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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RainbowReindeer
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Hello! Welcome aboard. ;>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just a heads-up, feel free to carry on your character interactions, guys. I'm getting in touch with clericbeast to figure out if he's still in this, then I'll get to working out some kind of grouping for our characters for the first mission.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I just noticed it's been pairing of male/female for everyone except the pair Victor just pounced on...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 1 day ago

@McHaggis I have to run for an early Geography final, but I know that post is incredibly short; if you need anything else I would be more than happy to add a couple paragraphs on when I'm back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Pssst. Pssst. Victor's Dagula, not Lezzad.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, in case the wall of text got confusing, these are the pairs:

Robin - Suzumi
Aimee - Arryn
Nadia - Deuce
Jacob - Sloan
Ellis - Victor


Here's the layout of the warehouse (which I drew on paint at 1AM and is totally not to scale or proportion :D)

First floor is on top, second floor below. Red lines mark stairwells. Green lines are basically where the rooms are on the second floor. I got lazy to think of how many there would be.

Front entrance is on the left, loading bay on the right. Armoury is the bottom room beside the loading bay.

@clericbeast I'm putting you on reserve since you have no idea what to post IC, but if you ever want to jump back in, just drop a post here and I'll set up a point for you to do so.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by McHaggis


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have to admit that at some point trying to match everyone into a good role got so irritating I decided to go for "Wouldn't it be funny if these two were paired up" or "His bloodline doesn't quite fit but his weapon does... Eh fuck it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Ellis and Victor will be interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I was actually gonna have Victor mention he preferred to be alone, but this'll present a challenge for me to overcome.

EDIT: No kidding. All seeing all hearing trenchcoat wearer who looks way too old with snappy dressed silent assassin?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Maybe some of Victor's fashion sense will rub off oN Ellis.

Meanwhile Arryn is waiting to see what fresh hell of sexual harassment Aimee has up her sleeve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Dun worry. Aimee will be toned down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PyroFox
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Are you implying Ellis isn't the most fashionable man on earth?
Wait until you see his casual attire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Depends. Post it and I'll give it a look over but no more assault Characters. the apply is only still there because rpg doesn't allow me to close it for some reason

I understand that the RPG has been relabelled as Closed, and that it has been five days since this offer was made, but the result of two weeks worth of procrastination and work has been provided in order to determine whether not it would be allowed. I do apologise however, for the lateness since I first claimed that I would have a profile ready in the early days of this OOC's existence.


<Agent Profile - CLASSIFIED>

Name: “Mat” Ruspanti
Code Name: Pellere
Age: 19

Appearance: Mat can be described as being quite cute, possessing a boyish face and slender neck that seems to exude an elfin feel. At a height of one metre sixty, the teenager is also rather short, with a lean and petite build that is hidden away by baggy and unrevealing clothing. The messy, short blonde hair, green eyes and pale, delicate skin emphasise the "adorability" of the Butei, a view that many have of Mat. Due to easily getting colds, the Logi is fond of wearing clothing that covers all, such as suits, large windbreaker and trouser combinations, as well as all other sorts of unrevealing garments.

Psychological Profile: Flash and substance are integral to Mat’s worldview, driving each and every aspect of the young Butei’s life. Indeed, it is for the fact that the Italian is a natural showman, performing as if the world was a stage, with the eyes of all concentrated upon one being. Life, in Mat’s opinion, should be enjoyed to the fullest, otherwise it could not be considered living at all, and so even if unnecessary, the Butei will dazzle and entertain, for it is how Mat appreciates the surrounding world. Others would worry about danger, about dying, but death is just another part of life for the Corsican, who will face the Reaper with a humour-filled smile. There is no fear for the unknown; maybe regret, but never fear, as the beauty of the adrenaline rush, of a life lived to its fullest were all worth it, so there was no point in stressing over it all.

That said, Mat is not actually one who throws oneself into danger at the drop of a hat. While performing risky stunts and entertaining others is the Logi’s forte, the Corsican possesses a keen understanding of what constitutes showy daredevilry and what is clearly a foolhardy, reckless and completely unwarranted action. For all intents and purposes, the teenager is considered to be somewhat of a ‘professional’, and as such remembers that safety, whether it be for themself or others, is paramount when seeking to achieve one’s aims (after all, there would be nobody to entertain otherwise). Impulsiveness is a flaw of Mat’s, but the Butei knows when it should be tempered and when it should not. Otherwise, how could one function properly in society?

Despite being quite the extroverted person, any interaction with Mat will never be an honest one, for the teenager is in fact especially awkward in any social dealings, throwing up a shallow image that only runs skin deep. The mock-arrogance, cheeriness and mischievous grins may not be a mask to hide anything that lies below, but it is definitely not all that is to Mat. Secrets abound with the Butei, and there are few that can earn the trust necessary for them to be revealed. It does not come easily; though it can be said that Mat enjoys the presence of others, there is always an arm’s length pushing them away - being naturally trusting is not a part of the daredevil’s repertoire. Yet even so, one must remember that the shallow image that is projected, with its warmth and energy, is not false, and that while Mat will never be utterly honest, the loud grins are just as true to the self as the teenager’s buried secrets.

Mat is also rather … eccentric, possessing an attachment to machinery and tools that exceed the norm. They are precious to the Logi, whether it be a luxury sports car or even the simplest of hammers, possibly even moreso than other humans. Day by day, the sounds of tinkering can be heard as the teenager attunes on a … spiritual level with mechanical objects, as if they hold religious meaning (though as a raised Catholic, it is more likely that Mat’s love for machines is an earthly one). Whether this trait is linked to the highly versatile bloodline of da Vinci is unknown, but it is clear that they have influenced each other; the myriad creations born from the Corsican’s hands express every aspect of his personality.

Surprisingly, for all the supposedly arrogant boasts and rapid-fire, on-the-fly tinkering that the Butei enjoys partaking in, Mat is actually quite a humble and grounded person within. Showiness is the driving force behind every taken action, but it is still perfectly okay to be the supporting the cast, the one who uplifts others into greatness. It is why the teenager serves as support for fellow Butei, why a helping hand will always be given. There was no need to shine like the Sun all the time; the stars were fine as well.

After all, what good was flying when there was nowhere to land?

Specialty: Logi - Mechanics

Skill Appraisal:
  • Mechanical Proficiency - S
  • Vehicular Mastery (All) - A
  • Melee Combat (Capoeira) - B
  • Firearm Proficiency (Pistol) - B
  • Communications - B

Bloodline: <Leonardo da Vinci> - <Rinascimento>

The power possessed by da Vinci’s bloodline is simple, yet incredibly versatile. In the true fashion of the Renaissance, Rinascimento embodies the quintessential ideal of "Rebirth". Mat is able to repurpose mechanical objects and devices to another form, possessing a fundamental understanding of the constituent parts of machines that provides the ability to grant them new life. For instance, a washing machine could be converted into a steam cannon. However truth be told, Rinascimento is somewhat limited in scope, for the repurposed device must share relation with its progenitor; it lacks the power to remodel a recliner into a car, for example. Nevertheless the power still allows for quite a bit of on-the-fly-tinkering, with Mat frequently utilising it in a variety of situations.

When in use, the bloodline inexplicably changes the colours of Mat's eyes in an uncanny fashion, bringing about a strange, swirling aurora that subsumes their entirety, focusing especially on the sclera. Red seems to be glow from the cornea as well, though it is simply aesthetic, possessing no impact on the teenager's vision.

Personal History:

Originally a native of Corsica, the young Mat Ruspanti was the only child of a chauffeur father and a military mother, whose work had forced them to move to Toulon on the Provençal coast when the Butei was a mere six years of age. It was an uneventful, though lonely childhood, as for a long time there were no friendships in the picture, with only the support of parents having any presence whatsoever. However, it was this state of affairs that had the strongest effect on how the Corsican's life had turned out, for left alone with a father who had retired from his duties while the mother flew helicopters for the French Naval Aviation, a love for vehicles was developed, with the elder Ruspanti having taught Mat to drive a myriad of vehicles from a young age, legality be damned. Motorcycles, trucks, cars, buses ... they all featured in their young life, and whenever the mother returned, even rides on helicopters and jets at the nearby Toulon airbase. Had these early influences not been present, the daredevil armed detective would never have come to pass.

Without many friendships, it was not surprising for Mat to grow attached to the machines that were so useful when the parents were away. It was an attachment that soon lead to years of constant tinkering, a life full of tech magazines, oil and broken wrenches. Like the Leonardo da Vinci of old, there was a love for learning and observing all that was in the world, and the future Butei found applying the knowledge gleaned from tinkering to be satisfying indeed. By the age of ten, Mat had managed to construct a steam engine only mildly superior to that of Hero of Alexandria's during antiquity, but it had served its purpose of solidifying the path to becoming the mechanical genius and lover of technology that defined the present self.

At the age of fifteen, Mat ended up involved in the local kart racing scene, serving as an assistant mechanic to the suburb's team. While at first all that the future Butei did was fix up cars, previous experience with driving soon provided a spot as a backup driver for when the team's main karter was ill or unavailable due to whatever reason. It was a dream come true for Mat, as it gave the young teen the chance to really be with the tools and machines that were so beloved, and soon a large amount of practical driving experience, separate from the teachings of parents, was obtained. It was also here where the daredevil persona was solidified, growing into a legend amongst the karters of Toulon. However, the love of Mat's life would always be that of mechanical engineering, preferring to be known as the ridiculously talented mechanic rather than the racer.

It would be this love for machines that lead to Mat joining the Academy; having already developed a sense of justice and altruism through the influence of the mother's work in French humanitarian efforts all around the world, the fact that joining Cerberus would provide access to top-of-the-line mechanical equipment and driving classes sealed the deal, and so the struggle to pass through the entrance exams began. It had been incredibly stressful, and the teenager was to leave the karting team and many friends behind in order to succeed. But when that success arrived, Mat immediately left for the bright future, determined to make a name.

The Logi school was the one for Mat, and with both the power of the da Vinci bloodline and the teenager's own immense mechanical talents, high marks were not hard to obtain. Though originally wishing to become a driver, the Academy opened up a world of engineering for the Butei hopeful, and soon the driving classes were discarded in favour of training experience in jury-rigging machines, fixing them up, overhauling from different purposes and the like, bringing Mat even closer to the beloved machines. By graduation, there were few peers who could match up to the Butei's skills in modifying technology, and while years of experience with numerous vehicles meant that the Corsican teenager was still a decent driver, the ability to serve as mechanical support was far more impressive.

  • Heckler & Koch HK45
  • Umbrella (Stun Gun built into tip)
  • Swiss Army Knife

Other relevant information: Wears a toolbelt and carries numerous small mechanical trinkets and tools around.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Aimee's already got all the vehicular stuff down and Arryn's Bloodline is too similar for me to justify adding him to the roster.

If you want to rework the character, go ahead. But as he is right now, I can't say I see a reason for him to join the team since someone else is already filling the role.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Reaper I can probably turn Mat into more of a mechanics expert rather than a driver, but the bloodline doesn't seem too similar. The Edward Teller abilities seem more towards analysing and understanding machines rather than completely overhaul them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Is having two drivers really that odd for a team this big?

What if there needs to be a two pronged assault for instance?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Reaper
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Reaper Slayer of Dreams

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Is having two drivers really that odd for a team this big?

What if there needs to be a two pronged assault for instance?

It's not like none of our characters except Aimee can drive. Her specialization within this team is that she is able to steer any kind of vehicle expertly. If by overhauling you mean he can change the function of something entirely, then I misunderstood what his ability referred to. In that case, my only condition for accepting him is changing his vehicular specialization into something more niche.

The problem isn't that I don't want more than two people in a role, it's that I want something ONLY that character can do, or excels at above the others. For example, if he is able to operate vehicles that would otherwise require a second person or a crew to operate (within reason, obviously nothing like solo steering a battleship). Meaning that he could overhaul a tank so he could operate all its systems alone. Something like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snakes
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Snakes not a ladder

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

To be honest I think he would work better as frontline or infiltration with that bloodline.

I mean he is basically King McGuyver
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