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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scott Jacks
(Don't be ridicules with this guys, no six year olds or hundred whatever year olds)


Rock and Roll / Metal tribe name: Teh Rockers
a black guitar that doubles as a Double bladed Axe

quick to anger

Most people can only join Teh Rockers through birth Right. Not scott, no he was WAY to Hardcore for his original tribe. they allowed him in because his guitar shreds were, As the youth of today would call it, Mental. the gods picked him as there chosen tribute, to represent all that stand for the sanctity of Rock and Roll, to defend against the onslaught armies of Techno, Punk and Pop tribes

Other: whos ready to Rock. And . Rollllllllll!!!!!! even gods need a good roadie
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NightmareInd
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NightmareInd Edgelord McEdgyness

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sam Spark



He also has a pair of headphones he wears around his neck, but he puts them on when he uses his 'Instrument'.


The TT, short for Techno Tribe, are a carefree tribe, who just like to party. They have much energy, and also dance. They like to come together and party a lot. To have the best parties, they gather at night and have big lightshows with loud music. Because their music uses a lot of existing styles and remixes them, they tend to co-operate with other tribes. However, because there are people who don't appreciate their loudness and 'spoiling their culture' and such, they are a nomadic tribe, which means they move around.

He carries a small portable version of a discjockey table on his back, which he calls the Mixer 4000. It is able to create shockwaves with coloured lights. These are not only very pretty at his tribe's parties, but can also be distracting and pack a punch. They are very powerful and ranged, but limit Sam's ability to move while using it.

Sam seems carefree at first sight, but that is because he actually is really wise, and the only way to not suffer under these wisdoms is to not think about them. He enjoys nothing else like making music, but as fighting in this world also means making music, he doesn't step back from a good challenge.

Sam was a famous young DJ, and hosted several parties and festivals. However, he wanted to get closer to the other genres of music and to pursue his goal of making a remix where all genres were converted into, he went to roam around the world, in search for other tribes and learn about their ways of making music.

I might make a new character later, as even the gods need a good roadie.

The Alphabeat by David Guetta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Axle Drake

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Genre/Tribe: The Heavy Metal genre in a tribe known as "Lost Hope." The Lost Hope are what is known as Tear Drinkers from the Sea of Black Tears. "We may look sicly and weak, but our gloom and darkness drag our enemies down to our level."

Instrument/Weapon: Axle uses a michrophone that emits a sonic boom whenever he screams into it, damaging nearby enemies. His fists have also been infused with the Black Tears, making them more powerful than normal.

Personality: "How does ther term 'soulless' sound to you?" He actually does have emotions under the thick shell he shows most others. He will protect others that he cares for with his life.

Bio: Before his tribe became the Lost Hope, they were a simple tribe. They had heard of their ancestors who had taken part in the Black Tear Rebellion ages ago and the legends of the faction called the Drowning Doom. They managed to make it through the seal to get to the Sea of Black Tears, gaining it's power in exchange for their humanity. Axle managed to resist the loss of his humanity... partially. He absorbed some of the Black Tears into his hands, able to somewhat manipulate them. He doesn't have the same powers usually given to the Tear Drinkers because of this. He lost his family in this process as they couldn't handle the grief of the Tears. "To get as far as we've gone, I can't purely thank myself and my unique musical talents. I need to thank all the little people. After all, even the gods need a good roadie."

Other: Die for Metal by Manowar
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Estelle Marie Forrester | "Little Star"

Age 16 | Female

Estelle hails from the tribe Wind Dancers which is a mix of classical and hip-hop. They are located on the wide plains of Caesura where the wind sings to them. However, they tend to not stay in one place and instead follow wherever the wind choses to take them. They are much like gypsies in that way. They value nature above all else and believe that there is a spirit in everything.
Basically it sounds like this.

She wields a violin that when she plays she can control the four elements. However, she has to be focused when she does this or there is a possibility of the elements turning on her and causing her harm.

Generally a quiet girl, Estelle normally fades into the background. She is the kind of person who prefers to take the pictures, not be in them. She is usually a very passive and kind person. Being as sensitive as she is, she does not like violence and tries to avoid any and all conflict. She is an easy-going person and very agreeable. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. She is somewhat of a klutz, managing to trip over her own feet more often than not. However, she can be very stubborn if she feels like it. She also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Estelle will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself.

A decent cook, Estelle is wary around knifes from the time she almost took her thumb off when chopping vegetables for dinner. She is a night owl and not much of a morning person. She can be very OCD when it comes to certain things. Having never had a boyfriend or even kissed a member of the opposite sex before, she is painfully clueless about the romance world. She is also considered a book worm and is normally seen with a book in front of her nose.

The results of her quiet nature lead her to not having friends because of how shy and flustered she becomes around others. Generally, Estelle only ever talks if she is either spoken to. Other than that she stays quiet. However, just because she is not participating in the conversation, doesn't mean she isn't paying attention; rather, she is choosing to listen and learn.

Her father was born to a hip-hop tribe while her mother came from a more classical tribe. They were both kindred spirits and thus could never stay in one place for very long. They each ventured into the world on a adventure and when they meet it was love at first sight. The two tribes had no quarrel with the union though there were a few who frowned upon it. However her parents disappeared together and soon created a tribe that brought together the two music genres. Estelle was born a year later and is living happily with her parents as they travel.

~ Estelle is terrified of the dark, storms, or loud noises in general.
~ When she becomes nervous she has a habit of fidgeting with her hair.

~Even The Gods Need A Good Roadie~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Adelisa "Dela" Storm

19 turning 20


· Height: 5'0
· Weight: 98
· Other: she has a scar on her neck but it's mostly faded.


A Pop Punk tribe called the Outsiders, they are a very carefree set of people. They don't play by any genre rules and they refuse to think they are not "punk" or "pop" because they are both. Because of their mixed thinking and their wacky style, they are exiled to the land of Misceo. They have their own part of the land called Forgotten Souls and they tend to stay there most of the time. In fact, no one really sees the Outsider tribe. They only send out one or two people to gather what they need from other tribes but otherwise they keep to themselves.

Dela holds a wireless microphone that doubles as a sword. Kind of like Thor's hammer, no one else can really pick it up because it was designed for Dela specifically.


Dela is the type of girl that guys tend to stay away from because they think she is a tough girl. In actuality, Dela is very kind and gentle with a feisty, stubborn shell. She can be very sarcastic and blunt about things that people are oblivious too, but in the same situation she is oblivious purposely. She tends to push people away for her own protection, but still goes up to people and chats with them randomly. She can be very depressed and suicidal, but she hides it behind an outgoing, sarcastic girl. She blushes easily, but hates admitting to it. She does what she wants to do, she wears what she wants to wear, and she says what she wants to say.


Dela was a legend among her tribe. Her father was a punk god and her mother was a pop queen and they fell in love. Sadly, as all Romeo and Juliet scenerios go, they were ostracized from their families and their tribes. They left and stayed in Misceo, adding Dela to their family. Eventually people followed in their footsteps because of the fandom and they became the leaders of the Outsiders. Dela was the first true product of pop punk and eventually, she became their leader at the age of 3. Obviously her parents took care of everything until she turned 11, when they died of illness. Dela took over and eventually the tribe followed the way she dressed and acted, truly becoming pop punk. Dela now wants to reach out to the other genres so her tribe can get the aid they need to get a cure for the illness that killed her parents.


· She has a few tattoos
· She hates the pop and punk tribes for what they did to her parents
· Even the Gods need a good roadie
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Jokhem Bars
L.P. short for Laser Pixel



"Even The Gods Need A Good Roadie, so why not let the son of dubstep be the one."


The Summit tribe is a somewhat large group of people who warship the gods of dubstep. They are very hard to handle in various situations and are commonly confused with their relatives the Techno Tribes. The people of Summit are hard core partiers. They're probably one of a few genres that allows its people to mix it's culture with any other genre of music. Summit is settled around a mountain and has the characteristics of a high tech or futuristic city. The people of Summit are known for having the ability to control neon particles and implement them into weapons.


The Dubstep Gun:
Jokhem normally calls the gun noodles for some odd reason. When the trigger is pulled neon beams of light is fired from the weapon. The fire rate of the gun is similar to a machine gun. Also when activated and fired dubstep music is played.

Jokhem is spontaneous and loves to express his love for dubstep. He rarely gets angry and is probably the first person to get on your nerves. Jokhem also likes to learn about different genres of music to perfect his dubstep remixes of each genre. He's stronge spirited and always ready to dive into a battle. On his free time hr likes to play music by himself or pleases a surrounding person to play music with him.

Jokhem was born into a full blooded dubstep family. His family was never hostile and welcomed anyone from any genre of music to join their growing nation. Although this lead to many battles like the battle of Dreams and the battle of Bangarang. Jokhem family suffered many losses but ranged victorious with the creation of the dubstep gun. With his new achieved weapon Jokhem went on to defeating his families enemies and bringing Summit back to peace. Now he roams the land in hopes of settling down and probably starting a band.

Jokhem likes candy and coffee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Jonathan "Johnny" Twostep



Johnny stands six feet four inches tall and weighs roughly 160 pounds. A lightweight figure for a light-footed man. His head of hair is dark brown and his eyes are blue. His usual dress is a well-tailored navy blue pinstripe suit jacket over a stark white cuffed shirt, an equally navy blue tie tucked into a waistcoat of the same colour, dress slacks of that colour and honed leather tap dancing shoes. A fedora sits atop his head and he normally wears stark white dress gloves to go along with his formal dress.


Johnny hails from the tribe of the Swing people; collectively known as the Oldies of Oldtown, his tribe are one of the oldest in the whole of the land. The music they practice and play is also one of the oldest forms of music in the land, as attested to by their elders. Eons ago, Jazz, Swing and Blues were formed from the hearts and souls of the early Caesurans during their trials and tribulations of terraforming their unstable land into their homes. Their blood, sweat and tears distilled through their emotions and into their voices and song, and thus the Trifecta of Trials were born. Jazz, Swing and Blues make up this trio, and Johnny's tribe were the first of the Swingsters in Caesura. He is of their current generation, when the music has reached new levels of ingenuity and excellence yet they dream higher and greater, and he carries these hopes and dreams of his people with him.

His weapons are a pair of tap-dancing shoes that imbue both his legs and feet with great strength and speed as well as the raw power of sound. His kicks are able to break the speed of sound as a result, and any time he stamps his foot or feet he creates a shockwave that travels through the ground that dissipates over distance and time. His main fighting style is that of what you would know as tae kwon do, mixed with a healthy dose of good ol' fashioned tap dancing, swing dancing and other forms of footwork. The metal plates and braces on his shoes are also hardened and strengthed metals; lightweight and superbly sturdy under pressure of combat and dancing.

Though a peaceful people, when threatened by nature or other tribes, the Swingsters were forced to develop a fighting style wholly of their own; and since the basis of much of their music came from their hands, the style they developed was based entirely around the use of legs and feet.

Johnny is a very laid back and suave fellow, one you would see leaned up against a wall or a bar counter, drink in one hand, a woman in the other. He's smooth and slick, cunning and feisty, yet kind spirited and gentle to boot, in stark contrast to his fighting style. A ladies man all the way, he is the most gentlemanly to those of the fairer gender, going out of his way to make sure they receive the utmost respect that befits them. With other guys, he's very chummy, the bro amongst other bros, and you'll never see him without a smile on his face unless something's very, very wrong, because Johnny is also very optimistic and cheerful, something that's helepd him all through his life.

Being a current generation Swingster brings along its share of troubles, and for Johnny, nothing was more troubling than being the sole heir to their style of self defense. All Swingsters knew how to fight to defend themselves, that was true, but Johnathan Twostep was the upcoming heir to the title of Maestro of Swing, something that he didn't quite fancy. Sure, he was the best fighter they had, but he simply didn't want the high life. He enjoyed his time spent in the dives and bars of his home town, Basin, and the relevant dangers that posed to his health. He loved the adrenaline and the adventure of it all. Being the Maestro meant that he'd spend the rest of his days cooped up in some boring school, teaching all the young Swingsters how to fight and to defend themselves. Not a life for him. He left Basin a week before he was to inherit the mantle, and as such his whole town got into an uproar.

Now Johnny Twostep is a fugitive from his own people, hunted by many to be brought back to Basin for a hefty sum, and yet he doesn't mind, for he knows how to live life to its fullest, and he won't let something as trivial as a bounty stop him.


  • John enjoys good, genuine cuisine, and tolerates the food of the other cultures well enough.
  • Even The Gods Need A Good Roadie
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"My name is Ariana 'Ari' Drake"

"I am 18! Finally an adult!"

"Obviously I am a Female"

"My Tribe... well..... here's the thing.... it's kind of a weird tribe... So we are basically a giant group of outcasts. We belong to many different music genres. We worship the god of music. No god of a specific genre, just the god of music. I slightly lean towards pop but I enjoy other genres too. To other tribes we are known as Sensus Pertinendi. Other tribes think of us as a legend, just another fairytale... we are very much real but we prefer to stay neutral only helping if it is highly necessary. That's all you need to know."

"I have a microphone that can transform into a katana known as the yin-yang katana. It has shadows and lights surrounding it. With the sword I manipulate those two elements. I can manipulate them while I sing too, depending if the song is sad or happy."

"I've been told that I am very bubbly, outgoing, feisty, caring, helpful, flirty(at times) and protective. My father(adopted) says there is much more to me but he never goes into detail"

"I was a child born into a metal clan. My parents and my older brother were both metal followers. But as I grew up I found that I was interested in other genres.... Well.... let's just say that at the age of 5 I was left in the middle of nowhere by my parents. They told me that they'd tell everyone that I died since I was basically as good as dead. I was found close to death by the tribe Sensus Pertinendi. The elder took me in as his own child. Raised me to appreciate all music. At the age of 13 I was gifted my microphone. From that day forward I helped my adoptive father with the tribe while also looking into finding my parents and my brother... Axle Drake..."

"My ex-father always used to tell me, 'Even Gods need a Groupie'"

Pompeii ~ Bastille = My Theme Song as chosen by my father(adopted)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ain't nothin' that can hold me for too long darlin'."

Cash Orbison Petty


Cash is a sturdy young man, standing at six feet three inches and having a muscular body build. He has dark amber eyes and messy hazel colored hair that reaches down to the back of his neck. His skin is tan from spending long hours working in the sun, he has a few freckles dotted across his nose. He normally wears a pair of blue jeans, a white button up shirt or just a plain white T-shirt, brown leather boots, and his cowboy hat. He is also known to also chew on a piece of straw.

"I'm all man darlin'."

"The sweet melodies of the gods of country are what I praise darlin' and so does everyone else in the Texanna tribe. We are a tough folk, gotta be if you wanna survive where we do. The Texannas live where the days are long, the critters are mean, and the land is unforgiven. You got to have yourself a real fire in your belly to make it with us."

"Oh you wanna know bout ol' Annabelle? Yeah she is a faithful gal, been with my family through thick and thin for generations. She was my Pa's, and my Pa's Pa, and my Pa's Pa's Pa, and so on. Just because she has a few years under her belt don't mean she ain't one god damn great guitar. She can play some of the sweetest tunes to ever grace Caesura. But don't let all that fool ya, she is a tough one. She makes a damn good club, she has knocked out half the men in the whole tribe at some point or another. Not to mention her little trick. Ya see Annabelle has been blessed with the wild spirit of country itself. When she needs to she can let out a blast so strong it is like getting hit by a stampede of bronco, the ground itself shakes and cracks because of it."

Cash is as stereotypical of a country boy as someone can get. He is laid back and easy going, has a healthy layer of cockiness, and is rough and tumble, loving a good brawl. He is friendly and is more than willing to lend a helping hand, well until someone manages to get on his bad side. When someone does irk him enough Cash has no problem knocking some well needed sense into them. He is also quite the flirt, though more of in a traditional sweet talker type of way.

"You wanna know about me? Well shucks I am mighty flattered in all, but there really isn't much to tell darlin'. I was born in the tribe, my Pa was a farmer just like most other of the folks around. I grew up learning how to tend to the land, treat her right and she'll give you all ya need. Like many of the youngins in the tribe I had a wild strike, got in my fair share of brawls over so stupide thing or another. But all that hard work and fightin' made me toughen up quick and turned me into the man I am today. Now I wander the lands, spreading my tune with the other tribes and seeing where the gods take me."

Cash has a Dustdevil, a creature that looks like a horse but is able to turn into a dust storm and run as fast as the winds, named Dusty
"You should always have a hard worker around, shucks even the gods need a good roadie"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Asuna Yuuki
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Asuna Yuuki Second in Command Of The Order of the Blood Oath

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emilaena Satoshi

17 years old.


She is from the Harmonia tribe, a reclusive, relatively small tribe that specialises in classical music. It is located in a small forest, full of wildlife and greenery. It is untouched by all except for the tribe, and any people who are lucky enough to be invited in.

Emilaena wields a harp with magical properties. It is smaller than a traditional harp, and is thus portable and easy to quickly take out and play. It has the ability to hypnotise all those who are within earshot, for as long as she plays it, and for a couple of seconds after she stops. During this time, she is unable to control those who are frozen, but they are unable to move and are easy targets for anyone who is on Emilaena's side (if those on her side remembered to pack earplugs of course.) She can also change her tune to heal wounds, however the larger the wound, the longer she needs to play for. For example, a sword cut, or a bad bruise or sprain would take about 15 minutes to heal, but a broken bone would take 1 to 2 hours.

She is a shy and quiet girl, having been kept in the forest all her life. She is quite innocent about the world, and has never heard any other types of music before. She loves her harp, and cherishes it more than anything else. She keeps it on her at all times and is very protective of it.

She had grown up living in the forest, trained to use her harp from a young age by the older women of the tribe. As she has almost come of age, she has been chosen to step outside of the forest and learn about the things going on outside. This is a ritual that happens once a year, where one or two younger tribe members are sent out to ensure everything in the world is at peace, or at least not in war. Emilaena was excited to go, but slightly worried about the new surroundings. She has been briefed by the tribe and is ready to begin her journey.
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