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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Marcus sat in the desk of his office. His blondish brown hair tied up into a pony tail. He was finishing up his daily duties as the schools comsuler before he headed off to lunch. Marcus appearance hasn't changed much, he still looks the same but now has a blondish brown goatee. He stands up yawning and scratching his chest. Yes, he was shirtless doing school work. This was mainly one of the reasons why he tells the students and staff to knock before entering his room.

He walks to a coat rack and takes a white shirt off a hanger and dresses himself. His clothes weren't as beat up as they used to be doing the first semester. Back then he got into a lot of pointless fights. He hasn't gotten into a fight in awhile though. It wasn't because of his repetitive losing streak. It was because he needed time to fully control his negative chi manipulation. He did master it around the ending of the first semester and would accept what ever challenge came his way to see how his practice paid off.

Marcus exited his room locking the door behind him. The passing by students smiled as the passed him or waved in his direction. Marcus actually liked being the consulor. He got to meet countless numbers of people with strange and interesting personalities. He also liked how sometimes he would deal with relationship problems between the students. Marcus was deep in his thoughts as he walked towards the entrance of the lunch room. He entered and walked directly towards the line fixing himself a healthy meal of chicken salad and orange juice. He sat down at a random table and ate his food quietly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus scratched his head. He then looked at his palm, it had a transmutation symbol on it. He was thinking on a possibility, but it was farfetched and he didn't like it. "It must have probably been from the fight, it was pretty huge. Can I check something quickly, just to see what's wrong with your powers?" Deus stood up, as his hand began to radiate a silver aura. He cracked his neck to the side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan looked up from his book and frowned. "I do hope you aren't planning on doing anything dangerous. If you were, it would fall under my jurisdiction as a Council Member to stop that." He called out to them. He really didn't feel like demolishing anyone today. He would though if he had to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JELDare
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JELDare Trying to improve

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Slick turned to Ryan. "Please don't use threats. He's trying to help someone out, I understand it's your job, but believe me, you'd do the same."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Sol finished off the last of his pancakes and lounged around bored watching Dues and Slick with mild interest. So far the year hadn't been too exciting; he hadn't even gotten to participate in the team battle at the start of the year. At this point he was almost out of practice with how little actual combat he had done.

Elza groaned and walked into the cafeteria dragging her feet like a zombie. She walked straight to the drink table and grabbed a cub of black coffee before sitting down and slowing sipping it down a languid expression on her face. Elza hated mornings.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BranchOfSin
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BranchOfSin Phantom Sixth Man

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Deus ignored Ryan's remark and looked at Slick who had answered his question. "Alright, So I'm going to Implant some of my Aura into you and attempt to see what is wrong, you might feel a little excruciating pain." Deus looked at Slick, trying to find a small opening in his Aura, and when he found it he quickly began to insert his Aura into him. What this would do is that it would attempt to heal his Powers. Deus guessed that his powers had Imploded like that because of the opposing forces of the team battle, these powers were so strong, no wonder eyes couldn't keep up with them.

"Ouch! There seems that something is wrong with your powers, Like a blockage or something of some kind. That's all I can tell you for now Slick, Sorry If I wasn't much help." Deus said as he sat back down sighing. He was tired, so it would be easy to do anything to him right now anyways.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan ignored both of them and looked at the ceiling. "All I'm saying is if I hear explosions I'm going to kick someone's ass." He went back to his book and eating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Cafeteria

The trio entered the cafeteria. Pamela was hugging Cruz's arm tightly while walking with a big smile and don't even knowing the faces that both made. "Ugh... I've slept for a long time. I didn't thought that emergency codes were that exhausting...", he spoke. "I was like, really worried, you know! I mean, what if you didn't woke up?!", Pamela said. "... Let's just get our lunches. We're late, you know.", Lyn said, leaving to see what was today's food.

Then, the two walked towards everyone and sat. "Hey... so, what did I lost?", he asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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"Nothing too special. Also Ms. Armellia, please let go of Mr Meister's arm, otherwise I will have to write both of you up for public displays of affection." Ryan looked up from his book at the both of them. "If you're going to have some fun, keep it in the bedroom." He grinned slightly with those words hoping to embarrass them. "Or don't. I would have to write you up for a boy being in girl dormitories or girl being in boy dormitories if you did that." He looked very thoughtful at that statement. "You know what. Just... make sure to be safe. Yeah, that's pretty all encompassing." He began to ramble to himself abound t various rules and regulations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Cafeteria

"A-A-A-Ahh!! Y-Y-You perv!! J-Just because you're from the student council d-d-doesn't mean you have to say such... s-such indecent, perverted things!!", Pamela screamed getting red, like a tomato. "Dude, I understand about harassing someone, but that was way too much.", she said. "... Wait a minute. I didn't got it. What do you exactly mean by public affection? And what this about bedrooms?"

The two girls couldn't do anything other than looking with faces of awe. And on a negative sense. "Don't tell me... a technomagician, supposed to know everything, is so clueless about love?", Lyn asked. "It's not like I don't understand what love is, I just... Wait, no, I really don't understand anything about love. I've read it about it, but...", he said. Lyn just slapped her own face in disappointment, but at the same time she laughed a little. After all, Ryan's trick to get both embarassed didn't work. Or rather, it worked halfway. Pamela sighed a little. He didn't got embarassed, but she knew she had to let go of his arm. And Cruz... let's just say he left to the food stand, wondering about what Ryan said, seeing himself as a completely clueless and innocent children.

"After this, I don't think anything worse can happen.", she commented while sitting. "C-Could you please leave your abusiveness away whenever I'm walking with Cruz, please?", she said, on a serious tone. "Says the girl that is abusing of how clueless he is to walk around making it look that you two are dating... when you aren't. Would it hurt for you to stop those rumors? People keep asking me about them and it's giving me a headache.", Lyn commented. Pamela simply looked away angry.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan smiled. "In all seriousness though, how is Mr Meister? He's been in a coma since the battle which is quite worrying. There is a chance his muscles have atrophied. Actually it should be a certainty that has happened. Yet he's walking perfectly fine as of now." Ryan had a semi confused look on his face. "And do forgive me for the embarrassing comments. It's not very often I get to have fun like that."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Cafeteria

BGM: Sacred Moon

"Well, to be honest... even though he is walking well, we aren't that so sure... He did a quick analysis on his body and magical state and everything seemed normal.", Pamela said, with a worried face. Lyn looked down. She hadn't start eating her pancakes. "That... magic he used to rebuild the town. Do any of you have any plausible idea of what that was? I mean, to make a destroyed town back to normal in just a second...", Lyn commented. Pamela started to think a little about it.

Then, Cruz came to them and sat down. But after he put his plate on the table, his right arm flickered, like an image being shown on a TV that's almost breaking up. He felt a moderate pain. "Cruz, are you alright?!", Pamela was the first to ask. "D-Don't worry about it. It... was absolutely nothing.", he said, holding the arm. But the said arm flickered once more. "Alright, that's it. I'll take you to your room.", Lyn said, getting up. "I... I said it's fine! You don't have to worry about me!", he said. "No discussion. If whatever happening at your arm looks painful, what if it happens at your legs too?", she asked, still with a serious face. Cruz looked down to the ground and stood quiet. He was nervous to admit, but just because he woke up didn't mean he was ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan closed his book and stood up. "Mr Meister, I'm asking you, face to face, whether you are injured. If you do not comply in answering I will have to write you up for lying to a Council Member. The punishment for such an action is left up to the Council Member who is lied to, and I will not be kind in my punishment. Now speak." Ryan commanded in a very no nonsense tone. "Also, if you survive my punishment, I'm passing you off to Meruin for punishment." He added as an afterthought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cruz Meister, Pamela Armellia and Lynda "Lyn" Hermit
Location: Cafeteria

"... My magic system...", he mumbled. "Cruz...?", Pamela asked again.

"I...I'll just confess. That code... Reality/RESET... it damaged my magic system.", he said. Lyn just let her fork fall down on the ground. "You're... saying that the magic you used was able to damage your entire system?!", she asked. "It's an emergencial code. Its meaning is to restore my homeland. It's only usable by the... by certain technomagicians. It restores everything that has been destroyed into its original state. However, that damages the user's entire magic system.", he explained. Both Lynda and Pamela just looked at him, shocked after hearing all of that. "My state of coma... was supposed to be longer. I would have to be sleeping for a week, for it to recover fully. However... since I broke the estimated time, and if I calculate it rightly, I only recovered 40% of my system. And even if it's big, it's not enough.", he kept explaining.

"So in the end... you did a fake analysis and lied to us. Now it begs the question... why?", Lyn questioned. "... I... just never wanted anyone worried about me. I agreed with myself that, independent of my actions so far, I would let fate decide for how long my life should be. And I don't want anyone worrying about some so- ARGH!!", Cruz's arm flickered once more. "I... I-I think it's best if we returned you to your room and put you on your bed. Maybe a little more rest can make things better.", Pamela suggested. It was written on her face that she was seriously cncerned. But Cuz was reluctant to that idea. "Gghh... there's... no need to... I can't rest anymore... not with much things that I still have to do.", his face expressed pain, although he didn't wanted to rest again... because of his kingdom.

"... Ryan, your orders.", Lyn asked to him. She directly knew that talking with Cru is a waste of time, deciding to go to an authority and leaving her way of doing things aside.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Ryan thought carefully on how he would word this. "You are to rest until your systems are 75 percent repaired. At that point you may continue whatever it is you need to do unless I or another Council Member says otherwise. No strenuous activity for the next one to two weeks." Ryan decided after a minute. He then turned to Lyn and Pamela. "And you two. I am officially making you two my deputies. As such, you are a part of the Student Disciplinary Committee and will take your responsibilities very seriously. Your first duty is to make sure that he does not disregard my orders. I expect you two to thoroughly read through the rules and regulations of the school. Dismissed." Ryan got up after he made his decisions, picked up his book, and vanished in a gust of wind. There was work to be done. In his place were two heavy rulebooks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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Meruin suddenly appeared next to Cruz. She did not go to him; she just wanted to get to the cafeteria quicker. The small mage yawned and blinked before turning to Ryan.

"Oh, good morning, Ryan, and to you too, mister Cruz, miss Lint and miss Potato," she said. Meruin meant no disrespect, even if her dull voice said otherwise; she had simply not interacted with Lyn and Pamela much, so she hadn't yet committed their names to memory. She frowned upon double checking Cruz. "And what is the matter here?"

It should also be noted that this time, Meruin was wearing clothes - or a clothe, to be specific. The only article of clothing she had on was her panties, yes, but it still counted as wearing clothes. "Oh, and there goes Ryan," said Meruin, slightly surprised that he left so quickly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Elza sighed, every gosh dang day Meruin couldn't be bothered to put some clothes on. You would think that a genius mage who could remember hundreds of spells would remember to put her clothes on in the morning. "Here are your clothes Meruin." Elza said yawning and handed her a bundle of clothes while enclosing her in shadows that concealed Meruin's body until she put her clothes on. It was nearly routine now; Elza gulped down another cup of coffee and went for more still barely awake.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Ryan quickly reappeared. "Wait... I teleported to Meruin. Why am I back here?" He turned towards Meruin and blushed. When hte shadows covered her he sighed in relief. "I feel like we need to put up notes around her room to remind her about the clothes thing." He said out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus finished his breakfast and throw it away. On his way to the garabe bin he heard a lot of commotion coming for a somewhat familiar group of people. He walks over to the table and greets everyone. "Morning Robin(Deus), 3 (Meruin), Ryan, weird girl(Elza), roboticmage guy(Cruz) and roboticmage's harem(Pamela and Lyn)." Marcus was gonna stay but he had stuff to do so he continued to walk.

He exited the lunch room and walked down the halls that lead to the gym. Marcus was teaching a class today and he was sort of late. The class was on close combat training and strengthing your view while in battle. He opened the doors to the gym and examined the students that were present. Most of the students present were cocky or there to just pass the time and even there to show off to the female students that attended the class.

"Alright shit heads and ladies gather around!" The students did as Marcus said. The male students gave him fixed looks and muffled a few swears under their breathes. Marcus smiled at his new punching bags. " Today I'll teach you how to predict your oppents movements." The students continued to look at Marcus without no interruptions. " Now! I'll demonstrate by defending myself against you guys don't worry I'll go easy."

The male students laugh and one charged at Marcus attempting to throw a punch. Marcus didn't even move a limb and the male student went hurdling into the air. "My bad I guess that was a little to much." Marcus said laughing and scratching his head. Some of the female students backed away. The male students were a little frightened but didn't move from their position. "Looks like I'll be holding back a lot more."

Five students attempted to attack Marcus from all noticeable sides. In a blink of an eye all five of the students laid out cold on the gym floor. Marcus was barely using 1% of his power and the spectating students still couldn't predict his movements. "I swear you students get weaker and weaker." Marcus stated in a somewhat serious tone. Suddenly a pretty big student walked up towards Marcus and looked down at him. The giant student brung both of his fist down on Marcus thinking he landed a successful hit on him. Sadly the over sized student was flung into the air and landed directly in front of Marcus. He was knocked out same as the previous attacking students. Marcus laughed looking at the remaining students. "So who seen me punch all of are volunteers?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sol eyebrows twitched irritably and he adjusted his swords. "Fun as your demonstration was are you actually going to end up teaching anything?" He had taken this class in the hope of perhaps learning something helpful but it looked like this idiot was just going to show off the whole time. Sol yawned pointedly, "Though by all means if you want to keep randomly abusing your students carry on." he said somewhat provocatively watching Marcus through one narrowed eye.
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