Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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I should have one up by the weekend.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wyron
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Lord Wyron Reclusive Giant Lord

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Alright everyone, while long-awaited, Zero is officially completed!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As you know, Ghost, Zero has been approved. Documenting it here for the others to see lol :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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*Pokes Yoshi*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darling Cyanide
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Darling Cyanide The Fleeting Eternity.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

okay I am back! So sorry for the long absence. What's all been going on? o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just waiting on that small group for intro posts... o.o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

i started writing a post, but seeing as we're coming up on the deadline here i was wondering what you plan to do as far as moving the thread or not. @YoshiSkittlez
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Go ahead and post as you would normally, those who haven't posted by Friday will be cut and I will post the final character introduction between Logan and Yukiko and we will move forward then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

alright ill post then.

lets get stuff started
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just a reminder, ANY character who does not have their intro post up by Friday WILL be removed from the roster. Deadline being my Logan amn Yukiko post on Friday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

ETA of my post for Iris...

30 minutes

ETA of my post for Erik...

N/A he's getting sandwiches for everyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

30 minutes i said...

give or take 30 minutes! XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

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Syleste is finished and posted up. Now let's see how long she waits outside until she realizes that she can go inside owo
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Due to the amount of progress being made and the lack of communication I've had with certain players, Darling Cyanide, Mythic and Hillan have been dropped from the roleplay.

That being said, I have reduced the limit of characters from 12 to 10 (as it was originally) however, now that we have a solid foundation I am willing to lift the "2 characters per player" rule.

Having previously spoken with Shadow Catcher, the discussion of another male 'student' was discussed and she will be creating her own version of Cyclops to join in the festivities, taking up the 10th and last spot. As the roleplay continues and we get into a better swing of things, the number of characters to be playable will open. I have 3 other characters I have waiting on a back burner for a later time, and I know Ghost Shadow has 2 characters he will be bringing in later, and so on, so if you wish for another character, you may start creating them now for pre-approval.

That being said, after Shadow Catcher's Cyclops joins in on the fun, I will then close up "enrollment" with that Logan and Yukiko post I promised a while back, and the real game shall begin.

I'd like to thank everyone who has stuck with this thus far, your patience shall very soon be rewarded :)
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago


I see you dropped 3 people. Does that mean everyone else has contacted you recently? Because I see little from everyone else who have made characters, save from those who have posted already.

Edit: oh wait I also see you reduced the characters from 10 to 12. Well never mind then as my question is now self explanatory. Will you be allowing for 2 more spots if someone becomes intrested?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Name: Scott Summers (Scotty)

Age: 23

Alias: Cyclops



Abilities: Cyclops can emit powerful beams of energy from his eyes. He cannot control the beams without the aid of special eyewear which he must wear at all times.

Skills: He has only a few skills, mainly stealing and other things that make him the perfectly moulded criminal. He's nearly silent on his feet, can pick a lock to pretty much anything and is comfortable with using guns and things like that. He has some good close combat fighting skills but rarely uses them.

Personality Traits: Scott is an emotionally unstabe and fragile spirited man. Though his tough look suggests otherwise, he is very kind and likes to avoid conflit as much as possible. He fears a lot of things and trusts no one. Any physical contact with others draws out panic as he is so used to being beated or emotionally/sexually abused. Scarred is an understatement to how messed up he is. Though he keeps a lock on how much pain he really feels, the years of horror he faced can be easily read on his face. Even when smiling, he looks sad. Though this causes him to be soft and distant from many people, there is a small piece of him inside that still keeps him fighting through it all.

When he is around people he keeps himself closed off, only showing a cold shell of his inner self or whatever he wants others to see him as.

Backstory: Scott Summers is the oldest son of Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot in the U.S. Air Force and his wife Katherine Ann. His younger brother is Alex, now age 13 (later known as Havok) who has some undiscovered powers that are much like Scott's. At a younge age, Scott lost both of his parents during a freak accident while the family was travelling on a long trip in a train. The Summers' were moving off of an Air Force base where they had been permitted to live most of their lives. His father having been restationed in a base near New York City caused the family to uproot everything and take a hours long trip to plant roots somewhere else.

Though it is unknown to Scott how the accident happened, as the train travelled over a bridge that passed a few hundred feet above a large expanse of water, the bridge failed, crumbling under the weight of the train, collapsing and taking the train and everyone inside along with it. In a desperate attempt to save her children, Scott's mother literally broke through a window and shoved the two of them out of it. As Scott and Alex fell into the water seperate from those in the train, Scott would get hit in the head by a piece of bridge debris, causing damage to the part of his brain that would have later allowed him to controll his optical blasts. Scott and Alex both would be the only survivors of the wreck as the other passengers would drown as the train sank to the bottom of the water.

The two were both found and treated soon after, the bridge being only a mile or so from a nearby suburb of the city with a few families living there. Scott and Alex both suffered trauma induced amnesia from the accident, Alex getting the worst of it, being so young (about age 5) having forgotten most of his memories of Scott or their parents. Scott (around age 15) having only forgotten about the accident himself and not knowing why when he awoke that his parents were gone, when told about the accident and how his parents were likely killed in the disaster, Scott was thrown into a panic where he, for the first time, would unleash the power of his optical blasts, destroying a good part of the small town hospital that him and his brother were admitted to.

Shortly after he would lose consciousness and awake one year later in a different hospital, having been the subject to various tests in an orphanage located in Nebraska. He spent a few years there, being harassed and bullied and prevented from having anyone adopt him. At one point he was suffering severe headaches, a sign that his power was going to soon flare up again and was sent to a specialist. He was given a pair of ruby-quartz glasses that were meant to prevent his power from getting out of hand. The problem was when he would be beaten up by bullies or his glasses would get taken, he had to struggle and keep his eyes closed in fear of unleasing the deadly blast that came from his eyes.

Scott lived the rest of his years in fear of his ability and of people finding out. When he was finally old enough to be released from the orphanage, Scott, now 18, travelled around, hoping to find his way back to New York where he thought his brother may be. Eventually he caught the attention of a mutant criminal who used and abused the already weak spirited and emotionally drained teen. Whenever Scott wanted to be free of his clutches, he was beated into submission, the poor mutant eventually not trying to escape.

For the past 5 years, Scott still has his emotional fragility, but has grown stronger. Strong enough to stand up for himself and take control of his powers to a certain extent. Though he had finally reached the point he could easily take down the mutant criminal who he worked for, the man had Scott wrapped around his finger, keeping the fear in Scott too pronounced to ever dare try to escape.

Recently, Charles Xavier along with the help of some federal officials helped to take down the criminal, but Scott was also subject to punishment for being his accomplice. In an effort to get Scott out of some terrible trouble, Charles would offer him solace at the school he was now forming in New York. This brought a new found hope for Scott as he wanted to still find his younger brother, wondering if he had the same powers as he did. Encouraged by this, he would agree to go with Charles and finally give up the life of fear and pain he had been subject to all this time.

Other: He always needs to wear his special pair of sunglasses, even in his sleep. The lenses are made of a material called ruby-quartz, that for some reason, keeps his powers in check. For this reason, no one usually sees the true ocean blue color of his eyes. Though it no longer bothers him, he sees the world with a subtle red tint to it, not because of his glasses, but his eyes themselves.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

alrighty and there is my Scott Summers. I know his personality is not like how he is portrayed in the movies or how most of him think he is, but i tried to keep in mind that this is him at the start of the X-Men, meaning itll be some time before he becomes the badass freedom fighter everyone loves and knows him as.

The badassness will come people, dont worry. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago


I see you dropped 3 people. Does that mean everyone else has contacted you recently? Because I see little from everyone else who have made characters, save from those who have posted already.

Edit: oh wait I also see you reduced the characters from 10 to 12. Well never mind then as my question is now self explanatory. Will you be allowing for 2 more spots if someone becomes intrested?

As of right now those two spots will remain closer just because its time to really get thia rp going. Later, however, yes should you guys want to add more characters then I will open more spots.

Also, Scott looks good and I really like the idea of starting him out bare-bones, just as all the other student characters are starting. Approved! Now lets get this flashback collab crunched out! :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 28 days ago

I was told to join or die, so here ;_;

Name: Robert Robins

Age: 21

Alias: Doc


Costume: No capes, no tights, no costume.

Abilities: Healing – “The user can manipulate healing and healing process, speeding any or all aspects of healing to the point of regenerating, or slowing and blocking healing. They can sense the health of anyone and the causes of wounds, diseases or injuries, the health history and possibly even genetic weaknesses and predispositions.”

With ease he can swiftly heal minor wounds and close fatal wounds such as lost limbs, damaged nerves, and internal organs. With more concentration can he heal external wounds like broken bones and deep burns, and heal minor damage to internal organs. Requiring absolute focus he can completely heal internal organs, and heal damaged nerves to a certain extent, as well can regenerate critically fatal damaged cells. Though whatever requires his absolute focus causes him pain as/after he heals. So he really does encourage people to stay out of danger. He cannot heal long term wounds.

Alternatively, he himself has an advanced regeneration process. Not of the likes of Logan, but fast enough that he can quickly come back from punches and kicks without feeling much pain from them. As well he’s more likely to survive fatal attacks than the average mutant, though he’s still pretty vulnerable and should not try to take bullets and blades like they’re nothing. He can speed up his regeneration process by absorbing the health of others which may cause them to become ill or die, but Robert doesn’t like using the ability even on people he doesn’t like.

Skills: Sharpness – Robert was always the type to hang back and watch others. His eye tends to notice how people stand and move now. Due to this, and given his medical knowledge, he tends to notice weak points in certain areas of the body. As well, by standing back and watching he can tell if something is off about a certain situation or person faster than the average person would.

Stealth – Due to his nature of standing back and watching Robert has learned how to stay out of the attention of others. He generally goes unnoticed in a room unless he speaks or is the center of attention, but let him stop speaking and have others turn their attention elsewhere it would seem as if he was never there in the first place.

Fighting – The extent of Robert’s combat ability comes from street fighting, so while he has no real fighting training he can throw a hard punch or two, and he isn’t afraid to play dirty. With his sharpness and stealthy nature he understands how to jump away from an attack and strike at the best moment.

Personality Traits: Robert comes off as someone who is quiet and distant when in fact he’s just work focused or lost in thought. He’s actually outgoing as he will speak whatever is on his mind no matter what it is, and when he speaks it’s usually something to add to the situation or something that shows his deadpan snarker nature. Although he is cynical he is very kind and can be playful, though mostly only playful with children.

Backstory: Robert grew up with both of his hardworking parents. They worked most of the time so Robert never got to spend much time with them, but he knew they worked as much as their racist environment would allow just for him, so he never had any sort of resentment towards his parents for the lack of attention. He was raised to be respectful and kind, and was encouraged to keep his studies up in the poor environment. He would read non-fiction whenever he would get the chance, though in their state would end reading the same books continuously. Robert had only three friends growing up in which all of their parents were friends, so they stuck together because of their parent’s affiliation. By time he was a teenager the toll of lynching had been reducing, but his parents, as well as the parents of his friends, had been lynched after one night of hearing marching outside. That was around the time Robert had found out about his ability. As he hugged the corpse of his mother and father their wounds began closing up. Very few people noticed, those few being his friends.

Skip to the present and Robert now works as a doctor due to filling in as one as men went to war. He secretly uses his mutant abilities to help those in need. He was so good at his work that he was one of the people who hadn't gotten their job taken away when the war was over.

Other: He is fit and stands at six feet. Black American.

Notes: For things I didn't touch much upon in the bio, it was intentional. I would rather it be learned in the IC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Expllo hey this looks pretty good, thanks for keeping his regeneration on the low, as I am reading this I'm understanding that his main ability is to heal others. Am I correct?

Now... is he Asian? I dont wanna assume but his nationality was never stated. And ig he is was he born in America or did he move? Different languages?

Also, how was he affectrd by the war? And who recruited him?
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