ago she looked behind her to see the ship gerting closer and hurridly dove under water with a rather loud splash in her hurry and moved through the cavern and back into the cove. Again she climbed the rock she was on before and laid out under the warm sun, hopefully if she is found she'll dry enough to look human and keep her being a mermaid a secret.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Daichi hopped into the rowboat and picked up an oar. when he heard a thud that sounded like it came from below the ship he came to a similar reasoning as Dawn, thinking it was a shark "Orokana same" he said quietly, as he sat down in the boat and put his oar over the edge and waited till the others got in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Akira stepped back onto the beach, her fluffy hair covering her long ears, a wolf standing besides her. She glared at the small ship that was rowing onto shore. They would be her victim if they harmed the forest. Most people though of elves as sweet, singing, loving creatures of the forest. And most were. But warriors like Akira were protective of the forest. And brutal. Violent, brutal, crazy, savage. Those were the warriors. And Akira was a warrior. She had always been, and always will be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Eris looked up to see see Clarisse and Athena swimming back towards the island with Athena motioning for her and Zvnden to follow. Eris followed them back to the island but this time she went down to her cave at the bottom of what she called Ripper cliff and sat in the middle of a glowing garden of sea flowers that made a ring around a bed of soft sand. 'I wonder what that ship is doing here' she thought to herself, her hand slowly moving up to her neck and touching the scar that had been left by her last encounter with a human. She went to lay down on the bed of sand and stared up at the sky being distorted through the water then brought a large starfish up in front of her and started petting it.
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