Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Innsert
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hello and Welcome! Recently I opened an Interest Check with a number of very general options for roleplays in order to see what kind of roleplay people were hoping to see. After getting a few votes, it seemed the idea for an open world fantasy roleplay was quite accepted. Thus, I began creating such a roleplay. However, as I worked on it, I got the idea that the world I was creating was far larger than I expected. That interest check died down as I silently worked on the world of this new idea. Thus, I am opening a new interest check so that more people can see what this idea is turning into. It is obviously not done and might go through some more changes so let me know how it looks so far and if you'd be interested in joining!

-----TL,DR Check out my open world fantasy role play and let me know if you're interested! :]



Illyria, Illyria, when will you come?
For our enemies are at our gates
and mean to end us all.
Illyria, Illyria, when will you save us?
For you are mighty and powerful
and we await your call.



The continent of Illyria, a wonderous place full of all kinds of peoples. Here reside the old and noble houses of Men, the beautiful and enigmatic realms of the Elves, and the tall and proud halls of the Dwarves. Home to the mountains of Dunnadrium, the fields of Rhydowyn, and the forests of Merramore. A place of fire and steel, wood and ale. Ruled by order and strife. To most, it is a large and scary world full of danger. But to some, its an adventure waiting to be sung. Its a treasure waiting to be discovered. A secret waiting to be told. It is here in Illyria that we will become legends.


Men: The most common of races in Illyria, the race of Men control various kingdoms. Unlike the other races, however, Men have the most cultural differences between one another. Known for their Valor as well as their impatience and rashness, the race of Men are often the ones at war. Men also have the shortest lifespands of the three major races of Illyria. The race of Men have the physical propensity to do almost anything, whether it be a ferocious warrior, an eagle eyed archer, or powerful mage.

Elves: Elves are a common folk in Illyria. Typically from the woodlands, Elves are known to live within cities and perform all kinds of work. Elves have far better eyesight, balance, and reflexes than an average human, albeit are slightly weaker. Elves are known for their wisdom and, at times, their guile. Furthermore, Elves have the longest lifespan. Elves have no love for war or battle but they make for great archers or mages. Elves also have a knack for thievery.

Dwarves: The least common of the three major races, Dwarves are the mountain dwellers of Illyria. Dwarves are far shorter than both Elves and Men, standing at nearly half their height. Though shorter, the Dwarves are a particularly resilient peoples. Dwarves mostly keep to themselves, preferring their work to most other things. Thus, Dwarves are known for their amazing metalwork and crafting. After working the hammer all day, Dwarves are particularly strong. In battle they are brutes who can overpower anything thrown at them. Just don't expect them to travel much. This is probably why most people leave the Dwarves to themselves and they do the same for everyone else.

Goblins: While Goblins are violent, they typically don't amount to anything more than troublemakers. Green or brown, Goblins are about the same height as Dwarves and reside in old, abandoned Dwarven mines. However, Goblins love to leave their tunnels and cause trouble in nearby villages. In extremely rare cases a particularly intelligent Goblin emerges. They may become the head of a large group of other Goblins or they may set out alone and cause grief to anyone they come across. While small, goblins have long arms, giving them more reach than expected. Furthermore, Goblins will fight with any weapon they can get their hands on. Nimble and dirty, do not underestimate a goblin's fighting capabilities.

Giants: Standing about twelve feet tall, Giants are almost twice as tall as Men. Extremely strong, a Giant is as strong as a dozen Men. Giants are not particularly more intelligent than Men, but blessed with a far longer lifespan, they simply have had more time to see and learn. Giants are known for their Masonry and building. In fact, it is believed that Giants built the great twin cities of Rhydowyn. However, few of these people still live and they mostly avoid Men and their cities.

Orcs: WIP

Dragonkin: ???

Merfolk: ???

The Map

Illyria is spotted with large nations and small nations alike. Each nation is home to different peoples and cultures. Here you can just a few facts about each nation. Want to know more about them? Ask around. If you still can't find what you need, you may need to pack your bags.

For zooming in.

Geography: Fields, farmlands. Small fishing villages.
Demographic: Mostly men. Do not typically mind other races but occasionally there are instances of intolerance within smaller communities.
Economy: Produce, grain, meat, fish, milk, etc.
Major Cities/Important Places: Gwyndowyn and Rhydowar, the Twin Cities of Rhydowyn. Both cities are large hilltop walled cities of white stone.
Armies: Swordsman and spearman with bucklers. Archers. Cavalry are particularly strong and are equipped with Swords, Spears, and shortbows.
Important People: Rhydowyn has two major ruling families. Each lives in one of the Twin Cities. Currently In Gwyndowyn is King Gwawayn and his son Galaden. In Rhydowar is Queen Helaine. Both seem to have the favor of their people.
Other Notes: WIP

Mihnn Fahrown
Geography: Bare, rocky lands with little foliage. Small mountains to the southeast. Plenty of Strongholds and naval docks.
Demographic: Men only. None other are allowed except traders from Tharis.
Economy: Ore, iron, and steel. Precious metals and building materials.
Major Cities/Important Places: Mihn Tilliath, the largest stronghold of Mihn Fahrown, located in the center of the nation. Mihn Malin and Mihn Kael smaller strongholds along the coast.
Armies: Mostly spearman with large shields. Rhydowyn siege weapons are particularly strong as is their naval ships. Their cavalry and archers are few in number.
Important People: Mihn Fahrown's monarch, currently King Jorr, is completely under the thumb of their military commander, General Gregor Mahn.
Other notes: WIP

Republic of Tharis
Geography: A dry and barren land with little value. Known as the Tharis drylands,
Demographic: Any and all races welcome.
Economy: Trade. Tharis does not produce anything on its own.
Major Cities/Important Places: Tharis, located in the middle of the Tharis Drylands.
Armies: Mostly mercenary armies.
Important People:
Other notes: Tharis is a hub for merchants and traders. All sorts of goods come through here including food, livestock, wood, metals, clothing, and more. The wealthy traders took residence in the Tharis drylands not only for its strategic position between two large nation states but because of its little value. The drylands cannot produce food or raise large populations of livestock. It has no natural resources nor does it have much wildlife for hunting. Thus, there is little reason to invade and conquer Tharis.

The Great Waste/Maeilk Kageen
Geography: Sand, sand, desert, sand.
Demographic: Men, Elves.
Economy: ???
Major Cities/Important Places: Maeilk Kagaan is somewhere withing the Great Waste. Its specific location is unknown.
Armies: Spearman, bowman.
Important People: ???
Other notes: Most people know Maeilk Kageen as The Great Waste. Few Men believe the city of Maeilk Kagaan exists. However, there are some men and elves who claim they have traded with the dark skinned people of the desert. They say they did not know it was a Kageen until they were already gone. Others claim they have seen Kageen warriors patrolling the desert boarders to the north.

Island City. Home to the Academy. Magic center, most superstitious people avoid this place.
Geography: Tropical island, beaches, small wooded areas.
Demographic: All races welcome, mostly Men though.
Economy: Craft and trade of Enchanted items (forever burning lamps, dowsing rods, etc.)
Major Cities/Important Places: The Academy (not really a city but it is the most developed area).
Armies: None
Important People: Headmaster Lyra Salt
Other Notes: It is here that young men and women come to study a wide variety of topics. Magic, or Thaumaturgy as they call it in Alexandia, is also studied here which makes it far different than most schools. Most facets of Magic are studied here except dark magics. Alexandia is also home to the largest Library in the world. Many come to Alexandia just to visit the library. The Academy is the center of the down and thus many people live here who do not attend the academy. Tailors, blacksmiths, inn keepers, etc.

Geography: Mountains, rocks, stone, etc.
Demographic: Dwarves and very few Men.
Economy: Metal craft
Major Cities/Important Places: The Great Hall of Baeddan is the largest Dwarven home and located at the southern most part of the Dunnadrium Mountains. The Adamatite mines are located below Baeddan. The Crystal Mines are far north of Baeddan. The Egador Pass as well as the Kagaan pass are both located in the Dunnadrium Mountains.
Armies: Heavily Armored, Huge Shields. Battle Axes and Maces. No archers or cavalry. Siege weapons exist but are almost never used.
Important People: King Eamon Fyrsmith
Other notes: The Dwarves of Dunnadrium trade often with Men but never with Elves. The Dunnadrium Mountains are known for their Adamatite and Crystal mines, however, they never trade either of these precious metals. Iron, silver, gold, these are traded often but never Crystal or Adamatite.

Dwarven homeland. Best armor crafters. Do not trade. Mythril and adamatite. Dwarves only.
Geography: Mountaints, rocks, stone, etc.
Demographic: Dwarves only.
Economy: Metal craft, self sufficient. Little to no trade.
Major Cities/Important Places: Egador, the only city within the Egador Mountains. Mythril mines.
Armies: Heavily Armored, Huge Shields. Battle Axes and Maces. No archers or cavalry. Siege weapons exist but are almost never used.
Important People: King Brannone Feldspar
Other notes: The Egador dwarves are very reclusive and trade between them is almost non existent. However, this is not because they are unwilling to trade, it is because they are located so far from most other cities and care not to venture out to them. Although Egador dwarves are the better craftsmen, trading with Egador then is problematic because, unwilling to part with their mythril, they trade mostly the same sort of equipment and material that Dunnadrium dwarves trade. Egador dwarves, however, are said to trade with the Kagaan regularly.

Elves, largest kingdom. also furthest away. Weapon enchantors. Best weapons. Trade is limited. Elves only. Contact with Dunnadrium.

Large kingdom, mostly 'empty'. Plains mixed with forests. Hate outsiders. Spell slinging elves and archers.

Fyre Drake Island
Dragons/dragonkin. Legendary island, most believe doesnt exist. Home to Trralr, volcano.

Atlantis... merfolk. Legendary island under the sea.

Magic and Technology


Magic and Monsters




Character Sheet

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

First! I see potential.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Certainly seems like quite an interesting world in the making :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Primal Conundrum
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Primal Conundrum Amazonian

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm interested! Are Centaurs allowed?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Innsert
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I'm glad to see some initial interest even though this isn't finished.

@Primal Conundrum We may come across them but I do not think I will make them a playable race.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So many Fantasy roleplays starting at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 28 days ago

Interested in Merfolk & Dragonkin

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


I'll leave some potential interest in this and hola @Masaki Haruna, funny seeing you here :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by fantasyfan28
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fantasyfan28 Legendary Sage

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Like many of the others I see a lot of potential here. Very much interested. Are half-breeds allowed?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Innsert
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@fantasyfan28 Yes, half breeds will be possible.

@Dead Cruiser I haven't completely decided if these should be playable yet. I had originally added them a possible quest players can go on (Find Pyre or Atalntia). However being that they are typically popular (at least Dragonkin) I may limit them to 1 each. Again, I'm not completely decided yet on this one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 28 days ago

If you'd like, I could assist with world building regarding either race. I could also play a half-breed of some kind if you would be more comfortable with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alchemical Chimera

Alchemical Chimera

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Interested in playing a goblin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bosco


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 3 mos ago

If I can make a warlock then I'm interested
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Can I be a vampire? Not sparkles nor anything OP. If so how are vampires like here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheCompromised


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Very interested! Sounds very well organized
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yeah, let's do this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Innsert
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Dead Cruiser A half-breed might work. It really all depends on your character's background. As for the world building for the two races, I would gladly welcome some help. Like I said, I'd like to keep some mystery about these places so Id ask you to PM me any ideas you might have.

@Weird Tales Yes, there will be magics for you to cast. Im going to try and keep the magics very 'open' so that the player may decide what kind of magic he wants and how he casts it.

@Masaki Haruna Funny you mention this because I was actually thinking of how I might add Werewolves and Vampires. Werewolves were easier as you can generalize them into Changelings. Vampires on the other hand were a bit more specific... I can definitely add the two but I'd have to think of some lore for them. The only Vamp/WW lore I know in a story like this is from Skyrim (the other stories I know include Lotr, Game of Thones, The Wheel of Time, and The Kingkiller Chronicles. None of which have Vampires/WWs). It would be preferable if their lore was not the same.
I have work today and tomorrow so I probably won't be able to get much done until tomorrow night. I will still be around to answer any questions though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FernStone
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FernStone One Again Addicted to Pepsi Max

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It'll certainly be interesting to see where it goes - I'm probably interested in having a merfolk or elf character overall. Although the idea of changelings would be interesting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ForeverBWFC
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Is there any chance of the orcs in this world being "civilised", or at the very least not just mobs but an actual playable race? Rither way, count me interested!
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