Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 7 days ago

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Elanor Roosevelt

To those of you who know my style, what I'm saying here should be no surprise. This is a Sci-Fi NRP where there is no preset plot. No Evil Empire to defeat, no "Chosen One", and no precursors that seeded all civilizations. This roleplay is made up of player-made nations populated by player-made species in the Milky Way. Each nation has its own goals, as do its people, all freely decided by the people who made them. This is a sci-fi NRP sandbox.

Now, there are a few restrictions. Because if there weren't, then some prick would inevitably make a giant intergalactic empire and immediately declare war on everyone else. By "restrictions" I really mean "restriction". That restriction is that your civilization is young. Perhaps you have only colonized your home system, perhaps you hold domain over a few planets in your immediate interstellar neighborhood, or maybe you've just now seen the first footprints on your planet's moon. Whatever the case, you are most certainly not an expansive Empire.

Apps will follow the standard Stardust style, as shown below:

Name of nation:
Description of government:
Description of military:
Technological Overview:
Cultural Overview:

As seen in the tags, this will be an advanced roleplay. Everyone must conform to the advanced standards as seen in their description on the homepage. This shouldn't be too much of a problem, since they call for at least 2 paragraphs, something which 99% of the NRP section already exceeds.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vanguardian
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Vanguardian Dank Maymays

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name of nation: Uslaw Theocracy
Species: Uslaw Rovnitov
The Uslaw Rovnitov have triangular shaped heads with limited side to side mobility and no up and down mobility. To look above themselves they have to lean back. There are twenty four eyes on the face of the Uslaw Rovnitov which give them vision over a much wider spectrum of light than humans.

They possess two pair of mandibles under their nose for eating and vocalizing. Uslaw Rovnitov vocalizations consist of shrills, clicks and pops.

They possess both an internal skeleton and an exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is composed of hardened membranes that are interlocked providing protection to internal organs. The exoskeleton is useless against modern weaponry.

Two large and powerful arms which are articulated with shoulder and elbow joints ending in a three pointed claw. In a duel the claws are often used as weapons and preferred by many of the warriors as a means of dueling.

Uslaw Rovnitov walk upright on two legs which appear to be too small for their bodies. The legs posses knee joints and ankle joints. The feet are not well articulated. What passes for a hip is actually a ball joint arrangement.

They evolved from the apex predators on their home world. With “modern life” comes lower infant mortality rates and the population on their home world has put pressure on them to colonize other worlds. They are a very warlike race and would prefer to fight than attempt to use diplomacy.

Uslaw Rovnitov are hermaphrodite in terms of sexuality. They do require a partner to mate with due to physical constraints. Mating between them is a casual affair with no permanent bonds with both partners becoming pregnant. Within three months after a pairing eggs are laid. The eggs hatch out as larvae which are cared for by “nurses.”

Uslaw Rovnitov are omnivores by have a decided preference for the flesh of others. Uslaw Rovnitov have also been known to consume the flesh of those who they’ve killed in a duel or in battle.

Their favorite food is a small marsupial that lives in the swamps of their home world. They also raise these marsupials in their homes for personal consumption but most Uslaw Rovnitov feel the specimens harvested in the wild taste better. They do not bother killing the victim first preferring to eat them alive.

Description of government:
Description of military:

Technological Overview:
Cultural Overview:
There are four castes in Uslaw Rovnitov society. The largest of the castes is the warrior caste. Young Uslaw Rovnitov are selected as larvae and immediately brought to military camps for training and to be raised as warriors. The next largest caste are the workers and is the lowest caste in social hierarchy.

A priest caste is the next largest and where the warriors are given great honor the priest caste has the highest prestige. Nurses come from the priest caste.

The smallest caste are the “learned ones” who are very recently created caste and were originally part of the priest caste.

Each individual in Uslaw Rovnitov society decorates their body with markings that denote their caste, their clan and in the case of the warrior class their ranking within the caste.

Duels between members of the warrior caste are a common occurrence. Other than outright warfare this is a path to greater prestige among warriors. Duels are always to the death with a special type of marker going on the body of the winner signifying the number of duels they have fought successfully.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

That doesn't look like a advanced-quality app.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 40 min ago

Oh! Finally some NRP that looks interesting. I hope this will make it to the IC stage, none of those I fancied ever did xD

Name of nation:
Official: Exiles of Faira
Demonym: Faira - whether referring to a male or female, in both singular and plural

Name: Faira

Population and growth:
Total population reaches 1 000 000 - The maximum capacity of Faira’Dea city ship. While cruel, the terminally ill and disabled are often euthanized to make space for new children. The annual population increase is 0% due to birth control laws and aforementioned practices. It is worth noting that only about 10% of Faira are born male.

Faira are humanoid in shape. Their hands have a set of three fingers and an opposable thumb, while their feet are toeless. Their skin is universally grey or silver, but they have natural pigmentation patterns on it that vary in shape and colors. Their faces spot a rather flat nose with two slit shaped nostrils, mouth with metal looking, sharp teeth and trapezoid lidless eyes. Their forehead is lower than that of humans and turns into hair like tendrils that cover the whole of Faira head. Those are the only sign of sexual dimorphism of the species, as male are not longer than few centimeters and rather sturdy, while female can reach below shoulders and are extremely sensitive. Their bodily build is rather lanky with their height span from 180 to 230 centimeters, and they lack physical strength and agility. Thier movement is very precise though.

Faira, as all life forms of their former homeworld, are a species based on silicon. Their skeleton is very durable due to actually having metal iridium deposits within, making them an organic composite. Same can not be said for the rest of them though, as the silicon based tissues are more fragile than carbon or sulphur based life. A punch from a human could seriously hurt a Faira, up to the point of tearing muscle. The species makes up for this with very sharp senses and high intelligence. Faira eyes are capable of seeing wider spectrum than human eye, mostly into the infrared wavelengths. Their touch is centered mainly to their fingers and palms. All senses are concentrated on their ‘hair’, which are actually organic sensors. This causes Faira males to be unable to smell most things and renders them nearly deaf. The female antennae on the other hand are extremely sensitive to touch, sound and chemical composition of the surrounding area, to the point of incapacitating them with sensory overload on certain occasions.

Faira reproduction is mostly facilitated by the female, whose body is able to randomize the genetic information on it’s own. The male only gives a pheromonal impulse that actually decides the gender of the child. Faira have very short childhoods, fully grown at the age of 10.

Due to their rare biology, Faira are nigh immune to all diseases, but their wounds take awfully long time to heal. They possess a heightened resistance to heat and radiation in general, to a point of being able to survive on a planet orbiting a red giant.

Faira don't need to eat to sustain their life, but merely to get material into their system for growth, healing, and to replenish disposables like sweat. They gather energy from red light through special organs in their skin in a process similar to photosynthesis. As such, Faira have, in theory, unlimited life span, but most of those lives end earlier due to fatal injuries. The oldest Faira on record lasted 1251 years, and the oldest living one is 360 years old.

Description of government:
Type: Military state, socialism - Faira government is the way it is out of need. With their dangerously low population and no planet to call home, military way of life is the only way that can keep their species alive. That allowed for a sort of socialistic governing and eliminating the concept of money from their economy which made them much more flexible in rebuilding after the Exodus.

Insignia and designations: The Faira were never fragmented into nations, and thus the concept of flags, coat of arms etc. is alien to them.

Home system:
Faira nebula (Current) - A hostile gas cloud that is full of radiation and storms that generate strong EM pulses. The Faira can only survive here because of their state of the art shielding systems. In return, they are nearly perfectly hidden within the nebula, as it interferes with most sensors and the visibility is very low. A remnant of a supernova, the nebula is rich in gasses, but the only source of ores are the remnants of one planet shattered into a tenuous asteroid belt. In the middle is a neutron star - the source of the deadly radiation.

Faira star (Formerly) - The Faira star was a red giant that was at the end of it’s life by the time the Faira species reached into space. Evolving in this system gives the Faira high resistance to heat and their sense of sight is most sensitive to the red part of the spectrum. The Faira can see the part of the infrared spectrum as well, essentially granting them heat vision.

Inhabited planet(s):
Faira’Erea (Formerly) - The planet was the closest one to the star by the time Faira evolved. The crust was rich with silicon, iridium, iron and carbon. Copper and aluminum were practically nonexistent. Faira’Erea’s gravity was about 0,8 of Earth’s and the planet had no day/night cycle or satellites. The atmosphere was composed mostly of oxygen and nitrogen, and the planet had no hydrosphere.

Space nomads (Current) - The Faira now live on spaceships, searching for a planet that would accommodate them. The trouble is that the Faira evolved on a relatively rare planet under even less likely circumstances. It is likely they will forever be condemned to living in space, but they are adaptable people.

Civilian assets:
Faira’Dea - A giant lifeboat featuring rotating segments to provide gravity to the large ship efficiently. Houses 90% of the remaining Faira. Spanning 25 kilometers from bow to stern, this is one of the largest ships constructed, dwarfing many military ships. It is so big that it only mounts it’s own FTL drive, relying on tugboats to move it through normal space.

Faira’Tris (3D Model) - Garden ship that provides the Faira with food. About 5 kilometers long. Over half of it is just storage for the processed food, with the production occupying only about 20% of the ship’s internal volume.

Faira’Karte - A mobile shipyard of the Faira and their only way of manufacturing ships. It’s size of three kilometers limits the size of ships the Faira can build. Faira’Karte features one capital 2km berth, two 500m berths and four 200m berths. It has two strikecraft production modules and sizeable docking array.

Faira’Capra - A resource processing and storage ship. It can house and carry the whole Faira mining fleet.

Faira’Hexus - Colony ship that is a jack of all trades. It has large crew capacity, self sustaining food production, strikecraft factory, hangar, resource processing plant, cargo bay and advanced sensors. It is literally built around a prototype FTL drive that recharges twice as fast as the standard Faira model. It is the only Faira civilian ship that is armed, but only with point defense weapons.

Cultural Overview:
The Faira are a matriarchal society. To an outsider, they might even appear monogendered, as with how things are now the males are kept safe within the nebula as pretty much a national treasure. Being busy with their own survival throughout pretty much all of their existence, Faira developed little to no culture. What they have serves mainly for education, such as documentary movies or literature.

They prefer to relax physically in their free time rather than seeking food for the mind. There are facilities on each larger ship that are built to simulate their native environment, which they enjoy deeply as the environment they can maintain on their ships is vastly different, and while habitable, not at all pleasant to them.

Due to their frail nature, no competitive sports ever existed in Faira society, instead replaced by multiple games of skill and wit. The favorite is a simulation game where a player takes the role of a god and guides a selected civilization on it’s development.

As far as design goes, Faira are fond of shades of red and metallic grey for colors. Their buildings used to have large flat bases with spires towering form them, something that carried over to their ship designs, which are generally flat slabs with functional parts mounted on them rather than integrated into the design itself. Faira do not wear clothing in the usual sense - due to their fragile nature, they took up to wearing powered exoskeletons with protective abilities. Only high ranking officers and diplomatic officials wear uniforms.

Technological Overview:
Base elements: Silicon, Iridium, Helium, Xenon

Power generation: With the abundance of Helium in the Faira Nebula, Faira abandoned their original fission reactors in favor of newer fusion ones that had better power/fuel density ratio.

Plasma thrusters: Faira sublight drives eject plazmatised xenon gas, Which gives their strikecraft the ability to switch between hi acceleration or high efficiency modes. Their capital ships are rather sluggish, however they can last a very long time on one tank.

Subspace motivator: As the interstellar drive is actually the first FTL drive Faira came into contact with through unearthing a derelict alien ship on their world, their intrasystem drive works on the same principle, only creating an artificial jump corridor instead of a naturally occurring jump node they use for intersystem travel. This process is very energy consuming and requires several minutes to recharge - the power cost even exceeds that of an intersystem jump through natural jump point. As such, the Faira developed a way of tracking ships into and inside the jump corridor, allowing two ships to share the same route - when they exit FTL, they can immediately jump again using the other ship’s drive, while the first drive cools down and recharges on the way. They also continued improving their imperfect, hastily reverse engineered intersystem drive - the Hexus model can perform jumps twice as fast, however it is difficult to produce and remains untested as of yet. Due to the nature of the intersystem drive, Faira ships can only travel between stars along predetermined paths.

Hull-envelope metal-ceramics composite armor: Lacking resources to build heavy armor, Faira never really invested into researching the technology. Their ships have double hulls serving as breach protection and spall lining, with the outer hull being a strong composite. While relatively resistant to kinetic attacks, it has trouble dissipating energy weapons.

Ion barrier segment shielding: Faira developed a very strong shielding system that makes up for their pathetic ship armor. The barrier itself is composed of an ion field that can dissipate energy weapons and melt or vaporize projectiles. Perhaps it’s greatest strength though is it’s segmentation, allowing the commander to boost power into specific shield quadrant for tactical movements.

Cybernetics: Faira use Semiconductor based computers. The difference from humans is that due to their own physiology, Faira are capable of using organic silicon, giving their computers AI capability quite easily.

Communications: For short range communications, Faira use hyperpulse multiplex. While the communication Is FTL based, it sacrifices range for greater bandwidth at the same energy cost. This allows them to easily share large sums of data with an entire fleet. Long range communications are facilitated through dropped FTL relays.

Weaponry: Faira have never been in a war, however they realized that not only may there be other life in the Galaxy, but it may not be friendly. Due to the limited resources, they abandoned kinetic weaponry and instead focused on directed energy weapons, with the exception of the heavy hitters based on plasma - resources for both of which are easily harvested in their home nebula.

Description of military:
Ground forces: 0. Faira can not spare the lives, nor are they interested in invading majority of the planets.

The Faira have evolved on the planet they call Faira’Erea during it’s sun’s last phase of life. As such the life form evolved to a very specific set of conditions. Due to their rather extreme intelligence, they were able to study their star quite early in their technological development. Realizing the threat, they pooled all of their resources in a last ditch effort to escape their untimely destruction.

It was in the nick of time that they discovered an ancient wreck on their planet - a relic ship left there by a civilization long extinct. Through examining the relic, they managed to learn about the jump points that link star systems together and reverse engineer the FTL drive, along with some basics of shielding and most of all weapons - a concept alien to them thus far, as the Faira didn’t have time to wage war if they wanted to survive.

Seeing the evidence they might not be alone in the universe though, the Faira prepared for the eventuality, and although their escape plan only involved what would come to be known as the Exodus fleet, they came up with blueprints for warships and modified their harbor ship accordingly.

Leaving just in the nick of time, the fleet managed to get through the only known jump point in their home system just as the star begun to collapse. The initial plan called for the Exodus fleet to find a suitable planet and then evacuate more of the Faira. Instead, they found themselves in a very unfriendly nebula, with the rest of their people dying in the supernova on the other side.

Now exiles without a home and threatened with extinction, the Faira were forced to take extraordinary measures to ensure their species’ survival. The Exodus fleet returned to their home system, now christened Faira Nebula. The military took over with the admirals taking on the roles of the governors. Strict birth control was established and most of the socialistic laws from before the Exodus like healthcare for the disabled had to be removed. Under the new circumstances, their economical system simply couldn’t continue. Thus the Faira adapted socialism out of sheer necessity.

After a few rough decades, the situation stabilized. Now with sustainable population, the Faira begun developing new technologies and building more ships that would allow them to expand into new systems and hopefully one day find a new home and return to their former glory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 7 days ago


Name of nation:
League of Spacefaring Nations (LSN)

The LSN is made up of Rissan, a species very similar to humanity. The main difference are their ears, which are pointed and jut out from their heads instead of being more or less flush to them. Aside from that small difference, the two species are the same externally. Internally, however, they are quite different.

Rissan have a larger heart and an extra lung, likely the result of a lack of mounts to hunt from. Due to this, their endurance is much greater than that of a human. One of the oddest things about them is their blood, which is based on iridium. Thanks to the more complicated lung structure this requires, they also have only one kidney. Their skin is unanimously dark, in order to shield their blood from light. Since albinos tended to die in a few months, they see white as a color of death. Green is seen as the color of war, as blood left out tends to turn from an orange to a green.

They have a different skeletal structure in their central torso as well, since the kidney must be more protected. Their ribcage extends down to it, which is located in front of the stomach. Their liver is also smaller, and thus they have a much lower (physical) tolerance for alcohol. An amount that would cause mild problems in a human could kill a Rissan.

Rissan have more pronounced sexual dimorphism than humans, with men having significantly more upper body strength and women having more lower body strength. This is likely a result of their slower advancement, with the hunting/gathering roles going on for much longer than they did for humanity. This adds the odd quirk of most couriers being women, as it is seen as a traditional role.

Description of government:
The League is extremely similar to the UN of our own world, being a collection of nations that ratifies and enforces international law. The difference is that the LSN holds far more power than the UN, and can change anything from human rights laws to the global minimum wage. Another departure from the UN is that they can stage a military intervention at any time, and do so far more often than the UN.

The League Council is made up of delegates from all nations, all of whom has an amount of votes proportional to the population of the nation they represent. This leads to the sidelining of most smaller nations, though interplanetary operations are generally carried out quite well.

Description of military:
The LSN military is known as the "United Military Initiative", and is made up of multiple different forces donated by member nations. These donated forces are split up into four different divisions:

League Peacekeeping Army: The ground forces of the LSN, this force acts as both the Marine Corps and the Army of the LSN. They are often considered the most important force during wartime, due to the long tradition of ground warfare the LSN has. Their soldiers sometimes use weapons from their home country, but most opt for the usually superior standardized weapons provided by the League. These so-called "standardized" weapons all have origins in specific countries, but are only produced for the League in order to give it an edge over the other countries.

League 9.AR(l) Rifle:

League 3.SM(l) Submachine Gun:

League 1.SR(o) Sniper Rifle:

League 21.P(f) Handgun:

League Peacekeeping Army Uniform:

League 1/4.BT(l) Battle Tank:

League 2.MT(k) Main Battle Tank:

League 3/8.LT(k) Light Tank:

League Naval Patrol: The Naval Patrol is the oceangoing force of the LSN. In recent years, it has seen very little conflict and only has to deal with pirates.

League 21.PT(l) Patrol Boat:

Leauge 1/2.LRS (l) Missile Submarine:

League 1.NC (l) Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier:

League 13.DV (k) Destroyer:

Leauge 6/2.BB(l) Battleship

Technological Overview: The technology of the LSN is extremely primitive by galactic standards, with computers in particular being in their primal stages. Civilian computers are extremely expensive and never go over a few hundred kilobytes of RAM. The military uses much more powerful computers for things such as missile launches and space operations, though even the most powerful military computers are well behind today's PCs. Handheld weapons all launch gunpowder-propelled bullets, and no enhancements (genetic engineering or cybernetic) exist. Of interesting note is that most photographs are still black and white.

Explosives use simple chemical reactions, with only large-scale missiles utilizing more advanced technology. Even then, it is only nuclear, with antimatter only being discovered thirty years ago and being impossible to produce and contain on any significant scale. Spacecraft use basic rockets, with only a few of the largest craft using nuclear pulse propulsion.

Spaceborne weaponry consists of extremely finicky heavy cannons (prone to jamming due to the microgravity environment), and missiles. No antigravity technology exists, and spacecraft are either constructed using materials mined in space or launched in an expensive process. The only reason the LSN actually matters is because of its FTL technology. They discovered basic warp field geometry at a surprisingly early stage of development, and unlike us, had a "Chicago Pile" moment with negative energy. No ship using this drive has been launched, however.

Cultural Overview:

History: To understand the history of the LSN, one must understand the history of the Rissan, and their homeworld. There was never a point in their history in which there was a single supercontinent, nor were there any land ridges between the two major continental groups. As a result, the Rissan were confined to only half of the world until the Age of Sail. The area where they evolved happened to have no pack animals, and as such, their civilization took much longer to develop than that of humanity's.

Without pack animals to pull carts and wagons, Rickshaws became a staple of their culture. Teams of people took the place of horses, usually in a small merchant team that split the profit evenly. With the advent of intercontinental travel, pack animals were brought over from the uninhabited "Second World" as it was called, making Rickshaw-type vehicles obsolete. This also jump started their economy, with pack animals, they could do the work of five people for the price of barely half a person.

At that point, capitalism as we know it today began to emerge. Cooperative teams became one man with a horse, a whip, and orders from his employer. Colonization of the second world continued unimpeded, with no other civilizations to compete with. The Empires spread across the second world like wildfire, and all of it was controlled for nearly a hundred years.

Then came the rebellions. Be it because of taxes, cultural differences, or simply disliking the monarch, the Second World colonies rebelled. Strong cultural ties between the colonies caused them to unite in their cause, the whole of the Second World organized against their rulers. With the First World powers still fighting amongst themselves, the organized colonial revolutionaries gained their freedom.

In the aftermath of the revolts, the former colonies of the Second World created the Federal Republic of Litvan. Some of the First World powers tried to reclaim their colonies, but the combined might of Litvan pushed them back every time. They were truly independent.

Over the years, Litvan grew to rival the power of the entire First World combined. After the construction of multiple canals, Litvan found itself controlling trade to the Eastern First World nations. Combined with their immense size, they seemed invincible.

Litvan itself is an interesting case of "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". The Eastern and Western powers had both colonized the Second World, and while the two began with very different cultures, after a hundred years the barriers had been broken down quite a bit. There was a "Colonial Culture", which was a melting pot of both Western and Eastern cultures. After the revolution, the predominantly Western Litvan adopted one of the character-based Eastern languages simply because most of the colonists spoke it anyways.

With the advent of air travel, the natural mountain range between the two halves of the First World became less of an issue. Fearing that their monopoly would be dismantled, the Litvan government offered subsidies to any global air transport company. Through this, they kept their stranglehold on the world economy.

The First World nations quickly found themselves completely overtaken by the FRL. To combat them, they built the First World Transcontinental Rail Service, which connected every city in the First World by rail. It was a monumental undertaking, requiring years upon years of labor. The mountain range in the center of the First World didn't make things any easier. Still, desperate to stay competitive, the First World nations completed the railway.

The railway was the great equalizer for the First World. No only did it allow them to trade without paying fees to Litvani transport companies, it brought them closer together. The former racism between East and West faded into memory, with those lining in the mountains even commuting between the two halves of the First World. Slowly, the First World began to come closer together like Litvan.

Then the Twenty Year's War began. A minor political figure in a small and insignificant First World country was assassinated, sparking a war that would have remained insignificant if not for a chain of alliances. Karstat, one of the most powerful First World nations, took advantage of the war and invaded Gelrique (one of the other major superpowers). Oczheva and Brinios were pulled in against Karstat, and the lines were drawn. For years they fought, with neither side able to achieve victory. Litvan was perfectly fine with sitting on the sidelines and selling to both sides, waiting for the war to end.

The thing was, it never did. A decade into the war, everyone realized that the only way it could end was total genocide. The population of the First World had been decimated, the war taking the lives of far more than its apparent human analogue ever did. Finally, after yet another decade of weary fighting, Litvan reacted. Joining with Brininos, Oczheva, and Gelrique, they greatly outnumbered the opposing forces.

With the superior Litvan numbers and technology, the face of the war changed. Up until then, the focus had been on defensive weaponry to reinforce the trenches. Litvan, however, had been developing new offensive weapons. They had been the only country to even consider tanks, and already had vehicles on par with those from the human Second World War. With their massive advantage, the allies rampaged across the First World, eliminating the enemy armies.

Within mere months, the war was finally over. After over two decades, peace had come to the First World. In the aftermath, Litvan forced the formation of the International League to preserve the peace.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vanguardian
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Vanguardian Dank Maymays

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

That doesn't look like a advanced-quality app.

Please read the WIP part of the app. So sorry but someone must be oblivious to things stated in the app.
2x Like Like
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 7 days ago

That doesn't look like a advanced-quality app.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

(editing in progress)

Name of nation: Irodien empire


Description of government:
The sanfures are mostly under the rule of an imperial government lead by a powerful emperor advised by an imperial council. The most powerful of them is usually the military advertisers’ referred to as Governor-Militant. Territory is dived into provinces which are ruled by Governors. They are Expansionistic and have a Machiavellian mindset using their military to intimidate or outright conquer their weaker neighbors. They are willing to form alliances with other nation if it can be beneficial for them.

Description of military:

Technological Overview: Much of Irodien technology can be described as simple and rugged. Most of the empires technology progess has be shaped by the 35 year long civil war. There ships have FTL drives and powerful sunlight engines. The empire has the ability to colonize most environments and planets.

Cultural Overview: Their culture is an honor centric, self-sacrifices, war glorifying, and hardworking spices. They have been known for the very harsh in warfare using harsh tactic to force there enemy to surrender. Going along with their self-sacrificial attitude they believe that casualty is secondary to the overall goal.

History: The Irodiens started out as a small city state in the turbulent Vosta region. They existed as a small force in-till the first Emperor arrived according to their legends he conquered the region and several of the outlining area. After the passing of the first emperor the emperors fallowing him keep expanding the imperials borders. Eventual after centuries of bloody wars there homeworld of Iro was brought under the rule of the empire.

Over time the empire made it into space and began to colonize nearby planets. The empire expanded across several systems bringing some alien races into the empire. But over the years the planets that are colonized wanted to become independent and revolted. After 35 years of heavy fighting the empire came out on top and won a major victory. The empire has rebuild since them and is looking to expand its borders. But the scarce of the civil war linger in Imperial society to this day.

Other: none yet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I am definitely interested. I shall make a new civilisation!
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 40 min ago

I know I have no power here either, but for the love of god, my eyes are bleeding after reading that app. Seriously:


Description of government: The sanfures are mostly under the rule of an imperial government lead by a powerful emperor advised by an imperial council. The most powerful of them are usually the military advertisers called Governor-Militant. Territory is dived into provinces witch are ruled by Governors. They are expansionist and have a Machiavellian mindset using their military to intimidate or outright conquer their weaker neighbors. They are willing to form alliances with other nations if it can be beneficial for them.

Description of military:

^ Past that I just give up...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by duck55223>

Do I need to remind you of the multiple shit-tier and godmod apps you let in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frontliner
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Frontliner The Arisen

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Possibly interested. I'll work on an app.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Uhh, question. Would it be viable to have a nation that doesn't have any capital class ships but swarms of ftl capable fighters? Just asking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Name of nation:
United Nations of Tarvia (U.N.T)

The Tarviant

The Tarviant Order is made of natives from Tarvia, hence their name. Bold, willing and trustful, they were the founders of the great nations of Tarvia. Standing six foot tall, slim and agile, they are warriors in every right. The Tarviant lifespan is quite average for such a race, 100 years to be exact. They are quick to adapt and recruit at a very young age. They are Spartan like in concept, killing the weak to hold the strong. To discipline whenever possible, the slightest flinch or groan and they will get 10 strikes with a baton.

Their body structure is quite.... strange. They have very high bone density, especially in the ribs but they are also extremely light. If one was to pick up a Tarviant without his armour on, they would be surprised as they weigh like a feather. They have an extra heart and a strange organ added just above the entrance to the stomach. The Cilatory is an organ that is available only for 1 out of 10 Tarviants, and the purpose of this organ is to make them have the ability to shoot out stomach acid out of there refined Tarviant throats, protecting it from the stomach acid. Their genders are also very strange. The way it works is that females will almost never see the outside worlds, protected in huge monasteries. The female is hold almost sacred in Tarviant society, so their protection is outmost important.

Unfortunately for the Tarviant Order, the male birth rates are declining, meaning less troops for the U.T.L. The High Leaders still refuse to send women into battle, they are to be protected and defended, not used as soldiers in the front line. The Tarviant Templars have also noticed strange behaviour in the Tarviant females they are protecting. They have grown..... almost scheming. It is heresy to think of these thoughts but the Templars give a close eye.

Description of government:

The U.N.T is a conglomerate of 300 nations from the main planet of Tarvia. The 300 nations then put forward one representative to form the Tarviant Senate. The Senate has control over the small Water-to-Space Fleet Ships and the vast United Tarviant Army. The Senators rarely argue, due to their Spartan like personality. They are almost like a collective mind, a few thoughts of opposition every now and then but eventually, all will choose as one. Every four years, each Senator will be replaced by a candidate. This is how it has been since the founding of the U.N.T in 1922.

Description of military:
U.N.T Peacekeeping Forces

.45 Cal Rifle (known as the "Shredder") is the standard Rifle of the Peacekeeping Forces. With a standard magazine holding 20 rounds, each of which is lethal enough to kill a man with one shot. It only has one mode and that is semi-automatic. It is a compact, lightweight rifle that when given to the Heavy Troopers, can actually be duel wielded. It's compact design is for urban combat, which is the specialty of the Templars that use it.

Technological Overview:
Cultural Overview:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

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No. Power.

OOC will be up sometime today, currently occupied with SCIENCE!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Room for a Sep?

I was interested in star dust but then it was all arguements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 7 days ago


Room for a Sep?

I was interested in star dust but then it was all arguements.

There's always room!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 1 hr ago

<Snipped quote by Sep>

There's always room!

Will begin my app later, then port it over to the OOC when it's made.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

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Yo scotsman, long time no see =)
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